I - EPP CHI I I I t dee wmt at EM "f et 4V .TUESDAY F.R1SAY J SATURDAY, r . . r a i c - I t iTTT iv:-. 4 1 : 1 WilViU, V.i-r :r rr 6 J -J '--4 iJF- H Ul- -III - - 'my T i i V it WANT-ADS V4an ada received at aar ". in laurt proper classification he rrwilri before 12 o'clock ai. lor (he evening edltlaa he lore Ti3 o'cleck af the arerloae " learning? sanday edltloae. Waal da received after each hoare will have their first laeerilosj nader the hcadlaaT "Tee Lata tm ClaaeHr." CASH ItATKe FOR WANT AO. HEOIX1H CLASBIFICATIOW Oae Insertion, 1 l- cents ner ward aad ml e ward far eebeesjaeBt laaertlaa. Kara laaartlaa snade odd dare, 1 1-3 ream per word. 1.50 er Ilea per aaenth. Ratee apply rltkor Tae Dally ar Hilar rr. Alwar to a llae. Want for Tae Ilea mar '' at aar of the followla drna. etorea ana Is roar "comer drwara-letr ere all breach offleee for The Bee aad roa ad will be laeerted last aa promptlr oa the eawe ratee ae at the anala offlea la Taa Bee halldla. ereateenlh and Pa ream etreetai Alhech, W. C. th enfl rrne.m. Fenm nnir Co , W N. 1th Bt. Bernek. IJ. A.. 140J H. lh BcTidon Pbarnnev. ilennon. NcP. Bemlii rrk rbRrroiiry. il And Cuming Pleke-nrxlUh. M16 "hrmen Ave. rilfton Hill rhrmcy. 2211 Military Are. CaurMIn C. R., ih and Pierce Sir Crleeey Pherirmcy. Kth aniJ 8t. Coone Plmrmei'y. 8. Wth St. rermalt. Fmii. l.'fi4- 8. iSth flt. Flhler. P. H.. im Lrtvenworth Bt. Foitr it AinoMI. 21S N. th 8t. Prevtur, T. .1 . mil N. Nth Bt. Frrr Drue Co.. lfW N. lth St. r'lorenc Dm Co.. Florae ib. Green's Pnaimscy. Park Ave. and Pacific recnonKh, . A.. 206 8. 10th Bt. nrcenoiiKl). O. A.. 10th and Hickory 8t. fJolrlon plmrmaoy. ?4th and Ieaven worth. Hdcn. WIMIam. ) Karnam Bt. Hanicom Park Pharmacy, ltvil 8. mh Ave HinterlonK !" Co., Slat Ave. and Far nam Bt. lloiat. John, 14 N. lth flt. Huff. A. I... Ieavenworth 8t. .lohanaon Drug Cm.. 24th and Spalding". Klnir. H. H., ttMt Famam tt. KounUs Place Pharmacy, 1304 N. 14th. l.Hthiop. Charles K.. 1324 N. 24th St. Mares. Fred L... 2011 Central Blvd. Patrick Druaj Co.. 1J N. 24th Ht. Pvyion Pliarmaey, TM 8. ItSt.i Bt. Baratoaa Drug Co., tilh and Ames Avj Bchaufer'a Cut Prioe ru( Store, 16th and Chlcano BU. Bchaefer, Anr., 3631 N. 16th St. Brhmidt, J. H.. 14th and Cuming Bta. V a In iitH I ll Ph arm acy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH A.VD FINER AI. NOTICES DKMPSKV Winnlfred Donahoe. died Jan uary Iti. b:'M a. m.; wife of Patrick H. Dempaey. .She loavea to mourn her loss six children, P.oae. Francis. Winnlfred, Melitta, Kdward and MangHret; a mother, Mrs. M. Donahoe, two brothers. John W. and Kdward Dona hue; two slaters, Kose and Nora Donahoe. Funeral from ilie residence of her mother, SbSo. Parker street. FLANAGAN Mae, died Saturday,-January 14. age 34 years. Funeral from residence. 2S18 Amea avenue. Funeral and Interment atrlctly private. K1DDKR Harry, aged 31 yeara. 4 months, I day. January 10, at Sheridan. Wyo., of pneumonia. Funeral from Hoffman's undertaking park.rs. Slxteentl) snd Jones streets. Tuen day morning at D:in. HeuiHins will e placed In the receiving vault at Forest l.awn cemetery. Friends Invited. Ill VOl RK Mrs. Anna, Monday, January lii. r.HI, Age ft'J years, ai residence of her, daughter. Mia. Mary Olactomlnl, Zllu North Twenty-second. Funeral XNeuncsday p. m. at 2 o'clock. Funeral and burial private. Tekamah papers plcaae copy. SKYMl.ril-Alfred l'. at 10 p. m. M.,' Sunday. January Kunrral Cucvdav January 17. at 1:30 p. m. at First tuvangeilcan church, rwenlj tourth and I ranklin. SUAKAIIAX-Mii. Mary, widow of the late I anle Shanahan. mother of Michael P.. David I.., T. J. and Kate T. Shana han. Sunday. January 13 at S13 . m at residence. 141;! Martha atreet. ' Funeral notice later. No flowers. CAHIJ OP THANKS. AVe wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the man frlenda and neighbors for the sympathy and kindness shown ux and the beautiful lioial altering during the death and bereavement of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. W. II. Stenner anil luinil) , ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmeta. 1614 Chicago. D. 1609, U-lu.' PARLOR THEATER You have seen the REST, now li y tut PlfST. High-class xaJdeville. inatinve dally. The 'oyl s Show House. COAL l,it.l..VTT.i At cut prices. ALL KINDS. We a v ou one to II. M a ton. Quaiu-ii anu 4t.aiit guaranteed. .iT Flin t, COAL CO. ''. bulll 'I'UG.NES. L.3 NICHOLAS " Oil, YOU PARADISE! bounds good, docan't it'.' Happiness au pi erne . w hen juu bum our I'AltAlilSE COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our auvi and burn Parade. win save )uii 11 i'l to 1- urt ton. Hoth