I WANT--ADS Will ada received mmy Hnse, bt o lnere proper elaaslf Iratlea ! reeened brlora IS o'clock m. lor the evening edition aad before Ti30 o'clock of tho preifoe " moraine aad lander editions. Want ad receive- after eacb hoara will have tbrlr tlrat laeertloa oadrr tbe beadle "Too Lata t Clneelfy." CASH BATES FOR WAM ADS. , REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oao laeertloa, 1 1-3 teats per word and real eer word for each laeertloa. Each Insertion made on dd days, 1 1-3 teat per word. fl.BO per line per ntoath. flatea apply either The Dally r Bandar Bee. Always eoaat sl woda to a line. Wont ada for The Bee may be left at aar of the following dm atorea one la roar "corner drau" are all branch office for The Be and roar ad will be Inaerted Jnat aa promptlr and oa Ihe aome ratea a at the analn office In The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Mhsrh. Vf. C. 40: nd Farnam. Raum Drttg Co.. !i N. lh HI. Reranek. B. A.. 1402 . Ih t. Btmnn Ptiirmacv. tterson. Ner.. Pemfs Park Pharnia-v. KM ard Cuming niakc-nrartlAb. 2MC Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill rbarmacy. TUl Milltsev Ave Canrhlin. O. R., Mb anfl Tierce Bs. Cr)isey Phsrmncv. Vin and Lake St. Cnonev Phnrmacv. 5K S. lth 8t. . Ormak. Emll. IM4- B. 13th fit. Fhler P H. 2Kf2 Leavenworth St. Fn.nter Arnold). 21S N 25th St. Freytag, J. J.. 1914 N. !4th St. Fresger Drug Co.. ISO? N. ltltb St. Flo.-enoe Drug To., Flc--. b. C'reen's rharmery. Parle Ave. and Pacini Greenouch, O. A.. 103 S. 10th St. Grernough. O. A., 10th and Hickory Sts. Golden Pharmacy. ?4th and Iavenworth. Havden vYIIlt.im. 220 Frnm St. Hansom Park Pharmacy. 1501 S. roth Ave Klnterlong Drug Co.. 31st Ave. and Far ram St. Hoist. Jolm, M N. 1th St. Huff. A. I... i3.'4 I.eavenwoith St Tnhnnon DruK C.. :4th and Spalding. Kin. II. P., 823 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 21th. 1.triop, Charles E . 1224 N. 24th St. Mares. Fred I... 1019 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co.. N. 24th St. Pf-yion Pharmacy. 8. lth fit. Raratoca Drui Co.. 24th and Ames Ave rU'havfee'a Cut Plica Drug Store, 16th and ChlcaKO Sts. Prhjefer. An., 21 N. ICth Ft. Schmidt. J. H.. Hth and Cumin; Sts. Walnut Mill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumin DEATH AMU KINKHAI, NOTICES. Itl.YNOLlMrs. Josephine, wife of I. K Reynolds. Monday morning. January 9. at the family residence. d!li Webster Btreet funeral Wednesday mornlnir at ! o'clock from (-L Cecelia s church. Mo flowers. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., r';NKS embalmera. Itil4 Chicago. L). l&A O-luj'J. PARLORTHEATER Ton hav aern the KKST, now try tli PFeiT. Hlgh-claaa vaudevitle, luatinat ca.iv. Tli 1'eopia a enow iiuuae. COAL! At eut prices. At.1, t.i. us. a a v tou ooc to ii.ju a tou Wukiu.1i anu quality auaranteeo. Xi"'tifc;MJL,ATT'rt OUT PKK'E COAL CO., OH, YOU PARADISE I Bound toort, doesn't It? Happiness su preme wlien you burn our I'AKADldK COAL. To cut down youi coal LIU taae our advica and bum Paradise. Win ave ou ii.au to ion. Mum pnont-a. i. W. Ub.Ur'OttU. - cuuuii. SL The Mickey Music Co WsTare now locMiu in our nw home n 108 8. lkth St.. with a completn Una uf ai)e music ana smaii muuai instrunienta MONEY & TO LOA.V-LOW tATE. In sums tu UNION LOAN CO. ILEli,GHAND HOTEL Turkish UhIIi Finest m tn west. iUfhlSU DHU18 HitH & Howard bis. MAUGARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, tor and ship H. H. OooJs. D. 1406. B-J4.'. ED ROTHEKY - -' lni- uC llguors an vUais. Cafe In xmavck;un. Ill Uth bt. iiORNBY Blue Print Co.. i'.s Bee Bldg! VIRGINIA HARK WINE. 7ic T large bottle. Klein Llcjuor Houaa. N. ibtn St. SuriStmbs." PAIN TCO. Loui. 1750. Ind. A-SSii. 16U9'i L'ariuun SL BtKiicll. ouUhk, i atyles; pi. luru naming a. mo.leiaia prlceai; glaua, wall paper. WE CARRY A KILL LINK OK bMcllvVIN-VVILi-lAilS PAIN'18, BRASd POLISH UslLlD ENEEU AND ALL. liRa.D Of' r'LOOR WAX. ELKVATOR3 REPAIRED, freight, pas inger. J. R. Kennedy. io4 i. Uth. D. TM. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNC HrC IVI J ETE'S, W Do'Jglas Streal. t?UlS BEFORE buying your Jewelry, call and see oar compute Una of fins )elr at manufacturers' price. W will save you lw per cent on all ituida of Janeliy. Direct Importers vf D.amunus acd precious stones. UE LONG JEWELKY CO., l:-1-4 McCagua Bldg., Cor. Uth and Dodg Streets. Open evening until p. m. JiKS. CHARLES C H UNGATE, china Cripg. liiandais Bldg. 