c d c7.i: fiT I .:- 11 U r C 7 r-rrv ct ctt MM 1 ills i i f zJo 1 u We own 4,XX) Hi-res of SKLElTHD land in the famous (lunuison Valley. We. are now fanning two thousand acres of this. SELECTED land. This is not a "Carey Act Segrega tion. ,; Each 40 acres of this land was SELECTED lor us ) Henry A. Kearus, a practical and successful fanner who has lived in the Gunnison' Valley for 40 years. We are planting six hundred acres of this land to commercial orchards. Of this 270 acres are now in two-year-old trees. These orchards we are veiling in .-), Ill and I'O-acre tracts. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN and SMALL PAYMENTS BY THE MONTH secures to you the practical and suecesst'iil care of one of these tracts for five seasons until vou are readv to take title and under take the care of it yourself. YOl' CAN SAVE oOc PLIi DAY. This saving invested in one of these commercial orchards, will JNSEKE YOU AX JNVOMK OF $1,(M .() PKW YEAW KOK LIFE. Write to us for full, free information. We arc glad lo give it. WHITE TODAY. W. M. Roylance, a I'tah couiralssion merchant and car-lot shipper, Is buying apples from Pacific Coast Com mercial orchards wherewith to .supply tin markets which he controlB. More apples raired in I'tah will find an immediate market VV. L.. Garrison, near Ogden, Utah, raised 1.19 1 lbs. of cherries per tree, 40 trees, to the acre, and sold those cherries in the Ogdcn market for 8c an lb. Close mall markets' feature and matte' profitable farming through , out all Utah. ; The vVVrestern Pac king Company of Salt Lake City is now buying, as It lia bought for nomn years last att, hogs from Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. An Immediate demand for this stock, with a high cash return for all you can raise will help you to pay for your orchard out of Its profits. i A carload of turkeys went astray last Thanksgiving Day. These, turkeys, bought In Missouri, and consigned to an Oden ' Commission merchant, were necessary to , the Thanksgiving celebration of the second largest city of this state. Here la an Immediate, Quick cash demand for produce that will help pay for your place. Farmers got 19c per lb. for turkeys In the Gunnison Valley this year. There weren't enough raised to go around. . J. W.. Cunningham, Monroe, Utah, raised from a number of his well protected, carefully cultivated trees. .20 boxes of commercial, apples per tree last season. He picked 20 boxes, sold 20 boxes and got paid for 20 boxes per tree. In a neighboring slate Eugene Sargent, at Frutt land, picked and sold for cash Wlnesap and Spitzenburg apples to the value of $71,"00.00 from one 50-acre orchard. J. A. Powers, formerly of Garden City, Kansas, cleared from his orchard $2S,000.ti0 In six years. What Others Have Done in the West Alice Monahan of Onalalla Nebraska, purchased 4 0 acres of commercial orchard land In a neighboring state, went to work as a stenographer in a nearby town. Sold one-half of her orchard for enough to build her a 3,000 home. She got a 20-acre orchard, a $ 5,000.00 home, a splendid .fob, and is taking care of her mother. That is what a girl did in the West. You can do ae well. Archie Lewis, a former Iowa drug clerk, in ten years is president of a bank at Salina, Utah. Alma Nelson borrowed $30 to come from Omaha to Provo. Nelaon is now cashier of the State Bank of Provo at Provo, Ctah, and at a recent auction gale bought 10,000 acres of t'inta Valley lands. This Is what a "down and out" did. You can do as well. E. A. Jones came from Missouri, settled at Gunni son. Jones brought 6,000 with him. Today he is pres ident of a bank at Gunnison that has $100,000 in deposit. All that you need la the determination of Alice Mon ahan, the grit of Alma Nelson, and a small bit of capital like E. A. Jones and you ran do ten times as well in Utah as In any other state in the West. This means that you are a man of average intelli gence, average thrift, and not too lazy to work. The maximum average of grows pro duction throughout all of ihe corn belt is 118.01 per acre. There Is not a tree In any average commercial orchard throughout all of I'tah that son't do half as well unit we plant "a trees to the acre. Here I a parallel: You raiae $15.01 of corn, gamble with nature on the weather ami take a chance every day throughout all of the ' corn belt. li the Gunnison Valley the weather la always the same: rain Is around In ditches constantly running through your farm and your gross minimum production will nexer fall below $500 rer acre. You can Insure yourself for $1,000 per year for