Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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nra bee: omatia, Tuesday, January 10. 1011.
Wheat Showi Another Advance After
the Opening.
tlaht Offerlaa-s on the Oaenlna; Find
Ready Taker nm the TtkfK Mar
ket Nfm from Vn-ern-tested
OMAHA. Jan. 9. 1911.
"IVheat scored anotber advsnce Imme
diately after the opening as the result of
firm cable and very light receipts. Firm
the disposition to work on the buying aide
I'revlous bearish Influences have appar
ently been discounted and the trade la
ready to act on any supiwirtlng newa.
In corn aa In wheat, the trade la In
clined to the bull aide.
Liverpool la strong and Argentina newa
la expected to help th advance. The pre
vloua heavy rlae has been cared for and
ranh valuea are higher, giving good tone
to the market.
Light offerings on the opening found
ready takers on the wheat market. Newa
from the unprotected winter wh-nt during
the recent cold anap aaya severe damage
was done. Millers were good buyera of
the cash article and cash prices were
atrong at ic advance.
Corn valuea advanced with wheat and j
light offerings mud It easy selling for
early buyers. Receipts are not heavy and
sharp advances In cash market glvea
strength to all deliveries. Cash rales were
reported atrong at ldlc higher.
Trimary wheat receipts were S"flonn bu.
and shipments were lOO.ono bu against re
ceipts last year of 7:0.000 bu. and ship
ments of 137,000 bu.
Primary, corn receipts were 762,000 bu. and
shipments were KX2.000 bu., against receipts
last year of &46.0OO bu. and shipments of
lraS.OOO bu.
Clearances were 194.00ft bu. of corn, 4.010
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
ISH.OuO bu.
Uvfirpool closed HKMrd higher on wheat
and uild higher on oorn.
Oniaka Casta Prwn,
WHKAT No. 2 hard. 92Vo!7tie; No. 3
hard. iW!4Vq; No. 4 hard, ftv&IMc; rejected
hard. 7oVn03o; No. 2 spring, imyiittGVic; No.
I spring, ttoVflflfco.
CORN No. 2 white, 41Vl42c; No. 3 white,
4IV41c: No. 4 white, 40,if411c: No. 3
coloT. 4l4mct No. 2 yellow, 41V'a42o: No.
3 yellcw. 41'041'c; No. 4 yellow, 40Hlft41c;
No. 2. 41W641c; No. 3, 4irg41Vc; No. 4,
4V(l 404c. . ...
)ATS-No. 2 white, sivptttte: No. I
white, Slfm'ic; No. 4 white. 30V'ij OOHc ; No.
I yellow, 3Va31e; No. 4 yellow, 30MiiViC
HAKLKY No. 3. iiastjc; No. 4, 7tS81c;
No. 1 feed, irg70c; rejected, 5fo61c.
HVK No. 2. 7fcVff79Hc; No. 3, 77,4'ra7BVc.
The following cash Males were reported:
WHKAT No. 2 hard: 1 car, B&'vc: 4 cars,
6'c. No. 4 hard: 2 oars (smutty), 92c. Re
jected: 1 car, tfttc; 1 car, 8Sc. No grade: 1
car (rye mixed), 78c; No. 3 mixed: 1 car,
CORN No. 3 white: 6 cars, 41ic; 6 cars,
41'c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4Hc; No. 3 color:
3 cars, 41Vc; No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 42c; No.
I yellow: 4 cars, 4l4c; 2 cara, 41'c.; No. 4
yellow: 12 cars, 41c; 1 car, 40Vc; No. 3
mixed: 2 cara, 414c: 6 cars, 41'c; 3 cars, 41c;
No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, 404c.
OATH No. 2 white: 3' cars, 31',ic; ( cars,
Wo: No. 4 white: 6 cars, 304c; 2 cars, 3oc;
I car (barley mixed. SOc; No. 3 yellow:
I car, 81c; No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 30Vfcc; 1 car,
30V-; 2 cara, 30c; no grade, 1 car, 294c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 22 249 138
Minneapolis 293
Otnal.a !.... 67 73 34
Liuluth ..33
Keatare of th Tradlnar aad Opsin
Prleea on Board of Trade.
CHICAOO, Jan. 9.-Crop damage reports
from Oklahoma, Kanfus, Missouri formed a
whip to lash wheat prices upward. The
rlose was at a net advance of Mftte to
&lo. Latest figures for corn showed a
gain of WitSkv to Ho over Saturday night;
oats had rlnen aO to Wic, and pro
visions were Irregular, varying from 2c
decline to lOo Increase In cost.
According to one authority, the secret
of the .hot campaign by the bull leaders
In wheat, w as an effort to establish a level
where large holdings could be unloaded
at a handsome profit. Smaller primary
receipts helped turn the trade In general
to the buying side. In addition, aggres
sive support by the promoters of higher
prleea became so apparent that specula
tors who ordinarily take the bear position
were plainly Intimidated. A fulling off
In the visible supply came as a timely
aid to the bulla and there was a similar
effect from the diminished total of the
supplies on ocean pastfuge. There were
two strong swells to the market during
the session, each followed by a moderate
reaction, but the closing tone was firm.
Maty ranged from JUvVi to- JI.01Vtfl.02
with last sales Valo up at 1101.
Hedging Hales of prodigious amounts pre
vented a sharp advance In corn from
proving permanent. The May prices, never
theless went at.Ove , Goo a bush.- ...i
stayed. Way fluctuated between 47ftWiC,
closing Vii-c net higher at Mti.W-ic.
The cash market was firm; No. 2 yellow
finished - at 47W47M:C.
Producers of oats, especially those In
Iowa, cut loose In earnest with selling or
Gera on an advance a-iorlhed to sympathy
with strength In other grain. May touched
aa low and lilh points Sc and 3o,c,
closing at 34vu&c, which was Wh
above Saturday a latest figures. Liberal
offerings from longs proved the final In
fluence In hog products, offsetting bull
ish feeling from other pits. The outcome
left pork and lard 2 4c off to 24c up, and
lard 240 down to lOo advance.
Closing quotations were as follows:
Artioles.l Open. Higli. Low. Close.) Eat y.
V lieal I
71 7 j 7Vii
I 02 I 1 0041 1 01,
1 0DV,
1 00
V.OU1 i
May 49Mr60l
49!;fi0HjWH.I 49
fcOi 604 504"j S
614! 61S,61V. '
Hv'34VoSit 34 V,
1 I
July I a0V'
bept, J , , eiVsl
Cam 1 ,
, "41
I 50 25 j
I 13 16 j
20 424 80 2241 20 274: 29 30
i at 1 19 ib j 19 224) 10 20
JO 05 I 10 724! 10 624; 1 I 10 70
10 274! W 40 I 10 274: lo S-4
v r 1 1 I
10 75 I 10 78 I 10 7lj 10 T4 10 70
10 10 I 10 22'; 10 U74 10 124 10 L"i
iu w;i iu iJ 1 iu VJ4 IJ 10 .,
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLoLRi-Flrro. One mill sold l.ouo sacks
for exiort.
RV E No. 2. 82o.
HA RLE Y Feed or mixing, 6&276c; fair
to choice malting, lsaic. .
8EEOS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, $2 94;
No. 1 northwestern, $2.52; timothy, $w,00;
clover. $16.00.
PROVISIONS Mesa Pork, per bbl.. $.0 26
j2o 874; lard, per loo lbs , 1 10. bo, short ribs,
-sides (loose), $10 lJ4v lo 1S24; short clear
Bides (bextdl, $ltl.75j II u).
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 19.(Xt bu. Prunury receipts were
6b. ,u0u bu., compared with TjO.uoO bu. the
correponuing day a year ago. The visible
supply of wheal In the United States de
creased 2.0u) bu. The amount of bread
stuff on ocean passage decreased l,H4.txl0
du. r.aiimaiea receipts lor tomorrow:
. wheal, at vara; corn, 4u cars
cars; hoKS. 40.000 head.
Provisions, influenced by weakness of
bogs, opened eitsy. but recovered in sym
pathy with grain. First aalea were the
same as Saturday night to bo off, with
lay options at $19 16 for pork, $10 274 for
lard atid lltt.10 for ribs.
Ul'TTEK W eatt, creameries, 214jSk:;
dairies. l'0?4c.
EtlOS steady, receipts, 3.407 cases; at
rial k. casea included, 194i(224c; firsts, 3uc;
prime firsts. 32c.
