TTin BF.K: OMAHA. TrnSDAV, JANUARY 10. 1011. Charley Thorpe, Ranchman Shot, Shows How to Drop the Birds at Turkey Shoot f HORPE BREAKS 'EM STRAIGHT Comet from Ranch to Teach City Ladi How to Shoot. TARGETS DOWN FOR LIVE BIRDS DnU Brat on the !), with Forty Mr. Kllh Billy Tawasea Moao rrnnd Tllr) Oets Darks for Ilia Raarh. fl'Ml iTa attended tha final turkey ihnot of the iramn, Riven by the Omaha, Run club at Its grounds Hunday afternoon, rhe shooting; waa vary food In spite of tha hlch wind blowing, Itrnl everyone went home sstlhfU-d. alnre each ahooter waa, by mm) clever shooting- In tha refular or tha aide eventa, able to capture ona of tha cliiHlve prise fowl. ' ' lsvls waa the Mull rnnn of tha dny, lotalllnf a score of 49 In tha tlx ten target eventa and capturing four birds, a turkey, it KonKe and two ducks. Billy Townwnd was a close aerond with three birds, and Charley Thorpe, the famous Jockey, man aged to Ret three alao. Flynn. although entered In only flva event, got a duck and a goose. In the wind up sweepstakes of the day, shot after dsrlt, Charley Thorpe, tha ranrhmnn, got a perfeM arore of IS, Iat Clio of Kansas City and (Jeorge Carver of Lincoln, were tha curat of the club at the Hhoot. The turkey shoot held Sunday waa the one postponed from New Tear'l on account of the cold weather on January 1. The Omaha (Jtin iltib; since the Benson and the Council I tin f fat rluba have been added to IU Mate of member, will have Ita (rounds across the liver Improved and enlarged before the western handicap a hoot la held there. A meeting will be held eoon to de cide the date uf tlie shoot. K. R Angst, the dynamite expert of the LMipont Powder cornpany, apent a part of Monday afternoon, In Showing the Omaha sportsmen how stumps were blown out of tha ground, hie work -being dona on tha Omaha Gun club grounds. Create. fm Targets Each. Davis ,. ...... 7 T 1 ownsend i 10 7 Fiys g io Pkmner 19 g Thorpe a:. t 19 Whitney 9 7 l.e Bron T 7 Flynn g Chambers f .. Morrison .....-. v. a I Kord g ( LovHrtng v.vv.v.v...M 8 Hoffman " 7 Walony 7 . I It. I.a bron. ..;...(,., ,ii .. Morrow J .. 7-ill -4 711 l-ti 7-44 1-43 4 7 St .. 12 ..-80 ..-14 ..-17 ..-is ..-u ..- 7 Flret Event-Skinner got tha turkey and Vhltnry tha goose. Second fcjycnt Frye took the turkey. Skinner the goose, and Ford and Davis each a duck. Third fcvent Pavls took tha goose, Town send. ChamWe and Thorpe each a duck. Fourth Event Chambers took tha tur key, Townaend a goose, Davis and Flynn each a duck. . Fifth Events-Davis won tha turkey. Le Bron a gooatf, Ford and Thorpe each a duck. . Blxth . Event Thorpe got tha turkey, Flynn a gooes', Townaend end Pry each a duck.' 4' . ,1,' 1. 1 ' - - t WEST TO BE REPRESENTED IN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION . L- : . . Mlssearl alley Conference to ;lvi a flap on Esecatlve : Committee. Be The Missouri Valley conference will have the right, to elect a member of tha execu tive committee of the National Athletic asoclatlon 'next year by a rule passed at the recent,. meeting of that association. The rule says that a oonterenca of seven Schools, four of them being members of the association, may elect a membur of th committee, placing Itself as a real power In the athletic policies of tha country. The four schools belonging are Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Ames. The only other conferences In the country hav ing thin right are tha Ohio state confer ence and the big eight.' so that the west has a Koodly representation in tha na tional body Illt-hard Wisconsin Coach. MADISON. Wis.. Jan. 9. John Richards, former captain of tha University of Wis consin foot ball team, will probably be en gaged to succeed Tom Barry aa toot ball coach at .Wisconsin next fall. Dr. Ehler lias, It is understood, offered him the Job. Richards Is now principal of the high school ' at Kutte. Mont. Tom Barry will "acb th base ball team next spring. ft r lay Carnival Repeated. Coach Griffith of Drake Vnlverelty an louncea that the relay athletic carnival field last spring at that college will be re prated this year and that most of the Missouri Valley schools would join him this sraxon In the event. He also announces that Drake will play Ames basket ball tha first and mcouJ weeks In February, the tlatcs b-tig February 3 and 11. CATARRH A SYSTOIIC BLOOD DISEASE Catarrh is not merely aa affection of the mucous membranes; it is a dep-seated blood disease in which the entire circulation and greater part