Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1911, Image 7

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    Tim TVFE: OMAHA. TTF.SDAY, JAXt'AKV 10. V.'ll.
Itr.ot rtinl It.
r. . CrMlm ft Boaa OoaV.
Take Tor Prlntlm to tfee Tim,
as, tlectrio flxtnres. Barress-Oraadea.
Colorado apples Phone Armour cold
toiattf, Soulli Omaha. Box. l.4i. H.
Hecn. Oltiey. Colo.
iDTaatmant. n the N,h. Havlnas Loan
Assn. earn t!'; pr annum. crIHi ml
annually. tiOu to li.o-jo. 1 Karnam
Street. Hoard of Trade rulldlnK. Omaha.
La Grippe a,nd Pneumonia are dai.gerous.
A lit avyurlght lalncoat for a cold day la
mu h bettor than an o.crcoat. The Omaha Co., K. II. Bpranue. prMdent. 1S8
Harney fct. .lust around Hie coiner.
Folic Department Reports Oreat Ae
tlvlty among burgiars. c'reigh, Baldrlge
Co. writ a all kinds of burg lary, liold-up,
esuauit and messenger robbery insurance.
lowest rates In town. 'Phone Douglaa
Bees Bobbed? It may happen at any
time unless you have your valuable In our
safe deposit vaults. Vou an rent a private
aafe for to a jear. Omaha Knre Deposit &
Trust Company, entrance 1I4 Karnam St.,
or through the bank.
Want Them to Make Up Afier Mr.
nil Mr. Rosco Clark had aired their
grievances against each other In Juvenllo
court Monday morning, Judge Mutton re
fused to make any order regarding custody
of their bahy. He continued the case until
January 30 and urged the young couple
to try to "make up'' before that time.
Don ah a Ouster Bait Postponed Hear
ing of the Donahue suit, which was to
have been resumed January 21. will not
be taken up until January 30. VV. J. Con
nell, attorney for Chief of I'ollce Donahue,
was called to Kanta Fe. N. M . to appear
In Important rases before the New Mexico
supreme court Monday morning and left
immediately. He cannot return before
January 30, and the state has agreed to
the further continuance.
Chorea Club to Meet The Men's club
of Walnut Hill Methodist Kplscopal church
will meet In the church parlors Tuesday
evening. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock,
followed with short talks by the members
on these topics: "Is Our Church Doing
the Work it Should In Our Community?'
F. A. Gordon; "Is Unapplied Christianity
of Any Value to the Uplifting of God's
Work?" C. W. Miller; "How Can the
(Spiritual Life Be Quickened Among the
Men of Our Church?" Q. P. Boyd.
Borgia Heoures Woman's Wardrobe
Miss Mary M. Ilerrington of flat No. t in
the Sterling flats, located at Nineteenth
street and St. Mary's avenue, because of a
bad, bold burglar. Is short a wardrobe.
The man entered the house some time dur
ing the early morning hours. Being an un
feeling and 'a very cruel burglar, he did
not take the family silver or anything as
trivial as plate. He appropriated the young
woman's wardrobe, and tbls Is wiat he
got: One long velvet cloak, one princess
dress, one shawl, one jacket, two hats and
a complete set of furs.
lraak Ballman's Body Arrives The body
of Prank R. Ballman, the -year-old son
of It R Ballman, 8u8 North Forty-second
street, Omaha, who died In Manila a few
weeks ago, will arrive In Omaha Tuesday.
The funeral will be held Wednesday from
the chapel Of Bralley Dorrance and will
be private. . Burial will be In Forest Lawn
cemetery. Frank Ballman was employed
as consulting engineer for the J. L. Strang
company In the Philippines. Ha was taken
with a stroke of apoplexy while at work
and after seven days' Illness died. He was
well known In Omaha, having graduated
eight years ago, In 1902. from Creighton
college. Ho was a star foot ball and base
ball player and stood high In his classes In
sahooUand ,wa.-one, of the college orators.
Seeks Her Snaie oi me LAilt of the
Late Colonel Tratt.
Aaka fifty 1 h.iiim.iiil Hollars 1 silrr
Mer lre. aptlal i on tract and
Oae TboKnnil Dolls re for
Altnrnrjn' Irrm.
Wsr aalnt Vnl.iml W. Mstiee. Jerome
P. Msgi-e unit Margaret Pratt Olson, heirs
under the will f (hp lute Colonel James
Hervey Pratt, was oV. ar-d hv Mrs. JulU
Montgomery Trait, widnw of Urn late
colonel, through her attorney, BeiOainin 9.
