Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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ad 9:30
at 9:30
I 111 S Mi III I
(If J Mis (W m m i lai fit fl '
I VsAC i : : . I I I. : :
I ! S S S S. s v I J I i I II U I W J J . l. II Ira A A I I I J
1 1
. : i till i i I i iiii aiiajam w., mmM&mmwmuu a v 1 1 i u f i w - l i . i i i
VL V V Vy ) U VLi u
. 11 .1 1 .A ss. 1 . 4l A AI1ft A ATl
The sensation on Faniam street, the talk of the town, the Great Sale at The Fair. We wish to apologue to the many thousand of people that we were compeuea w a v that not
store during our sale of last Friday and Saturday, while your fellow citizens were on the inside of our three large storerooms, packed like sardines in a box. We trutnnmy can Bay uiat w e
expect that 80 per cent of the population of Omaha would turn out to attend this great Sale at Twelfth and Farnam streets. But Mr. Sam A. Adler, Prop, of the Fair Store owti mm tne u ve i wire
of Tast Farnam street, is always on the lookout for bargain stocks and he surely fell in right when he landed the Main Dept. Store stock from Denver, Colo , away JJJf
at 23 cents on the dollar; and the many thousands of people that attended this sale last week said that they never, in the history of Omaha, saw goods sold at such low P"ces JJ". 7
turned they saw large yellow signs with the bargains priced, staring them in the face. The Fair Store is mostly patronized by the laboring classes, and they surely reaped a narvest m uie way oi
saving at least 60 cents on the dollar of their purchases. . , , . .vu-v ttt Wirrt tv.t
We will be closed all day Monday remarking and putting in stock, the balance of the 175 large cases of this high-grade merchandise on sale Tuesday morning at 9.30 J'J
the large force of extra help we had at the warehouse on Saturday would get through marking the goods so that we could go right ahead with the sale on Monday; but we are sorry mat we nave u
disappoint you on that account, as it is no easy task to sort and mark 175 cases of merchandise and put them in stock ready for you. .mi ' ,,,
, We wish to say that if at any time on Tuesday you attend this sale and find the doors locked, please have a little patience and wait a few moments and we will M?)
some of the crowds out. The wonderful bargains that are in store for you Tuesday and the balance of the week are the greatest that have ever been offered west or new loric aiy, ana wiu mean a
saving of 60 cents on the dollar to you.
t Ijong 0U, of ail wool
maUrlAia. in bi&cks. b)u. Bray,
brawn and fancy mixture, ntatljr
trtmmarf. ml and f orm-tt:n
:tt,:i..:,..? ...J3.25
Iadle' IIS. 09 lone. M-lnch Coata,
in ail tha lata mylea and coor.
Hklnncr ratln-lined; A9
your cholc w.Hv
J 0 ' Ladisa' Plunh Coata. form-
Ottuig. full oklnncr (atln-Uno. up
lo-tha-mmuta in atyies;
Tour ahoic
130 0 La1l' In B'ark Froad-
cimh t oaia, Pkinnrr aatm-llnxd.
pluah rolian and cuffa, Juat a fw
of thaaa left, to cloaa g
I Ad Im' ' Bl'lit Wali't.' in In t hla Ut.
In Hiaoka, Whlta and Fancy. In
Taffa'a, Maaaallna and Phj t
aoa Piilti; not oc In tha Ux wnrUi
laaa than S6 00. and macy 17 ;
a.l e at tha ona 1 QQ
prica of 9l.9
5.1 Indira' Sklrta, In Panamaa.
rfw and Mannish Cletha. piain.
plaid and neatly trimmed, raluaa
r:u!:.r.ou.: $1.74
r UilW F"ur Soarfa. from 0 to
to lnccaa lnc. kck and Brown,
valuaa to V 60; cholca, 1 AQ
whtla thar lat lfO
tK i Whlta Bpaniah Mltsno Fura.
icarfa and Siuffa, to match, only
4 of thaaa aata left; whila thay
laat. to tha flrat four C nfl
lucky onaa, at J.CJ
c Ladiaa' Whlta 9C
Wli .
