THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1911. BETTER STREET CAR SERVICE j Court Finally Gets Down to Brass Tacks in Deciding a Case to rap any Announces More tart on Two of Its Lines. PARK LIKE AND SOUTH OMAHA yrr ' ir t to the lianacont Park llicTw. and Onr-Hnll-Mla-ete service Marias; tka Bank Hoar. i enly-riv nsw cars will go Into service on (he Hanscom park car lines of the lit railway company February L A tew of the old cats will be taken off these linna and put on the South Omaha lines. 1 h time caro tor the park lines being reared to o Into effect on the first of next month calls for elght-inlnute service on both the east and west Hanscum park lines. This means four-minute service until the Junction on i'ark and Pacific meets Is reached. l'urln the crowded carl morning hours and In the early even ing rush the service will be much faster than the aho, hdi Is the ordinary service schedule. In the early morning and from about S.J0 to C 30 p. m. service ill be two and one-half minutes until the Junction and five-minute service will be itiManen si ins enas. BIG CONCERNS CUT UP MELONS Willie Lays Aside His Skates and Goes Back to His School Industrial Corporations Declaring Some Substantial Dividends. Great liuprnvrnmeat. "The new schedule will be a great Im provement upon the old. but It does not mean a seat for every passenger during the rush hours. This Is a practical Im possibility In any city at such time of day." said K. A. Leuss'er. "I was In Minneapolis during two days of holiday week and 1 ob rerved carefully conditions upon the Inter city line between Ht. Taul and Minneapo lis. This Is held by many to be the best street ear system In the world, and yet at the rush hours morning and evening I found as many etandlng up as must stand here at the same time." The new Hanscom park care have been here for considerable time, but the com pany could not put them out because the heaters were delayed in arrival. These heaters were contracted for In May of 1910 end delivery was promised In August. A few arrived In September and the whole number has Just now come In. Stock a older' Meetings Teesdar. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha c Council Bluffs 8treet Kail way company will be held Tuesday. Offt cers will report to the shareholders, who will then elect directors for 1911. The newly elected directorate In turn elects officer. A little later the hoard of directors holds Its most ' Important meeting of the year, New departures. If any. are then deter; mined and the year" business made up so far as It; can be done In advance. No new officers or directors are likely Dr, William Castle . Animal Burbank Experiments in Breeding Animals Brings Some Unusual Results to Expert BOSTON. Jan. . Experiment In the breeding of animals similar to those car ried on by Luther Burkank with plant life, are announced by Dr. William Erne Castle, a scientist at Harrard university, Tr. Castle has been able to breed race of runlea. trigs with four toe on the hind feet, where usually there are only three to Invent a new color for a gum pig. the rlnMMNi" wtitefc wa -not known to naturalist tin hi were bred; a silver a-ulnea pig that also 1 new to science. and two kinds of rats that are far enough apart la color to be called varieties, al thoueti they were reared from the aame ancestore. Dr Castle naa tost set forth the reoTrtt of hi wofk In lecture In advance of their presentation through sctenUtla Jour nal. American Women Partial to Silk Importations fn Tear Just Closed Ex ceed Any Earlier Tear, Eeaobing' Huge Figure. WABHTrTCITON, Jan. Milady of the T nlted States seems to evtoco a particular desire for stlk. and from figure cited by the Bureau of Statistic of the Department or Commerce and Labor her wardrobe evidently well stocked. The Importation of silk tn 119 ezoeed those of , any earlier year, amounting In round figures, according to the report, to 36 000,000 pounds, valued at 179,000,000. From this, the report says, the mill of the I'nited States will turn out more than S150, wtt.OOO worth of finished products. After Reading Ten Typewritten Pages