nil-; t;i:i:. im.ii.. tih'i;m.y. .iwiwry :. inn. I' bm ! i EVERYBODY F5. EAD 3 be;e, want a d 3 r F7 'VS 4V IE c i a I ; i IV 7r - OFFERED TOR RENT H 'nntlnued. I'llnriUk'it Hon me. FOR RENT Thre iarge rooms and bath. 1iH Sherman Av. roi'n rooma. gas and oily water. 1914 Bancroft Kt. Vhon Red 6-rW. Famished llouaea. t-ROOM furnished house In Wt Farnam i mrrat district; bedrooms and bains; one ' ,A. P. Tl-KKT HON. I'hone Douglas 2JX1. 444- Hoard of Trade. r ..-jr I d, .. Z220 Burt. Tal. Harney 149. Om Van Storage Co. pacBs.movea. store household good. Fireproof storage. S04 a. Uth. branch. 8. lJin. U 4iU. A-l, a-JtOOat cottaga; modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and treee. No. Jo BoutD lit Ave. Kent Italy - par uiu. iey.iwu lullltt 404U, NICK coay Mtra-roon house, ail mod ern, excellent furnace. Right on tlia Mill tit. car Una, No. Siul N. Mia tit. WIU rm lor I or will Bi on aay lerure. let. Harnay U6S. 1-ROUM houati, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful, lurner Fara. Cor. Dodge aoi Central Houlavaid. Inquire luu 4euge or Ueo. Muililde. county aurvsyor. FINIS a-room, modern uuuae, fornla. ;ih Ca.i- t'iCKKlN Exp. Btoraga. liU Cap. D. 2lJ liouaea.lna. HlngwalU lirandala To. Uldg. NKW, rooma, ail modern exoepl heat. tui a th Ave.. 1 blook aouth of Central boulevard an V lntoa acouoi. ial. iyler li.. COTTAQB, 1406 N. 15th 8L TeL Harney Wfet, t-ROOM ' oottags, modern except beat, paved atreet water rant paid, rent us. i'hone Webater Ifiox. HOUSEHOLD COOl8 packed, forwarded; eneau lieigtil i.atea; moving and atorlng. kipttumcii i Salivary Co. iel Uougiaa IK ' 7-ROOM, modern, nearly new house. N. Will. 215 FOR RENT. Mf.00. No- liw N. l&lh Bt., t large rooms, trtly modern. 17. a), No. aoou banter oi.., e rwu'", toilet and electric iignia. 120.00, Mo. 4JUS in u, wvn Av- a ruuiw, mlern, except neat. IA.U0. No. .rW ISO. IU Bl., a rooms, new and strictly modern. TAYNU INVhai'MKNT COMPANY. tKjug. i;l-A-lla. , Wara Block. liouht-a in all parts of the city, crelgn lions Co.. live bid. NEW HirNUAIXJW FOR KliNT. Party leaving town wishes lu rent new t-room strkuly modern bungalow, at reas onable rent. Kee Payne A Wlater Co,, 6th floor. New York Life Uldg. THIRTY-8Et'ONI and Poppleton. 8-room modern brick flat. WKK1HT & DASBLTRY, 6i Ho. 16th tt. Phone Douglas lot. (ROOM modern, new house. 2611 Marcy. 111! N. 40TI1, rooma, strictly all modern. C. E. Herring, 417 Omaha Nafl Rank Hldg. t-ROOM house for rent 1226 Ho. 11th St. , ... 1 6 R(KM, modern, 4VU Half fharles. xcept heat, I13.M. KCIPIN. 4104 HAMILTON. taraa aaa Offices. IN tiaw building, corner of 12th and Far nam atreeta. an entire floor. 44x112. 8uit- ble for Jobbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and freight elevator service. Bee J. A. Freeland, 1116 Farnam atreet. rOR RENT Of f:-e room. 2S. located oa p floori facing court, 170 square feet, la- uaing vauu; rami tor so per mania. TUB a&S UVILUINO COMPANY. rOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton St. IK. C, M. piachmann, M Pax ion illk. Tel. R. ai8. Kesideuce. D. torn. OFFERED FOR SALE Trejaserltare. HUT an U C. Smith V Bros, typewrltee. B r. Bwanaoa Co.. Diatributara. UK ax eao Si. KKNT an Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Ca. Phone Douglaa R1. BAltGAlN SALE TypewrUera. all makea, bj regular prices; greatest bargalaa aver offered. H, IF, wa aoa Co., His Farnam tit.. Omaha. KLCOND-hand typswrltars sold, repaired. Ceutral Typewrlier ICxchanga, 1M)7 Farnam. aflaeellmaeom. Abaut 40 feet of U-laoh diameter No II gajge, galvanlxed pipe, with four 46-lnek eibow and T. Thla was uaad fur ventilat ing purpose, and pipe U In good condition. In Wc publishing Co., 17th and farnam, FOR BALE New and second-hang bil liard and pool tables. W lead the world lu ohee bar fixture; easy paymeuta i uuwit;k-i.lke-Ceiieider, 'i M. lUth SU 8A rEf Overstocked with second-hand safea all taa and makes; bargalna Amer ican Supply Co- 111 Farnaut t)L VVB HAVE on band a number of Ink barrels wkkih we will sail for 60 ran la each. They are fla tor rain water or aaae. Call at pre room, tie Publishing Co. DRY kindling. I. load, del'd. Web. 647. BALED hay In carload lola; our own rala Ing: Iowa hay. I'.rskins & Myers, Room .14 New Omaha Nat l Bank lildg , I'hone Douglas UU. WATCHMAKERS' lathe, engraving ball and other tonla and quantity of matorial. P. A V. Fiectrlr Oarage Co., 2318 Harney. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, tot-l Brandels Theater bldg. KATHERYN NIKOLAS, 144 I Brandels Theater. PATENTS D O. BARN ELL, Faatoa Blk Tai. !t4 7111 WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner la U. P- of flea 111 Paxton b.k. It ttal PERSONAL MECHANO TH ERA PT. tirlpp. rhumatiain, massage treatment. Mr. U. Halloran, it Neville Blk. D. 7;l. lN-nf lini linn Oriental Massage 441 1T0I. JlUlJla"Brandel Theater. D. kui- ijiii vn View Maternity borne, private U hum lor women during con finement. Add Box 117. Florcnc. Ti- Fluranc Ibl TH B SALVATION ARMY aollclta raat-ofl elothiiig. In fact, anything you do not need. W cuUoC repair and sell at 114 N lltk St , for coat of collection, to tn worthy poor. Call puua. LMiuala iU and wagoua il call. PRIVATE HOMK during oonftnemeat: kabla fur adoption. OiMd toamanian Baal- iaslux, 140 lat Ave-, LoonoU Ulutra. la- Dr. Rlttsuhouaa, M Old Boaton Mora. 4th floor, elevalor entrance. lJ 0. lnlU. Opa Hunday fiom 1 a- m. to U p. ui. PERSONAL (Co'iillliUe.t. oooooooooonoooooo o DR FU'KES. 0 o U-n CHy N'at'onal Hank Bldg. Is o Begs to announce that ha haa enlarged e O liia dental office, being now better o o than evtr equipped to give the excel- o o lent dental servici for which ha 1 o well known. If your teeth are sensitive and you o wish a more detailed knowledge of o gentle, modern operative methoda, o send stamp for hia book, "The Uen- o tie Art of l'alnlessnei-s In Dentistry." o O o o o ooooooooo l!!ITniM' Pll'a. etc.. cured; no knife; -i-IA A v At-Aj frM. uerman Uoclora, ibi liroadway. Council tiluffa. la. VUU.N'O WOMEN coming to Omaha aa traiiK'ia are Invited to vialt the Young Women i Chrtatlan Aaaoclatlon building at fetvtntecnlli atreet and M. Mary'a avenue, where they will be directed to aultabla boarding place or otherwise assisted Vouk for our traveler's aid at tbs Union at alios. Mfrl in M'd'cal Institute. Specialists of the Utlllll eye, ear, nose, throat and lunaa. 406' Hee Hldk., On. alia. Call or Write. OMAHA stammerers' Ins.. Kamge Bldg. Ml jw 1 1.' treatment. Mrs Mrs. Steele. Ill oor, room . 8THICTL.Y private Christian confine ment home; best cure; babies for adoption. Join Davenport. riUVATK maternity home. Mia. Dr. Klnri, 132 N. ilth. Well. 3ii; Ind. D-19.10. TKEATMKNT!) at hotels or residences. Neuropathy, Swedish movement. Massage and maanetio cblropraotioe. Phone U-iitia Dr. Hansen. W1US and toupee for men. Griffith, 11 and 14 FKKNZtR bLOCK. kitpIlKFL.L'OUS HAIR Permanently re. moved, no pain, no loaa of time, no injury to the akin, work guaranteed; lady attend ant. 110 McCagua lildg., lith and Dodge. C4:11A from combings, 11.50. Mrs. ft owm'ueBMaUhewa. iUa Paxton blk. D.KMe. DH. BAKBK, MKDICAL, OFFICES. Kxpurt speclallats d Incases of women. Con sultation and examination free. 21(1 g. 14th St., Corner Douglas, Omaha, Neb. MASK SClTH to rent at UEBEN'I. 111? TtlTlICV Specialist. DlBeaaes of "" v-llirn and women. N. K. cor. 181 h t Douslaa. Omaha. Call or write. 1 AdVF.Tin treatment. Mme. Smith, HINDOO TABLETS wll build, braoe, strengthen. tOc. UElL DRUO CO. II A IT ealt glow and massaga. 1(06 A Dodge, Sd floor, opp. poet- efflce. Mme. Allen of Chicago, Doug. 7&SS. WE RENT and repair all klnda of sew. log machines. Ind. A -16113; Douglas 161 NEBRASKA CYCLB COMPANY. 16th and Harney Uta, MAUNETK TREATMENT. B. BROTT, 721 S. UTH BT, Adcllght hair food grows hair; gee Mme. Frayer, Megeath bta'y Co. 16th A Farnam, DR. KUGEltB, private confinement home, lalti Martha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6UM. MRS. SNYDER haa opened massaare par lors In The Dunsany. room (, 10th and Pierce Bts., where she glvea salt glow Swedish movement, vibrator and radiator treatment. Phone Red 4UW). POULTRY & PET STOCK Screenings, 11.26 per 100. Wagner, 101 N.Uth FULL, dosen of brown leghorn full blooded roosters. 1402 N. 27th. Phona Wsb ster 3679. HOKE Comb Reds: twenty cockerels. 12 to 16. Order eag now, 12 per setting, $6 per lun R. c. walker, Tel. Bouth wo. PRINTING Lew W. liaber, Printer, ,0 BEE BtOJO. ENTRANCE ON COURT, PHONU IND. A K.t for good printing. uyngttiau rrinimg vo., inn ana capital A. MILLER JAMIEBON, 1312 Douglas St. liotn pnones. WEB-HALL rt. Co. 114 8. 14th. Ind. A-24 REAL ESTATE ABSTHACTI OW TITLB: Midland Guarantee and Trust company, oouaea aoairsciera. 1U4 II arnam BL PKTEH J ESSEN. Jr., Co. Tal. Doug. KM. MEAL EITATB DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO , Eat. 18H; prompt Mr vice; get our price, aus uranacl tbealar, HEAL F.STATB TIT LB TRUST CO.. Flf lenih floor City National bank Bulidln FCHt bargain In home In Benson see Chappell At bona, Eagle audit. Tel. lien. 711. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK FOR A QUICK SALE. A fine buiitling, built two year ago, inree-Ktory presard brick, 40-foot front strictly modern; basementa with concreted flouts: located HKht In busineaa district in Kxcelsior Springs, Mo. The great all- l lie-year-round health and pleasure resort lhl building Is leased to responsible parties for annual income of tl.Hub, pay able monthly in advance. Thla fine prop erty Is actually worth over Jlrt.OOti, but If sola at once will sell It for 112,600, subject to a ti.uiO mortgage at 7 per cent, due one or lu eara hence, leaving my equity of It.aou. which Is realising over 11 per ct-ni, woum take second mortgage for a small amount. Can you make this big per win oui or your money in business, work ing hard every day? Reason for thla great acnflce la I am in year and don't want to borrow and need cash very a. ion. Ad. dress. P. O. Hox 122, Uxcel&lor Ppiing. Mo. K)R HALE Seven-room bouse, modern; also furniture and piano. 'I'hone Web. S4J6. I R . I4 0U0. 32S0 Burt. Tel. Harney Had FOR BALE Tw lota. 112x140, on acuta 14th Bt. near Vlntun; all special Usee paid. Will aail aa one piece or dlvida Willing to aell at sacrifice. Apply at U Uouui list bt. $2,900 Six-Room House MODERN, birch finish, SOtli and Marcy; half block I car lines. Harnay loot. B1X-ROOM modern rottuge for sal o asy terms bv owour. 2ia4 Miami Bt. FOR BALE House T rooma. water, swr, toilat. etc.; nice tree and shrubbery, lil oulh 21at Bt. FIFLD CLUB HOME BAROA1N8. WANT to sell m new house at IMi 8. Kih m. W ill take H.ouO lass than It cost to huild. J. A. Abbott. I'hone D-3MJ6 or H-44 70 REAL ESTATE For Hea Acreaaj. FOR RENT Idel Dairy Farm on Wist Center and Bixt'elh fete. Larg barn. 7 by lit: good hocae. ao acraa of pasture; long leaau. N. P. Dodgs A Co.. Lain and Harney. lu acre with house. Harnay 47. REAL ESTATE ARM (Ml HWCII l.M yOR .I.F. (Continued ) Artanna. FfNK land ran be rxiusht cheap Soma government nnd rellntjuishniente. bpst water In Arlmna and the finest climate Apple and other fruits grow to perfection. For particulars write Wlllcox healty Co.. W lllcox. Aria Arkaaaaa. MO-ACHK Improved farm, adaptable to rice, cotton, corn, nlfalfn; good locality; ln per acre If auld by Jan. lxt- Hare bar gain. Foriter & Baundera Co., I'ina Bluff, Ark. FOR SALE At a big barcaln. ..vx) acres of rich bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4.0V In cultiva tion; 0U0 acres deadened and ready to. take In; good storehouse and stock of merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Vt ill fcell for Ja per acre and give a bar gain in the personal property. v ant to sell ail to one purchaser. No agent" need apiiy Address A. W. Mills, fin ttluff. Ark. AKKANHAS FAHM8 Ulg list: special baigalus; sent tree. Writ today. Captaia KIkcs. r'avettevlli. Ark. Callfaralau VHEN7j01NtJ TO CALIFORNIA It will pay jou to utop in and call on our Mr. K. V, Heyden, who will make his head quarters wltn the 1'orter Land company. Konm 4ia raouio r.iectric Kitlg., l.oa Angelea, duriiia the next two montliH. 11. will be pleased to show you where vou can buy the best valley land, close to rail roads and towns, for the least money and on the easiest terms. With IrriKation or without. In tracts from 10 acres up. Prices rrom to an acre, lou can row oranges, lemons, grape fVult. tahle and raisin drapes, peaches, apricots, flu, KnK llah walnuts and other small fruit. Also all kinds of grains and veKetables and five to seven cuttings or alfalfa a year on this land. Fine for an Investment or a future home. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE 170 td ISO per acre: '-4 rash. balance long term; th Inst of the big ranches to be colonised and In the greatest Irrigation district In th world, where each land owner haa equal right to water anil It never glvaa out; rich, level, sandy loam, rowa from 6 to 7 croo alfalfa veirlv: dairy prxducta called for eaca day by th rour Dig creameries, no iaua anywnere Bear ao cheap, any where In district, wlh double In value In 1 years; luvesugats this. Turlock Uardeu Land Co.. Modesto. Cal. BAN JOSE Income Horn Orchard. I6.6CO 6 a., adjoining th city limits of Ban Jose; assorted fruit orchard, pays MOO per year; two food new cot takes; rani for .o per month; null and lank and all outbuildings; land adjoining selling for u.uuu per a.: Dest proposition in tn atata i. M. NELSON. 14 N. 1st bt ban Joaa 18001600 down; 10 acres good level land. 4 mile from Merced; adapted to alfalfa fruit, etc.: 1 mil from school: small bouse. sheds, water right II. sun moo down: to acrea good level land. 4 miles from Merged; adapted to alfalfa, orchards, etc; water right. J. ai. RU98&LL. Marcd. CaL APPLE land at t per acre, on eay term. 10-acre tracts, near Cilenwood, within 75 mile from S. K. ; when cleared of brush worth 1150 acre; splendid soil; good road, plenty of water. John Dubuls. Ulenwood, Santa Crus Co.. Cal. Colore at . SIXTEEN auocHslv years of good crops make northeastern Colorado wheat land the best otforing before investors and horn buyer today. Prices advancing, but one crop atill paya for the land. Writ J. H. Bernhardt, Sterling, Colo. 320-ACRE relinquishment for sale, 1H miles from good town. Land easily worth $15 an acr. Writ O. O. Dodder, Keotu, Colo. GARDEN BPOT OP" ARAPAHOB COUNT T. Now Is th time to get ready and buy a choice garden tract for next spring; have a choie lot to lot from. Bonis good uargain In ranches, cnicken ranchea. Call on Th J. R. Harris Realty Co., 21 Main Be. Littleton. Cola. TVs-aer tract, or part, plenty of fruit: alao suitable for chicken ranch: a bargain. If taken at one; clus to car tin. Call or 'phone Roland Huffman. Heal Estate. Arvada. Colo. 340-ACRE cattle ranch, on Pawnee creek, for sale; water running through every 10, good hay land. 75 head cattle and :0 tons of hay on plaoe. Write C. O. Dodder, Keota, Colo. riorlaa. FLORIDA LAND. Florida Tou cannot los on any wall selected property in Florida, but are sure f quick and substantial profit. We have many good properties for colonisation, fruit and vsgetabl landa and Improved farina. Pop A North. 01 Atlantic National bank Bldg . Jacksonville, Fla. Georgia. FOR BALE How I this: A lot 60x14 feet In a progressive city, and 40 acres farming land, all for I2U0. on term of 111 tanti and HO monthly. Address. K. 1 Tbonuu, 12tj River road. Columbus. Qa Ullnule. FOR BALE Best 600-acr atock grain farm In atate; R, R. atation. store and levator on farms gravel road; will bear closest lnvUgtlon. Price liwj.Ooo U. A. Brook. Clsana Para. Ill FOR BALE Corn farms; rS acres In Bu reau county, Illinois. 1112 60; AC acrea. Ogle aunty, a0. O. A, Holuomb. Aurora. 111. FOR BALE Or exchange a splendid C. aar wheat farm In Manitoba' moat fav ored diatriot, near town and echoul. What have you to (fart W. D. fcarguaon. La G rang a HL. lasea. HEIRS MUST SELL. Eighty -acre farm two mile east of Coun cil Bluffs A good place, well Improved; 40 acre tn cultivation; 1.' acrea alfalfa; about 10 acre good timber and 12 to 16 acres bearing fruit. Owner has aold II. Mo worth of fruit In a season. The fruit alone, with good care, will pay for the place In a few years. It's a good farm for any pur- pose. Worth the money at 1 1 10. Ml! EE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl St. Council Bluf. Ia. 160 CASH AND 110 PER MONTH buya five and one-half acrea of fine garden land, two miles of city. Ha buildings, but nlua building site. Four acres In alfalfa which ' cut sixteen tons thla last season. No other laud near the city on such terms and its worth the price. 1, li)0. Mcl.EE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Peaxl bt. Council Bluffs. Ia. TWO lOW A FARM BARGAINS. To clou a partnership and enaui our Mr. Set or to move south, we offer up to March 1. If 11: 240 ACRES, ona mile from town, best im proved, claneat and beit farmed farm in northern lou a for only 1U5 an acre. 1'os aeselon March 1. 140 ACRES, four and one-half mllea to good tovtn; small Improvement; 14 an acre. Easy terms. becor A bparka. Buffalo Center, la. Kaasaa. CRAWFORD county, Kansas, Farms; g- acres Improved, bargain, H5.000, easy terms, H and 10, also 6. 10 and Hi acr fruit and poultry. For particular win Geo. W. BL-lckUr. Uirard. Kan. M ACHES wheat, corn and alfalfa land, southern Kansas. I miles county Beat, SO aora wheal. 10 acres alfuira; weil Im proved Price lo. L. JU Kiser, El Duigdu. , kan. REAL ESIA1E ftRM Al) l A XII I. A Ml FOR AI hi nana Inn tinned. Do YouWant Good Kansas Farm? Here It Is: i0 acres, one-half new land which heretofore has not been cultivated has good 9-room house, well built; barn 40 xt. with cement floor, alsi numerous other outbuilding, Sk In good repair. Thla farm is located In t"owel -uunty In southeastern Kansas, within 1 miles of Kood railroad town. The owner 'if this farm Is of ad vanced yeais and unable to properly work the land, bene he his decided to offer th land, together with about l.w of llv stock and farm machinery, at a bargain. 0'Neils Real Estate Agency l.iu.. arnam SL Both Phone: liell. Tyler lu4. Ind.. A-Siil 610 ACRES, ml. town. New alx room houHe: barn, aheua. 40 plowed, balance fenced pasture, all smooth, tillable. Rural toute, telephone. Good road, soil, neigh bors. Crippled with sciatica, cause lor selling. iJt per acre; time If wauled. U. W. Albright, iirewster. Kan. DRESS your fac in a smlie. tt won't eaten tula. Now s the tlma to "swap ' farms, ranches, city property or nius. Hot ' bargain for "cold'' duys. Price and describe your pri.potoilons. ki. 1. Waua woilli, Garden City, Kan. 170 ACRES alfalia grain and slock farm, rich bottom land, one inlia Cherokee county, Kansas; offered short time, i per aura. Act quick, ki. J. otaw, Wichita, Kan. 400 ACRE grain and stock farm; Im proved; 1 nil. as market; iuu acruti bottom and upland crop land; springs, well and river, 146. Special lietder at iiustrup, Man hattan, Kan, MR. RENTER Bargains in west central Kansas. Nice 100 acres. Improved, 3 miles tlauun; easy terms; I;. boo. M acres raw land, ),8n0. Ed. Ewing, Dlkhton. Kan. 3,Joo ACRES, solid tract. 