OA L&dlaa Whlta J C
ajata J
Wo L-dW-a Fmncy
All of our Lad W Swaator Coata atrlaa. U. to 17-6
aluaa. will ba aoid at uat ona-half
cf raaular prtcaa.
C Uadlaa' Kimono, nad of
Ftancb Flannal. pretty da-
lana: your cholca
C 0 Ladia' Haatherbloora PaM!
roaia. ail colors; while 7 i
tha laat C
6 W 8i.k Pattirata. In Black and
all eolora, to be
closed out at
Ladiea 11.00 Black Sl'.k
;Ona lot ef LadW Tailored Sulta.
i In all; made up In ma very lat
est !'! in Pergea. Broadc-lotna
and Norelty Mlxturea, all Skinner
aattn-llned. valuta from lis D
to CS Ou; while they
soc Ladlea' Cnlon
.11 60 Ladlaar All Wool
Veeta, large aaaort-
50c Ladlea' L'nder
l wear
$1 50 Ladlea' All Wool
i ujoa pijiis -
I i -A i a . v. u n-kit. fm t
' V eeta. all atcea
,1.01a) paira of Ladlea' Hoaa.
I tuack. Tan and J'ancy Coi
, oral 60c ra.uca. at........u
1 10c Ladlea' Whlta
i.'-r Ladies' White
, Handkerchiefs
r. .) Ladlea' 811k Glove.
In ail eolora
Ill SO Ladlea' Silk Elbow
Glovee. ail alsea anal
U 0 Ladlea' Kid Elbow-length
?.!.7'.W4r,.thr . .i.43
; Ladlea Kid Glevaa, tl'-fci tflP
vaJuea OUC
C 50 Children s Coat.i. slsea I to (
years, made ef all wool materials.
In ail the lata styles OAs-
and patterns 'v
iM.OO and to 00 Chlldrert'a Coevu.
s:aoa 6 to years. In ail colors and ;
'fancy srtstures; saue (ft VC
r.M to HO 00 Mlaeea' Coata. to
1 10 years, in all the late style. In 1
All Wool Materials. Pluah Cara-i
cal and Fancy Mlxturea; Q
while they laat tUy
r 0 Ulrla rresa. only a few I
left o-rer; while they 34c'
Sue Ladlea' and Children's " IfA-i
Gloves and Mlttena IV.
....... Sc
I and
.. 25c
lencth !
Children s lo Black
Sao Childre-n a Under
wear Rrar tl atnAm
I laoea. Watch Chains,
raluea 11.60. t
Men's Unite 160 tn tha lot. sises.
24 t 44. valuaa ta f 10.00; a good
aswM-tment of pat- J3.93
Men s BuYta -iii'rn Vhla let; rises.
14 to 40; all wool matertala. in
all the lata models; Taiues to
112 50. your 9 4 OO
Men's Ruits 100 tn this large lot.
sixes, II to 4S; exceptionally well
tailored, all wool material In the
very neweet styles and patterns
for a quick olean-up $695
Men's fPulte I0S In the lc. sliea,
II to 60; values to 120.00; t wool
materials; hand-tailored; Venetian
fin!,'"" W.95
Men's IIS 00 and f SO 00 sulta 1M
In this lot. every garment strictly
hand -tailored, aik aerg lined. In
cluding blacks and blue aerges
and DeveHy mlxturea; 4fQ OS
sale price 4y.yJ
Cms lot of Boys' and Young Men's
Overcoats; lliea, I to 10 years
value to 17.60; eh e Ice
Men's IT 10 Overoeata, aiaes to fit
ail butld of men I large assortment
SLV.". 52.9S
100 Men's Overcoats: regular 110
vaJuee; ail weel material Vene
tian and saiga lining; Presto and
111.60 to tit. 09 Men's Overcoats
In all tha very lataat models;
Presto collars. Aato and Velvet
collars; guaranteed all wool ma
tertals; whUe they J6.95
All of our high grade Overcoats
that sold at 126.00 ta tIO.00; made
by the beet tailors of ready-to-
wear clothing; ail go J9.9S
We have left In tha stock. 10 onlyj
Fur lined Men's Overcoats: broad
cloth shell, large Muakrat col
lars; regular 116.00 values: while
27 K13.9S
10c leather Waldi
Ctmina and Fobs ....
