16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1011. CLEARING SALE SPECIALS Mastery Sale Women s and children's Hosiery, fine rotton and lisle thread, fancy embroid ered boot patterns, also nil wool and fleece lined, full fashioned, . regular and out si7.es; also children's fln heavy ribbed cotton, wool 2i and fleeco lined hosiery double heels and toes, worth 25c pair, at, pr. Women' fln Imported lisle and ot tnn hosiery, fancy colors, lace and eru brnfdered boot patterns, extra spliced knee and wide welt tops, worth f Or pair, at, pair MEN'S HOSIERY 25c Fine rotton and mercerired finished Hosiery, plain and fancy em broidered; also fine and heavy worsted hosiery, double 10J. heels and toes, worth 25c pair, at, pair U2' . JANUARY SALE Women's natural AVool rants and Vests, all sizes, special, at, each G9" Wide Embroideries 39c Yd. 18, .2- ami 27-inch fine embroidered flouneinjsrs, skirting and corset cover widths, swiss nainsook and cambric choice designs in English eyelet, Madeira, floral and blind relief patterns many worth 75c a yard big QQrf , bargain square at,, yard WtL $1 CORSETS at 69c Well known brands, medium and extra long, French Coutil and batiste 4 hose 'supporters lace trmmed new models. DEMONSTRATION OF A COMPLETE LINE NEIVIO CORSETS NEW MODELS FOR SPRING 1911 Miss Meyer of New York is in attendance and will give spe cial fittings. Omaha women should make it a point to come Saturday prices are. Demonstration in Candy Dept. Pompeian Room MEXICAN CANDY MAKING See Ihe interesting manufacture of this delicious caudy all day Saturday. GREAT JANUARY SACRIFICE High Grade Second Floor, New Btore All our regular $7.00 and $9.00 tpiulity hair special, only .i BRAMDEIS BRANDED GIRL'S JEWELS BACK Trinkets Taken from Miss Trejbal Re turned by Mail. POLICE RENEW THEIR EFFORTS llelrclls rr-hln for Prrton Who Took ouK Voiuan from Her Rrd and Bmriied Mam's arae wn Her. ,.lrhy takfii from Sim THIl Tre.ill, 316 Soutli Tneni.v-flrst htr-et, one niKlit last Peptrmnr:-. l,n xli nia orrlrd from lir bd nd branilfd on the arm with i"he name of a prominent Bohemian Turner, wn returned by mull Friday. The weird story told by the girl. -who de c'ared she had been taken from her home and marked by a hot Iron with the naitij of a men ft a ventatinn of the Holiemlan eUlrmviH last autumn. SHt to mm Aeiatiitiir e. The Jewelry sent to Frank Houten of liLD Pouth Twrlftli street, an acquaintance of M.ca Trejhal. Uotiten linmrrilatel turned the Jrwelry over to t'aptaln favan. tlnef at ilrlect.ve. who Is now working upon the ae. The jewelrs. whi-h crit-d of a biecelet. a gold watch and a Turner's pin. broken and dinftaiired to such an ex tent that It U now worthlceg The pack as na u rapped up In a neNpaper and lie address wa the nenpaivr address label. Mixk Yrejbul a's that the persons who rarrii-d her off last tfvptemPrr told her at the time tnat tliey would return the Jewelry in six mouths "if she was good." Hie sc. counts fur the fart that persons, evidently Ixiut upon revenue for some irmarks stie 1 u rirculated, would truulile ti take her Jewelry, by declaring that the irwels were m -fc Hi 1 " . ' i anil OF UNDERWEAR . Boys' Undershirts and Drawers, heavy ribbed, fleece lined, extra Kood quality, all sizes, special, at, each 29c $3 up to $15 Hair Goods and Pompeian I loom Cluster Puffs, first V95 $31! If All our $10.00 and $12.00 Switches; this sale only, reduced to. .