CHEEtE-Steady; daisies, 15nl54c; twins
l;iil34c. young Americas. 15jl5vc; long
bonis, 14''Jl5c.
POTATO!.: steady: choice to fancy, 43411
5c: fair to good. Skj42c.
POULTRY- easy; turkeys, d ruled. Uc;
chickens, live. li-c; dressed, 14c, springs!
Ue IV, dressed, 14c.
VEAI-steady; 50 to sO-pound weights
$4c; 60 to !-pound weights, 104c; U lo lio
found weights, 114c.
Pro r la alar Wet.
PEORI A, Jan. -X)HN-Hlgher; No. 3
while, 45 4c; No. $ yellow and mixed, 45c;
No. 4 15 '-c; sample, 424c.
OATS Higher; No. I white, S3c; No 2
White, 324c .
Vlalbla gasplr af Grata.
NKW YORK. Jan. -The vlilhle sup
ply of grain In the United Stalea Satur
day, January 7. as compiled by the New
York Produce exchauge. waa as follows:
AVatat. 43.920, 0rf bu,; decrease, 3C2.UU) bu.
lii u.
Jan. May
" bu.; Increase. St, 04) bu. I
Q ant t Ions of the Par Vtrlmi
NKW YORK. Jan. KLOrn Steady:
spring patents. I5.2ia5 M; winter straights,
I42.Vu4.36; winter patents, $4 r,'n-.1; spring
clears. MIOiMIC; winter extra. 3 4a 3 70;
winter extras No. 2. 13 iv(i 3.40; Kansas
straights. 4 o74 TV Rve flour, ateady:
fair to good. $4 .114 S."; choice to fancy, $4.40
i4.45. lluckwheat Tour, dull; $2.25 per
l'JO pound
COUNVI kaL Steady: fine white and yel
low. l.a); coarse, ll.l.Va 1.20; kiln-dried,
WHEAT-Spot market firm; No. 2 red,
No. 1 northern. Imluth. ti.24V f. o. b.
afloat; futures market advanced to new
Ugh records for the movement on strength
in cash markets and further aggressive
special by bulls, cloflng N'rTnc net higher;
May. $1.05Va1.l; 9-lttc; closing at $1.0ft4;
July closed at 11.03V Receipts, 10,800 bu.;
shipments, none.
CORN Spot market firm; new No. 5.
IWiC, t. o. b.. afloat; futures market waa
without transactions, closing at c net ad
vance; May closed at BSVic; receipts, 103,500
bu.; shipments. 146.197 bu.
OATH Spot market firm; standard white,
3So; No. 2, 40c; No. 3. 39c; No. 4,
Futures market was without transactions.
closing Va;Sc net higher; May closed at
JO'ac; July closed at 40c; receipts, S5.4O0
HAY-Pteady; prime, $1.10. No. 1, tl.Kf
1074; No. 2. 95c'fl$1.00: No. 3, !c.
MoTs r'tim; common to choice, 1910.
20-sufic; iwori, MiVjc; Paclflo coast, 1910,
l.VccUc; 19ip. 12150.
HIIKS-rill; Central America. 21c;
Bogota. 22V 23c.
LKATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 234'ii;
2.14c; seconds, 214ir;2uf; tnlids, l:i'ti20c; re
JectK. WuVc.
PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess. $22.00
fi22..; family, J2.i.0io 24..VO; short clears,
$20.0OC22.UI. Uetf quiet; mess. $)3.0Ui-qj
1400 family, $IS.0WIi 18.M); beef hams, $26.60rrf.
27.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10
to 14 lbs., $13.2:Vftl4.(; pickled hams, $13.00.
Lard, firm; middle west, prime, $lo.85fj
10.95; refined, steady; continent, $11.40;
South America. $11.75; compound, $K.75fg9.0o.
TALLOW Wuiet; prime city, hhtls., 4c;
country, ril'q'ic.
HIITTKR Weak; creamery specials, 29c:
extras, 274c; third to first, 2l4i2ti4c; held
creamery, third to special, 2Hi2X4c; state
dairy, common to finest, 194i2lc; process,
stcond to special, 19'u24i:; Imitation cream
ery, first, 2i23c; factory, held, 22c; cur
rent make, 2('a21c.
CHKKSB Easy ; skims, 12iil24c
V.i ;(S Easy; western gathered, white,
3n'st39c; fresh gathered, extra first, 3ta37c;
flist, 34f(i:i5c; seconds, 3Ku3."c; fresh gath
ered, dirties. No. 1, 2iic; No. 2, 23ir24c; re
frigerator, first In local Htorane.. 24'g25c;
second, 23ff234c; special mark, fancv, 254c.
POl I.TRV Elrm; western chickens, 15i
154c; fowls, lfiiiilti4c; dressed, firm; west
ern chickens, 14ral7c; fowls, 14Q16C.
lasetlled Conditions Kprradlng Over
Whole of Northwest.
OMAHA, Jan. 9. 1911.
A barometric depression, with Its center
over the northern Rocky mountain plateau.
Is moving rapidly In over the northwest.
This disturbance shows unusual energy,
and Is now causing unsettled weather on
the Psclflc slope and throughout the north
west. It will continue eastward over the
valleys and will bring Increasing cloudiness
and unsettled weather over this vicinity
tonight and Tuesday. The depression Is
followed by a very decided drop In tem
perature In the extreme northwest Canadian
provipoes. and this fall in temperature will
probably reach tills vicinity by Wednesday.
Unsettled and stormy weather has pre
vailed over the lake region, Ohio valley and
eastern states since Saturday and violent
wind storms were general In the Ohio
valley and lake region during Sunday and
snows and high winds continue In the
upper Ohio valley and lower lake region
this morning. The weather will continue
cloudy and unsettled In this vicinity to
night and Tuesday and will be somewhat
warmer tonight.
13H. 1910. 1909. 190S.
lowest last night 8 T 23
Precipitation 00 T .00
Normal temperature for today, 20 degreea.
Peflclency In precipitation since March 1,
14.70 Inches.
Exccbs corresponding period 1910, 6.18
licflolencjr corresponding period 1909 6.66
Inches. L. A. WEISH.
Local Forecaster.
St. Loots General Market.
ST. LOTUS. Jan. 9. WHEAT Futures,
higher; May, tl.0l?a1.02; July. 9fNe. Cash,
higher: track. No. 2 red, $1,034; No. 2
haid. 98te$1.04.
CORN-Hlgher; May. 49C; July, 604c.
Cash, higher; track, No. 2, 4644c; No.
i white, 47c.
OATS-Hlgher; May. 344c; track. No. 2,
S3c;'No. 2 white, 344o.
KYK Nominal.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $4.40if?
4.90; extra fancy and straight, $4.004.40;
hard winter clears. $3.4flfti3.e0.
SEED Timothv, $5,004)9.60.
P1UN-Steady; sacked, east track, $1.05gi
HAY Firm; timothy, $!6.(XVffl9 60; prairie,
$13 (Ma 15.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing,
$20.25. I.ard. steady; prime steam, $10.4Ojj
10.50. Iry salt meats, higher; boxed extra
hurts, $11,124; clear ribs. $11,124; short
clears, $11.25. Racon, higher; boxed, extra
shorts, $11,124: clear ribs. $11,124; abort
clears, $11 25. Racon, higher; boxed, extra
shorts, $12.75, clear ribs, $12,374; short
clears. $12.50.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. 124c;
springs. 134(ol&c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 14c;
geese, 11c.
U UTTER Higher; creamery, 25ft29c.
EliUS Higher, at 274c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 1.400 11.300
Wheat, bu 73. on) Sx.Ooo
Corn, bu K8.000 30.000
Oats, bu 7S.0K) 41,000
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
98:'i!iNV; July, 0iiM: Cash, No. 1, 1
1c higher; No. 2 hard. 95AH.01: No. 3. 9o
1 99c; No. 2 red, $1.03-111.04; No. 3. $1.01itri 01.
CORN May, 4. ;; July. 494fj-l9i,c. Cash,
lc hiKher; No. 2 mixed. 444i444c; No. 3, 444
444c; No. 2 white. 44,u; No. 3. 44 lac
OATS Unchanged to W higher; No. I
white. 3241) 240; No. 2 mixed. 3132c.
RYE No. 2. 74&"c.
