Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1911, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
For Nohrsska -- Snow grid colder.
For lovn Snow and colder.
For wraiher report see nne 'J.
Vol.. XL-No. 177,
Senior Senator from Nebraska Success-1
ful in Face of Opposition Against j
Boiler Inspection Measure.
, t .
I alety
r "
? t
Federal Experts Will Lo
of Employes. .
Representative Will Substit.
for His Own in House.
"tnnnon TUe the I tot.r to Advocate
Ilia Addition to Prnalnn fund
trmy pproitrlatlon
Measure Heady.
(From a Staff Cot respondent )
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 (Special Tele
Statu. I After two yearn of unmitigated et
furt In which he met with all sorts' of
antagonism, especially from certain rail-
road interest. Senator Rurkett'a bill pro
viding; for federal Inspecltlon of locomotive
boilers was passed today. In many re
aped this bill is one of the most ad
vanced legislative measure in the govern
mcnt'B program for corrective legislation.
Sir.ator purketta hill which has had a
atormy road In the two years of Its ex
istence, has been amended and changed In
minor detail, but Its purpose has been
kept definitely dear and if the Kurkett
bill or any modification of It should pass
the; house, as now confidently expected,
the name of the senior senator from Ne
bmraska will be attached to one of the
most Important pleoos of legislation which
has been enacted In the last fifty years.
The president Is authorized to appoint a
chief Inspector and two assistant chiefs,
wlille fifty Inspectors ara to be selected by
civil service examinations. Singular, as It
is the I'nlted States U the only country
which has no law regulating the Inspec
tion of locomotive bolleds. The bill pro
vides for an appeal to the Interstate Com
merce commission from the report of the
chief Inspector.
v Recently there haa been considerable dis
cussion over the Mann Inspection bill
which la similar to the Burkett bill and
there has been number of conferences
between the president. Mr. Mann, Senator
Hurkett and the representatives of the
Hallway Employes' association, with a
view of harmonising listing' dlfterenc
In details and language.
With the passage of the BurRett bill to
day It la believed Representative Mann,
chairman of the Interstate and foreign
commerce committee of the house, will
substitute that measure, as passed by the
senate, for his own bill, thereby insuring
legislation at this session.
Details of Work la Consres.
Senator Cos I. Crawford of South Da
kota today delivered on the floor of the
senate srotMns; arraignment .,of the a',
leKcd corrupt methods in the election of
Senator William Lorlmer of Illinois. He
spoke for nearly two hours and In closing
announced himself ready to vote for a
resolution to unseat the Illinois senator
on the ground that he had not been
legally elected by the legislature of Illinois.
By the passage of the Sulloway general
pension bill In the house, $46,000,000 an
nually waa added to the expenditures on
account of pensions. Speaker Cannon per-
aonally took the floor and vigorously urged
the passage of the measure, which grants
enslons ranging from 115 to J36 to vet
erans wno are oz years 01a or more and
who served ninety days in the civil war
or sixty daya In the war with Mexico. The
legislative appropriation bill waa up when
the house adjourned.
Roth the Senate and house will be In
session tomorrow.
Army Appropriation Bill.
The appropriation bill, carrying nearly
eTW.noO.OOO for the support of the army, has
been completed by the house committee
on military affairs with the exception of
the Item of I77O.00O for an Increase In the
field artillery.
The committee ha not yet been able to
agree Upon this and several members are
In favor of ' materially reducing It. A
meeting will be held Thursday at which a
decision will be made.
A bill rehabilitating the public health,
service was ordered favorably reported to
the house today by the committee on In
terstate commerce.
Tha bl'l changes the name of the Public
Health and Marine Health Service to the
Public Health bueau, Increases the salaries
of officers, confers additional authority
as to Investigations of disease, stream po
lutlon Inquiry, etc., and authorizes the is
suance at public bulletins.
