12 THE BEE: OMAHA; TUESDAY, JANUAUY 10. 1011 MEMPHIS STARTS SOMETHING j Omaha Officials Accept Challenges as Fast as They Come. SCHOOLS ARE TO BE COMPARED iprrlalfmlril Davidson Telle Mfm. pills that Omaha Has Finest rhl atem In (naalrr and Cnejrt Comparison. Memphis (Tenn.l official! have started something. The Omaha city official! want to know whether the southern moguls can finish It It all began when Chief of folic. David of Mruphls challenged f'hlrf Donahue to a ftlendly comparison of the two forces of the two cities. Chief Donahue accepted In a Jiff V. Mayor Dahlman and Superintendent of Schools Davidson received similar chair lrnges Monday Mayor Dahlman'a chal lenge from hi! honor, H. H. Crump. It reads: The "lty of Memphis hereby challenK'-a the city of Omaha to a public comparison of the advantage!. Industrially, com mercially socially end educationally. Wo I assert that Memphis Is a better city to live In than Omaha and possesses greater ad vantages In each of the above particulars. Will you accept the. challenger' "WMI 1." said Mayor Dahlman. after he had read th challenge. "You bet I will. It seems as If Memphis has singled us out. Now we will give, them a chance. They aMci-( these things. It's easy enough to aswert, hilt proving them Is another thins .o hrre't .Mayor Crump's chance." Turning to his desk, Mayor, Dahlman dic tsted the following telegram; "Telegram received and accepted. More over, we will gtve you the privilege of naming all conditions." "That ought to hold these touthtrnets fni a time," said May Dahlman, as he made ready to receive the Lilliputian vis- : llOIB. ' ' ... ' Ma Moon Also Accept. The deft hurlet at Dr. Davidson wa! along the aame lines as that received by Mayor Dal.lnian und Chief Donahue, tu perthtndent ' Davidson's acceptance will hold Wharton S. Jones, acting eupeiln tendent of Memphis. Here Is what Dr. Davidson dispatched over the wire: My Dear Mr.- Jones: The city of Omaha hereby accept a your challenge, acknowl edges your greeting and congratulates tue iny of Memphis upon the splendid educa tional giowui und lmpioemnt of the laJt tn ytars. Utnaha. as the proud metropolis of Ne braska, which for ton years has held the Held undisputed as the stale having the lowest pai centaga of Illiteracy within its borders, can well Iny claim to the face liiat' It Is the mosi mtcll.gent city In the American union today. And so we beg to remind you of that whicn your ftlendly 1; reeling o Ji.sily Implies that Omaha edu cationally leads (tie world. Her teaching force is unexcelled In scholarship and pro fedrtKUial. hjiflt. In ni.ral pin pose and lulty hulls tier boys and gins a.e at ihj I cry Irutrt, Voiding high (he banner of an , Ideal clt.iienehip. Her srhool bullolng.i are j unnui passed. Her classic lilgu school on I top u Capitol hill Is mid by experts to be , tlia finest IiIkIi school building In the laud. H c icjolt'e that Memphis has all the wullo been Inspired and uplifted by our exnmple. , caiii-lng lier to climb more rapidly the lad- uer o ethical tonal progress, i Knowing the members of your leaching I start' as I do, 1 pay each and all of them I hlRh tribute, and congratulate you upon I the fact that they are imbued with what is knowu throughout the nation as (lie I "Omuha spirit," (living you a teaching ) force of which Memphis may be proud. I In returning your greetinga we of the I Omalio schools, teachers and chlldrt-n I alike, wish you a happy New Year and ! xpics Hie hop that tne next ten years may bring you even more happiness and a still larger growth In Influence and power than that which vou now celebiate. Wl l.l.l AM M DAV lo.