Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska One-rally fair.
For loaa - Warmer.
For weather report see Phb 3.
VOL. XL NO. ih;
KNAPP TELliSHOW' 1 Mayor W. S. Pershing
I'EO 1LE MAY & . V t llfl L
Expert of Department of Agricultur
Says it Depends Upon Directed
No Such Thing ai Poor Soil in the
Expecti to Lire According to the
Dictatei of Appetite.
l.lttle mln nt Mlllo Kroaomlea
Within Reach of .til, Whlr-h Wool
Trll Knorntmalr In Aaareaate
for Welfare of the rablle.
XKW YORK. Jn. ;?.-tPpecll Telegram!
"Tlier In no such thing a bad soil In
th Fitted Slate. The matter la. there Ia a
poor man on tha top of good soil."
Till statement wan made at the Saturday
Itim-henn of the T.unchenn club yesterday
by pTof. Seamen A. Knapp. chief expert
of the Department of Agriculture. There
was delighted applause l.y the biggest
crowd th club baa had at such a meeting
till icir.
There are l,Of,nno,of acre of land on
which ther ia constant loaa by eroalnn. Im
proper tillage, floods, atorm, etc. Pla
cing thla loss at $1 aa aora, aa a eonaerva
tlve eatlmst ll.ono.ono.nno la lost to the
country each year that could be saved If
proper method were tiaed."
Laying down the prostioaitlon that folka
are alaveH to fashion, not only In clothea,
but In food, the expert aald:
We are not fed according to the pht
loaophy of what will produce the beat re
aulta. but according to the dictates of our
appetite. If the people of the Vnlted
States would only aave 130 a year apiece
cn their food and' clothea, which could
eall be done. It would mean that the
country would benefit 11,000.000 a year. The
avrrag llto In thla country la thirty-three
year. If properly fed and clothed, there
la no reaaon why the average life of the
Individual should not be Increased to fifty
year. The Increase of Juat ona year of
ltfo would menn a savin to the people of
merlca of IS.OOO.Ono.OOO a year."
As reined lea for preaent condltlona Prof.
Knapp said farina ahould be run on a busi
ness basla. Juat aa are manufactures, and
that the only way to teach this Is through
personal contact. Along thla line, he aald,
tli a Department of Agriculture haa put a
representative In every district of the south;
has org a nixed a department for the In
struction of boya, with an enrollment of
tt.2;!6 at th end of laat year; haa organised
girls' clubs, where the proper canning of
farm products Is taught, and haa taken
means to help farmers' wives.
Another conclusion Knapp enunciated
til that "gardens are at the bottom of
the hi h cost of living."
lie, Said tTleivVa.rA.-S&.OOO.OOO ""1'dren idle."
w liu might be producers If they were only
taught properly to till a garden.
"And this la not an expensive job," he
taJd. "If they would only give me one
" bJf of una battleship I could put demon
strators In every county In the country. I
van flaht oft more foreign Invaders with a
pumpkin, carrot and a beet than with all
your armaments."
John Jay's Example
1Q HAT tf"l MPTXT RlllQ !
Honorary System at Columbia Runs
Against Snag in the Way of
Old Precedent.
NEW TOrtk'. Jan. S.-(Spec!al T .legram )
The proposition to Induce the honorary
stem at Columbia, Which waa Inaugu
rated a few dayt ago by the students in
the senior class of the school of applied
science, la threatened with failure because
of the example set by John Jay, a mem
ber of th elaas of 176-1. and later the flrat
chief Justice of the Vnlted States. The
honor system depends for its success upon
th willingness of the students to report
rases of cheating to the faculty and stu
dents oiK8fd (o It have recalled an Inci
dent In Jay's student career. John Jay,
of tha class of ITU, refused to bear infar
matlon aaa net a classmate, though or
dered to do so by th president of the
college, when a number of student had
seen fekytarkinfr ttnd suffered suspension
from college in hla senior year because of
aili'li refusal.
The students have adopted resolutions
that they follow the example of John Jay.
