Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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School Board Recommendations Prin
cipal Subject in Public Mind.
t.lrrllnn of errelarr Pabllc
Aaritt mt ArrASjnt Are the Malar
Point Itrwasht Oat la
lit rernmrnerdatlon the rhnnl borc)
will make lo conform with what the pub
lic think should be Its functions la the
iniestlfh that Is now Interesting the people
rt Criiitli Omaha. The charter revision
remmltlre has made Its recommendation
and tliev have been Incorporated In a hill,
hut action yet remain to be taken In re
gard to the school board, and there are
some people who think that this la prob
ablv one of the most Important matters
for revision this year.
The principal points In regard to the
school board that have come out in th
dlscueslnn before the charter revision com
mitter and 'otherwise have been the elec
tion of the secretary and the public audit
of the accounts of the board. It la under
stood that both these points will be dealt
with tt the amended bill which will he
submitted for the approval of the hoard
Monday night by. the committee which Is
preparing the amendments. Aalde from
the school bard, the question of charter
revision la now . up to the legislature,
ftaak Improvement.
The Live Mock National bank at Twen-ty-fmirth
and N streets la Increasing Ha
capacity by adding to the bank premises
a portion of the building used by the
Brown Real Kslate company. All this Is
the bank property; but was not required
up to the. present. The addition will be
utilised for fireproof and burglarproof
vault sUrd . stailenc-ry room, and It Is rx
peeted that the work will be completed
within Xhm .fte'xt few flays.
Maarlc li .lp.
The Prcshvrerlan Missionary society will
meet nrnt Thursday and elect officers.
A. .1. Akofer, who recntly underwent an
operation for appendicitis, la recovering.
Phil Kearney post and the Women'a Re
lief corps met last evening In regular sea
Inn. Mrs.'K. M. Kekman has loft for Kansas
City to Join her husband on a trip In
Kansas. ,
Superior lodge No. 19.1. legrce of Honor,
will give a prise maiuerade hall at the
Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen temple
Wednesday evening next.
Dunoon oatle. No. ti.1. Royal Highland
ers, will hold Its regular meeting Mnndav
evening. Brute Manager J. K. Starboard
of Iowa will preaent. All members are
requested to attend.
McCurdy in Cuba for
His Trip Over Water
Anierican , Aviator Able to Detect
Smoke of Steamer at Distance
; i : of Fift;en Miles.
HAVANA.. Jan. 21. -J. A. V. McCurdy. the
A n, eric an aviator, w ho expects to make an
aeroplane flight from Key Weat to Havana
soon, arrived here, today on the I'nlted
States torpedo boat destroyed Paulding.
He was accompanied by Ms brother and
his manager, Jerome Fanclulll.
The destroyer Brayton followed the
Paulding at varying distances for the pur
pose of determining the visibility of its
smoke. The experiment showed that smoke
waa lra,rly visible fifteen mllea, leaving
no doubt that the aviator will be able to
locate the patrol vessels from a distance
of fully twenty miles.
The Paulding arrived ..too late for Mc
Curdy to mak a selection of the landing
place, but he will visit desirable sites near
Havana tomorrow. It la probable that the
parade ground at Camp Columbia wilt be
selected, . .The aviator said that under Ideal
condition prevailing he could make the
flight In two hours,
McCurdy will depart for Key West to
morrow evening. It Is his Intention to at
tempt the flight on Tuesday If conditions
! favorable.
Sarpy County Pioneer
, Dies at Advanced Age
Williarn.I. Ireland, Aged Settler of
! Papillion, Dies Funeral
;.".! ,;; f Today. .
PAPILLION. Neb., Jan. .-iSpeclal
TelcgramJWIlllam T. Ireland. SI years
old. one of the first pioneers In this
county.,, died., about 11 o'clock Saturday I
muni. .Mr., .1 iv land, settled In Sarpy
county In 1K.J and lived here ever since.
He scped In the 'civil war from th he-
.. ... . , . . I
ginning, attaining the vnnlt of serneant of j
cavalry. As a farmer through all tha vears '
cf. his life in tills section. Mr. Ireland !
gained a vast acquaintance and waa re
spected byal) who knew lilm. The Grand
Army., of h Republic will have charge
of the funeral, which Is to take place at
noon funl'. He Is survived ly a son and
three daughters.
tlde Wroia Arrested oa Information
hy Mra. Ora Halle Mask
Proves I srlras.
Clvde Wroth w ho accoidinc to I.1 sia- old' "; l'l,,bs '" Jm- 1 llub w "
vijue Hiotn. wno a..oiaing to h.i sia-1 BHnjle,, ,Xteen Viar ago and has con-
ter, Mia. Ora Halle, was the leader of the j t.nued lo mod exeiy year since. The mem
three men who hound and gauged ber residing in Florence are: Mesdames .1.
her early Trlduy evening In the home
of her- mother. . Mr, llettle L. Wroth,
2.iJ - Farnatu street. was musled
about Click last night by of
fice! Murphy. Wroth stoutly maintained
his tnnocenue, detiariiig thai he did not
go, nnr Ula luothcrs home Friday night.
Mis., Halle mi-spiIi'I that before the blind- I
fold was adjusted to her eyea she recog-
nlsed Wroth, who was masked al tha j
time. hv means of a patch which she had '
le-ently sewed on the sweater he waslent to Benson In a body. Twenty-two j
wearing-' Roy Spencer of XS Decatur
street who was aiicstcd Friday night on
Information furnished hy Mra.
still held li the poll' e.