phones. J. W. BEDFORD, 2: Cuming St. M 11 MERCHANT AND ADVERTISER Do on know that the Commercial Phoio giaplilo Studio are making photographs that tave you money when thev g to the en giavtr? Call Ind. A-2uo3. .I Boston Store. I ' I ) 1 Five baskets for II. II. A tier. .i-J--li tarn. Doug uJ: or Ind. 2,Cb. JOHN Nl TI LE R, 1 r " I UVI'S Til E HEEIt VOl LIKE. LALI1 3.;l South :4th St Douglas USD, Red Independent. F-1377. " Pi ESt Kli TIONS filled. We deliver any p.ai.e. ralc Drug to. Il. v'ab. 1.4 OMAHA WELL CO. Wells made fur city or railroad, from S Indies to feet In diameter. Woods hello lie. Pennon, Neb. LYNCH BROS. aa REPAIR WORK. 17us Jackson St. D. 1477. your picture - rarraVTrror 2J& You ran get pictures JO ml nu tea after tney are taken. Bring ilie baby down. Look for the blue light at night. Paxton btu. dio. Ill' Ks i nam. open iu a. in. I J I-p. m Ziiumei man Crave Furn.tuie Co.. Wu LahnwviUa Ul our jilau. ut said I ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued VIRGINIA DARE WINK, 710 a large I bottle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St. F.LKVATORS HEPAIRED. freight, pas senger. J. K. Kennedy. 104 8. Uth. D. 2f7. B. H. Cols 8lgn Co.. D. (7oS. UK Farnara. CHINA decorating for clubs a specialty. Miss M. B. Kmig, 134 Brandels Theater. F.H ROTH FIR Y Bchut n run cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill S. 14th St. MAOOARO Van aV Storage. Pack, more, tore and ship H. H. Goods. D. 140S. B-M ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white sklna. By mall SOo and 11. Sherman & McConnall Drug Co.. Omaha. HORNBY Blue Print Co., HI Boo Bldg. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa (44. B. F. Wtirn, optician, 441 Brandels Bldg. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D.3911 CYNIC AND PHILANTHROPIST! LISTEN. Mv bsck Is broken, bodv lifeless from waist down. I earned 11,000 for Infants' Home last fall. Your magazine order this fall will earn 15.000 for charity; the Inter ant of this money will provide for my de cline and later pay a nurse's wages, or endow a hospital cot forever. 149 subscrip tions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns first 11.OU0, Price II. SO esch. Either counts, whether new or renewal. Do get them In. Write for Complete catalogue and story, "A Iiroken Back." I 'hone Douglas 7163. Gor don, the Magazine Man, Omaha. ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths Finest In the west.. Kth At Howard Bta, DAVID COLES CREAMERY CO. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH K ponf. JETE'S, 1302 Douglaa Street. eniS MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATK. china flrlrg. I7 Brandels Bldg. Tel VVeLster 6975. Alfred Jones, refreshment, musio and service. 4.118 Jackson. H. 1853, Ind. A-&K7. BAliKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4700. Ind. A-1821. 16094 Farnam St Stencil, outfits; 6 atyles; picture framing at moderate prlcea; glass, wall paper. WE CARRY A FULL LINK OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, BRASS POLISH, LIQUID VENEER AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. Drs. 6labaugh & Mares wish to announce the removal of their dental offices to rooms 615-611 City National Bank Bldg. TUB E. T. Burrowes Co. Flv screens. Office 209 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 1(4)9. SEWING Plain and fancy. Call Web ster 1742. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. ARKIN8, 116 S. UTH. UPSTAIRS. HAURT W. MOOL, Engineer. Designer. Draftsman. 352 Brandels Theater. D. 290L TWtTNTY per cent leas thsn Dmiha prlcea HOMR FURNITUKE CO. Tsetity-fourtB and I. 8ts. roiith Omaha. MRS.. IRWIN, 346 Brandels The. China painting lessons, naturalistic, conventional; night- classes Tues. at Thur. Orders tor china, place cards, etc., promptly executed. CELLAR digging under houses. Web. &961 The Mickey Music Co V t aru now locateu In our new home at SOS 8. Uth St., with a complete line of sheet music and amall musical Instrumenta MONEY TO LOAN-LOW KATE. In sums to suit, 810 Bee Bldg. Phone Douk. umm, UNION LOAN CO. AUTOMOBILES "smash up" your auto. ".SKID" into a post "1'tAR" your top. And bring it to the best place In Omana for all klnd of lepairing DRUMMOND Coiner 18th and Harney Sta, AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE HY Burleigh Glove Co. FOR SALE Mcdel In Uulck roadster. ujipt(d with l'iee-lo-llle tank and ealiaual ntu. van Hainey ttu. Viirr Pnintimr MURPHY DID IT." Auto i aiming tiel our prlces uow ANDREW .Mlltriit te SUN. H12 Jackaon. V1TI ) If I S 1(' Auto repairing and palut-0-,-,-'AV'i,J,-' nig. Win. Pieufer Carnage Works, "bth a,- l avcnwortn. J el. Ilea o-J uviihl.ANn lflo. model 'M, lour-passen-gfi ; ttoou as new, at u bargain, uui ' u," valentine, Ncu. V Kl'l E for list of automobile oargaiua. 