'il. Ueuster6T;i DOUGLAS Prtntlug Co.. Tel. Douglaa U B. F. urn. optician. 413 Brandels Bldg PRESt RIPTIONS filled. W deliver any (iat.. earuiogu lrug Co. tel. n et. 116 Fllteis. filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D.3V11 FAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AiiKlNrf. SH S. 15TH. FPSTAIRS. lisnd-ralntcd china cbeap. !i01 Cum. H. SI S. H. Cole Sign Co.. D 1TO. Ills Parnara IIAKP.T W S1(V)L i:nirlnr !'.iln DrafUtu.an. t.; trandeia Theater. l. TML MISS LUTIE BRYANT wishes to au Bjounce ladlrs that sh has added tn I rr iiairdreMin;. manicuring, baths, salt Blow, body niaaxe. Hwedisli movement, by Pattle Creek graduate. Mis Br an; thank kr patrons lor thair gviierou support In the putt and eolicita tlieir patrunaw foi tae lutur. Reoiua tli aoii U be UlCg. LYNCH BKOS. FLUh'kIu?noAND REPAIR WORK, 17u8 Jackson Bt. D. 1477. TWENTY per cent lea than Omuha prices HOME rijHMTliKK LU twenty-fourth and I. tits.. South Omaha MRS. IRWIN. S4 Brandeia The. Clilna painting lessons, naturalltlo, conventional; nla-ht classen Tues. St Thur. Ordera tor china, place cards, etc., promptly executed. Alfred Jonea. refreshment, music and service. 4318 Jackson. H. 1863, Ind. A-iJ. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO. CELLAR digging under house. Web. 6M1 ARSENIC and IRON complexion water make clear, white aklna. By mall 50o and II. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. CHINA decorating for clubs a specialty. Miss M. B. Kmlg. 3.16 Brandcls Theater. New Year Resolution. KESOLVEU, That t will so to the OKP1IKUM JEWELERS, Manufacturers, Repairing, Engraving. 1&07 Harney St. YOUR PICTURE "oTre 2io. You can get pictures 30 minutes after they are taken. Bring the baby down. Look for the blue light at night. Paxton Htu. dlo, 14UVi Fa i nam. Open 10 a. m. to 12 p. in. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 171i Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf aaidl AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKI D" into a post "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the beet piac In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Uori.ar hmU HariKV ill. Auto Repairing "Jffgp M CALLS DAY CH NIGHT. The P&xton llllchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. Istt; A .'0U. AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. FOR SALE Model 1 iiuitk roadster, equipped wiiii pres-iu-lila Vaii acd eanaust tlkU. vail Harney rn. WRITE for liBt of automobile bargains. II. E. Fredrtckxun AUio Co.. Omaha. Auto Paintintr 'murphy did it. " vmo i uuiuug Uel our pi.lce(1 now ANDREW MLIU-iIY K -ON. H12 Jackson. MTY Mi Allto repairing and palnt- otvuuiuii )nK Um i.feitfer Carriage Work. 25th &. Leavenworth. Tei. Red 6822. BUSINESS CHANCES THERE are wonderful Investment oppor tunities in central and iioitnern British Columbia, along the lines of three trans continental and other railroads building. This vast, new and rlcn territory of 30. OfO.OoO acres of the finest grain, trult and mixed farming .an, I, 50.tAiO.uDU acres of rich mineral, tt'nber and coal land will develop with marvelous ntpldlty. Fort George Is the geogiaphlcal (.enter on tne lino of all railroads building and projected and at the junction of l.oOo miles of nav luable waterways You tan get In tiow be lore the la.lroud and share in the profits by Inventing as llltlo as (10 per month. Let us end you free a copy of the "British Columbia Bulletin of Information" containing up-to-date news of Investment opportunities In this vast new and rich country, bIko jeynopsia of government land, mining, timber and coal laws. etc. Mend your name and address today. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd. Paid-up cap ital. tJnO.OOII; Joint owners Fort George townsitc; i42 Granville St.. Vancouver, It. C. 1JIVK1 personal attention to collt-c-UA ' lions; no collection no com mission: U years' cxperteme. Jensen. 301 NEVILLE BLOCK. PHuNK DOUG. 4!. I VliOE F1HE iN'suBANca com-U-XVUj riLE pANV. mis is posi. lively the last month this ad will run: takt aovantage of It. blocks fur kale. DIVI DENDS. Agenta wanted. Caxsudy Co.. Pineal Asents. S. W. Cor. Htu ana Doug- lit Omaha. Tel. I: 15M f'ASADY Co" Rt' E,,te- Loan and VAOXVW x insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rtnt. (julck returns. t. VV. corner Mill and Douglas. 