171 60 Ken's Black Broadcloth j
Uveruceua. quilted l!ntrs; musk-!
rat collars; only 14 cent In this -
'.0.,,hu,..th5r. 111.95'
171 pairs of Men's Higa Qraee
Wool Xreuaera: sLacka. bloa and
fancy mixtures; valuea to 00 00
your 1 OA
choice e
160 pairs of Men's ail weel Pants,!
in ail the eajon's new pa ttm ,
rid bucklea. belt loo pa, cuff hot- ',
toma, aml and full peg: very
nifty: regular 14 00 0J1 A9
valoes. at e.0tJ
loO pairs Men's Corduroy Pants ;
valuea to 12 SO; your f)f A
0 pairs Men's Corduroy Pants;
regular 1160 ones; your choice. '
peg top belt strap and 021 AQ
ids bucklea .UJr
207 pairs Man's regular to. 00
Corduroy Pante with leather
cuffs, leather Taps en pecketa. 1
side buckles, pe tow; 1 OS
..up chairs V
One lot Men's Odjd Oejts 276 In
the lot; regular t CO ralues-
'."r 11.71
v " '
300 pairs of man's t iIhw, tn all !2.r Men s Hats In all the lata
the different leathers, in lace and ! ttr'.se and shades, soft and stiff
button style. 021 Ox Weeks, your
ohoSce choice
16 and t( men's high grade dress j Men's Heavy
snoee. in all the ate style. In p.ed Cndorwear. .
peter, vlcl and oalf. tan or f; w jen's Heavy Rlboad
Diaca. lac ana puium,
M men's U-lnoh high
double soles, black
and tan
C.M ladlea'
and , vk:l. in lao. and
tk letlea'' el'nth 'lnei'ahne a.l Overalls
colore, in patent "70
(6 and M ladlea' velvet and suede slzea
$2.24 Suit. pnk and
top ,, Men Flann
$2.98 Shirts
. yv Men's Work
$1.19 Shirts ' -
or cvtf vr arm
6-Tc Hoys' WMt
Jackets, ail small
100 Men's Odd Testa, left over
from high priced sufts; 9Sr
your choice
One 1st ef Boys' Overcoats, sixes.)
S ts 0 years; value up to tiO.
t Boy Suits left ever from laatj
week's sale. In worsteds, cheviots
and serge. Knickerbocker pants;'
sites I to T; values to 4JM )A
1160; your oholoa --.
fen's il.10 ruck Ceats, blanket
lined Corduroy AO
oollars, uv'
Man's r.M BSieepakln lined CttavU.
lentrth Corduroy 9A fA
otrtstde; your choice) s.f
LOOt pals of men's box ceJT and
ra.." i.u
calf gun 1
snoes. In a.l ue
newest stvle
12 boys' shoe.
VI 60 boy' high top
or tan.
13 60 boys' high top
anoea. black or tan..
Ladle' felt fur trl
leather soles, vaiuas
to 110
Ladies' tl cloth top
.V.aakan rubbers . ..
Ladle' 1 rubbers
Children's tl over
shoe .
Men's fLK over
shoe Men s 6. overshoes,
rolled sole and hei.
Men 'a S3 four-buck la
Men's tta Alaakaa
Men' tl rubbers
1 Ofl ' 't "
JOl'O Striped Ov
ni lot fO Men's and Boya
OO- without bib
SMrta. In
All Wool
shoes. Ma.'k blue, grav and brown, two pocket
$1.29 1djrrnment 79c
SI S0 ttOO Men s Corduroy Ehlrta, OSj-
all sires and eo.ora
suppers. y Boys' Black Sateen 70r
74C Shlrtf. slsea to 14 ,v'
i . V Men s Unlaundered White 1 fr
34C ili""ta. ail sJse vv-
i w Men s v oat n T onine, L. 'fv
a 11 w men v wai rr m
34C different patterns, ail
rn sises. your cnoics
OxC 7ic Men's Drees Shirts, all
on s!, whlta and fancy
OyC n.OO Men s Flannel 8hh-ts,
si 11 Just a few left, at
..45 Men's tl 00 Muslin Mght
I 71 Shirts, ail sixes
, .." k and 76c Men's Drees
- n'Hoee. all fancy patterns ....