Methodist Church at
Utica Burns to Ground
Explosion of Lantern Carried by Min
ister's Son Sets Off Destruc
tive Blaze.
ITICA. Neb.. Jan. 2;.- Special Tele
gidm.l The explosion of a gasoline lan
tfin In Die huuds of V"l;er Kllbin, son
of tie mmUtti- of the TTelhodlal chuich.
liiusrd the destruction of the eluuch by i
flie tills evening Young Mr. Kllbin nai
iiily escaped Injury when th lantern ex
p'tul'd. but succeeded in apparently ex
tinguishing all trace of the blaze, which
Matted near the
altar, f nm the burning
V hen the ount; man reached the out
side be noticed tlirtHiglt the window that
a serious blase was creeping up the wsll
behind the altar. Me summoned the fire
but the building burned to the ground.
rte rtin nt and a haid fight was made.
Tliv loss waa t;.lj0 and the Insuiance V.'00.
Uuwteu of PrUarr Petltloa Street
Itallna) tompaaj to t.rt tars
I p to Date.
PROVIDENCE. R- I.. 'Jan. K.-tgpecial
Telegram - In an effort to harmonir.e th
bubble skirt and th accommodations pro- i
!ed toona by the local street ra'lway
l uiiii anM X4 of the most Influential women
f this city and state, member of the
Uhcilc Islund Women's clubs, petitioned
tie citv council to Institute a crusad fur
111, It. un.l alirtrter ( rn trilllrt TMra
lhe hobble skirt Is now specifically re-
feii-d to lii the petition, but It Is no s crt
ll.t in the deliberation uf the slp-icr- j
fumlfiud the real animus of th agitation,
- ei Reminiscence! of Time When
1 w and Mule Formed Team and
" Land Wat Cheap.
".: ' Perschlng. mayor of the town of
i Colo., and otherwise prominent In
l community, la at the Ijtnd Show
wuh a dlaplav of crops raised without Irrigation.-
He' has had this exhibit at Pitts
burg, Chicago and .St. Louis before coming
to Omaha.
Mr. Perfhlng la exhibiting a cube of
chocolates eolnrrd soli, fourteen Inches
square and two feet derp, showing the
earth to be Just aa rich at two'feet as It
Is at the surface. Thla display haa at
tracted more attention than anything elae
In the booth. t
Mr. Perahlng tella an Interesting atory
about a trip he made to Omaha many years
ago. "I commenced farming near Blair.
Neb., over forty-thrre ycara ago." aaid
Mr. Perahlng. "not having an autd or a
team of my own. then 1 made my first
trip to Omaha with a neighbor by the
name of Johnson, who drove a cow and a
mule together. Starting at daylight we
could not cover more than twenty miles
by nightfall. ' Mr. Johnson made the trip
to Omaha to have two plowshares sharp
ened, and to sell II worth of butter and
Mr. Terahlng Is full of reminiscence. .
"I planted the flrat ahade trees In the
town of Blair for A. Castetter. the first
banker In Blair. I went through the alegea
of drouth and grasshoppers, and It waa tha
general belief In those days that none but
the river counties would ever amount to
anything. It took eighteen years after 1
flrat went there for the choice land to
reach a value of $15 an acre.
"At a Fourth of July celebration !n those
early days Judge Bowen In a speech said
some of his hearers would live to see the
day when the land in Washington county
would be worth 150 an acre, but he was
generally discredited. The land he had
reference to haa since sold for aa high as
KiO an acre."
Speaking of Colorado he eaya: "We have
land in Colorado that can be bad close to
good railroad towns at from 112 to 126 an
acre that will soon be worth from 130 to
SI.'? an acre. A great mlatake 1 aa made
by the government in paaaing a bill giving
320 acrea for a homestead. Aa a rule those
making proof on 100 acres do not have
more than ten or fifteen acres under culti
vation, and not half plowed or cultivated
at that.
"The ones who have made the most
money arfe those who have from forty
to eighty acres well plowed and cultivated.