11. I.. 1 itdrn kctiu auiu Co.. Liuiaha. AuTo Repairing 'If noi I ' A I I lit 111- V'hlUl' 11.. .... . . . f.,....' .-.. .HT" 1 tt&lUII- I Milchnll Co.. 2i!u-16 Harney. D i4; A--M11. BUSINESS CHANCES lO UKf in or out or i-os-lf!--.. slt GANG EST AD, Ilea Ulug. Tel. D 337. , - . . YHIT can Invest 510 per month now In a to An lot ut Fort liinigf. the geographical and strategic iiimnierclal center of Hrltiah t'oluniiiiu. and i;et in at the beginning be- li-,.- nu first railioad. ' 'I lieu- are seven railio&d building and projected to Fort tieorge, which is at the junction of l.OuO miles of navigable water I ways and the metropolis ol a Kpl.-mlid .if i- tuituial. fruit and mixed tarminii country , of ;x).0o0.W ocrea. besides being the naiui'al I supply point for a tremendously rich timber. I mineral and coal lerritoiv of millions ot I ai i s. ' Let us send ou free a Copy .if the "Brlt ! ish Columbia Bulletin of Information," ! c r.taniins up to-daie r.ews of investment opportunity a in tins dst new and rich I t ounu , a so iiopsm of govrrnnieni land, j miiilns. t.inber and coal laws. etc. Send iour name and address today. NATl'ltAL RESDt lli.l.s SMTUlTi' C.i. Ltd.. i'aid I 1 p Capital. IJiO.OiM; Joint owners Fori t.eoi'Ke Tonstie, J4J uranvillo t , an i couver, li. C. I Foil SALE -General men handise store In I prosperous mining loan. Only store. Fine. I healthv climate. Hustllefc 1-1. mu in i.W I annually. t'asli trade I'i actually no' j losses. Rent 116 Good building. One man . ican opeiate. Kenulres from to.'Ol to l.. I ! I orporatiou dlsilviiig reason. Aduicfca, I K. .l. Sunders, hakei City, Oie. I Bee. I Ft iR SALE First clas millinery and ladies furnishing goods; fine p ing bust nets In a giK d toan in centisi Nebraska. Reason for selling, wlali to no.a to I'ali lorma. Stock and fixtures Invoice at tl Mu; all new end up-to-date goods: if taken at once will make 20 per cent discount. A big bargain. Address Box 74. St. Paul. Neb. j n isni.MJS ot ll-room house; rooms 'full; best ua) lug chance ill city. Musi . II L I miIi.i; oilier business. Telephone Ind. A I 3w3, E bos, ht. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued) TO BCT PKI.L-OR TRAPF SEE THE MIDLAND CO., 874 BRANDKIS BLDG. PAC A1YY Co., Real Estate, Loans and jA.OJLJ i Insurance. List your Prop rtv for sale or rent. Quick returns, b. W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 152 FOR BALE 35-room hotel, strictly mod ern, newly furnished; cheap rent; 2 block" from depots. Write 406 Pearl St., Sioux City, la. PARTNER with 13.500 wanted In farm Implement business. Business pays well. Receipts from ,136.000 to 140.000 a year. Sea WILLIAM. 411 McCagua Bldg. I HAVE an Improved farm close to sta tion to sxchange for a drug stock. Ad dress Y 4. care Bee. FOR SALE OR RENT Meat market, doing fine business. Cheap If taken at once. In town of 33.000. B-622 Bee. Partner Wanted In real estate business. Can show an In come that hss sveras-ed over H.ooO per month for the last two years. (Took in 12.1100 last month). Kstabllshed In Omaha five years ago. Have more than I can properly look after, so If I can get a good congenial, live hustler, I will sell him a full half-lntarest for 100. This Is a money getter, and will stand Investigation; but unless you mean business don't answer. C-628 Bee . COAL, HAY AND GRAIN, business. Owner retiring from business. 14.000 will buy It and It clears 13,i0 a year above all expenses. A bargain. See WILLIAMS, 411 McCague Bldg. PHYSICIAN wishes a location In a good town: tJS.OO bonus paid for Information. Ad dress Y. 128, care Omaha Dally Bee. Rooming; Houses For Sale. ROOMING house, partly furnished. Tel. Harney 4348. CHIROPODISTS PR ROT. IMS Faroam St. Douglas S4T). MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair gresslng. hair goods. City Nat'! Bk. D. 2331. DANCING Ml sses Simpson Coll. W. 24P1. W. 5630. DENTISTS PAILET MACH. Id floor. Paxton D. 1031 DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, lne.. bonded. 428-S Paxton blk. D. 1311. Ind. A-13U. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 117 KARBACH BLK. L E BROWN, 613 Paxton Blk. Doug. 27S4. DRESSMAKERS Dressmak'g, Talloiirg. 2213 Doug. D. 47S5. -4IISS STURDY. S21 S. D4th St. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by dsy. Web. 1711 DRESSMAKING and alteration. first class work; prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 201! N. 18th. Webster 1410. Mrs Ross Walts a specialty. 