4 set Improve ments; 2 miles town, best soli; cau t he duplicated In stale, 111. Best terms. Kansas-Colorado Investment Co , Hkiott City, Ivan. 160, TEN miles from Emporia; 130 culti vated; house 8 rooms, one two rooms; good bain; aifulla, clover, timber; school twenty rods; luO. J. T. Burton, Emporia, Kan. 750 ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R. R. town In southern Kansas. Altalfa. corn. wheat, atock and fruit farm. Price I.O.ooO, best of terms. W. 1. Carter, tilcrilug. Kan. FOU KALE My highly Improved fili-acre fruit, poultry, bee and truck farm: price. I.i.uni; part time; will take Kinaller piece of property as part pay from owner only. r . w , Robinson, iNeuuesna, Kan. Lvalalana. FOIt SALE Louisiana orange and fig trees are money maker. win aell you a acre oi rertil lanu with 100 orange and fig treea bearing in 3 yeara tor 1J60; 1-0 monthly payments; will' culti vate and lake car of trees and pay tax for 2 years; no Interest; title guaranteed; trees this Heanon in this section have netted from 15 to $10; Inducements on larger tracts. For further particular address A. J. Codard, Abbeville. La. Mich !-,. FOR BALK li, 000 acre of unimproved fruit and farm lands In eight townships In Lake. Osoeola and Mason counties, Mich. Igan: formerly hard wood timber landa; situated In well settled country; title par feet; abstract furniahed. Kepreauntativea at Land Show and at Hotel New Southern, vi here samples of soil and product are shown. H. W. Marsh. Owner. Man tales. Mich. FARM BARGAIN. Best COO-acr farm in Mich.; black sandy loam; 14 bldga; 1 mil from town; net yearly earning to.oOO. R. Arbogaat. bluoin held, N. 1. Hlaseiott. 40 OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at SU. Terms: 112,00') hardware and Implements and I8.0U) building for farm to match la corn belt. Hox 14s. Adrian. Minn. FORECLOBURB BALE) OF LAND Wa hav over ll.uOO acre Minnesota .land to offer at forec.loaur prlcea; about one-half value; liberal terms; part or whole, grand opportunity for retailer. E. W. Taylor A f-on.. Nat. Ger.-Arner. Bank Bldg.. bu Paul, Minn. FOR BALE Best cut-over land In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; 2.7i per acr and up; farm, timber and Iron lands. Joha Q A Crosby, tti Palladia Bid., Duiuih, Mlna. FOR BALK BY THE OWNER -1(10 acres In Mower oounty, Minn.; wall Improved, all llllahlo. 1 miles to town, half mile to school. 12 miles to Iowa line. Price. IX per acre bath A. Cbaney, Urand Meadow, Minn. Mlaaowrl. STOP! Don't go a step further than Doi.glas Co.. down in the beautiful Oxarka Raise anything; corn, 30 to 65 bushela per acre; ail other crops in proportion; cheap est good land on earth; 15 to A per acr. Free information. Ulub Heal Estate Co.. Ava, Mo. FOR SALE 720 acres splendid Vernon Co. (Mo.) stock and grain farm; every acr good, plenty of water. Price. 100 per acre; aa good as lluO Iowa land and far belter climate. Write for better description. R. E. Spurguon. Owner, Olathe. Kan. 266-ACRE valley atock farm near Leba non, Mo.; well Improved, good soil, 60-acre field, loo-acre pasture, aeveral spring, $1(1. Terms, no trade. Ed C. Baumaa, 4o4 boon v 11 1 e St,, bprlngfleid. Mo. too ACRES AND 4 ACRES IN (KIUO old Cass county; 6o miles from Kansas City; both wall Unproved; fin black limestone laud; bargain; choice. 146 per acre; good term. K. V. Burdalt. Garueu City. Mo. Iff) ACRES t mllea to town: good, level, well drained land; on mall rout and school house on ons corner of the farm; 'i-iooio house, new: tarn 30x6u; hog ana tow house; windmill, plenty water, about I acres umber. This 1 a good place, price) at per acre. D K. CKUTCHElt, Drexcl. Mo. HALF INTEREST. 4o-acre farm, under laid with si no aud lead T. Chapoiaa, Webb cay. Mo. MISSOURI LANDS ror a!. M acrea to I OuO acres; terms and price to suit pur chaser. Writ for particulars. W. at. elevens. Clinton. Henry Co., Mo. BARGAIN to-acre farm: 4 miles from Warsaw. Mo.; 26 acres cultivated, balance pasture; near school and church; price il.uuO; terms aaay. Addiaa T. U. Owcu. Warsaw. Mo. M1SSOU1U BARGAINS We have a large list of Improved and uuliupruved farms In south Missouri, rauging in price hum 14 up to $40 p, r acre. Call or write for description WAILNEK & 1LLIAA1S, 44J Be Bldg. Montana. W'ANTED-Agents 10 sell Molilalia whai lands. We own a large colonization tiact of hteam plow land near three d.ffeient railroad". 1 p to dale field and orii, f on e. automobile service, etc. liberal couiuilHHionx. Write for agency and terti. tor allottinent at once, and get f,,r big spring bui-inoH Elwo.jJ Bros.. t aiaie Bldg., MUiutapou. REAL ESTATE K4.HM AM) MA'S til l.l toll SA1H (Continued ) NebraaWa. chicken SEVEN HOO.M lions barn Iioiiso. I'j aercx In fruit. 