Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1911, Image 6

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    IJU, hi.i,. DmAUX, "lUiiJAl, Xv.VLTAirf iu, 1911.
The oniaiia Daily Ukel
r-ritr at Omaha p's-ffl'S as srond
alas matter.
P'lnday liee. on year..' J' J
fcaturday Hee. one year J! ?'
aly rie iwithout Hundij-i. one ear. m
Laliy rul nunday. on year '
"venlng H fwlthout Sunday), per week
Evening He i1ih gundayi. per we. . .l'r
"ally lie inr hiding Bunday t. per week. .lie
LmIIv M iwltliOnt shindayl. p"r wee ''c
Address all complaint of Irregularities In
delivery to Cltjr I trrulatlon tn.rtmnt.
Omaha-The tie BulMtrg.
ftoulh Omsla-? N. T'ntv-fmirth Bt.
romi Muffs-li fV--,tt Ftreet.
Ilnelri M Uttie Ruildlrig
'hlraao I Ms Mini H'llldlng.
ktnui Cty-fiitanr Hulidlr.g.
New Vork-24 et Thirty -third street
"A sshlngton 72S Fourteenth Htreet. N. w.
f ommunt'-atlons relating to news end
editorial matter should h addreeeed
Omaha Bee. Kdltorlal Iepartmert.
Remit by draft. r r po'' order
pavakle to Th Hea J-'uhclshing Company.
Only 2 i-nl stamp received In payment of
mall account. Personal -he. ks except on
Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted.
)ala of Nebraska, Imui'u County, ss
rwtlit Williams, circulation manager of
Tha bee Publishing- romianj, bring duly
worn. says that tha actual numbw of full
and fompki copies cf The Dally. Mornlni,
s.venlng and Sunday Bees printed during
tha month of December,
110, was a fol-
I .M00
I 43, MO
4 4O.60
1 43,7Q
: Aut
... 4330
, . .43,C0
... 44.800
. ..44.0SO
,. .44,850
, ..44,400
, . .4S4M
, ..43,30
. ..43.&30
.43, MO
.43,400 .
Total ..
11 ,443
Returned Cop I aa.
Nt Total .
Dally Average
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed tn my presence and morn to
btfor ma this tlst day of December, 1810.
Notary Fubllo.
barrl bra Uatlag ) rlly
worarllr efcwwlw bav Tha B
aaallad ta tkena. A44rvaa will I
V.V Tb best kind of Medicine Hat to
wear during cold waves is a beaver
Those alt eggi tbat sold for $125
In Baltimore must have been nest
Ono more Christmas present-gun
baa gono off and soother little boy is
"- "
nhodo Island counts 0O8 persons to
tbo square mile. But it Is woefully
shy on square miles.
The man who laughed himself to
death over the forecasted cold wave
must have been a plumber.
Probably it la the widow's mite that
eieltes MesHts. Rockefeller and Car
negie to such heroic effort.
Did you notice the Jeffersonlan sim
plicity about Governor DU's Inaugu
ration? You did? Where?
One paper speaks of "England's lit
erary debt to France." Granted it is
bona fide, how can it be paid?
If things continue as they have been
In the Illinois legislature Lee O'Neill
Browne may become a lonesome man.
When ex-Oovernor Shallenberger
again cornea to Omaha he' can have his
glass filled with ginger ale for a
Perhaps if King George is really
short on pure ermine he might strike
a trade with one of those grand opera
I - - '
Woman has won sgaln. The mayor
of Kansas City vetoed the muzzled
bat pin bill. Now, go after your
man, girls.
Ex-Banker J. 0. Robin has been In
Jail fully . a week and no popular
movement for bis release has yet
been launched.
One cannot help believing that
a multi-millionaire who is embar
rassed over bl wealth is a super
sensitive' man.
Editor Ed Howe of Atchison, who
hss lived In a shack Instead of a
house, has retired. Ixok out, man.
Remember TolFtol.
At any rate, Omaha has the satis
faction of having held one of the few
aviation meets pulled off in 1910
without any fatalities.
The boston Herald contains an arti
cle on "How Ronton Resembles Other
Cities." There Is a concession for
which We never looked.