If the government had given but forty
acres and furnlBhed It broken up one foot
deep, which would be cheaper than the
expensive Irrigation systems, there would
be mora homes, more development, a
greater production and a leas number of
"Omaha Is entitled to great credit for the
efforts made In turning the tide of Immi
gration westward. At the same time
Omaha wll reach a rich reward a few
yoars later by seed rown on .good. ground
In this way." . .' " " ', t- , :
Tiny Child is Dead
After Being Frozen
By Parents' Neglect
,lv Inhuman treatment at the bands of
t,i. mother and atep-father, the tiny body
I of J-year-old Kraut Stehr, covered with
bruises that tell their own pitiful story
of mistreatment at home, will follow to
the grave the feet which were amputated
from the baby'a legs last Thursday, after
they had been allowed to freeze In the
Stehr home and had become so Infected
with gsngrene -before a physician waa
called tha one dropped off of Its own
weight and the other was about to drop
off when the surgeon s knife waa applied.
The child died this afternoon In the arms
of his aunt, who tells a story that con
vlcts both Stehr and bis wife of cruelty
Mrs. Stehr failed to appear when notified
hat the child was dying. The step-father
Is In the county Jail pending an Investtga
The aunt says little Kaurt was made
to aleep In a kitchen aher where there
was no atove even tn twenty-seven be
low seron weather. Bruises covering his
body are from a strap with which Stehr
lashed him. she says. It was Chriarmas
eve that neighbors noticed the child's feet
were suffering. Other children danced
about a Christmas tree, but he cried and
then his father foroed him to dance.
It must have been before that that the
two feet had been frozen as he slept In
the kitchen shed, It la thought
A neighbor heard the child calling from
an out-building during the New Year bliz
zard, when the temperature was twenty
seven below zero. "Papa, papa." the child
called, but th doors were shut and no
answer came.
After taking him to th hospital to be
operated on at command of county in-
j thorlties, the mother and step-fsther never
I Inquired as to the child's condition. The
i iiiniK,r ram, a htm after three cta.v
remaining but a rrtoment. He pushed her
face back and said, "Go away."
Mrs Stehr says her husband Is not the
child's father. II never told anybody in
Germuny ho the father waa and she
won't tell In America. Stehr is quoted by
his slstrr-ln-la as having called the child
! a pest. He frequently clubbed the tot over
the neck with a stick, the sister-in-law
The eommuullv Is wrought up.
Find Flag that
- " It 'XT'
From Enemies by Girl s Kissi
NEW VORK. Jan. J.(Spe. lal Tele
gram. I-An old confederate flag, wrapped
In a newspaper, found Irt a Brooklyn street
by a policeman and carried to the station,
proved to be an object which has beer,
treasured ainm its capture at Yorktown.
on th folds of which a sentimental girl
once knelt and ktesed when It waa bring
trampled In the dust dining the recon
struction period. John J. iinyder, a mer
chant, was found to li tlte owner of the
j flag. The flag had been given his father
by m.niiwr or
1 ""!""'r vt nl, n
j Vorklow n.
i n'nl lh'
the Kimball famil, a
brought it back from
was a big dam vo
Little Likelihood of Extra Session,
Though Senate is Talking
Against Time.
House Has Passed Many of Larger
Declaration Made that Windup Will
Be Satisfactory.
Democrats Will Then Select Member
ship of Holes Bod j- and Mas)
Oat Tariff l.eaislallon
WASHINGTON. Jan. K When republi
can leaders In congress were asked If there
Is likely to be an extra session because of
the congested condition of the calendars In
both branches they Invariably answer In
the negative. They Insist. In spite of the
extra session gossip, that the present abort
aeaainn la not Jammed more than was the
short aeaslon two yrars ago. so far as ap
propriation bills are concerned.
Comparison proves the truth of the lead-
era claim. Already the house has passed
the Indian, rivers and horbors, pensions,
legislative, urgent deficiency and army ap
propriation bills, and la nearly through with
the poatofflce bill. Two years ago the
house had passed only the pensions, legis
lative. District of Columbia and naval bills
In the aame time. It Is true the senate has
paaaed only the urgent deficiency bill, but
two years ago only the legislative bill had
been passed.