. y. Mens lie Dress Hoe In
tot pairs man's $1 box
metal and vtd shoe, in
button and laca. choice.
Si men's high top shess,
in tan and black
our Men's All Wool from C 00 to M OO
Men's 60c Fleeced Lined l'n- C -lvalues, now selling at one-half
II 60 Jean's Fants for beys
isnd small men. cholce
1 Men's ACc Pollc. Fireman
President Style Suspend era.
your choice
Sc and tl 00 Man's Bilk
4 Webb Dress Suspenders -
irc ro s
ipenders . ......
Sl.c Mens 811k
, Uufflers ---
1 iOc Men's Silk Neoktles,
1 kll styles snd patterna
! Mx Men s Mado-Up
( low Ties
I c Wuvilsor
I Xo Men's Whrte Linen
Hetnstltohed Handkerohlef.
an Mens Work Mlnen
Hove at ooe-hif regular price.
I Jbc Men's LeaLhar
iauntlet Glove
uc Men s Leather
Gauntlet Glove .
NX Men s Leather
Oaiintlet Glove
tl 60 Men's Horee Hide
Buckskin Gloves,
at .
n.SO and .00 Men's Drs GJove
I la kid and anresaq km. sub uneu
j and tirumed. your 89C
lie aw s" Heavy Ticktosj
7c Waller- and Banand- !Of
Ct AO Safety Raxora, Including sin
blsdes. soap and brush, ail in
nl.-koi-plated oases, 7Qr
One lot of Raxor WrOp- XQr
values to t2.0t. chije ,.-...'-.
tl 00 Men's Sweater
Tftc Fur Lined Cloth
n 00 Men's Tan and Hlack "5 n
1 1r! leather Fur Uned Cap Jy
. ; fcic Man's Fur Lined 1(1-
.. 5c
nmh Caps
6c Plank and Whit
Thread . .
Safety Pins.
V values . . . . . -
6c values
LarfW tl.60 Hat Pins,
white and colored
Ladle' and
Necklaces for q
.... lc
set vrl'h
CWldren s tl 60 ARf
r qi1ck clean up-.C
OCr: 11.00 Ala-m Clocks, the kind CO
....,."'' I e guarantee for I year
CfL-'i-oiora. black, blue, graj
,wv at.d wine, choice
i at.o wine, cnoio
U.OO Boys' Corduroy Suits, sixes 1 1 Men's 25c Black Hoaa.
to 7. years, your 114-1 "hit feet
ehosos ,n,';l.or pairs Mens
66.00 Boys' Corduroy Suits, aged tjKajtry He Hoe
to U years. Knlckerboclier pants, ly. vrn s Wool Ho,
dark and light ' CQ lark gray
Men's I barters
t.oo, $1 no, $4. no
and 16 00
Fany Vests, si th 1st
patterns, choto
darwaar, ail else ... . ,
regular prloa.
era Jaoketa.
I jno Waiters' and
1 w.ifraHM' Anrons
I C f Barbers and Baurtamders'
1 Whit Goat Vesta, shsss 70T
lli U nnlr I
II M Heavy
Plankets .
ts eo wool
Blankets . . .. . .
r&c v-wooi
Q 00 Feather Pillow, larsw
M. rood arada at ticking .
tl2.0 Cowhide Suit Cas. Bellows
style. 2-Inch strap ail around.
24-lnco. M.I4; M-lnch Vi.AH
brass trimming a. Yala lockt
tz 00 suit Q8c
C-aas ' .
kt.OO LeaM Beat L IhT Hand
Bags. In gilt and
oxidised trimmed
" 39c
t:.r' Midget Alarm Clocks. f
K'iKi-anteed for 2 years
11.00 lngenrall Watx-he. nickel and
metal, guaranteed
r 1 year
carrying scraps to b sold at 2k on
tha dollar.