life If you can and will bave 50c per duy. We. have an ft rganlxatlnn especially de signed to answer your Inquiries. We want you to write for Information. You are under no ohllgatlona when you write to ua. Utah Ih the best of the West, an al most forgotten laud, yet untouched by the tide of emigration which has Increased the values of lands In Idaho, Washington and Oregon from $500 to $3,000 per acre. The Inflation of values lias not yet come to Utah. The man who comes now reaps not only the extraordinary yield of the fecund earth, but the wonderful lncreaao In prop erty ami land values as sure to come to I'tah as It did to Washington, Oregon and Idaho. You can Insure your life for $1,000 per year; you can insure yourself an Income of $1,000 per year for life If you can and will save 50c per day. Every word In his announcement is true. Should you doubt, write the Continental National Bank at Salt Iale City. Utah, the l'lngree National Hank nt Ogden, Ctaii, the State Hank of l'rovo hi I'rovo, I'tah, or the Mantl Savings Hank, M.intl, I'tah. And should you question the actunl In crease in land value borrow a bank di rectory ami ask this Information of any tank on the North Pacific Coast. Hankers, manufacturers and wholesal ers will be glad to verify any statement made In this announcement. You can In sure to yourself an Income of $1,000 per year for llf,. if you can and will save 60c per day. Our literature tells you how. Our let ters will explain how. Disinterested per sons will explain how, and finally the land Itself; the United States government sta tistics will prove to you beyond doubt that you can Insure yourself an Income of $1,000 per year for life If you can and will save 60c per day. Some of these are uncommon Instances, others entirely ordinary. All of them were done by men of usual Intelligence and thrift. You can Insure yourself for $1,000 per year for life, you can save 50c per day; devote saving to the purchase of a com mercial orchard tract In the tlunnlson Valley and a competence for your old age is absolutely assured. No endowment policy will do as well. No endowment policy can do as well. Read This! What Five Nebraska Farmers Say: (iunnlson, I'tah. To Whom It Max Cometh: This certifies that we, the undersigned, have visited and thoroughly examined the land ami water In tlunnlson Valley. I'tnh, ttnd xvill say it xxas a surprise to us all. It Is the most fertile land xve have ever seen. The crops of grain, alfalfa, suk.ii' beets and vegetables are i f the best. It certainly was a revelation to us. We found the people hospitable. in fail, it Is Ideal In every respect. Any person de sirous of locating In a good county should see tiunnlson Valley before buying else- ' where. In our Judgment, the average yield per acre Is as follows: Wheat 60 bushels per aere Oats 75 to SO bushels per acre. Harley 75 to So bushels per acre. Alfalfa ti tons per acre. Wo have seen wheat that xve think will average sixty-five bushels per acre. oats 1011 bushels per arte, barley 100 bushels per acre, alfalfa 8 tons per acre and al- . falfa seed, l'iftten bushels per acre. I Signed I UHIC1) KIM'SK. (Signed) OKtt. H. I K.1 At 'K lilt, (Signed! HKKMAN Kltt'SK. Signed) I'HAS. KKITSON. (Signed i HliNKY HI'NN'lil.l.S Macon, Franklin County, Nebraska. The Spalding-Livingston Investment Company, In addition to these orchard lands, owns and is Belling on easy terms farming lands In 40, 80 and 160-acre tracts. These farms are cultivated or you may purchase raw land and begin with the primeval soil: according to your own Ideas and your own methods. The first thing, and the best thing for you to doj Is to WRITE AT ONCE for fulKfree and complete Information. Thia company Is the largest, the wealthiest and the MOST IMPORTANT LAND COMPANY IN ALL UTAH. Farms for any purpose, farms for cash or credit, cultivated or raw land, you may take your choice from the great big list of bargains which WE SEND ABSOLUTELY FREE. Separate and apart from our orchard lands, WE OWN FOUR THOUSAND ACRES OF FARM LAND, not particularly available for commercial orchards, but peculiarly and wonderfuly well adapted to purely agricultural development. Lists of these lands, terms and prices are ABSOLUTELY FREE TO YOU. Write now, write right now, write today. M OSCAR L. COX, GENERAL MANAGER Spalding -Livingston Investment Company ISRXOATED L1XD1 1KD OKCIAXDS III OtJlTNIBOIf VALLEY, UTAH. General Offloea, 603 to 509 Newhouae Building. ALT X.AXB CITT, UTAH. 'm,MimA 'ms , 'fiscal M'xs ':mlt lam cntimi '! I rFizr" , . . , zip J ;.. ; j : J I ; i s t ' - .