Leaders Not Disturbed.
Senate leaders are not dtaturbed by the
situation. Two years ago. thirteen big ap
propriation bills were passed In the laat
four weeka of the aeaslon. and the republi
can leaders say what has been done can
be done.
Some senators believe there has been no
particular effort made to prevt conges
tion and that appropriation bills have been
delayed to kill off general legislation. It
would surprise no one now If members op
posed to votes on the Lorlmer case, the
resolution providing for the election of
aenatora by direct vote of the people, the
tariff commission bill, and other contro
versal matters, should be victorious in their
effort. The ship subsidy bill la being used
as a buffer and there are several treaty
matters that may be brought In If needed
to kill time.
War and Means Meetluar.
Gossip among democratic members of the
house Is directed toward the meeting called
for next Friday night of the fourteen dem
ocrats of the new ways and means com
mittee. Theee will select the democratic
members of a new rules committee and
map out a program for ('he preparation of
tariff legislation.
It Virtual! ia conceded that Ttepresen'ta
tlve -Henry of Texas, once a speakership
candidate and leading minority member of
the Judldary committee, wll! head the new
Pnnsylvani -edomw aBtar Htet toln tmh
rulea committee In succession to Dalzell of
Pennsylvania, the retiring republican chair
man. The committee will not be enlarged,
the change In the political complexion of
the house leaving that committee with six
democrats and four republicans. Instead
of six republicans and four democrats as
at preaent.
Besides Chairman Henry, the democrats
whose names have been brought forward
In the conferences over the rules commit
tee personnel Include: Hard wick of
Georgia, Fitzgerald of New York, PoU of
North Carolina, Littleton of New York,
Garrett of Tennessee, Wilson of Penn
sylvania and Graham of Illinois.
l-'lfaaeratd's tmhltloa,
Mr. Fitzgerald Is a candidate for the
chairman ship of the appropriations com
mittee, which may eliminate him from the
rules committee, of which he is now a
minority member. Mr. Pou was on the
ways and means committee, but gave way
to Mr. Kltchln of his own state.
In the selection of t a, .rmanships of com-
mittees Chairman I'nuerwood and his col-
leaguea on the ways and nieana committee,
which Is vested with that function under
the action of the recent caucus, will be
guided by several considerations, mainly,
qualification and seniority of service. Sen
iority, however, will be upset In many
Mr. Underwood Is noncommittal aa tn
the probable makeup of committees, but
eaya no names have been decided upon,
There are conferences constantly among
the democrats ot the house and gossip
resulting therefrom has allotted several of
the chairmanships In this way:
Rules, Henry of Texas; judiciary. Clay
ton of Alabama; Interstate commerce.
Adamson of Georgia; military. Hay of Vir
ginia; postofflce, Lloyd of Missouri; agri
culture. Lever of South Carolina; naval,
Padgett ot Tennessee; public buildings and
grounds. Sheppard of Texas; Indian af
fairs, Stephens of Texas; appropriations,
Fitzgerald of New York, and public lands,
Robinson of Arkansas.
James look. After Busk..
,,, ... . ..... , , ,
Besldes these. Ollle James of Kentucky.
- , , '
one of the ataunchest lieutenants of
s;,. i, i. , , .,. "
Speaker-elect Champ Clark, and of Char -
, ., .
man Vnderwood of the waya and ineana
committee, is now a member of the bank-
ing. and currency committee, and would
like to be chairman. Mr. Flood of Virginia
would like to head the foreign affair, com-
mittee and Mr. Pou of North Carolina
would like to head the District of Columbia
(Continued on Second Page.)
Was Once Saved
Kimball s lawn To this affair were in
vited the descendants of the Dutch, who
constituted the aristixracy of the section.
The house was brilliantly lighted and the
lawn glowed and danced In the wavering
During the dame some of the men put
the confederate flag on the ground, and
the girls and men daneed over it. This
was In the feverish time of the war, w
feeling aa high and enmities bitter.