Baker, Monday afternoon.
For $.OjO, whl.-h she claims under her
prenuptlal contract with Colonel Pratt, for
II.'A) attorney's fees, and for an tinspoifiexl
sum for her maintenance slme she and
Colonel Pratt reased to live together. Mrs.
Pratt will fight In the courts. Colonel
Pratt's will, which bequeaths one-half his
estate to" his daughter, Mrs. Margaret
Pratt Olson of Sweden, and the other two
fourths to his grandsons, Waland W.
and Jerome P. Magee, will he attacked on
the Kround that at the time It was ex
ecuted the colonel was of unsound mini
and was ln omietent to make reasonable
and Just disposition of his wealth.
Mrs. Julia Montgomery Piatt reached
Omaha from her home In Boston Monday
morning and took apartments at a faMr
ionable hotel, keeping her name ulf the
register or regi.Me.1in4 under an assumed
namo In order to escapo the newspaper re
porters. When called upon for an interview at
her hotol, Mrs. Pratt said:
"I haven't anythltiK to say. If you want
to know anything about my plans regard
ing the Pratt estate, you must see my at
torney." May l ive Here.
"My plans sre quite unsettled now," said
Mrs. Pratt. "I sold my home here, as you
probably know. 1 don't know where I shall
muke my home. 1 like Omaha. It Is good
to be here again. I have been in Bo.ston
most of the time since I went away, but
I have been In the south some and I like
It there very much. I have more friends
In Omaha than anywhere, and so you
needn't be surprised If I decide to live
Attorney Baker said the first step of
Mrs. Pratt will be to have the will of the
ate colonel declared invalid. This Is not
for the purpose of providing ground upon
whlcTT Mrs. Pratt may stand and demand
her "widow's third." but simply to place
er In position to demand a reasonable
portion of the estate. This done, Mis.
Pratt will go Into the equity division of
the district court with a suit for EiO.OMO,
which under the pre-nuptlal contract be
came hers upon the desth of Colonel
Pratt. Another action In equity will be
started for $1,000 attorney's fees for Mrs.
Pratt In her divorce fight with the colonel
and for maintenance.
Colonel Pratt's will bequcath's nothing
i Mrs. Pratt and gives as reason that the
colonel has paid her considerable sums In
settlement of any ind all claims againut
him she may have.
Breweries Cannot
Sell Beer at Retail
Decision is thit Breweries Should
Not Have Been Granted a
Representative Cities on Hand with
Men and Exhibits.
Melt Pros. Brewing company should not
huw been granted a wholesale liquor li
cense in HI". a cording to a decision
handed down by the Nebraska supreme
court today In the matter of the remon
strance of J. M. lelly of Omaha, district
siiIkm ir.undcnl of the Antl-faloon league,
against the granting of the license. Mr.
l,eld's contention that a wholesaler can
not legHlly sell beer by the case to con
sumeis is sustained.
While the decision conies too late to
have any effect on the specific ease in
which the retnonsU'ance wart made, it Is
Important in that It establishes the letfal
fact that a w !iolcalcr of liquor operating
under a wholesale liquor license can sell
only to persons holding retail liquor
licenses. Since I.eiil h objections were
made, th Metz ltios. lirewlnu company
and other brewing companies have aban
doned the retail business and now sil only
to agent", who have retailors' license,
and retail the beer by the chsc or kec
The brewing companies are now complying
with the, law as Interpreted by tho 8til,rcrne
The opinion was prepared by Chief Jus
tice Reese. Three Judges concurred.
Judges Sedgwick, Barnes and Fawcett dissented.
Km r:ffr ll In it Made In Minvr
I umprrhenalt e Wny Hesoarc
of That (ironing Section of
the Country.
In a
Employment Agents
Accused of Selling
Jobs that Are Not
Operator of Labor Brokerage Shop is
Arrested on Complaint of
Alleged Victims.
Marshal, lulled States Attorney aaal
Clerks of the Court Accom
pany llloi.
United Ktatea Marshal W. F. Warner.
United States Attorney F. 8. Howell. Dep
uty United Ststes Marshal C. W. McCal
lum. George If. Thummel, clerk of the
United Ktaies circuit court, and R. C. Howt
clerk of the I'nlled States district court.
went to Grand Island Monday morning to
take up the work of the petit Jury In ses
sion there. Several minor cases are to be
tried before Judge T. C. Munger.
'William TlahM In' James I. Kemp
for Twenty-Five Taoasana Is
the District Coart.
