THE I'.r.K: OMAHA. MONDAY". JANUARY 1D1t azire a The Dce'a Junior Birthday Book The-Tired Business Man FY VAJ..TI.1I .V. SINCLAIR. Toll Friend Wife tlie Sylll FxrlianKV Will Havre Hello iUrl. his is the Da . it-r m fl fc.l. Hi I,: i " Mel " fa Whl-h--.aio yon think Ik the national t-tii mooiiMtin iaurcl or the colum- sked I-'rii nd Wife. . anuake I. Dir." retorted the Tired I'.mi(ips Mait. "Thm rr (lint i strictly .ni4iff. ' ithrr lx I would nominate that fHirofl of olm Indoor plant. hose swept inn rl-K -wlwrf-.w nlrrluift are-I refer (.i ieine1 beef nrwi eal.baae II l certainly a matter to gt excited mi'i Ko to fi binac -ahout - till iiietloii of j Iwl our national Uvun .1 to be. Tlir i only explanation,! can think -nf for this I si.drlen case of nutlonal flower on tlip bram i the tc that many are wearing, i flowpr -pot hats on tiielr coiffures, oilier- I wise therp would hp no excuse for no many j l'tr -in w umrn's oluhe, using scornful pBiiirnHH- about their opponent' selection. "irni time aisHig. the. shiniest nranj ."kii'fing -to- pnW the llly-or rather thp mountain laurel' er ouiumhtn. as th"r case rop v he: . i " ' "Prohiihlv ( !.. harmless and gentlp wxj. although (hat In often exactly the kliij nf sjart which later becomes a riot Involving . hi mlea and navies. Just (hlnlc of the. brain .row 'tr mrt araiimentatlvenpss goigg n.u on 1MB ltnortant subject, though xt a tlinp whrn Jhpre are such trt al , rlvpi subjects ns the tt-iiKcle f"r pxWenyf ,tln' afH qnrlnK cost of llvlna. (hp trot. Hip war jrare. the proper npbrlng ln, o( cj'ijcjVcn, the .stifffRKe question, hob Ma. KlTts Ioo'hp'. skimpy figure of gen erous, the tariff direct nominations, popu lar senator iind v hethi-r lo bp a blonds or hrunetlf th'la,aapon "O'it scorning aoiup pftty ' aubjprta the dh.tpr .of thp wompti'a rluh havp hurlpd thpoikPjvVu Into'thp hrpnch alnffular. you notp- (q fifchl. for our mllonal flower.. Of w i inrsf. a nHi.Hioni Bn ninif iiiiibi up I or 1 rol kooiIk an l 'f(rt to ia(p. first to war. '- A' In thp heart of Its counlrymen and i 4Ciur.v'woinrn-lum-tPi-tiimp-tump! BinR. ipfc! f,"u kriow'liow" It Is with anything natlonHl vvp havp. ' , " ) 'Jfook at . iiii'r' nathihal bird, the eagle. iVte .! thp dcarosl of the fpathprod Inhabl t ant of ,oilr fair liinf,' typlral of our coun I, try,. .No on'i"an" atroll on the lawn wlth i 4feit apolni IVin iutflp honiilnif around tvlnir : f Taj )rs. there to tparh the young the In- 'uph-lna- iPMfiort iff oift-iatlonal btrd. 1' And! IKeiOra the'natlonal anthem. Of I coirse pX'WV otTB' known what It Is. No, I nif-jafa nhthrne trut 'Oed Save the Kinsr.' iy. .. " , iL "fpr lo m9 oinnr. irup, iiib lime w '31 .r , . laVn tie or wlnKlng Into the hparest Many hVve eal In rages In their i. 7i u "SPEAKEIl.'" , ; . aiutpd'd froin ome German. T believe, hut it Is so handy to have an enus to stand up In a theater and show your good clothet when they play It. And then the word are engraved on the heart of every Ameri can. I mean the four words, 6ay, can you see?' t'sually they can't, but that doesn't prevent them from atnpping and congrat ulating each other on their memories, after w hich they conveniently forget, to , finish the verse until the band It hitting the ho-ho-hum of the bur-rave" I dare the aver age human to go clear through without mles on kpy or words. "Nobody suggests we have, a, national eats. Kverybody who reads .the foreign papers knows Its pork. And a for a na tional drink, nowhere else can bne get a proper loe cream aocla. But how .many of us would recognise a mountain laurel If they met one coming up the street? Or a columbine, not. to be prejudicial in my questions? Why don't they take the Ameri can beauty roue at the time when it re tails at $1 per rose. That would literary Interpret the American dollar, and that' national enough. There's only one nation has any right mixing In a flower war."" "What nation?" asked Friend Wife. "Carnation." chorted the Tired Business Man. (Copyright, 111. by the N. Y. Herald Co.) Certain kinds of labor will always be a drug on the market, but the time will never come, when good workmnnxhlp will not be at a premium. 