Tha houss committee on
census today
heard explanations from Census Director
Purand and two of his assistants concern
ing their differing plane of apportionment
of the house under the new census. The
committee tomorrow probably will report
the bill Introduced by Chairman Cntm-
;acker of the committee fixing the ap
portionment ao as to provide for a house
of 433 sxcluslvs of Arizona and New Mexico.
The present membership of the house Is
Sulloway Pension
Bill Passes House
Measure Grants Pensions to All Union
and Mexican Veterans and Adds
Forty-Five Millions to Roll.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10 -The house of
represenlstlvea today passed the Sulloway
general pension bill . tilth giants pensions
ranging from 112 to " per month to al
soldiers who served ninety days in ths
Inked States army In tha civil war or
el my das In the Ntexlcsn war and who
have reachej tha age of C years. The
bill adds about tSC"i.000 a year to the
pension roll
Speaker Cannon took the floor and made
an earnest plea for the passage of the bill.
The bill waa passed by 213 to tU.
The measura provides for the pensioning
of all union soldier regardless of disa
bility, the only requirement being that they
shall have attained the age of i years.
The scale of pension fixed In the new bill,
according to ago, la as follows:
-(iity-two years. ti& a month: 65 years. S?0
a month; TO years. K& a month: 75 years. M
a month.
. U was declared by the sdvocates ef the
. bill that KM veteraas were dlng ery
I tw'-uur hour.
Doctors Discover
Evidences of Poison
On John 0. Schenk
Testimony Given that Mrs. Schenk
Declared Her Husband Would
Not Live Lony.
WMKKLING. V. Va.. Jnn 10.-Scnsatlon
! seekers crp early apparent todav to got
i an advantaseou? fpot from w hich to see
'the principal" In the trial of Mr. tura
Farns worth FehepK. who Is on trial on
i the charse of administering poison to her
I husband.
Mm Schenk
nun brought In by
i sheriff
Her eyes were bright and
to her counsel.
j William Wolfe, h stogie manufacturer.
..was the first witness. He described hlM
i trip ahrnad with .John ). Schenk In 1!M
anil declared Schenk In (food health,
j Wolfe said Schenk became ill two days
after his return to WheclinK. complaining
J of hi stomach, and thHt he became stead
ily worse. He paid Mrs. Schenk said to
"Hilly, I don't helleve John will live very
Kvery effort on the part of the defense
to shake Wolfe's evidence failed, but It
was brought out that during the Kuropean
Journey he had never seen S'-henk under
the Influence or liquor, tier had he con
sulted a physician at any time during their
absence from Wheeling.
Ir. Gregory Ackormann. the next wit
ness, said: "I examined Schenk on Oc
tobtr 5 anil found he had Inflammation of
the stomach and Intestines."
In another examination he found a black
line on the gums of his patient, an Indica
tion of lead poisoning.
When Ir. Frank l.etuoyne Hupp testi
fied he said he had been summoned to the
Schenk residence by Mrs Schenk. who said
her husband was 111. Schenk, he said, told
him he had been well until about a week
after his return from Kurope.
"I noticed at the examination that his
complexion was pale and the lining of his ,
.mill nits imii us 11 niiuiuu uc wn-iw uemg
a dark line on his gums," said the wit
ness. "The directions 1 gave for treat
ment were not carried out," he added.
At the resumption of court the crowd
eould scarcely be moved. Women fought
fiercely for places and some had their
clothing almost torn off.
Nebraska Ditch to Be
Extended to the East
Congressman Kinkaid Learns Particu
lars as to Expenditure of Two
Million Dollar Appropriation.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. (Special . Tele
gram. t Congressman Klnkald having been
one of the originators of the bill enacted
at the last session of congress for the
Issue of S2O.On0.OOO of Irrigation bonds to
complete projects like the great North
Platte project in his district, since the
report of tha board of engineers was made
public has been doing tots utmoo to aoe re
tain how in detail the S2.00u,COO allotted for
the North Platte, project Is to be used.