11. Doug. UiltQ PHYSICIAN wouid like information re garding a good location In Xebtaaka. south f l lu'le liver, rald intormation will b gladly remuncratrd. Address Y-2VS, Bee. KOR SALE A good business In Ida no. Giocerles and cjuteiikware. fine location on main atieei. Doing gcod business. IC you Luy we pay our tare. Adul ts f. U. tiog tuj CaMvveii. Idaho. IOWA WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, plant and building. 83.500. Will consider . part trade. Address Y 112, care bet. FOR SALE . TWO notes fur H.mju. Iiaih secured by land told ieutly for Si.tsV. Need cash- Llbcial discount. Address L-t&J, Bee. lu Cf.T in or cm e i.uin-" i GANGESTAD, 4"4 liee iiltlg. Tel. D 33'. I HAVE an Improved farm clesa to sta tion to cxchst.ge for a drug mock. Ad dress Y i:!. care Uee. Wake Up, Old Man, Wuko Up! YOUR KALS AKE YOUR FORTUNE Takt, tare o ihen our 19 year' ex- perier.cn ut your service. Consult us. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., itO-'.'U So. 16th St. SEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST MENT COMPANY for big bargains In farm or ranch lai.Js. 1.1st your property for saiti ului us. All kinds of exchanges. 7 New York Lilo Bldg. Iloomluat Houses For Sale, FIRST-CLASS rooming house; cation in c.ty. C b'i. Bee. beat lo- ROOMING house tor sale. 118 K. 2Hh. CHIROPODISTS I iK KiV. lia. Karaain sit lkoux.aa M. MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, nalr dressing. Iialr goodr. Cit- Nat ! Hk. D 2m DANCING Mlases Simpson Coll W. 24'l. W. iQQ. OENTlSTwj : IRAILKT MACH. 2d floor Paxton D lflBi. DETECTIVE Omaha het ret Si-vlce Detective age . Inc.. Undid 42n- Paxton b k. f) 1319. Ind. A-13W. APT. T. i ORMACU. 1? KARitACH BLK. L E BROWN, U3 Paxtoa Blk. Doug. Z7H. MISS STURDY. 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 8718. DRESSMAKING and alteration. first class work: prices reasonable. Mise Ellaa beth O'Connor. IC1J N. ISth. Webster 1410. Mrs. Ross Waists a specialty. 2428 Spalding DRESSMAKING by day In family. Call Red 619. after 6:30 p. m. 2404 Davenport. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES' COLLEGE Is now open lu both tha day and night ses sions. Yet it Is not too late to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity, business. Bookkeeping. Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. Tne catalogue la free. Addreas H. B. Boyles, President, Boyle: Bulidlni, Omaha, Neb. Gfticlal Training School Union Paciflo H, K. Telegraph Department. Mosher-Luinpuian touLhioa! Cnexcetled couraos In Bualne, Short Land, i'eoiuansiiiy and Eniin. .Von bill sprlncal teachsi. Day and nignt iuns. tladt Interesting cataiogu yuoiiauej tn umtlia rienii tor une '.oOay. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL, AT ONCE. lAusite-H c L.Ail-MA.V. llth ami raiuani bu. oinna. Nea. FLORISTS benr.au s Flowar lpL. East entranoa, BRANDE1S' cut flower dept., new ator. I. Hendaraoa, lilt Farsam. Douglaa lVlt J. H. BATH. 1U Harnay. Douxlaa mm. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE. WOT I arnam. V. 10U1; A-100L. FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER Ironts. furnace and stove re pairs. New fuiu&ccs and combination hot water heaters, i hermustuts auu tank heat ers Omahit ctuve iteimir Vvurka, Dcuglan st lioth phonea. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER WANTED EXPERI ENCED BOOKKEEPER; GOOD SALARY; PLEASANT, STEADY POSITION ALL YEAR ROUND AMERICAN THEATER, ISTH AND DOUGLAS. INQUIRE MR. BON D Y. BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer, SCO. Give telephone. A da r ess. til Bee. Ksslsrr nnrt Trade.. ONE finisher on Men's Coats. Must be experienced, one who can make . button holes. Room 4 r renzer Blk. I- GIRLS to learn ha.rdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors. 240-240 City Nt.fl Bank. u. 2m. GIRL to learn halrdrcsslng. Savage, Zli Neville Block. Miss Inza Itoasekeepers nnsl Dotueatlca. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework, no washing. 830 per month, ill) N. 38th St. Harney i6Sl. GOOD, competent girl that understands cooking; no washing or Ironing. Inquire 4M1 Chicago. Harney 2134. WANTED Good girl to help with house work and care for small children. 