-JO.V. Kupcrlntendrnt Instruction Omaha fubllo schools. i ISi mi i.mi & -3 anil Mir.iiMIM. whim im n iw imwmm Msteh ha Brery Day for Big" Bargain Speolaia Special Bargains for Tuesday r GREAT JANUARY SALE Wide Sheetings, Cambrics, Muslins We advlst every housekeeper In Omaha and vicinity to buy here where prices are lowest. Note the January gale prices on Pequot and extra wide Sheetliisa: 10-4 width bleached IHIca or Pe quot Sheeting, 37 Vic value, at, per yard 30 9-4 width Bleached Utlca or Pe quot Sheeting, 35c value, at, per yard 2S 8-4 width bleached L'tlca or Pe quot Sheeting, 32c value, at, per ard 25 7- 4 width bleached L'tlca or Pe quot Sheeting, 30c value, at, per yard 22 Low Prices on Wide Fruit of the liOotn sheeting. 8- 4 width bleached Fruit of the Loom Sheeting, 36c value, at. per yard 20 9- 4 width bleached Fruit of the Loom 8heetlng, 374c value, at, per yard 25 To avoid delay In being waited upon we will place the Fruit of the Loom Sheeting on special ta bles, with extra salespeople. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 6-4 width bleached Utlca or Pe quot Sheeting, 27c value, ..20 4,r-lnch wide bleached Utlca or Pe quot' Sheeting, 22c value.. 17J 4 2-lhch wide bleached Utlca or Pe quot Sheeting, 20c value.. 15 10-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, yard . .27? 9-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, yard..25t? 8-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, yard . -23 TWO SPECIALS Bleached Foxcroft Sheeting, better than Aurora, at, per yard 215 Blenched pallas Sheting, 'J2c value, will go at, tier yard ..18c Ask for the regular 10c Blue Grass Cambric, at Genuine Lonsdale Cambric This is regular 15c value. . 6c yard 10c All the one-yard wide firmly woven, soft finish bleached muslin Lonsdale, Fruit of the Loom, Hope and Langdon, together with all our famoiiB soft finished well-known brands, during January at 5S GS If' 8S 9 and 10 a yard should interest every housekeeper, hotel, restaurant, etc. Now is the time to lay In a supply. AMERICAN MONEY KEEPS THE PACE IN MEXICO t lnritr Prevent Hevolsjtloii and ! strut-live Outbreaks, Says Los , Anaelea Man. "If It were 'not for tho American In vestors , In Mexico, their niltfht bs a war In that .country." said Hugh IX Kvana of 1-rfis Angeles, who registered at the Ilen shaw hotel Monday. The Dos Angeles man added that there Is no revolution or war like, disturbance in the southern country. lie, declared., though, that political Jeal ousies Mnd past injustices against the lower cluMics of Mexicans had caused many Hi is lit attempts at revolution, and probably would have caused many violent dlxturb anceH, Jf It liad not been for the Amer icans. , "American capital l flooding the tfpani.sh American nation," lie said. "Tho northern capitalists have, control of nearly all the KM at resources of Mtixlco, and. therefore, I they exrrt a great power toward preserv ing the peace of the country. Mexican politicians - and officiate of that country reconDz tbfc sower of tho United States, therefore, and are extremely cautious axalnxt canning any sort of dlnruptlon. For the moat PaU. Jho country Is well toverned and very peaceful," 22c 45-lnch wide At lantic Pillow Tub ing January sale price Tuesday, base ment, at, yard . . . . 15c Soft finished bleach ed muslin and cam bric, one yard wide, perfect mill lengths that are 10c val. baseiu't. . DL 40-inch lawns and fancy white goods. In mill lengths, val- "ue to 25c yard- Jan, sale price basement, yd . 