HAY Unchanged. Choice timothy, $14.00; choice prairie, $12 00.
ltUTTER Creamery, 2Sc; firsts, 26c; sec
ond. 23o; packing stock, l(k-.
EOU8 Extras, 30c; flrtta. 28c;
. 1 W heat, bu 99,00
Corn, bu 74.0H0
Oats, bu 12,000
Minneapolis Uralu Market.
$l.osMil.ost; May, $1.0SV Cash, No. 1
" j , t anil, io. I
$1 10; No. 1 norUiern. $1 0M4f 1 .0:14;
northern. $1.054'ol.l74; No. 3. $1.03.'i
No. 2
SEED Flax, $2 53.
CORN No. 3 yellow. 44c.
OATS No. $ white. 31ft314c
RYE No. 2, 7N4i794c.
KHAN In 100-lb. sucks, t-1 "Orti 21.50.
FIX l'R First patents, $4.9Vji 5.35; second
patents. $4HSm5 25; first clears, $3,354)3.75;
Second clears, $2.35'u2 95.
Philadelphia Prod are Market.
cent lower: extra western creamery.
oats, iat'oc; aa narby prints, S2c. ic tower; l'enns ivanla and other
nearby firsts, free cases. 35c at mark;
current receipts In returnable cases, 3So at
mark; webtern firats, free caes, 35c at
niarli : current receipts, free cases, 33c
at mark.
OH KESK-Rteady; New York full creams,
fancy, September, l.'ic; October, UW
lie; fair lo good, 14'u 144c.
I.ltrrpool Grain Market.
LI VF.RPK)L, Jan. .-WHEAT-twt,
firm; No. 2 red wesiern, winter. 7s 3d; fu
tures steady; Marcn, 7a lSd; May, 7s 2d.
CORN Spot easy. American mixed, new
4s 44d; American mixed, old. 5a 4d; fu
tures firm. Janusry, 4a bd; February
4s J"t; lay nominal. '
PEAS Canadian, firm: 7s d.
FIjOUR Winter patents, dull; 2-is 6d.
Milwaukee drulu Market.
MILWAUKEE. Jsn. 9. FI J"UR-Steady.
WHEAT No 1 northern. $1.I9 1.10; No.
2 northern; $1.07411.1: May, $1 Ol
OATS Standard. 31c.
BARLEY Samples. S2tiSc.
flnmks Har Market.
OMAHA. Jan. 9-HAY-No. 1. $10 uO: No
2. $9.u0: packing. $o.umi7.Ui; alfalfa. $12 uu
Straw: Wheal, $i0, rye. $rt.50; oats. $7.uo.
t:lsla Batter Market.
EIXJIN. Jan. .-HUTTER-8teady :
output. T4,4u) pounds.
All of the Better Known Securities
Touch Higher Level.
Realising; nles Canse Prices to Recede
bat Close Shows General Rains,
Althonah Belorr Illahest
NEW YORK Jan. 9 Absence of any
further complications In the local banking
situation was or material assistance to to
day's stock market. The conrted gnd
effectual methods employed by powerful
Interests to confine the trouble to Its source
were received with lively satisfaction in
stock exchange circles. 1'ractlcailv all of
the better known securities touched the
highest levels in some weeks, with concur
rent gains In the more obscure Issues.
Another favorable feature was the contin
uance on even a larger scale of the In
quiry for bonds. Total transactions of this
character were probably the largest of
many days.
Prices receded and the stock market
languished during the early afternoon
chiefly on further realizing for profits, but
the earlv activity wrh rniiDH in ka iu
hour, the closing showing general gams
but below the day's best prices.
Yet another contributing factor was tho
greater ease In money which opened at 4
i'" "rat ana soon declined fractionally on
offerings in excess of demand. lA)cal hanks
made large cash gains from the subtreas
ury over the week end and surface condi
tions point to steady gains from that
quarter with resultant strengthening of re
serves. ForelBn exchange was sllgbtlv
lower on offerings of cotton bills. Dis
counts abroad held first and the London
markets were dull and heavy.
Large volumes of traffic are being
handled at the important railway centers,
according to reports from the west and
southwest, hut some falling off Is shown
compared with the heaviest busine of the
previous month. Oraln receipts decreased
over 1.376.000 bushels at Chicago last week.
Traffic seems to be well diversified. Rail
roads east of Chicago showed an Increase
of 12 per rent In traffic
This week's meeting of the steel manu
facturers seemed to excite little Interest.
The December report of the Copper Pro
ducers association showed a decrease In
supplies on hand of over 8.000.0(H) pounds,
compared with the previous month, 'while
production was 44,0O0,000 pounds greater.
The domestic demand fell over 17.000.000
E,mJ?8, bl,t, exPort Increased almost 21.
OOO.OUO pounds.
The slight activity In Paclflo Mail was
associated with the introduction of a ship
subsidy bill In congres today, although the
proposed msHsure eliminates the drans
t ac flc lines and favors only those serving
South America.
$.l"4fi000 ere flrm' ToUI Sale8, Par valua
United States bonds unchanged.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
..... . hw- High. Low. Clone.
AiMs-CTiainiera pfd
Amalgamated CVnper l.sflo Vsi, (it l
Amerlian Axrlcultuml .... inn 7u 4 47
Ansrlran Beet 8usar J.foO 43 42 45
Ameriian Can 200 H't in aii
American c. f 1M f2; SJ
Amerlran Cotton Oil too 1IU 67 ml
American H. aV L. pfd 2.,
Am. Ice Securitlaa 100 iii'il "i ,5
Ameriian Unseed inn 111Z mi ,n7
American Locomotlva j.noo 4014 40
American B. Sr R u.4.10 76ii 7f.nt V:.t?
Am. s aV R. pfd inn 104S 104 lin
Am. Steel Foundries son 4;, 45 4-
Am. Sugar Refinlna : mu iw i
American T. & T l.soo U2 H14 1414
Amertran Tobacco pfd MO 4ai (,(1
American Woolen sua 324 Ji'i 31
Anaconda Mining Co. .,1
Atchison a no .nail 1 rVtal innu
Atchison pfd nn h,,ia i.Z,7
Atlantic Coaat Una inn unit li 11711
nai 1 mors & rla, l.oix) 107 1014 nv,,;
rlrr,klyn Rapid Tr'.".'.'.'.'..'.' 'o'lnVi 74 '75Ti 714
Canadian Paclfle ijno 19 19774
lentral Leather 1.000 3J 31 Slit
Central leather pfd 104
(ntral of New Jane?.... 100 i7(iu tidii S70
Chenapeak A Ohio 4,tio gju KS wa,
CJIcago A Allan 100 ,n s 2;J
ITllcago Oreat Viaatern 1,000 ia'l 2"
C O. W. pfd 600 At 4?,
iiiuiri N. w 400 113 14214 142
Colorado F. I O0 12 32 "4 It
Colorado ft Bnuthem lno Ra m taii
Conaolldated Oaa 1,300 14J 1404 140u
t orn Products too 144 14V4 1414
Delaware A Hudson.....'... 300 17 H7H lus
Ihnver & Rio Oranda ano so 2S4
t). R O. pfd 2no 70 m tt
Distillers' Becurltles too S414 34(4 s;ij
?rl 0 !8'4 in tvv
Kris 1t pfd TOO 4'i 4H4 4"4
Krla td pfd M0 36 Vs SB 35
General Electric ano lsn, 1M44
reat Northern pfd 1,4'W) 12llf 12534 12'i4
Oreat Northern Ore ctfs... Duo 6S M M
Illnola Central
100 134 134 134
00 20 lSi 1V4
l.OiO It, ti Ml,
S"0 1124 113 11114
X) 111 It If, 4
HOD 41 14 41 41
Interborough Met
Int. Met. pfd
livternational Harveeter .
Int. Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump
lowa central ...
Kansas Cltr Bo 1,000 33, 83Vi 33V.
K. '. so. pfd 100 (5 as gg
Lairleda Oaa 4.0110 uou, jnji ji0u
Uiuiavllla A NaahTllla 1,400 14N4 HF. 144 'j
.""" 01. 2n4j 3
M., 8t. P. A 8. 8. M ) 13At 134 134'4
K- T 400 334 33
M., K. A T. pfd ! ..... aa
Mluouii Pacific 300 43U 474 47U
National lllacult njij
National Lead , 300 M14 lleii 5r.
