Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1911, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Beb
Wainea are, tha Scot Bajra,
tbe Pajxr That it Bead Ij tt
Women Ttyi Advertiser Beit
For .Wbiaskt rnscttlcd.
For low - Snow.
For wt-athtT report e jm'
VOIa XL-NO. 176.
siNcij: ropy rwo cunts.
By No Meant Certain that Committee!
Have Been Settled to Satia
f action of All.
Mrs. Schenk on Trial
on Charge of Giving
Poison to Husband
Caie of Young Wife of Millionaire at
Wheeling, W. Va., Attracts
- ' Crowd to Court Boom.
Indianan Tells Senate that in Kit
Opinion Illinoi&an'i Election
Is Invalid.
Higher Education
Speaker Cannon '"Cooies Back"" in the
Fight on Rules in First Impor
tant .Maneuver.
,'EELING. W. Va.. Jan. .-The trial
a. Laura Famsworth Schenk. charged
ittemptlng to potnon her millionaire
'd. John O. Schenk, opened this
reatest Interest was manifested In
; j preliminaries of the famous case,
'- ' the prominence of the parties In-
Learei Appointing Body Standing
Tie, Six to Six.
Oklahoman Moves to Eject Chicagoan j
at Once. !
! Same Question on Which L?ader Was
Whipped in March.
Possibility He May Bo Unseated Af
fect. Hi Standing.
Tku Wk Star la (Mr Brglaalna
Beallse Wk( It Hriai to Star
There Jake I poa (oi.
trior Aldrlek.
(rrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan . Special.)-With
on member of the committee ont of'town
the meetings of the .oum committee on
commltteea will not result in any very
great prnrtt before tftmorrow. Gallagher,
a member of tha six wets, who with
Speaker Ktihl have held the upper hand
all through, haa had to leave town and
that haves the vote a hopeless alx to six.
speaker Kuhl la aald to have begun al
ready to withdraw from his position and
ti make to the wet democrats
who have been disappointed, in order to
get them to atand by him if he will make
concessions and about the only thing that
could aav a fight on the floor now would
be a revision by the committee of Ha rec
ommendations. The republicans met tonight at the Ltndell
to draw up thler list of committee mem
bers, which they will fcubmlt for the ap
proval and disposition of the majority. The
republicans seem to be up against some
opposition when they come to name their
own men for the various committee. This
la particularly true in the committee on
privileges and elections.
Thera waa a contest over the seat of
Scheele. the Seward county democrat, and
the democrats are afraid to let the mi
nority gain any power' In this committee
for fear Scheele may eventually lost hla
eat to bis republican opponent. Wertmann.
This committee also considers county op
tion under the regular procedure and the
democrats do not want ft to be composed
partly of dry republicans of they can pre
vent It.
I.eldls nad t'ora-oratloB.s
Tba proposed changing of tha committee
recommendations Which waa scheduled by
some prophet for 'tonight, will be the re
ault of a division . between Speaker Kuhl
and Leldlgh', another member of the com
mittee. Leldlgh waa particularly anxious
to be a member bo he oould get the chair
manship on railroads and Gerdea. the
caucus nominee for the committee, re-
algned to give him a place. Now he la be
ing acensed 'corporation : leaning axirrl
Kuhl hi being counseled by his friends to
straighten maters tip, or he will be Involved
. In similar accusatlona.
.The aenate committee on commltteea ex
peotod to eettia matters thla evening with
out difficulty of lack of harmony and will
probobly be ready 16 go to work tomorrow
Blaeneaa of Bandar.
lorn of the legislators now spending
their time In Lincoln were not aware before
they came of the extreme bluenesa of the
id there was a big crowd about
. - .' ' house long before the time set
. vs " ilng court.
" P. Jordan, who la presiding,
h , ordered that there shall be no crowd
ing In the court room and only such spec
tators as can be comfortably seated will
be permitted to hear the testimony.
The state's case Is looked after by Pros
ecuting Attorney J. B. Handlan. while J. J.
P. O'Brien, Frank O'Brien and 8. O. Boyce
appeared for Mrs. Schenk. The examina
tion for Jurymen was at once begun.
At 9:30 o'clock Mrs. Shenk walked Into
the court room accompanied by her attor
neys. She appeared slightly vorn from her
long confinement and exhibited soma ner
vousness. Court adjourned at 1J: o'clock this
afternoon In order that the sheriff might
summon an additional panel of talesmen
from which to select the Jury. The work
had gone steadily on during the morning
and seventeen men had been parsed from
the original panel of twenty. They in
cluded some of the best known young men
In the community, many of them married.