of the system are involved. It is more commonly manifested in the head, nose and throat, because of the sensi tive nature of these inetubraues, and also because they are more easily reached by irritating influences from the outside. The symptoms of Ca tarrh, such as a tight feeling in the head, nose stopped up, throat clogged, and dry, hacking cough, etc., shove that the tiny blood vessels of the mu cous membranes are badly congested and inflamed from the impurities in the circulation. To cure Catarrh per manently the blood must be pari lied and the system cleansed of all un healthy matter. Nothing; equala S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at lU head, joes down to the bottom of the troubl and makes a complete and lasting cure by PURIFYING the blood. Then the inflamed membra ties beria to heal, the head is cleared, breathing becomes natural and easy, the throat is no longer, clogged, and every on pleasant symptom of the disease dis appears. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and for this reason it the most certain cure for Catarrh. Boole ou Catarrh and medical advice free to all whu write, iu awax tticuio ft, auuu, s. Cross Currents Put Stqptto Spectacular Viation Flights Tame Exhibition of Air Navigation Given to One Hundred Thou sand Persons. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S -Owing to, dangerous cross currents of wind that wept across the peninsula today, the avia tors at Camp "elf rid ire today were forced to give a tame exhibition to the crowd of close to 100.000 that had gathered to witness the flights. The aky waa bright and the wind waa low, but the aviators becine oautlotia after trying out the treacherous currents. The only spectacular event of the day was a sham battle between soldiers of the second battalion of the Thirtieth United Btstes Infantry and Aviators Hrooklns and farmalee In their Wright biplanes. From height of 400 feet the aviators dropped mock bomba on the soldiers, while the soldiers defended themselves by shooting blank cartridges at the Intrudera. Aa there waa no casualty list, It will take an official verdict to establish the victors. Hubert Latham, who flew to the golden gate and back yesterday, could not get his Antoinette off the ground today. He started out bravely and managed to hurdle a ditch that brought the tall and right wing of his machine to the ground with a crash Charles Radley had similar difficulty with hla Blerlot monoplane, although his machine waa not damaged. Orva Meyer worfer, . tha local . amateur, attempted to fly In ft biplane of his own construction, but landed in a ditch. and wrecked the machine. Tha cruiser Pennsylvania cams down frcm Mare island today and dropped anchor In the south bay. The cruiser Is equipped with a platform on which Kugene Ely will attempt to land In hla Curtlss biplane. Ely will make hla trial when the weather Is favorable, possibly tomorrow. Managers Reach Weight Agreement on Coming Fight Moran and Wolgast Will Tip Scales at IS Pounds at Coming; Fight for Title. CHICAGO, Jan. . Charles Harvey, man ager of Owen Koran, the British light weight, and T. E. Jones, manager of Ad Wolgast. lightweight champion of the world, reached an agreement here today for a championship fight, the date of which will be aettlcd wlthlr.xty daya. It was agreed that the bo3rs shall weigh in rounds upon entering the ring. Wol gast has resumed training at his home in Cadlllao, Mich., In order to strengthen his left arm, which haabeen reduced an Inch and a half In else since It was broken. No More Foot Sail at George Washington Poor Success of Athletics Last Season Responsible fot Order Barring . ' Game. WASHINGTON, Jn. S George Wash ington university will not be represented on the gridiron hereafter, according to a notice received by Captain-elect Wayne Hart of the 1911 foot ball team, from the board of trustees of. the university. . The athletic 'council also has been abolished and ft la believed the Institution now will withdraw from all forms of intercollegiate aport. Financial difficulties of the foot ball team, It Is said,, brought about .the action of the board of trustees. INttl IHV WINS Till: SAN MIUI CL II arse Sboailderlnal To si Weight Takes ' rtaee a .laares. Jt'AnEZ. Max.. Jan. S.-Injury. with the top weight of 126 pounds, won the San Miguel handicap at a mile and a sixteenth at Terra xas park today before a large crowd. Injury took the lead on the turn and won under a drive by half a length from Cherryola, who closed fast. Three fa vorites won. Summaries: First race, threo furlongs: fpright tRiee), S to i, won; Ssyvllle (Wolcott). 