All the money In Adams county,
Ohio, is so badly tainted they are
threatening to send abroad to get
enough to put In the collection plate.
Perhaps when Congressman Hitch
cock makes his acknowledgements to
tbo legtsliture next week he will let
the people know whether he is for or
against parcels post.
Wheq colleges descend to the level
of becomlug "sponsors of cults" they
are descending llttlo lower than
they should to serve the high purpose
for which they were designed.
Fortifyicf the Canal.
Former Senator Foraker's letters to
President Tsft, showing tbat both the
I'nlted States and Great Britain un
derstood all along that the right to
fortify tbe Panama canal was reserved
by us. Is of dep Interest and value
Just now when this rlsht has become
a subject of controversy. According
to Senator Foraker, he ws in con
sultation with Secretary Hay much of
the time that tbe latter spent In
negotiating tbe treaty with England
and many of his suggestions to the
secretary of state were embodied In
tbe ultimate agreement; from the first
the right of the United 8tates to for
tify was insisted upon and at the last
80 me of those who deny this right
lean for support to their argument
partially upon the plea of world peace,
but we may favor world peace and
yet see tbe necessity of fortification.
The canal Is an American institution,
built by American capital on Ameri
can property, and It should not only
be a rlajht. but a duty, of this govern
ment to protect the canal. It does
not seem compatible with either Jus
tice or diplomacy to allow the de
fenses to be built, even partially, at
the expense of other powers. That
would seem like a repudiation of our
Then It Is argued that the canal
should be International, open to the
ships of all nations. Fortification
would neither mar Its international
character, nor close It to other ships.
The use of the canal Is cared for un
der tbe terms of neutralization, which
Is not In question, nor would Its neu
tralization be any reason why It
should not be fortified and fortified
by tbe United States. On the con
trary, it would seem to make the duty
of fortification Incumbent on this
It will be hard to convince tbe out
side world that this shrewd Yankee
nation ever contemplated such a stu
pendous outlay of money as it will
have taken to build that canal with
out also providing an Insurance of Its
Investment. '
Hai Diz Split with Tammany T ,
"Boss" Murphy of Tammany de
mands tbe election of William F.
Sheehan, the law partner of Alton B.
Parker, for senator from New York.
Governor Dix Is said to be keeping his
hands off the fight, but the governor's
personal attorney and one of bis most
Intimate personal friends are active In
tbe support of Edward M. Shepard.
Another strong personal friend of the
governor, Seymour Yansantvoord, has
been proposed as a third man In the
race to capture the prize away from
Sheehan if Shepard falls.
The question that now arises is,
Has the governor so soon spilt with
Tammany? For it will scarcely do
to say that he and Tammany were not
on friendly terms -during the cam
paign. ' It will be remembered that
tbe leading democratic papers of New
York City declared tbat at tbe state
convention which nominated Mr. Dix
the party was "mercilessly" in the
grasp of "Boss" Murphy- and tbat it
had never been more completely dic
tated to and dominated by Tammany.
Out of such a condition Mr. Dix, as
the opponent of this same Mr. Shep
ard, was nominated for governor.
And there were many delegates not
committed to Shepard, who did not
favor Dix. Some of these delegates,
democratic papers asserted, went "bat
in hand" to "Boss" Murphy, seeking
permission to name their man or men,
but Mr. Dix was nominated.
It Is only fair to conclude, then,
that Mr. Dix was the choice of Tam
many and got on nicely enough with
the Tiger during the campaign. Does
Mr. Dix, like one or two other dis
tinguished men who might be named,
think that Tammany is a good friend
to tie to while running for office, but
a bad one after election? If that be
tbe case, we have the Interesting spec
tacle of another new alignment in
democratic politics and a split within
a split, sure to bave Its Influence be
yond tbat state's lines.
- 1 1
Triumph of Science.
From tbe depths of a patt whose
uncounted years roll uway in an end
less stretch of unrecorded time man
has borne an unsatislled yea ruing to
know the innermost secret or nature,
and has striven perslatently to pierce
tbe veil that hides from his finite eyes
the great key to existence. Now and
again some little glint or pteudo light
v... rauanixri his endeavors tnd af
forded foundation for the hope that
has lured him ou. Till now, we are
told of the crowning achievement-of
his creative genius. A Hoston biolo
gist has produced a guinea pig on
whose feet grow four tots where only
three grew before.
How shall we ball this triumph or
scleuce? With what acclaim shall we
recognize this tjreaklng down of the
barrier that has separated us from
the living truth? From the shores
of that Palaeozoic sea. whese waters
teemed with the swarming myriads of
the Eozon Canadensis, down to the
living present, comes this echo of a
longing cry for knowledge of the very
beginning of things. Along the track
are plainly shown the marks of brave
souls who bave beaten out their ex
istence against the hitherto Impene
trable rampart behind which nature
has guarded her one great secret.
The three-toed horse came and went,
and the sabre-toothed tiger, and the
brontolbertum, and 'he tltanotberlum,
the pterodactyl has flopped his wings
and flown away, and the Icthyosaur
no loncer troubles the waters of tbe
vasty deep. F.a b In bis dsy has lived
and moved and then Joined tbe mighty
procession of things that were. All
tbe time tbe slowly developing human
race was stretching out Its hands tn
supplication for tbe one great boon.
"Pigs Is pigs." all right, but why a
pig with three toes? It was unsup
portable. Man's sosring destiny
could not bait there.
Now we have It. The guinea pig
of the future may Increase and multi
ply at any rate, but be Is to be sup
ported on four toes. Also, he may be
cinnamon brown, or silvery In color.
Instead of white, splotched now and
again by brown spots. Tbe final goal
has been crossed. Mankind may now
sum up Its achievements, and strike
a balance, for the triumph of science
over nature Is complete. We have
the four-toed guinea pig.
Charity Publicity.
It Is suggested by tbe World
Hersld tbat Omaha needs another
charitable organization or Institution
which will provide food and shelter
for all applicants In apparent want of
them without looking Into their ante
cedents or Inquiring whether they are
deserving. We are not sure that we
need such an Institution, neither are
we prepared to say definitely that we
do not need it. Incidental to Its argu
ment, however, the World-Herald
makes one good suggestion when it
declares that "we should have legis
lation requiring all private societies
taking public subscription for aid of
the poor to report the amount re
ceived and every case aided to a cen
tral office so there would be no dupli
cation." Here is an idea, although crudely
formulated, worthy of more serious
consideration. We have a multiplicity
of charitable associations snd elee
mosynary Institutions which depend
for support on the response of the
public to general appeals and
solicitation. But those who furnish
the money have no satisfactory means
of ascertaining whether the insti
tution Is oversupplled or undersup
plled. well managed for its purpose or
conducted simply to give an easy liv
ing to officers arid employes. An ef
fort is being made, entirely unofficial,
through the Chartles Organization so
ciety, to co-ordinate these establish
ments with a view of avoiding dupli
cation of work and preventing waste
and inefficiency. But there is no
doubt that if official control of public
soliciting for charitable purposes
could be provided by suitable legisla
tion It would constitute a very desira
ble reform. Such a law could require
every Institution enjoying tax exemp
tion as a public charity to register
with the proper authority, make true
and detailed reports of finances and
operations, procure official credentials
for soliciting agents, all under penalty
of forfeiting its privileges for failure
to comply.
A law for publicity and control of
charitable societies and institutions
depending wholly or In part on public
support would be a distinct step In
No Dual Water Works.
South Omaha is again agitating the
question of water works to supply Its
needs . apart and distinct from
Omaha's water works system. We
realize that South Omaha, Is con
fronted with almost as preplexlng a
water works problem as Omaha, but
we do not believe that a duplication
of plants is the solution. South
Omaha Is now supplied with water
through distributing pipes which are
a part of the Omaha system, and
which are Included in the property
Omaha will be compelled to buy un
der tbe decision In its compulsory
purchase suit. South Omaha will
some day, not fsr distant, be annexed
to Omaha, and as such will be owner
of part of the present water works
system, and tbe proposition to put
money into two water works plants,
where one only Is required, would be
a decidedly bad investment. Because
Omaha has made such a mess of its
water works situation is no good
reason why South Omaha should go
and do likewise.
