Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    i i i in n :vr i mai r xtm ox i JaYTJ ax ran 5. mi.
action for making tb pre'eire of the Ad
Hub (.nnn st tn Land Show in Mnday
Orders for 4at 'lata.
H will, eatly todav. Issue Insirui lion"" to
lite Ad 'lul nu n In the follow Ina 1tim:
"W'p want ynu to me-t with the ret of
the Art rluli crowd Morvl o nlalt for an
renlng of 'stunts' at the Land Show.
"The mttnaaement of this land iMsitlon
has nsmrd Jlonilav, January '.'I. 1 Ail
luh night and ha asked the club to at
trnd th nhow.
"Will ft-a rome?
"We certainly will, and more than that,
we mill make It a "nulck and devilish" af
fair -typical of the Ad club.
"Thousand of out-of-town guests are
here to wee the exposition. We want them to
he a favorably Impressed with the Ad
club n they are with the Land Hiow.
of the water and his brlnalna it to the s"tl a e catch a glimpse of thc.. we re in
to anpplc the necessary moisture does not phrd to ciy out with the Psalmist. Th"
of Itself ensure a crop. And here, after all. muks of the I.oid arc grtnt. sought of all
Hod holds man a dependent upon Ills v Ilia! them that have pleasure therein: lie hRlhl
You never heard of a man storing up sun
shine and allow In Its ra to fall at will
upon hie arrowing crops.
"Hod dependent man Is upon 5"d after
all! The richest Soil, the most modern
equipment, with all the scientific skill In i
agriculture, without !od Is nothing And
the first thought that comes to the thought
ful, considerate, well-developed man. as he
beholds the, exhibition In the Auditorium.
Is how wonderful Is Ood. The works of
the Lord are great. Me shnweth the people
the power of Ills work.
w oiks.'
i I is
pcojle the of Ills
Displays Heritage oi
Courage When Lost
il onlinued from l-'lrst Phuc
and sometimes are iinaciuainted with pies
ent laws end forms.
One-half of the hills which have been
Introduced In the house this ses-lon are
aald to have been drawn wholly or In
Attorney General Martin Make
Ruiingr on. This Question.
Ule ellson. tor tt holder la Partners
anil Merchants Insnrnnrrr t om
psn. Piles cult. Inlmlna
He W ns received.
Second there Is manifested In this great : part by Mr. Sheldon and his assistants
( Prom a Staff Correspondent .1
LINCOLN. .Ian. i Special. ) Attorney
Little lad. Son of Ill-Fated Aviator,
Searches Crowded Broadway
for His Mother.
NKW YORK. Jan. "Jt .-Spe. lal Telegram )
ti.. n 1,1 srl namesake of
Paul Morton's Body
TITIll Tt T) 1 i. a. S'rim ri(1!, anil 111 linn o oio.i
W ill 15c Uroucnt to n""' ",,m ,h ".-':
O ' llm fit,,.!., l iu.'.il .'I cl tit UO p' I
AfVinr TififlfTP TintoT,!"",n"' " '''' Kcnt-mi mi on seems t
comity funds during MtVntry's 1 ra-wr'-r- .',
ship. The mutter h-" been discussed tor..
xetnl ents and It is never ! tt btotmht
Irt .
pert '
' out of a peitin lot' iiI'ouhIIv find " tSp
Noted Men Attend Funeral Services in ! l,,',nKi'" of 11,0 ,n,r ,,r ""
lllltsns of sit rtiKhletiililt up ,llt llt.tU'T, U,
the s.ttl.factloti of all.
New York Fifth Avenue
NKW YORK. Jan. J2 Pouhle funeral I
services for Taiil Morton, president of the
Itriiliile-t olker.
Ralph Johnstone, the aviator who w as jcqultable Life Assurance society and for-! HI'Mltol.t'T. Neb. Jan Jl.-(Special. -
exhibition the wonderful achievement of
man co-working with Ood. Products of the
field are brought forth from parts of the
t'nited States, which a few ago was con
sidered worthless. Man with his ever
! As a result one-fourth more Mils have been j'iencral Martin has given out an opinion
in which ne hoitis that a taxpayer may ne- t
The members of the club will meet at searching and ImpilrlnK nature Mas by a
the Motel Itonte at 7:4T Monday evening to
rehearse songs and stunts and go over to
the Auditorium In a body at o'clock,
where we w ill Inject Cayenne Into the uo
ceedlngs. "It la not to be a solemn parade, neither
Is It to be a rough house, but a night of
entertainment to boost two good thlnga
ttie show- and the club.
"Dlmlck Flapdoodle band and a troupe
of real Indians will assist tta.
"It will not take long. It will be Rood
sport and we want live ones on the Job.
"That'a why wa aak YOU.
"P. 8. Bring jour voice. ""
Prof, shaiv to sprsk.
1'rof. Thomas Hhaw, Aberdeen. 8. D..
editor of the Uakota Farmer, will arrive
today to bec'n a scries of lectures at the
I -a ml Show.
"In ten years I will make the Oakotas
winter wheat states." ' Is the enthusiastic
promise of Frof. Shaw.
The extension of the winter wheat belt
northward Is one of the mlsalens to which
Prof. Hhaw Is devoting much of his efforts,
lie Is accepted as an authority on the ag
tlcuiture of the northwest.