1! to 1, second: Martin Casey (Priice), 60 to 1. third. Time, 0 SI5. Jack Walnwright.. Johnny Fttts Bill Umb, Yankee, Mexico. Krfolg, Tie Thomas. Nosh end Masalo also ran. Fecond race, six furlongs: rennls Staf ford tRIcel, S to II, won; Alice Oeorge iMc Oeel. 3 to 1. second; Waldorf Belle i.McCul ough. 40 to 1. third. Time. l:U Mk Molett. Bitter Sir. Iady Elisabeth. Deneen, Hose Daly. St. Kllda, Shamrock . and Hlx teen also ran. Third race, six furlongs: Boh I.vnch I Molesworth). 4 to 1. won; Iomond (Rice), t to 1, second; The Wolf (Murphy), s to 6. third. Time. l:lSi. Ocean t.uen and Ulnrlo also ran. Fourth race. San Miguel handicap, mile and sixteenth: Iniurv (Wilson), i to 1. won: Cherryola (Moore). 2 t 1. aecond; n(teli)s (Murphy). to ii. third. Time. 1.1S. .Tecfe Atkln and Oreen Seal also ran. Fifth race, five and one-half furlongm MocVler lit. Wilson), S to 1. nun; l:ne (Moleworth). even. second; rit-a-Pat iKrofltl. 12 t" 1. third. Time. 1:0s. Frits "rem'tt. Bob Farlev. Lees Friar and Km ma L. alfo tan. Oriental pearl fell. Sixth rece. lx furlonm: I'll f.tffr (liuCer). to 1. won: !,. M. Kckert il'teld) (o 1 cecoprt: Tube Hose (Andernn). lj to t tlit-d. T'-"e. i n. Tom Mcilrath. H'C"rten Hsnd. Flying Peorl, Mary Kennedy sr.d Hey F. Tovar also ran. C lause Rn)i a Motor Car. "Hal" Chase hss tsken m motoring. He lm mastered the srt of hmidllnir a car In a manner becoming his tuinition. He h- purchased a "ncrm'oll thirty." TI'N Is the sums make of car that the I'hlladel- ihla bae bell fans nrmnied to "Connie" Mack, (he mnnaxer of the aurlil's cham pions, at te r!oa of the present bise hall saon. Chns Is bow looktne f,r the! srsliMi of "Ty" Cobb. "UrrV IjiIop. 'ChrU Upecker and a few of the other hi leaaurrs who sre as fullv acquainted ' with automobile as base ball. k.ti.rr.r.l,.) ...i.r. I The Western Skatlnr association Is ni e- psrtng for Its big annual western chs'iiplua- ship meet to be hem in Chicago next Hun (1s v. President J. T. Keane has Issued a call for the board of control and the racing committee to meet with him and have everything prepared. The Western associa tion Is the largest In the world and with the big list of prises and the number of antrles promised. th most successful meet ever held Is expected. ( law na Molars Trark 4 oarh. A. W. Clow, formerly C.rtnnell college athlete, baa been chosen aa the track coach of the West High a hool of !- Moines. Cow la at present a student at Still Col lege of Osteopathy. 1 hll.1 eaUeel te t)-alh. PEORIA. III.. Jsn. X Backing Into a i January - a priy of twrntv-flve insur tub of scalding water left la I It ktte!in ' r.-cn v xlted the Sun I'euro minis snd bv the child's mother, the i-year-olj chi'd I earned awav ail arms and ammunition of Frank Voerch of Hanna scalded to death. City was Klght I ajar per- KANSAS CITY. Mo. Jan. Fight I sons were injuied here tonlaht alien west bo'ind street ar on the elevated r-sl at the t'nlon dept rimmed the tra -k The I car was stopped before leaving the vldJi I the second-story of tha depwU NEW OCEAN MAILSUBSIDY BILL Gallinger Introduces Measure Apply ingj to Sonth American Ports. LIMIT FOUR MILLIONS YEARLY Rate an Seeond-t lass Vessels Made the me aa that raid to First 1 lass (this la Karnpria Kervlee. WASHINGTON. Jsn. Senator Galllger today Introduced a revised oresn mall sub sidy bill, which eliminates from present consideration all trans-Pacific lines and ap plies only to the establishment of ocean mall services on routes to South .America south of the equator that Is to Brazil, I'ruguay, Argentins, Chile and Peru. No special provision Is made for lines to the Isthmus of Panama, because It Is ex pected the canal will he open for com mence by the summer of 1113, which Is as soon as the proposed new lines could be established. Steamships then can pars through the canal on the long routes down to the west coast of South America. ev Itootea to Mouth America. Aa In other bills presented, It Is pro posed tho postmaster general shall be authorized to pay for ocean mall service on vessels of the second class on South American routes, the same rate per mile (14) as Is now paid for service on vessels of tha first claws between tha United States and European ports. In order to serve the new commerce, which It Is expected that the canal will open for the southern