But there was an interruption. "Hii.n"
cried one of the young women, a guest oflUre,y furcln lo "n H'oughts. In the
the house, and she ran out to the lawn ,'',,1"r "charge ot thla work, however,
broke through the ranks of th dancers'""' l'ure"u ''" hvt" ' ''"""cable aid
and knerllng down. klsed the flag. This lo ""' lm'",U"' "r' m" uil '""
avl biuke by the dauc.
Pa, you atnt blowecf me no
Smohe "S I
50 -O lOrVg'.
But Father promisec Mama
he wouldn't srnoKc
any more
From the Chicago Evening Post.
One-Fourth More Bills Introduced
Than at Former Sessions.
LrarslaHrr- V It Dewartmesit
Drafts Unit Array of Measures
for Nebraska Lawmakers
Attltade of Goveraor.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Special.) The
fourth week will be an easy, on for the
members of the leg'slature. Neither house
will convene .tomorrow until late In the
afternoon and an adjournment will be
taken In the house and probably in the
senate also to Wednesday morning. The
members of the house will leave Tuesday
morning for Omaha ami spend the day
there aa the guewta of the Iand Show,
the live stock dealers and the Omaha Com
meiclal club.
The session of the senate will be very
light during the remainder of the week,
because nine members those who are on
the committee on public lands and build
ings will be gone all the week on a tour
throught the state. This will block legis
lation and the upper house will not show
any great disposition to take radical action
with one-fourth Its membership lacking.
Soraethlnir DoIiik Soon.
Members of the legislature expect to be
j able to adjourn about April 1. two or three
i days earlier than in 1WW. Although there
j have been no afternoon aessloiis in the
' house this laat week and no terrific energy
dloplayed In the senate, the very Important
I matter of the election of a senator has
been disposed of. the house has before
It for consideration ?0O bills of various
sorts, of which It haa passed two and
! sent a number through their proper com-
j mittees, and the senate has nearly half
aa many well started toward a final dls-
The measures which have been occupying
most of the preliminary politics of this ses
sion are beginning to make their appear
ance and the fireworks may begin at any '
time. The county opilon measure has been
drawn up In caucus In Its essential form
and a number of apportionment bills are
sighted on the horizon.
Attltade of Governor.
The position of Governor Aldrlch with
reference to the legislature Is beginning to
be fairly well determined, although he has
,u 7 " -.o
the house haa been considering. The dem-
. , .,
ocrats have been enpreaa ng the opinion
, " ,, ...... , ,, . , . ,
that tJoveinr A drich is Inclined to he tair
1 ... . ., ,, . .. ...
.with both the majority and the minority.
1 .
"" OW" "'"'" on record are at.ongly
! fKa'?Kt. ' "y,nVf T"'y ?"XW "
I I A II ...I. I, 1 . ...l,lU
u -,.,.u..
a d"l'"ltlon tu carry that out In hi. on
' ",mre f "'" Wrk ') " "nnil"PIU mo"
democrats In the senate will vote for muni
of the republUan bill that the governor I
known to favor, excepting of comee.
county option, which the democrat are op
posed to and uliich .'they think lias no
chnce of going throuKh."
It ia a fact noticeable that there la some
niiMrusi oi me governors pus."
..... u..a....... I.. it,..
mIMrust of the governor's possible attitude j
K republican
mocrats are
not considering him In the light uf a part.- J
can backer of the minority,
l.ralalallte Itef erence. !
Legislation is b- lliK materially facilitated I
this n -.-'on by the use the members arc
making of the legislative reference bureau,
where Librarian A. E. Sheldon offers his I
services to draw up a bill to fit anv case '
or occaxion. This making of bills by proxy I
resulld fitiFaMroualy for tiustafon o
Saunder. aa lias already ben recorded
1 when he introduced from t lie bureau with-
out ever examining It. and fouim tn lhr,uLv mortally wounded by Attllo Alusto. 1,
newspapers thai it served ti purpose en-Wm ,Hd come all the way across the seas
tCuuliiiued ua becond Page.)