11,11 a tmm0 " QUtCc ) . I I TTv.l c"'etr AMD sctg- I (7 , 1 Mtam wArefs nevs v ' - 1,1 Jy'v Ail AvlTa' "V- pQJ ' c l I III Tlrm't Pp Tnn r.Ynp.tinfr WViP.n P.n crfl.orp.fl 1 J"ha gret Idea e'ame' to' me day before lyeirterdaV an4 I have bedh so' excited about t I can thin U of 'nothing else. I am going o make myself a ball gown. 1 simply :annot tanr-TTiS' 3l'r'e8S"es' "ffiat Cousin anna designs aiactdrdert tor me On Mon day one waa flnlwhed and sent home and k f(iuir that, in pfrihitil ray atrlctest orders to th' 'cohtraryi 'lt he'd been made of some Bd fjlte sUUf And .had. a lot of fussy IHttunrntfoii It - U had a avrt of sick look. It waa just tn kind of frock that Con- tape. JSyardmAA" would wear and argue about the weather In. I had to wear It to the HttataV danoe,' and ' just because I ite it bo ad fvH that It hated me I did ' fi ! tr - K I L Mr II 1! gold, told me she though my gown aulted ma very well.' She said, , "With your color ing, my dear, ' you ought to dress quietly or you will look conspicuous." : I . said I thought If would -rather nlee--o- -look little conaplcuoua. . "Not at all," said Agnes, looking at Piggy, whom she Is craiy about, "I. would rather look .quiet and lady-like." As she was staying with me end worked hard for five years )n get ting herself to look anything but that, J had to grin. Piggy, who thinks he has fearfully high Ideals, but who would he bored to death If he were obllgeU to spend two hours In the society of a, girl who really acted the way he talks, look at Agnea and said,' "Of course you would, Agnes;' you' have my Ideas about things. A woman who paints and powders and tries to attract attention Is an abomination." Agnes, who had about half a box of. two kinds of face powder mixed al! over her face and wearing a rouge that she Imports from somewhere, (he native mixture not being good enough for her. looked Intensely virtuous and re plied, "The way young gtrla make up now adays la really dreadful!" Piggy' looked at her tenderly and approvingly, and by the light of the red candles Agnes wan enough to make most any man feel tenderly to ward her. She had an alluring little black' patch placed near her cjiln and, although I knew there was a stronger reason than mere coquettlshness for-rm being placed In that 4rTi I 71 particular locality. Piggy didn't, and was fr, aM-JW'.ff much allured. ' u .in " .'its crwiiiiijs won iiwr Instead of Constance Boardman, whA really 'Id the embodiment of all the Ideaa he says all .aorta of 't-.ra.zy . things, and the more Ifhe believes In. and who would not dream -f'S'6'vi,tt ItATilKTl 'LOOK Ql'lET AND ,. r..t .... AllY-MK'K." would really anneal ' to me and some others. I decided to buy the material and put U together somehow myself. To day I purchased the chiffon. , Kven un made it Is wonderful. A glorlowa sea blue, that Changes to green! .' ' It la so alive and so sinuous, and has Much a oiarvwllou way of folding. Itself up t Hi I- felt it waa dulng tm beet, to make me look and behave respectably, the less I wanted to. . v. Now, I r " JT. ' had been wearing a smart, dililn"?' dress t)iat whs Inclined to be dar liikTHnil had d'evliih little Ideas of Its own. why. I would make a point of being very quiet and demure myself and make It be have ' most, decorously. Of course. I wouldn't" be too severe", but as we would thoroughly 'understand each other I wouldn't, have to tK and we would enjoy ourselves Invipenaelv together. But at the Hunters'",! didn't have a good time at all. I had supper with Johnnie mJ XJany and Agno.s, and a glas of chain- iK'ne got upset all'orr the front of the ft lit. I didn t car a bit and burst out atighlng ' Johnnie asked me what was funny ahoht H,' and I told him how hideous I thought fhe dress was and how deadly respe.-table and genteel knew It made m look, and hew-ft depressed Tiie. I cheered up a little wien ' assMred ' ni that I dfdn t prodm-e that effect In the least, iter said "OVHIe, don't ' Wbrry a bit about anything ll" that. If ynn appeared In a -elky Mother-Hubberd gown you w ould look ghWy t 'Aguea wtf tiad on ttie loveliest creutlon of ' Hnvenduf and blue chiffon trimmed w ith i-. . M i ' i n, . , of using powder, rouge or . black patches. Although If she once started to . put on patches her face would look "'fearfully dark. Having put that beastly dress out of business, I began to dream of one. the "I TOIJI HIM IT WAS MY NEW BALL. l!OWN." Into nothing ana then suddenly appearing to be a great deal I got positive yards of It and took It home with me. I met John nie and he anked me what I had In the little package. I told him my new ball gown, and