242 Spalding EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES' COLLEGE Is now open In both the day and night ses sions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Teleg raphy. Civil Service and baleMiianshlp. 1 He catalogue Is free. Address H. il. Uoyles, President, Boyle: Building, Omaha. Neb. Oftlclal Training School Luton pacific K. K. telegraph Department. FLORISTS Eenrett s Flower Dept. ICist entrance. BRANDEIS' cut flower dept.; new store. I. Henderson. 1111 Farnara. Douglas l.'li J. II. BATH. )Oi Harney. Douglas iuuu HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam Sr. A. DONAHUE. 1607 I'arnam. D. 1001: A-1001. FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER li'inti. furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters, i lieriuosiats ana tank heat ers Omaha Ptove Repair Works. UOH-Llli licuglus M Hoth phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaenis aual ilrauiiirii. LADY solicitoia for lioune to house work: I only experienced solicitors need apply; sal ary auu commission. Jto iiin, kooiii 1. LADIES To demonstrate, house to huiice. Salary and carfare. W. tl. Can, Room rj. 210 So. .lilt h St. WANTED Saleslady for Omaha. Iowa. Nebraska and Dakota. Apply 4 1 el Mil aid hotel. ! WANTED Experienced saleswomen In lace and embroidery ilepa rinienlF. Applv Superintend nt, Itiandels Stores. t lerlcs and Office. YOUNG l.ADY In wholesale house; musl be fcood at im'i.tes and fall penman, .yi dress D-GJl Bee. WANTr.D i:pi rienced cashier' Stipi rinteudi nt, Brandels Stor.s. Factory anu 'i ridi-.. Apply GIRLS to If em ha rdresslng. Oppenheim parlors. 23b-240 CI I y Nai'l llr.iil:. I' 2J.. LADIES and girls wanted t ileioiaie sofa pillows at hoii.e: r erience unneces sary. Call forenoons. 2 7 S. l.lih. Housekeepers and Domestics. COMPETENT, girl for genersl house, work; three in family. 22o N. 41st St 'Phone Harney 6b-). WANT EI i An experienced girl for gen eral housework. l'J34 Park Ave WANTED A good sounii r;irl to help with housework. 17;" S. Kth St. tilRI. for general houi.ew ork : ' two In famllv. 1 S. "hh Ave. Tel. Ilarmy 4i'3. COMPETENT girl for general house work, no washing. ?!! Jackson St, or phone Harney 145. r WANTED Girl for general housework; family of three. 1 Loihiop St. I'lmiu ebste.' 976 WANTED A conipeient g'rl for general housework; small Iauill, good wages. su5 Park A .- HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepera and Domes! tee Coat'd. GIRL for general housework. Telephone Benson 155. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1020 8. S5th Ave WANTED A school girl to care for two small boy; good horns. 1830 Sherman Ave. 1'hone Webster 1625. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of two; good home. 2101 Wirt St. WANTED Girl for general housework; plsln cooking; small family. 2621 Capitol Ave WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 412 8. 28th St. WANTED At once, competent girl for general housework. 1908 8. 13d St. WANTED A middle-aged lady to care for child of 4 from 1:80 to 8. 701 S. Kth Ave WANTED A good laundress for Monday morning. Tel. Harney 226L 5008 California St. WANTED A competent girl for general houswork; small family; good wages. 1LJ2 S. 30th St. WANTED A girl over 16 to cars for child. 1920 Capitol Ave. WANTED A good girl or middle-aged woman to help with housework. 828 Geoi gla Ave. WANTED A competent girl for amall family. 4ir, N. 20th St. WANTED A competent housekeeper. 141S Poppleton Avt.- WANTED A competent second girl; small family. 2037 Dodge St. WANTED Competent girt for general housework; good wages. 2104 Douglaa St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 133 8. SMh St. GIRL for general house work. Mrs. C. D. Sturtevant. 1LI 8. 36th St. TWO girls for Hotel Monroe. Grinnell, la. One for chamber work and one for dinning room work; none but good steady, ex perienced girls need apply; 120 per month, board and room, and each rooms alone. LADIES wanted; take work home; ap plying transfers. 413 Biandels Theater. GIRL ,for general housework. good wages, small family. J. C. Huteson, 1KJ0 Spencer street. Webster 2349. M Isccllaneons. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strar gers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Uth St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. WANTED An undergraduate nurse for night work In hbspltal; good wages. Ad dress P. & S. hospital. North Platte, Neb. LADIES We will teach, hairdressing free this month with, the new permanent wave, an electrical process that turns straight hair Into natural wavy and remains so per manently. We have secured exclusive right to teach it. Splendid money earned.