Justice Leeder Adopts Logic of His Own. Just Ire of the pee and former fireman Edward I-eeder frowned a Judicial frown lie adjusted his Judicial spectacles and looked thouctitful or a one who would be thought to look thoughtfuv "Considering this case by and large." said the court, a week ago. "and viewing It hither and yon as It were and taking Into connection the law of contracts. I am ready to decide It. But considerable buf forsooth, I would like to show you gentlemen what sort of opinion this here learned court can hand down If he has good water pressure on and the steam en gine Is well stoked, and tne fire 'ain't gained too much headway. The learned court will hand down his decision a week hence If that is agreeable to all the par lies concerned. "It will suit us," cried the defendants. "Vs. too." said Charles Foster, attorney for the plaintiff. The suit In question was the action of a painter against F. W. Bacon, and a con- ractor's bonding company. To epltomlxe the case: The painter worked on Mr. Bacon's new home for the contractor who threw up the Job and left town when the Job was two- thirds through. The painter sued Mr. Bacon and the bonding company. Justice Leeder Monday handed down his decision In the week of preparation he had pursued the law of contracts te. Its lair. lie had chased Bishop on Contracts nd doubled back on Blackstone. He had taken little filer In Justinian and was up on the Code Romanus; he bad even tackled the proceedings of the Saxon Wltanage mot and thus run down the common law clear to the boys who made 11. Then he hired a stenographer, and for on whole day he dictated, read, destroyed and redlctated. When done, the decision covered ten type-written pages. It re ferred to "contracta ex dellcta" and "con tract oralea." It referred to Justinian enJ the Wltanageraot. The Code Napoleaon was mentioned and numerous decisions of other courts were quoted. It wss consld erable decision. But finally Mr. Leeder discarded his polite erudition and got down to cases the boy In the old fire engine house would ly. He concluded about thus: "Wherefore the learned court la of the opinion that the painter plaintiff, or plain tiff painter, as you prefer, worked hard and needs the money. The defendant are rich and owe the money to somebody. Wherefore the learned oourt finds for the plaintiff and judgment I entered In the sum of SITS and cost. Q. E. D. and Ipse Dixit" OMAHA IS TO GET A PORTION Loral Itanka Corporations Meet Taeaday to Report to Stockhold ers noil to Declare Divi dends of Profits. WOMAN TORTURED TO DEATH Itohfcery Probably Motive Bat Inns See red Was Not Over Tea Dollars.. Civil Service Men Choose Delegates to Washington Session Omaha Branch of Association In strocts for Formal Protest Against Annuity Bill. Omaha bran oh of the United State Civil Service Retirement association at a meet ing held yesterday afternoon elected del gates to attend the national convention and make protest In Washington before con gross against the passage of the Glllett bill. George Kleffner, a postal employe at Station B, and T. J. MoGrath. chief clerk of the quartermaster's department, wer ' chosen, to represent the Omaha branch. The meeting, held In Bar! gin's hall, was attended by M0 civil service employes of Omaha and vldnlty. The membership of the Branch here Includes Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. The association stsnda opposed to the Glllett bill and In favor of the Goulden bill. whTcT proposes a 76 per cent retire ment pay. T'ROVTPEWE. R. 1. Jan. t. Indications that Mis. Mlnka Fine, whose mutilated lmlv was found . In her little store laat niKlit. was tortured before her death de veloped at the autopsy today. It was first thought the woman was killed by a blow w licit crushed her skull and broke her neck, but a closer examination showed that she was stabbed and hacked appar ently with' some four-pronged Instrument like a fork. The stab wounds near the heart. It was ie'ldod. were the real cause of death. The xlctlm'e clothing was tore to shreds b the murderer In his search for the money she was supposed to carry. One of the woman's sons told the police tonight that while his mother was expect lug a payment of II 01 insurance on the ilfe of her husband, sha had not received it. and he doubted If the robber found more than 1 10 on her person. Tom Dare Escapes from Deadwood Jail With Aid of Confederates, Man Who Tried to Hold Up Bank, Secures Freedom. DEADWOOD. 