N. R. II. of M. Id pfd.... JflO 37(4 34
New York Central 1,400 112(4 HOV 110V
N. Y., O. A W 1.200 421, 42 414
Norfolk A Weatera lx 10314, 10IT4 luivi
North American too an 6H4
Northern Paclflo (,i0 11104-11114 nsv
Pacific Mall 400 cx4 24 28
PennayWanla ,8i0 124 1!(4 12M4
Peopla'a Uaa 100 10(i 106 jn
P.. C, C. & St. L j 7V4
Plttabum Coal jj
Preued gteel Car 300 33(4 81(4 81(4
Pullman Palace Car 159
Railway Stuel Bprlnf 300 3314 38 82
Reading l,Me 17(4 1654
Republic Steel Ant) 3714 324 M
Kepubltc Steal pfd 30 3314 9374 3;
Hock Ialand Co $.400 80 80(4 8O44
hock Inland Co. pfd imii
Bt. LAB. K. 2d pfd 100 40 394 89(4
8t. Louis 8 W . t5
81. L 8. W. pfd S.114
Bloa-8haffleld 8. A 1 49(4
Southern Pacific 1,800 117 lit 11. s '4
Southern Railway 7,10 3744 37 38
So. Railway pfd 1,800 6314 (344 (2(4
Tenneaaea Copper $.100 U St S.r4
Teaae A Pacific j,4
T., Bt. L A W 400 IV4 t34 U
T . Bt. L. A W. pfd 200 (34 WS (2(4
Inloo Pacific 11,(00 1764 17414 174(4
t'nlon Pacific pfd 300 93(4 9314 9314
t'nlled 8tatea Realty e(4
t'nlled Btatea Rubber too 37(4 J6 t&i
t'nlted Btatea Steel 113. 2m) 7:, '4 744 7l
II. 8. Steal pfd t ins 11HS 111 1174
t'tah (pper J .3im 874 4'4 4(
Va -Carolina Chemical .... 8.3O0 134 1:14 3(4
Wahaati 1" ifii, m u
Wabajh pfd 600 S(t4 15 84
Weatern Maryland (00 60(4 fto4 hit
Weailngliouaa Electric 44(4
Vteilern I nlon 1,100 7((4 744 74
Wheeling AL E lno ( ( 414
LehlKh Valley I8.8.10 1H(4 17Va 1W
Total aalea (or the day, (21.100 sharee.
London tKk Market.
LONDON, Jan. . Trading In American
securities was light during the forenoon,
but the tone was good, with prices ranging
from unchanged to Vtt above Saturuay'a
New York closing.
London closing stock Quotations:
Consols, money .. 7104L0UI8. dr Nash.,.14H
do account .... 7iC-Mo., Kan. & Tex. 34,
Amal. Copper .... tiTN. Y. Central li:(s
Anaconda 8'. Norfolk & West.loo
Atchison lO".1 do pfd J
do pfd 10S Ont. or Western.. 4.14
P.alt. & Ohio 11') Pennsylvania 66v,
Can. Pacific 2o3Reading 80't
Chesa. A Ohio... MfRand Mines s
Chi. tit. Western. ri';8o. Railway 2H
Chi., Mil. A Hi. P.12S do pfd K5
le liecrs l8HSo. Pacific ViO
Denver & Rio Q. 30-4L'nlon Pacific . .171 V
do pfd 71H do pfd M
Erie W U. S. 8teel 77';
do 1st pfd 4 do pfd Vll
do id pfd 37 Wabaxh 17
Grand Trunk .... 24l4 do pfd &
Illinois Central . lis Spanish 4a 90
KILVKR Har. ateady at d per ounce.
MONKY aVdS per cent.
The rate ef discount in the open market
for short bills Is 3'- per cent; for three
months' bills, 3 SMtigSS per cent.
New York MIbIuu; Stoeka.
NEW YORK. Jan. S Closing quotations
on mining slocks were:
Alice i
O.m. Tunnel ato.k . 20
do bonila 19
Con. Cel. A Va T3
Horn Silver "
Iron gilvtr 10
leadvllle Cos 10
Utile Chief (
Mexican ft.'
Ontario ISO
tiphlr 11
stamlard 10
Yellow yaital Jo
I. oral Securities.
Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker
& Co.. 449 New Omaha national bank
Kid Aake4.
Colorado Tel. Co T par eant (nVi fij
t'olumbua. Neb., g. L la. 1924 0
Cbirasu eanilary 4a W4
Detroit Edlaoa (a. 1933 lis)
Doaaa Vllg a. 1 er cent pfd
Fairsnoat Creamery kat g. 4 par eant 9S
loaa Portland C'etneQl let (a tM
Kanaaa city R 4a L la. Ull a
Lake feAan aV si, a, aa, iU M
! Omaha aa. lull
oniaha Watar (a, 11.
Omaha Water le. 11.4a
Omaha St. Hy. (a. i?14
Omaha A C. P. St. Ry (a, l:l
Omalia A C. B St. Ry. pfd ( p. a..
omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry.. com
Omaha E. U A P. pM
I nlon Stock Tarda atork
Southern Pell. T. A T (a, 1941
Seattle tight ta. 1(20 A
Btate of MuesarhUftetta 3(48. 1938
Bchwartrhlld A Snliberger Co. ta, 114
New York Money Market.
NKW YORK. Jan. I.-MON KT On call,
easier, at Uni per cent; ruling rate. S
per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered
at 4 per cent. Time loans, dull and In
clined to weakneas; sixty-day bills. 3 '-411 "'4
per cent; ninety days. 3 per cent; six
months. 8Vri374 per cent.
per cent.
actunl business In bankers' bills at $4.Sii5
for sixty-day bills and at $4.3"!W for
demand: commercial bills. $4.K.,ii4.82lj.
8ILVKR Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 4.c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. 8. ret. 2a, rag. ...1004 Int. M. M. 44 4
do coupon 194 Japan 4a ,)
V. 8. ta. rag 13 do 44a 9f4
do coupon hii K. ('. So. lit 8a ... 734
V. B. 4i, reg li:.'4 It. deb. 4a 1931.... 9314
do coupon ,..11(14 I.. A N. unl. 4 94
Allla-Chal. 1st 6a.... 7414 M. K. A T. lat 4a... 97vt
Am. Ag. (a 102S do gen. 44a 8.7'4
A. T. A T. ct. la.-PrTa Mo. Pacific 4a 77,
Am. Tobacco 4a 81 S N R- R. of M. 4Ha- 94H
do 6a .'.:...1M ' V r. . 314a 99 'a
Armour A Co. 44a.. 9l74 go deb. 4s 9St(4
Atcblaon gen. 4a tO'i N. 1 , .1. H. A H.
do ct. 4a loan c. 6a ...1344
do cr. (a 1084 .v. A W. lat e. 4a.. 99
A. C. L let 4a 94S do ct. 4a lo:4
Bal A Ohio 4i HtiKo. Pacific 4a 1"4
do 3V4a 92 do c. 9a 7i4
do 8. W. 4a 9014 O. 8. L. rfdg. 4a 93
Brook. Tr. ct. 4a ... 88(4 Pann. ct. 3Wa 116. .. 964
on. of (la. (a 1"7 do con. 4s 103a
On. Leather (a 90S Reading gen. 4a 9W
C. of N. J. g. (a....lo: 8. L. A 8. r. fg. 4a. 814
Chea. A Ohio 4S... .10IH do (a f
do ref. (a 944 est. L. 8. W. c. 4a.. 734
Chicago A A. 34s.. 704 do lat gold 4s 90'a
C. B. A Q. J. 4a.... 9-14 H. A. U 4a 77S
do gan. 4a 98 80. Pac. c. 4a Si's
l M. A 8.P. g 3(4a 924 do cr. 4a 97'i
C. R. I. A P. 0. 4a. 73'4 do lat ref. 4a 944
do rfg. 4a 894 80. Railway (a 108
Colo. Ind. (a 78 do gen. 4s 90"4
Colo. Mid. 4a 6 Union Paclflo 4a 1004
C. B. r. A a. 4(48. 8t4 do ct. 4a 1'Ha
IV A H. CT. 4a 9ro do 1st A ref. 4a.... 974
D A R. O. 4a 9.1 II. B. Rubber b 103;
do ref. ( 914 V 8. Steel 2d 6a 104(4
Distillers' (a 77'4 Va -l am. Chem. (8..1H
Erie p. I. ' 8.'.4 Wabaeh let 5a 109
do gen. 4s t3H do lat A ex. 4a.... 44 "4
do ct. 4. aer. A.. 73(4 Weatern Md. 4a 8'4
do aerlea B 89 W'eat. Elec. CT. 6a... 92
Oen. Eloc. ct. (a 148 Wla. Central 4a S3".