Halle. Is
M. I.. I ear Meal la Aala President mm
Hard M. Harae.a tire Pres.
J t. Stenart. Ward M. Burgess. C. E.
Bpeus and K W. I'inon aere elected di
rector of the Omaha dub at the annual
meeting held last night when 10) members
of tha, club attended the annual meeting
and banquet. After the session of the
club ineinbera the directors held a meet
ing and re-elected the old officers for another-veer.
iiiet aie Mvron L. Learned,
prtsldrnt: Ward M. Burgess, vice presi
dent, and C. I- iHiel. secretary and treas
urer Aftei hearing a detailed report as to
what had Ixen done In the way of lin
prvvufiit'iita al tbe dub. the members en
dorsed till that tho board of directors had
News and Gossip from
A. n. flail has hern out clearing hi land i
the last week
Mr Holrmiulat. who has been quite ill
Is slightly better.
, ... ..'.,. ,. ... . I
...V J l,ml""nl "
cattle ttils week.
The tie sale held Wednesday
totaled over 1.MP0.
A. Albach hss shipped two carloads of
potatoes the last week
Mrs Marv Hen is. iiet of Mrs . I
George Thirl le this Week
J. P. Crick of Omaha spent Tuesday visit
ing with Florence friends.
J. W. Pay. who has been quite 111, Is able
to be out and atiout again.
Percy Vogcl has gone to Lincoln to take
up a course In agriculture.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Yodcr are entertain
ing guests from Fremont, Neb.
Mr. Uuy Hough of Hrldger. Munt., waa
the guest of K. L. Platx Tuesday.
The Kelrle Ice company will start har
vesting Ice on the reservoir Monday.
Mrs. Tlernev of Irvlngton was the guest
of Florence friends Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iay have been
visiting Omaha friends for a few dag.
The next rfgular dance of the F.cneroif
club will be held i'rluay evening at Cole s
Arthur Moore and Miss finldle Shriver
of Omaha were Florence visitors Sunday
evening. ,
Mrs. Charles Allen, who bas been quite
III for the last week, Is reported as Im
proving. "
Mrs. F. B. Nichols was the guest of Mrs.
Kato Remington of Omaha Wednesday
afternoon. j
A new meat market will open In the new
store room In the Price building in the
near future.
R. A. Uoldlng and Frank' Gleason at
tended the meting of the Hoo Hoos In
Omaha thia week.
lr. H. Prltchard was a Lincoln visitor
this week, where he went to buy some
thoroughbred dairy cows.
W. l. Forest's Incubator house is almost
completed and he expects to start his In
cubators going In a few days.
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Wedge returned
Wednesday from Columbus whore they
had been visiting for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cullcn II. Carr of Rlocton.
la., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. (inkling, Monday and Tuesday.
Rev. F. R. W edge of San Francisco spoke,
of his work on the Harbary coast Thurs
day evening at the .Presbyterian church.
Mr. Whltaker and slater. Miss Kate, of
Rclinson, 111., are the guests of their bis
ter Mrs. W. 11. Thompson, and family.
J. H. It. Williams has purchased an auto
mobile so he can visit his various grad
ing camps and his farm all In one uav.
O. T. Ritchie and Scott Ritchie left Frl
dav evening for Saskatchewan, Canada,
where G. T. Ritchie already has a farm.
Mrs. Rently U, McCloud of Chicago ar
rivid 'I huisiiay morning for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Ol instead.
Messers Chris Kolle und Will Bena spent
Sunday at Coffman. where they bought
1 nut) bushels ol corn and three large worn
The men working on the Ice on the rcser
volr i uesday struck for 2." cents an
hour ami the Ice company discontinued
cutting Ice.
At Adams' hall Sunday evening It. K
Human of Omaha will deliver a free lecture
on i hf t uiuiiitf Kingdom, Hovv it Is
Quite a large delegation of Florence peo
ple attended the missionary conference held
In Omaha last week at the First Presby.
terian church.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church will holu their meeting at
the home of Mrs. D. V. Shipley Wednes
day afternoon.
William Lonergan and Hugh Lonergan
pulled down prises for seed corn at the
Lincoln meeting ot allied agricultural in
terests this week.
The Sanday school teachers of the Pre
byterian church will hold their regular I
meetlng at the home of Mrs. R. H. Olm- nyienan i.aaies Aia society laat Weanea
stead Monday evening. ! day a f ternoon. Lunch was served after the
The canning factory' will be opened the
coming year. It having been leasea io
man out In the state who has a method
of his own for canning fruit.
Sunday evening's topic at the Christian
church will be "The Workings of the
Spirit." as the third of a series on the
"Progres of the Soul.': by Myron Mets'nger.
Mrs. Jane Thomas, mother of Abraham
and Samuel Thomas, a pioneer resident of
Florence, died at her home In Omaha,
Tuesday evening and was burled Saturday.
Roy Brown had the good fortune to kill
I.ha I a rir. uinlvea Inat TlleMilsV TIlPV
were all three fighting among themselves i
and he took two shots at them, killing the
Mrs. J. B. Brlsbln and Mrs. Harry Brls
bln entertained the Uteiary society Friday
afternoon In honor of tro members who
leave for California for the rest of the
John Williams returned Tuesday from
Roseland, si. U., where he was visiting his
brother, Joe, who Is - holding down a
claim, besides being engaged In various
At the First Presbyterian church Sunday
Rev. S. Sloan will have as his morning
ionic. "The Lord is my Shepherd. In the
evening the topic will be. "Let the lie
deemed of the Lord Say ho.