5c Specials inur January Sale of Linens $3.50 all pure linen pattern cloths. 72x 1 OS, extra heavy weight, will go on sale each . .$1.08 5c Knit Wash Cloths, large size, at, each lr 50c Embroidered Scarfs and Lunch Cloths, will go at. " 1,000 -yards of best grade' mo r c e r iz ed table damask, In mill lengths, worth to 50c yard, at, yd. . . 23 19c Cream Turkish ing, extra wide and heavy, at, yard All pure linen table damask, full bleach ed,' 70 Inches wide regular 75c grado will go on sale at, per yard 49 Towel - verv iiv 10c lluck Towels, red bor ders, large size, each .5o Brandeis Stores TUESDAY'S SPECIALS IN OUR GREAT JANUARY SALE Muslin Underwear This Is the most extraordinary sale of muslin underwear that was ever held in Omaha. The varieties are greater," the Kroiips are larger and the bargains are most tvondei-rul than we ever offered in a sale In Omaha. FROM HOSPITAL BACK 'TO JAIL, CHARGE PENDS Herman ml Hecovrrs from Woupil ; KrrelteU from Una linn In Opponent's llaaa. ' ' 1 1 A l of indvder In the event of dcatli of his vlrtim awaits Herman hnillh, who was taken back to the city Jail this nioin lnw from Ht. Joseph's hospital. Smith ennaitcd in an altercation with John Martin, a negro, over a debt of H He fired on Martin. The wounded man, shot through the breast, perhaps fatally, n rested aay tho gun and returned fire, dcunlna Hmlth. . Martin la now la serious condition at St. Joseph's hospital. ' Smith has recovered sufficiently to be held In Jail to await Uu t Upptni-nts " 1 1 1 AIW;B-il0. T. iXe.a II wm; Slipover Night (Jowns, in walking lengths, skirts, umbrella drawers- luce and enilnoidery trimmed corset covers combination undergarments -a wonuenui nargam ol- ir IdC STRIKE OF SHORT DURATION fering at Kmpire and Kimono Night downs, many in extra sizes skirt length and long chemises; white petticoats, two-piece combination undergarments, etc. most ex- 1 g. Iraordinary bargain group for 'iKi Tuesday, at vOj Night Gowns and Chemises, with French em broidered yokes, full shaped sleeves white petticoats with wide lace and Insertion flounce combination garments, pmm some of the greatest values ever f0 offered in Omaha, at . I'nderniu&lins, $1.30 Night Gowns bell sleeved or fitted chemises combination' suits, corset cover and skirt or cor set cover and drawers, In one piece also petticoats, drawers, etc., at $139 1 One Itig lit cif line I'lincess Klips Era broidery lace trim med and inserted: many very elaborate creations, very fash ionable and worth, 31.08 Ires Workers I sins I'arlfle lleaa iinsrters strike Katardar aatl 111 Hrtsrs Turadai. ; Forty-eight Ironwork rs, whuse labors liaxe twen building the (treat structure of ; the 'new I nlon Hscific headuarters at : Klfte-nlli and Dodge streets, went on strike Saturday evening and settled their : little grievance Monday. They will return to ork Tuesday morning. It was an nouhcrd. 1 The shortest strike that has been mad I In Omaha fur years. In the walkout of the ironworkei s. uaa due to the discharge of one man. When it at learned tutuidy Hist a man had been summarily ordered i off the work tho Ironworkers Immediately I uncled . iliemselvcs Into the strike. A consullalion Monday between Superintend ent J. '. Moellei slid I'. K. Tainter, aec nmvy of the Ironworkers' union, rtsullcJ In a uuick t ttlt-mcnt of the trouble. It wus decided the limn who had been dis ('limited ufftrid that experience through kiirflclvnt cauNe. and at ranaements to cet .11 i.. fi,.r i-. k t.. wrk .... n.