Beveridge Calls the Majority Finding
'"Absurd and Grotesque."
Lorimer Protests Innocence After Lis
tening to His Klertlon railed n
Tatrld Transaction" hr Man
from "ielghborlua? State.
Inquest Into Death
of Anarchists Begins
Landlady Says Outlaws Came to Her
House Night Before Tragedy
and Refused to Leave.
LONDON". Jan. . The inquest Into the
death of the desperadoes who were killed
when the police and soldiers raided their
lodgings in Sidney street was resumed to
day, but developed no evidence positively
Identifying the two victims as those who
murdered three police officers at the time
of the Moundsdltch burglary.
Bessie Oorschon, In whoso rooms the out
laws had taken refuge and mho was ar
rested and subsequently released, said the
men came to her house the night before
the raid. She told them they must leave.
At thla her visitors assumed an ugly atti
tude and made her remove her Mklrts, shoes
and stockings, ao that she could not go for
A Russian known as Stlnle Morrison was
remanded In police court today charged
with the wilful murder of Leon Beron,
whose mutilated body waa found on Clap
ham common. The prisoner la known to
have been In the company of tha French
man on th night of the crime.
Census of Smaller
Cities in Nebraska
Grand Island Heads List, with 10,328
Nebraska City Shows a
WASHINGTON", Jan. f.-Populatlon eta-
xney " - nnrtara on 1 tlstics of the thirteenth census made pub-
Lincoln Sunday, which leada the porters on . .,
un n, ' . ' ,. ..Bnltal aa the ,lc today by the director of the census in
one railroad to announce the capital aa the ,,,,.. ,.. i
when it is being approacneo.
nnsolately up and down the corridors of (Columbus 6.014
1. hot... Meeting a friend he asked If : lrbury ......... ...........
llolv City'
en a Journey. Sunday afternoon one llb
.r.iiv Inclined lawmaker wandered dls-
there waa anything to be done in the way
of amusement.
"Are there any theatera open?"
"No," answered the Lincoln cltiren, "not
even a picture show."
"Any billiard rooms?"
"Net a one." 1
"Any place of any where a man may
while away hla time?"
'Not a place."
The legislator started away and tha Lin
coln man aakod him where he waa going.
"Up to my room awhile to read the
Bible." aald the legislator, "and then I am
going to draw up a bill to move tha cap
ital." Postmaster's Memory.
Post master aaffany of the houae Is dem
onstrating hla fitness for holding that of
fice by hla unerring accuracy In remem
bering namee and fares. The letters to
member of tha house that come into his
hands are distributed into an old-faahloned
glass ease of boxes with each man'a name
and. number marked above It. But the
postmaster knowa whoae mall Is there wlth
eut the help of the directory and he knows
th name of almost every man who comes
to him. although ha haa been there only a
few days.
Delnr Taklag Office.
i"he appolnteea of oOvernor Aldrlch are
eontlnuing t, assume the duties of their
effieea one r two at a time. One man
baa been found who refuses to draw his
pay while ha la not working. A. B. Uad
cla, who haa been deputy oil Inspector for
tha rifth district, might be getUng his
salary until January Jl, when the next
deputy will succeed him. but having found
himself another salary aa a Lincoln news
paper man he has resigned.
Cx -Senator C. A, Rsndall, fire commis
sioner, received hla commission today and
will take possession tomorrow. One of his
depatlea, Fred J. Buck of Wlsner, prob
ably will be ready, to go In at tha same
time, but tha others. John W. Trouton of
South Omaha and.Kd Williams of Grand
island, will be delayed for a week or more,
boverwar la Saeweeted.
When a number of large boxes bearing
In large letters the mark "made In Mil
waukee" were set down In the hall of the
state bouse this morning near the gover
nor s door a number of his friends Imme
diately began to wonder If he had backslid
ao Soon after getting Into power. Investi
gation disclosed that they contained law
books shlppeJ from David City, where the
man ho had packed them was not so par
ticular about the former contenta of the
boxes ha used aa he might have been.
elude the following cities In Nebraska:
Grand Island.
I Beatrice
Nehranka City..
1910. 19(10.
10. tit 7. 544
.3h 7,875
6.014 3.522
S204 S.140
8.718 7,241
S.S38 7.1K8
t.202 5.M4
B.4KS 7.3tO
S.025 S.8S3
6.23o .132
Chicago Packers
MustStand Trial
Judge Carpenter Denies Motion of the
Indicted Men that Criminal Prose
cution Be Forbidden.