Mrs. Wllhelmina ileisc. who lived on a
fr,n north of town for the laat forty
years a..u died Tuemnv. was buried from
lne 0i,i farm home now occupied by h
son. on 'iiiuiaaai. o. aiandchil-
d'" lUd u" Pallbearers. Her husband died J
about three years ago. j
The volunteer fire department held a upe-
clal meeting Friday evening to talk over the
need of new apparatus and an alarm svs- (
tern thut would give the town better fire
ptotectlon. A co.nndttee from the firemen
will via. i tne council .uonaay evening anu
ink the council to devise some way to
supply their needs.
I Saturday J. II. Price held a bouse warm
ing at his new store on Main street and to
the large crowd of people that came to
visit 1 1 1 1 ti he served sandwiches, doughnuts
and coffee. To the women he presented a
i paring knife as a souvenir, and to the men
a handsome watch charm. Over oi0 lnvita
lions were sent out. .
I Mrs. Charles Huntington of Omaha was
I hiiKii.Ha Moti.luv l n meertn of one of the
. MO"8"n: '. .XN',0.' ,,arrr urlsD1"'
John Brlsbln, Jacob Weber,
Andrew Andersou. of the firm ol Ander
son & Hull ngaworth. dropped dead Satur
day afternoon of congestion of the brain
Mr. Anderson was well known all overling, etc.
Oouglaa county, having lived here for
years. He leaves a wife, two daughters, u
mother, three brothers and two anter. l-'u-neiul
arrangements have not yet been
Wednesday evening when new of the
Bensou fire reached Florence the local
Cuule decided to bold no m.-eiin and all
made the trip and ww lne burning of the
Benson Kagle hall. The l-lorence l'.agles.
I while there offered the Benson fcagle the
I use of their hall, paraphernalia anil ntericd
.,,....iiuu t w .... n, .ir urt .-i.L.i.
I the accepted and nitl In the Lagies' hulli'ess.
here Friday evening. Mrs. W. II. Llndell died Friday afternoon
The weddlnz of Marie Charlotte Harsh.
daughter of Mrs. Otto Harsh, and Mr. Ed-
wtrf Hm iiiomi was relehrated Wellies-
dav at high noon at Kountue Memorial
church. Kev. HiMiimon officiating. Mi -
Anna Harsh, sisier of lb- hruie was
Irn1..niaid and Mr lrv n Vna-el actetl as
best man. A reception li lluw d al the hum
of Mis Otto Harsh, ! Main sireet in
the afternoon, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond left on a weilding trip. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Itaymond have ent the
greater part of their lives In and around
Florence and have many friends who con
gratulate them. I 'poll their return th-'y
will reside in Florence at fcIO Main street.
The Modern Woodmen of America. No.
4Wit. and Violet camp. Royal Neighbor
ot America. No. 6 IS.:, held a Joint instal
lation Tuesdav evening at Adam's hall.
The Hoval Neighbors installed first, fast
Oracle Fowell of Violet ramp act
ing as installing officer and Mrs Cook
of Ivy ramp. Omaha, as ceremonial mar
shal, assisted by the Violet drill tearn.
The following officers were installed 'Ir
acle. Mrs Carrie Tavlor. vice oracle. Mra
Heater Foster; chaneclor, Mr. Charles
Tavlor: marshal. Miss Mav iavlor: 'n
sltia sentinel. Mrs. Hone mpeon; outside
kentlnel Mrs Frsnk leach; receiver.
Mrs Mrtle I'avis; recorder. Mrs. Mary
What the Neighbors Are Doing and What They
Chroniclers for the Edification of Others Who
Nelson: manager. Mrs. Alice E. Platz;
Physician. It A H. dam The lntl-
lint officer, ceremonial marshal, retiring
recorder, retiring manager, were presented
wun a token from the cainp, sfter which
"e Woodmen Installed their officers. Kl-
, mer Talor. who acted as Installing officer.
was assisted by the RovhI .Neighbor'
drill team and the ceremonial marshal,
iTbe VS ..ndinrn officers Installed were as
I follow: Worthy adviser. Walter Borensen;
! venerable consul. Sam Jensen; hanker.
r " Icnph; escort. William Bullock
watchman. N. M. Crtime: sentrv. James
Johnson: physician. Or. A. R. Adams;
manager. F.I mer Taylor. After installa
tion a supper was served In Wall's hall,
followed by dancing, which lasted until a
late hour.
P. S. Rosa.nrtrr Is spending a few days
In Red Oak, la., on business.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James
alley during the last week.
Mrs. P. J. Flynn Is entertaining her sis
ter Mrs. Ash Olxon. of Rlair. Neb.
Mrs. I. Kdmunds spent the last week
visiting friends In Rroken Row, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Raker have returned
home front their visit In Yellvllle. Kan.
Misses Emma Johnson and A. Rack have
returned from a short stay In Washington,
Mr. and Mrs. Atack returned last Tuesday
from a couple of week's stay In Spencer,
Mrs. Thomas Hllllgreth was severely
bruised by a fall down cellar during the
A. Raptousky has gone to Chicago, where
he was called by the sickness of his
Rev. J. C. Wilson has returned from
Colon, Neb., where he assisted In revival
William March of Crelghton. Neb., made
a short visit in Ucnson last Thursday
The wo'inen of the Methodist church are
planning for an entertainment, to be given
February 9.