-,i. cheaper than one t.. . U i... ... ..- I Ostroni. clera of liiiuifuiMirij . i uric y m m n u ut in tii woik on tii building Night (towns of Mus lin and Cambric Kmbroidery, lace trimmed and tucked many different Btyles to seilect from regularly worth 75c, special at 39 Combination Under muslin Beautiful effects, corset cover and skirt of corset cover and drawers to match, in ono garment, at 92.50 to $io 0 BRANDEIS STORES RV--BR -- mum .... mmmmm - I j Some Big Events From Our Trade Calendar ' Friday, January 13th Big Dinnerware Sale. if Saturday, January 14th Sale of Books de Luxe and 4 I' i 1 1 i 9 i i h is fi I u B I 1 H B i-- B B I i B. B i B B i B :b Standard Volumes. ! Sale f Shoes Men's and Women's. , Sale of Men's Shirts, TiWIX 1 I j M u ALL THIS WEEK The ureal Sale Feature of Our Annuil January White Carnital Sale) wixi. 11 aw xiroaaroxra ax.b or bbavtitvi. yNDERIVIUSLIINIS 'These garments are of tha very finest quality and the prices are so low that you'll flnt every farment a genuine bargain. TABLE HO. 1 All the Corset Covers and Drawers that show soil from handling, regular 26c and SBc garments this sale, your choice 15c TASI.X HO. 1 All the Gowns. Corset Covers and Drawers that are slightly mussed from ha idling gmtrents that sell regularly at $1.25 to $l.t0 this sale "90 TAB LB "WO. 3 All the flcwns, Combination Skirt, Corset Cover and Draw ers, slightly mussed $10(1 and 11.20 garments this sale at tto TABLE HO. 4 All the fic.wns. Skirts and Combinations Just slightly mussed from handling garments that ell regularly at 11.25 to $1.60 thi ale 999 TABLE HO. B All the Gtwns, Combination Skirts and Drawers, regular tl.7s.and $2.00 garments this eala at B1.00 TABLE HO. All the Gowns, Combinations Skirts. White and Colored Princess Slips that regularly aold at 2.2fa, I2.B0, $2.76, $3.00 and $3.50. regardless of value, thla rale, at 11.78 TABLE HO. 7 All the berutlful downs, Combinations and Skirts, slightly mussed from handling. Our regular $3.60, $3.75. $4.5J and $5.00 garments; this great sale at . . 8.80 BIO WHITE WAIST SALE On Lot Our regular $4.00 I.ln- . On Lot gerle Waists, made In beautiful batiste, with exquisitely em broidered front, slightly wrinkled choice, this sale, at $2.60 Beautiful Lingerie Waists, with yoke of charming lace, our regular $3.50 and $4.00 whIsIk, Just a little 'mussed big cleun-up sale Tuesday, choice at 12-80 B i 4 ! B1 9 .! i I a B Annual January Clearing Sale of All Our Beautiful Imported & Domestic Embroideries This Is one of the greatest sale events of our lll trade calendar. ThouSHnds of yards of the very finest embroidery possible to buy, placed on sale "i -prices far below their standard value. A glance at the crowds that gathered about these goods this morning would prove that he values offered were no ordinary sale savings. A glance at these prices will convince you that an eurly visit Tuesday will be necensary. Cambric and Swiss Kdglng and Insertions, 2 to 7 Inches wide, values to 10c, Tuesday, per yard, at Bo 10.000 yards of all .Inen Torchon iJice and Insertion, 2 to 5 Inches wide. values to 120 per yard, this sale at 30 24-lnch Allovers and 4i-inch Swiss flouncing; plenty of small and larue designs regular $1.25 values, this sale, at 490 One table full of 18-Inch Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroidery, Swiss and Cambric 40c values, Tuesday, for only ; 19o Full white Venice I.ace and Insertion, 2H to 4 inches wide regular 25c value thla sale, at, only 10c Annual January