Introduced this ees.sion than at any previous
session ami the representatives and sena
tors have been saed mm h needed time
and nervous energy. Incidentally It may
luaiid a receipt for his general taxes and
withhold the amount of his drainage taxes
If he cares to protest them. This question
killed In I'enver November 1.. proved nts
heritage of courage In time of trouble,
today. The little fellow became eeparated
from his mother In a crowd on Broadway
mer secretary of the navy, were held yes-' .lames Orysdale and Miss Addio . olker,
terday. The public service, at St. Thomas' : u ell known young, people" of litis ctt, tMtul
Kplscopal church on Fifth avenue, was at- i to Falls Pity and were milled in tnarrtwi; .
tended hv.hls manv former associates at bv the countv IuiIkc. returning bete tr
and Thirty-fourth street during the evening ( Washington and by leading financiers and : take up their resilience In I he hrxbciae.
(Continued from First Pais )
rive at such a conclusion. lie does not
even need lo be a student of history all
one needs is an observing eye. an open
mind and a receptive heart. Luther's
catechism teaches us that Ood hath mads
himself known to us partly through hla
works, but mainly through hla word. And
when we come to consider the works of
Hie Lord, we Just look about us, our eyes
catch a gllmpa of the rising or setting: stin
which no artist on earth could produce:
the forest treea, the flower bedecked pral
r es. the rolling rivers and rushing cata
racts, the snow-cnppnd cloud piercing
mountains, the numerous lakes and the
great oceans and the thousand and thou
sand products of the soil and the beasts
of the field and the fowls of the ntr and
the fishes of the set O, the inspired
Psalmist expresses my thought In such
superior language that I can not refrain
from using the very words.
He ftendeth Hprlnsta.
" 'ftlesa the I-ord. O, my soul for thou
art very grrrtt. He eendeth the spring
Into the valleys, which run among the
hills. They give drlng to every beast of
the field: the wild asses quench their
thirst "By Theni the "fowls of the air have
their', habitation:, which Ring among the
branches. He watereth the hills from Hla
chambers! the earth )s satisfied with the
fruit of Htjjr works'. He eausea the grass
to grow 'for the cattle, and herb for the
service L Ita,iyVha,f ,he may bring forth
fruit out of " the, earth ana, wine that
maketh glad the heart of man. and oil to
make his face ehlnt,, and' bread whloh
atrengtheth nian'a heart..- The. trees of
the Lord are full of aap; the oedara of
Iebanon, which Ha hath planted where the
bird make their nests. As for the stork',
lb fr trees are Iter house. . The high
"bills are at refuge for the goats and the
rock for the conies. He appointed the moon
for seasons, .the aun knoweth ,his going
down. Thou makest darkness and It la
.night; wherein all the beasts of the for
est do creep forth. - Mart goeth forth unto
his work and to his labor Unto the evening.
O. I-ord, how manifold are thy works; In
wisdom thou has made them all; the earth
la full of thy' tlches. Thou sendest forth
thy spirit, and thou renewest the face of
tha earth. The glory of the Lord shall
endure forever; the Lord shall rejoice In
His works. He tooketh upon the earth and
it, Ircmbleth: He toucheth the hills and
-they smoke." And the Psalmist concludes,
and do you wonder, with these gladsome
words of great rejoicing, 'I will sing unto
the Lord as lobg as I live: I will sing
praise to God while I have) my being. My
medation of Him shall be sweet; I will
gUd In the Lord. Bless the Lord O my
pout. Praise ye the Lord.'
Ood tares for Ills Children.
"We have her genera,! delineation of
th glorious providences of Ood lo His
creating a demand and providing the supply
for His numerous creatures with their
varied and peculiar characteristics and
want. In the beginning man received the
supply direct from Ood to sustain life and
1eelop and engender strength. Food for
th body waa taken from the sea and the
forest and dug from th earth the natural
growth-produced without man' co-opera
tion and assistance sufficient for the stage
of development and agreeable to th pre
vailing simplicity of life.
"But aa civilisation had advanced and
man ha developed further demand has been
created and through the Instrumentality of
mankind there ha been produced th sup
ply of th newly created demand. God
haa been leading man on and on Just a
UUI bit farther as century after century
haa passed Into history. And as man has
grown, hla knowledge of God ha Increased,
and today there I a higher conception of
th character of th 8upreme Being
greater faith and a more sublime trust and
confidence on th part of man in Ood than
In any age of J he. world s history. And
this has been wrought In many by cen
turlea of divine guidance, constant and
diversified manifestations of Hla glorious
attribute. Ho full of confidence la man
with regard to God nature and Intereat
In Htm, that he venture now to co-operate
with God In the furthering of the welfare
of th human race In t discovery of Hla
use, and the development for HI service
of all which has become within the range
of his Increasing knowledge.
I.o.l MasiUeat at l.ass Show
"How and In what way does Uod man!
fest Himself In this Land Show? First
would say In the exhibition of His works
In the showing of th people the power of
Hla works. No one can behold the product
of the soil, the reaull of God being favor
able to the land, without beholding or
recognising th hand of God In It all. Paul
tngy plant and Appolla water, but God
must give the Increase. God's glorious sun
shine, warming th soil and thus causing
germination and growth, withheld for a
few daya at a certain period of develop,
merit, make Imposalble a crop from th
planting of man.