- Learn It now. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody. Cata logue free. Moler college, Chicago, 111. WANTED A limited number of Kirls for I telephone work. Apply Nebraska Telephone t o., operating department. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls. Apply Superintendent, Brnndeis Stores. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WE HAVE salesmen's positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical School of Salesmanship Drawer T-57, Cleveland, O. WANTED Experienced commis ion sales man to handle our manufactured line of sheepskin lined clothing. Address Bell Bros. Co., Dubuque, la., and send references. LAND SALESMEN WANTED Best and cheapest land In California. Sold In small tracts on easy terms. We supply attrac tive literature, prospects and give all other assistance possible. Trowbridge-Bolster Company. 1L01 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Live, hustling agents to sell lot and land proposition. Big money. Write K. E. Clark, sales manager, Hamlin, Te. WANTED Salesman for Omaha, Iowa. Nebraska and Dakota. Apply 418 Millard hotel. Clerical and Office. WE CAN uae several first-class traveling ralrsmen. bookkeepers, stenographers and clerks. If you are open for a position, don't fail to see us or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Omaha Estab. t vears. Kansas City. 7J2-3-4-5 New York Life Bldg. TWENTY-FIVE men wanted to earn Increased salaries by studying advanced dictation In the Y. M. C. A. night school. I INEXPERIENCED stenographer. H. 611, I Bee. OFFICE MAN WANTED ' A Minneapolis Farm. Mortgage and In vestment corporation about to open a sales 'otliie in Council Bluffs, wanta a young ; man as bookkeeper and -office assistant One who lias some experience on type writer .preferred. Must come of respons ible lair.il and have lance acquaintance ! anion? responsible farmers. Answer tJ-877. j Omaha Bee. ! WE can ALWAYS place HIGH-GRADE j tuei in good paying positions. Call and i see us. I CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., i 1 0 1 " City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores tanapsi. Jobs. Kniest, Bee Bldg. ! tllaeellsnevni, VOU can earn more money by knowine ' how to mlli German. Learn how in the J Y. M. ". A. nlcht school i YOU are wnrted for s government posi i tion. t-) a month. Write for list of post ilions open Franklin Institute, I icpt '.im-C, ' p Chester. N. Y. I K1VE men wunted to studv algebra even- : legs at the M C. A. Tul; on mod"rate. MORE M EN NEEDED AT ONCE for elertric mlUvav inotoriiien and conductors, .ii to 40 sin s "Id. i-im to f lou a montli; no cxpcrienie ueies.-ary; fine i.pporturilty ; no strike; write tin nieriate:y rji app'lcstlon blank, enclosing stamp. Address. V-iUU, .are of IP-e. WANTED Men to learn the t.arher trade, fiur Improved method mukea it easy. In addition to fr-'c prartice. our instructions with chart and diagram saves times. Sim-e barbers do nut take apprentle a ti e d' mand i ano hK' increases. V e tearh oui kly. jloi ls I'iven P. aril provided, if di"ire,l. Moi.r nailer College. Call write ll'i .-. Hill St DETECT! VPS. either sex. experience not nei-essarv 602 Slats Life Bldg , Indian apolis, ind. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous Continued. RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted-Average salary, $1,100; alternate weeks off with full pay: preparation free for coming Omana examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. 203-C. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MAI.K AtD FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, reference required. Address Y 3, Omaha Bee. ANY Intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for newrpapers; ex perience unnecessary. Address I'ress Corre spondence Bureau. Washington. D. C. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wagons. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth. If you buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO., Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sts. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICE', HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from the best MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam CLOSED wagon; good repair; suitable for laundry on candy route. f.L'4 N. lfitli. LOST AND FOUND LOST English bulldog; brown color; ears uncut: tag No. 324SI. Dr. O. F. Slmanek, 1605 S. 10th St. LOST A fraternity gold belt buckle. Call Harney 3."AS. Reward. MEDICAL- FREF! medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, !4th and Daven port Sts. ; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised hr college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and nieht. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. It NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC II t 110 TO 11,000 it M LOANED CN HOUSEHOLD M It FURNITURE. PIANOS 8ALARIE3L tl tt THIS 18 A NEW FIRM. tl It Organized by the REPUTABLE tt It BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- tt tt tect honet working peV In M tt cf temporary l.elp from the exorbl- tt tt tant charges of the so-called loan tt tt companlea We will loan you all the tt tt money you want and cnarge you only 4 per cent a year. tt $$ TtilS m bAMi you t'AX M tt For t 10 6 mo. payments 11.70 I JO.W tt tt For t 2!V 6 mo. payments 14.23 t tt For t 606 mo. payments $8.46 t Mi t tl For 1100 12 mo. payments ts.oii-tlwi f It tt And all other sums In proportion, tt tt Easy weekly or Monthly Payment. U tt Reasonable Appraisement Charges, tt tt A glance at the above rales will ) tt convince you how much you save by tl dealing with us. $1 tt NO RED TAPE. NO DELAX. u It MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. tt $t WITHIN AN HOUR. i tl INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ti It ROOM 201, W1THNELL BUILD1NO. II tt Doug. 6046. N. E Cor. 15th and Harney, tt tiUttMtittWttttltt: 44W4mfcStmt4. Could You Lse $50 to a Good AdvuutageT Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate, end we give It. We will loan you from ti-00 to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy pavments. $120 Is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks, oilier amounts in the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt sttention. Strlctlv confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block. 161H4 Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 24l A-24G6. DON'T BE BROKE We will loan you what money you may need; quick loans, reasonable rates, terms to suit, on any" kind of security you may have, or on your plain note. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 615 Paxton Blk. 16th and Farnara Sis. LOOMLOOK!! Are you short of funds? Do vim need MU.NKV '.' If so and you nav a PERMANENT POSIT. O.N. or own FURNITURE, PIANO, FIXTURES, avORSES, WAGONS, etc., ws will gladly advance you what money you need. Our rates the lowest, terms the easiest and u SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 1616 FARNAM ST.. ROOM 307. DO YOU NEED MONEY! We will loan you money on your furnt rure piano live stock or any other se curity at llWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous tieaiinent and strict privacy, t ail or phone and convince NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1366. Ind. A-1366. 2:'0 BeeBldg. " . :ZVl n A N E D SALARIED PEOPLE. I WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHER", wlthtiit security; payments. I Office in principal cities, 'loiiuan. Room 103 New Omana isanoui ,.. MONEY-; tuS Paxton Block. Tel. To LOAN. Come In ami let us explain low is tes to vou Keiiahle credit Co.. Douglas 1411. A. -1411 ' DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C Fl jATA I. .'"'eu phon." i Street. Red 6d1 Pilvale rarty will lean nr.orchie sa arled peoplo small sums ,. tceir pi', in note; likiihiiiK methods, iovv- t lates. I. mis n ana ! Quitk'v ami cunlidi nt h..v ; paviuenta ar jrahtietl desireil. A,i..ieH.s A u.;. Bee. I JA0VINGS'iORAGE. CLEANING I i. v ppr'cvurva nr. l ri rnv -.-. ...... ilm. P niil'icr p-'i kini:. f i; i-pi uof struk't . II, nil" i- -1 ' ,,.,1 j . iiiu. D-l.iVI. O.MAIl VAN STORAGE CO. cleeus lour carpets on y nr floois; electtu- vacuum cleaner- I i'lk: lt S. lTtn Doug. 4163. OFFERED FOR RENT Board anil llooms. THE IRVING. 2102 Lea ven worth s'eet. FOR RUNT -All e-n -oris nnd boa.d. hum- cooi. lie .' Sr. ;'i; h st -- NIi'EI.Y furnlshid rooms with bun';, good location, '.o- N. 2.' i Si Tel. Ki d .". FOR RENT Nlv warm looms, bath, tit Bo. 2bU at OFFERED FOR RENT Fnrnllnre -Contlnneri. ROOM and board in private family, strictly modern; walking distance; rates very reasonable. f.S S L'2r1. NICE room and board. So. 21th Ave home cooking. FOR RENT Large front room, newly furnished, board If desired private family. I'd N. 2!th St WANTED Two young men to board and room, private famllv. 2021 Howard 8t. St. James. 41 8 13; slm. heat, free bath; Am., $1.25 up: wkly., to up; meals. 2V LARGE neatly furnished room, board If desired. 1321 N. 2th St. FOR RENT Suite of three front rooms, hot and cold water, gas and electric light. 