Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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pitlM li
I ( IPBIIO X.OWXBS Violet Bale ." Min-li i I
Jj)r ' for 60c a hunch, spe. Ul Siituflay 908 J fc
Saturday Will Be the Final Day of
V " 'iw--'- - ;
Our Big Shoe Clearance Sale
i) lines, taken
rday may be
" $2.29
,2"0 pairs of our regular $ 3.f0 aorl $4.00 linps, taken
fresh from our stork Frldar tliat Saturday may be
the grcatext Slioo Day in the hlatory
our dff artment. Choice of cither
Misuses' or Women's Khoes, for. . . . i . .
Nver were KreaU-r shoe values offered In
Omaha. These shoes are all the very newest fall
and winter shoe, styles, helm? from the last ship
ment e received this fall. They are made from
guaranteed lenthers, by manufacturers known tho
world over for quality of styles and workmanship;
including the famous Porot.hy IJodd lines of ladies'
shoos. Kvery new stylo and leather is offered you
at this sale We want you to come and Bee Just ex
actly what this sale means In "Value Giving."
Come and see the shoes We are not here to urge
yon to buy but we positively know from the re
marks made by dozens of niiyvrsj that such shoes
never were offered at such ridiculously low prices
lioys' Shoes that
sold all season for
$3.00; made In
all leathers and our reciilar
lines; Sttird.ty
Inst day, $1.1)8
Choice for Snturday the best $3.50 and
or Women's Shoes made at only.
Missed HhiH-i. Odd , Men's Work
sizes ond broken
lots; our regular
selling lines at
$1.60; choice, Sat
urday, at...98
$1.00 Men'a
Shoes 500
pairs, extra heavy, madu
to stand tho rough win
ter weather; good thick
soles, $3.00 shoes Sat
urday -$1.98
January Clean I'p Sale
Men's hsrnishiofs, Saturday
Men's 25c Cashmere Hnce, extra spe
cial Saturday, for 12'-a
Men's $1 nibbed Coat Sweaters, re
duced Saturday, to ."9
M-n 116" Wool rn'lcrwrar, Hatnr-
iUy, at 750
Moil FiOo Wool r le" el C" nler-titr' .
Pnl'irrtay, nl 850
Mrn'H ii'ic Merino I'liilershtrl. bst-
ur'lny. at 850
Men's $100 Wool Heece ln-iTnr,
SaTunia . s t
A Inn IIk i"liicttiin Satiifliiv on 'l
Brail, n if Men's Colon Snlis.
60 dozen Men's $2 and $2.50 Coat
Shirts, Saturday, choice. .. JjU, US
75 dozen Men's $1.50 and more, Coat
Shirts. Saturday, choice t9
100 dozen Men s $1 to $1.50 Coat
Shirts, Saturday, choice 9
Our regular 50c grades, special
sale Saturday, choice, at..21)
50c Eur-Ilned Cais for Men, Satur
day, at 2TC
Men's $3 and $3.50 Stiff Hats, great
assortment of styles and shapes,
Specially priced Saturday, at,
choice 81.50
Men's Suits and Over
coats Now at Less
Than Half Price
Mill End Picture Frame Sale
8000 Specially Bade rnnn in all Bliss and on all Kinds of Woods so on sale
Bfttnrday This la the greatest colUotlon of frames w have ever offarad.
SO0O J 'liferent rramas Including ail Kinds of Wood, BUapea and Rises.
Tramaa that ara Tar? appropriate for th noma, tha offlca the school room
or in fact will add 11 a and character anywhere, they may ba used.
8. OOO SpeclsUy leads dramas la ail Blias and on all Kinds of Woods fo on sals
They Include some of the fxpni.vlm woods Dial have heen Hawed off
In making large fra?tf Tliere are Kospwood. Walnut, Maple, tjak. etc.,
from poHt card size to iOxIM Inchwe, (iiairft, ovals, Some roM burnlalieU
and lacyuereil. Not a frame In the lot that won hi not sell from 26c up to
$J 50. Brlnu your pictures with you and have them fitted. v a fA
We also have, the glass to finish pictures. Saturday, your lUCIOallla
choice, at from "",v
Our New $1.50 Corsets,
Lonf Skirt and High Bust Extra Special Bar
lain Saturday at ..... .