"In the great west man haa diverted the
streams and haa directed their waters In
lb Irrigation of millions of acres of land
to great and bountiful productivity. But
who furnishes the supply of the stream T
TntK It back to Its source and you will
find th great source, th one and only
ultimata aourc Uod. With man' control
succession of experimentation wrought a
wonderful work on the broad prairies of
the great west. Where It has been possible
he has provided a way of utilizing the great
streams of water to bring moisture to his
crops, and In those districts where there
Is little rainfall and water Is a scarcity, he
ha developed a scientific system of dry
farming so that these great setnl-arld belts
are being made to blossom like the rose
and great heretofore unknown resources
have been discovered and are ready for the
People Make th Country.
"People make a country prosperous; all
the rich, land In the world, with plenty of
rainfall and sunshine lo produce the best
of crops Ik valuless without man to till the
soil, plant the seed and cttl ivate the crops.
"Again man In his labor .ng together with
God has performed wonders In the way of
the development of plant and vegetable life.
In this land exhibition we see how, man by
co-working with God. has Improved the
flowers, fruits and vegetables of all kind
and how also new species have been de
veloped. Compare the dinner of a savage
under his native palm with
of this great agriculture e
marvelous effects of man's skill and In
genuity appear.
"I stopped at the Kurbank display the
other day and was much Interested in the
gentleman In the booth and hla fine explana
tion of what the great plant vlzard of
California Is accomplishing In the realm
of plant life. First with regard to Rur-
bank himself. He la a man of strong will
power, industriously engaged In the pur
suit of a work which he thoroughly enjoys.
He lives In his work. He cares nothing for
popularity and praise. He works because
he loves to work and especially because
he loves th kind of work In which he Is
engaging his time. He lives among the
"The representative of Mr. Bui'bank was
very earnestly describing the development
of the cactus plant aa a food product. You
know that the word cactus is the title of
a plant which named with sage brush has
been used to describe th worthlesaness
of the barren American desert. Yes. that
land la no good; thare Is nothing on It ex
cept sage brush and cactus. What haa
Burbank done with that worthless plant?
By care and cultivation he has stripped It
of Its offensive growth and haa given It
a value as a food plant for cattle, horses,
nffiles and other animals. And the fruit
of th plant la a food aubatance for man.
the total number of bills Introduced during brought up It, a letter from S. .1.
the forty days In w hich they may be -I Graham. county attorney of Pawnee
astires of I county.' w nere a Dispute nan arose as 10
troduoed up to l.?K or una
various kinds and degrees of Importance.
First piiortloiimeiit Hill.
The flrsl apportionment bill to make Its
appearance on the floor will probattiy ne
lite Hoagiaml bill, which Is scheduled for
presentation Monday In both house. Sena
tor HoaKlantl has based his division on I
representation on population as nearly as
Is Msslble. It provides twcntv-nlne sena
torial districts. There will be the same
the right of a county treasurer to accept
pHMnent of a general tax when the payer
held out (lie amount of a protested drain
age tax. The attorney general holds that
lo accept the rest of the money does not
In any way prejudice the validity of the
'drainage rlglm,. . . ,
Mnen Farmers and -Mcrrlmnts.
(lie Nellson, a stockholder In the Farm
ers and Merchants' Insurance company has
number of members In the senate as all of j fll'1 sl'" ln ll" irlct cottrt against the
these districts w ill have on nator. ex- ''""'Pany for $:i.WO. JI, asserts that the
cepting Lancaster and louKlas. I ncaster ! Ben,s of '"' cotmny knew it was not In
will have two as now and Douglas will ood ''"ndltioti when they sold him his
have four Instead of three. I k' -
The apportionment in the house will be, " ""' ,mB ,,PPn receive.!, from the south
over seventy-six districts. Ita.tiKlaa county ! ,hat more successful negotiations for the
will have fourteen Instead ot nine as now I V"rvm of the Insurance company may be
and ster will i.u un i instead of foor I expected thlH week and the re-insurance of
The other counties and dlatrlcts will have
one each, excepting Gage, Dodge, Adams,
Hall and Custer, which have two each and
Seward and York, which will have one ex
tra one between them.
home-rush of the shoppers, in their en- t ,,., , h "
dcavors to find each other they only went : Thrvl(,rp RoosPvpl
farmer apart. Morton to his cabinet In l-XM. Victor II Met-
Women shoppers were I ' calf and General Penlamln F Trace, both
sight of the boy warning a.ona a. - ' former heads of the Navy department
Motlicr. ntoioer.
property. The bride Is a tliiiifchter of tins
Who appointed Mr. ! tav Volktt. one of the Ira-ding pioneer
larmcrs oi tuts section, wouc i n.- k""""
Interested In i: local hack Hue. ' '
They Mopped him: "Are you lost. near.
"No, maam. my mother Is lost and I've
got to find her."
"Where do you live?"
"In Sixty-fourth street. No. 31. west."
Rear Admiral Silas W. Terry, I". S. N
(retired); J. P. Morgan. Jacob 'll. Schlff
and Whltlnw Reld. ambassahor to
land, were among those who attended.
The widow, Joy Morton, her hrother-ln-
Well. I ll take you home." cried a kindly j law. and a score of relatlvea were the
tony persons at tn nome service. nun
"No. ma'am; I've got to find my mother."'