Spoiled Child a Blessing
Sm - m - m -
Financier Gives
Large Contribution
to Memorial Fund
Man Who Will Hot Divulge Name
Presents Hundred Thousand to
Washington Project.
NEW YORK. Jan. 22. The purpose of the
George Washington Memorial association
was advanced today when $100,000 was do
nated by a New York financier. Thla gift
practically makes sure the collection of
1500,000, which the association lias aet itself
to get before a site Is decided upon. The
donor prefers, for the present, not to dis
close his name.
The proposed memorial building Is to be
practical In plan and construction and of
the most durable character. It la to furnish
a home and gathering place for national,
patriotic, scientific, education!, literary, art,
medical and similar organization's, which
may need such accomodations It will
contain a great auditorium, and rooma for
large congresses and small meetings, of
ficea and research rooma.
It la purposed to raise S2.0O0.0OO for the
building and an additional SOOO.000 as an
endowment for maintenance so that con
ventions and societies can use the building
without charge.
Two million dollars of thia total will be
raised by popular subscription, so that the
memorial may be really a gift of the peo
ple, and the association Is not encouraging
further big individual donations.
Girls Use Gasoline;
One Dead, Two Burned
Candy Party Ends with Destruction
of House by Flames in Spring
field, S. D.
SPRINGFIELD, 8. D., Jan. 22-As the
result of a mistake in using gasoline In
stead of kerosene in attempting to re
plenish a fire In a kitchen atove, Zera
Brown, 8 years old, lies dead at her home
In this city. Delia Dawes. 14 years old,
and Charlotte Dawes. S years old, are also
seriously burned and not expected to live
more than a few hours. Hilda Crosby, 9
years old, was badly burned, but It Is ex
pected that she will recover. The home of
the two girls, belonging to George Dawes,
valued at 110.000, was almost completely
! gutted.
; The accident happened while the four
'girls were In the kitchen of the Dawes
home making candy late this afternoon.
Krcd ,,aw(i ,,rothr of , ,wo
; throujfh , and rarrej Qut lhe
' four girls in the kitchen and later brought
out Mrs. Tllton, an aged woman,
from an
apartment on the second floor.
Italian Lover Kills Girl After
Broken Troth from Vendetta
NEW YliliK, Jan. -J --A
romance of ltalv
pc ial Telegram. I
with the lovers
enaratrd by their
families because of a
long-standing vcnddla. found its end today
in llohoktn.
l.nlirinK the lioinc of iu-r step-father,
where she had lx n sent from Italy
six months ago, Krancesca Lombardl. IK
wars old. mils shot in the hack and prub-
after Her. arriving only I'rlday. He then
sent a bullet into hi. own brain, falling
,1. ad lK lh- girl.
I The romance Ik
Av clliio prov im-l-.
u,i ... . ii.i ,..
. . "i .: , :
I (font sec why you cofit
blow mc no smoke
I woncfer tf he
put her op "to
that 2,,
Rev. J. E. Hummon Tells of the Won
derful Lessons Found There.
Ttalrter.AKtM-a 4tta Cmsrrea tt Sr
All Means to Seo the La ad how
. aa) to Lear a of4he Sow
"God Manifest at the Land Show" was
the subject of a most forceful sermon
preached yesterday morning by Rev. J. E.
Hummon, pastor of the Kountze Memorial
church. He took for hla aubject. Psalms
111: i. "The works of the Lord are great,
sought out of all of them that have
pleasure in them. He hath made hla won
derful works to be remembered. He hath
allowed his people the power of his works.''
"Every child of God should rejoice In
the coming to our city of the represent
atives of the soil In th various parts of
this great land," said Mr. Hummon, "and
accordingly should congratulate the enter
prising press. The Omaha Bee and Twen
tieth Century Farmer, for the thoughtful
consideration of that sphere of life and Its
opportunities which at tnia time Is at
tracting the attention of almost our en
tire population. Every man who has 2o
cents should see the Land Show and if
you do not havu It and borrowing ia not
agalnat your principle of finance, make a
loan but by all means see the Land Show.