These are beautiful models for the average figure. The extreme long
skirt and high bust effect give a grace and beauty to all well formed
figures. These Corsets are made of fine Non-Uustable Donelng, have
double hose supporters, and are trimmed with val lace. They come
In white, pink and blue, Coutll or riatlste. Those are all new models
Just received Thursday. Made to sell for remarkable
values at $1.50; Saturday, a big special, at
15c Uorax, for J)
Vi lb. Peroxide, for
1 lb. Peroxide, for '27C
25c Sugar White Pine 1H
$1 Bennett's Itheumatic Com. 350
15c Anti-Chap for hands U2
Scott's Emulsion, 45c aud . . . .
Ammonia, large bottle J?
Toilet Goods
60c Pozzoni's Face Powder. . . . 33
25c Tetlow Swansdown Face Pow
der 16
25c 'Mine, Isbcll's Hand Whitener,
for chapped bands 17
25c Hose Cream 15?
25c Parckers' Tar Soap 15
10c Trilby Soap -H
25c Arthur Tooth Powder 10
50c Palmolive Cream 39
10c Williams' or Colgate's Shaving
Soap 5
50c White Rose, Crab Apple per-
Basement Bargains
fumed, ounce
4 0e French Cook Knife 390
2Bo Vegetable Peeler and Sheer 180
linn I'll lso
Auto Pliers ISO
Lrlp Pans, worth 40c, choice of our en
tire stock. Friday, for, each ...... 100
Wood Spoona, worth 16c, all Hand
tUiaved Friday so
Tooth Ploka, Japanaaa, regular 6c kind,
Friday, it for only So
Bamboo Scrap Baakats, iKc value for
only 39o
The final and deepest cut of all.
We must reduce our stock by 500
garments before February 1. Prof
its, cost and former selling prices
have been entirely Ignored. We are
only thinking shout the reduction
which Is absolutely necessary before
showing new spring goods. All our
fine Worsteds, Casslmere and Cheviot
Suits, together with our plain and
fancy coats, are now offered at prices
far below even the half-price mark.
Men's Suits and Coats, worth up to
$17.50. now. S7.50
Men's Suits and Coats, worth up to
$27.50, now . .1 12.30
Boys' Suits and Over
Coats Prices
Hammered Away Down
All Hoys' Suits and Overcoats, worth
$4.50 and $5, for $2.75
All Hoys' Suits and Overcoats, worth
from $5 to $7.50, at 93.75
All Hoys' Clothes worth $10 and ftl,
Saturday, for $7.50
ode Hlouse Waists, all sizes and
styles, for rro
$1.50 Knickerbocker Pants, extra
price 50
These are broken sizes from our reg
ular lines.
Saturday in the Children's Dept.
W are Showing all the
Nw prlnfj Wash Ureases
Made up In all the very newest and dainty
patterns for spring of 1911, In Percales and
The largest variety of stles and patterns of
these new lines and the excellent way these
dresses ate all made, together with their won
derful fitting qualities, makes this stunrln
showing the largest and finest display west of
Pretty plaids, stripes, in all the light shades
and plain colors with the Hulgarian trimming,
taUored with long or short sleeves and round,
square or 4ilgh neck, all having the deep pleated
There dresses come In sires to fit children from
2 to 14 years; sizes 2 to 6 years, Saturday,
at 5. SO "1 P t $1.25
Sizes from 6 to 14 years, Saturday, at Jl.2',
$1.50 and up to $2.50
Wo cordially Invite all the mothers of Omaha
to rcc the dif-play Saturday.
Finil Gcarance Sale Prices to Our Jinaur Price Cuttinf
Choice of nnv Indies' Suit or Coat in tho houso, worth up to
$50.00, now 915.00
Choice of any Velvet Suit worth up to $.T.00, now. .15.00
Choice of nnv Velvet or Corduroy Suits, wortli from $4o.(M)
to $(',.-).( H), now ' HALF PRICE
All Our Fur Sets
All Our Fur Coats
Ladies' Glove Sale
I. adies' ?-cpp Kid Clove. rRl
lar 9Sc value. S;t nrday . . . . ($f)
$1 50 Undies' Kmbrolderod back.