An automobile stopped at the curb. The
owner said:
"Jump ln. and I'll take you home."
"No. thank you sir." said Ralph. "I can
go home, but I'm looking for my mother."
avenue was thronged during both serv
ices and the flowers sent to the church
filled six carriages. Most of them were
distributed among the hospitals after the
funeral and the body was removed In a
special funeral car to Woodlawn cemetery.
"I can't find my mother. I want a police- , whore it was placed In a vault.
xhloft .rule Nebraskans Prosper
in the Big Horn Basin
Son of the Lincoln Postmaster Visits
Land Show Grows Alfalfa in
the West.
the company's accounts Is expected.
llroken How Project Marklna Time
for While, btit Mar He
Pushed lter.
HH'IKKN BOW, Neb., Jan. 2-. ( Special.)
It Is unlikely that Promoter Schneider
will be retained by the local business men
to install a packing plant here.
Those who are already backing the enter
prise to the extent of S100.000 aVe still
anxious to see the plant established and
man ywhose names are already down have
witii-rr, a sr nn f roo t m a t r in creased their subscriptions, and atlll
Kdward It' Sizer of Lincoln and Mrs. others who have not subscribed have volun-
' . i a. i , . , . , , . t
icercu to aiu ine enterprise, ucuigti u.
tmntmrn in Kmt,
"A gentleman hearing th story, said:
'Let me taste some of It.' adding! I have
eaten rattlesnakes, but I never yet have FISH
tasted cactus.' Well, we all wer given' a
sampla of cooked cactua and It-waa very
palatable, something like a fig. This gen
tleman also showed us how the great wlsard
had developed th plumcole, which Is a
,cros between th plum And aprieet, ,par.
taking of th flavor of each, and also hw
he Is now seeking to perfect th pomato, a
cross between that potato and tomato.
"And so, as the great Callfornlan la now
doing systematically and scientifically has
been going on In the- development of
plant life as civilisation has Increased ami
the knowledge of man ha become, more
and more comprehensive. And In the land
exhibition In the Auditorium the great re
sult of Ood working with man or ' man
nd Ood laboring together may be seen
And with the Psalmist truly the thoughtful
man would declare, 'The works of the
Lord are great, sought out by alt who have
pleasure therein. He hath showed His peo
ple th power of His works.'
"Again Ood Is manifest In the enterprise
Itself. The great world I the workshop of
th human race It Is large enough, well
nough furnished, containing sufficient op
portunity for the sustenance, comfort and
happiness of mankind. Opportunities un
dreamed of by our forefathers have been
discovered and are belnf utilised by us;
opportunities of which w have been ig
norant and concerning which we have been
In darkness are brought to our attention
in this exhibit.
Back to the Fa rut.
The high cost of living and th destlfTTte
millions of our land have given to the
world the significant declaration or appeal,
'Back to tho farm." Th farm dominates
th bwslnes ot the world. No agriculture.
no bualneas; no farm products, no city en
terprise. Th farmers fall and th city
folks starve. Aud the realisation of th ab
solute necessity ot th farmer haa changed
th cry. 'away from th farm,' to 'back
to the farm,' until today there ar men of
th trade giving up their work la the city
and applying their energy to th plow and
th hoe; there are business men who have
sold out their merchandise and have en
tered Into th enterprise of fruit culture;
and professional men, men of th law and
medicine, and even soma from th calling
of the ministry, have gone out upon the
homestead or ranch to conduct a revival of
chicken raising, etc.
People Iteady to Hesppnd.
"Th cry has fallen upon receptlv ear
and men have considered that there Is
nothing in all the life of th world so Im
portant Just now. Men and women living
In the tenement houses and districts In a
starving condition, with unsanitary sur
roundings, breathing the foul atmosphere
which such conditions create; this class
of people especially should be mad to
hear th cry and should be made to e
th grand opportunities which this old
earth hold for all who desire to work and
b Industriously engaged. And now If after
ti es great land exhibitions In St. Louis,
Pittsburg, Chicago and Omaha, a way
.could b planned to help those people to
help thmlve to take advantage of the
opportunity, thr would come to th In
dividual, aa well aa to th government,
great blessing.
"And this I a matter, It seems to us. for
the government to undertake. Along with
the experimental station should be estab
ltshed training achools fur the teaching of
agriculture, and aa men ar trained they
should be given a chance on government
land to make good. It would be an ex
pensive proposition you aay. I believe that
eventually such a proposition could be
mad profitable even to th government.
At any rat it would encourage Industry,
develop character, which after all la funda
mental In the prosperity and perpetuity of
any nation. Let m aak why should th
government allow It cltlsen to starve and
pine away amidst th unhealthy and un
sanitary condition of th tenement dis
tricts of th city, whea w have only
touched th hem of th garment of our
"Th land axhlblt bring to th attention
of man these wonderful epportunitiea and
Slzrr. who was formerly Miss Kdith Shedd
of Ashland, came ln yesterday from Hasln,
Wyo.. to attend the Land Show. Some
four years ago Mr. Slier took up his home
In the Big Horn Basin and associated with
Harry and George Shedd of Ashland, has
extensive Interests In that section. The
alfalfta furm consiting of 400 acres, which
these young men together with Gllmore
Hartigan, formerly of Hastings, have de
veloped midway between the towns of Ba
sin and Grevbull, in considered the show
farm of the Hlg Horn valley. Commodious
farm lfprovements In the bungalow style
have been erected, natural gas Is to he
utilised shortly and the entire 400 acres
are producing Immense crops of alfalfa
under Irrigation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sixer
state that nothing could persuade them
to return to city life in Nebraska after
their experiences ln the wonderful new
Big Horn basin. The glorious climate, If
nothing else, is enough to keep them there
Turner, a prominent business man here,
is now on a business trip tp Iowa and has
been authorized by the Commercial club
to Investigate certain plants which have
been successfully operated in that state
for many years.