states. It Is provided that If more thnn one line Is established from the north Atlantic coast, one of the lines shall touch at least one port south of Cape Charles for mall for the paaseng eis and freight on the outward and home ward passages. A provision, which Is new In subsidy bills, forbids the award of any contract for an ocean mall line to any bidder engaged In competitive transportation by rail or In the business of exporting or Importing mer chandise. l.lmlt Is Foar Millions Yearly. The total expenditure In any one year under the bill Is not to exceed $4,000,000 and shall not. In any case, exceed the amount of revenue from the foreign mall service over and above the amount other wife paid for such service. The framers of the bill believe that it will break the present monopoly In ocean transportation between the t'nlted States and the principal countries of South America. It is regarded as likely to create at least two lines from the Atlantic coast to Brasll and Argentina and a line from Puget Sound and San Francisco to Panama and the west coast of South America. These new services would require the construction of from twenty to thirty steamships, capable of a speed of a least sixteen knots an hour, and with a gross tonnage of from 8.000 to 12.000 ton, built on designs approved by tha Navy department. Under the terms of the contracts, the ships would have to be turned over to the use of the government In times of war. Not one American steamship la now run ning on any of the routes covered by the bill. Pietro Mascagni Demands a Bank New York Theatrical Men Call Off "Ysobel" Because of Com poser's Demands. NEW YORK. Jan. . Uebler A Co.. the theatrical managers who had planned to produce Pietro Maseagni's opeia "Ysobel at the New theater with a premiere on November 21 last, gave out tonight their version of the disagreement between pro ducers snd composer which so far has halted any production of the opera here and threatens to end In the courts. Speaking for the managers. Oeorge C. Tyler said that all the complications were due to what he styled Mascagnl'a un reasonable demands. "At practically the last moment," ha said, "word came from Italy that the orchestration was not completed and that Mascagni would not then sail. As a result the opening performance was deferred. Liebler & Co then notified Mascagni by cable to come on the first iMp departing after January 1, and that' th. opening per formance would be held tha latter part of January. "At this stage," continued Mr. Tyler "Mascagni demanded various modifications of his contracts and additional large suma of money. To refuse the demands would result In the opera not being produced. To accede to them would enable Mascagni to make further demands which might require the Bank of England to aatlsfy, and how ever great our desire to produce tha opera, we oould not conscientiously accede to hla outrageous demands and cabled him accordingly.-' CONGREGATIONAL PASTOR RESIGNS FOR SOCIALISM Declares Church Today la Social Or ganisation with Nellalon and Moral Tendencies. MKItlDKN, Conn.. Jan. The Rev. Du. bols II. I.o'ix. pastor of the Center Con gregational church, who has embraced so cialism and written a novel presenting his theories of dealing with present day social problems, read his re'tgntttlon as pastor at . the morning service today. In this letter he said : I "If you uill understand my terms. 1 hold It without question that oiganlred Chris tianity today 1k rilesolute. It Is I wnSS fM and lorve with the principles for whii h Christ died. It date not be true. A church I tortiiy l a sorlttl ork'x nidation with religious land moral tendencies. It must require doc- trims that are conceninl and undisturbing out of its ne.eMti.s it feds that it mum kei its ar to the ground to make sure that the world of wealth Is not offended. "For this reanon. to he true to mv mln- r,r. ,.... ......- ir Ul tnrste. met i may voice my protest pureiv. I have counted the cost. The door, of ,h, ,'' -me .eo-nra. ........ w.- ... churches will I closed to me. Our col- vi,0 0',,'ne,, l'"Ur' r" leges could not sfford to welcome .... into Ptoffl.e bulldin this morning. Judge T. a professor s chair. Huslnets doors are ('- Munger of Lln. oln Is here and there clo,j ; were present officers and members of the For to months, while occupying this! bar as follows: Inltel States Marshal pulpit. 