Cleveland Is startled by the dis
closure that a gang of burglars has
for several months been systemat
ically looting scores of residences In
that city, the capture of some of the
culprits now bringing Into the hands
of the police plunder aggregating in
value many thousands of dollars. Re
member that this has happened in
Cleveland, which has hsd so much
tine magazine advertising because of
Its "golden-rule" chief of police and
; magnificent police force. Omaha suf
I fern o rationally from professional
j crime, but by comparison with other
! cities has been reasonably Immune,
which ought to furnish some testi
mony In favor of the efficiency of
Omaha's chief of police and police de
partment. I'nder the caption, "Progressive
Messages," our amiable democratic
contemporary enumerates the mes
sages only of the democratic gov
emois. Whr.t's the matter with the
message of Governor Aldrieh of Ne
braska? Itn't tbat as progressive as
auy of them?
j Mayor "Jlni" endornes tbat ait of i
; Covci nor AMrlrh's liisu-ina! which!
1 i
' urges complete munic ipal home rule I
I by empowering t-ltics of over Si. 000
J population to frame and adopt their
own charters. Before either of them!
exit from office Mayor "Jim" and Gov
ernor Aldrieh may find one or two
other points of agreement.
Iowa may have a special June pri
mary to determine whom the people
want for fnlted States senator to suc
ceed to the unexpired term of the late
Senator Dolllver. If that course Is
determined upon the political pot In
the Hawkeye state will be kept at the
boiling point right along from now on.
Mr. Bryan draws the line against
any candidate for the 1912 nomina
tion favored by the New York Sun,
the New York Times. Harper a Weekly
or the Cincinnati Enquirer. On this
test It will not be hard to locate one
distinguished democrst whom none of
these papers favor.
The most crying need of charter re
vision In Omaha is for an amendment
giving the city authorities power to
organize a garbage collection depart
ment to dispose of tbe city's refuse
without waiting for the aid or consent
of any garbage contractor on earth.
No self-respecting legislature is ex
pected to work more than three or
four days a week in the early part of
the session, and as to the over-burdened
legislative employes stringing
It out tbat way means more easy
The Philadelphia Inquirer says that
as chief executive of Massachusetts
Governor Foss is now "treading the
deck of the ship of state." And keel
haul my taffrall if he Isn't trying to
Lodge a man overboard!
Colonel Watterson says it is hard
to lose the savings of a lifetime. It
apparently Is for men like Carnegie
and Rockefeller, but some folks would
find It a very simple matter.
Aa Opportunity Overlooked.
Waahlngton Tost.
Somebody ought to put a want ad in
the Congressional Record for whitewash
that will stl'.rc.
A Fatare FoaalMllty.
Boston Transcript.
We have Jiint negotiated a parcels post
treaty with Brazil. Bye-and-bye we shall
probably have a parcels post treaty with
Rival Klper1ecea.
Chicago Rocord-Herald.
The people .who captured John Diets of
Wisconsin will probably agree with the
London police In tha opinion that taking
desperadoes from their own strongholds
Is no fool's Job.
Tfcla Will Fetch It.
Indianapolis News.
With two such eminent public benefac
tors as Mr. 'George W. Perkins and Mr.
William E. Corey working for a consolida
tion of the large copper Interests, there
oUKht to b something doing in that branch
of the prosperity business pretty soon-
Identity af Unrl Joe's Beaefaetor.
New York Bun.
We ara permitted to make public the
name of the lady in India who has In
formed the .Honorable Joseph Ourney Can
non that he la to receive IZ.dnO.OTiO In the
death of a certain generous admirer in that
country. The lady is the Begum of Jum
toputna, a native staia between Cashmere
and Calient, and the "generous donor" Is
her brother, the Teetotum of Blkkim, the
leading caprlculturlat In northern India.
A Warrior la Actios.. .
eiouit City Tribune.
And now, aa If to confirm beond any
reasonable doubt all these war stories,
comes ex-Congressman Dave Mercer of
Omaha, who aays he knows from his own
personal knowlodga that tha common peo
ple of Japan hate the United Htates and
are determined to crowd their government
Into a war with us. When Mercer was In
congress eight or ten years ago he visited
Japan. He learned there from the com
mon people that their grudge against us
is even more fierce than their vengeful
spit at Russia.