4 blocks to car. t-.'iW. bI.ho .'. acres In alfalfa at 11. N; tiice me batkiiins; 1 tniiM Kell; movtnK to Coloriulo. liniulrp of owner, 4tHh und Oram! ave. II. I'nor. North Dnkotn. ST0 ACRES Stutsman Co.. N. D., clear m i i I. I lor fiDiill resilience, clear, ill fira wuinM. Price of land $10 Per acre 40 acrre, well Improved, S3 miles from Winnipeg. Manitoba, for Income. Price. J:',S per acre. mtr . H.500 equity. Lock Box 7S, Spirit Lake. I. FARM LANDS l ACREt FINE PHA1RTT5 LAND. Bltusted l m:les from a Kood counly seat town in North Dakota. Every foot tlllaole; Will trade In a town dwelling to amount of 1.6o0 to 12.000. Address Lock Box 211, ,e Alhin. la Orrsoa. KLICKITAT APPLIt LAND, so acres only $'.000 per acre. Address L. D. Oakes. Gaston, lira. Texas. ARE votl seeking Independence? Then come locate with ui on a ten-acre farm, close to Houston, Tex.. In the balmy gulf coast country; you are close to markets and can get rich by raising winter garden truck, and by developing a fig and orange orchard; with ceitain yearly Income; sev eral hundred of us have formed an "Iowa colony" and are fi.imlng here; you cen buy a farm among us for lib a month. Write me today for particulars. U. 1. Huffman, Manvel, Tex. ORANGE orchards near Houston are big Investments. Or.r five-acre orchard art old on easy monthly payments. The Alvtn Japanese Nurseries adjoin and their ex perts develop and car for our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal Land & Invest ment Co.. Houston, Tex. 115.75 PER ACRE buy 6,736 acrea richest Nueces river Irrigation land, southwest Texas; Investment or colonization i $15,000 developments. Part cash; forced sale, rar est opportunity. Wire or write immedi ately, Jes. F. Wolfe. Trustee, luua N. Florea St., San Antonio, lex. FOR SALE Forty acrea next to Hav mondviile, Tex. W. H. D., 1100 Eagle St., Le Mars. la. Utah. J :M0 ACRES of fruit land near Oreen ltler, I'tali, at a big bargain if taken Boon. Call or addreus John Maiesh, 4J0 S. lftth St., Oinulia. Washington. FOR BALE Cheap, 10 acres good land, about 1 acres slashed; good Well, new pump and shed; for 1M50; V mile to Sheri dan dock; la minute' rid to Bremertua. Address Box tio. Bremerton, Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres of good alder land, partly cleared, near good road; good new house and chicken bousei 60 laying hens, duck and a lot of p. g eons, two niilea from good new town, near boat landinui ten mllea trcm city of 40,000 people. Piico, $800; $204 down, balance iu per month, see Mr. Morrison. tJii Bond St,, Everett. Wash. TWO 6-acre tracts, fronting on Lake Che tan, Wash.. 1-year-old winter apples, fin soil, fine lake, line climate, fin fishing and boating; low price to close an estate. Address W. li. Norrlg 4751 L'th Ave., N. E., Beattl. or C. P. Bennett. Lakeside. A SNAP 5 acres, aubirrlgated, level, Al anule land, near cuy iiimtH fepokane, ii'.uuu. AridresK owner, IS. 2000 llarUun Ave., Spo kane, Wash. Wlsconala. COME TO VILAS COUNTT, WISCONSIN. Oood land cheap and on very easy term form $10 to $16 an acre. 40 acrea for 110 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH. No Interest, no taxes, insurance clause In the contract.' Fertile soil, plenty of rain, good toads, good market, good schools and churches. Beiui for map and book to uept 5, Q. F. BAN BORN CO.. Engl River. Wis. A BARGAIN, ho-acre farm, stock machinery and all for ti 200: small payment down; 60 acres under plow; new modern seven-room house; tw nines irum uiubiuii. .via., aei quica.. a u areas It. M. UR1MSRUD. West by. Wis. FOR SALE Chesp. good Improved farm, r 1,000; half down, balance easy terms. Geo. tel. Ma us ton. Wis.. K. 6. BEST land In WlaiHjnsIn: any aimed tract; wholesale prlcea Urluiuiir Land Co., Mart, neete. Wl. TO exchange 120 acres good level farm land. Oneida county, Wisconsin; near railroad and town; country rapidly settlin up and prices advancing; price $l..i0, clear; want good sound young registered Perch eron or Belgian atalion, to weigh no lea than 1.800 pounds and a sure foal getter. Address Lock Box aol. Rhloelauder Wis, Miscellaneous. wantexTto buy There ara thousands ol people In Iowa that want to buy farms Improved and un improved In settled and unsettled district Th way to best reach them Is through ths classified pagea of THE DES MolNEd CAPITAL, Average circulation last tuoniD 44,445 copies. Published for twenty yja al Da Molnss. Ia.. bv Laf Young. REAL ESTAIE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. GARVIN BROS.. !d floor N. Y. Ufa 1501 to lluO.OuO on improved property. No delay. LOW RATES BEM1S-CARL8ERU CO.. CO-112 Brandela Tbeatar lildg. LOANS to borne owners and horn bund ers, wllh privilege of making partial pay meuta semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 403 First Natloual Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n Investment Co. Farnam Smitb i Co.. lo Faruam hL 1600 to $6,000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefa Real Enate Co.. 1011 N. Y. Life. Dousia or A -2152. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ca, SWAPS WE exchange properties of merit, if. H. Culver. 812-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas ONE brand new No. 79 Colts arafjlena gas machine and gas racgs to trad for good bogs, o ws or chlckeua. 4ow Giaid Ate. 1 holla .. eb 4791. 32-) ACRES level land, all fenced, 8 tulles j fioin Lodge Pole. Neb , surrounded by I good farmers: will irade for good, clear I property to the amount (,f a equity, balance $ '-'). nioita'e for 4 )ears at i per cent, optional. I'm ot!:er information write Tale c Barlow. l-od;;e Pole, Nib. FOR EXCHANGE. 1 UO acres black mc.iiit land, located near isllioad town, Kinney Co.. Texas. Price. Ju per a, if. clear. i ) acres of Ian. I. Hartley- Co . Texas. VI mile south of l'ulhart. 6 inll s of Hartley Price. J per ai re. Mig . $:i 75 per acre, Straight loan doe Feb., l'.MC, at per cent, Want merchandise or city property, W A il I tl N I'll A WHITEHEAD, Ileal EMnte Dealer. M.'inberry. Mo. j - - IF 'ou wish to exchange write NOW ATA .AND L T CO., wa New lork Life ltluV SWAPS (Continued i TRUI SALE or traile five quartera farm land In Stanley and I.vman county. B I . i for Omaha or vicinity realdence or business . propel ty. Jut foreclosed on the lands. Will deal with owners, no agents. Ne braska Loan Co.. Hee Hldg., Omaha. TciUHINd enr for lots, land, pool, drugs or hardware fixtures or slock. K ELI'I N, 4,1 H XMH.TON. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes Tel. D i91t SECOND-HAND clothing; rartv after noon dresaea. John Feldman. D. 3121: A-2at, WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man deslrea plac to work fof hoard and room In private family while attending college. Boytaa College. Bold phone. FIRST-CLASS, practical nurse can be engaged at once. Douglaa 61K4. W ESTERN' man. best of references, am Htlous. 2f years. Is open for good position. Two years business manager for monthly magazine nnd weekly, and handling bill board adverllslrg. Death ct Author. Box V6, Doqglas, Wyo. BANK STATEMENTS Report of the Condition of The Merchants National Rank, Bl OniHha, In the State ofeNebraska, at the closo of business January 7, lfll: KESl II RCES. Loans and discount I 4.W9.776.04 9, 824. 44 1. VI. in 0.00 67.4ii2.78 lrto.OHO.09 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .... I'. S. Bonds to se cure circulation U. S. bonds to se cure U. 8. deposits Bond, securities, etc Hanking house Due from National banks (not reserve agents) $ Due from state and private bank and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Exchanges for clear ing house Note of other Na tional hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money re Kerve viz: Specie 1egal tender notes.. Redemption fund with V. 9. treas urer (5 of circu lation) 31 2M.5rt4.31 666.5a. :w 10.087. 98 110,0)4.07 SO.HoO.fln 3(10.5.1 613,24. 16 126.225.00 $ ,213.411.76 ID.000.00 Total 7,839.415.8.' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 5O0.niV).0i) Surplus stock 500,000. ft) Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ' 4:1 il 4 IS National hank notes outstanding 380,000.00 Due to other Na tional banks 11,015,154.57 Dun to slate and private banks and bankers 708,102. 55 Dividends unpaid .. 3,900.75 Individual deposits subject to check.. S,348,29i.01 Demand certificates of dopoHlt 75.00 Time certificates of deposit 831.378.49 Certified checks .... 13,171.21 Caahlers' checks out standing; f45.126.3n U.. S. deposits 150.000.OU I 6,3J0,3J0.94 Total $ 7,639,415. 92 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss. ; I, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of th above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. FRED P. HAMILTON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of January. 1911. IvOL'lS WEYMULLER. Notary Public Correct Attest: LUTHER DRAKE, O. SAM ROGERS, FRANK T. HAMILTON, Directors. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE AN. nual meeting of the stockholders of th Bee Building company will be held at th office of th company in Omaha at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. January 17 UU, for the eleotlon of a board of director for th ensuing year and fur th transac tion of such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. By ordar ,.f I the president. N. P. FE1L, Secretary. i'jinit OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Tho (loyal Hail Staasn Pckt Company Cealaa Las ta CubaWet ladlesPaMiama-BerBad BVrsTV IliXK Bxpara ta Ilia Waat lalMa ruaautat Trad R.M.S.P. T-aV'AVO" H.V. '4. ( Say., BI4U M aa-rat. IS) aV 1 - t ) TtalMawl. twmwimmHmm a-wi.llf maiiialaa ' -- .. .