"t personally have no time for the aver
age show. A great deal of nonsence and
worthless stuff Is brought before the In
dulgent publlo and often out of sympathy
rather than Interest la supported. But
this Institution which at preaent la the
talk of our city, and which Is commanding
the attention of our cttlsenshlp as well as
the cltlienshlp of men and women from a
distance, ia moat worthy worthy of the
thorough support and diligent atudy of
every thinking man. I commend this dis
play of the product of the soil and the men
whose labor and toll has made It possible
to your thoughtful consideration.
"Now, methlnks I hear someone say our
pastor Is advertising the I -and Show this
morning Instead of preaching the gospel.
And It may be that aome will go away from
this place 'his morning with the thought
that ou, time has been misspent. But
God haa put It into my mind to call at
tention to thla matter and I may say I
have been so wonderfully Impressed with
the thought of God In the whole procedure
that I consider this occasion as an oppor
tunity to impress the same thought upon
my brethren In the lrd.
"That there Is a great Infinite, supreme,
personality, there are few only In our age
who would venture to deny.
He who has never read a
God la lure,
pape In the
Bible, but who lias been an observer gf
the things which do appear ran but ar-
tContinued on Second I'age. )
Naples. Many years previously, so many
that the present generation forgot Just
when, a vendetta had been declared by the
Mustn and lmibardl families, l ot this did
not deter Attllo. nor did It prevent pretty j
Fiancesi-a from listening to tho love tain i
I of the handsome young soldier,
j Soon neighbors negan to talk. News of
I what was going on reached the girl's
I brother. He forbade her to meet her ad-
miter, but mecltnua went on uvirt ti.
i,TutUrr Krancesca to America
in,.. .i, h-.i ., .
tne was to marry another, a rich man In
, Kr(,at ne4v cou;ltry ,," ' fr " . "
I 1 , " u. , .:.... fr""" -
.v, .
i n,e ",ri wtt!' ,Hk" ,o "" '""''""
j sue nas uui a uare cnance lu recover
Special Program Carried Out for
Visitors from Hawkeye State
Afternoon and Evening-.
Maurice Connolly and P. G. Holden
Speak for Iowa.
General Passenger Agent of Rio
Grande Praises Show.
Woodmen of WorM and fl Cloh Will
Observe Today at Land low,
M Men Mnklnsi Original
Oemnnat ra t Inn
Tnrtnr at ihr Land hovr.
Iowa Dav
tvno.'""n of the World Pay.
Ad Club Day.
Snerlal proa-ram bef Inning at '.o o ehvn
In 1''" evenlna on main smse. A"ditorlum.
Address of welcome, Mayor Jamea C
Sonas bv 'Tawallans.
Vddresa, "Iowa." by Maurice Connelly,
Cornet anlo. Miss Nettle Heller.
Ahlrss "Ptter Crops and Better Men.
Pro' P. G IMIden.
"Dixie." hv Tjind Show Concert band.
Address, "Woodcraft." J. C. Root.
Omaha publicity performances, by Ad
Woodmen drill teams attend In uniform.
Thla la Iowa day at th Tnd Show.
A special program for the lowana will h
riven on the main alaga of the Auditorium
In the evening, beginning at K:Sn o'clock.
FeatureH for the entertainment of the
Woodmen of th World will be Included In
the program. The Omaha Ad club will he
In attendance. Th Ad men will apeak for
themaelves with an original aeries of dem
onxtratlnns. Maurice Connolly of Dubuque and Prof.
P. G. Holden of Ames will speak In th
evening for Iowa.
Attendance at the Land Show yesterday
was typical of Sunday crowds. All Omaha,
waa at the show. Thouaunds walked
through the long aisles to see the fruits
of the aoll from the great west and north
west. Music by the Land Show Concert band,
cornet soloa by MIhb Nettle Keiter. songs
by the native Hawaiian "octet and enter
taining lectures constituted the amuse
ments of the dsy.
