unday Bee PART SEVXN LAND SHOW PAGES ONE TO TWELVE. FOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA BEE BEST IN THE WEST The Omaha I & vol. NL-xo. OMAHA. SIXDAV MOWXjN'li. .lAM'AIJV L mi sin(slk corv FIVH CKXTS. TO DO YOUR PART IN THE DEVELOPEMENT OF THE WEST Patronize a Western Company. We write tha moat approved forniH of Accident and iletiltli Policies aluo l'ldelty and Hurety Uonda, Plnte tHaas and BurR lary Inauranoe. aTATIOlTAL FIDELITT OASUAX.TT CO., National Fidelity & Casualty lliilldlriK, Umalia, Neb. AdT.rtiaara.n Ho. 1 Alamito Alamito Alamito Alamito Alamito Phone Doug. 411. To Have The Safe, Pure Milk Delivered Before Breakfast. Watch for AdrartiMaiant Ho. a Katherine Giblin MANICURING And HAIRDRESSING 827-8-9 City National Bank Building A Complete Line of Hair Goods Tel. Doug. lOOl Special Days at the Land Show Pure Sparkmlg SnW JT Direct from tha Kooky Mouatatna. 5-gallon bottle 50c, delivered The Rocky Mountain Water Co., 1834 Chloafo Mtroot. rhomo Bona;. 60. Omaha, JT.braaka. The Highetst Grade Stand ard Brands of Cigars in the City. Geo. Rogers The Cigar Man 1506 Farnam Street 30,000 ACRES . Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado We will Kell you any sized Jract on eivy terms and let you colonize. ! Agents Wanted Telephone for npKintment. Our telephone is Tyler 1070. 3C5 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., THE GRAIN BELT CO., Omaha, Neb. At Cut Pricoo We Invite orders' from out-of-town visitor for everything in our line, which comprise! Fl U LINE OF ROIBEK OOODS. ' Fl'I-L. line toiijct akticles. FULL LIXE PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Call for catalogue. Sherman & MoConmll Drue Co., COR. 16th AM) IK)IKE Owl Drug Co., COR. lfith AND HARXEV. Wednesday, Jan. 18 Tri-City Day. Thursday, Jan. 19 Good Roads. Lumbermen's Ass'n. German Turners. Friday, Jan. 20 Nebraska State Day. Lumbermen's Day. Knights of Columbus. Omaha High School 1 to 6. , Omaha High School Cadets. Saturday, Jan. 21 South Omaha Day. Omaha Public School. South Omaha Public School. Bohemian Day. ' . . " Chambers' Dance. School. Sunday, Jan. 22 Labor Union. Monday, Jan. 23 Utah Day. Iowa Day. Woodmen of the World. Tuesday, Jan. 24 Idaho Day. Montana Day. " Western Development League. Railway Men's Day. Scandinavian Day. . Wednesday, Jan. 25 California Day. Fresno Day (Raisin) . S. F. Exposition Day. Hawaiian Day. . German Night. Wyoming State Day. Modern Woodmen. Scotch Night. Thursday, Jan. -26 Colorado State Day. B. P. 0. E. Night. Knights of Columbus. Com'l Travelers. Friday, Jan. 27 Knights of Columbus. Women's Club.' Scandinavian Night. Y. M C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Saturday, Jan. 28 Ak-Sar-Ben. School Children. Com'l Travelers. m -r1 - mn JtSTA J lie f.ULPl&KGWORTHY CLOTHES SHOP In the Git National Bank Building TvJ new store tlint everybody is talking ahout is having JL Per Cent 3 Discount Sale on All Our Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats Authority on Men's Wear See Our Windows. mm ' f$MM EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. FORWARDING KIRE-I'R(K)I, STOR.E. MOVING VANS, Ft R.MTrT.V: PACKINCj, BAUtiAGE DELIVERY City Office, 216 S. 17th St. Ilee ItuililinR, 17th St. Side IMiones iHtug. 3H4 Ind. lt-1341. n Opportunity.. !Hunilium'n IVot-' powtler 19o Kuvnhaiirn Tulciim J'(i jUt . . . . lOc .J Mt Waler IIhk", rddiI qiiulltv, Sl.OO, ' 91.35 Hiid . : .' 1.60 ' ' TatJSSES TEAT fit Ifatd jlbj Couia and Baa Vu fATJiN't MEL-1CIMS All kinile J 1.00 HiKe . . , . 89o All klmln f0c Hlze . . 45o Special prU-en on tliuu.s In qiinnii tlpa. We can sell a Ki'od razor with a Ktmp for J1.00 ' The Hhove Ik iiuaranlecd. All Kind a of Nioa Oooda. Wa Ara Waiting; to Baa You. The Bell Drug Co. 1316 TASK AM ST. Tha Koma of I-olly Krug Two Trollea Sally for Sajra. THE JOLLY GIRLS EXTRA CHORV1 OIRI.B' CO. TEST TUESDAY MIOHT Bpaolal Waak Day Matlnaa for La dlaa, lOo. Thnraday, Friday and Saturday Tha Olrl of tha Bunny Soutn. DR. CLARK Tha Painleaa Dantlat Sat of Taath, (5.00 V-ry lft set of Twili, on ruhhrr . . t8.00 OmCH, 904 FAXTOIf BLOCK THE PENALTY FOR EYE ABUSE In cumulative. The longer yon do lay IuivIiik your eyes looked after the more you Huffer; the worne your eyes will lxf. lleudtti'heN, eye Mrnin, letters duncinK before the eyen, blurrlnv; of tye, ai-e warniiiKN the HMialty Ih near at hand. Huteson Optical Go. inc. 213 South 16th St. ) L ill OjlMilillll That South Omaha is entitled to be referred to as the "Great Live Stoek Market, of the West," is clearly evidenced by its remarkable development during the last few years. Every year is a record breaker in one or more departments of the South Omaha Market, yet record breaking events at other markets are of rare occurence. A GREAT CATTLE MARKET The Great Live Stock Market of the West... South Omaha broke all records in 1910 in the receipts of Cattle, with an increase of 110,000 head over 1909, whirh waa also a big year, or more than half the lncreaae at seven prominent markets, making by far the best show ing of any of them. South Omaha also broke all records in the number of feeder cattle sold for shipment to the country and has established a FKKDKK CATTLE MARKET NOT EQl'ALUCD IN THE CN'ITKD STATES, EITHER IN THE Ql'AUTY OF OFFERINGS OR QUANTITY Sl'ITABLE FOR FEED ING PURPOSES. The favorable reputation of the South Omaha Market ex tends over the ENTIRE CORN BELT and is as WIDELY KNOWN IN THE RANGE COUNTRY. A NATURAL SHEEP MARKET s South Omaha received in 1910 3,000,000 Sheep, or bSO.OOO head more than in 1909, a record year, representing a gain of 4 1 per cent. This gain amounted to 50 per cent of the total gain of seven prominent markets, in cluding Chicago and all the Urge markets, and wan the best showing ever in a do by any market. NET RESULTS ATTRACTIVE South Omaha hag made this remarkable showing agalnsi keen competi tion and It a reat gains have been made with consequent Iosh at competitive markets. No better Illustration of the Increasing popularity of the South Omaha Market could be offered than a comparative showing of general results at all the big markets, to which the attention of the feeder is cordially Invited. South Omaha Merits the Increasing Patronage of the Western Shipper VISITOIRS TO xe LAND SHOW as well as others, are urged to exercise care in getting on and off street cars, thus avoiding danger of accident. Do not attempt to get on or off moving cars, and when crossing streets, look out for the cars. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents Commucil EShiffis treet Railway Company