Emblem Pine and Buttons, repre
senting ail lodge. 1 Or-
values to 60c. choice UV,
Solid Gold Filled Rings, set with
all dlffierent atone. C 1 ftl
and lodg rings. 15 00 vmiiiee l.VAJ
1.000 Scarf Pins. Broochee Neck
hvee and Watch Chains, ail go at
HV Cuff Buttons. 1.000 j fC
patterns to ohoose from
12.00 and S3 00 loadW Brooches tn
fancy set stones, medallions lfl
and plain patterns -
c Ever Ready
Flash Light
tl 00 Ever Ready
Flash Llsrht
n . fiver Ready
Flash Liht
V 00 Ever Ready
Flash Light
Merschaum Pipes. with
mouth i-ec. values to
V choice
S pairs of Opera and
Iiiumm wtt n learner
j Remember the Day, Tuesday, January lOiti, at 9:30 O'clock and Everything Will Be Ready for You
Store closed all day Monday marking 175 cases of goods from the Main Dept. Store stock. Come prepared Tuesday morning to attend one of the most sensational price cutting bargain events
ever held in Omaha. Doors of the store open promptly at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning.
cr3 n n
fSi. a-
1119-1121-1123 FAE3KlAEu
S. EL Cor. 12th and Farnam Streets
Wanted 20 salesladies; 20 clothing salesmen; 20 shoe salesmen; 10 bundle wrappers; 15 cash girls. Report at 8 a. m.
Supreme Court Unlet on'Protett of
Eev. J. M. Leidy.
St. Kd wards Dra((l Ordered ta Pay
Flee ( kssree Lesally Located,
Uri llls Trlssssl mt State
C earn leaioa Reversed.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLX. Jan. Special 1 The mot
Important of the decisions handed down by
the state aupreme court this mom In ft holds
that breweries cannot sell rase beer to con
sumers without being liable to a revoking
of llr-vna for vloiatlnit the Olbeon law.
The breweries are llo-nsed only fur a
vholeaaie business nd raite beer dlntrlbu
tJ jn Is held to be beyond the limits of their
leejltimete activities.
The deilalon will have no prarti. al effx-t
tioa th brewer. however. bH.-ause the
question ef Issuing a lK-ne for 1 '10 is no
lonar of Interest or effeit. The majority
Oldnlon was written by Chief Justice Reese
and eunrurred in by Judges Rose. Let ton
and Root. A dlsaentln; opinion, holding
the majority of the court In error, was
Rheum it am Adv ce
wive rosalrBt Doctor's Beet Fre
swortptloa - la Xasoly Mixed.
Get one ounce of syrup of Saraapartlla
compound and on oum of Torts com
pound. Then get half a pint of (ood mh sny
aad put tha ether two lnredlents Into lt
Take a teblr.potnf ul of this m:turv be
fore aah n;eal and at bed un.e rb.kt tne
b.itUe before usu.k. Thia la not new in this
vlty as niMny vl the wmt asea of me i
latlsia and bak-ahe hate bevn cured by
It. Oood results ouie the first day Any
ru(it has thee lusreulents on hand or
a 111 n .k kly gn taeiu from his whoieaaic
hotia. Any oee can mix them.
Not cm I v will this pres rU'tton knN-W
rheumattens In a hurry, but it is a SDirndwl
tonic sni suon restores appetite arid vtti
H). l'hoae who hate triel It are enthusi
astic over Uie results obtained. Adv.
written by Judges Barnes. Fawcett and
The rase was brought to -the supreme
court through the remonstrance of Rev.
J. M. Leidy against the issuing of a license
to Met! Brothers In Omaha In 1910. rhu-lnsT
the previous year Meta Brothers had sold
beer In sealed case containing two doien
bottle, either pints or quarts, directly to
consumers. Orders were, received either
personally, by telephone or by mail, but the
brewery did not directly solicit such orders.
This manner of distributing; beer to con
sumers was the continuation of a policy
which had been tn effect for thirty years.
The decision, of the court Is based upon Its
Interpretation of the difference bet ween
holesale and retail sales, and Is the most
important decision yet rendered under the
Gibson law which forbids brewers from
engaging In tha retail business.
The court's Interpretation of ths differ
ence bet Keen retail and wholesale business
Is summed up In the following paragraph
of the opinion: "A manufacturer of beer
ho sells his product to unlicensed consum
ers for their use sella at retail within the
uitWutf of chapter 82. law of Nebraska.