111. Cen. lat ref. 4a.. 974 Mo. Pac. ct. da 91 '-4
Int. Met. 4(aa 79(4
stocks were as
Amal. Copper
A. Z. L. A 8
Arliona Com
. A C. C. A 8. M
Butte Coalition ...
Cal. A Arlnma ,
Cal. A Hecla
Copper Hanga C. C.
Mining: Storks.
. Closing quotations on
.. 35 Mohawk
. . G4li Nevada Con.
,. 2KV4 NIplHlng Mines ..
,. 144 North Butte
. 4 North Lake
.. 12"4 Old Dominion ..
.. 4.
.. 19
.. 18(4
.. 28
.. 7
.. 88
.. 114
.. 70
.. im
.. S7i
.. (4
.. 13-
.. 1S4 'Oaceola
.. 47 Parrott 8. A C...
..(17 Qulncy
.. 13(4 Bhannon
.. 68(4 Superior
.. 12 Superior A B. M..
. . er4 Superior A P. 0...
. . 64 Tamarack
.. 89 V. 8. 8. R. A M.
Kst Rutla C. M..
Olrmix tvai
(Iran by Con
Oreene Cananea ...
lale Royals Copper.
Kerr Lake
Lake Copper
I,a Salle Copper
Miami Copper
Aeked. Bid.
... 7l
... 8T,4
... 44
... 13.
... 464
... 8(4
.. 64 do pfd
.. 18 t'tah Con
.. as I'tah Copper Co
.. SIS Winona
.. 44 Wolverine
.. 194
BUTTER Creamery, No. I, delivered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 2,
In 30-lb. tuluj, 29c; No. 3, In 1-lb. cartons,
c; packing stock, solid pack, I8V10; dairy.
In 60-lb. tubs, atj22o. Market changes
every Tuesday.
CHEEBB Twins, lSH17c; young Ameri
cas, lt)c; daisies, 17Vc; triplets, 17Hc; Urn
burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 17Ho; imported
BwIks, 32c; domestic Swiss, 22c I block Swiss,
19c . -:
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs.,
$0 per dos.; hens, UWc; cocks, lOVrc; ducks,
16c; geese, 14c; turkeys, 36c; pigeons, per
dog., $1.30; homer squabs, per dog., $4;
fancy squabs, per dox., $3.60; No. 1, per
dos., $3. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth legs,
icV,c; hens, !&10; slags and old roosters,
6c; old ducks, full feathered, 11c; geese,
full feathered, 104c; turkeys, 1318c; guinea
fowls, 2Sa each; pigeons, per dog., bOc;
homers, per doz., $3; squabs. No. 1. per
doz., $1.50; No. 2, per doz., 60c.
FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, 7V4c; white,
12c; pike, 10c; trout. Lie; large vrapplea,
20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had
dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 20c;
roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 00c;
trog legs, pur dos., 60c; salmon, 10c; hall-
bBeefCCuts-Rlbs: No. 1. lc; No. 3. 124c;
No. 3, M. Loins No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 13c;
No. 8, loc. Chuck: No. 1, 7V4c; No. 2, 7c;
No. 3, 4c. Round: No. 1, 'ic; No. 2, 8V.c;
No. 3. 7c. Plate: No. 1, 64c; No, 2, 6ic;
No. 8, 64c.
FHUI'l 8 Apples, home-grown cooking,
per bhl., $4.00; Missouri Jonathan, per
bbl., $5.60; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl.,
$4.25; Missouri Winesaps, per bbl., $4.60;
Missouri Gano, per bbl., $4.60; other vari
eties, per bhl.. $400; New York Baldwin,
per bbl., $4.76; Colorado Jonathan, . per
box, $2.50; Washington Wealthy and Jef
frey, per box. $1.60; California Belleflower,
per box, $1.66; Oregon and Washington
Grimes Oolden and Jonathan, extra fancy,
lbo to 175 sizes, per box, tl:$t. Bananas,
fancy select, per bunch, $2. 2fkB 2. 50; Jumbo,
bunch, $2.7i)it3.76. Cranberries, per box,
$3.75; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl.,
$10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle brand, per
bbl., $10.76. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30
1-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk,
in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 64c. FIks, new
California, 12 12-oz. pkgs., 86c; H6 12-oz.
pkgs., $2.40; 60 ti-oz. pkgs., $2.00; Turkish,
i-crown, per lb., 16c; 6-crown, per lb., 14o;
4-crown, per lb., 13c. Grapes, Malaga. 6lk
65 lbs. gross, per keg, $!.00tfj8.00. Grape
Fruit, Florida. 46-54-b4-80-!t sizes, per box,
$3.25'ti4.00. Lemons, Llmoneira brand, extra
fancy, 300 size, per box, $4.50; 3b0 size, per
box, $4.5o; choice, 300 size, per box, $4.00,
io0 size, per box, $4.2.1; 240 size, 60c per
box less. Oranges, California navels, 80-06
sizes per box, $2.5"; 126 size, per box, $2.75;
small sizes, per box, $3.00; Florida, all
sizes, per box, $2.60. Pears, California Win
ter Nellls, per box, $2.8.1; New York Kelfer,
per bbl., $3.75ij4.O0. Pineapples, per case,
VKGETABLKS Beans, string and wax,
per market busket. $150. Beets, per bu.,
75c. Cabbage, new, per lb., mc. Carrots,
per bu., 7ic. Celery, Michigan, per doz.
bunches, 35c; California Jumbo, per doz.
bunches, 80c. Cucumbers, hot house, 14
ana 2 doz. In box. per doz. $2.0o. Egg
Plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Gar
lic, extra fancy, while, per lb., 15c; red,
per lb , 16c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per
doz., 40c. Onions. Iowa, red and yellow,
per lb., 2V.c; Indiana, white, per lb., 3c;
Spanish, per crate, $1.50. Parsley, fancy
home-grown, per doz. bunches, 40c. Par
snips, per bu., 75c. Potatoes, Karly Ohio,
in sacks, per bu., 90c; lowa and Wiscon
sin, white stock, per bu., "otitnc. Ruta
bagas, per lb., lc. Sweet Potatoes, Kan
sas, per bbl., $2 50. Tomatoes, California,
per 4-basket crate, $1.75. Turnips, per bu.,
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California
sott shell, per lb., l'c; In suck lots, lc
less. Brazil nuts, per lb., 12c: In sack lots,
lc less. Cocoanuts, per sack. $5 60; per
doz., doc. Filberts, per lb., 14c; in sack
lots, lc less, llickorynuts. large, per lb.,
6c; small, per lb.. Sc. Peanuts, rousted, per
lb.. 8c; raw. per lb., 64c. Pecans, large,
per lb., 16c; In aack lots, lc less. Walnuts,
black, per lb., 24c; California, per lb., lac;
In sack lots, lc less.
Kvaporated Apples anil Dried Fruits.
APPLES Quiet, but there Is an absence of
pressure and prices are firm. On the spot
fancy Is quoted at 13c; choice. 114c; prime,
DRIED FRC1TS Prunes, firm on the
small stocks and reruns of a good export
demand on the const. Quotation ratme
Irrm 6'ic to 10, c for California up to
!i-40s, and lOfallo for Oregons from 6 to
3os. Apricots in less demand and prices
are only about ateady; choice, l??i r.o;
extra choice. 134tjl3c; fancy. i:;Vl4c
Peaches In good demand owing to the
firmness in other fruits and prices are
firm; choice. 7V'i7ijC: extra choice. IK'f
84c; fancy. s,fqj,.c. Raisins rather quiet,
but prices are firm on reports of flrmnesj
on the roast. Loose Muscatels are quoted
at 64it64c; choice to fancy reeded, o'f
74c; seedless, &tj6c; London layers, $
1 as.
Michtgun 8'afa Tel. pfd t per cent...
New Vorli rite 1143
Oil aad Haata.
TINE Firm. 80c: aaUa. 138 bbls.; re
ceipts. 129 bbls; shipments, lj7 bbls.; stock,
1 W3 bbls.
Rosin Firm: sales. 3.489 bbls.; receipts,
ant; bbls : shipments. 4 bbls.; stocks,
8,t. 304 bbls. Quotations: H, $8,274 '.