J-button Kill Cloves. Saturday,
pair !S
Hosiery Specials
Ladies' Hlack Thread Silk Hose
69c values, for. pair 21
Hoys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose. 2c
grailes. for, pair 12'
Ladles' Silk l.lsln Hose, fine &lc
quality. 3 pairs $1.00
Underwear Bargains
200 odd garments In Ladles' 1'n
derwear, taken from our regu
lar 75c. $1. and $125 lines,
choice. Saturday 40
Children's odd Vests and Pants,
and Cnion Suits. 45c values, for
Saturday, garment, only.. 19
Final Mussed Hand
kerchief Clean Up
Sale Saturday
5000 perfectly good bnndkerchlers
but slightly mussed, final clean
up sale. 12M;i' values, each. .I?
KH- Kinbrolilciies, V Including
beautiful Swiss cambric and
Nainsook; embroideries worth
10c and 12 'ie. Saturday. . . .50
4 Good Silk Hair Nets, full size,
Saturday, at 10
15c Hat l'ins, Jewel, for 3T
Fancy China and
Bric-a-Brac at
Half Price and Less
Saturday among tliene stocks are the
moat astounding valuns of exquisite
oieces ever quoted a,nywhare.
Thin Bale will attract tha attention of
hundreds of buyers; aa our windows ara
dally tho source, of spontaneous expres
sions of wonder at the prices offered.
Sale Begins at 8:00 0 'Clock
Candy Specials
Something new In randies. The Bauer
Sister's Dutch Luncheon, regular 25o
pur box, special, one tox 16o
Special, two boxes . . .' 350
B0 pounds Bennett's Flaffeata Choco
lates, with extra creamy center, spe
cial 390
Assorted Chocolates, our regular 40o ami
50c per lb., fresh for Saturday, at per
pound 890
Money Saying
Heat Prices
Yov'll find that by trading- at onr
Ma at Department that your meat bills
will run from 15 to 85 per cent lass
than they do when trading- elaewhere,
and tha quality of our meata la the
beet packer have to offer. Come In
Saturday and aaa for youraalf.
Tig Pork Koast, lb Otf
Pig Pork Chops, lb 13V4?
Fall Lamb Legs, lb !Vi
Choice Pot Koast, lb . . . Ht9
Veal Chops, lb 12
Loin Lamb Chops, lb 12V4
Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb..7
Lamb Stew, lb 5V4
Veal Slew, lb G1
Snowdrift Hogless Lard, 5 lb.
pail GOO
Cudahy's Sugar-Cured Ilex Bacon,
lb 14
2000 lbs. Majestic Brand Hams,
every one guaranteed, lb. lGVaJ
Big Saturday Specials
BO lbs Granulated Sugar II
Hennett'aCapllol Flour, BHik..$l.JO
Heiiuella Kent Colfee, 3 ll.n....0o
Uennetl'a UolUen Coffee, special at.
per lb aao
T.'hs assorted, BBc-value. al per
lb 68 o
Teas, Assorted. 6Sc-value, lb....48o
Tea Slftlngs, lb. pkg 120
Hennett'a Capitol 1'epper, V.-1I).
can for 10o
And 6 Stamps
6 lbs., 7c Japan Klce for 850
36c bottle Dalldet Marachlno Cher
ries for 86o
Bennett's Capitol linking l'owder.
6-lb can for 81
And 100 Stamps
Bennett's Capitol Hawaiian Sliced
Pineapple, large can, special.. flOo
Snlders' l'ork and Beane, large can
for 800
And 20 Stamp
Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup,
gallon can for.... BOo
Hartley's Orange Marmalade Jelly
Dennett's Dig Grocery
.lar, onlv iso
Hulled Navy Beans with Chicken.