Oscar Johnson, Living; Near NellKh,
l ira Hatcher Knife as Deadly
NELIGH. Neb., Jan. 22. Oscar Johnson,
a farmer living In Pierce county, last night
killed his wife with a bute-her knife and
then ended his life with Ihe same weapon.
They leave a family of eight children.
man. and he ran across me mrrui m
where Policeman Mcrrltt was guiding the
"My mother's lost," said he.
"Well, son," said the- officer, "I'll fix
that all right. Come with me. '
At the West Thirtieth station Merritt
lifted the boy up on the high desk, where
Lieutenant Dempsey could see him.
"What's the trouble, my lad?"' said
"I've lost my mother. I'm Ralph John
atone. My father was the flying man. but
ho died out ln Denver."
Mrs. Johnstone, who had reached home
In a state of collapse, sobbed with joy
when she heard over the phone that the
little fellow was safe.
"Is she all right?" demanded Ralph, as
Dempsey hung up the receiver.
It Is expected It will be transferred
later to Arbor l.odxc. Nebraska Cltv. Neb.
WASHINGTON. Jan. r.-As a tnHtk'of
respect to the memory of Paul Morton, for
mer secretary of the navy, a spec a I or
der was Issued today by Secrelarv Meyer,
directing that the flags cf the navy arris
and stations and vessels In commission in
home waters he displayed at half mast
from ft a. m. to sunset on the day after
the receipt of the ordei.
Rrtommendrd by
Dentists &rhvseianv
Refuse Substitutes
.1 fa Acs your (rrth
I wa .aitu"'4
1)1 . .-v
EX-ttll 1MTY
t Kit
(Continued from First Page.)
Calhoun Cnwnty Hoard Hrlnsa ( latin
for Alleaed shortage In Inttdit.
LAKK CITV. la., Jan. 22.-(8peclal.)-The
Calhoun county hoard of supervisors has
Instituted proceedings against former
county treasurer, T. W. McCrary of Rock
well City and his official bond, for the
recovery of about !W0, which It Is alleged
is due the county. The claim Is made thHt
there was this amount of shortage ln the
Grrat Interest In the K hlblt from
' the Nebraska State Hatcheries. '
Fish at the land show are attracting a
world of attention and W. J. O'Brien Is
receiving- high praise tnt alll sides- tor th
entetisive exhibit he has mttde of the: work
which I being done in Nebraska In the
way of fish culture.
Trout ', are being artificially hatched at
the land show and th crowds which watch
the exhibit and listen to the' talks made
by the lecturera often block th Isle. -This
Is th season of the year for the trout to
hatch and the show is being held Just at j
the night time to give all an opportunity to
tee Just how It Is done. , .
Trout do not thrive well In the eastern
waters of Nebraska, but in the west and
northwest sections there are streams
especially adapted to their culture and
her each year the Nebraska fish com
missioner plants thousands of fry, which
soon grow Into fish of a size for table
Fish are becoming recognized as one of
the valuable products of the west, and sev
eral private ponds have been stocked and
several private hatcheries are in operation,
which yield a good Income each year to
their owners.
Pur water UBed In the huge tanks give
the visitors at the show an opportunity to
the large varieties of fish which are
on exhibition.
Director of Music Will Have Ilaad
Play Manx' Popular Airs,
The following program will be given
this afternoon and evening:
By Miss Nettie Reiter, Cornetist
Monday afternoon. "Premier Polka
Monday night. "Columbia Rollinaon
By Land Show Concert Bnd
March Powhatan's Daughter Sousa
Waltz Wedding of the Winds Hall
Selection The Prince of rtlsen Luders
Melodies on the "Merry Widow" t,e,har
Town Talk (Characteristic Dalbey
Selection Popular Melodies Lampe
Intermezzo Japanese Moret
March Steel King St. Clair
March Beau Ideal Sousa
Melody of Love Lngelmann
Selection Orpheus Offenbach
Waltz The First Violin Witt
Selection Popular Melodies Harris
Patrol Tho Guard Mount Ellenburg
Sunbeams and Shadows Kelsttr
March Darktown Parade ..
.A. E. Smith
Omaha. .,
is to 8M,
Ja unary
A grand display of products from the
soil, with lectures and liberal distribu
tion of printed matter treating with sub
jects of great Interest to th commercial
and agricultural West.
A splendid exhibit will be made by th
North-Western line of Alfalfa, with
miniature fields showing various stages
of its growth from the preparation of the
soil to Its harvett; also demonstrating
th various purposes for which it can be
used. Other equally attractive featurea
will be provided. Tuesday January 21,
will be railroad Day at the exhibition.
For tickets and full Information apply
to Ticket Agents, North-Western Line.