Ladies' Winter Apparel Sale Is tho Biggest Sensation of All BIG CLEARANCE SALES Hundreds of the best dressed women of Omaha are taking advantage of, the big reductions In our entire alock of hand tailored garments. II you haven't been here already, ak your neighbor who has. Greater valuus and more beautiful garments never have been offered before In the entire middle-west. Note the scale of reductions. All our Cloth Suits, e-olored or black, values to $r0.00. now at.. All our CtoTh Coats,"colored or blacks, values to $46.00, now at.. All our Vervet Suits, values tip to $36.00, now at All our VeUet Dresses, values up to $35.00, now at ?. . . All our Coffoy P ur Tats this great sale at All our I'Ofly Fur Coats this great sale at All Velvetiaod Cordiiroy Suits, values from $45 to $85 ... . 819.50 . 119.60 . 119.60 . $19.50 U orr V off H VTT a d B Our Annual January Linen and Bedding Sale Wil Aid You Materially in the Year's Savings FECIAL X.IHXH PKIOEB FOB TUESDAT 60-Inch Bleached mercerized Table Damask.1 ' beautiful designs and o.uallty-' our regular 6oc grade for 30 8xl Bleached Damask Pattern Ta ble Cloths, stunning designs aud quality our best $6.50 values, this saIs at . . . $4.88 Big specials all week on Fancy Linen Pieced. Towels, Napkins, etc. W11K BBDDXHO OF TXB BEBT QUALITY FBICBD TEBT LOW 45-Inch Bleached Pfllow Cases, re markahle wearing quality, our best 16c values, per yard, Tuesday lflVsO Blankets, In full bed aires, either tan or array, extra weight, no bet ter blankets anywhere at $1.25 special for Tuesday 980 HALF PRICE SALE CONTINUED AL OtTS HAHO-TAILOX.ED MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS Values $10.00 to $40.00, now at $5.00 to $80.00 All Alterations Free . Tsmrmmmmi m .mm: mm b .Kiiarti: !" HirB"'' a a i B I a B B I b i1 b B B 1 i B B B B 1 !i r I I: i B B B i Depends on County for Aid, Takes Wife Man Who Cannot Care for Himself' Now Atks for Help for Two. -a r Reliable Dontistry MfV TalTs Dental RomisI! These Prices hold good Tuesday and Wednesday, and should "gety your business" You'll Average 25 Saving! I m m w m V B si lUOAB 20 lbs. Granulated u- 'I'ues. and Wed. for 980 OAF 10 bars of good Laundry Tues. and Wed for B5o OAF Five cakes of "Ivory'" Suap Tues. and Wed. for.... .190 FBABLIHB The regular tc sue I'earline goen at 3o ITA1CH 6 lbs. of the beat bulk Laundry Starch for B3o OTJFB 1-lb. cans of assorted Canned Soups at. can 80 BAKED B B A H "Campbell's," 2-lb. cns; at, per can 0 BEAK 2-lb. cans of Wax, tSreen or l.lma Beans; at, can 7ViO FEAB8 tlenulne eastern "llart- leti s"; dosen, $2; or can.... 190 FBACHE1 California freestgues; tiox cuuh $2.5; or can 190 FIHEAFFLEl30c elm of Iliwii- i.m Hineuiiples go el. per can. 82c FOTATOES Colorado Potatoes: at, per bushel 86c OLITES-Kilm iiulity C'ueeu olives, 40c size bottle, for. . . .85c TOMATOES i:xira quality: dor. - mas, $1.10; or, per can 10Q SWEET OOKH Extra quality; at dns. cans, $1.10; or per can...lOo B.AISXHI and CVBBAHTS Fin est, to go at 2 pkgs. fur 2So QUAKES OATS For Tues. and Wed., 1 pkgs for l8o BEAKS-New Navy Beans, Tues. a ik Wed. at, per lb Bo BEAHB New Lima Heiins, Tues. and Wed. at, per lb V0 HAUT Special sugar cured Hams at, per lb 180 BAOOH Special sugar cured lean Macon at, per lb fi8V,o LARD No. 1 Leaf l.ard, Tues. and Wed. at, per lb 1BV0 STEAKS Porterhouse Hteaks Tues. ul.il Wed, per lb 18c STEAKS 8lrlnin Steaks Tues. und Wed., per lb 15o COBH BEEF No. 1 Corn Beef t. per lb 80 LAMB STEW Tues. snd Wed. St. ier lb 8o LEG MUTTOB Tues. and Wed at. pei- lb lBVsO Speediest