Hulled Limn Hchiis with Chicken,
pluln or Tomato Sauce, 2 caua
ror only 35o
S. V. C. Table Maple Syrup, per
can, onlv 100
Corn Starch Special
Several hundred 1-lb. packages,
Sterling Corn Staroh, our regular
f.c-slze. 7 for only 85o
Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, .1
packages for only 860
And 10 Stamps
BOc can Old Mission Ulpe Olives
for only 35o
Era special in suiter
The very finest grade Bennett's'
Oapltol Creamery, big drop In
price, special, Friday at...38o
Me must place a 1 0-pound
limit to this sale, this reduction
1 a drop of 8 cents per pound.
FRUITS Extra Fancy Potatoes Saturday, Bushel 80c
FBIB One Orange Spoon with every
dozen of our regular 25o leuiona.
Two larg plain lettuce 60
Florida Urape Fruit, lOo quality.. Bo
Extra Fancy Bananas, dozen 15o
Old Carrots. Beets. Turnips, peck.lBo
Two large, bunches Oyster I'liint..Bo
Regular 60c dozen grade 350
Regular 46c dozen grade 30o
Regular 40c xlozon grade 85o
Regular 30c dozen grade 80c
Council Bluffs
Steps Taken to Arrive at Value of
City Water Plant.
IHfferenre of Opinion' Ualsta aa to
Validity of Law Inner Which
Procedure la Taken Jodae
llohaon Chairman.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Judges A. n. Thome!! of the Fifteenth
tnillclal district, whose home is at Sidney;
A V Hohson of the Thirteenth, residing
at West I'nlon. Fayette county, and F.
n. Klllson of the Klghteenth district, living
at Anamosa, Jones county, constituting
the court of arbitration appointed by the
Iowa supreme court to hear the evidence
and reach a final decision as to the value
of the Council Bluffs city water plant,
convened at 10 o'clock yesterday morning In
the judges' chamber of the north room of
the county court house. Judge w. K.
Oreen happened to be In the city and
promptly relieved Judge Thornell of his
duties on the local bench ao that there
was no Interruption of the district court
bualnesa while Judge Thornell was engaged
In tha first atepa of hla new duties.
Aftan aa Informal conference the condem
nation court organized by selecting Judge
Hohson chairman and naming Jasper J.
Ferguson as official reporter. The attor
neys representing the water company and
the city ie then admitted to make their
preliminary presentation of the case.
Wehalrr for Houdooldrra.
John I Webster of Omaha appeared
In behalf of the bondholders had Oeorge
8. Wright of this city for the water com
pany. City Solicitor Kimball and Kniniet
Tlnley appeared for the city. There was
necessity for only the briefest sesxlon.
JCaeh aide stated that considerable time
would be required to g-t the evidence In
shape foi presentation and It was quickly
evident that the only thing that could he
accomplished at the time k to fix the
date for future sittings. This Involved
the question of the service of notices upon
the parties Interested in the ownership of
the plant. Both Attorneys Webster and
Wright agreed to accept responsibility for
service upon the bondholders, tmu'tgagee
and officer of .the company. uKking only
reasonable time to get inlo communi
cation with them. After further consulta
tion between all the lawyers and the
judges It was agreed that an adjourn
ment to January Si would afford ample
time. The order was made and in five
minutes all the lawyets and the t'u were
out of the court house. The judges, how
ever, remained in consultation for nearly
an hour.
Ktlluack Kara Law Had.
From the smoothness and celerity with
of the plant in the same manner as orig
inal notices. If such owner or owners ba
nonresident then notice shall - be served
uiHin the person in oharge of the plant or
works." Attorney KUlpack pointed out this
does not provide for notice to persons hav
ing liens on the plant not represented by
the mortgages. Notice would be ample
when aerved upon the mortgagees for all
holdura of bonds, but would not affect other
claimants, lie said there might be Hens to
a large amount that could be brought for
ward after the city paid Its money to the
bondholders and that these claims would
continue as a Hen upon the property, and
which the city would ultimately have to de
feat or pay.
Slate Senator Saundera was in town yes
terday and when hla attention was called
tu the matter said it might prove a serious
defect, but one that could now be easily
remedied by an amendment to the law,
making It specifically include all liens and
claims of whatsoever- nature, leaving the
city's title to the plant without suspicion
when the purchase price is finally paid
over. He said he could get such an amend-
meni - mrougn me legislature In about a
week and would do so If It was deemed
Council Bluffs
Kimball Maya ot
City Solicitor Kimball, mho drew up the
si tclal condemnation court law, does not
share the belief that there Is any defect
In it.