Rhode Island Vulversltf- Plan to Be
First Institution to Furnish
PROVIDENCE. R L. Jan. 22 (Special
Telegram.) A course ln aeroplaning and
th atudy of aeronautics will shortly be
added to the curriculum of elective studies
at Brown university, if the plans for such
an extension are carried out.
1'nder this arrangement Brown will be
first college In the country, It Is declared,
to admit of such a course of lectures and
study, although Harvard already boasts a
club of students who ar Interested ln mak
ing experiments wttlr flying machines. -
Kebraaka .Vevra Notes.
GENEVA Last night Geneva played bas
ket ball with the Superior team, winning.
48 to 28.
GENEVA The new bank home of th
Citizens bank is now occupied and almost
finished. When completed 'tt will be one of
the finest In the state In a city of this
aize. ' . --'' i.- '. .. .
GOTHENBURG Mrs. Henry St r lea, born
'In Germany In 18119. died January il at' the
home ot her JugBtorn -Mrs. ue,prge
Granger. She leavee a husband gnd.flve
children. ': She was t't'ear8 ol1' &lr- an
Mrs. Strlen.were pioneer resident, of tlUa
cwifrtry.. rr" ..v . rr"
" GOTHErffBlTRO Joaeprf SLeeeh and "Miss
Margee O'Kane were married at the Catho
lic chureh Wednesday forenoon by Father
Johnen.. Miss BesRleO' Kane attended the
bride and rite groqm watf attended by John
Jiarnan. - .'. ,'4"-
OOTHENBUB 3--Folkert Roeendahl. a
pioneer settler of this vicinity, tiled Janu
ary 16, aged 83 years. He was born In Ger
many and came to tnis country roriy years
ago. His home had been on his farm east
of town about twenty-seven years. i
, GOTHENBURG A poker game was dis
covered in progress Tuesday night and five
men were brought before Judge Scott and
fined $14 each. It being' the first offense.
The players were all' nonresidents except
ARLINGTON The task of straightening
the Elkhorn river In winter Is not meeting
with unuch success, as the frozen earth
and heavy timbers are hard to remove. The
large steam dredge, working north of town
waa frozen ln last nighty and work will be
deterred until spring.
ARLINGTON The local camp of Modern
Woodmen of America held Its annual elec
tion Mondav, with the following result:
V. C. John T. Cufry; W. A.. 11. L. Lyman;
hanker, G. C. Marshall: clerk. K. F.. Fas
sett; escort, Ray McCoy; sentry, John
Francis; watchman, Joseph Krajicek. J.
D Eakln of Kenwood camp acted as in
stalling officer.
ARLINGTON Local physicians are kept
busy day and night. Many contagious dis
eases Infest the country and ln many rural
districts schools are closed.
M'COOK The beet sugar growers of this I
section and officers of the McCook irriga
tion and Water Power company held a
meeting ln tills city today, settling the
mutter of water ratea for next year and
other necessary arrangements ln a satis
facory manner.
M'COOK The Drebert 1 Clothing com
pany's store of this city has passed Into
the hands of A. Oaluttha & bun of Lincoln,
who are now conducting the business.
WEST POINT Peter Kolb. who was ar
rested for wife beating, has been sentenced
by the county judge to sixty days' im
prisonment. WEST POINT The regular meeting' of
the Woman's club of West Point was held
at the home of Mrs. George Korb. The
session was devoted to the consideration
of home economics. Roll call was re
sponded to by answers to the question,
"Of What Value Has the study oi Home
Economics Beon to You?" Papers were
read as follows: "Benefits Derived from
the Pure Food Law," Mrs. H. L. Wells;
"Economic Waste in the Home," Mrs. T.
D. Thompson: reading by Mrs. J. C. Elliott.
"Dooley on the Cost of Living."
WEST POINT The woman's auxiliary of
the Cuming County Fanners' institute has
elected as officers the following: Presi
dent, Mrs. J. G. Benedict; vice president,
Mrs. E. J. DeBell; secretary, Miss Agnes
Scblfeii; treasurer, Mrs. H. L. Wells. One
hundred women , were present when this
organization was perfected.
WEST POINT A marriage license has
been hssucd to John Newblging and Miss
Zelma Buskirk, both of this county. ,
WEST POINT William Steufer, former
state treasurer and present head of the
West Point National bank, celebrated bis
H4th birthday Thursday. Mr. Steufer has
been a resident of Cumfifg county for forty
eight years.
GRAND ISLAND The owners of the
stolen In. i sen recently recovered from a
ranch of Charles Brossman, near Denver,
have paid the reward they offered at the
time of the theft ot the horse a year ago
to Sheriff Young of Aurora. It appears
that the Hamilton county officer, at the
lime of the arrest ot Brossman. took from
him a keyring upon which he observed
the name 'of another than Brossman. He
entered Into correspondence with the man
whose name waa on the keyring, ascer
tained that the keyring had been stolen
and slowly traced Brossman. who had in
the meantime been sen to the penitentiary
on conviction for another theft, to positive
connection with the theft of the Hall
county horses.
FA IRK1 ELD Martha F. Mawalt died at
her home In this city on January 21. aged
82 years. Funeral services were held at
the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday.
Interment will be at Fairfield. Ia.
committee. Mr. Fitzgerald, whose principal
opponent In the fight for the appropria
tions committee Is Mr. Burleson of Texas,
is one of the twenty-three democrats who
voted against the party In the rules fight
during the extra session of the present con
gress, but this defection is said to have
been forgiven.