of Delivery Service to All Ftrta of tbe City. E. Welch, Grocer Phone Doug. 1544 2235 TPr rlnn 2237 a amain Ul,. Ke j Morj end Better Bargains Tuesday if . r-r. tMt Your Time Noiv to Buy a Suit or Overcoat n U n I l ft t U A B I f- STOWE. . J usiin Underwear and Corset Bargains For Tuesday's Selling ladies' ."0e Lat'o and Lm broidory trinnncil Corbet Covers; special for Tuesday nt three for 50c Ladies' (.owns, Skirls and Combination Suits, worth $1.50, at ...49t" Ladiea' (iowtis. Skirts, Coui bination and Cliomise, laee and embroidery trimmed worth up to $2.50, nt. .9So Ladies' fine Lace and Embroidered Flannel Skirts, worth up to $6. at 92.08 nd 81.08 Broken lots ot high grade CorseiB worth up to 3.60, special price v '.)8 Odds and ends of Corsets, worth up to 12.50, special price. . 19 Spit ' V . .1-t rcr , .i v-to Children's Gowns, lace and em broidery yokes, regular 60c qual ity, at . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .230 Children's Muslin Drawers, hem stitched and tucked ruffles, reg ular 26c quality, at 100 Grand Dress Trimming Sale Tuesday we place on sale a big lot of high grade fancy Dress Trimmings; regular prices 50e, 75c, $1.00 And' $1.25 per yard; grand special sale price Tuesday only, per yard, 20c This line represents all kinds of bands, galoonsedges, medallions, etc., in Persian, chiffon, gold thread and fancy nets. Do not miss this sale Tuesday morning. Ladies' Suit Dept. "Ve have several striking bargains for Tuesday's sell ing. Here are eight specials: Flannelette House Dresses, worth $1.00; Tuesday. . .GOO $1.25 Dressing Sacques, worth everywhere $1.25; Tuesday at .,...G9c G'enuiue Heatherbloom Underskirts, regular. $2.50 value Tuesday v 79c Children's Capes, regular retail price $5.00; Tuesday $1.95 Ladies' Dress Skirts, $10.00 values; Tuesday $4.95 Ladies' and Misses' Coats, regular $15.00 values; Tuesday at .........$5.95 One lot of Ladies' Coats, not one worth less than $25.00 Tuesday . . '. $8.90 Ladies' Sweaters All colors, go in this sale at Just Half Price. ' Extra Specials for Tuesday Brown Crash, worth 7c at 2V-C Huck Towels, worth I0c.5c Bath Towels, worth 12 "sc at 7V2C Unbleached Sheetings, worth 7V2C,' at 5c Bleached Sheeting, worth 10c, at 7V&C 10c Dress Ginghams 5c 121lc Dress Ginghams 7M.C 25c White Goods, large vari ety .....10e 15c India Linen . . . . . . ,10c 15c Long Cloths ...... 10c Read Ihphn'j Mammoth Grocery iz.e for Tues day 25 ta 50 Saved is That Much Earned 20 lbs. Best Urunulatert Sugar . ,SSo iO lbs. ltest Kulled Breakfast Ooat- mal 25c 10 lbs. Best Whits or Yellow Corn- tneal 16c 6 lbs. Oood Japan Hire 19c 6 lbs. Best Hand ricked Navy Beans, at 23c 48-lb. narks Best lllirh Patent Flour, every sack guarunteed to tflve ttie heist results or your money re funded, per sack 11.20 9 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All 8oap 25c Grape-Nuts, pkr 10c E-C Corn Klakes.' pks; IHo The best Boda or Oyster Crackers, per pound - (He Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per package 7 He 1- lb. cans Assorted Houps 7 He 2- lb. cans Fancy Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 7 He 3- lb. cans Fancy California Apricots, at 'Bo The Best Tea Sittings, 1 lbs. for.. 25c OOITT FORClTf TRY IIAYDED'S FWST" 9T-m m s I 3-lb. cans Uoldcn Pumpkin, Hominy, 8qua4.i or Haknrl Beans .H'c Fancy Golden Rantos Coffee. Ib..a0o B attar, Bnttarln and Clieeaa Bale Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb..2So Fancy No. 1 Country Creiimery But ter, lb ... 27q Fancy No. I Dairy Butter, lb ....25o 2 lbs good Butterlne .'