Whenever a man geta elected to congress
and then later geta elected to stay at home
and doesn't stay at home at all. but goes
right on remaining at Washington, It can
be depended on that he is there in the In
terests of the people (some people), and
when he Issues his timely warning as he
always does about this time of year, that
there Is a war coming and that we must
have more battleships, there Is only one
thing to do If we want to save the coun
try and that is to make the appropriations
and set tha ship builders to work.
People Talked About
. Postmaster General Hitchcock, who was
political manager In the campaign of Mr.
Taft, came face to face with an old friend
the other day. .He waa threading bis way
across Pennsylvania avenue In Washington,
where the aaphall pavement was being
repaired, when- his gaze met this sign:
Beware of the Steam Roller!
Lieutenant Colonel Kdgar A. .M earns.
United Ktates army, retired, who was a
member of the Itoosevelt African expedi
tion and who has since been on duty at
the hmlthsonlan institution, preparing
specimens gathered on the hunt, has been
relieved and ordered home. Ills rank and
pay reverie to that of major, retired, held
prior to the expedition.
Lyman W. Fairbanks of Halifax, Mass.,
who la year a old, in a day's work of leas
than seven hours, chopped two and ont
uuarter cords of four-foot hard wood. He
left tils honia at t o'clock In the morning,
walked three-quarters of a mile to whera
he had the wood, returned home at noou,
started out ttatn at I o'clock and by 4
o'clock he had all the wood chopped.
Dr. Huse King-gold Is the only woman
contract auriieon In the I'nlted btates
limy. When on duly she wears a dhidi-u
skirt and a uniform coat. the Is especially
Interested In the hospital problem of an
army in the field ana has made a study
of the work of the Japanese hospital corps
In the war with Kuaaia. Mlas Kinagold
now la on the way to tha Philippines,
where khe expects to spend several years.
Altee Pomerene, caucus ehulce for sen
j atur from Ohio, U a native of the state.
I a lettid'.tit of 'anu.n and Jul pafct 17. He
U one of live living
lawyer by profession
ions of a doctor,
one brother w ho
a JucIki: ami three brothers wh
o are doc-
i.lth having
...... i' ... i ...... . ... i. .......tit. .i
! difcc-otrrtd the t'ntn man and both futignt.
,' hunldir to shoulder In beveial campaigns
in the last ten ear The senator lu be
n live j a "cUaiij" pKturt, Kiiiuoth-Khavcu
face, laitfe jaw and none. hlfch forehead
and dome fioiu which the hair la retreat-
Army Gossip
Matt ara of Xataraat aa 4 lUet
ef tka rirtag X.laa OlaaaM rraas
ta aravy sag Vary aVegUrle.
Tha War department has not jet ruled
on the question of holding tournament
during the present year. In reply to
numerous requests received from leading
cltlae In all parts of the country. Bom
of the military' authorities hold to the
view that the participation by the armv
in spectacle of this sort, however enter
taining and Instructive and edifying ruch
Mti may be to the civilian beholder.
Is a grave mistake, not to say downright
wast of time. It hss been felt, on the
other band, that the military establish
ment was. somehow or other, benefited
by the public appearance of the troops In
the various stunts required of them and
In which they engage with cheerfulness
and abundant action: but there I a se
rious question whether this Is really the
caae. and It has become a matter of some
Importance to determine anew the exact
value f the tournaments In connection
with the time taken In travel by regular
troop and with the draft for the purpose
upon the appropriation for army transpor
tation. It has been decided by the War
department to shelve the whole question
until It Is known what amount congress
will give this yesr for this transportation
under the quartermaster's department. It
will then be poesthle to estimate how
much of the fund can be spared for any
thing not of a strictly military character.
It la realised that it will be Impossible to
adopt anv policy In the matter and adhere
to It. The department strove to do that
when It msde a rule that no city should
have a representation cf the army at a
tournament more than once, and that
there should be some limit placed on the
number of tournaments. with army
patronage, within the boundaries of a
military department, and so on. Influ
ence has come to smash all such rules, ss
it always does and always will, and prob
ably that same potent factor will aid In
the determination of the present question
quite as much ss any purely military or
administrative factor.