8. D.. Jan. S.-Wlth th aid of confederates, Tom Dare, who last month attempted In broad daylight to hold up th First National bank here 'and who hot at Cashier Fozansky, escaped from the county Jail this afternoon. He was under sentence of nine year In prison and would have been taken to Blouz Falls to morrow. SOCIALISTS AND RADICALS PROTEST THROUGH PARADES Proposed New Cowstltatloa for A aacc-Lorralae Not to l iking- of Many la Slrasshur. Superintendent Davidson Likes the Idea of Giving the Pupils Two Weeks' Holiday. Any of that SSX.OOO.OM come your w av et? rhls Is the amount of early January ut-up as estimated by New York authori- es. The little melon Is being distributed the form of annual, seml-anntiual or uarterly dividends, and the several slices thereof are coming In quite handy for pay- Ins the bills which fall due right now, provided any Is coming In one's way. Omaha will partake of the melon feast o a considerable extent. The S3K.OnO.000 is the estimated amount of dividends de clared by corporations of national scope. the railroads, the great national industrial concerns. But Just how much of this K'X. comes to Omatians almost no one 111 hazard a guess. One banker said Monday that Sl.000.0"0 would be a conserva tive estimate or guess. The same atuhortt spoke pleasantly of snother little million dollars or so. discoursing- with airy grace of the exclu- lve Omaha cut-up. Thla Omaha melon dissection Is presided over by the banks, the manufactures and big Jobbing houses. Stock Is closely held In some of the In- usttial concerns, but others have manv stockholders, and the distribution of divi dends will be fairly widespread. Whether Sl.onp.OOO Is too large or too small an estimate for the local dividend, is hard to say; It is more likely to be above than below the figure given. Not all of It will be dealt out In cold cash. A considerable part of this and other dividends also will be "put back Into the business" and the stockholder will be come richer that way even If his actual bank balance Is not Immediately fattened. Some of the largest concerns In Omaha, as for Instance the M. E. Smith & Co. dry goods house, ha grown of their own Incre ment and not by selling capital stock to out slders. It Is In this way that the M. E. Smith plant and business was Increased 1300.000 or S400.000 a few years ago to a figure somewhere around 6,00o.000. Tuesday Is the day when Omaha stock holders of banks and corporations will hear officers give account of their stewardship Successful deeds will be recounted In practically every Instance and the benign and Jovial smile will be the fashionable face for Tuesday afternoon and evening. After two weeks of plsy, Christmas good ies and the accompanying complaints, little Willie tossed away his skates and little Mary chucked her dollle Into the corner nd hied themselves away to that horrid Id school Monday morning. Willie tried to work the sick "racket." but papa was too wlsei He had been there himself. Po Willie profited by papa's ex perience. Little Mary demurely put dolly's clothes In the little dresser where (TTe 'books had lain for two short weeks. But when the school house was reached nd dear teacher's welcoming smile greeted the little tots, the old school was not so horrid after all. Willie forgot his skates, his new sled and the air gun. And little Mary is as happy as she can be. Superintendent Davidson Is well pleased with the attendance after two vacation weeks. "The attendance Is all that could be expected," said Dr. Davidson. "The plan of giving two weeks' vacation and have school open after the first week of the new ear works to the advantage of all. "Instead of beginning school directly after the new year It Is much better to give the children a week's play. By that time they have forgotten the excitement at tending the holidays and are ready for work. And the little ills that necessarily accompany the vacation weeks are gone. 