Miss Mary Raahe and Mr. Carl Pchlot
feld, both of Honpon, were married last
Mrs. Fronzell of Omaha has been spend
ing the week at the horn vf her daughter,
Mrs. Steele.
Mr. and Mrs. Seahack have returned from
Missouri Valley, where they spent a few
days visiting.
Rcuhen Elton, who was shot hv bandits
In Omaha last week. Is a brother of Mr.
Klton living here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Peterson entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Alqulst of Florence at their
home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. If. J. Grove entertained Mr.
1. C Johns of Dundee at dinner last Sun
day at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mason will leave on
next Tueaday for California, where they
will make their home.
Mrs. .Amesbury of Broken Bow, Neb.. Is
visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
J. Robinson, who Is 111.
R. J. Phelps of Omaha spent last Sun
day In Benson at the home of Mr. and
Mis. William I'hclps.
Miss Maud Splcer of Minneapolis, Minn-,
arrived last week to be the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. James Walsh.
Russet Walsh Is making an extended trip
thiough Florida, having left a week ago,
and Is now at Jacksonville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Child spent ' last
Sunday In Keystone Park at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Henry Thomas.
Examinations have been going on the last
week at the Benson public schools, which
made short sessions In the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Carlson entertained
at dinner last Sunday, when their guests
were Arthur Christiansen and Will Hlns.
The Lutheran ladles" Aid society were
entertained last Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. John Larson, on Bryan street.
Mrs. C. A. Tracy Is spending two or
three weeks In Saybrook, 111., visiting at
the home of her father and other relatives.
Mrs. D. K. Smith was hostess to the Pres-
Another mass meeting Is called to be held
Saturday evening, January 28. to discuss
Increasing facilities of the Benson fire de
partment. Miss Laura Post entertained at dinner
last Sunday the Misses Rose Boley and
Cora Seaback, Messrs Roy Edmon and
Robert Holey.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid society met
at the home of Mrs. Campbell last Wednes
day afternoon After the business meeting
a lunch was served.
The Benson St. James orphanage will
profit In the distribution of the estate of
the late Mark M. Coad of Fremont
willed the Institution 1,CMI. . .
Mr. Fred Rasmussen. Mesdames Penoyer
and Ueorge Chadwell, J. Robinson and
.Master Edward Hill' have been on the
sick list during the last week.
Five cases of smallox were discovered last
Wednesday in the family of Andrew Nel
son, living two miles north of Benson.
and were quarantined by the sheriff and
Dhvaldan. .
James Barlow, William Huntzinger and
John Sorenson, Benson saloon-keepers were
convicted of selling liquor on Sunday and
fined $100 and costs, each, by County Judge
Leslie, last rriuay.
The funeral services of George Webber I
ere held at St. Joseph's church. Omaha.!
last Monday. Interment was at South
Omaha Catholic: cemetery. The Benson
Eagles were represented at the funeral.
The officers of the Humane society
elected ate: President, Mrs. W. C. Berry
vice president and secretary. Mrs. W. H.
Loechner; second vice president. Mrs. M. E.
Snow; third vice president. Mrs. Bailey,
A. H. Heyden has sold his hardware
business to Messrs. Brown Grove and Phil
Melaenger. both well-known men, having
been In business here before. Mr. Heyden
ha not decided what plans to make for the
The annual Sunday school campaign for
Douglas county Is to take place the first
two weeks In February, and the date for
Benson, Irvlngton and the county schools
will be on February 6. at some place In
Benson, yet not set.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Plummer have re
turned from their wedding trip, and will
reside at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs Trotter. Mrs. Plummer,
who was formerly Miss Nora E. Trotter,
waa married at Greenfield, la., on Uecem
bet 3D.
II. J. Grove has purchased the cement
bulness at the corner of Military and Or
phanage avenue, and C. C. Williams and
F. A. Bailey of the company will move
their business to Irvlngton. where they can
be near railroad facilities, saving haul-
The local Woman's Christian Temper-
ante union held Its meeting at the home of
i v t?.ui.. i . l-..i.iu i
most of the' members and friends being j shown thrfcugh the packing house of Ar
prescnt to hear the report of the Haiti- mour & CO. at riouth Omaha Monday after
more convention, given
convention, given by Mrs. Johns I
of Oundee. the county president.
I.ast Duesilay evening the Modern Wood-
men Installed Its of f leers after which an
entertainment for members and friends
waa given, and this was followed by a
"Box Social.' The proceeds will be con
tributed to a sanitarium. A large number
i was meent and the whole proved a suc-
I about 3 o clock, alter a month a slclines
of a complication of diseases and break
down. hile she had been sick some time,
I the end ram sudden and unexpected, th?
nurse being alone with her at the time.
Mrs. Llndell had lived 'n Bnon about
l inieen years ana nau nosi ot irienus
All funeral arrangements had not been
made last night, awaiting the arrival of
relatives, but was thought to be held this
afternoon from the Methodist church.