E. $6 35; F. (,874: O. $6 40. 11. $6. 45: I.
$50; K. 16 75; M. $7 3o; N, $7.50; W G. $7 50:
WW, $7 55.
Receipts of Cattle Light and Values
Are About Steady.
Reeelpte Are I.arae, hat Values !-
ellae Reeaase ef Bearish Aflvtees
I.ambs Steady.
Receipts were: Catt'i Hogs. Blieep,
Estimate Mondav R.300 4 400 12,F"0
rim. day last week.... 1..V.7 1.32S 2.105
Same day 2 weeks ago.. 1.2:0 1.79 2.R43
Same day 3 weeks ago.. 4.HT0 4.419 S.S18
Same day 4 weeks ago.. 8.012 6.31rt 10.515
Same day last year 6.473 7.001
The following table shows the receipts of
rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to tJat as compared with
Isst year: 1911. 1T10. Inc. Pec.
Cattlo 23.S13 17.979 6.S34
Hogs 34 2H3 41.0M 1.801
Sheep 4i,aoo 29.099 12.210
The following table shows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for ths last
several days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 1D11. 1910. 1909. IL108. 11907. 190.1906.
Jan. 1....
Jan. 2....
Jan. $....
Jan. 4....
Jan. 6....
Jan. (....
Jan. 7....
Jan. 8....
Jan. 9....
7 86
8 01SI g 30
7 894, 8 38
7 7541 8 47 1
7 7!f 8 4
t 68
t 76
4 3R
4 S
i 14
6 11
6 07
4 39
4 11
4 45
4 47
4 46
4 60
4 40
4 36,
6 y
6 801
C 70
t 14
$ 65'
4 31
4 24
6 85
6 22
6 17
S 78
7 914 8 511 6 S3,
I 8 431 6 86(
4 23 28
t 28,
7 6Si j s 8;
4 30 23 6 22, 4 61
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards for twenty-four
hours ending at 8 o'clock p. m.:
C M. Sk St. P 8 7 1..
Missouri Pacific 1
Union Pacific 19 8 18
C. & N. W., east 30 S 8
C. & N. W . west.... 83 31 12
C St. P., M. & O.... 23 2 12
C, B. & Q., east.... 1 1 3
C, B. & Q... west.... 43 8 1
C R. I. &. P., east.. ,. 4 1
C, R. I. & P.. west.. 1 8
Illinois Central 7 2 3 ..
C. O. W 1 3
Total receipts ....214 66 61 7
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 610 811 1.60
Swift and Company 940 1.046 2.691
Cudahy Packing Co 4x0 1.K77 2.8K1
Armour & Co 1.0S3 r 1.49 2,878
W. B. Vansant Co 12
Ronton, Vansant & Lush 173
Stephens Bros 46
Hill A Son 340
V. B. Lewis 134
Huston & Co 169
J. B. Root & Co 112
J. H. Bulla 150
L.- F. Husz 14
L. Wolf 48
McCreary & Carey 239
H. F. Hamilton 62
Sullivan Bros 19
Lehmer Bros 8
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 73
Sinclair 72
Sol Dcgen 81
Kline & Christy 122
McConneghey 91
Other buyers 646
Totals 6.564 6,617 12,632
CATTLE There were 213 -cars of cattle
reported this morning, but out of that
number there was one train of thirty-two
cars of feeders shipped In one bunch. The
offerings were really moderate for the
first day of the week. At the samo time
large receipts and a lower market was re
ported at Chicago.
While packers felt that with Chicago so
much lower, they ought to have aoms con
cession In prices on beef cattle, it waa
hard to force the market downward owing
to the light receipts at this point. The
result was that the desirable killing steers
sold about steady and the trade was fairly
active at that. The big bulk of the cattle
changed hands In good season In the morn
ing. Packers also felt that they ought to buy
cows and heifers lower, but there were a
number of good outside buying orders
which absorbed a good many of the cattle,
with the result that the market started
out practically steady with last week's
In spite of the fact that there were
a good many stock cattle and feeders In
the yards, the market was fully steady
under the Influence of a splendid buying
demand. The offerings as a rule changed
hands quite readily and the most of the
cattle sold In good season.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, $6.00S.K.6C; fair to good beef
steers, $5.406.00; common to fair beef
steers, $4.75(5.40; good to choice cows and
heifers, $4.50ti6.26; fair to good cows and
heifers, I3.76a-l.60; common to fair cows
and heifers, $3.00443.75; good to choice Block
ers and feeders, $5.00&6.70; fair to good
stockera and feeders, J4.40ttf5.uO; common
to fair stockers and feeders, $3.60g4.40;
stock heifers, $3.254.26; veal valves, $3.60
(.25; bulls, stags, etc., $3.30-4.1)0.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. At. IT.
4 142 4 60 10.... 10I.S I 60
1 410 4 SO 3 1006 k5
10 703 4 SO 14 ... Hii t 60
1 100 6 00 36 lilt I 80
14 t... 1157 6 16 16 104 4 70
7 1010 i SO It 1167 I 76
3I t 40 21 1180 6 16
10 ITS 6 40 1 1220 ( 75
20 79 6 40 4 1415 4 00
IS 465 6 45 46 1343 4 05
3 1220 6 SO 10 1424 4 2
3... vo6 6 SO
3 !5 3 00 6 1041 4 W
I S0 3 20 4 1050 4 SS
1 1040 t 70 14 nit 4 40
1 Hi 8 70 6 1 4 40
t Ill 4 00 6 ,, 4 46
6 1174 4 16 14 1142 4 SO
12 1161 4 20 14 MV0 4 60
20 14 4 26 XI 1024 4 60
1130 4 25 13 14 4 44
I f4 4 26
$ 844 8 SO 10 75 4 60
7 742 4 00 10 170 4 50
7 442 4 10 2 40 4 40
4 767 4 SO S 847 4 45
1 440 4 36 4 771 4 70
4 460 4 40 44 (mi t 00
1 42 4 SO 2 Hi IM
3 1WJ 4 20 1 12JD 4 (o
2 12t4 4 30 1 l;u 4 60
S 1210 4 35 1 M 4 60
1 1400 4 40 , 1 16 4 66
1 1110 4 40 1 l.'.oo 4 00
1 l''- 4 45 1 4 0
1 14W 4 M 1 UIO 4 40
3 110 4 SO 1 lauO 4 75
1 1160 4 60
t 406 4 00 6 440 I 00
2 270 4 26 1 100 7 00
1 4t4 4 75 2 o 7 25
8 ia) ll 1 140 00
6 4K0 6 00 1 170 25
t 417 4 26 4 76 t 10
3 440 4 76 13 141 S 10
4 65 4 75 2 416 6 10
2 lt)60 4 65 17 730 i 15
10 474 4 DO 12 617 6 35
10 bhb 4 W 4 !'3 6 16
2! I7 4 W 10 112 6 40
11 417 4 0 10 tio 4 40
It 662 4 80 I lloS t 40
6 ") 6 (O 13 1070 6 45
34 704 6 00 64 1046 6 75
HUGH Average hog trade ruleu all of a
nickel lower tula morning, bulk selling
about 6c off while dime ducllnes were ap
parent on scattered sales of all wulghts.
Rectlpls were fairly large, but this phase
of tho market did not have as much bear
ish Importance as the fact that advices
from eastern points were more or less dis
appointing. Packers bought freely from
the opening and demand from shippers was
disci mimailng and of limited volume, so
that early clearance was largely made by
local killers.
Movement was active throughout, wltn
clo.-e even moi. lively than trade at the
opening. Quality determined values to a
greater degiee than weights, as was the
case last week, and resulting spreads were
necessarily narrow and overlapping.
lleaviea moved around $i.i5'(j7.&5 and
mixed commanded $7. so, more or less, ac
cording to the character of offerings.
Choice lights and good butchers brought
ine flign price, tops uropjung lo ItLw.
Representative, sales:
Ne At. Sa. Pr. Ho. A Sk. Pr.