'The principal!, of the various schools report a gratifying attendance. As there have been no changes In the teaching staff, the schools will be running right up to the mark after today." Mr. Davidson reports the children un usually free from minor Ills. In some sections sore throats have been prevalent, but not to such an extent as to Interfere with the work of the Instructors. Dying Woman Gets Release from Husband Crawford Gives Man Another Chance Arrested for Nonsupport Would Stay By Child. Lying at death's door, the result of the ravages of consumption and refusing to be separated from her 7-year-old son, Mrs. Irma Hoffman, who Uvea at 163 Dodge street, gained another chance for her hus band, W. II. Hoffman Monday morning. when Police Judge Crawford paroled Itoff man that he might support his wife. Hoffman was arrested Sunday afternoon on a charge of nonsupport at the Instance of Humane Officer Wooldrtdge. The pitiful condition of the Hoffman home was brought to the attention of the humane officer. After Investigation he ordered Hoffman's arrest. The case was brought to the attention of Miss Ida V. Jontz of the Associated Charities. Miss Jonts interceded In behalf of Hoffman and he was granted another chance- Mrs. Hoffman's condition Is so critical and her surroundings so pitiable that the Associated Charities have taken the case In hand.- They will do what they can to alleviate her sufferings. Mlas Jonts. whu made a personal Invest! gatlon, wished to send Mrs. Hoffman to the county hospital, but she refused, as It would' mean separation from her child, Mrs, Hoffman will not listen to sugges tions which mean separation from the boy, Victim of Elevator Accident is Dead John Berg's Injuries Prove Fatal End Comes at Hospital Lodge Member. John Berg, 4644 La Fayette avenue, died at Bt- Joseph'a hospital last night from In Juries received In an elevator accident the Omaha National Bank building last week. Berg was crusnea ana received severe Internal Injuries. Funeral arrangements have not been made. The dead man was a member of the Woodmen of the v orld and the Red-men. iffy lil DERG SUITS ME. Nine times out of ten rlotlit's in is BERG. when the question i nskptl, "who sells the most town?" without stiunnirr or hesitation the reply Thnt'a right. He's entitled to it. Kuppenheimer, Stein-lMoch, Sehloss Bros., Hiix-h-Wick-wire and Society Brand clothes are the acknowledged BEST in the world. Therefore "Berg has the Best" and more of it, it prices within reach of nil, and away below nil comietition. . Suits and Overcoats J7L, $10, Jll $125, $15, J17L 20 Just Half Their Real Value RAY JOHNSON, HERO, IS DEAD Young Man Succumbs to Wound from Osgood's Oun. PARENTS SEE HIM FACE END Sleeping in Box Car to Save Their Cash, Victims of Robbers Laborers Lost $375 Because They Try to Conserve Earnings Cer tificates Taken. Bleeping in a box car as a measure of economy, two laborer were robbed last night of their savings of more than a year amounting to S3T5. Carl Thompson and John Carotkow used a Burlington car near the Dodge street crossing for a rooming house. They piled up money at great rate, with the cost of living reduced to a shadow. Bound asleep in contentment with their property made them ready prey to the prowling thief. They tiid not know they were "touched" unfit morning. Thompson lost a certificate of deposit of 11TB In the Nebraska National bank and Carotkow was robbed of a certificate from the same bank for S-W. Teamster Crushed by . Switch Engine Dead Andrew Hansen Expires at Hospital After Loss of Both Leg in Smashup. Shock, fallowing the loss of both legs when run over by a train Sunday after noon, caused the death of Andrew Hansen 3 years old, a teamster, at Pt. Joseph hos. pital this morning. Hansen, while driving a wagon for the water company, was struck by a switch engine, at Kighth and Davenport streets Both legs were cut off above the knees. He was dragKed several feet and sustained internal Injuries. The