The Benson Woman' club met at the
Inline of Mrs. I harles Huffke laat Thurs- Siiienectaov . .V V.. at w hich place he has
day afternoon. Mrs. F. 8. King acted as . a fine position In the General K.ectrlc com-i-hii
inMii In the absence of Mrs. Traev . i oanv'a shoos.
unit nnoiiiiie.l this lo he the Horary sea-
Moo. .Miss Charlotte ienpleton of Lin
coln told about "What l.lbrarlee Can Im In
lli Ulate and State Instltullons. " Miss
F.dlth Tobitt of the Omaha public library
was also prevent and gave a short talk
Net meetlna will t held at the home of
Mia F K. Voting on Thurs.laj . Fehru-
The most destructive fire yet had in Ben-
son was last v etinrmia v ec-nui uimiui
o'clock, when the bai n anil elevtn h i a s
Willi i he lumber vard of the owaha Coal
Luiiiher coiroanv s lumber m t i:ule
auditorium, aheie were the tailor alio)
is. ol hall, and Chappell s rial estate ol f n e
and tus borak s grocery store and home I
the Suburbs of
Propose to Do Entertainingly Set Down by the
Are Interested in the Doings of Their Fellows.
next door, were all burnt down, total loss
being about $v0r. The school house and
surrounding buildings were eavnl with
hard work by the Benson and two Omaha
fire department. I 'worak s grocery store
was one time the Benson hotel and one
of the first buildings on Main street, be
ing erected about fifteen years ago. Eagles'
auditorium was one of the finest In the
state. Investigation Is now being made is
to how the fire started. Some think It
was set by an Incendiary.
Vrt Ambler.
Mrs Ol ('arisen entertained Hansi-om
park friends for luncheon on Thursday.
Kev. and Mr. T. C. Webster were guest
of Eckermnn friends for dinner on Thurs
day. Mrs. Mary Pitman and son entertained
Mr.. Hartwell from the city for luncheon on
Mrs. George, Jennings had as her guest
this week, her water from South Twenty
seventh street.
Mrs. J. E. Atighe and Miss Jessie Hef
ler have each been the victims of a serious
seige of the grip all week.
Mother Ellis arrived from Ohio last
week and will be the guest of Frank Pot
ter, and family for a month.
The home of Mr. and Mrs J. Jensen on
West Center street-wa brightened by the
advent of a baby daughter on Thursday.
Mr. J. Iin; o( West Side entertained
her old friend. Mrs. Maurer, formerly of
Fifty-fourjh gnd, Poppleton, on Wednes
day. , .
Mrs. Frank Ptulti and little son and
Mrs. Anna Ream of Eekerman were the
guests of their bnfthcr's . family, Clyde
Stults, here.
Officer Frank 8. Atighe and brother-in-law,
Charles Baarmen, spent a parti of
Thursday at the bedside of their father,
J. K. Aughe. here.
Mrs. George Cunningham and children
have gone to Fremont. Cel., to spend tho
rest of tho winter with her sister. Mrs.
Glen Mcllvalne, and their aged mother.
Mrs. Maurer of West Poppleton street,
who brought her husband's remains from
their homestead near Bridgeport, for In
terment Is taking treatments at a local
hospital here before returning to her west
ern home.
The ladles' , Aid society held a most-successful
all-day meeting at the home ot
Mr. Ernest Grover In Eekerman Thurs
day. There were eighteen In attendance
and the proceeds were over A splendid
dinner was served by the charming host
ess, assisted by Mrs. George Jennings.
Howard Osborne Is visiting his parents.
Mrs. Ed Knight Is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Blelck. .
Mrs. W. I t. Powell was a visitor ' In
Omaha Thursday.
Sidney Meecham spent Sunday with
friends In Irvlngton.
Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Voss are happy
parents of a baby boy.
Harry Harris Is visiting friends and rela
tives In this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chrlstopherson were
visitors In Bennington Sunday. .
Mr. Hamilton left Irvlngton Monday to
take a position' as traveling salesman.
Miss Clara Hendrlckson has returned
after a visit with her slater In Oavld City.
Miss Mavbelle Crltchfleld Is again able
to take care of her school after a short
Illness. - . - ,
Sophus Hassel left Irvlngton Sunday to
take up work In the central part of Nebraska-
. .
Fred Finch Is visiting his parents In this
place. He wa also a visitor at the Benson
High school Monday.
Mrs. 8. A. Rats. Miss Gertrude Rogers.
Miss Maude Munson, Miss Haxel Switexer
and Miss Emma- Peterson spent Thursday
In Council Bluffs.
Mrs. B. "J. MHTe died recently from an
- Notes from Fort Crook
Hifc-nt School Opened in Post library for Benefit of Enlisted Men
Typhoid Vaccination Urged by Post'. Commander Captain Switier
1 Injured by Tall from Bicycle New Recruits Arrive from New York
A night school Is to be opened In the
post liorary tor the enllated men ot tins
command. Two subjects are to be tauglu,
bookkeeping and stenography, and Instruc
tions are to be given by two gentlemen
from Omaha, fclacu class Is not to contain
more than twenty , students and will be
held twice a week for the sixteen weeks
which la considered the term tor the sub
jects. This school, li properly conuucteU,
will be a great benefit to the enllated men
bv fitting them to be able to hold a more
lucrative position In the commercial world
upon the expiration of their term of sei-
VCaptaln Halstead Oorey, Fourth Infantiy.
Is confined to his quarters, suffering from
lg Vnrinea to ni qua,
attack ol Influensa
i -a nt am Nultman. Fourth inrantr, ns
been assigned to quarters In tnls poat.
Oental Surgeon Yanklrn Wing tias been
confined to his quarters the laat few days
suffering from a slight attack of ini.u-
At ih. n.-A..ri t urrltmiF hf IS aOle
to continue the performance of his duties,
Mrs. William ri. nuke of 19U Liougiaa
street, Omaha, was a visitor at the post
hospital Monday evening.