$5.50 Cluster Puffs, medium size, 15 puffs in set, $2.00 values; special for this sale at , .98c Auto Nets Large size, special,, two for .5tr 'J4-ineh Sanitary Rolls . . ,19c '24-inch Washable Rolls, 50c values, at 35c Manicuring, Hair Dressing and Shampooing. Hair Goods Dept., Pompeian Itooui, 2d Fl. STORES lying" upon the bed where she had left them, having been cleaning them before the retired. As Miss Trejbal no- tells the story It seems that the younfc- men friends of a number of youni? women concerning whom she had been passing xome stoi v. took tuli unluue method of revenge. The name printed upon her arm waa that of Itlha. a prominent liohemfan and ikiw a tneiiibvr of the Ktate leglslatuie. iih name w,,s ihosen because tlm avenger.-, thought that the girl was In love with him Tlu; marka are now barely visible upon her a:in I hluroforut I !. Mivs Trejlal ays that her parents and the large family of children in th in u room were i hlorofoi med and did no. hear the noise made by her raptors. The oung lady flunks that she might have been ihiorofoimed aiso. as she was only partially conscious of what was gopig un arouna ner. Mls Trejlsl Is not suie enough of thu Identltv of the men to accuse anion of the crime. SEVEN AD CLU3 COMMITTEES Prestorat Ufrtu Appolai, K.arflus (outaiitlera in Mrellna f , l-:e-ntl IliaU . President lltnry K. tiering appointed seven standing comm. He f,,r VfJir al a meeting oV the cn.MitU com.ni'tte,. vt the Omaha Ad club held at the llennhaw hotel Friday. The committees were as fol io W ! . JlenlHrhip. Al f. 8.ot(; baiepiet. I .r. Z i 1 flark: program and printing s p lianger; p. ibhc affairs. K. I. Klll. k : fmanee Harry O. Kelly; pr.s and publicity Halidi i K. Suudeiuiiid. Tli next meeting of the cluh will be held at noon Tburedav. January 1. prohablv in ! the lUthrkellrr of the llei.shaa hoteL CLOTHING COM PAN i Extraordinary Clothing Values DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Broktn Lots of SUITS AND OVERCOATS Krnm our own regular clock, tl.'.0 tn $18.00 values, at $10.00 . Broken Lots of SUITS AND OVERCOATS Krnm our own regular dock, 110.00 to 122. Oft vnlues, at $12.50 Extra Special A grand clearance sale oT all our Men's and Young; Men's high grade trousers, $4, $5 and JC values, at 92.98 Good strong, durable trousers suitable for work or business wear, $2.50 and $3.00 values, "t ....$1.G5 This $50 Steel Given Away The object In giving away this f &0 range is to induce ns many people as possible to call at our store to see the new, Improved 1911 Detroit Ideal Gas Stoves and Steel Ranges. By simply registering their name without cost they will be .entitled to a chance on the range. It Is simply an advertising stunt. Last Sunday we made the first an nouncement of this offer In one of the daily papers. Already more than 300 people have responded. ' Any purchaser of a range In the meantime will have his money refunded If be paid cash, or will get a receipt In full if bought on the payment plan, If he is a winner. The Detroit Ideal gas stove has a national