The republicans, under the spur of the
leaders and no-quorum Insistence of Mr.
Dwight of New York, the republican whip,
who purposes to force the attendance of
members, are continuing the high speed
pressure on appropriation bills. The post
office appropriation bill, which will be
passed early this week, will give way to
the agricultural bill and the District ot
Columbia, fortifications,' naval and diplo
matic and consular appropriation bills are
all ready to be taken up, with the military
academy and sundry civil supply bills soon
to follow.
Consrrsatonal Reapportionment.
The problem of a congressional reappoint
ment in the light ot th recent census
figures will be placed squarely before the
hbus' IfhalQuan Crumpttckeiof he cen
sus committee has his way, H purposes
asking the house to take up hla bill, the
effect of whloh would be to tig the house
membership at a little mor than 430 mem
bers, a a prlvlledg meaaur at the first
The ways and means committee will bring
ln a bill this week to provide for a con
tinuance of th work of th tariff board,
giving that body a permanent status. Th
republican member finally have agreed
on the bill, which they will pass over to
the minority members of the committee for
inspection Tuesday and then report the
measure to the house.
The Bates bill for signal honors to Cap
tain Robert E. Peary for his polar achieve
ments, will be brought up in the house
probably this week. Another subject which
probably will engage attention this week
Is the controversy between San Francisco
and New Orleana as to which will be
designated as the Panama canal exposition
Morgan's Niece May
Be Made Vicerine
Lewis H. Harcourt in Line (or Peerage
and American Wife May
Share the Honor.
LONDON, Jan. 22. (Bpedal Cablegram.)
Mrs. Lewis H. Harcourt. an American
woman, niece of J. Plerpont Morgan, may
be the next vicerine of Canada.
The Idea of sending the duke of Con-
naught, Prince Alexander of Teck or soma
royal prince to succeed Earl Qrey haa about
been abandoned, and In semi-official circles
It Is understood that th poet will be offered
to Mr. Harcourt, who I now minister of
the colonies. If It I, and he accept, -he
will undoubtedly be raised to the peerage.
H undoubtedly would be very popular,
and his wife, the daughter of Walter H
Burns (who married a sister of J. P. Mor is a very charming woman ana
would make an excellent vicerine.
Mr. Harcourt Is doubly connected with
America by marriages. His stepmother is
a daughter of John Lothrop Mottley, a
distinguished historian and at on time
United States minister to England.
A Guarantee of Buslneaa Prosperity r
Th Persistent and Wise Patronage of
Th Be Advertising Column.
Dim. tv
HAMHl'klJ. . .
ArrlT. Sailed.
Blrnta. .
. . Hai-fleur
... f:ir of Britain .
, ., ( slabrii,
.. Petmayitanla
. L'vilua ,
Mllltarr Company Passes Memorial
for Mnn Who Had Been Bene,
factor of Organisation.
Tli Dodge Light Ouards last evening
approved these resolutions In relation t th
death of N. P. Dodge, who, next to Gren
villa M. Dodge, ha been the greatest bene
factor of the co.Tipany:
Whereaa. God la his wisdom has seen fit
to call to his last resting place, r. I'
Dodge, th brother of our beloved sponsor,
General Grenvlll M. Dodge, and. whereas
his loss will be sorely felt by this com
i.unv therefore be It.
Resolved, that the members of company
L. Flfthy-elghth Intantry lowa rsaiioiia
Guard, known aa the Dodge Light Guard
extend their heartfelt sympathy lo tn te
reaved family, and. be it further,
Resolved, That thes resolution be placed
unon the records of this organization and
that a copy be sent to the bereaved family
JAMKH A. tsiiBtnn, wiraeaui,
JOSEPH A. BE LI Corporal,
ROY C. ALLEN, Private. -
Rloomflrld Drub Osmund.
BLOOM FI ELD, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special. )
The Bloomfield High school taket ball
team defeated the Osmond High school
In an interesting game ny tn scor of
to . Friday. lineup:
Osmond Positions Bloomfield
K..lkr f C Ellis. K
Wlmbarlr V R F sh-ll.d
P.trmon LKILK Mlakovak
Neal R O.iRO (Ci Kiadar
hum L(i L.U Cilia, I
Referee: Leedom.
Bom Self -Explanatory Letters.
Battle Creek, Mich, Jan'y. 7, 11.
Dr. E. II. Pratt,
Suite U02, 100 State St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
My Dear Doctor:
"Owing to some disagreement Willi
magazine several years ago they have be
come quite vituperative, and of late have
publicly charged me with falsehoods In my
statements that we have genuine testimo
nial letters.
"It has been our rule to refrain from
publishing the names either of laymen
or physicians who have written to us In
a complimentary way, and we have de
clined to accede to the demand of attor
neys that w turn these letter over to
"I am asking a few men whom I deem
to be friends to permit me to reproduce !
some of their letters over their signatures
in order to refute the falsehoods.
."We have hundreds of letters from phy
sicians, but ,1 esteem the .one thai, you
wrote to me ln Ilk among the very best,
particularly ln view of the fact that It j
recognizes the work I hav been trying
to do partly through the little book, "The
Road to Wellvtlle."