Mr. Kinkaid Is -now advised that the
north side of th ecanal Is to be Immediately
extended as far east toward Bridgeport as
the capacity of the canal will carry water
sufficient to Irrigate. Engineers are douGt
ful whether the capacity of the canal Is
sufficient to carry water to Irrigate all
lands under the canal celar to Bridgeport.
As to the Goshen Hole project on the
south side of the Platte river, construction
Is to be commenced on the Laramie unit,
which begins in Wyoming but a short
distance over the line Into Nebraska.
Alleged Bank Robber
Breaks Jail at Creston
Taylor Brown, Wanted at Kahoka,
Mo., Makes His Escape Attempt
Robbery at Pilot Grove, Mo.
DE8 MOINES, la.. Jan. 10 Taylor
Brown, arrested at Creston Sunday on
charges of bank robbery tiled at Kahoka.
Mo., escaped from the Creston Jail last
night and is at large.
PILOT GROVE, Mo., Jan. 10. Three men
were foiled In an attempt to rob the Bank
of Pilot Grove early today. While trying
to force an entrance to tha bank they were
discovered by Night Watchman Veal, who
summoned the agent of the Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas railroad to his aid. The look
out saw the watchman and his companion
approaching and exchanged shots with
them, but no one was hurt. The robbers
fled and no trace of them has been found.
They are bellevtd to be the same men
who robbed the bank of Houstonla of 12.000
last Sunday morning.'
Pomerene is Elected
Senator in Ohio
Lieutenant Governor of Buckeye State
Given Solid Democratic Vote
in Both Houses.
COLCMBCS. O., Jan. 10.-In aplte of bit
terness of late democratic senatorial cam
paign, the victor. Lieutenant Governor
Atlee Pomerene, was elected to tha I'nlted
States senate by the legislature today by
the vote of every democratic member of
that body.
Ths senate met at 11 a. m. and the house
at 10:30 a. m. In the senate. Lieutenant
Governor Pomerene received nineteen votes
snd In the house seventy votes.
The two houses mueet at 11 a. m. on Wed
neadsy to complete the election.
Alfalfa Will Be Served at
Montana Exhibit Luncheon
An "alfalfa luncheon" will be served at
the land show on Montana day. The menu
will consist entirely of dishes made from
alfalfa taken from the fields of the north-
Alfalfa bread, made from the prepared
meal; alfalfa cakea. alfalfa soup, alfalfa
patties, alfalfa puddings and alfalfa frit-
lers lll be offered the guests.
"Those boosters Intend to prove thht
alfslfa !a a food for man and beast alike;
that it will produce both beef and men."
said Louts Bucklay, who has charge of the
special day program of th land show,
Entire Crews of Three Vessels Are j
Drowned Off Coast of Cape
Cod in Storm.
Guards Stand on Beach 'Unable
Render Assistance.
Breakers Responsible for Large Prop
erty Loss in Addition. !
UrM tided teasels Are Quickly Torn
Asunder by Fifty-Mil (!
and All Ilanda on Hoard
Are Lost.
HIGHLAND LIGHT. Mass.. Jan. 10 The
worst disaster off the coast of Cape Cod
In many years occurred today on the bars
off the Peaked Hills. The life guards
stood on the beach with their boats and
other apparatus unable to render assist- I
nnce whit three roiil-cnj-rvlnir hnrces ?
were hurled to destruction and seventeen
men lost their lives In the surf.
The barges were the Treverton, Corbin
and Pine Forest, valued together at $V.'5 00n.
With the exception of Captain P.rown of
the Treverton, who belonged In Llncoln-
tile. Me., and Captain Hall of the Pine
Forest, a Provlncetown man. the drowned
tailors were Phllndelphlans.
As two of the barges, the Treverton and
Corbin. broke up very quickly, It is be- t
lleved twelve lives were lost within an j
hour after the barges broke away from the !
I uk Lykens this morning and went Into
the breakers. Five other seumen were seen
,.)nKlns to , vlnr yorest lln, m)d.fole-
noon, when In attempting to reach shore
In their own little boat they were hurled
Into the billows and lost.