William Tlghe began suit Monday Morn
lng In the dtatrlct court against James I
Kemp, a coal dealer, for lii.OM, charging
alienation of his wife's sffectlons.
gnperlatendeat of Blair Hospital Fall
from Movlnar Street Car and la
. Dragged Borne Distance.
' Injuries of possibly critical nature were
received by Miss Anna O'Brien, stiperin
tendent of the Blair. Neb., hospital, Monday
afternoon when she fell from a street car
at Twenty-fourth and KrankMn streets.
Mia O'Urien was dragged for a consider
able distance when tripped in trying to
board tho car. She wag picked up un
conscious and removed to Wise Memorla
hoMDttal. lr. J. H. McPherson and ir. A.
y. Condon w ere railed In attendance.
HuDerfUial examination did not Indicate
the extent of Internal Injury.
Qoea to Toprka a Heprcseata live o
taa Outaha Real t.state
Egbert C Mistier lias gone to Tope.ka t
represent the Oniuha Real fcstate exchange
at a moating which Is to be held there
Tuesday to select delegats to the annual
meeting of the National Association
Ileal Kktate Men, which U to be held I
lenver In July. Mr. Mlsner la with the
Tate-fclhrhardt Co., land agents in the City
National Bank building, and he will te
the Kansas representative of the Western
rroducta exhibit at the Auditorium Ja
uary 13.
raig and Campen
Forget Credentials
Wire to Mayor Dahlman Before They
Can Get Seats in the Convention.
Georgo 8. Cratg, city . engineer, and
George Campen, assistant city engineer
who left for New Tork Saturday morning
as delegates t the annual meeting of the
organisation for the standardizing of pav
lng, went without their credentials and
thereby hangs a story.
Craig and Campen landed In New York
all right. But they couldn t land a seat
In the convention. They .had credentials
and they didn't. The credentials were in
Omaha and they were In New York.
Ho something had to be done. Monday
morning Mayor Pahlman received a tele
gram from the outcasts, lie set things
right by a wire to the convention chief and
now everything Is serene In New York.
Craig and Campen have their credentials
and their aeats.
Mr. Craig Is chairman of the asphalt
committee, having been appointed last
winter at the annual meeting In Chicago.
When you Buck CKPs. hide tho shells-
Missouri proverb.
Operation of an employment agency more
productive than efficient caused the
arrest of ,T. II. Cook, proprietor, and
Westlcy Willis, clerk of the establishment
at 1004 Harney street.
Tney were tctvtfn ten days In jail b
Judge Crawford In pollre court Monday
"The man who came hack," exposed the
game and caused the suppression of the
alleged employment agency.
Steve Klrschbaum paid l for a Job in
Rlverton. la., paid his transportation and
went after the job. Saturday Mr. Klrsch
baum came back with a letter from Rankin
A Cowden, general contractors, calling the
attention of Chief Ponahue of the police
department to the apparent fraud.
We have never had dealings with the
employment agency In question and have
no order. out for men." the letter said.
Then Charles Redmand and J. 8. Hamil
ton went throuKh a similar experience at
Payne, Iowa. They came back without a
job, but full of complaint.
The employment agency at the City hotel
on Harney street nas pcen in operation
for several months.
Aged Workman Killed
in Street Car Crash
Carpenter Bun Down on Sixteenth
Street Diei While on Way
to Hospital.
Richard W. Pcott. years old. a car
penter, was struck and killed by a street
car at Sixteenth and Castellar streets this
morning at o'olock.
The aged workman was driving to his
work at the establishment of G. II. Lee 4t
Co., when a northbound car on Sixteenth
street, approaching from the rear, struck
his vehicle. Scott was thrown to the pave
ment and crushed under the wreckage of
his buggy. He died while on the way to
St Joseph's hospital In the police ambu
tance. His home Is at Thirty-first and
Madison streets. South Omaha,
The street car was operated by S. D.
Norton, motorman, and was a West
Lavenworth street car, coming from th
"The hig northwest Is coming to the
1 land show." mild Louis W. Buckley, who
! arrived Sunday from a tour of the coun
try to he represented at the Omaha ex
hibit. ' Representative citl. s throughout
the country are Interested In the show as
a step toward the development of their re
roureoe and lMjsslblllties. Til" railroad-, as
factors in that development, are tal-ing a
vital Interest
"The attitude of the railway powers of
! the northwest Is well Illustrated In the
welcome of the land sho- Idea by L. W.