The next holding of the opinion naturally
fo!!o-i: "A nanufacturer of beers who
sells his j roduct at retail Is gul'ty of sell
.nrf ber without a license, and that fact
being maiia to appear, an excise board !
I should not Issue a license to him In the
j year next succeeding the commission of
that offense."
' The Gibson law does not define the dif-
ft-renew between w!:oIe.-a:e and retail sales,
j The court, therefore, holds that It Is Its
j duty tn thia case to formulate a special
definition of the terms. Explaining Its
refusal to accept the dictionary defini
tions, the court say. "If the content on
of applicsnt is to prevail the manufac
turer can em lose two pints In a sealed
I package as easily aJ tnenty-fjur and de
I liver to consumer and thus practically
I nullify the provisions f our liquor laws
and peddle his product thiougnout the
city and count n. '
The dissenting opinion takes exception
to the reasoning and conclusions of tha
majority of tt.e court. It says of that
i opinion. "It defines the terms wholesale
and retail In a nianner finite at var-.aace
with the generally adopted meaning of
! those words when applied to the sale of
'other commodities The statement of
j facts contained in the majority opinion
I wholly eliminates the question of price.
1 mhich ourht to be stated and considered
J tn order to correctly decide the main ques
tion presented for our determination.'
Th dissenting judge points out that
case beer sold to consumers is sold only
in sealed caees and at the wholesale plica,
and that no beer Is permitted to be con
sumed upon their premises, and that no
beer has ever been sold by the glass or
ths single bottle. Thes facts, they say,
should be taken Into consideration In de
termining what constitutes retail sales.
The dissenting opinion closes with th
following statement:
"Finally, for th courts to undertake to
surpress the brewers of this stats by the
Indirect method of refusing a license to
carry on their business as a penalty for
transacting It as they have dona for thirty
years with the acqulesenc of th public,
and without any atatute directly and
plainly changing that custom and without
giving them, with their enormous capital,
an opportunity to adjust themselves, their
property and their business to new condi
tions, would be not only unjust and oppres
sive, but an Invasion of the province of the
legislature. We are of opinion that such
an important change In ths policy of the
state should be made by direct and un
equivocal legislation, and with reasonable
opportunity to capital so Invested to adjust
Itself to ths changed conditions, nos by
Ji dlclsj declaration."
Blc Flae for Sellta Whisky.
Alton D. White, a druggist at St- Ed
wards, must pay a fine of tXsuO for selling
wbisky, according to another decision of
thd supreme court. White had frequently
been prosecuted and fined for violation of
the liquor laws. Finally a Jury found hlin
guilty on each of fourteen counts and fixed
his fine at t) on each count, Thia Judg
ment Is affirmed. Tha defendant alleged
that the Information charged him with tne
sale of ons kind of liquor and the proof
showed a different kind. Th court said the evidence showed that the bottles
sold and kept for sale contained at least a
mixture of the kind of liquor charged and
that It was Intoxicating.
Nersaal Sekewl tmr t kiartia Approved.
The court holds that ths location of a
normal school at Chad run by the old state
board of education was legal and that tne
trustees of ths Congregational school at
Chsdron had power to dispose of their
property to th stale to be used for a
normal school. Two years ao ths legis
lature created a normal board of education
which was to succeed the old state board.
Later the supreme court held this law
unconstitutional. Another act of the legis
lature authorised th Normal Board of
Education to locate a fourth state norma
school. . There bun no Normal board f
Education, the the regular state board es
tablished the school at Chadron and Its
acts are now held legal by th supreme
Railway Cam salaeloei Reversed.
The court tn th case of the Chicago,
Rock Island tc Pacific Railway company
against the Nebraska Slate Railway com
mission and others, has reversed an order
Issued by the railway commissioners which
required the railroad company to maintain
a crossing on Walnutu street in tha villas a
of ilailam.
This is the first reversal by the courts
of Nebraska of an order issued by the
State Railway commission.