The tug Lykens started from Philadelphia
last week with the Treverton for Portland,
the Corbin for Portsmouth and the Pine
Forest for Marblehcad.
tinnier HreaUe. j
The Lykens, with Ita tow, was off Nesett
late In the evening. It later met the full
force of the gale' In the arm of the cape.
The life-saving patrol saw It standing oft
shore to avoid the Penked Hill bars, hut
darkness blotted It out four hours before
dawn. The gale Increased In fury and
about 3 o'clock the long hawser astern of
the tug parted. The Lykens was then a
mile or nioro to the westward of the Peajted
Hill life-saving station. -The
last watcli of the night patrol was
starting out from the Peaked Hill station
when he discovered wreckage in the
breakers. The crew was quickly sum
moned, but It was too dark to make out
anything. More flotsam came tumbling
on' th. beach, but there was nothing to
Identify It. '
At dawn a stranded barge; with a single
mast,' could te sceti far oat In The break-
era tin the outer bat, while In the offing
hovered a tug. which afterwards proved to
be the Lykens. The life savers soon real
ised that no lifeboat could traverse those
W0 yards of cross-whirling billows. Two
men were seen clinging to the rigging and
three others holding on to the house.
The other two barges had long since
broken up. The Lykens could not render
assistance on account of the heavy sea
and started for Princeton.
Last Flht for l ife.
Shortly before 10 o'clock the men on the
Pine Forest were seen to gather In a
bunch. Before thoe on the shore realized
their purpose the little beat on top of the
barge's house was cut loose. The five men
then tumbled in for the last fight for life,
but before they had graaped their oars a
olg comber came rolling round the stern
of the barge and over them. That was the
The Treverton was the largest barge of
the three and carried a crew of seven mon,
with Captain F. I. Brown of Lincolnvllle,
Me.. Id command. It waa bound , to Port
Tht Corbin carried a crew of five men,
and was - commanded by Captain C. M.
Smith of Philadelphia. It was bound to
Portsmouth, N. H.
The Pine Forest, which was the smallest
of the tow, and carried five men, was
commanded by Captain M. W. Hall of
Princeton, and wsa bound for Marblehead,
Teasel Htranned Off Atlantis City.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Jan 10 Signals
from members of the Barnegate life saving
craw at aea established the Identity of the
vessel that stranded last night off that
station as the Harold B. Cousens. Captain
A. C. Williams of St. Johns, N. B., bound
from Portland for Washington with a
cargo of laths. The schooner carried a
crew of aeven men.
The Cousens Is deep In the sand. The
crews of Forked river, Loveladlea Island
and Barnegate life saving stations stood
by the stranded craft all night. Attempts
to pull It off when tha sea calmed shortly
after high tide this morning proved futile.
It Is feared the Cousens will go to pieces I
before wrecking tugs reach It.
Twelve Bodies Recovered from Rnlns
of tha Plant Near Bnenoa
BCENOS AYRES. Argentine. Jan. 10
Mutiy fatalities were esused by an explo-
sion In a gun powder factory at San Mar- 1
tin todsy. Twelve bodies were extricated
from the ruins of the plant. Th search
for other dead continued.
"Out west there they are making and
selling alfalfa bread Just like wheat bread,
It seems to be coming Into general use.
The flavor la a novelty, and If we are
to believe all the thlnga about alfalfa that
the scientists are telling us. It must be a
j real food."
Kona coffee, a delectable concoction
i brewed by the Hawailans. will be served
' by natives at the show. The islanders will
also offer pineapple In various forma and
I preparation, includlrg an unusual but
plraaant beverage ma la from the Juice of
j th rip fruit
You Don't
I - I
' -Blame it !
-I've vcritbcn A A T j
4 A , "Nineteen Ten" f Z An Idca!
L OtjW again. 'pp )
yfSSSi I'll just fpr. Nineteen Eleven
From the Chicago denies Post.
Is Removed by Democrats to Make
Place for Bruning.