CHICAGO, Jan. S.-4udge George A. Car
penter in the United States district court
today denied the motion of the Indicted
meat packers that criminal prosecution
against them be forbidden. Judge Car
penter gave the packers ten days for any
further preliminary motions they might
desire to make before pleading to the Indictments.
Wallace te Head Interarhan.
BOONE. Ia,, Jan. . (Special Telegram.)
H. V. Wallace, , son of John Wallace, a
former engineer of tha Panama canal, at
noon today waa appointed vice president of
the Fort Dodge. les Molnea & Southern
railroad. He Is expected to come to Boone
March 1 to assume active management of
Iowa a longest interurba system.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. -The fight to pre
vent Senator Ixrlmer of Illinois retaining
his seat in the United States senate was
opened today with a contest between scn
atora Beveridge of Indiana and Owen of
Oklahoma, both of whom contested for the
right to fire the first gun in the cause.
Senator Beveridge, by virtue of being a
member of the committee on privileges and
elections, which Investigated charges of
bribery against Mr. Lorimer, gained a
tactical victory by filing a minority re
port attacking the position of his col
leagues on the committee who voted to
exonerate the Illinois senator.
Senator Owen, however, Introduced a
resolution to declare the election of Sen
ator Ijorlmer illegal and void, but he was
not permitted to address the senate In Its
support. The senate held that the resolu
tion under the rules would have to go over
until tomorrow. '
Mr. Beverldite then submitted his report,
the conclusion of which was:
That this election was Invalid, under
any possible view of the law. If the senate
so concludes It is our duty so to declare
Therefore 1 submit the following resolu
'Resolved. That William lorimer was
not duly and legally elected to a seat In
the senate of the United States by the leg
islature of the state of Illinois.
Lorimer Denies Charars,
Before the report waa filed, Senator
Lorimer made a brief speech declaring his
Innocence of bribery and the Innocence of
his friends of any participation in corrupt
practices in connection with his election.
He announced his Intention to be present
during tha discussion of hla case.
The parliamentary tangle In the senate
aa to which, of the two senators desiring
to open the attack on Senator Lorimer
should have precedence waa not. settled
until after an appeal had been taken from
ruling by Vice Presidont Sherman and
he had been revereerf " '" ". ' . j'
Mr. Owen waa first recognized. He pre
sented a revolution similar to that which
Mr. Beveridge had Incorporated In his
minority report. It was read and Mr.
Owen prepared to speak on It when Mr.
Beveridge demanded the . regular order,
which . waa the Introduction of morning
The vice president ruled that the Owen
resolution waa of highest privilege and that
Mr. Owen,, having' been recognized, had
the right to the floor. Appealing from the
chair, Mr. Beveridge waa supported by a
majority . of the senate In his contention
that the Owen resolution would have to lie
over one day under the rules. Thla per
mitted Mr. Beveridge to aubmit his report
and have It read.
Beverldae Reviews Testimony.
The Beveridge report reviews the testi
mony bearing on the alleged acceptance of
bribes by four members of the Illinois
legislature and the testimony of these men
that the bribes had been paid by three
other members.
The minority report declares It Is an un
disputed fact of conclusive force, although
the majority Ignore it, that the confessed
bribe-takers were shown to have had In
their possession. In bills of large denomina
tions, unusually large sums of money soon
after the dates when they awore to having
received the alleged bribes. This state
ment Is made In reply to the contention of
the majority that the men who confessed
to having received brlbea were not to be
Senator Beveridge devotes, considerable
attention to the claim of the majority that
at least three of those who confessed to
having received bribes had been "com
pelled" or "driven" to make these confes
sions because of treatment received from
officers of Cook and Sangamon counties,
Illinois. In this connection the report
eavs :
"What the senate must determine Is
whether It believes aa a matter of faot
that these men actually did receive the
money which they testified to having re
ceived and large amounts which were
found In their possession In Mils of large
Mr. Beveridge said the conduct of of
' -si 'tc " I i c . C& riJ scMtiSfi
fwMVCHT A Ljs J IwilUEf Wl I 2 A rA final"" aninn.i
Representative Fuller's Resolution is
Held Not Privileged.
Itraolntlnn Amradlaa Itule Itrlatlus
to DUi hamr of t otuiiilttrrs from
nnalilrratlon of Bills Starts
the Dispute.
The Scientists Think Aviaton Should Be Taught in the Schools.
Kron the Minneapolis Journal.