7 441 ... 1 6u 36 2:0 ... 7 a6
$ ... 7 70 44 2-a ... 7 45
U 3 taO 7 7u 74 2,3 11 IN
M 4e . . 7 7JSe 7k Ixi ... 7 80
40 7 l-s 24 ITS ... 1 to
41 410 U t 76 40 212 60 1 M
14 lt-5 120 1 7T4 Iu :.,4 ... 7 80
SI 4 ... 7 17s, 77 215 ... 7 to
41 SIS ... 7 80 2 21 ... 7 to
44 24 40 7 t TO ... 7 l
10 241 ... 7 40 TI f.4 ... 7 80
4j V4 ... 7 M kl 247 ... 1 80
b 241 140 7 80 64 l.i: ... 7 to
80 i4 40 7 H 68 141 80 7 80
40 211 40 1 824 SS 214 ... 7 6
4 246 ... 7 86 . 66 215 ... 7
44 aul ... 145 12 ,. 'J4l ... 7 fl
40 228 ... 7 81 2-: ... 1 tu
t 2il 1 J Se 71 Ul ... 1 84
4 r ... 7 M 41 S10 ... 7 s
44. K2 ... 7 S 14 .HS1 ... 7
... t M l ft ... 7 9
fKt 1'4 im I a aa 11 ... I
SO 27 K 1 I 11 .-. '
SS .t ... 7 84 2. ... I 8.
40 t. ... 7 85 81 14 ... 1 5
M ai ... 7 8 6 ;u ... 8 m
UL 144 ... 1 Hi tl : 4 ... IK
l ... 7 40
SHEEP A reasonably brisk demand for
fat sheep and lambs was easily broad
enough to abs.irb the fnlrly large supply of
fed animals that made up receipts this
morning. Trails showed a good, healthy
tone from the start and anything that
looked like It would dress out well, moved
to the scale. In very aood season. Steady
prices were paid aa a rule, bulk of offerings
selling at flRiirra little different from
those noted Friday and Saturday.
Sheep were more plentiful than Iambs
and Quality did not appear to be' quite as
good as recently, a few strings of warmed
up material cutting down the general aver
age. Good ernes sold up as high as $.l.d0,
indicating that $4 00 is not an Improbable
limit on strictly choice grades. Wethers on
the handy weight order reached $4.20 and
yearlings sold around $4.75.
Iamlii were wanted around $5. HO, if toppy,
but the best kinds possible would have met
with opposition In trying to pass the $ti.00
mark. Eastern cost Justifies a more con
servative attitude on the part of local
buyera and lambs, being the highest article
on the list, are naturally the first to be
affected by comparisons.
Warmed-up stock, both sheep and Iambs,
moved at fair to good killers prices, some
of the stuff going back Into the country
for a final finish.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to
choice lambs, $5 80e,00; fair to good lambs,
$6 60iQ60; handy weight yearlings, 4.,v-r
6.00; heavy yearlings. $4 264.70; good to
cholc wethers, $3. 904 20; fair to good
wethers. $3.6njj'3.90; good to choice ewes,
$.1 6Of(f4.00; fslr to good ewes. $3.2fya.oo.
Mieep: culls to feeders, $1.6otif3.36.
3 90
3 60
4 10
4 25
6 76
6 75
6 00
6 75
8 80
234 western ewes
600 western ewes ....I..
J7l western wethers
121 western yearlings ..
748 western lambs
161 western lambs
44 western lambs, culls
373 western lambs
310 western ewes
.! 67
Demand for Cattle and Sheep Weak
Hogs Htronir.
CHICAGO. Jan. 9. CATTLE Receipts.
36.000 head. Market; weak at decline;
beeves, $4.6iVJf7.00; Texas steers, $4. liYJjo.&l;
western steers, $4.25ii 5.90; stockers and
feeders, $3.60(05.70: cows and heifers, $2.55f(t
6.25; calves. $7.0O-(i9.26.
HOGS Receipts, 41,000 head. Market,
strong, generally So higher than earlv;
lights, $7.76'68.a0; mixed. $7.80ffi 20; heavy,
$7.804i8.15: rough, $7.Vn)7.95: goo.1 to choice
heavy, $7.958 16; pigs, $7.50i(8-10; bulk of
sales, $.O08.16.
SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts, 35.00
bead. Market, weak at decline; native,
$2.60t?i4.46; western. $2.65(94.40; yearlings,
$4.60rt5.';0: lambs, native. $4.75cg5.45; west
erns, $5.006.46.
Kansaa City l.lve Stock Market.
ceipts, 16.000 head, including 1,600 head
southerns; market steady to loo lower;
dressed beef and export steers, KOO'O'rl.HO;
fair to good, $S.60tr6.O9; western steers. $4.50
16.25; Blockers and feeders, $4.251i5.S0;
southern steers, $4.76(i6.75: southern cows,
$.'J.(XV(J4.76; native cows, $3.flO?r5.A0; native
heifers. $4.005.76; bulls, $; calves,
$4.75e W.
HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market, 6(3
10c lower; close strong: bulk of sales,
$7.8.Vij-7.96; heavy, $7.90fp7.74; packers and
butchers, $7,854(7.95; light. 87.864(7.95.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 16.000
head; opening steady; close, lord 16c lower;
lambs, $5.50'g6.40; yearlings, $4.50ty5.G0; weth
ers, $4.00ra4.35: ewes, $3.&04.00; stockers
and feeders, $3.25&3.S5.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 9. CATTLE Receipts,
3.600 head; market slow; steers, $6.0Of7 6.75;
cows and heifers, $3.26ieJ.0O; calves, $3,504
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 10c
lower; top, $7. 974; bulk of sales. $7.80y7.90.
SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts. 1,500
head; market steady; lambs, H-WwG.Vi.
St. I.onls .lvt Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. . -CATTLE Receipts.
6.500 head. Including 1,900 head Texans;
market, 1016c lower; native shipping and
export steers, $8.60"r7.26; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 86.2f7.O0; steers under 1.000
lbs., 86.60itr7.25; stockers and feeders, $3.76'ff
7.26; canners, $3.004i'3.36; bulls, $3.ya 5.25
native cows and heifers, $2. 75(37.25;
calves, S6.257.7E; Texas and Indian steers,
$4.rsVa.50; cows and heifers, $3.0offi4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 14,400 head; market, 6i
Dun's Report of Bank Clearings for 1910
Bank eleartsgi asuallr reflect very closely ths rolaroe of business operations, an 1910
rrsras 14 exception to this rule, as they clearly indicate the gradual business depression
that d ere) oped darts g the progress of ths year. Total bank exchanges at all eitles la ths
TJatte4 StaAaa, according to stalls ties eollasted by R. O. Dot A Co., which include returns
freta 112 landing ossters. smooatlag to 162,839,223,622, a loss of 1.4 par east, rvaaparsd
vita U09. but a gala of 1.8 per seat, o-rsr ths astlv year 1906. Ths loss, hovsvsr, oa
rr4 with the prsrioas ttrtal, U chiefly due to ths marked deeraassat New York City, ta
ths Nsw Eaghtod Stales ths first three months'wer notable for marked Uttreoses ever 1909
at prsAtioaUy every city, but from then on unsettled oenditlont in ths textlls and aoms ethsr
manufacturing Industries, resulted In losses at Boston, Fall River and ens or two other im
portant MBtars, which were only partially offset by gains at Springfield, Worcester, Lowall,
rVsvidsausa, Hartford aad New Haven, and there is a lost in the total of this ssetlsa for Us
full year as so sap, red with 1909 ef 0 4 per sent., but a gala of 1.4 per osnl com par ad with