"if there Is any defect in the law crea
ting the condemnation court we want to
know it right now," aaid he, "but I don't
think there can be any detect anywhere.
We did not change In the remotest the gen
eral condemnation law of the state under
which millions of dollars' worth of prop
erty has been condemned within" the last
thirty years, and upon which the supreme
ccbrt has passed time and again. These
proceedings are brought under chapter 4,
title 10 of the general condemnation law.
If there are any liens other than the mort
gages they must be of record, and we w-ill
make them come In the notice service. We
khall probably have to have a complete
ahhtract of the property. We will look it
up carefully aud if the law needs to be
an ended we will entrust the work to Sena
tor Saunders, but 1 think every point has
been well covered. It amounts to Just this:
I'nder the general condemnation law prop
erty has been condemned for all sorts of
public purposes, Including sites for water
works. We have only added the provisions
tor condemning the plant Itself. The other
acts authorised by the law have stood the
test of thirty years In cases where every
thing contingent heie was Involved, and we
think this will be likewise invulnerable."
Other attorneys, however, are Inclined to
believe the law Is lame In Its provisions
for service and should be amended to make
assurance doubly sure.
Itral Cainte Transfers.
The following transfers were reported to
James Current Hits
Large Man Who Was
Witness in Court
Legal Dispute Over Possession of Chil
dren Leads Omaha Man to
Fight Witness.
Ovid Vlen, rotund, vigorous and always
cool, who handles his Zli pounds with ex
treme agility, was astonished Just as he
left the district court room yesterday aft
ernoon by James Current of Omaha, weigh
ing less than 100 pounds, but extremely
active under a SOO-pound pressure of indig
nation. The little man hit the big fellow
a swinging blow in the face and was fol
lowing It up with plenty more of the same
kind when Mr. Vien recovered from his
astonishment and stopped him.
Mr. Current Is the father of Mrs. E. B.
Black, formerly- Mrs. Luella Oliver, and
she Is prosecuting a suit In the district
court to recover the custody of her twin
children, who were consigned t the care
of their father when she obtained a divorce
from him on November 3, 1909, on the
grounds of cruelty and Intoxication. On
February It aha married Mr. Black, who It
a business man of Omaha. James Oliver,
the father of the children, has given them
into the custody of his mother, and ac
cording to his testimony is providing for
their support. Hlnce her remarriage the
mother of the twins Is anxious to get
them again in her charge, expressing her
willingness either to care for them in her
new home or to consign them to the care
of her own parents, Mr. and Mrs. Current.
Oliver's contention Is that neither home is
a proper place for the little ones, and for
the last two days his attorney has been in
troducing testimony in the attempt to sus
tain the contenion. Vlen was one of his
witnesses and was obliged to make some
statements In the witness chair Just as the
father of Mrs. Black entered the court
room. He listened aghast at the attempt
to blacken the character of his daughter,
and when the witness left the chair and
passed out of the court Current followed
him Into the corridor. There were a few
excited demands for a retraction and then
Mr.' Current vigorously assaulted the big
man. Women In the corridor screamed and
half a dozen men rushed forward and sep
arated the two men. Current was on his
knees with his face pressed close to the
floor, and was quickly picked up, Vlen avers
that he simply laid his hand on the small
man's head and he went down under the
weight of It. Neither man had the slight
est mark to indicate any damage except to
which everything went along and the ready 1 Th" January 13 by the Botlawattamle
willingness of the representatives of the County Abstract company. Council Bluffs
water company to solve the knotty prob l'-11 et al. to Margaret Lyons,
leni of notice set vice It looked as If the
W. Bell et al.
lot I, block 43. Beers subdivision.