1 have been testing the fact. I am Warner. Clerk of the Circuit Court. Thum Mtll knocking for some door to open where mel. Clerk of the District Court Hoyl. As I csn support my family, doing an honest slstant District Attorney Lane, Division work, while specking the message of an honest minister, and, If necessary, 1 ran I . "'" Isisrrrctoa fluey. l-'t. I'ARll lev.. Jsn HailWMV men arrnlna here from the south slate thai on ! there, together Willi a laiv uudiitity provisions I n tto. or I NEW YORK. Jan - fhrrhau. commltt of fifieen democrats tonight made public a tetter (hey hsve sent to all democrat .c meml-ei- of He eiii:i:(ure i.rg'r.g th so e. ttoft of Willittiii F. feiieelisn. eg Colte'd Biairs srnator. e Sit Still While Robbers Get Money from Bank Five Distinct Explosions Heard at Honstonia, Mo., But No One In vestigates Until Too Late. IIOI STOMA, Mo., Jan. I -Though there were five distinct explosions heard here yesterday no one paid any attention to them or Investigated. Three hours Ister It was discovered that the Bank of Houstonla had been robbed of $2 0t) and that all tele phone and telegraph wires leading Into town had been cut. All the money In the safe, except a few sliver dollars, waa taken by the robbers. After the safe of the bank had been dyna mited It Is believed the robbera stole a horse and buijgy and went to Hedalla. A horse and buggy which disappeared here during the night waa found there. Secretary W. F. Keyser of the Mlsssurl Bankers' association, who came here today to investigate the robbery, believes that three men blew the safe and, driving to Bedalla, caught a train for Kansas City. A reward of l.'xJO has been offered for the arrest and conviction of each robber. Thousands Turned Away from Concert First Free Orchestral Entertainment in Convention Hall Attracts nuge Crowd. KANSAS CITY. Jan. . Ten thousand the first thin city persons were turned away rrom free orchestral concert given in yesterday afternoon. During the months In which the movement for Sunday concerts was under way fear was expressed that the free concerts would not be well at tended, but today 17,000 persona wanted to hear the music. Convention hall, where the concert was held, had been altered to seat about 7,000 persons. The concert was announced for t o'clock, but at 11 o'clock hundreds of persons were gathered outside the hall, and at 1 o'clock several thousand persons had found their way into the building through tha aids doora. The late comers were turned away. Memorial for Jnlla Ward Howe. BOSTON, Jan. S. The woman, "to whom it was given to awake a nation's very soul" by her "Battle Hymn of the Re- nnhllr. ' Julia Ward Howe. waa me morialised at a mass meeting of thousands of Bostonlans In Symphony hall tonight. under the ausplcea of the mayor ana city council of Boston. Nebraska . (Continued from Third Page.) city council, the Kike and a squad from company A, Nebraska National guard. Sarpy County Farmers' Institute Great Crowds 'Attend Session Held in Papillion Last WeekList of the Awards in Various Departments. PAPILLION. Neb.. Jan. . (Special.) The Sarpy County Farmers' institute ended a two riava' session here Saturday. The program, which was exceedingly fine, was carried out to the satisfaction of all. The great Interest the farmer and his good wife Is taking (domestic science department being an auxiliary) In developing their In terests were demonstrated at every step of this entertainment; the premiums of fered brought forth a wonderful display of farm products and domestic articles. The old management was re-elected, leav ing E. O. Fase, president; Charles Leaders, ir.. vice nresldent:. Charles Trumble, treas urer, and John Grlnnell, secretary. The only drawback to this occasion was In capacity of the building, the community hRvlnar outerown the opera house, many not being able to gain admittance Th fnilnu'lnv nrtzes were awarded for grain exhibits:' Fr. for All on Com First: Charles Leaders, Jr.; aecond, Bert Pflug. CLASS A. Yellow Corn Flr:t prixe: Charles Leaders. Jr.; second,- John Leaders. White Corn First: second. J. B. Grlnnell Charles, Leaders; Free for All on Wheat First: Henry Qrube. . . Oats-First: A. H. Gramlich; second Herman 1'he. Spring Wheat First: George Sleh; sec ond, Herman The. Winter Wheat First Allen Fraseur; second. Paul Keefer. Clover Seed First: George Hen: sec ond, A. II. Gramlich. Tha awards In the domestic science de partment follows: - White Bread-First: Mrs. William Max field; second. Mrs. Philip Fraseur. Butter First. Mrs. Charles Piatt; sec ond. Mrs. Philip Fraseur. Pumpkin Pie First. Mrs. IX H. Thomp. 