Hill, president of the final Northern rail
way, and J. W. Hauiiafurd first vice
president of the Northern Pacific. They
are encouraging the interest of the farm- j
els along their lines in the land exhibit. (
The country traversed by these lines Is to
he strongly rei-resente.d at the show."
.Mr. Buckley is In charge of the depart
mental work of the land show In connec
tion with the special days, devoted to em
phasis on the advanta;cg of the various
sections covered by the show.
"Miles City, Mont . Is already preparing
to get Into the land show next year." said
Mr. Ruekley. "Time available would not
permit the preparation of exhibits for the
show of this year. Livingston and Roxo
inun will have Brain exhibits rept vsentins
the bumper crop of that section of the last
Killings Has an Kxhihlt. I
"An exhibit building near the railroad
station in KillliiKS U typical of enterprise
of the boosters of the city. There they
show grains and grasses and many pre
served products of their soil. II. W. Sav
lilge Is president of the Hillings Commercial
club. Kxhibits will be Vr.l to the Ln I
show directly from the ItillinRs' product ;
museum collections.
"Helena and tlrest Kails will have per
haps the most complete and general dis
play anion? the northwest exhibits. A
large part of the display which these
towns tvlll send to Omaha como from the
Montana stale fair. Among the boosters
who will come to the Lund show to have
charge of the exhibit are W. R. Meade,
secretary of the Helena Commercial club;
Oliver W. Holmes of Great Kalis, and
Samuel Teagarden of the Arlxona Stock
I,andg and Farm company, and Charles J.
Kelly of Hutte.
"Butte will send down a miniature smelter
plant the property of the Guggenhclms.
Smelter products and ores will be shown by
an extensive collection.
"Statistics gathered by the Hutte Com
mercial club show that $1,XK an hour was
spent for freight In that city for every
day In the year for 1910. The mining pay
rolls of Hutte run from 7"0.000 to Il.lHJ.OK)
a month.
"Eleven commercial clubs In the Snake
river country are to make a big display.
The railroads are doing a great deal out
via' of
V ,'! , -J
n -
I 1 V ' . m 1 - .T - -
i V'v -v -Y vVv A
Ml r H: J m
- I ... , '
Suits and Overcoats
For Men and Voung Men
Must Continue
I'ntll ir have sold evrry one of the many httndrrd gar
ments, with which this sale was commenced - rrgardlt ts t f
irofits--regardlcs8 of ren costs every small lot in the Mora
mtist be disponed of.
Kvery poP'ilar winter model, every favored fabric ntry
desirable shade and pattern, and every sire. Is Included
amongst the superb Suits and Overcoats now marked at Jus:
one-half their regular prices.
Suits and
Regularly $7.50 to $35.00.
$3.75 to $17.50
jT hsiii l.a.wei artea'aaa t"'-
Actor Man Cannot
Find His Hotel, Lost
Leaves His Baggage and Now Seeks
it in Vain Not So
Leo Van Dell is thinking about adver
tising. If he decides to do so lie will put
In a notice like this:
Wanted Address of hotel at which I
stopped at last night. Can't find the old
place. Anyone knowing where I stopped
will confer a favor by addressing me care
of Hippodrome company. I Van Dell.
Mr. Van Dell until Monday was a gay
and Jocund member of the Hippodrome
company. Monday he was still a member
of the company, but wss no longer Jocund,
blithe and gay. Not he.
For Mr. Van Dell, arriving late Sunday
night, went to a hotel by himself and
registered and slept and left his baggage
there. He got up for breakfast and took
walk. Then he started to walk back to his
He Is still walking.
Marrlnae Licenses.
The following marriage licenses
been granted:
Name and Residence..
James P. Mclmnald, Keokuk, In
llllva C. LJnn, Hioux City, Ta
linls Drabek. Ppenoer, Neb
Harbara Miller. Spencer, Neb
i .
... 2n
.... 31
.... 21
Clothing- Establishment Will De Im
proved at tost of Ten Thonaaad
Sfif Gatraare,
Building alterations Involving an expen
diture of $10,000 to 115,000 will soon be un
dertaken by the Nebraska Clothing com
pany. Contractors are now figuring on the
The most Important changes to be made
are In the entrances and show windows,
which will be elaborated and modernised.
The Nebraska Clothing Company building
stands at the northeast corner of Farnam
and Fifteenth, and with the changes to be
executed will become an even more deslr
abel trade location than It Is now.