131 N. S2d Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2JJ4 Fowler Ave.-ir WANTED A second girl also a good girl for housework. 1103 8. 3uth Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 101 N. 41t St. WANTED A competent girl for cooking and general work, no laundry work. luu Douglas St. . WANTED A reliable girl for housework, no cooking, good home and wages. UM Fowler Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family. 112 S. 35lh Ave. WANTED A good washwoman for Mon day. t'Aa Dodge tat. WANTED A competent girl for general houtewoik. 3Jj So. 37 tli St. WANTED A competent girl to help with housework. li-'2 S. 2ttli St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. no t.mail children. 1313 4. 34th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 3730 Lincoln Blvd. WANTED Young girl to help with housework during day. 211 S. 301 u St. WANTED Good. neat, willing girl for housework. 116 ti. 3ath St. WANTED A competent girl for general louswork. one who can cook. References. 2222 Howard St. WANTED Good girl over 16 to care for child. Is.t) Capitol Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work, four In family. 1202 N. 4tHri St. A competent girl for general housework. :024 Rlnney St. COMPETENT girl work: three In family. Harney soo. for general houte 320 N. tint St. Piione LADIES wanted to take work hums, ap plying translrra- 41a Brandels Theater. WANTED A comp tent gh-1 to help with housetvork. 1622 S. 23th St. GIRL to work for room and board, whilo attending school. Phone Harney Stvl. WANTED at once, girl for general housework. Mrs. Hartican, 1302 8. 33d bt. WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper for wholesale house. Addieis K 67'i, Bee WANTED A competent cook at once; must have firt-claa household exprrl ence; refrrences required f2j 3d St. Co. Bluffs. Telephone 274. WANTED-A competent girl for cooking and general housework. Apply 20i S. SJd Av. Mlwcllasrssi. YOU NO women coming to Omaha as strargers are Invited to visit the Yoiini Wouu'ii'K t.'hrlstlan BM-yciatlon building a: St. Marv's Ave. and Uth St. where they will oe directed t.i suitable bearding places or otherwise uxusted I.uok for ur tra. -eler'a aid at ths I m n station. The Key to the Situation bee Want aua SALESMAN WANTED One familiar with elevator supplies. Address Y-709, Bee. SOLICITOR wanted on city work; com mission to start; established business. 36 Boston Store Bldg. Clerical a or? Office. WE CAN use several first-class travel ing salesmen, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerks. If you are open for a posi tion, don't fall to see us or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC. OMAHA Estab. 8 Years KANSAS CITY. 762-1-4-5 New York Life Bldg. TWENTY-FIVE men wanted to earn Increased salaries . by studying advanced dictation In the Y. M. C. A. night school. Factory and Trades. Drug floras tenape). Jobs. Knlest. He Bids. Miscellaneous. YOU can earn more money by knowing how to talk German. Learn how in the Y. M. C. A. night school. FIVE men wanted to study algebra even ings at the Y. M. C. A. Tuition moderate. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St., has an Improved system of teaching barberlng. More men wanted at once. Few weeks completes. State law demand good barbera. We make good barbers. Splendid pay when competent. Prepare now for spring rush. See our offer. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCE for electric railway motoimen and conductors, 20 to 40 years old. $80 to 8100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank, enclosing stamp. Address, Y-iUI, care of Bee. CASHIERS, bookkeepers, managers, su perintendents, foremen, shipping clerks, stenographers, oifice men, traveling sales men for banks, lumber, mercantile, drugs, hardware, oil. coffee companies, light and power plants. 81,000 to J3.000 a year. Give age. experience, position and salarv de sired. American Opportunity Company. Houston. Tex WANTED 870 month: customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clsrks; list of sprln txamlnatlons In Omaha Lew ready; prep aration free. Ftankiln Institute. Dept 214 B. Rochester. N. Y. TOU are wanted for government posi tion; S0 month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 117 U Rochester, N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Waarona. BOBSLEDS L1NINGER IMPLEMENT CO. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth. If you buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO., Southwest Coiner Tenth and Jones Sts. WK RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from the bent MATERIAL MONEY 'AN BUY. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam WE buy and Bell all kinds Blue Bum. rear Millard Hotel. of horses Doug. 4091 a HEAD of good mares for sale. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel, 13th and Douglas. FOR SALE Jersey cow 3328 8. 12th. MEDICAL- FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 34th and Daven port sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered dsy and night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL". nmJ8i$WtSH$WiWWM8SWttl tl NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 8$ H HO TO 41.000 8 U LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD 8t S FURNITURE. PIANOS. SALARIES. 81 It THIS IS A NEW FIRML M $ Organised by the REPUTABLE tt 18 BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- 14 t ttct honest working people In need U t .t i.n,irim lain tram the exorol- 84 II tant charges of ths so-called loan l U companlea 'We will loan you all the 88 H money you want and .uara you ooiy 4 per cent a year. - THIS MEANS YOU PAT 84 For 8 10 mo. payments 81.708 W.2 II For f IS 6 mo. payments J4.23 8 2b i H For 8 W mo. payments li.4(-8 io.l tl For I luo12 mo. payments .! 81U2.IW It And all other sums In proportion. 84 Easy weekiy or Monthly Payments, u KeaaonaulB Appraiscn-.tnt Charges. It A giant at the abov lales will 8 conwiue you Low much you save by u dealing with us . . No RED TAPE. NO DELAf. M MONEY IN VOUn POCKaiT. M WITHIN AN HOUR. 81 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. II ROOM 2C4. W1THNELL BUILDING. II Douir. Si4i. N. E.Cor. loth and Harney. 84 Could You Use $o0 to a Good Advantage? Don't go to a friend. Come to in. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate und vc give It. We will loan you from Jo. 00 to 41W.O0 on furniture, pianos or teams withoi i removal; email and easy payments. 81.20 is the weekly pa nient on a 40o loan lor 6J weeks. Other amounts l:i the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on nil loans raid off before due Mail or phone applications receive om pre nipt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block, loll Dodge St Phones: Douglas 2466 A-2165. DON'T BE BROKE We will loan you what money you may need, quick loans, reasonable rates, terms to suit, on any kind of security you may hav. or on your plain not. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., ili Paxtuu Blk. Pith and Farnam bt. money loaned salaried people, women kfeping house and CTlihHn. walnut stvurll; rsa payments, wfliue In ' princitl cities. Tolnian. Kooio New OioJh t ationsl Hank td. ThAMONI) LOANS AT 5co W. C. FLATALVii.oii Do.l Street. one K4 u. LOOK! LOOK!! Are you short of funds? Do you need MONEY 7 If so and ou have a PERMANENT POSITION, or own FURNITURE. PIANO. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAGONS, etc., we will gladly advance you what money you need. Our rates the lowest, terms the eaaleet and a SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 1616 FARNAM ST., ROOM 807. DO YOU NEED MONEY t We will loan you money on your furnl ure, piano, live stock or any other se urlty at IOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and atrlct privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA L.UAIN UO., D. 1356. Ind. A-13M. 20 Bee Bldg. p.Knle carty will loan honorable sklarlej people small sums on their plain note; banking methods, lowest rates; loans maas quickly and confidentially; payment ar ranged as delred. Address A S32, Bee. m y TTT r lo come in JV I 1 f H V and let us explain 1 J I I our low rates to you. A J- J. Uelable Credit Co.. 8C'8 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa 1411. A.-ltll MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mo. tng; furniture packing, fireproof storage. Telephones Douglas 394. Independent B 1311. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans jour carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. si4 S. 16th; 3U9 S. 17th. Doug. 4163. OFFERED FOR RENT Board nnd Rooms. THE IRVING. 2102 Leavenworth street St. James. 418 8. 18; stm. heat, free batn; Am., 81.23 up; wkiy., U up; meals. Kc FOR RENT Modern rooms, with cr without board. 2103 Douglas St. NICE young man wants roommate. Douglas St. 2103 FOR RENT Nice single and double rooms; board If wished. 2621 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for young lady. 713 N. 22d St. THE ALDKEN. room and board; mod ern. 26th and Farnam Sts. NICE south front room with board; private family close to park car; to couple of ladle. 2668 Jones St. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; private family; references. 2604 N. 19th St.- ROOM and board In private family, strictly modern; walking distance; rates very reasonable. 82S S 22d. NICELY furnished room on parlor floor In strictly modern, private home. Exceldent board. References exchanged. 706 So. 30th Street. Famished Rooms. GENTLEMAN boarding desires room mate. Only refined party considered. Lo cation Is good; within walking distance. Nice neighborhood. New, with all modern conveniences. Good board. References ex changed. Address. S-&30. Bee. n rntt RENT Nlcels furnished front room. f'.T 8. 26 th St. Very convenient to buslnesa NICELY furnished rooms. Kt & 22d 8t SUPERB N. 23d. large steam-heated room, 83 A LARGE, modern, south front room; walking distance. 1914 Chicago. NICELY furnished room, modern home private family. 70f S. 31 st SL On two car lines. Phone Harney 19.0. NICE, comfortable housekeeping room. 113 8. 24th St. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. 633 S. Kid St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, within minutes of business district. 840 S. 19th. CHOICE front room, suitable for two: warm; strictly modern and well kept; prt ste family; phone; walking distance; a Is convenient to goou usr hue; teasooaoia Ilk N. 24th St. TWO furnished rooms. Tsl Webster (978. (611 N. toth St. NICELY furnished rooms; walking dis tance; private family, 641 S. 2th Ave. Douglsa 6277. SLEEPING rooms. In modern home. 2d08 Dodge St., Har. 2356. brick LARGE front room; desirable for three or four young men. DeLorle Hotel, 210 N. litn at. FURNISHED room; all modern conveni ences. Phone Webster 2704. DESIRABLE MODERN room; private lamny; good location, lil No. 81at Ave. MODERN room, gentlemen only; half blocK from postofflc. 2-0 N. lith. Doug ias 61M. NICELY furnished front room In ne steam-heated flat to young lady only. Ml? (.uicago St. lei. Red 242. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges If desired; good bast, good bath; clos in. 2412 Dodge. NICELY furnished room near 24tb street car line. 244 Soutu 20th street FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman, walking dis tance. S. -Sill Bt. STRICTLY modem room for two gentle men. 220 N. Uth St. LARGE room, with alcove, auitable for 4 gtnllciuvn, modern conveniences. M N. vnn. STEAM heated rooms, desirable for one or two gentlemen; continuous hut and cold water. )01 Davenport. FOR RUNT-Nice front parlor and bed room. 112 S. 2Sth St. FOH RENT Nicely furnished single rooms, also desirable south. 2111 Douglas. L.ARGE modern rooms, desirable for two. 17U7 Cut Si. NICE from parlor and nice room for on or two. li.4 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 413 S. 2uth fct FOR RENT New, jri,'e loom: private family; li lug distance. 210 S. 2Uh Ave. FOH 1:1. NT -Nicely 1 ui limned aouln front ruti'ii; utfttmoic loi tuupe. .'2i Doutiaa fct. FOR RENT One larue front room; gaa, hit t.atti and cUciilu li.iil. 2011 Dtj Asm. FOR RENT Very desirable, nicely fur nished rooms. 2125 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 3119 California St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; pri vate family. 635 S. 24th Ave. NICE. warm, comfy room, close In. pri vate family; no children. 2618 Jones 8t. FOR RENT Heated room, single or en- sulte. 618 8 22d St. FOR RENT Nice comfortable steam heated apartment, suitable for two gentle men. S23 8. 24th St. FOR RENT Nice single rooms. 710 S. 17th tst.- FOR RENT Desirable south rooms, fur- nhhed. 19 N. 24th St. Apply 1714 Web ster St. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. 