Announcement will probably be made
at the War department early In the com
ing week of the commands to which will
be assicned the officers who have been
designated for commission ss brigadier
and major general. It Is understood thst
Gtnersl Duncan will be assigned to the
command of the Department of Dakota,
with headquarters at St. Paul; that Col
onel George Anderson will have command
of the Department of the Visayaa, suc
ceeding General D. H. Brush, who upon
return to the United States will be as
signed to the command of the Department
of the Colorado; General M. V. Maus.
who has been considered for assignment
to a command tn the Philippines, will
probably remain tn command of the De
partment of the Columbia on account of
Ms thorough knowledge of existing condi
tions In Alaska, the War department
deeming It Imperative to have no change
In th department command at this time.
General Murray, when he becomes a
major general, will take command of th
Department of the Lakes. The billet of
chief of the militia division will undoubt
edly fall to Colonel R. K. Evans, when
he becomes a brigadier and when Colonel
Weaver succeeds General Murray as chief
of coast artillery. It has been decided
that militia affalc should bo In charge
of a brigadier general who comes from
the Infantry arm.
It appears to have been decided that no
action ahall ba taken on tha proposition to
abolish the emergency ration of th army.
Th effort In that direction met with con
siderable resistance on the part of th
army subsistence officers and was th oc
casion of a special report by Commissary
General Sharp. So far as Is known at the
War department, only on officer of the
subsistence department has ben an advo
cate of th abolition of th ration. Th
main reasons for keeping the ration as a
part of the food supply of the army has
been the fact that It Is a substitute for
nothing at all In the way of food for sol
diers In time of war. Under such circum
stances the precautionary measure appeals
to the officers as desirable, leaving for
those who do not wish to us the ration the
privilege of going without It.
A new edition of army regulations will
appear in th coura of th next month or
two from the adjutant general's office of
the War, department, with corrections up
to December 81 laat. Th former 'edition
appeared In lkOS, which brought th volume
up to Jun 1 of that year, In this connec
tion there will also b published a consol
idated general Index of all general orders
Issued by th War department sine ISM.
This compilation used In connection with
th nw edition of regulations will furnish
everybody an opportunity to know all th
orders and regulations now in force.
Lieutenant Colonel I. W. Littell, United
States army, chief quartermaster of the
Department of the ast, has been giving
considerable study to tbe question of auto
cars In connection with th supply of
troops In th field. He has recommended
that a board of officers b organised to
look Into the automobile business with a
view to designing a type of types of auto
mobiles best adapted to army purposes.
Colonel Littell believes that great work
could be accomplished In the way of mov
ing supplies of all kinds and necessary
baggage for troops by the proper uxe of
heavy trucks and the smaller cars.
J l MI'S OKK TIIK S 4. 1'KTV AI.k:.
Henry Wa Hereon 4 oaeladea to Lei
Holler Blow Off Steam.
New York World Idem ).
Colonel Henry Watterson. veteran edi
tor of the I-oulsville Courier-Journal, tailed
on the Amerlka for Europe, to remain
away until May. He leaves democracy be
hind to work out Its salvation minus his
editorial suggestions or assistance. He
says he believes that "the graee of God
may pull the democrats throuch, even It
there Isn't mu h grar In th party as
"The trouble with th democrats." said
J4are Henry. "Is that they have been
playing politics like children for twenty
ears. Cleveland played politic a like a
child In one way and Bryan In another.
"Just now the party has tome back Into
power without any coherence or prepara
tion in vungress the democrat hav rom.
menced very Illy by the appointment of
ailnl so-aiieil commute on c ommltttcn.
la I H s poor scheme. I think. I'nder Its
j cp-rallon no one shoulders leoponslblllty.
' Mark my word, the dumoi rats In on-
1 trctt. If this ro'.ninltUe on c j nnntteta Idea
, prevails, will be Ilk a ship without a rud-
' tier or coiripuj In sn'oxn tea."
' "Weil, i the denmciau at in a lio.e.
i.t u'xiul the republicans?" Watterson
was asked.
"1 ne iti waj vitally Inlertstacl in liieui.