After the railway commission ordered the
company to maintain a crossing the rail
road company appealed to th district court
of Lancaster county and there Judgment
was for the commission. This Judgment Is
now reversed by the supreme court, with
directions to enter an order dismissing the
proceedings before the commission. The
opinion of the court wss written by Judge
Root, Chief Justice Reese not sitting. The
court finds that Walnut street had n'it
been opened and that the State Railway
commission has no autuhortty to order a
railway company to construct a crossing
over Its railway at a point within the
limits of a village where no street has
been opened.
The following opinions were filed:
Campbell against Iaubben. Judgment of
district court reven-ed and new trial
granted upon plaintiff's second cause of
action, district court directed to enter
judffmt-nt In plaintiffs favor upon the
verdict returned upon the first cause of
action, with legal interest from the date
that verdict a as rendered. Custs In su
preme court taxed, against plaintiff.
Root. J.
Hunter against Hunter. Finding of dis
trict court mat a marriage had not been
established approved and decree affirmed,
action for divorce dismissed. decision
awarding a money Judgment for wages
allowed to be d'-ie reversed and that prt
of ca.-e remanded to district court for fur
tuer proceed. ns Costs in supreiiie court
taxed to I'Uint.ft. Reese. C. J.; r'aacett.
J . not sitting.
rletcher assinst Brem'er; reversed and
remanded, l.eiton. J
luce lii.rtl Ijncoln 4 N". W. ,"L Co.;
rever;rd and remanded iedswica. j. Faw
cett. J.. concurni.g in concljsion
Jeffertes asa'ns; Chicago. Hurl r.Ktnn &
yuincy Railroad company, affirmed. Faw
cett. J.
'Luugr-iin against City o! PaeneeOty;
a f firmed. Ruse, J
Ho . I ava.nst Chicago. Rock Is'snd
Pacific iiaitroad compaay: affirmed.
Reese. C. J
MacKhouse against Slack ho use; affirmed.
Barnes. J. hUrese. C. J . and bedgwick. J..
Lmoa facia Railway company against
state: affirmed. Rose, J.; Reese, C. J.. not
Met oy against City of Omaha; affirmed.
Sedirwlck. J.
McGahey against CI tl sens' Railway com
pany; affirmed. Root, J.
O'Connor ajtainst Waters; affirmed. Root.
J. Reese, C. J., not sittings
Launt against Village of Oakdale; af
firmed. Seduwlok. J. Burnes, J., and Faw
cett. J., dissenting; Reese, C. J., not sit
ting. Bulgrln against Schlechte; affirmed.
Fawcett, J. Reese. C. J., not sitting.
Westover against Hoover; reversed. Let
ton, J.
Aurora State bank against Hayes-Eames
Elevator company; reversed and action dis
missed as to Haves-Lames Elevator com
pany and SI. Wagner; costs taxed to plain
tiff. Barnes, J. Reese, C. J., not Bitting.
HiKginbotham against McKenzie; af
firmed, fcedgwlclt, J.
Chapln against village of College View;
affirmed. Root, J. Reese. C. J, not sitting.
f-tate ex rel., Bute against Village of
College View; affirmed. Root J. Reese, C.
J . not sitting.
Piper aKainst Neylon; reversed and re
manded. ICose. J. Fawcett, J.. not silting.
Trenholm against Kloepper; affirmed.
Root. J.
Leidy axainst Meti Brewing company;
reversed and remanded with Instructions to
cancel the licens-e Issued to applicant.
Reese, C. J. Barnes, J , Fawcett, J., and
Sedgwick. J, dissenting.
Chicago, Rock island ft Pacific Railway
company against Nebraska Mate Railway
Commission, reversed with with directions
to enter an order dismissing the proceed
ings before the commission. Root, J. Reese,
C. J.. not anting.
White against State; affirmed. Reese
C. J.
Kerr against Gering & Co.; Judgment of
district court reversed and perni.t can
celled. Barnes. J.
Stewart against Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Hallway company, affirmed. Letlon.
a. rteese, i. j., not silting.
Alt against elate; affirmed. Rose, J.
Sedgwick. J . concurring in conclusion.
I'eck against Anderson, affirmed. Sedg
wick, J. ltee.-e. C. J . not eating.
Tash agiunst Ludden: affirmed. Faw-
j cett, J.