Private first class Otto S. Monroe Is de
tailed clerk In the record oftice at tne
post hospital during the absence or Pri
vate first class Frederick, ullmour, who is
on, furlough. ,
Corporal Maurice L. FMack. Company t ,
Fourth Infantry, Is confined to tne post
hospital suffering from a severe cold.
Kay Blumenthal, an alleged deserter from
the Second cavalry, was ulahonorably dis
charged 'tueBdav morning without trial.
Private Blumenthal has been hick In tne
hospital since his arrival In the post, and
was discharged without trial on account
of his being a tubercular subject.
Lieutenant Bywan, on leave since the
14th of January, is assigned to quarters
No. 2.
rTlvate Francis Sullivan. Company B.
Fourth Infantry, was honorably dlscnargeo
from the service of the Inited States by
reason of the expiration of his term ol
service January 17. 111. Mr. Sullivan did
not re-enlist In the Fourth inrantry. uu.
not re-ennsi in tne r oum ini.un , .
left Tuesday night for San , ci
where he intends re-enlisting for the Philip
pine Islands.
Cxilor Sergeant Daniel Swetman, non
commissioned staff. Fourth Infantry, left
Mondav morning on a two-months' fur
lough, granted him by the post commander.
Private F.ari Fauntaln ot the Fourth In
fantry band, was admitted to the hospital
Sunday afternoon, suffering from acute al
coholism, Private Aoranam napiio aim njuc
tiimntitr llt.AnltiLl corns, tills oosi. were
noon. v .... ....
Private 'William rt. ttemrn. noapii
corpa. has been detailed wsrdnisster Ir.
the inedltal wartl, vice Private Charles A
Mulhern. relieved.
Corporal John Reynolds. Company F.
Fourth Infantry, was admitted lo the hos
pital Tuesday morning, suffering from a
slight attack of Influenza.
l'rlvate George Jones, hospital corps, has
been detailed as assistant to the pharma
cist .t the poet hospital.
i-i ...... 1,'lp.t 1-lauM Vt.AtricL Ollioonr.
hospital corps, thia post, now on furlough,!
ia rehearsma with the Woodward ntoca
coinpanv at the Bo d theater, iimatia. rri
vate Gtlmour will make his Hist appear
ance Sunday afternoon In ' Foity-flve Mm
uiea from Broadway." using the stage
name of Phillip tlerald.-
I'llvatt Ambrose A. Burke Company U.
Fouith inlanuv. honorably discharged
by reason of expiration of term of service
.u nday morning. Mr. Burke did not re
enlist, but left Tuesday afternoon lor
."eraeant ihdore Tahl. Company F.
Fourth Infantry, was examined at tin; poat
lioaiatal .Monday morning for special as
signment lo the First infantry station at
Vancouver Barracks. Wash.
Sergeant I Irs! lass l ain x. i.ange, no
I'Hal coips. and Mra. IJiage ol run timiiix.
N "ere isito. at Hie post nosi-itai
Wednesday evening.
i A large crowd attended the lecture given
' i ,,Hi avmnaslutn Thursdav evening
Paul lie Milt was the lecturer and lectured
on "The Life. Habits. Customs. IJtc, of the
Private Horace o Womack. Conn. any (',,
rourtn miaou., ii r ,'t'.ii,.w b ..-,'
j p.n al In Company U. '
I rlvaiCS .'.UlVI 4. laiouwjr ,nu V. il snug
attack of rnrMimnnln. Th funrml hk j
tlao In Calhoun Mmirlnv HnM htm- '
hnd and family nht leave manv friend I
In m.nn hr '
A son wa born Saturday hiornini to Mi
and Mr. Austin Ootids.
Mr. Frank E. Mayer Is verv III at his
home, WJ North Fiftieth avenue.
Mrs. Thomas 1. Henderson of Sioux City
Is the guest of Mrs. Ellxabeth Goodrich.
VI U T VI flnUuf .nlnHnlliA.1
st cards at their home. Oouglas street.
I'uestiay evening.
Mrs. L. R. Hale and daughter. Mis Nell
Hale of t'enver. are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Wlckersham.
Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson and 11. and
Mrs. Henry B. Lemere were guests at din
ner Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polrar
The Ladles' Aid society of the Imndec
ofU;V;sn,EskMdson TfSrtrVS
were preseni.
Mrs. Reed, enroute from a trip to Call- .
f oi-n I a In tier home l Montlcello 111 bus '
been the guest for the last week of her
daughter, Mrs. R. C. Peters and Mr.
Mr. Hnd Mis. J. S Nichols of Columbus.
Neb., who have been the guests of Mr.
ami Mrs. E. O. Hamilton, left Tueday for
a short stav In Chicago before returning
to their home.
The Dundee Woman's club met Wednes
day with Mr. W. W. Johnston. Mrs. A.
C. Orossman was elected president of the
club In place of Mrs. S. R. Elson, who ha
moved to Toledo, o.
Mrs. E. O. Hamilton wa hote at
luncheon on Monday In honor of Mr.
Racv'ael Blackburn of Iniluth. and Mrs.
J. S. Nichols of Columbus. Neb. Covers
were laid for twelve.
Miss Ida V. Jontz. secretary of the Asso
ciated Charities, who I a resident of
Oundee. has been attending the annual
convention of the State Association of
Charltlts and Corrections. Miss Jontx has
charge of the Omaha exhibit.