When this work la under way the vice
president of the Nebraska Clothing com
pany. Herman Colin, who Is the owner of
Hotel Loyal, will give his sttentlon to the
contemplated addition to the Loyal. Four
or five stories are to be added to the
hotel building, and this work Is likely to
be begun In the spring.
vxmld rather praerv 'h health of a
nation than bt iu ruler.MUyyOX.
Thousands of people who are suffering
with colds are about today. Tomorrow
they may be prostrated with pneumonia.
Jin ounce of prevention is worth a pound
cf rure. Get a 25c bottle of Muuyon's
(Wd Cure at the nearest drug store.
This bottle may be conveniently car
ried in the vest pocket. If you are not
satinfied with, the effects of the remedy,
send us your empty bottle and we will
refund your money. llunyon's Cold
Cure will speedily break up all forms of
colds and prevent grippe and pneumonia.
Jt checks discharges of the nose and
eyes, stops sneezing, allays inflammation
and fever, and tones tip the system.
If you need lledical Advice, write it
Munyon'a Doctors. They will carefully
diagnose your case and advise you by
mall absolutely free
Address Professor Munvon, 63d and
Jefferson streets. Philadelphia.
4 Total Eellpsv
of the function of stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels bi uuJckiy disposed of with
Llictric K tiers. V"c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Office Kotnloyes of the Register f
! Krmrmbcr Their
Testimonial of their regard in the form
of a handsome gold-lined silver loving cup
has ben given Frank W. Dandle, register
of deeds of Douglas county, by his office
assistants. Un one side of the cup Is
graven Mr. Handle's name and the date on
which the cup was given. On the other
are the names of the donors, Q. C. Flem
ing. C. A. Tracy, F. F- Stone, J. Minikus.
B. Hammond, P. M. Tobin, S. Hansen. C.
C. Carlen, C. Creighton and M. MorrelL
Knocks Out Cold
For Mtarrh. kv fatver rMifrhaV
a fBj morm Ui re i jM tnaiAnt rttx
W ftLHl cur. Wrila us Ductal Iu
Sample Free
old br ovetr ft.ft dnicnrrrta.
kp Unil K&c or (ft
him in ius atUM or pock..
Koodon Mfg. Co
Ml MnrapoliB, MUmu
ft' Hill BIX ,
II ml a at I
r.'-tk rd iMrataa.
leatrs-Ma:the Carroll. . Wntera
boil; Jme-; McCaurey, f. Iwa Sr. Anna a
avenue: '!1!'! Johnaou. ZJ. iMi Caa ave
nue; An' on Calcugne. 1- IVdTe
mi-hk; Hren:i, Hui,0 l- S South
Mnh-1 e snd llertrud" Blouth. ISZi
No r Sever tc-emh. Kl; John and Uv
k-stci- North Korty-ind girt; Dub
ad X.fs-srwtb Buckley. 171. Clark, boy: H.
A a id Uau,- Hrtif- J 3' allev. hoy;
Atton ami laaa Jollurtea. aW7 Uarnev.
ila.KJ Jr-.e. Ca.-ndr-n. girl;
Ns-"en sn.t FrnVs KiuaV.v. S.vl Nortin
n;mu;V tVes-re atvd Marv liet.
1, uajj l-o-' tYjik and
ticVy JUrnsff. 1 K Ja-t a Tenuetlv bov:
v sir a and K'i fji-ke-. lKugla
CVbi. r bil'a.l itr- and Alma
flir-rv.j- zn 11 r r. V 1 1- JP
irl m9 Sou- a ULi Ciaal WitlraV
I 1 -v 7 y TTT
Tvtrj woman'! heart thrills at th
cooing and prattling of a baby, and
motherhood Is her highest and purest
Joy. Yet the suffering Incident to
this great consummation of her life'i
desire, robs the anticipation of soma
f 1U sweetness. Most of this can
te avoided by the use of Mother's
Triend. Tfcla great remedy prepareg the expectant mother'! system for the com
ing event, and l'l use makes her comfortable during all the term. Mother's
Friend assists natnra in gradually expanding all tissues, muscles and tendons, it
strengthens the ligaments, keeps the breasts in good condition, and brings the
woman to the crisis in healthful physical condition. The regular use of
Mother's Friend lessens the pain
when baby comes, . and assures
Quick snd natural recovery for the
mother. For ' sale - at drug stores.