201 8. 2oth St. FOR RENT Desirable room for two. also single rooms. 2407 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Neatly furnished with heat. 2118 Burt St. FOR RENT-Steam heated furnished room. 20b s. 24tn St. FOR RENT Nice, modern furnished rooms. Iel4 Chicago St. NICELY furnished room, strictly mod ern, private tamiiy. t none Doug. sua. THE LANDON. one large room. 611 B. 24th St. STRICTLY modern room. In private family. 2317 Dewey. 127 8. 26TH St.; modern furnlahed room. olose In. ROOM and board In private home: younc lady only. Webster . 2636. LARGE front parlor, suitable for one or two young ladles: near 24th St. car Nine. 2306 Grant St. LARGE steam heated front room, hot water for bath at all times, kitchen privileges. If07 Farnam St. CIX5SE In. two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 North 20th St. No sign. 'Phone Douglas 6682. FOR RENT Iarge south front parlor. desirable for four gentlemen, or man and wire. 2&w Capitol Ave DEWEY European Hotel. 18th A Farnam. TWO modem rooms, walking distance. 1916 California. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. 116 N. 20th St. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FUKNIBHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. Uth Bt, BUITES 856 up; meal book, fu.60. Gentle men preferred. Tel Har. Ml. 1042 Geo. Ave. DODGE HOTEL 13th St Dodge; all out side rooms, steam heat; special week rate. Apartutati and rintn. CENTRAL, steam Bent, 4-roora flat N. 23d. FOR RENT 8-ROOM, modern flat, 604 N. 20th. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly modern. 2823 N. 20th SL Inquire J. N. Marsh. 1923 Locust St. Il 00-7-rcom modern flat. 144 N. 18ta U tpetalra. Inquire n. lwta nt. Call Wee. 177. ELEGANT eight-room brick flat, mod ern throughout. Close to high school. Right party will get special price. Call Tyler 1M for key. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-room brick apartment in city; leo tric light, continuous hot and oold water, steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price. 860. Two blocks from heart of olty. H-677, Bee. 21.00-FOUR-ROOM apt.. I aide park- cars. Harney 3488. blks. east FIVE rooms, new brick flat, strictly mod ern; walking distance. Phone Harney 2364. FIVE-ROOM apartment In th most at tractive apartment house In the city. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. GENOA apartment, 8830 Cass, now ready, ( rooms each; storage, range refrigerator, telephone; never occupied; flneat residence neighborhood; Janitor will show you. Famished HonaelceeplnaT XteoasA, WARM, cosy rooms, all modern, new furniture, gaa, furnace heat amd bath. r.Ui Dodge. H S6s4, FOR RENT Room for light housekeep ing; heated. 2213 Douglaa St NEATLY furnished rooms for house keeping or sleeping. 2277 Dodge St. TWO large front rooms, gaa, bath. 2807 N. 20tU bt. FOR RENT Two adjoining front rooms, complete for housekeeping; alao sleeping room; gas; bath; phone. 2114 Chicago St FOR RENT-Two comfortable front rooms for housekeeping. 816 8. Mta 8t FOR RENT A nicely furnished room, gas. bain, laundry privileges. 2114 Chi cago bt. FOUR nice, clean rooms, complete for housekeeping. Z93o Charles 43t. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep Ing. with range and sink in kitchen, also sleeping rooms. 1701 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping, for loan and wife. 8414 Webster bt FOR RENT NIc. warm, light house keeping rooms. llt Chicago St FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. 2223 N. vnh St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms; good location. 2015 Leavenworth Sfc FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, first floor. 1712 Jackson fct FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing; gas for cooking and light 629 aV Uth Ave "Take my ad out, please I sold the store this morning." This Is. what a resident on Rustles street says of a For Sale Waut Ad in I he Bee. They will sell gnylblug In ths world. Rooms. FOR RENT Two nice clean looms, li modern house. 84ol Jackson St FOR RENT-Fnrnlshed room for house keeplng. lm California St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; laundry privileges. Also sleeping rooms. fc9 South ISth street. ONE sulto south front modern room a for housekeeping, also sleeping rooms. K21 St. Marc s Ave. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms, tot S. 29th St FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for housekeeping; good location. 1615 Howard St. NICE rooms for students or working girls. 2715 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Couple unfurnished rooms. 2411 Michigan Ave.- FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms; good location M4 S. 22d St. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping. 2421 Dodge St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room for housekeeping and sleeping. 2106 Cum ing St- FOR rooms. RENT Two nice 419 N. I5th St. housekeeping TWO room, nicely furnished, for light housekeeping. 2620 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two furnished light house keeping rooms. 1921 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 823 N. 21st St. FOR RB:NT Nealty furnished front room for housekeeping; good location. 216 . N. 23d St.- FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 606 N. Uth St. FOR RENT Neat, well furnished rooms for housekeeping. fiu6 N. 16th St. TWO nicely furnlahed rooms for house keeping. W6 N. Bth 8t FOR RENT Nice, modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2315 Mason St. NICE suite of rooms for light house keeping. 190s Grace St FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. 1673 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping. 8419 Dodge St. TWO-ROOM apgrtments, 2917 Mason St all modern. FOR RENT Two desirable connected rooms, with gaa and heat 2109 Douglaa Bt- FOUR rooms, gaa and olty water, U14 Bancroft St Phone Red 6664. rooms for house. kt rng. 2621 Harney Bt NICE ateam-heated front rooms for housekeeping. 410 N. 16th. 8t FOR RENT Modern front rooms, gas) and laundry privilege. 2671 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Two modern rooms for light housekeeping. 618 N. 20th St. FOR RENT Modern room for housekeeping. 2210 Harney St. light FOR RENT Nice, clean housekeeping rooms. 831 8. Ith St TWO nice rooms, conneotlng, for light housekeeping. 2200 Leavenworth Bt FOR RENT Nice suite of housekeeping rooms. 812 8. 16th St. FOUR desirable unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 823 B. 20th St. PARLOR floor, two rooms, furnished If desired. 2012 Webster St. FOR RENT Four very desirable rooms; good location. 1017 B. 23d St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, heat and gas. 2230 Grace St. FOR RENT Three Urge rooms and bath. 1618 Sherman Ave. TWO adjoining sleeping rooms; suitable for 4 gentlemen. 2420 Cuming. AN aloov suite unfurnished. Tel. Doug. 1634. Heaaee nnei Cattasrea 6-ROOM house with basement; eleotrla light and water; modern except furnace, 44U8 Leavenworth. Harney 230. 8-R-, 830. 1220 Burt Tel. Harney 2404. Om. Van V Storage Co. par Xs, moves, stores bouaehold goods. Fireproof storage, t4 tt, Uth. Branch, 8o S. 17th. Tel. D. 414 A-14e, 6-ROOU cottage; modern, except furnacaj beautiful lawn and treea. No. 22U4 stouts 82d Ave. Rent enl per wo. Aelepuoue Douglas 4040. NICK cosy seven-room house, all mod ern, excellent furns.ee. Right on the t4t& St car line. No. Hut N. Mm Bt WlU rem for 44 or will sell oa easy term. 'Aet, Harney 6368. 7-ROOM houae, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful. Turner Park, Cor. Dodge and 8o. Central Boulevard, inquire guilt Dodge or Geo. McUilds, couuty surveyor. FINE 8-room, modern house, 2704 Cali fornia. FERR1N Exp. 4k Storage. UU Cap. D. iLS. Houses, Ina. Ring wait. Brandels Th. Bldg. NEW, 4 rooms, all modern sxoept bast. 1601 8. 20th Av.. 1 bloua south of Central boulevard and Vinton scuoou iL 'lylsc issv. COTTAGE. 1406 N. 86th St Tel. Harney 4064. 4-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, paved atreet, water rent paid, rent lis. phone Weuater 2oo2. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap 1 1 eight r.atea; moving and atorlng. bxpteasmcu a Delivery Co. 'lei Douglas SNAPS 8-ROOM all modern house, near two tar lines, newly decorated, 4124 Izard St.; reul, 837 60 per month. room, all modern houaa, good location. 914 N. 40th; rent. 40 per month. 4-room, all modern cottage, nicely dec orated. 911 N. 41 Bt St.; rent, 127.50 per month. THE 8. D. MERCER CO, Tel. Doug. 1534. 704 City Nat l Bank Bldg. 'I V