1 Mrs. Ausint Leaders. Msrhle Cake First: Mrs. Charles Pflug; c.,nri Mm. Jake Zeeb. Nui Laver Cake First: Mrs. Frank King; second, Mrs. E. G. Fase. Chocolate I.ayer Cake First: Mrs. A. H Gramlich; second. Mrs. H Boiling. JPNIOH .DIVISION. White Loaf Cake First: Mls Florence Pfhig: second. Miss Ella Boiling, (linger Bread First: Miss Bessie Buck n,- bcon,l Mlsa I.ilOV Zwielit;!. Molasses Yafey First: Blanche I'flug; second. F.lsie Zwlebel. Chocolate Fu!e First : Stella Maxfleld; second. Hazel ixing. ! Federal Court Meets in City of Grand Island ! , , j t- I lumber of Cases Disposed of at Iirst Lay's Proceedings Of ficers Like Quarters. ...n ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. -(Spc , , . . ,.,,, rfl Clerk Henry Allan, Attorney Wells of the Burlington. Attorney Crocker of the I'nlon Pa iflc. Attorney Clements of Lincoln and Attorneys R. R. Horih. C. G. Ran ami I W. 11. Thompson of this city. ' The esse against Othello Evsns. toil- j tractor who constructed the Diinuiiig. was disposed of. Mr. Evans being fined liO lor IHTin. . I Ilia l.'II I w.-i a. vi. s'i, building to work more then eight hours. It Is said to l.e the flirt esse unarr mis federal statute in this stale Ed Bolts of this county pleaded guilty ' to sending unmatlalile matter through, the : pH a letter defamatory of a relative. Hie result of a family feud and upwa tha Peopl recommendation of the assistant district attorney a fine of Sinn was Imposed. Holts Is a farmer, generally held In high regard. The Jurors were excused till t o'clock to morrow, when the case against Andrew J. McUrew will be taken up. The officers of the court express ex treme approval of the court room provided here and of all of Its appointments. .Nebraska News Natea. BEATRICE lr. W. M. Thomas, the new superintendent of the feeble minded Insti tute at this place, will take charge of the place about January IS. ( CLAY CENTER District court convened here today. Judge Hurd presiding. This Is sn adjourned session ot the November term. A jury is In attendance. BEATRICE Lea v lit Ashenllter. who was recently appointed steward and book keeper of the Industrial school at Kearney, has gone to that place to assume his new duties. YORK At the Y. M. C. A. Business Men's association meeting H. M. hilds was electer president. F. P. Van Wlckle, after several yeara' term of office, wished to be relieved. NEBRASKA CITY County Superintend ent Charles Speedie and wife were called to Brunlng this morning by the death of Mrs. Speedie s father. Tha deceased waa 111 but a short time. YORK Silas Barton, in acknowledging receipt of settlement from York county, wrote W. E. MeCloud. treasurer of York county, that York county waa third In the state to settle this year. NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Mary Mattox, who had been afflicted with canoer for some time, died at her home across the river and her body was sent to this city for burial Sunday. She was 'M years of age and leaves a husband and three children. BEATRICE O. E. Bullls. a druggist of this city, and Miss Mnble Smith were mar ried at the bride's hoine in W liber. They are visiting friends in Omaha, and will make their home In Beatrice upon their return. NEBRASKA CITY Herman Knake. of Ixrton, was married Monday at the home of the bride a parents, near Dunbar, to Miss Mary Gates. The young people will make their home on a farm belonging to tha groom, near Lortoo. SCTIIERLAND The services in connec tion with a re-dedlcation of the Methodist Episcopal church took place Sunday. Dis trict Superintendent Chamberlain of North 1'latte. delivered the sermon. The church building had recently been remodeled and enlarged. M'COOL JUNCTION-K. E. Lincoln and son, Louis Lincoln, have bought a stock of clothing at Welser, Idaho. Louis Lin coln, who for the last three years has been connected with the Woods Clothing com pany of York, will have charge of the business. SUTHERLAND The services In connec tion with a re-dedication of the Methodist Episcopal church took place Sunday. Dis trict Superintendent Chamberlain of North Platte delivered the sermon.. The church building had recently been re modeled and enlarged. M'COOL JUNCTION The marriage of Herman Culberson of this city and Miss Edith Johnson of York took place at the Methodist parsonage at York. The bride la one of York county's most popular school teachers. The groom Is one of the best