trim little ship upon which mtiol.-ipal j u,,,,, ,' Hloo'in ' to'w' !vi' i '.in- "1.".'.'.' 1
and U. block 1. Kirn tl addition,
w. d
ownership of the waier plaut had been
embarked was destined to a speedv and
pleasant voyage, but after the lawyers had
left the building Attorney W. II. KUlpack
pointed out aome breakera ahead Al
though, eontiary to the hopes and wIkIics
cf some of the municipal ownership advo
cates, he was not included as counsel for
the city, he has given the aubject of the
condemnation much consideration. He
pointed out a defect In the law under w hich
the whole proceeding is brought The law.
apeela'ly prepared for the purpose, pio
vldes fully for the creation of the court
and Its methods .if procedure defining how
service shall Ix obtained upon the owners
of the plant, and specif li ally say that
"notice shall be served upon the owneie
F. J. I'ay and wife to W. M I.ana,
lot Hock 1. F.verclt'8 addition,
w d
S K. Barstow sMl wife to Charles T.
C.lHSr.f.iid. lot II. blcK k 4. Fierce s
sulxitv Ismn. w. d
Ida Casady to W. .M l.ana. lot 4,
llix k 1. F.vereit s addition, w d
Thomas KiemiHti 10 W. M. I.ana. lot 5.
block I. Kveiett s addition, w. d .'
Anton fritreirneke and wife to A. A
Clark lot is. t.lo, k 11. Home Pla e
addition, w d
Alt.ect M W ooda and wife t. (''naiiea
II hii VolleulMiig. nw', ae'i 2-7 3S
q. '. d ,
l,od M. proutv et ul in c 1.
I'routv. part lot 2. And a subdivision!
S iiw '.i-;i-43. w. d 1
Nine transfers, total iiJJ7
Iteoutil leans of Kaat End of Inth
District Hold Conference Over
Congressional Flnce.
Ixical republican leaders held a secret
conference yesterday for the purpose of
deciding upon the course to be followed
In filling the vacancy In the Ninth con
gressional district that will be caused by
the resignation of Congressman Walter
I. Smith, when he leaves his dufles at
Washington to take the place on the cir
cuit court of appeals. The party man
agers called into the conference do not
care to give out details of tha plans
formed and are Inclined to have It under
stood that no definite course was decided
Senator C. G. Saunders wss called from
his legislative work at Pes Moines to at
tend the conference, which was called by
Ernest E. Hart. There were about twenty
of the party men present, Including several
from the east end of the county, but none
from other parts of the district. It was
agreed that no encouragement would be
given the demand for a special primary
to name a candidate to be be elected at the
polls, but the choice of the party should
be made In a convention composed princi
pally of the congressional delegates se
lected at the June primary last year. It
has been made quite evident that the
purpose of the republican managers is
to make it certain that Congressman
Smith's successor shall be a Council Bluffs
man. Several have been mentioned for
the place. Including Senator Saundera,
Clem F. Kimball, I). K. Stuart and other
strong men who will poll the full party
1 fM'Xy
' im
ltti.i .1
Most convenient hotel to all Subways and Depots.
Room9 $1.50 per day and upwards with use of baths.
Rooms $2.50 per day and upwards with private bath.
Best Restaurant in New York City with
Club Breakfast and the world famous
. l",LlT- ?" Sv
men who
race in autos,
fellows who guide a roaring.
ripping gasoline engine at a mile
a minute clip around an eccentric
course, must have their minds on their
business, if they expect to win.
They must cat and drink things which will give them
nerve and strength, for the race is a tax on both.
..Dill viav3iili
is the best of all beverages for those who engage in stren
uous sport as well as those whose delicate constitution
needs building up. It is so delicious that it would
be the most popular even if it were not also the most
nourishing of all beverages. The combination makrs
it irresistible.
InsUt on roving Cihirartlrlli's Ground Chocolate and read the label
to see that you (jet it.
D. Ghirardelli Co.
Smct f.V2
The Thing
To Do
If yon loss your pockertbook, m brail,
watch, or soma other article of tsIus, tho thlof
to do It to follow tho example of many other
people and adrertlse without delay In tho Ixat
ad Found column of Tho Bee.
That la what most people do when they lose
rtteles of value. Telephone us and tell your
loss to all Omaha In a slnjle afternoon.
Put It In
The Bee