he said he was sure It was going to be most becoming. In the first flush of an engagement friends are sometimes given the goodbye. Now, this Is a great mistake, for If the en gagement Is lo be a reasonably long one, such a Btate of things canno)' last. Diner Ing Boclat duties must andutthould come between sometimes, yet If a iiiqn ias been In the habit of devoting all jhnVtinato a girl, when the mement comat?tht a wild yearning for masculine' society and games overtake him, there will prpbably Hie tears and reproaches on her pail. - ' The girl does not realise that the very things that make, as. fhe Irishman said, an engagement the beat part of matrimony are the enforced absences and delightful reunions. As for an exacting lover! Think twice before you marry him, i for a man who "can't bear you out of hlsjilght." and who makes a fuss every tlmo you accept an Invitation not extended to him, looks re markably like developing Into a domestic! tyrant. Neither a man nor a girl engaged has the right to a monopoly of "the other's society and attentions. They muy demand to be first In every way, but; as a man once said, "a fellow needn't kick other women's trains aside Just, because he wants to reach a girl at the other end of the room." He can atlll be civil. At a dance, for Instance, It would be most unreasonable for either to object to the other giving some donees to other part ners. A girl would naturally let her fiance have her program first; but It would only make them look both ridiculous If they danced together the whole evening. Cupid, remember, lives on frefdom. ' Give him all you can. It la not only in marriage that love dies of over-feeding, of Indiges tion. It can happen In the period, of pro bation, too.- Be sparing with your love let teis and caresses. They will be all the more appreciated If rare. i x veic urate MONDAY, January 23, 1911. Xame and Addrvsa. Rrhool. Year. t'grllsle V. Allan. 2124 Hurt St High 189 Mary A. Anderson, 3204 Maple St Howard Kennedy. 103 Raymond Brown. 622 North Fourteenth St Cum ..1P0I Max O. Beebe, 4910 California St High 18!2 Carl H. Bloom. 4321 California St Saunders 1901. Verne Bryant, 3014 Ames Ave . Monmouth Park.. 190 2 Clelus Edward Barnett, 2517 Ohio St Sacred Heart. .. ..1900 Edward Ble, 2323 South Eighteenth St Casteilar 1901 Wlllard A. Colton, 2113 Douglas St Central 1901 Myrtle Duston, 504 Pierce St Pacific 1898 Jean Evernon. 1603 Maple St ' .,1903 Francis Fogarty, 2607 Binney St Sacred Heart .... .1 904 Agnes Fiala, 1718 South Eighth St Lincoln .1904 Joseph D, Fogarty. 2607 Binney St Sacred Heart. .. ..1903 Clair Oilmore, 288C Miami St Howard Kennedy. 1899 Mary Clifford, 420 South Thirty-sixth S Columbian 1902 Eda Qrabe. 2420 South Fifteenth St Casteilar ..1899 Lester Hinzie, 4612 Davenport 8t Saunders 1895 Bessie Horak. 6420 North Forty-fourth St Central Park. . . ..1898 Richard Halker, 708 South Thirty-flrst St Farnam ..1899 Ellen Johnson. 1623 North Twenty-first St Kellom ....1903 Gertrude Kaiser, 3513 Parker St Franklin ....1898 Margaret Knora, 2568 Brown St Saratoga ....... .1902 Merlal G. Lee, 604 North Twenty-third St Central 1899 Harvey Lanta, 2310 North Twenty-seventh Ave Long .......... .1891 Joseph La Cour,2816 Pratt St. Howard Kennedy. 1898 Gertrude. LenBer, 2907 South Twenty-first St Central Park 1898 Lillian J. Meyers, 3323 Harney St Farnam .....1898 Petet Petersen. Fifty-first and C Sts Beals . .189S John Philbln, 115 South Twenty-fifth Ave Central ....... ... .1901 Glenn F. Peterson, 2906 Manderson St Druid Hill. ...... 1899 Otto Rose, 1119 Arthur St Forest -.1904 August W. Raabe, 2609 North Nineteenth St Lake N .1898 Ladialaw Tesar, 1243 South Sixteenth 8t Comenlua 1897 Donald Sallander. 4206 Brown St Central Perk. . . ..1901 Lorln A. Thompson, 4040 Charlea St Walnut Hill 1902 Bessie Williamson, 1411 North Twentieth St Kellom 1905 Lupple. Wyman, 4117 Farnam St High .. Elelne Yates, 2117 Wirt St Lothrop , .1894 .1905 r A Narrow Escape j Hemeinber. too. that "the barriers of love are one sided. There is no climbing back!" Privileges once gianted are soon demanded as rights. Keep a good deal In reserve. "Give a little, give more, but i never give all," one' authority advises. Half the charm of an engagement Ilea la the anticipation of happiness to come, the other half In the .secret fear that present happiness may possibly be lost.' - A " little touch of