New Tork Journal of t'ommrr. This I
an Interesting and Important decision up""
the rights of state in this matter, but It
d'-e not pass upon th wladorn of the
policy of requiring all the banks of a tat
to Join In the guarantee of the foment
ef the deposit of each other. It only de
rides that It has ihe right.
Cleveland Ilain Dealer: The guaranty
plan apt-ears to have lout none of Its ppJ
latity in tbe et. It la no longer in
dorsed merely by a single political party
and It present victory In the courts may
be expected to gUe It still more fawr.
It la not. however, HVely to be an is- i
tn another national political compaign
New Tork World: The deposit guar
antee law of Oklahoma may be econom
ically undesirable In the long run, but the
peiple out there deem it necessary and
the supreme court upholds It onstltu
tlonslity. It will be well for bankers In
all parts of the country to heed the Irsaon.
Not In the west only do bank depositor
wish a guarantee that their Money Is safe.
Philadelphia Ledger: In Its decision that
the bank guaranty laws of some of 'lie
western states are not In conflict with
the constitution of the United ftate. the
supreme court expresses no opinion upon
the soundness of such state legislation.
The decision Is only to the effect that the
plan adopted to Insure the deposits In
banks, by assessment upon alt banks to
make good the deficits of some. Is not such
a taking of private property without Just
compensation aa la forbidden by the con
stitution, but Is within the reasonable ex
ercise of th polic power of the state.
Bprlngfleld Republican: This final out
come was to have been expected. We
pointed out at the time that If laws pro
viding for a mutual guaranty of deposits
were Invalid, then all schemes under con
sideration for bank currency reform 00 the
basis of Issues against assets protected by
a mutual guaranty fund would have to be
given up as unconstitutional, which would
put an end to the whole business. The
bank deposits are only one form of bank
credit and liability, while bank circulating
notes are only another form of the same
thing, and If the one cannot validly by law
be protected by a mutual guaranty fund,
no more In all reason can th other.
Mil Attentlna.
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
As the various state legislatures assem
ble many issues are deveksped that Indi
cate an unusual disturbance In ordinary
alignments. Democrats have been culti
vating republican Insurgency without resl
Islng that the example will have a marked
effect In their own ranks. The democratic
successes of 110 were won by republican
Inaction, not by democratic principles nor
any accession of democratic voters. The
highest democratic vote In all the states
must be sought In former years. In Mis
souri the democrstlc high mark waa In
IK9S. and the second highest In V. This
lack of growth In substantial strength and
the lack of platform vitality will be ex
tensively shown in the democratic proceed
ings of the present year. A party that has
no definite policy, that gains no recruits,
and that must go years Into th past for
Its maximum voting strength. Is holding on
by sufferance, not by force of virile merit.
What democratic governors and legislat
ures will do this year In states like Maine.
Now Tork. New Jersey and Ohio will he
of special Interest as a study In minorities
maneuvering for position. Bom North
Carolina democrats Insist that lumber shall
that have been presented with a temporary
But there Is a republican governor in
Tennessee, with a legislature divided and
b protected, and protectionist sentiment Is
found In every southern state. New Jer
sey's democratic governor lauds Independ
ent voters, while declaring In the same
sentetlc that he Is a life-long democrat
with a big D. If also an Independent re
former he is likely to have an Interesting
time early In his administration. While
Jolmng hands with republican insurgents
who say they have no Intention to leave th
party the democratic strategists hav
opened new possibilities of dissension and
faction among themselves, and they have
long had too much of both. More than
ever the paramount democratic question
Is: W her are we atT Watch th demo
cratic legislatures and conferences and see
the problem deepen.
A Pnmerfwl IsSietmeal.
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Last year's fir loss In the United States
and Canada foots up 1234.470.60. In all
Europe th loss was but one-sixth as large.
This leak Is a powerful Indictment of
American waste.
Cookies and Jumbles
Hot and Delicious
are better and more digestible when you use
It thoroughly leavens and adds htalthfulncss to
these delightful little cakes. The most delicate
flavors are not injured. It does not give a bitter
taste. Get some to-day and prepare
A Trccit for cntains n Aium
The Children
&tart Your
Hank Account
It is not necessary to wait until you can make a large
deposit. Make a beginning with
Once started you will want to make it grow. Equal
care and attention is given to every account, whether
large or 6mall.