reputation of more than twenty years for three things. It has proven to be a gas stove that lasts more than twenty years. Nine out of every ten gas stoves sold in Omaha every year don't last tea years. It has also proven to be the fin est baking gas stove made. It gives you dollar gas, because it has the patent shallow, small drilled orifice burners. We are selling the same steel ranges we have sold "for twenty years. They have been time-tried and fire-tested: One of our long-lasting steel ranges in your kltenen this time of the year will reduce the high cost of living, because it will do your cooking and help out the heating etove with one fuel, so the heating stove won't take as much fuel to heat your house. We sell steel ranges at $5.00 down and $6.00 per month, and gas stoves at $3.00 down and $3.00 per month, or, we cut the price for cash. Stoetsel -S 714 South An accessible office in the best known building In the city is offered TO YOU N0,W. The vacant offices are few, so would suggest an early inspection. The rental price includes electrio light, heat and good janitor service. - - " " The Bee Building Iloom H46 On the 6tb floor, fronting 17th street ;. About 180 square feet, and has a' vault and wash stand. Price, $18.00 per month.. Room 640 On the 6th floor, fronting 17th street. . About 152 square feet. Price $17.00 per month. i i Room 524-On the 6th . floor, fronting north. About 285 square feet. Has stationary wash, stand. Price $25.00 per month. ' Rooms RUfl-l On the 6th floor, fronting north. About 34 0 square feet with wash stand. A fine suit of smaller ofllces. Rent $3 2.50 per month. The Bee Building Compahy Bee Business Officd 17tn and Farnam EXPRESSMEd'S DELIVERY CO. FIRE PROOF STORAGE MOVING VANS, FUKNITURE Pocking, Baggage 13c?livcry City Office: 216 So. I7fh Si Bea inhst.sidi Phone; Uaiuglas 394-iad. 13.1341 Second Sale Brings Heirs Good Profit Purchaisr's Failure to Raiie Money Results in Gain of $900 to Bene ficiaries of Diiel's Will. j Failure of J. C. Kendls to raise .G41 1 to pay for the hls'oric liousi- at 2"10 Haven I nort tr t. once the home of fornier Go' si-pen- Alvin riaundrrs. resulted In a sain I of H'J for tl.f lielrs of Andre Pixel he be ancient mansion was cold Kriday inori- ,hk by f'lyde Sunblad. referee. The hous was owned by Mr. Pixel at th.- Tims of lis diath and its sale was ordered by the dl.-tiict court In order that - pro.ee. Is might h divided among the doien hens Mr. Minulad appointed i rrf . ree to sell Ihe house to the highest bid Broken Lots of SUITS AND OVERCOATS From ' ov.r own regular clock, $25.00 to $30.00 values, at v $15.00 . Furnishing Clearance 60c Heavy Fleeced Underw-ear, at . 25 $1.60 Flannel Shirts at 9S "Cooper's" $1.50 'Underwear at $1.15 $1.00 Dress Shirts at .790 Range Will Be Feb. 10th tow Co., 16th Street der and made the dl is on. Air. Huudhlud a'jilo.;i-l iff tlin h.mye on December go. iCrndls made the luglie.vt l:d. Hi 41. and tho property was kovktd dovn to hir.i. lie nut unable to msf the itth lo c'ose the d al. however, and arujth-r sale was had. M. I". runkhou:tr Rot the property with a bid of roil. 14. F. p. Wcsd xmim a foi mlilat.le oj -w orient for Mr. I"ui vhuuser id ti e llrtii,;; ;, u hicti slatted rt the Itgtirr Mr. Kend.s nad offered to lay. Mr. Wrad's la-t 1.1. 