, Following are filings on motions for re-
hearings .
i Pedersen against Pedrsen; motion of ap-
pe.lant for reiiearing overruled,
i Pedersen against i'ederseu, motion of sp
I peiiant for reiiearing overruled.
rTing.e Modern Woodmen of
American, overru.ed.
Hiair axaiimi Kingman Implement com
pany, oxerruied.
i l.ucat Excise Rales.
i The excise board of tins c.i y met In se
cret session la-t night and sp-ent some
j tln.e. preiun.bly. in a discussion of the
liouor traffic. Men.beis of the board are
indirectly quoted as saying that there is
a li-iuor traffic here In spue of laws, and
steps will be taken to put a quietus on
boourggic-. Th county attorney, tha as
sistant city attorney and th chief of po
lice were present.
Pa bile Board Rearalatlama.
At the meeting of th Board of Public
Lands and Buildings the following general
rules were adopted:
"Superintendents, officers and employes
of state Institutions who have children or
other relatlvea (who are not on the pay
roll) residing with them in th Institution,
shall pay for their board such sum as this
board shall Impose.
"The superintendent of th hospitals for
the lnsan at Norfolk and at Lincoln axe
directed to use only two dining rooms for
superintendent and officers. Instead of
three as heretofore.
"It Is the aim of tha Board of Purchase
and aippiles to furnish food that Is good
enough for any person to eat for the pa
tient or Inmates of the Institutions under
its charge. Superintendents and officer
who must Mave a different or mora ex
pensive quality of food will be required
to pay the difference In price."
Pregrasi far Ieees4 Aaaaal seaalwa
la Ike loasaserelal Clak
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) The sec
ond annual meeting of the Nebraska asso
ciation of fair managers will be held in
the Commercial club rooms January 17.
and the following program will be given
after the banquet:
(. W. Harvey of Omaha, toastmaster;
"Publicity. ' Jsrnei K. Ryan. Indunoia,
"The Curcit." H P. Wlison. Geneva.
"Free Attractions, '" George Jackson. Nel
son. "Concessions," L. H. I'heiiev.;
"'II. e flock Show.' E. E. Youngs.
Lexington: "uur County Fair." Joseph
Pigtiian. Broken Row. A general discus
sion ot the various subjects on the pro
grain Will folloU.
l.t.inos nieet.nai report of secretary-treai-urer;
election of officers officers:
G. VV. liarvey. president. oitiaJia . L. H.
Cheney, vice prei.iaer.t, fciockvnie; William
H. tuutii. secretary -treasurer. Seaard.
Take Pelaea Follow las; Act mt salrlde
ky Her liaskaael Several
Maslki tie.
her brother, Ezra Hoyle. she has brooded
constantly over her husband who cut his
throat In her presence six months aco la
Oklahoma, while th family was preparing;
to leave for Missouri. This traced y and tha
fact that she was In straightened circum
stances Is thought to have been the cause
of her act. Mrs. Rhodes was 35 years of
age and leaves three small children.
Charles W. Hoxie Dies
at His Kearney Home
Weil-Known Basinet! Man Expires
After Less Than VTeek't Illneu
of Erysipelas.
KEAR.NET. Neb.. Jan. Special Tele
gram.) Charles W. Hoxie, a prominent
business man and member of the city
council, died suddenly this morning sfter on
Illness of less than a week of erysipelas ot
the face.
Mr. Hoxie caxr.e her several years ago
as superintendent of the state Industrial
school and later went Into the grocery busi
ness and owned two of the largest stores
In town at the time If I. is death. Flags
were at half mast today.
City officials closed thMr offices and tha
mayor Issued a proclamation declaring all
business suspended Tuesday afternoon dur
ing the funeral. Mr Hoxie was a much re
spected member of several fraternal organ
izations of the city which will take part In
the funeral ceremonlee.
The vestrymen of St. Luke's church will
be pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers will be from tha
(Continued on Fourth Page )
EEATR1CE. Neb.. Jan. .Snecial Tel.-
gram. Mrs. Cora Rhodes died hero today
from the effect of Paris green self-administered
Saturady night. Since coming here
a few month ago to tnaaa bar noma with j
"There's a Reason"