uncertainty, adds to the Joy of liossesslon. . v A girl Is foolish If she behaves so that her lover ran say of her what one man said to me of his fiancee: "Oh., she's the sort of gill you simply can't lose!" r A Silly Question J One of the grades in a certain public school was reciting Its lesson In Lnlted States history. In detail the teacher nar- lated the facts connected whh John Smith ar.d his adventures with 1 tie Indians. Hhe told how Smith was captured by the In dians, how he was sentenced to death, Sn1 how Pocahontas saved his life. Then the rtory turned to the marriage of John Rolfa and Pocuhontas, and among the many things she told them in connectlnon with this unusual marriage that brought peace between the Indians and colonists, waa of their little baby boy, and also that they visited England, and everywhere Poca hontas received marked attention. At the end of her Interesting story she conducted a brief examination to see how well the pupils remembered what she had told them. The first tiuestion was: "And what did the marriage of John Rolfe and Pocahontas bring?" "A baby." anxiously chirped a boy In the back seat, and the school had recess. National Monthly. " you think It would be well for us to be serious?" she asked. "Good heavens!" I replied. "Haven't I been serious? Why, 1 have been making love to you steadily now for two weeks. Could anything be ' more serious than that?" She regarded me stolidly. "It has not been without Ita humorous aspects." she asserted, "as. for example, when you asked me If I would marry you." I reflected. V "Perhaps," I said, "It Is Just as well that you regarded that part of It as humorous. You might have felt, you know, that I was taking advantage of you. It Is one thing to make love, It Is another to marry." She sighed incontinently. "And yet," she observed, not without a alight touch of Impatience, "you are only Just perceiving this. It has taken you all this time to arrive at the truth." "Will you forgive me?" I said gently, "You must remember that you are ahead of me la so many things. I perceive my mistake, of course. But It Isn't too late, you know. I can atlll do this, with an ever Increasing gratitude to you for showing me the way." "That la the point." she declared, with a touch of severity. "There has been too much of It. 1 know all that you know about making love, and' " "1 am learning more all the time," 1 whispered. "Surely " "I know all that 1 care to know about what you know," she continued, Ignoring my Interruption, "and I wish to know something about your knowledge of other things. How can we continue to ' be well, friends If there Is but one thing thai you can talk about." "Why should we be friends?" ' ; "You do not wish It?" "Certainly not." It suddenly, occurred to me, that a crisis had risen between us. I saw that It was all or nothing. I must act.' '; "It Is this," I continued rapidly;' "are you tired of my love making, and you wish to know if there Is anything els that I ran do that will make our company en durable to each other. No, there Is not. 1 am hopeless In all other respects. , You know that 1 cannot make love you have tested me. Why, in two weeks' time I have done nothing but talk. I haven't even kissed you." . . ,, At this Instant I took her firmly In my arms. "But this has got to end," I said sternly. "I am going to now. There! and there! and there!" . She regarded me faintly. "I was almost afraid,"- she whispered, sinking Into mv arms, "that you Were Im possible." Thomas I.. Masson In Everybody's. r The Ruling Passion C One Girl's Puzzle 1 ALE AGREED ii r w ,Glbbs iota paint a picture in thre days and thMk nothing of!t" "s.T,c'ja .other: . "Ruth." writing in the 'Chicago Tribune and addressing her remarks to "the love M. U.." effuses thusiy: I take my pen In hand to say I love a swell young man; I think ha s simply grand. lT has them, large and soulful eyes that trly'aiong with art he's iMillshed up my heart. He only earoa $4 per; four kopecks a his board, and yet 1 love him something fierce. If he can't pay his board. He gfves me many little gifts of cocobars and gum. by whlrh he's got me goln' south, which sure Is goln' some! Therefore I think he loves me, but a fairy never knows. I've hinted strong, but he's afraid, and dassent e'en propohe. My frlen's all Bay that I look good and that my figger's fan-; -of course I'm almost nearly total