Write for free book for expectant
Atlanta, Ok.
r KViJ
ai r a- w
350 Annoal Profit
For 23 Years
Is what hundreds of investors in
British Columbia real estate hays
The "British Columbia Bulletin
of Information" tells about the
opportunities along the three
great transcontinental railways
which are opening up 30,000,000
acres of rich agricultural land
and 50.000,000 acres of timber,
coal and mineral land in Central
nd Northern British Columbia,
now famous ss the Fort George
Thousands of fortunes will be
made by those who get in before
the big rush, lrt us send you a
free copy costs you nothing
may mean a fortune for you.
Write today.
Natural Resources
Security Co., Lti, -
Paid np Capita flLS.O
Joint Owners and go: A gents
Fort George Towoaita.
MS Sim Bonding, Tanoouver, B. a
District Sales HollrJtor,
36S St Omaha Matlonal Bask BaUdiag,
Omaaa, Ban.
Financial Statement of
The Conservative Savings and
Loan Association of Omaha
January 1. 1911
lxmns $5,067,276.41
Real estate and salt's on contract . . 1,955.30
Foreclosure account 11,941.14
Accrued interest 12,569.18
Office building and ground 72,000.00
Cash and in banks 330.106.24
Capital stock paid in
dends added thereto
Incomplete (building)
Resenro fund
Undivided profits
aud tlivi-loans
,$5. 495. 847. 34
Increane lu business for the year 1910 $ !C,006.7
Dividends for the year 1910 st 6 per annum 265, 274. K9
Dividends declared by the association in nineteen years ' 1,169,581.43
Total earnings of the association lu nineteen years 1,663,429.69
Total receipts of all kinds since organization $25,451,420 .06
Number of real estate loans made In 1910 1,165 , ,. s
Ixians made for the erection of buildings (mainly homes) in 1910 317
Loans made for purchase of homes in 1910 269
The past year has been one ot the most successful In the history of The Conservative
Savings & I.on 'Association. Receipts of money from outside Omaha and the State of Ne
braska have been larger than any previous year. Remittances reached us from as far away
as Australia and Fersia. The mail business of the Association is constantly increasing.
The outlook for the- year 1911 is good, although the volume of business may not bo
as large as for either of the past two years.
The Conservative hss money to loan o n improved or to improve properties, at the
lowest rate of interest of any association In t he city. Payments per month per $1,000.00
borrowed are $11.00, with the privilege of reducing the principal at any time' without notice.
Present dividend rate 6 per annum.
GEO. F. GILMORE, President.
PAUL. W. KUHNS. Secretary.
Offices, 1614 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb.
rrTrf st
1 a4, jLJ n!
TS kn ' wf " rr YSH i ft fi w w i n-u mmm't 1 wi-.w bvb 1 " wi ,m 'aH!! wmi wjv-''ywrVi'ai'li'l
Own a home.
You will find in the lists, which will
be prepared by dealers, Thursday (Home
Day), many bargains.
Buy now.
You have to pay rent anyway, so why not pay It to yourself.
Buy a home on the easy term plan making a payment of a few hun
dred dollars down pay the balance monthly the same as rent. In a few
years the home Is yours.
' A great many bargains In homes will be advertised for sale in today's
Bee on the easy term plan make your selection and buy now. Prices will
surely advance. Invest your rent money Instead of spending It.
- asa F -aw 9 aW aT aaaaT J 3 I a - ' -i . i I ( -j-s..w.
IS HONESTLY MADE of ccicntifically telccted materials at
1 .l-.-U sa
largest distillery in the world.
Everybody knows the splendid virtues of this whiskey. The dema
for it extends throughout the civilized world.
At Firtt Clat Club. Bart and Cm'Aik For it
CLARKE DUOS. & CO., Distillers, Peoria. Illinois
LSrTSiM MaklasLak H.;il .a t - -- - a J
jr.". ilt;-' ' 0 aftla..raw J
Thone VVj Ind.
H. 3657 SLy A-3817.
It I .n d tarma b(in. -.b. lt. 1!I Naw tliuw
at orcAntiil tn .ii subject. a.auiMr' ct..a I
In !Ull. .mailt n4 laosuAaaa. Wrlia lor Yaaf
BO,i MISS lUBISI, Prtaelpai. j
it m.
Kearney Military Academy
Military Tralalaa; romblnsd with Academic and
Bualuaas tuunn davclups lha btxllaa and mloda ot
boys into manly, succaaaful man. W bulid up a
sound body, drvalop rharactar snd create cue habile
Itat make the boy the Wanly Man.
Our acadainio atandarda are high. . Our clas
sic and scientific courses prepare tor all coilesea.
Our commercial coursea prepare for busineaa life.
Write (or i:iuaiiia catalogue.