510 So. 22d St. FOR gentlemen or gentleman and wife who would appreciate a home In refineil family, an east front room, with alcove room, handsomely furnished, with choice table. W 603, Bre. Furnished Rooms. "OR RFNT Nlcelv rurnlhd front room fIT 8. Bth Bt Very convenient to business NICELY furnish ad rooms. Ul A. 2 Id "l NICELY furnished room, modern home: private family, "or. a. 31st St. On two car lines. 'Phone Harney 170. FURNISHED room st bargain, strictly modern; walking distance. Phone 11-2341. SUPERB large steam-heated room, at N. 23d. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, within 6 minutes of business district. 840 S. Uth. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th St. ELEGANT FRONT room, private family; walking distance: reasonable. 637 S. 26 Ave. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma 533 S. Z2d St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, with lavatory, large closets; also smaller room: excellent board; on car line or walk ing distance. 709 8. 29th street. DESIRABLE MODERN room; private family; good location. 131 No. Hat Ave. NICELY furnished front room In new (team-heated flat to young lady only. Wit Chicago St. Tel. Red 6242. TWO furnished room a Tel Webster 6376. Kl N. 30th St NICELY furnished room near 24th street car line. 244o South 2oth street ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges If desired; good beat, good bath; close In. 2412 Dodge. LARGE east room, facing Park Ave.; new private residence; $16. Tel. Harney 4904. FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. 502 S. 28th SI. LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for 4 ffentloinen. modern conveniences. 20x M. 1 lath. FURNISHED room; bath; In private house; halt block to car; $2 week. 924 N. 2fith street. ONE large and one small room; light, heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 1425. 2518 Capitol avenue. SLEEPING rooms. In modern brick home. 260S DodBe St. Harney 2365. . HANDSOMELY" furnished rooms, strictly modern, business people preferred; easy walking distance. 2021 Harney St. STRICTLY modern, room, In private family. 2317 Dewey. FOR RENT Nice south room for one or two. bath on same floor, 2575 Harney. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, private family, good neighborhood, on car line; 15 minutes' walk to business part of town; two ladles or two gentlemen. 3217 Sherman Ave. Webster 6289. CLOSE In. tw newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 North 20th Bt. No sign. 'Phone Douglas 6582. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. 115 N. 20th St. MOST comfortable room In Omaha, walk ing distance. 1919 Cass St. TWO modern rooms, V.m California. walking distance. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Famam. WARM, front room, with all conven iences, In private home, for gentleman. 2414 Chicago. Phone Doug. 6216. DELORIE Hotel. 210 N. Kth. Steam Heat. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room; strictly modern: walking distance. 2308 Dewey Ave. Phone Douglas 6401. GOOD room for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. LARGE front room; strictly modern; suitable for two young men. 224 N. 19th. 1 louglas WW.). LARGE, modern, south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 27tli St. 'Phone B. 22.. PLEA8ANT. warm front room; private home; fine location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern; fine for one gentle man. 222 N. 21th. 12.50 WEEK. warm, cozy room, on bath room floor: suitable for one or two people; furnace heat: nice bath; plenty hoi water; Has and telephone; also room and alcove light housekeeping privileges. 26ti3 Ht. Marl a Ave STRICTLY modern room", walking dis tance. 41 S. 24th Ave. $.' per week and op. Tel. ind. A 2916. FOR RENT-One nice front room, lum Howard St. FOR RENT- Nicely furnished room, pri vate family, ' bloi-k from car. modern, l alh 9-1 No. 26lh St.- FOIl lll.NT -Due or two rooms, all mod el n. good lucation. 416 No. 2lsl St. FOR RENT 1. ante aleam heated modern imiiii. Ui N. 2Cd Sl.-- l-i'R RENT Nice modern room, board ! if desired hr4 So. 20h St Mill RENT-Two modern furnished .looms, private; iies:ralil fur two gentl I nun; railioad imn preferred. 410 S i.tii , Av e.-- This is what a lady 200 block, South 37th says of Bee want ads: "The ad in I be lire for a Lruu.bl a reliabl (irl at once." OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnlshed Rooms Continued. FOR RENT Large south room, modern, 22.4 l-'arnaiii St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, evenly heated, modern, front room, walking dis tance. 222 Douglas St 4 FOR RENT-Large pleasant room, pri vate family, on car line, walking distance; Ideal home for two gentlemen. 