Dictates the Downfnll of Jeremlnn
Howard In Spite of Knpport of G.
M. Hitchcock Others Se
enre Home YMnms,
Executing their plan agreed upon In a
caucus Monday afternoon, the four dem
ocratic, members of the" Board of County
Commissioners at the board s organisation
meeting Tuesday morning "fired1 Dr. Fred
erick Kenner, county gnt and store
keeper, In order to make a place for Kred
Urunfng. former county-commissioner ana
chairman of the board, and thereby reward
Bruning for his 'treaohary to the republican
parly nd far ht;t fide .h! tto democratic
cabal In the county br
Just before tha organisation meeting the
democratic members held a hurried, caucua
to devise a scheme to get out from under
the storm of public disapproval that broke
when the public was Informed of the orig
inal plan to o 1st Dr. Kenner and give his
place to Brunl ig. At Monday'a caucus the
board had decided to give Dr. Kenner"s
position to Bruning and to give Barney Mc
Ardle the position of superintendent of the
county building. At the Tuesday morning
caucus the democratic members hit upon
the scheme of exchanging the positions of
Bruning and McArdle, the theory appar
ently being that the public will view the
matter too auperflclally to see that the
trlmary fact that Dr. Kenner, Nebraska
pioneer, who has helped to make the his
tory of the state, la pushed aside In order
to give Bruning a berth remains.
The board In Its organisation meeting
made the appointments according to cau
cua schedule.
Dnblmnn Wields n Clnh.
That Mayor Jim Dahlman wields a bigger
club In local polltlca than senator-elect
Oilbrt M. Hitchcock waa Indicated when
the democratic commissioners failed to
keep a promise to Hitchcock's lleutenanta
that Jerry Howard would be made super
intendent of the county buildings, Barney
McArdle being given the Job In Monday's
After a caucua Friday Klchard O'Keefe,
acting as messenger from the democratic
commissioners to Howard, notified hira
that he had been selected for superintend
ent. Mayor Dahlman, 'Boss" Tom Flynn
and Harry V. Hay ward attended the Mon
day caucua and when they emerged It be
came known that Howard was beaten,
McArdle, a member of the Dahlman club,
having been selected.
Ho-ward maintains the Dahlman club beat
him for the nomination for meor of South
Omaha and at the last election beat him
tor the office of state senator on the dem
ocratic ticket.
Lynch Mnkes n Proat.
Heated protest by County Commissioner
John C. Lynch against the passing of a
county Job to Fred Bruning preceded the
distribution of tha pie by th four demo
cratic membere of the board at the board s
organisation meeting Tuesday morning.
Churalna that the democratic member
planned to give Bruning a Job to rtwart
him for his treachery to the republican
party and relating Brunlng'a splotched po
litical history. Commissioner Lynch waa
called to order for Indulging In personali
ties by Jeff W. Bedford, the new chair
man of the board. Mr. Lynch, however.
! completed his speech.
The republican commissioner exploded
tContlnued on Fourth Page.)
If your cook
leaves, don't try to
stop hr.
It is eaakr to get another through
The Bte.
Bee Want Ads get reliable ser
vants Good positions
Desirable tenant
Dee Want Ada will sell any useless
article about the house.
They will sell it quickly.
('all Tyler 10(0, the want
ad Dept.
Have to Rub it Out This Year
Iowa Attorney Will
Not Concede Present
Bates Are Reasonable
I Representative of Meat Producers
Makes Statement in Inquiry Be
fore Commission.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Improvements
costing H2.000.000 have been laid out by
the New York Central lines, consisting
principally of freight terminals on the west
side of New York City, according to Clyde
Brown, counsel for these lines. In his srgtl
ments today before the Interstate Com
merce commission. The commission has
under consideration the advances In freight
rates by the roads In official classification
Clifford Thome of Iowa, representing the
,llv 'tock. at'V meat, producers' of. the
middle west, declared that the shipping
IntereHts which he represented were not
ready to concedo that existing freight rates
were even reasonable.
