ir n iiwiiw ii A 1 3 5 t uft-4., V H -Illijr-tr. :-tt . r- i I ..' b 1 h n n n n n n n n rT n n n n n H u vAV OGDEN, UTAH, IS THE HU Osden, Utuli, if tlie half way post he Iweea Oinitha and the gieat expnrtlnx tit U-m of the I'ucifie Coast Half way t tween umalia, tlie prlncinal Miasuuit eunniion point, and Portland, Oregon, Se utle anil TaL'oiiia. Undeii, I'laii, IS OX THIS OlItlX'T UOUTIJ i:.ST AND WKST. ii mi offfis to ilia lionie-iFi kir, capllalist mid Investor the RUST OI'i'OllTl'N'lTV for advancement there are Ifft In the AVcst today. Vol' i-iin do HUTTKJt Ht Ogden. I'tali. vol- m;i:i ojikn. i taii, as mv'H AS oiilJlJN, UTAH. NKKHS YolT. There Is an opporlunily for the promo l. r, nkllled in Mich proji't-td. to organize iind linisli a hiii line canal around the city. Thin canal would water thousands of acres of land. tlouMe and greatly mul tiply their present vulue, and I'KOVIDK UOMKS TOK JiUNHUl'DS OK HOilK SUKKHltS. Tlies lands are the BKST OKCMAKD LANUS there are in tlie West. Tlie fumouH Ofiden Canyon, one of tlie scenic wonders of the world, acts much like a bellows. 1 1 warm winds rusiiiK ihronsh it down from the tahle lands at niijlit, matntaininn an even tem perature and providing for the wise hor ticulturist TII10 MOST Sl'LKNlUll Ol' 1'OIITI'XITV Till: (lUllWlNC. Ol- Klil'IT that exists In the whole of toe Inter-Mountain West. Tlie succe- slul notation of tins one pro ject would nmki the man who "hrouiiht It noroHK" sufficiently wealthy for ail his needs. OC.DK.V, 1'TAli, NKKDS MOXKY. Many brokers In this city will KUarantee 7 and 8 per cent net on money to be loaned upon a proved security. These brokers are glad to give bank references, and it Is not unfair to believe that they have the op portunities which they announce. The shops of the I'nlon Pacific are lo cated at OK.len, I'tah; (J It HA T U'AHK II1H SKS OK STKMU ani ckmknt HAVK HK1CN i:RKCTi:i) HKIIK WITH IN Till-: LAST TWO Y KA Its, and this half-way post between the (,'ieat consuin Iiik and nian ifiu t'li iim centers of the east, it ii I the consuinliiK anil prodiH Ini; centers of the West, is kiowIiii; merrily fipii cc Ogden Is a city of rpi.Ono people. A oii t' lited people. We hae schools, churches. paved streets, electric lights, theaters, Kuod hotels, handsome residence districts, and one of the finest Masonic Temples In this country. The Weher I'luh at OKden. Utah, main tains A PAIH CJI--1- Kl AI WHOSH IHTV it Is to iinswer your iiuestlons. You need ORden, I'tah. You need to know more about this thriving, butllii.t;. I earnest western city that has grown in the past, is srowini; now. ANI) IS DKTKIl- M I N K I T(i CHOW M) HK. Hook lei s, let i ters of information, names of responsible parties with whom to do business--iTHKSi: A HK Al.h AHSOl.l TKLY l-'HI-; 1". Write today. This may lo YOt'H OM-l Hill ol'l'OHTLMT y. llrasp It now. Address, The Secretary, THE WEEER CLUB Ogden, Ulah. c um Jim rcyy f J 2 i .1 U If "At I t ir