... 25o Fancy, Full Cream, Whlta or "Colored Cheese, per lb 20o Fsncy Full Cream Y. A. Cheese, lb 20o Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese.. IDo Wad yah Brand Highland Kavsls tha Finest rroduotlon of CaUfornla There are none "Just aa good." Per dozen 1 5c. 20o, 25e. 80c Regular price .....25c. 26c, 40o, 50o 89 to 100 r Oeat Screa by Tradlnf at Haydaa'a for Vresh TtgetabUs. S heads fresh Hothouse Let tin p.. 6c 2 bunches fresh - Hothouse Radishes for fin 1-lb. box Fresh Hothouse Mushrooms for 35o F'ancy Cauliflower, lb 7 Ho "T TMS rtt a ASMS Hotel Loyal Opposite tha Post Office ' OMAHA Fire-Proof European HATES Roost without Bsth. SI.M aa4 tlM With Bath 81M aad xciici lor Tired Feet Your fatigue of feet, ankles, llmba and beck la simply due to the weakening of tbe muacles that . support tbe under side of tbe foot and 'fiDBCSaSS Fallacy of the bromldlon. "Two can live aald he had a wife to fed and also a was proven to Henry the Board of County as a ahortase in the I v '""" - ' "" supply of iron would l.axe made a c..,. I eaanoer joi.nson. caraiog, ,,reei. an- nouni.ro in in.ins. ..... win (..nt miiq t!on nrcRsary anyway. Babies airaaalr by croup.' coughs nr culds are Instantly re lieved aud ciulckly cured with I r. Kint'i New lilM-ovcty. ouu and 1 00. For sale by liloa l'tJ O asked of the couuly additional ammunition with, which to kevp tbe wolf from his door. During tha winter Johnson has been tiven aid several times. Heretofore he lias ai"kvj help only for himself. salng that hi. wife was dead and he LH.d aloue. Monday he baby. When Mr, tiatrom expressed sur prise Johnsdi iiave the following explana 'llon: "Since my wife died 1 haten't had any one but n.yyelf t i lojk after; but a little while ano the wife of a tuan I used to . work for on a farm hs'a dead no i tu me and sam, i am t going to let you i . '-, , ... . j - . stay here all alone. 1 in aolng to com. and atld The UCC 5 SUpCriOrit? Will DC CLC 1710713 tV Cited., I lake care of ). bo tha tame and we sol I uiarriea. had a little baby, tow." Kii'iiAi'niii' r""1"'-"1- "f u hus.-iilim.i Mi- mi, ww.LL-i-l. i COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. I Measure The Dee against other local papers in i respect of quality as well as quantity of timely 1 news and interesting articles from day to day Beautiful Teeth There are but few people who have .hem Uo-il lentil ery one inlpnt Imn :l they would J to Dr. Brad bury. The iiulckest easiest 'and least painful r. the "iny methods employed by in sua hundreus of our patier.ls. both lu anil out of the It. will gladly tell ycu aboal Ilia good dental work and our tip-to-Uiils ways of doing things. I 'row ns snd bridge wirk from 14.00 per tooth. Plates thsi fit fiom 4.U0 to I2.60. Polnles. extruc tlcn of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurting you Work warranted ten years DR. BfiADBUlY, THE DEMIST IT year aauie locatloa. liO rarnsm at. beaa 9. 1788 1JS,TO.NIGIIT will prevent lliHt fatigue and quickly relieve and permanent! correct whatever foot (rouble you , niay have by relieving the strain' on tbe weakened muscles and ar resting thni to do their work. The scientific Heel Base is built to extend beyond the point of greatest prebsure of tbe weight of the body on the arch of (he foot. But this Is only one feature. Come In and let us show you how tbe scientific construction provides the only positive means for avoiding or permanently re lieving foot trouble. We have your - exact size. DREXEL 1410 Farnam Street