That was a question which yet had not
been determined. He pointed out that the
principal officials of the roads had made
assertions that they were entitled to 6 per
cent for dividends and ( per cent for sur
plus, from which Improvement and better
ment should be made.
, Mr. Thorne said that no fair basts of
rate making could be obtained without
having first a fair value of the railroad
properties, and he insisted that such a
valuation should be obtained before the
roads were afforded an opportunity to ad
vance their rates.
Minneapolis Bandits
Shoot Policeman in
' Arm and Summon Aid
Men Caught by Officer While Trying
to Rob Grocery Flee as Soon as
They See He is Not Badly Hurt.
MINNF.APOLIS. Jan. 10 After shooting
and painfully wounding Mounted Police
man J. J. McGulre early today, three rob
bers fired their revolvers tn the air until
assistance arrived and then escaped.
Mcliulre saw the three men on Fifteenth
avenue, Southeast, and followed them Into
an alley.
He came on them while they were work
Ing at the rear door of a grocery store.
One robber fired a bullet, breaking the
bones In McQulre'a right arm.
. McOutra dropped his pistol and. though
Buffering great pain, picked It up and fired
at his assailants. Th pain then caused
htm to fall.
Th robber gathered around him and
Inquired If be waa seriously hurt.
"Not bad," replied McOuIr.
Th men then fired their revolver In
tha air and when they saw two men run
ning toward them, they fled.
Official Dispatch Announces that
Complete Tranquility
WASHINQTOV. Jam 10. Benor Da La.
Barra. tha Mexican ambassador, today re
ceived the following telegram from Enrique
C. Creel, the Mexican minister of foreign
affairs, dated Mexico City, January 9:
Guerrero has been occupied by the fed
eral forces. Rebels are in full flight and
are dispersing in small bands. Complete
tranquility reigns over an the republic.
Commander Simms Will Be
Censured for London Speech
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-Presldent Taft
today decided tnat Commander W. 8. 81ms,
the United State naval officer who at a
recent dinner given n Ixmdon by th
mayor of that city declared that if Great
Pritain ever was seriously threatened. It
could depend on "every man. every dollar,
every drop of blood In this country,"
should be publicly reprimanded.
"Hia offense has been ao conspicuous,"
said the president In hia letter to Secretary
of tha Navy Myer, directing the reprimand,
"that the action of the department In re
proving It should be equally ao."
The president says that whenever an
officer of the American navy "Is called on
la a foreign country to apeak la public, ao
Kansas Executive Favors Verdict by
Nine Jurors in Civil Cases.
lie Also Advocate Withholding
Salaries of Judaea that Delay
Decision Beyond Limited
TOPEKA. Kan., Jan. 10-To alleviate
"the law's delay and mistrial of cases,"
Governor W. R. Stuhbs In hia message to
the Kansas legislature today recommended
that the state law be ao amended that
nine Jurors out of twelve shall decide all
civil cases.
"Some states," he said, "withhold the
salaries of Judges who delay decisions be
yond limited. Urn. Kansas can make no,
mistake, by, rtolns; likewise.
"I recommend that a law be enacted re
quiring the supreme court to disregard
errors that do not affect the substantial
rights of parties In criminal as well as
civil cases."
The prohibitory law In Kansas, according
to the governor. Is now better enforced
than ever before. 'There Is not to my
knowledge an open saloon or Joint In the
state," he declared. "The sale of liquors
for all purposes haa been outlawed and
placed on the same basis as other crime."
Kecommendatlon Is made for the enact
ment of a public utilities law that will
place all state-wide public utilities under
the control of a state commission. City
councils, or city commissions In cities
which have th commission form of gov
ernment, should, Governor Stubbs said,
have control of local public utilities, but
final appeals should In all cases go to
the state commission.
Governor of Colorado Asks I.etTlaln
tore to Redeem Platform 1'ledavea..
DENVER, Jan. 10. Governor John F.