young man came here from Red Oak la., a few week ago. Issuing Invitations to Omaha Land Show Union Pacific Sends Personal Letters to Prominent Farmers of West Urging Attendance. Invitations to attend the Omaha land show are being mailed to prominent agri culturists and farmers In the western states and throughout the Missouri river valley by the Union Pacific Railway com pany. These letters are to call attention tp the Importance of the land show to the man a ho makes money from the soil. The rail way company la urging the attendance of farmers. Special features In the big rail way exhibits are being made the subject of emphasis. Body Will Be Takes ta Family Heme at Oakland, la., for Serial Three Inquests Will Be . Held Today. Ray Johnson haa given his life for the attempt to save Mrs. Grace Osgood from the murderous wrath of her husband. The young man died at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday. Since 11 o'clock Saturday morning when he was shot by Walter Osgood in the des perate enactment of the murder of Mr. Osgood on Fark avenue, Johnson had been at the point of death. He had no chance for recovery. The sturdy young butcher knocked down Osgood In sn effort to prevent the shooting of the woman. Braced for a return attack from the maddened husband, he received a bullet wound In his neck, which felled him on the spot. He was unconscious when Os good killed his wife and himself a moment later. "I'm sorry I did not get there In time. I'm sorry I did not stop him." said Johnson not long before the end csme at the hospital. The nventa of Mr. Johnson sat at his bedside when he died Sunday morning. They will take his body to the family home In Oakland. Ia., for burial today. The young man had been In Omaha about ono year. He was 27 years of age. Coroner Crosby will hold Inquests for Osgood, his wife and Johnson this afternoon. RAILWAY MEN WILL HAVE PLATFORM AT CHURCH CLUB amber of l.eadlna Oniaha Offlrlals Will Make Addresses at rreeby terlaa Charcb. This will be railway men's night at the First Presbyterian church, the Men's club having a number of leading railway men on Its program, which begins at o'clock. Railway men in general will be welcome. The program, with Edson Rich chairman, is this: N. H. Loomls. "The Law of the Case;" D. C. Buell, "Kducatlonal Work Among Railway Employes;" J. C. Young, "Modern Signal Devices on Railways." stereoptlcon views; C. J. Lane, "History of Transpor tation;" J. A. Munroe, "The Railroad and tfie Public;" Gerrlt Fort, "Twentieth Cen tury Travel," and H. J. Stirling, "The Gospel and the Railroad." Preceding the program the club mem bers and their wives have dinner in the parlors. Skinned frosa Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged over a gravel roadway, but Bucklen's Ar nica Salve cured him. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Wlfo Insists she's Ianoceat. PITTSBL'RO. Pa.. Jan. S.-7. M. Stro baker. the grain elevator superintendent, who was taken to a hospital last night suffering from poison sd ministered In a "strychnine sandwic h," regained conscious, neas today and the physicians give some encouragement for hia recovery. In the meantime the police are Investigating. Mrs. Minnie Strobaker. hia wife. Is detained, "ending the result, the maintains ner Bis- Sana In Diplomatic BUI. WASHINGTON. Jan. It -Between St.flfti.. in i and to.0ftw will lie carried in the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill huii the house cojiiinlttre on fortlgit af lairs will report this week. STRAMBIT3, German, Jan. Im mense socialist and radical demonstrations were held here today In protest against the proposed new constitution for Alsace Lorraine, the draft of which was adopted by the Bundesrath on December IS. Bern hard Boehle, a member of the Reichstag, made a speech In which he demanded a republican form of government. CHADRON'S RECORD GOOD ONE Year's Merer Reveal Mack Balldla AetMltr tn orhwest Nebraska. Doctor's Best Formula Break Bererest Cold In a Day aad Cure Any Curable Conga, 'I'lii haa been published bere for several ) miners and has pro en the mnrket audi must ieiU.ll