Come in and let us talk it over.
sylng by Check Is th g-sf Wag to Bttl All BUI.
1 ilrlMtls ana
S hat l a f "-'''
n ,rg it an w m,, in ' ; ,
M v fit. nd 1 ; ! -1 !-..,
"thst 'iu ' v is i f I '
tVis la ' lint pr-f
W ashing tm r-mr
't me i:$ h of rstitfe ti .
w fr id kin j't'i in-.!
' m and t t t ' f t f i
ends 1l" '.-f-r '-f n s s r
He. or d ll-ra id
"Jltika is tl.e .n'i "vn m !
has n,,t once it a s M.ii-fc- in
Hal be e k-i" menu., -
"Not Si P !' h list S f-
"Mo d i,t I . e I .
"Hfai'.ee It Is ns m f r h
It Vome elen ' - ritl-"ire .nn-- .
i "raw ford-I o ' i ai-r'.
go'ng Inro f-,lit ir-?
Crabshaw Sure yk w
bosses tt.f v woiitrt mske. J'lde
"Vou sa ; ow hu!nd was ciu'.
the lwir
' Yes." replied Mrs Kllmallt
"And that be would r.t p.ovl-1- I ..i
" f what 'id his cruellv nis:"
"lie refusei to hu me a t.i K i !o I .
Washington Herald
Thomas. " paid tde head ..f i. .
lishment. " ou are mre than an h-
this morning."
"Vfi. air." answered the I
had to clean 'bout n foot -i snou
the sitlew-Hlks 'fore I W ft tom ."
" A loot of snow. TIioiiim- ' I I
Isn t more than Iwo Inc hes deep,
"1 know It a. n't more n that l.i
8potcsHli. but in the pert n town wt.
live the climate s d'.ffer'nt." t'lib ago
Kate Master-son In Life
Pass ineMhe table s-Hle. mother,
Hand me the thyroid drops.
I've lost a pound since vestcrday.
So send sway the chops
Pour out the barley water. Jane
Gladly I greet the morn;
Give me three grains of corn, mnihrr
Give me three grains cf corn!
My waift is sinking In. mother.
My hips bave failen away;
I've hollows where I onca had curves,
Kerve me some shredded hay.
This cowless milk is excellent
Non-nitrogenous dry
Then move the muffins further off
And push the pancakes byl
Feed me the carbo-hydrates, mother.
With a wafer saccharine;
Give ma the liondon blscut rln
Ther help to keep one lean.
Tell jane to take away the eggs,
And the French-fried things I scorn:
Give me three grains of com, mother,
Only three grains of corn!
I thought I'd passed away, mother.
When T first began to bant;
I did not like the fatles foods
Or the fluid less rations scant.
But I'v shrunk like a sun-kissed Illy stalk
By the breexes overborne
Fo rest my bead on your shoulder, mother.
Give me three grains of corn!
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Completely Cured
Our little Boy of
A family can suffer no greater
affliction than to bave a child sub
ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a
father or mother would five their
all to restore such a child to health.
1 am seartUy glad to tell you of
our little boy who was completely
cored of fit. He commenced hav
ing them at to years of see and hai
them for four years. I tried three
i doctors and ne specialist but all of
; them said he eosld not be cored,
but Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills
made a complete cure. He is now
hale, hearty and gay. It hss been
three yesrs since he hsd the last spell.
I shall give Dr. Miles'
shall give Dr. Miles' medicines
riraise wherever I go. You are at
iberty to sse this letter as you see
ht and anyone writing to me I will
gladly answer ii they enclose stamp
for replv."
F. M. BOGL'E, Windfall, Ind.
Dr. Maes' Nervine
U just what it is represented to he,
a medicine compounded especially
for nervous diseases, 'such as fits,
spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul
sions and epilepsy. These diseases
frequently lead to insanity or cause
weak minds. Dr. Miles' Nervine
has proven most effective in reliev
ing these dreaded maladies.
old by all druggists. If the first bottle
lls to benefit your money Is returned.
MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Karnam Streets
-. 'i