Bhafroth In his inaugural address today
urged the legislature to enact Into laws
unredeemed platform pledges made two
years ago by the democratic atate conven
tion and reaffirmed last fall, namely, a
headless ballot law; a bank guaranty law
and an effective railroad or public service
The governor urged the legislature to ap
prove the amendment to the federal consti
tution providing an Income tax.
Captain Peary Says His Snceesa Is He
salt f Twenty Years In
Arotle Reajlona.
WASHINGTON, Jan. lO.-There 1 no
royal road to th North pole and no sign
posts mark the way, according to Captain
Robert &X Peary, the Arctic explorer, who
appeared today before the house commit
tee on naval affair In connection with
tne diii penaing tor nis retirement as a
rear admiral. He declared that the data
collected on the dash of the Peary expe
ditlon to the top of the world would be of
practically no value to other aspiring polar
The explorer explained at length the
privations of hia trip to the pole and de
clared hia success was directly attributable
to his twenty years of experience in Aro
tle work. In response to questions he
acknowledged that he had made no offi
cial report to the Navy department
that what he say will necessarily he
brought to th attention of the people of
other foreign countries. It Is his obvious
duty to avoid invidious comparisons and
to limit hia apeech and hia expressions of
friendship for the country whose guest he
la to langusge that will not Indicate a lack
of friendship toward other countries."
Commander 81ms cannot escape censure,
the president holds, "on the ground that
what he said waa a mere expression of his
personal opinion; under the circumstances
h must speak as an official repreentatlve
and ha should have known that th words
he used would at once call for aevere
comment In otner countries than Great
Britain and might Involve this government
lo explanation and disclaimer."
i .
1 Absence of Gallagher Tuts Complete
I Stop to Work of Committee
on Committees.
Strong Talk of Wiping: Out Work of
the Body Entirely.
Disposition to Let Him Pick Out the
Senator llartna llciiiiinds 1'lacr
Insurance Which Was Ills
I'lallty Tnn Iran Ah
Senate Cmploj es.
(l'rom a Stuff Cot respondent
LINCOLN. Jnn. 10. -tftpeclal )-The flr-'-t
dity of Hie uctunl business of the Ne
braska legislature of lull was mon over,
as the house adjoumud to tomorrow morn.
Inn after a short morning session and the
senate adjourned In the afternoon after
hi'Hilnti ami ndoptlni; a report of the com
mittee on employes, of which llannlng was
The house shiihIiIiIc bus wade no new de
velopments Hinl the continued nhaemo ot
(iallaiither has made the wet incttiliers rt
the commlttc avoid a Hireling. The re
itiltera have stirred up such a sliirm cloud
over what I hey think has been unjunt
and unfair illscilmlnat inn that the com
mittee Is said to lie sett In k ready to wllh-
dmw some of Its commands.
Members In revolt want yuackenbuslt tor
judiciary instead of tirosaman of IhmirIiis.
They want Kotouc, their leader on the wet
side, to supplant Uerdes, the veteran, as
chairman of the ficancc committee, itul
they want l.eldigh taken off railroads and
tome one of their own number substituted.
There Is strong talk of a move to wipe
out the wcrk of tho commltteo altogether
and retire the whole Hint tor ot committees
back into the hands of Speaker Kuhl. who
it is thought would bo more liberal to the
minority if he did pot have the committee
lo work with. The committee met tonight
to try to come to some agreement.
Itnrtoa After Insurance.
Senator llartos of Saline Ih making his
complaint against being put on the public
lands committee Instead of Insurance felt.
He announced his preference for insurance
at the very beginning und when Volpp was
given the place he started out Immediately
to make trouble. Ills threats have become
so general and so vehement that the com.
mltlee Is considering the advisability of
acceding to hia demand and giving him
his choice. Otherwise the senate commit
tee on committees has been very success
ful and, although K has not yet reported.