Second Child of J. . I.endson c-r-nmha
In aplnnl Menlnatltla. De
spite llerolp F.ffort to Cnre It. ,
Flexnor serum, a new antitoxin prepa
ration, failed to save the life of baby Lcnd
Kon, the 8-year-old son of 3. O. Lendson of
No. 1'i21 South Eighteenth street. The
little tot was suffering from spinal menin
gitis. "
As a last resort, Tr. F. .1. Si-hleler. the
attending physician, attempted to save the
life of the youngster with the new prepa- j
ration. The serum was Injected yesterday i
afternoon but the baby died a few hours
A younger baby In the Lendson house
hold succumbed to the same disease Fri
day night.
Foley Kldnejr pilla
Are tonic In action. Quick In .result A
pedal medicine for all kidney , and blad
der disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfe
boro. N. II- says: "I was afflicted with
a bad case of rheumatism, due to urle
acid that my kidneys failed to clear out
of my blond.. I was so lame In my feet.
Joints, and back that It was agony for me
to atep. I used Foley Kidney Pills for
three days when I was able to get up and
move about and tha palna wera all gone.
This great change . In condition I owe to
Foley Kldricy Pills and recommend tham
to. anyone suffering, a I hava." Sold
b all druggist.
S ! Long, Company K. Fourth .infantry,
have oevn-appoinud corporals in Company
ej. vice Corporals Woou and iiamill, oia
wharged. . . - , . ...... ,
The oanoe nein oy ine run
club Weunesoay evening In the post gym-;
naslum was largely attended by menus oi j
tne uoys Irom Omaha and vicinity. ,
First Lieuten.nt Charles Abel, rourth
Infantrv, is suiterlng irom a aiight attacn
ot tne "grip: He is oeing attenueu b.' or. i
1 ink
Forty recruits arrived from Fort Slocum, !
N V., Friday morning and were asslgneu j
to companies the same day.
Corporal Hamby, Company H. rourth in- j
fanti. was nuuorsm) . uiacharged irom
the service of the United States Wednes- I
oay morning by reaaon ot expiration oi
leim of service. I
Private Geoige E. Bacon, recenU.v o-
charged from company B. waa re-enllsted i
for that company vv ednesday morning o i
First . Lieutenant Owen C. FIsK. rneuh al j
corps. .-,
Private Kobert Llvermore, Company G,
Fourth infantry, has been appointed a cor
poral In the machine gun platoon by the
post commander, to date from January U
captain Switzer, Fourth Infantry, met
with a severe accident Wednesday morn-!
Ing by falling from his wheel while rraing
on the icy pavements In the post. vi
present Captain Swltser Is contlned to his :
quarters. He was attended by Dr. risk. (
Provost Sergeant Charles Mottern, Cum- ,
panv F. Fourth infantry, was examined at
the post hospital by Lieutenant Flsk fui
special aesifci.ment lo lne ' weiuy-alxth in
lantry. , ,
j he anti-typhoid serum was demon-I
strated HI this poet July. lnu. and provcU ,
a vei v valuable serum for the prevention
of disease. About all the members of tne '
uetachment of the hospital corps stationed I
at tins post took the treatment, Willi iij i
III etfecte following. Also a large major- I
liy of the officers, their families and aerv
ants and the enlisted men of the sixteenth I
ihianii-v, then stationed at this post. voi-
unteered to be vaccinated with the serum. ,
in the surgeon general s report i-jr r.n cu
i , different armv posts der
, ueme",,ow Fort Ogleth
aeniounii aiuig
lmllnif in the number of truoos volunteer
ing to be vaccinated by having vaccinated
about HO per cent of the command.
i lie following circular has been Issued
by order of Major Atkinson:
"Typhoid fever exists more or less in the
cities of Omaha and South Omaha,
presumably one lo impure dunking water.
All persona of ilus command are cautioneu
against drinking fiom the waterworks
svstn-, of these cities.
' i he protective value of the adm'niMia
ilon of antl-typiioid serum, a-i practiced
n the medical department ol the al my.
ha uveu fully demonaiiated bevond all
ciouht. as ahovvn by the statistics of that
lt irartme;,;.
'it Is. ttii-i eforc, recomineniled and uruei
t lid t all off'ceis. their families und ei v
anis. all enlisted men and thtlr families
and all civilian employe and their lain!
lira upon this reservation vv ho have not
had the dreaded disease tj pliold ft vi r -and
who are not over ii'i yars of age take
tins preveulUtr treatment.
"The admlnistiation of the anti-I.N plioid
serum Is haimleas. In tile event of an out-
break of l pliold at this p at It Is within
' ' power oi tne Department lommaniier
to nidtr this givrn tn all if he
deems the situation to warrant such
action. In order that the poat surgeon
ma know what quantitv of antl-ophnd
scrum lo make ictjuisitlon for to vaccinate
those so desiring, company commander j
and the uiiarlerinakier will furnish tins
office befoie the ITth insiant with a list of j
all men under their authority and the fan. i
liies of such men tv no oesire 1 j he vac-
clnaled with this sei mn.
"Individual ofnceis. mr tliemsclvcs or
their families, will lurnish aimllar notif, ca
i oinpany commantleis and the ouuiter-
master will, tn person, explain to tnofie
under them the advantages of this treat
ment and uige tin m lo siiomil to such vac
cination. "As an illustration of the efficacy of
this treatment, the following is cited All
ni.Dilim Vf.ttil five t.f a .', ,11 , tiu t, v i.f ..... I
glneer troops, stationed at vv usiiingli.n i
barracks. V asblngton. 1 . C. were v ac '
c nated with antl-1 1 pliold seiuin Uj: .