bald but love don't mix with hair. I love this man juat awful I strong, and when I think of him I rant i and moan and grasp the air an nearly bust a rim. He thinks an awful bunch of me, of that I'm pretty sure. Now, can't 1 make him marry me. or Is he much too poor? lie's got to quit that raggln' me an' addin' to suspense, because I've got another man one of these classy gents; he's waiter In a grand cafe and drags down twelve a week, and b'lteve me. It don't take pe time to mke that gexer fcpeak! He's asked me half a doxen tines. Now, please tell me the truth; shall I gloom onto btin or Bill? Passl Kaatljr solved. Prof. William James, Harvard's brilliant psycholuglat, often Illustrated a truth with a aiory. "The 'most ghastly auperMltlon." Prof. James said recently, ' has often Its base In a ludicrous fact. It Is like the case of Jones. " Mones.' said a man. tell me that' hl I wooden leg iined him horribly last night.' " 'Nunatnae!' was the reply. 'How could his woo'h n leg pain him" ' " " lli wife.' the man explained, bit him er the head with It.' "-lluujan, Iwf. William J. Orthwein, at a dinner that preceded his departure for, Switzerland, told this curling story: "I am almost as devoted a curler as Dougal MacDonald. He and his old crony. Donald MacDougal, were once opposed to each other In a famous match, and the last two stones to finish the game were the two cronies. "Donald MacDougal. with enormous de- I 1 1 Kur. ,,-.., a, 1. i . i,,n LJ a ..,-., : well. He made what Is called a 'pat lid.' and Jumped for Joy. "Then It was Dougal MacDonald'a turn Ills case seemed hopeless, but such a splendid throw did he make that the pat lid was knocked off and his own stone lay at the side of the tee, winning the game. "In his Joy the old fellow Jumped sky. high. He came down so hard that he broke right through the ice. He sank, but, bobbing up again, he shoutsd from the cold water: " 'HI, lads, we've won. and If I dinna come oot o' here alive, be sure ye pit that stone on my grave.' "Philadelphia Bulletin. I Gum Not Gum (elllea Correct Time. Tiof. Turner had been spending the Chiistnias vacation In- Kgypt to supervise the erection of a telescope at Helouan. Cap tain Lyon, who was In charge of the in strument, said that he had found that at noon every day a gun was fired, and was anxious to know how the system worked. Accordingly, he Interviewed the gunner and asked how he knew when to give the signal. "oh, 1 look at my watch," said the of ficial. "And how do you correct your watch?'' asked the captain I take It to the maker in Cairo and he tells me the error." Forthwith Captain Lyons interviewed the watchmuker and aaked him how he checked the error of the watch "I get the correct time from the gun." I said that simple craftsman. And thus time was told In Egypt -Montreal Standard. Judge William II. Moore at one of the horse show dinners In New York compared the London and the American horse ahows. "Both are admirable." he said. "There are differences, of course. But these dif ferences reflect neither On one show nor the other. They are necessary differences, Ilka-" Judge Moore' smiled. "I went Into a stationer's shop in Lon don one day and said to the shop as sistant: , " 'Do you keep mucilage?' ' " 'No, sir,' the young woman answered. 'We try to take In all the papers, but there are so many new ones' coming out. Still. I ran order mucilage tor you sit. Which number did you want?' "I learned afterward that 1 should hsva asked for gum. They don't have the word 'mucilage' over there In Kngland. "But an Englishman traveling on one of our railways stopped a train boy and I said : "'Have you got any gum?' "'No, I don't use It, boss,' the boy re ! plied In friendly fashion, 'but I can let I you have a chaw off this h.r. ,i,,. " He is a mean thief w ho takes an " em ployer's money without giving him ade quate service In return. ONE DRAWBACK. tiastera ttatentallea. Mr. Ilooaevelt at a luncheon as Osawa tomie pralaed the west's Improvement. "There Is polish and elegance In the re motest parts now." he aald, "whereas, I remember once in my youth, at the table d hote of a western hotel, a miner pointed toward me and said: " 'tiet onter de bloke eatln' pie w Id a fork. He must he an Kngllsh lord.' "New York Tribune III' like your Chines "Do you cook?" "Oh, yea; although we nerer know whether he is tinging at bu work or moaning in agony."