1 wm only b-loiv Mr. Kin'houyr r's l.i .1. 1 he hi-toi-lc lions- is still a hiind.-onic on-. l.lfe enleni- of suffering ltli lung and t'.roat tionble la tiuickly ron.mutrd hy I r King'x New piscover. nuc and l.tV For sale by Beaton Urug I 'o Jollei W heel Kurl'ir) Huraril. Jt,l.li;T. Ill . Jan. IX The Jul lei Wheel Manufacturing coimanv's piaui and run tents urra destroved hv fire ludat. I.oj ' v n I li f 1 l ' . . mtmmj 1 , . i MEN'S SHOES MoooratGly Priced Kvrrjr man .wants to look well dressed, but no niau is well dressed if his shoes aro not neat and stylish. 1 be shoe that a man wears lends the finishing touch to his dress, without which the entire effect is lost. Most well dressed men buy their shoes at Fry's and they only pay $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 for as stylish a shoe as a man can wear. FRY SHOE CO., "THK SHOKK" Iflth and Douglas Sts. Special , llomeseekers' Rales Sou'.hYfDst To Missouri, . Arkansas, , Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas. Tickets on sale the first and third Tuesdays In each month. . Stopovers allowed on both the going and return journeys. ipufte x1 finnruvv Fass. and Tick Agent. 1 1433 rarnam Strsst. I Depot, Union tattoo, S Omaha. ' I r Now' the day f III Now'sfa hour" iff f m mm. w T-rrrrrr(i?i THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME CSNSUMISi' DISTRIBUTER JOHN NITTLER 3224 SO. 24TH STRICT DO YOU? l.j oii wait batter coffee tlisu you are now getting? It's an easy matter. ,!ui"t buy u siiini'le i iiler of our steel Cut and Sifted goods. We remove nil dnst and nbaff, giving m.u. full weight. It's tbo most dsairable coffss id the msrket. MoiM. i Mixture ...,3Be, :( lh....81 i;xi.-elKiur Blend . . . . 3Co, Z't lbs $1 W. L. Masterm9n & Co. THE COrrBB KIM." BKAKCH AT PUBLIC MilKET, 1610 Harnsy. 8jauUilllWM' IMULmWHhILirimimV? Candy Special for Saturday l)t- Mexican Maple I'lntx-h per pound 25c 10c "riincoss svelsM - Pr iiounj 39C ' A loll of i.nr N K. I't il.lT.V n n i: t'lU-'AM for your Sui.day lilnti; r. MTEtS.CI'.LOl IRUG CO. letlt and raroast Cts. Reliable Dentistry ' Taft's Denial Roims r... a 1 jzp i A in. a-tase t Xi!Ialasl f-gamEaaafflgaaa in lit 'PS) P, " ULTIMATUM " Ton'U Mot Ost On of Thoss $0.00. $7.00 $8.00 NETTLETON WINTER SHOES Tor $4.05 Pafr I'nlesn you hurry, for they ar roIiik lapMly, nnri your numlier will be oU. Other Immlsoinp hIjIch cut to $3.45 P8CIALAtOCf 314 South riftssnth. Bprtns; Unas Ars Oomlnf. The Best abhop In Town You do not have to bo a good Judge of ineata to get a choice roast or de licious steak here. We take the great est pains In buying our meats and you are asnured of the beat. Our aim in to supply the beet meat obtainable at the lowest price, and, judging by our Increasing patronage we are suc ceeding fairly well. Pork Chops 150 Sirloin PteaJc ISO and 18o Ftound Nttak 13Vo and loo Chuck HteiLk lOo and. HUo Pot RnsHt 7c, 8o and loo -Home Made Pork Sausage ....lBHo .Home Rendered Lard 15o ItSU. rarnam St. Tel. Douglas A984. fawg Csfig cWJ Specials for 46c Can Green Asparagus 350 S Large Cakes Imported Castile soap at 85o 1 J-lb. Can Kornlet (for corn fritters) at ISO JO Cakes Diamond "C" and Beat "Km W All soap ase S 48-lb. Sack 'Xotun" flour tl.60 H S Pkga. Corn Flakee 80 O 8 lbs. Pop Corn 860 H Home-made Mince Meat (bulk),..10o IfJ (Jars) aso, 46o k Too (I We make our own Peanut Butter (bulk) .er lb 800 (Jars), each 16o, 85o h 600 Fancy California Iayer Ralslns(l-lb. boxen) 860 Stuffed Olives, per bottle, (assorted), at ' BOo Pt. Jars Pure White strained Honey, at s&o K'atinlml Rlnmiit enmnanv (Vftnk.r US Uemonntratlon. All 10c packages 3 Crackers and Cakes, 3 for BSo 11 All 6c Dackavea Crark.n and rsk 4 for 150 BTTTTXB, XOa ft OISBSB DIPT. 'Lrfjlua" Creamery Uuiter (1-lb car tons) '. S&o Our Uest Country Butter (in sa.nl- l J J' Vl 1". W I V Choice Country Koll Butter, per lb., , - at ... 88o (luarantved Fresh Eggs, per doz..36o Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb.. 35o Ijomestlc Bwtsa Cheese, per lb.... 880 Hrlck Cheese, per lb 804 Jar Cheese, Cream and Permento, at ISo S&o and BOo TKESX UIT ft TXdBTABIiS SKrAJtTMXNT. io boxes Nice Navel Oranges, at, per tloz 80a (J5Wg Cufu f msXfty (WS i . 0 Food Center Big Drug Sale Saturday ai ihe Rexall Drug Stores For something over 'i years e 1iave earnestly a'riven to keei drug stores ih;it should he noted: First for exi'ellfnry of service: sect rid for purity ami genuine ness of all articles sold; third for completeness uf stock; fourth a watchful policy to the end that our prices on earh Item sold should be as low a figure, as can be obtained anywhere If of like quality. SHERMAN I McCONNELL CRU6 10. I6th and IHxige BUY AT EITHER STORE ST A X V A K L) P HOT' It I KTA It Y MKI'K INF.H AT l IT l'Kl-KS II 'J Fellow's Myrup H J I tip Santnetto 11.00 FlnUhain s 'ompound f.'V Syrup Figs igenulnel Fspe's Fold I'ura Hexall tlrderlhs. luc. lie Sijnibb's Sarsuparllla Avers I'heny lJctoral. I'Jc, 4fc .. FlevaM Cherv Julci t'nugh Bvrup. 'c. )'te. and .lav nee' Fpectorant. ''. 45c and Horden's Malted Milk. 40c and " f I (O Pr. I'ierce's Medle:ne Fletcher's t aaioria Kfndall's Soaven 'or. -:fo and !' "Tl," for tender feet (' Moart'K pvspepsla Tatilets 47c and ' J'Munild file i'ure. 4i'i0 and ooti'rf Kmulsion. 4V end K 'ine-'-i Swamp Root. 4 c a-'d S l (rsFH''I.P plSI'ti STullK tiriDPK .Samidei'i" Il.iby Floor nil will keep our fluirs new and bright, luc and.. .j '-i i np that won't streak 'ift Vincent rated I'ntuxii l.?-e ,'olinsnn s Floor 'a I lb P lisl Msr-Not Flr,or Varnish, ouart... .sa : In 1 oil. 10.- and II. .t 11. FWatilng Soap 1 Puiiuu Hie b,' fw months v.e ha.e iust about !o'ih,d I lit cuaclly In tin baetunl prescription loom ut Itiili and l-odne. I' sne y a AHPKI. now. Ve ar- eM-lu :lve agents In On:ah i f"T Hie fsii.o-is I.isie" Chi-colat.a. I-IU.. iV. Absoloteiy the CliOICl.S I'. Ivorv 8o."M-fle cukes l!c. Saturday. AH sk ns for the raw things SHERMAN & Mc C0NNELL DRUG CO., 16th and Dodge Streets OWL DRUG COMPANY, 16th and Harney StreeU Protect the boy's health by pro tecting, his feel. Cold Weather Shoes For Boys Rots can wear out more shoes and do it quicker than any memher of the family. If you would shoe the boy for cold weather Ret shoes thst will Bland the- hard knocks that the boy will give thfui. Wo have them those shoes are better made and nrnde of better mate rials than any boys' shoo sold. They will