222 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; bath on same floor. 2423 Dodge St TWO modern heated rooms, $8 and $1 month. 2-YH Webster. Bell phone. NICELY furnished room; private family, 7ix, S. 31st St. FOR RENT -Nlcelv furnished front room; reasonable. 68 S. 2Mh St. FOR RENT Nice, cojty. sunny, south room; good location, near cars; walking distance. 1919 Cass St. FOR RENT Large, modem room; sta tionary wash stand In room. 2C03 Burt St - FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooms for two; breakfast and dinner If desired. 2211 Douglas St. i FOR RENT Nice room, good location, private family, no children. 537 8, tilth An, FOR RENT Large front rxiom and al cove; )lvate family. 2.r71 Dodge St. FOR RENT- Nicely furnished rooms, newly papered, hot nnd cold watery gen tlemen preferred. 2416 Jones St. . FOR RENT A nicely furnished room: walking distance. COS Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front room for two; good location. :t S. IMh St. FOR RENT A five-roomed house, all modevi; hot water heating plant- 1814 S. 27th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, derirable for three or foiflr persons, steam heat, good location. 2618 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nice, clean, steam heated room, south front, walking distance. 418 S. 24th Ave. . . FOR RENT Nicely furnished, all mod ern, front room; bath on same floor. 2122 California St. VERY desirable, new. modern, private residence; gentlemen. 2125 Douglaa. Tyler 122S. LADY desires roommate, good location, references exchanged. 2213 Douglaa. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. SI N. 30th: no sign on house. - - ALL modern furnished rooms, heat, con venient to two carllnes. 60c bv day or rates by the week. 8111 So. 24th St. Hotels and Apnrtments. NICELY FTJRNIBHFD RHOMB tVr gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Uth it SUITES-$66 up; meal book, to 60. Gentle men preferred. Tel liar. 661. 1U42 Geo. Ave, DODGE HOTEL ISth Dodge; all out side rooms, steam heat; special week rate. The BACHELOR. JOth and Farnam. Apartments and Flats. steam heated; strictly modern; reasonable. 216 N. 22d. Inquire 320 N. 20th. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly modern. 2823 N. 20th St inquire J. N. Marsh. 1923 Locust Bt. CENTRAL. Steam neat e-room flat N. 23d. CONVENIENT 4 room flat $11 $611 Marcy. 118 00 7-room modern flat lfta N. 16th St-, spatalra. Inquire H. 10th l Call Wee, im. $20.00 FOUR-ROOM apt., t blka east side park cars. Harney 3686. , FIVE-ROOM apartment In tne moat at tractive apartment house In the city. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-rooin brick apartment In city; elec tric lights, continuous hot and cold water, steam heat furnished: tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price, $60. Two blocks from heart of city. H 577. Bee. THE GENOA 3S.10 Cass, Just completed. These apartments have 5 rooms, storage, gas ranges, refrlKera tors, telephone, shades, curtain rods, heat, water and Jani tor service. They are latest and In best residence location. Janitor will show you. FIVE-ROOM flat, strictly modern, very best neighborhood, t2. Harney 2029. APARTMENT 1. In The Clarlnda, 3027 West Farnam. I .ease can be had for long or short period. Call at the apartment. Fnrnlshed Housekeeping; Rooms. WARM, cozy rooms, all modem, new furniture, gas, furnace heat and bath. l.Ui Dodiie. II 6086, NICE, comfortable housekeeping room. 113 S. 24th St. FURNISHED ROOMS for light' house keeping. 0-"'-i N. 171 h St. Red 64'."0. TWO lovely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping, within easy walking distance; everything modern; price rca fconable. 66o S. 2ith Ave. FRONT ROOM. kb. half block from car; colored. 917 N. 261 li St. FOR RENT A couple rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 6:2 N. 23d St. FOR RENT-Nice south room with al cove, well heated, gua range. -J Burt St FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms, modern. 3l2i! California St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms fof housekeeping. 422 N. 17t.il St. NICE rooms for linht housekeeping, fur nisned or unfurnished. 2226 Docile. St. - SUITE of lucht housekeeping rooms 'and J sleeping rooms. 1 lo'l Jones. SUITE of 1 1 Klit housekeeping rooms, south front, good location. 610 K. 20th Ave.- TWO nice, large, heated rooms; house keeping privileges. 1,12 Douglas 8t. FOR R ENT-T hree desirable anutheaat rooms, hoi water neat, good neighborhood, on car line, i efei em es. 3210 (as St. in the street, ir tor fceucral Uuuaework I; i I UK