-j - a . Bl Bl galllnst treat Ntw pier at. H. V. T. Cuba a Jamaica PaBama Colombia Km! Tn ta BERMUDA, 220 and Up loclaaiv Taotsi atedarale BaMe. unausoN a koi, ( lit X.a Ball Bt.. Chloago. W. E. BUCK. 1624 Farnam St. AROUND TUB WORLD CRUISES TWO GRAND R CltlCS f seest tkree sad ea kalf I stoatbi' daratla sy tba Uraa I Tramitltetle BlaaaiaT CLEt rl. .I.Ann, rirat rralas te leave lis Tltk . 1, IBM I serjad ta leave gas FrasHaa Keb. IT. IBIS. Alaa rnilaaa to tks Orleat. Wnl ladles. suit Saalb Aaaerlra. Cast. Isrladlag all aacasaarr eiprsees, MO as llambuig Aiiirrlcan L,lii, JS Handulaa St., Listen to what a prominent land owner in Dakota bays of iieu Want Ads: "That ad I run in The Bee brought me and paid handsomely. C. A. JOHNSON, Fairfax, S. D. BANK STATEMENTS No. Report of the Condition of 1 he Omaha .Nnllniial Hank, at Omaha. In the Slate of Neluasks. al the close of hiiKihc J h n nary 7, I'M I: RES( H'RCKS. bmm and dlscounls Overdrafts. secured and unsecured I'. S. Honds to se cure circulation I". B. bonds to se cure 8. deposits I'l einluiiis on I'. H. bunds Bonds, sectirltles, etc Vaults, furniture and fixtures Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 11. OIK.:1 -17. ;s Due from slate and private banks and bankers, trust com- I 1. 10.01 1. .14 T.l.M.JI ..0".tl 47.1 "6. 01 IOs.HH ST lUOOm imj panics and savings banks Due from approved reserve agents ... 37?.!M:I.V1 SS2.6I4 114 Checks and other canh Items Exchanges for clear ing house Notes of other Na tional banks Fractional paper currency. nickel and cents Lawful money re serve In bank, via: Specie $ l-exal tender notes ! ;io.!iio.:io 3l7i.rl.lM iX'.tHl.o) 6.(K4.L lrJl.ui? no ii,.:mi.i-$ 1 jm. noi.i Redemption fund with 1'. 8. treas urer (5V of circu lation) Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Hurplua fund Undivided p r o f Its. less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other Na tional banks $2,747, IHT.H4 Due to state and private banks and bankers l.ooj.OTl .l!o Due to trust com panies and savings banks lli.ti.0i) Individual deposits subject to check. . 4,0".'1.8rj0.ii7 .Sla.SM.2fil.fil S l no ano.ono, on 190.SAi.9i .7.VI.0O0.00 Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashiers' checks out standing t. H. deposits Deposits of I'. S. disbursing officers. 7H,790.O7 H7.7W.SH Mi.tiTT.ol 202.6u6.11 lnT.Ki.ft&-!10.01,.134.7a Total .lli.Vd,2l.H State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as.; 1. J. De, V. Richards, cashier of th above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, J. De F. RICHARDS', Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to tir-for mo this 10th day of January, 1911. L. D. BPALDINO. Notary Publlo Correct Attest : J. H. MILLARD. W. H. HI C HOLZ, W. M. BLRQEHS. I lrectoi 1 No. 9,730. Report of ths Condition of Cora Kxchanate National Bask. t Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at th close of business January 7, loll: RESOURCES. Ixians and discounts IT.088.9pl.tjS Overdrafts, secured and unse cured P. 8. bonds to secur circulation 1.172.71 ion. ouo. 00 1,100.00 11.172.81 lOe.l&I.Ot Premiums on U. B. bonds Banking house, furnitur and fix tures Due from National banks (not reserve agents) Dtia from state and private banka and bankers, trust companies and savings banks 14.13S.Sti 137,412. DH.tvW.'A Hi. 17,848.0C Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other Bonis Exchange for clearing hous..,. Notes of other National banks. Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents Lawful money reserve In 7.Ti bank, vlx : Hpocle $:g.S4.B0 Legal tender notes 6a.0u0.00 U.341.50 Redemption fund with I'. B. treasurer (1 of circulation)... 1,000. On Total LIA- -1TIES. ...$1,63.747.M Capital stock paid In $ 800,000.0a I'ndlvlded profits, less expenses and taxes paid 1.1,023. a National bank notes outstanding; 10,0n0.0U Due to other National hanks $&,f4.01 Due to state and private banks and bankers M. 099. 41 Due to trust companies and sav ings hanks 7,936. SI Individual deposits subject to check l.040,O1.7 Demand certificates of depoalt.. 6.2X9.41 Time certificates of deposit a0.7Ra.01 Certified checka l.fflO.O Cashiers' checks outstanding.... 14,370.1? Total r. 1,i3,74T 14 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, p : I, J. W. Thomas, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - J. W. THOMAS. Cashier. Subecrlbed and sworn to before ma thla 11th day of January. 191t. FRED W. THOMAS. Notary Publlo. Correct Atteat : THOg. B. M PHKRSON, B. F. MARSHALL. O. STOIlZ, Plractors THE SUNDAY DEE Is anxiously awaited by those who are specially Interested in lands, ths sort that buy and sell and encourage others to do likewise. i. .1'