wear twice as long as the ordinary boys' shoe and we guarantee them, too. Boys' sizes, 1 to 6 4 93.00 Little lient's sizes 10 Vs to 13 4 t 91.75 Boys' High Cuts Typical Hoy Scout Shoes, with buck les that the boys all like, in all sizes and prices 92.50 to 94.50 DREXEL 1410 Farnam Street HOW ABOUT YOUR MIDDAY MEAL? If you want to lunch well and quickly at noon time you should try the Boston lunch. Appetiz ing hot roast beef and chicken sandwiches, delicious coffee, tasty pastry and dosens of other items that go to make a satisfy ing lunch. Conveniently lo cated in various parts of the business district. The Boston Lunch 118 riasiii BTmSXT. 1408 f AMAH BTKEET. 1406 DOUOX.A8 BTBEET. gc&nro. fwy C535 Saturday t00 lbs. New Fresh Figs, per lb.. 150 Cooking Figs, per lb So Fancy Applet, Hellevua elery, Freeh Mushrooms, Head Lettuce. Cauliflower, Artlchnk, Carrots. New Beets, Red Cabbage. i BrxciAi.. Extra heavy Clothes Baskets (made C to wear) each, BOo, 7Bo, SOo, 81.00 f oorrza axtd tia sxrARTMxirT 5 Courtney's "I,otua Ankola" (utfov K (best c if fee In the world), per lh., t 850, S lbs 81.00 Courtney's Famous Coffees. Itoasted Cm dally, per lb.... 83c, 850, 880, 30o, Jj 38o, 35o, 40o, and 460 M , Courtney's "lAitus" Japan Tea fl (guaranteed to be absolutely free tf from all coloring), per '-Ib plg.. V 3 So: per 1-lb. pkg 6 Bo Peanut Butter, made daily) per Jur, J? 100, IBo, 850 ana 4Boi (bulk), per lb SOo In airtight cans, 10c, 15o and 85o Ci WZsTBS AMD X.igXTOK8. n Jamlca Hum. quart 81. Pint.. BOo V California Brandy, qt. ..81. Plnt.-BOo J Apple Jack, tt years old, per qt...'.81 L'edar Brook Wlilskey. full t 81 fS. Uuckenheimer, 8 years old, full qt Si Courtney's Martini Corktall 81-85 g- Hmuggler Hcotch, 12 years old.. 81-85 .Monogram Whiskey, full qt 750 JT White Tokay, full qt BOo 5 Hpanlsh Hort, or Sherry, full qt..812 California Port or Bherry Wine, & Tp Ion 81i quart 350 fj Saturday all day, Free, a tottle of a wine with each full quart of our 8- Jj, . i i ,m ... ' ... m We prepay all liquor orders to the (Pj ummm t 13 AA o n 1 1 Aver (VvsVrQs G&xc& CieR0' 'OWL DRUQ COMPANY letli and Harney Our "Owl Prug Store," started abou' 3S years ago. Is a pretty healthy "In fant," don't you thing? riling us your favorite Cold Clean formula. o can compound it to youi satisfaction. I'l T ITH'ICX OX TOILET AUTK LKS oO- Hind's Money and Almond Cream, our price '"'! I'fic Fucker's Tur Soup for lie Ms- Henzton ami Almond Cream for '4o Cutlcurs !roap for . 6"k- I'ozxonl s l'owder fl j0 oriental Cram with gold box. Itexall t.'oid Cream True Violet Tolle Koap. box. 8 cakes.. Mrs. Potter's Walnut Juice Hair Stain ?4J: Lavender Shampoo Cream for Pander ne. iic. i'nr and Hi xmi "to" Hair 'i onic, 50r- nd tl W , . 'A M ..I'.O Malvlna t'reani fo Jersey Cold Cream, 2Sc, 40c and Mennen's ThIi um Colgate's Part vlls, Violet or Cashmere Hornet 'laicum F,c Special sale Saturday l.uoO boxes l.'ic f ill, u m gt 5c box: do., n mc Wslnutta Hair Stain. !'.' a id i-c Almond IIIoshoiii Cold Cream, 1 -c and c Alnionil Cami'lior lc- 1" itn- 1'iorida W'at.-r for J.'r I lb. Mule Ti.m Itorax '.c -oc Kpe 's Cream 14 Hee our sssortnu nt Hair llrushes aiues tliat will phase ion In our line you'll find we bare them. sjsj;.4-m-