frrau' obtainable tor t-uuhs ami toUlt. "Get tao uuncti of i Gtvrerine and half an otim'e of Concen trated 11o Then get half a pint of good whisky and put the other two. ir.k'rcenriis Into it. t'liake it .) and take J lie to two teaspoonfuls after ea li no-al ' and at bed time. MtieHer d4je to rhli Iren -oidmtf to age. it aura to ret only! the genuine (Globei Coin entiateU I'ln. I CHADROX, Neb.. Jan. . (Special. )-The ! esr'a record for the city of Chadron Is j satisfactory to Its citizens. Vnltlng the Im- j provenients made under contrarts the total i show ttv?Vtt for the veer 110. Many mailer and some large buildings haxe been erected by onners l awn workmen by the day, so that an estimate of ITW.OX) Is mod- J era to for the year. Some of the larger ones are: Chicago Northwestern railroad nia- ; chin shops, round house and hospital, 111) ! 0f; city, for aewer connections. 11" MO; city, ' for aattr connec tions. SjOCu; state of Ne- braska. .-"tste. Normal building. S.uOV: ce- i I ment walks. $10,000; city, cement crossings, I U.ixO. Seventy new residences, a majority i of ir.ern being large, two-story buildings, have been i Alr. aov plans and financial arrangements are being lomi lelej . for a new Catholic school building, public whool for the .-- ! end ward. Carnagle library and many other buildings tor the coming year. i The census gave Cliadron a imputation I f l.UoJ In lo and !.Cs7 In V.V Other Ma- j Treat Yourself To The Best Among flaked cereal foods Ktt' h ha.f uuiM-e buttle 4 vines ,11 m sealed 1 titles are: l'.ecirlits Chadron postofflce . tin wivw-tcp ae. Any dr.,iMt has it I i.orj, T.i. ;4; receipts i:-!1. JS.J1C ; ter ' rnVr .'.Vm," .p,. i.?. .,; com.! Don 1 eMK-rlnient "n preparations be- mlfrslc-nefs receipts lvlu. I..J4W On Jan- of cheapness, ll uon I pay to foidii-eiy 1. Vfll, there were twelve miles of! ! cola. 1 o ater mains . In ser ice and 4.1 , meters. Post T .HII A prominent l.x kl druKKist stairs thnt If this nilvi'ire were uel rij notlv bv err . ne rati-t.ini: t-oM there w viid le f tttaiiut ii'utu puauiiioiii AC . wUt . N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. iiJ. Nut. L-1101 IIP mi. V t ' t V, A pleasant surprise at first, then a happy, healthful habit, Serve with cream (or milk hot or cold) delicious. "The Memory Lingers" Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich- I JS3EsSss5KE , Ji "--..!. JJET s --7V f 5 ; rf ill - i mm .-? 'I :'. HOTEL GOTHAM A Hotel ofrcfirKxl eK . egapce. located in Newark's ocial centre Easily accessible to tlieatre;and sljoppirA districts ftwdte Does, erf Bath f399 KaU Bwa erHa Both 3 13 ro M Wetherbee Wood Fifth Av..nfVfff?hSt NEW YORK. CITY 15,000 Families Moved to New Mexico Last Year Co before too many go before 70a. Buy a farm ia this region of health and prosperity. Mora f rea homesteads than in any other part of the Union; more certainty of profit than farming promises in almost any other region. You can buy prise acreage, from eight to fifteen dollar an acrej and, without fertilization, produce thirty -fire bushels of corn and a proportionate yield of wheat, forage and all the other big money making crop. . A year ago the bank of Tucumcari bad $90,000 In deposit, bow it has more than $400,000. The country is rich, the people are rich go down and change your luck from a suburban lot to far stretching acre, barest a little bit and leave your children rich. Write right now for more detailed information and stata bow much you hare to invest. IMPORTANT Ths Rock Ulaad's AtrlcuW.I Bursas wit h-H yM make tout farm a succims, supphr npsrt information as to who to rako. srkoa to plant your crops, and too ssorksts wkoro your produca fa aaost la S ad. atata where 7011 want to an what jmm wniM seats Aadroasi L. M. ALLEN, taVMc wTrt-ific Muufir 2039 LSIUSUtia Ct.icf JOHN SEBASTIAN, Third Vice-rrasldsaU The Barber says If dead easy to stop Calling hair. "VVV Cnlock" will atop it suic? aUrt it crowing; ain. "Wavonlock" make th tcJ? bcslthy aad th Lair strong. fteld by arufftet barkers bailor TVrn1kT ntl1 ftf till, at. L ,m. m . a ojuAiun uauu wu., - U 10. Ail A AUIiWISJ. Tit BK-tttI.ll MM