known and most popular young men of McCool. BLOOMFIELD George Krats and Bower Hunt, two carpenters of this city, received quite serious Injuries Saturday by falling from a building on which they were working. The scaffold on which they were atanding gave way and they fell to the ground below, a distance of several feet. YORK This week was moving day for the two York dallv newspapers, the York Times and the York News. The York nraei nss moved serosa the street to a new location on Grant avenue and the York News moved to the new four-story brick and stone building formerly occupied by the Nebraska Newspaper union. NEBRASKA CITY Judith Goring of tas county, has purchased what Is known aa the Wessel corner, on Seventh street and Central avenue from Emil Straub for I13.D00. Charles Speedie, the newly elected county superintendent has purchased the riHldence of the former county superin tendent R. C. King, and took possession oi me same Monday. NEBRASKA CITY-Enola council No. 11, Daughters of Pocahontas, have elected the following officers for the ensuing yeor. Pochantas, Sarah Parker, prophetess; Clara Hart: Wenonah. Marv Coonev: keeper of records. Maud Stroble; keeper of wampum. Flora Riley; guard of wigwam, Minnie Illckel; first scout, Nellie Ullmore, ana rownatan, Flora Brust. BEATRICE The Gage County Flro. Lightning, Cyclone and Tornado Insurance company held Its annual meeting at Blue Springs Saturday. The amount of $.171. B-W was writen during the year liilO, represent Outdoors A tramp out in the open on a cool, clear day, either with dog and gun or purely for the love of the outdoors, makes you appreciate that winter isn't so bad after all. A glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is the best beverage to satisfy the thirst that follows outdoor exercise. Pabst BlueRibbon Beer ot Quality is a balanced beverage, contain ing just the proper amount of pure food value and stimulant needed to refresh a system tired by healthy exercise. The rich, smooth taste and delightful flavor of Pabst Blue Ribbon come from a combin ation of finest raw materials and unequalled brewing skill. Made and Bottled Only by Pab$t in Milwaukee Order Pabst Blue Ribbon from ITie PaDst Company 1307 Uavenwor th Tel. Douglas 79 A 1479 vffcS ing I M2 policies These officers were elected: A. 8. Relff. president; William A. Foreman, vice piesiilent: K. McNutt. secre tary; Ooorge 1-. Harpster. treasurer. CLAY CENTER A fsrewell reception wss given to Hugh Ixiurtln and his wife lsst evening by the members of the Ma sonic lodge and the Order of the Eastern Star, of which they were members. They are leaving thla week for Kallspell, Mont. Thev have lived In thla county for thirty three yeara. A banquet waa served and tokens of remembrance were given them. NEBRASKA CITY Saturday night. In the absence of the fsmlly, the home of J. H. Sweet, editor of the Dally Press, wss entered bv burglars. The house was all torn up, but it Is not thought that any thing was taken, ihe oflcers lound that the burglar had secured entrance by the front door and departed from the bedroom win dow, where small foot prints were to be seen In tha soft earth. Sl'THERLAND-The village recently completed negotiations with the t'nlon Pa cific railroad company for the lease of the outer sixty feet of the right-of-way through a portion of the residence district. The ground Is to be used for street purposes. Various properties had faced the com pany's property without proper atreet fa cilities, hence the lease, which la to run for a period of twenty-five years. NEBRASKA CITY Frank Burbank, who waa married to Miss Stella Fischer, daugh ter of Sheriff E. H. Fischer, In October, has filed hla petition In the district oouri praying for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and desertion. The filing of the suit crested somewhat of a sensation as both of the young couple are well con nected. The wife has promised to file a cross petition telling a different atory. SUTHERI.ANt Tha village recently completed negotiations with the Union Pa cific Railroad company for the len!e of the outer alxty feet of the right-of-way through a portion of the residence dis trict. The ground la to be used for street purposes. Various properties had faced the company's property without proper street facllitks. hence the lease, which is to run for a period of twenty-five years. YORK The old County Bosrd of Super visors met and completed unfinished busi ness of the year