1906. Bank ezebasges la ths Middle Atlantic states show a gala overl909 of 9.2 par eanl.
and they also make a fairly favorable eemparlson with 1906, but most of this Inereass Is du
to ths Urge gains daring the first half at ths year, several cities reporting a falling off
during October, November and December, mainly because of the depression la ths lroa and
steal aiarkata. The exhibit for ths year as a whole, however, is satlsftastory, nearly all ths
Important si Has rvaerrlag more or lass gain, among than Philadelphia, Pittsfcarg, Seran
ton. Banding, Kris, Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, gyraeuM and Bingham tea. Wall mala
talned soil vtt y is las mannfaetnring and commercial industries of ths Sauthara Atlantis
fitatas is shown hy the pronounced inereass ever both years at every city reporting, aad
though titer was asm slight irregularity during ta clsalng months, and ths gains were
fiats t la the first and aseoad quart era, ths total reflects the prvalao af prsprity
throughout ths satire sactiea. Among the eitles reporting gains ever beta years arc Bah
timor. Waahlngten, Blchmend, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, Columhna, Oa
aad JsrksoeTlUa. The total for the Southern States shows gcod gains ever hath last
yar and 1906, and though there pi soma 'rregolarlty, which is partly accounted
for hy conditio as affecting the cot too markets at soma potats, ths returns re
flect generally pracperotu conditions at nearly every center, aad some report especially
Urge Ueraaacs, aatably at St. Louis, Nsw Orleans, Leulsvlllo. Memphis, Nashville, Birming
ham, Chattanooga, Knoxvills aad Llvxlc Rock. The returns from ths Central West arc vary
satisfactory, there being good gains over last year at practically every petal, aad marked
laerassci aa compared with l!Me; and waU there as som less during the lauar months at
Chicago, Clnelnnstl aad a few ethsr important points, it was mora than offset hy ths ksavy
increases earlier la the year and by the gains at the majority of ths ether sltlsa la this sws
Hon, among them Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Dayton, Teangstown, Akren, Cantaa, Fort
vTayn, P aorta. Rock ford, Grand Rapids and Jackson, All through ths year hank ex
changee war maintained in larg volume at eitles in the Far West, and only in a few In
stance was there any marked contraction during the latter months, good galas being re
ported by Minneapolis, St Paul, Ksnsas City, Dcs Moines, Sioux City, Datasaport, Osdar
Rapids, Omaha, Lincoln, Denver, Pueblo, Fargo and Sioux Falls. Satisfactory returns arc
made by nearly all eitles on ths Pacific Slop, and most of the largest centers report gains
vr last year aad 1906, some of which arc very larg. Th Urge increases reported by
uch important cities ss 8sn Francisco, Portland, Lc Angeles, Seattle, Spokane aad Oak
land ladloat well maintained business activity la the Urjtvory they srr, sad is addlnWa
reClecta th opening up f many new districts through the extensive railroad development
new In progress. Ths ecmparusn is msds below of bank exchanges by sections covering
three years, and also th arsrags dally figures by qusrtars for th year I
Kew Eagiaad ......
hi Ol.Ue
bwuui AUanuo
UuUal Waa
VVeetern ............
New yMk Ciltf
1U.OI9 liSi.Ml
7.14,5 -S'.4.-.'4S
737.001. its
Veiled Stales
... lrtJ3XU.0ri lb6,113.'43,7IM 1.4 ISO,H. 117,101 tn
Tene dally i
4th giaarler
3rd unanar
VO 14 uxU t
4fl.l 40.000
In th Fsr West Improvement is general, noteworthy gains being mads by Minneapolis,
Kansas City, Des Moines, Sioux City, Dsvsnport, Omaha, Lincoln, Dauvsr and ether lead
ing centers. Th figures In detail follow
MlMlKupOll ..,
hk Paul.
twe kl.Hua. ...
tu.ais 4 tie
iavetipurt ....
Caaiaa- kauld.,
kaitaas 111..,
t. J.aa
(inuu .,
frraainat. ......
1.1BKU1B .......
I .a itprlugs
gars M
Miuus Falls..
670.1f..,i -:H
IW.J l:tS
1X1,7x7 6
J.6 4l..')67.7.4
S.VJ.K71 Ji.i7
40.1 I.4H 6 J'J
fHl -44 rl)9
iM.'.'44 ilu3
07.1 ID 04 S
66 !&. ?
t3 Ml.tjl-S
H.flt 7iw.l 414
I 7..7S
75 0'l.41
1 JH.A'.K'iHt
011,007. 1 i'i
tlA thtl M-H
4o An:l.) 10
10o lower: plKS and lights. $," 7.'. .15; i s. k
ers. $t1"iSI5; butchers and list hev
$ nr. . 1 . 174.
SHEEP AND I.A.MRS lie. riots. ;
head tonrket. pVifiSc lower; natUe mutton
$t 7.'.'usri.: lambs. 50,i; 40; culls ami bock
$.'.' (; stockers, $J 0o3 00.
fork In lcht.
Receipts of live stock at the fte prin
cipal western markets yrsterdny:
Cattle. Hogs. She. ,
South Oniaha
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. lomls
4 4' 41
,. 1.144)
. . bv'oo
. . 6, '441
6 000
In ui
Totals 66.300 74.400 r. ..1
(offer Market. .
turcs opened steady nt an advance of i'.uI.
points on local covering and bull
port Inspired by the apparent firmness on
the primary market, smaller Uramli.tti
receipts and steady European cable.
There was considerable, reallsmi?, how
ever, accompanied by rumors that smnn
of the leading bulls were sellers an.1 af'-r
holding the Initial advance during tie
morning, prices eased off a point or tw .
closing steady at a net gain of 4 l 1 pomi
Sales were reported of 4S.00O bags Closina.
bids follow: January. 1161c; Februst
11 5!c; March, 1168c; April, 1163c; M.
11 6x0. June, 11.54c; July, 11 60c; Auum
11.44c; September. 11.39c; October. 11
November and December, 11.31c.
Havre was net unchanged to 4f higher
Hamburg. 4iipfg higher. Rio. 75 re a
higher at 733.76. Santos, unchanged to
rels higher, 4s 7$'.00; "$200. Receipts a
tho two Hrazllllan ports, ll.nnn bags, sk-alnat
1? 00(1 hAa Inst vear .1 n nA im h.
4S.O0O bags, against 8,200 bags last year'
Spot coffee, firm; Rio No. 7. U4c; Rant, a
No 4, 14c; mild coffee, nominal; Cordova
13V( I''c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. .Tan. J. METALS-St an i
ard copper, steady; spot, February, Mnn h
and April. $12.312.16. London' market
wenk; spot. 56 6s 3d; futures d7 :;'s n,,
Icnl dealers reported a nominally nn
changed market In copper: lake rnppr"
$13. 0041 13 23; electrolytic, $12.7613.00. rastlnr
$12.5(V(i 12.75. Customs house returns shot.'
exports of 8.437 tons. Arrivals reported t
New York today, S40 tons. Tin. stronu
spot and January, $40 Oorvi (0.&0; February
March and April, $10.0:(40.50. London mar
ket strong; spot, 183 7s 6d; futures '11
ir.s. Lend, quiet; $4 4MY4 63 at New Yorl,
84.Wrft4.35 at East St Louis. London mar
ket. 13 2s 6d. Spelter, steady; $5.55,15 -v,
at New York: I5.4fir5.4fi at East St. Ioiia
Ixindon market. 24. Iron. Cleveland war
rants, 60s 14d In London. Locally no
chatiue was reported In Iron; No. I north
ern foundry. $ln.25ifr 16.76; No. 2. $14 751(7 15 7.;
No. I southern and No. 1 southern soft
$15 .25ST 15.76.
ST. IX.UIS. Mo.. Jan. 9 M E T ALS Learl
firm at $4.37',i. Spelter, firm at $5. tOtRi 4'J4.
Cotton Market.
closed quiet. 10 points lower; middling i:p
lands, 14.90c; middling gulf, 15.15c; sales
S.4O0 bales.
changed; middling, 1Re; sales none: re
ceipts, 3.201 hales; shipments, 8,296 bales;
stock, 23,331 bales.
New York cotton market, as furnished
by I,ogan Rryan, members New To'k
Cotton exchange, 315 South Sixteenth streel,
, ' '
Month. Open.l Hlgh. I,ow. Close.l Sat'y
Jan. ... 14 70 14 68 14 66 iTm 14 66
March 14 91 14 93 14 7!l 14 79 14 92
July ... 15 02 15 06 14 9R 14 W 15 05
August 14 72 14 79 14 70 14 68 14 7f,
May ... 15 03 15 08 11 96 14 97 16 06
Oct. ... 13 36 13 46 13 82 13 36 13 40
Dry Goods Market.
cotton market was steady for the da. A
great many buyers are In. The lars
wholesale houses will open lines of napped
goods and cotton blankets tomorrow. Re
tailers are buying dress -goods more ac
tively. Raw silk Is firm.
Vonng Man Ostt to Pen.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 8.-Special Tele
gram.) Earl Owens, a young man who
was arrested here a few weeks ago on the
charge of passing forged checks on S. F.
Nichols, C. V. Montgomery and the Klein
Mercantile company, pleaded guilty todav
In the district court and was sentenced to
two years In the penitentiary by Judge
Pemberton. Before coming to Beatrice
young Owens served time In the reform
school In Iowa.
4 HMS.
F. O.
-f 14.V
4- 3 0
r. v.
f 14
f 1J
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'-' 7
- 7.1
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i"oai,twi 84
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4 J 1
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