Its work Is almost done. '
-v- I'lret Move for ttaate. ' '
The house session : lasted less . thun "aft
hour, convening at 10:30. There were twclva
absentees, Including Representative Hchecle
of Seward, who was excused on account of
sickness In his family.
j-onowtng th invlcatlon by Chaplain
Mlckel and roll Call Evans of Adams of
fered a motion calling for a Joint meeting
of the finance, ways and means committees
of the house and the senate In order that
the work of shaping the appropriation bills
might be facilitated as much as possible.
Gerdes of Richardson objected, declaring
that. In his opinion, the house was assum
ing too much of a dictatorial attitude In
proposing to take, such a step. Matrau of
Madison moved that the motion be tabled,
but before his motion could be seconded
support waa given Representative Evans'
motion by Quackenbush of Nemaha and
Johnson, and by Hardin of Harlan. The
Matrau motion when put by speaker Kultl
lost b ya vote of 41 to 41. Evans' resolution,
which followed, Was carried.
Hatfield Has First BUI.
To Representative Hatfield of Lancaster
was accorded th privilege of Introducing
the first bill. It being the one to earn the
title of house roll No. 1 a measure for the
Initiative and referendum.
During yesterday morning's session per
mission was given to the Stato Good Koadn
association to us tho representative hall
the evening of January 19.
At 11:25 the house adjourned to meet to
morrow at 10 o'clock.
Report of Committee Made avnal
Adopted by Rudy.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Jan. 10. 8peclal.)-The fol
lowing employe were recommended by the
senate committee and wer confirmed this
O. W. Price, cloak room: C. B. Walton,
day custodian senate chamber; Mary K.
Bheehan, Bess B, Marks, Phosbe Mullen
Bernlce Clarke, Lura Reed, stenographers;
I.en Phillips, assistant Janitor; Harry
Ptoetxel, Grover Hobbs, pages; L. Orlffen,
mall carrier; Martin Welner, night watch
man; Beatrice Johnson, Jessie Fox, copv
Ists; Dick McNurlln, doorkeeper; John il.
Felbers, custodian hill room; Harry Brad
ley. Janitor; Mr. Frances Victor, copyist;
Walter Wels, clerk. Judiciary; James Brit
ten, copyist; Walter Schaeffer, gate keeper
senate; John Branlgan. custodian engross
ing room; R. L. Kosslter, custodian bill
room: Vernon Lee. K. 8. Jones bill clerks
Vincent Btohl, clerk, amendments; John
Majors, page; J. G. Htevenson, clerk; C.
B. Copp, bill messenger; A. Z. Donato,
clerk; Joe ltnare, custodian; Vernon
Iteagan, page; 1 -ester Welch, Rus Moo
berry, clerks; George Holmes. T. J. O'Con
nor, lxiii Crevlns, Art Hess, J. V. Lodmuu.
bill clerks; I, d ward Cannon, custodian
committee room; O. N. Watkon. bill room;
lx-on llucklns, proofreader; Tom Vann!
Janitor; W. It. Ileum, engrossing room; f
W. Heacox. P. J. Doran, clerks, lJan tl
Custer, custodian.
Teat of Measure Introduced by I. an.
raster Friend of Hryan.
(From a Htaff Corr-inndent )
LINCOLN. Jan. 10 -(Special.) The txt
of Representative Hatfield's Initiative ami
referendum bill, the first act Introduced
In the house, is as follows:
H. R. No. I. the initiative and referen
dum bill. Is as follows:
For a Joint resolution proposing amend
ment to section 1 and section 10. article III
of the constitution of the atate of Ni-bra-kka.
introduced by Representative Hatfield of
he It resolved and enacted bv the les.s
Uture of the slate of Ncbranka:
Section 1 That at the general election
for state and legislative officers to Ic
held on the Tuesday aucceedlng the first
Monday in Novmber. lUlli. the follow in
provisions be proposed and submitted tc
amendment to section 1 and ! im, M ,,(
article III. of the constltut Inn of the Mule
of Nebraska:
Sec. t That section 1 of ajMkle III of