IH10. When the new- board meets this week there win ne scarcely any changea in membership. Six teen members remain and only four new ones to take places. H. M. Miller of Brad shaw succeeds C. II. Bedlent; 8. H. Horn takes the place of Phil Kennedy, who moved to York and refused to accept an other nomination; David Price succeeds James M. Tucker, and Cornellua Peters takes the place of George Slonlger. York is one of the few counties that has the old commissioner system. YORK-Dlstrict Judges George T. Cor iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinmmiiiiHiiiUirjraniiiiiiiiiiimniiiiliiii'.Ufliiiiiiiiiiiii Kan8Ca Yet. tin tuperb.T Dry Jft tha kind of K.tty " STnonTcnont tor y their cuitins srs oa frVsint fMuskagei OklalQty lOetsHS ftWortk MiDissrt aiaMIBsjiwmW p 1 ! iWiMffli kiihiiramimmiiiiiiiiiiiMiiifliinmiiwi'-w-r Tralna front your home city make good con nection In Kansas City with these splendid Ksty trsins, thus ensbling you to make a continuous and comfortable trip BouthwesU let me tell yon more about the perfect Katy service Southwest. Write me for cost of ticket to any point, best schedule and any other information you wans. a. - a m UJfrtltgflA SOS KATY Ml the Way Locate your office in a prominent building where the location is known to everybody, convenient and accessible. An opportunity to secure an office in a modern, elegantly appointed building, so situated, is now offered by The Bee Building Room 820 On the third floor; room 20ilf ft., has raolt, fronts north snd west, Prlco f 40 00 per month. Room till On tho second floor; room 8i!0 ft-, fronts north. Price $12.00 per month. Kooiu 013 On the tilth floor; room 16x16 ft, fronts on the flue court of the building. Price $11. 0 per month. Kooins -l20l2R-430 Now divided Into four rooms, but may bo changed to suit tenant. Hat 1157 squaro feet flior apace UU large vault. Fine north snd east Ucht. Kent $116.00 par month. The Bee Building Company Lee Uusines OIfic 17th and Farnam Sti EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. FIRE PROOF STORAGE MOVING VA.rJ, FURNITURE Packlna, Boflflngc Delivery City Office: 210 So. I7ih Sh " c. nm coran and B. F. Good have announce.! ti following dates for terms of ruin t in t"i Judicial dlB'.rtet for this yesr: ork cmmi), March IS May il and December t. I,m countv. January :t, April .'4 and Octo'v-r 2- Hamilton countv. Jsnuary .10. April and October i. Butler county, March Ii. Mav 1 and November 14; Seaarcl cntmt. February 20. May and November U Saunders countv. February JO, Mav snd December 4. Exoopt the January and Arm terms of court In Polk county, equtly cmri are for trial the first week of ench term July trial commences with the second week. NEBRASKA CITY-On Frldav Mr sn.t Mrs John Paulson celebrated their firtunn wedding anniversary at their home at Dun bar Mr. Paulson Is 74 and hla wife Is .i veers of age and both are Well preserve ! people. They came to this countv mm years ago and have Iwon blessed with t n children. Mr. Paulson waa section fore man of the Mlasourl Pa. Iflo nmd. at -lin last vear and often walked from l. lln to Nebraska City, a distance of twrmv miles. Ha Is still a hla to do a full dv work and looks after his affoJrs bett-t than many men twenty-five or thirty yes., vounger. All of the children were at home to attend the celebration and it was a great dav for tha aged couple. EL TELLO CIGAR The Cigar which, If you Once Smoke, You will Always Smoke 3 for 25 Cents and i 10 Cents Straight according to six McCORD, BRADY CO. DISTRIBUTORS OMAHA. - - NEBRASKA. iili!1"1 furnished dining crt srs now terring mejls that have made Katy dining ttationt rooat tmnei to eat. sotn ine cars ana s match for the rest of tho equipment 11 11 11 I. . ,il!!li'il; .J I I II Ihfi Katy limited Thit limited train of unlimited comfortt offert you an uninterrupted journey to all principal points Southwest in chair cars that are models of comfort electric-lighted sleeping cart and dining cart that you would be content to dint in, always. On night to Texas. Leaves Kansas City at 5:30 P. M. reachet Oklahoma City 7:0(1 A. M.,Dallat 9:25 A. M., Ft. Worth, 9:35 A.M.) Waco, 1Z-.SS P. M. Austin, 4:66 P. M. San Antonio, 7:45 P. M. Houiton 10:15 P. M. A companion train to the Katy Limited alto provides fait and splendid service to the Southwest. Leaves Kantat City 2:20 a. m., entera Oklahoma tarns morning, and reaches Texas by evening. GEO. A. McNUTT, District Passenger Agent Walnut St, Kansas City, Mo.