The fish exhibit In the basement adjoining
the lecture halls proved one of th moat
Interesting displays to the Sunday visi
tors. A number of railroad officials de
voted a part of their day of reat to the
Inspection of the show.
Frank Walters Sara a Word.
Frank Walters, general manager of th
Northwestern system, looked over th
highly specialised alfalfa display mad by
his road. He pronounced It good. "Wo'v
apent a lot of money at this enow," b re
marked. ' - -
"Horry f Interrogated a Jesting visitor at
his side. '... ,
"Not a hit of It. Best Investment ver,"
answered Mr. Walters., "We'll get it back
and make a profit, too; on this display in
the results that It will show along the lines
of the Northwestern."
Frank A. Wadlelgh, general passenger
agent of the Denver & Rio Grande rail
road, arrived Sunday to Inspect the Land
Show. Last night h proceeded on to hi
headquartera at Denver,
"The beat land show I hav seen." said
Mr. Wadlelgh after he had made the
rounds of the big display and was seated at
last In front of the big panoramic display
which forms the background of the exten
sive showing made by the Colorado ex
hibitors. "1 am glad of the showing that Colorado
Is making here, and I'm especially proud
of the share the Denver at Hlo Grande has
In the show.
"We owe much to The Omaha Bee for
the conception of the Land Hhow Idea,
which has made possible, this purely west
ern display, and much to the men who
have carried the ahow project through to
Ita successful consummation In the seen
laid out before us here."
Mr. Wadlelgh waa shown about the land
products display by Fred A. Khank, wuo
covered Colorado territory for the Land
Stow In the preliminary arrangements for
the showing made by the state here. Thu
railroad man was more than satisfied wltu
the big display made by hla state.
"The Land rthow and Ita lessons embody
the same alms that our western railroads
arj working toward," continued Mr. Wad
lelgh. "We are trying to Instill agricultural
education Into the minds of our people a-i
well aa to bring new people tn. No farmer
or farm Investor can visit the Land rJhow
and get away without getting a world ot'
Ideas which will bring him money and
some measure of prosperity to those In hie
circle of Influence.
"The ahow has today given me some Ideaj
that 1 will be glad to utilise In our agri
cultural educational campaign which we
are to carry on along the lines of the
Denver ac Hlo Grande by special exhibit
trains. We will have displays of products
and Illustrated lectures by specialists. We
have been working In this direction In the
Improvement of the otato crop for aome
lime. Now we propone to generalize the
movement for all of the fields of agii-
I ,'iilluru im-l iiiImiI In imr mft I, in ln,,PMU.l
j ,rmi(Se Mnovk, tnc rM,t of tho c,fort vcr.
I )y
i ...rilM lMnd nww and its lessons will
, nucoinnllsh the same result. ticca, ish oi
the Land Sliuw we will unquestionably sec
bigger crops in the wholo west and greater
acreage under cultivation."
"The Land Show Is a proposition so deep
that it will take a great deal of time to
Mil in up It's manifold benefits, not only to
Omaha, but to Nebraska and the people of
the great weM In general," s.irrl Henry
tii-iIng, president of the Ad club. "As an
Oiuabu proposition It deaervts not only tha
KitatcKl of prute, but will Miow Its Im
mediate results In the business to be de
rived from the counties and states from
which exhibits have been made. In talking
with a treat many exhibitors I find that
they are all loud In their pruhe of Omaha
and particularly the enterprlce shown by
The Omaha Hce and twentieth Century
aimer, In making Milch a decided hui ccks
In all pliascK of tho Land Show.
Thrn the inert hams, manufacturers and
Jobbers mui-t certainly feel that l,y art
deriving a great benefit without one cent
of epenso directly to them The Land
Show im biinifing lo them customer and
prospective ciiMouii'ia from all over the
,, , , ,
I lh'! ""'" ""'" railroads are (ei-
, luinly doin their share tow.rd rn.kln.
US i.and Mio.v a success. I
: t- f
am apprecJa-
Mr. G rljifc lias formulated a plaa