"I do not sell or attempt to sell the
higher thought which is more important I
than the kind of food, but I have taken I
considerable pain to extend to humanity :
such facts as may hav come to me on j
this subject. I
"In order that your mind may be re- i
freshed I am herewith enqjoslng a copy
of your good letter, also a copy of the !
little book, and If you will give me the
privilege of printing this over your aigna- j
ure 1 will accompany the printing with
n explanation as to why you permitted
Its use in publication In order to refute j
falsehoods, and under that method of i
treatment I feel, so far as 1 know, there
would be no breach of the cud of etthic.
"I trust this winter weather la finding
you well, contented and enjoying the
fruit that are yours by right.
With all best wishes, I am,"
Your very truly,
Dr. Pratt, who is ' one of th most
prominent and skillful surgeons In Amer
ica, very kindly granted our request ln
the cause of truth and Justice.
Chicago, Aug. 31. 1906.
Mr. C. W. Post,
Battle Creek, Mich.
My dear 8lr:
"I 'writ to express my personal ap
preciation of on of your business meth
ods, that ot accompanying each package
of your Grape-Nuts production with that
little booklet, "The Road to Wellville."
A mora appropriate, clear headed and ef
fective presentation of health-giving outo
uggestlon could scarcely be penned.
Grape-Nut I a good food In Itself, but
the food contained in this little arltcle I
atlll better stuff, I commend that practice
because I know that the greed and atren-
uousness, th consequent graft and other
types ot thievery and malicious mischief
generally can never be cured by legisla
tive action.
'Th only hop for the betterment of
th race rest ln Individual soul culture.
'In taking a step in this direction, your
process ha been so original and unique
that It must set a pace for other concerns
until finally th whole country gets fla
vored with genuln. practical Christianity.
I shall do all that lie in my power to
aid In th appreciation of Grape-Nuts, not
so much for th sake of th food Itself
aa for th accompanying suggestions.
"Visiting Battle Crk th other day
with a friend. Dr. Kelly of Evanaton.
Illinois, while I wa consulting with Mr.
Gregory, my friend visited your factories
and came back greatly amazed, not only
at the luxurious furnishings of th offices
generally and th general aulpment ot the
place, but with th sweet spirit of cour
tesy and kindness that seemed to fill the
air with a spiritual ozon that was good
to breathe.
"Th principles expressed In th little
booklet. "Th Road to Wellvill." I wall
know ar practical and they work In busi
ness of ail kind, including sanatarlum,
a will b fairly tested before tin) I don.
"I know you will not regard this Uttar
ot appreciation a an Intruding on. It
Is simply a salutation of good fellow
ship to you from a man who; although he
has never seen you, feels drawn to you
by the kinship of thought.
"Th only thing that makes a man live
forever ln th heart of hla countrymen
and hi race Is the th good that he doe.
Your position ia this respect I an en
viable on and I wish to extend my con
gratulation.' Yours respectfully,
B. 11. PRATT.
Richer Than Cobalt
or Cocur cT Alene
are some of the silvt-r-lend min-.
ing districts along the Hue of th
Grand Trunk Pacific Trgnsoontl-'
nental railroad. ' '-
A araall portion of this terfU
tory has pvodurt-d to date 60.-'
000,00') in gold. '
Let us send yon free of cost
the '"Rrltl8h Columbia Bmllotlu
of Information." giving synopsis
of the land, mining, timber and--other
laws and np-to-datc tnfor-
Dilation of fortunp-making oppor
tunities for Investment.
It tells you how you can share
ln the tremendous development v,t
which Is starling along the line ,
of three great transcontinental,
railways that are opening up 3,0,.. 3
000,000 acres of vrlch agricultural . .
and fruit land and 60,000,000
acres of the richest timber, cowl ,
and mineral land In British Ool--
unibla, known aa the Fort-Gorge
district. Write today.- -
Natural Resources '
Security Co., Ltd., . ,
Paid up Capital I2G0.009
Joint Owners and Sol Agent ' t' '
Fort George Townslte," ,'' '
MS Bower Building, Vancouver, B. a
Dltrlct Sales Solicitor. " '
W. a. DATIDSOjr, ,r f , v.
3S8 1TW Oaiaba ' "!v-' " Tlknfe Buftoing,
Jmaha. Kb. ' " " '
Will Hoist Your
Safe to the Roof
if You Wish It.
Telephone D-352
1818 Farnam
Mas. Winhlow soothing bvaur.has been,
ted for over hlXTY YKARSby MILLION nl
is the bent remedy ior mAHKHlKA. It is
solu'.rly harmless. He nure and ask for "Mr.,..
Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
pnnn rAD Weak and nervoua tna
rUUlS lUK who find their power to
WrPVP! work and youthful vigor
NEtltVCtt? none a a result of over
wotk or mental ertlon should tk
Hill make ou at and sleep and b
(nan again.
If Bo. Boxes t 69 by Mall. ..
Vox. 18th and Dodg Street.
Co. 16t last laarn at. Omaha Bss
I S""""
War Dances
By Chief Yellow Herts
and Twsnt;
Heal Sioux Indltns
Special Musical and , -Speaking
Every Day
Travel Tales
Two Moving Picture -Shows.
Hawaiian Singers.
Miss Lora Nettie Reiter,
Cornetist Virtuoso
Concert by Land Show
Concert Band, every hour.
Doors Open at 10:30 A. M.