Kinlng This coinpanv camp.d will, ,,. 1
National guaid (lining tin- la-t siimmfti . i
T nholil fee- til oke out In caluli. .he .
..f in. , in. i.t ,.... i.- .u 1 1,. .i, u ...
- -
I In ee or I lie f i v e w tin had
not In i n vac-
' - ...
Death Carries Off
Another of Omaha's
Pioneer Citizens
Mrs. Mary C. Frenrrr. 85 Years Old
Succumbs to the Ravagf, of
I'e.ith . I i mo t snotl rr of ii
eer Srttiii.'.sv afternoon wl-en Mt Mo
C. Flenxer of No .11 No'th -,.itwtii stieel
succumbed to an attn. ii of la gilppe Mi
l'venrer had been slrK but a -Ivtt time hut
at her age. V. esr, sit., was uiuiMe to
Mand the taKc of th.- db east
Mis. Frenser caine to 'oiai in 1:
from the Mute of New ork Sh"
'"'" lr l'"1 ''"'ml
Wexford. Iirlan.l
whence site etultaleil to the I nlie.l Stule
Site I survived h two soi Peti r K
who l manager of the teb-giaph ib-puM
luent of the 1 nlon Pacific In iitn.iha. .tint
Nicholas J., who lle In Wellington, lnn
' nj I wmotmmhmmhbmmkmm,.hhwhmmmhmmmwmwwbwwww..mwmmm j
Cheyenne River
and '
itanding Rock
Indian Reservations
These reservationi located in nrth
central South Dakota have recently
been thrown open to settlement by
the United States Government. No
drawing; first come, first served.
Thousands of acres of fertile land
in 160 acre farms may now be filed
on under the Homestead Act.
These lands will produce rixkI rrops of whnt,
corn, oats, barley, flax, gpeltz nnd nil kinds if veg
t'tables, apples, plums, cherries hiuI sinnll frultg.
hands surrounding tho we reservations arc worth from
$15 to $35 per arre, and produce excellent crops.
Lignite coal Is plentiful In thia district and rail be
had for tho digging.
The main line and three hram n lines of th
t'hirago, Milwaukee At Ptm't Sound It-all way traverse
these reservations.
. A pamphlet giving full information and direc
tions how to secure a farm In these reservations sent
free on request.
Milwaukee and St. Paul
General Paaeenger Affant
Our customers are satisfied customers.
Our work is of the best quality obtainable.
Our prices are always right.
We make deliveries when promised.
Let us estimate on your next job.
Telephone Douglas 2166 we will call.
320 South 10m street
soft, clear, velvety free
spots, patches, eruptions and blem
ishescan only be obtained by
intelligent care and a healthy con
dition of the skin.
Jh. O. S.
Peroxide Cream
is a valuable preparation, of great
assistance in producing a beautiful,
attractive skin because it contains a
superior antiseptic agent, which clears
the pores of impurities, and is healing
and invigorating in its action.
Get it at any A. D. S. Drug Store.
-aw Look for the si en.
Bill I n-ug Co.. l.i'i
Haines Orug Co . h'.lfl l ai nam.
Walnut Hill I'liai inacv . Wlh ind Cinning
. , ,. . . .
Saratoga hum o. -Or. ami Anna Ave.
J II Miniiant 1th anil limvaid
, , ,. . ,,,, . .. .....
Jno. J 1-reMag i:.I4 Norih -tin .-tr.ei
''e i rlsai v I'liannai y. iti n arm
Johaiu 'li 1 ri4 t o., h and .-1'akln.g
n autumn.
ll Hk 1 '1!'
' " U.i-
i children discover check?
rr rtt nul rrarril l llslilif n from
Kef I nm Her I nmpnny I'mind
n mrm nt I. til.
' i r . I'll 1 :i!li-i:
' ...!pf t.f I he I ...I .
I ..Ii-I.I fioci 11
to I"-' - V con.iill K
nr. lv li-k't'll'n !"l'-
i -:fe of the Ke
"ciiani ieie fituml
' 1 1 . va s n t lot ip r
'It.c ni si I eel. I'll
I 1 .1 rinl-er anil '".i 1
i . t i-l ilil v H f I l. 'M
I'hlrn llii'l Hi"l
. lir. U rie foiin-l I i liil. lien ho .ie
ftlntlim In the n-ii.lib.u I . .1. 1 1 ic li st n. nat n 1 .i
1110M effectual t'l imtw-i hiio Ooiif,'.'
It. me, 11 . -1 on H I t'l.iii II sllnv th
cough, tilee the lunss. open 1'ie e
cictl Mi an. I al U nstiiie In rcstmlng tha
vslein to a lienllhy corvllt Ion. TIioum
nils hae tes'irii-d superior ci
celletice So,( .y ail dealer.
Immigration Agent
750 Marquette Buildinf
from rough
s. a. riiriuiik. lg.. .tu p;;ii Sne.t
j Chas. i: Lai lin, p, Kl. t N. :'Ui Street
I 11 L. Prliji.i now. Iktii and Vinton
I- or. i-t A- ti in-ill I 'i t;g I o ... tli
Streets, ontll n tl i ! i a
m liai d r i 'ul Price I n-
.Soilh Pth .-lint
Ilil1 1 I s Cut Price Ol ig Mo!..
. Stl'vvt. !- 1. 1 1 I '
f r-