Trouble in New York it Confined to
Carnegie Trust and Allies.
oil Crowds' ne(ber Ahoot T
Banks, bat Ther-s Vo'fcicltei '
nent-vCoafrrence a H
of Paol CravatJi.
(Continued on Second Pn-re.)
Midget Lotharios and Comely
Little Women Call on Mayor
Headed by Manager Mchol Gersen, who f Lothario. Am. there naa no chance for
has the little men and women In charge, ny of the other women of the party to
President Taft Said to Favor Him tor
the Judgeship.
; mond, Who Pleaded, Guilty tO .. Nebraska yvill Spw.eJ goaae Weeks In
Third Wife of St. Louis
Millionaire Sues for
Fifty Thousand
NEW TORK. Jan. S. The financial ho
rizon waa decidedly clearer today as a re
sult of conferences held last night to pro
vide against any unsettling of the stability
of financial organizations allied with the
Carnegie Trust company.
One thing appeared .to be plain, namely,
that the trouble of the Carnegie company
and Its allies was an Isolated condition and
not Indicative of any widespread trouble
In the financial world.
Atithe Twelfth Ward bank, having head
quarters In Harlem, there was a group of
perhaps fifty people In line early In the
dsy. Some nervousness was manifested by
some of the depositors, particularly for
eigners, who had not been apprised of the
events of overnight, but banking officials
took steps to allay this feeling. Many
went away without carrying out their In
tention to withdraw funds.
As an Indication of the general feeling In
financial interests prices on the Stock ex
change ahowed factional galna In a major
ity of stocks and the market was moder
ately active. Some of the leading stocks
showed advances.
There was some excitement at the savlnga
department of the Nineteenth Ward bank
at Fifty-seventh street and Third avenue,
where there were about 200 persona In line
when the bank opened.
There waa not the slightest disorder,
While a conference of bankers was in
progress at the home of Paul D. Cravath
today almost constant telephone communi
cation waa maintained with J. P. Morgan.
Five directors of the three banks retired
following the conference.
The guarantee signed by the Carnegie
Trust company directors for tha S6&0.000
which the city had on deposit with that
Institution was found today In tha private
safe of City Chamberlain Hyde. .
Charges against Hyde and asking hla
removal from office were filed today with
Mayor Oaynor by a cltlaen.
Bigamy, Wants Damages.
ST. LOPIS. Mo., Jan. . Mra Charlotte
Vincent Drummond. third wife of Charles
R. Rrummond, member .of a millionaire
family, filed stilt In ths St. Louis circuit
court today for $50,000 damages for the
bigamous marriage which he contracted
with her at midnight. Pecember 8 Jast. at
Clayton, Mo. She sued m. her ' maiden
name. Charlotte Vincent.
Lt Tuesday Drummond pleaded guilty
to a charge of bigamy and was fined SVX)
and sentenced to six months In Jail. The
Jail sentence was suspended pending good
In the St. I,ouls county circuit court
this morning Prosecuting Attorney Mills
filed a motion for a revocation of Drum
mond's parole. The allegation In the mo
tion was that Drummond had violated his
parole. He Is believed to be In New York.
Circuit. Judge Wurdeman revoked the
parole without any further atatement by
the prosecutor. .
Last Chance is Given
Men Who Sold Votes
Judge Blair Warns Indicted Men that
All Who Do Not Come in Will
Be Sent to Work House.
Enst Beforo Retnrnlnav to le
braeka Westeva Matters
at Capital.
WEST UNION, O.. Jan. . The only
action In the vote selling Investigation to
day was the posting of notices giving the
voters a last chance. The notice follows:
I nlf all persons who received money
for their votes In the last election appear,
the sheriff will have orders to place them
under arrest. Time will he given those
who have not money to pay their fines
and coMn. By coming In at once you will
save the costs, part of your fine and stay
out of the workhouse.
W. P. STEVENSON, Prosecutor.
t'M AbeJIahea Baa Ball.
Ct DAR RAPIDS, la., Jan. .-At a meet
ing of the Coe College athletic board last
evening It was decided to abolish base ball
at Coe for the ear to come. The game
earned le than t&OO at the school last year,
while the expenses were tf In excess of
this amount. A definite lack of Interest
marked the Contest also, ror these two
reasons la the main the action mas taken.
the Lilliputian contingent of the Hippo
drome show swooped down on the city hall
officials Monday morning. An impromptu
reception was held, the chiefs of, the vari
ous depsrtments assisting Mayor Dahlman,
In whose office the little folks congregated.
Thirty of them, all sties and ages, paid
ther lespects to Mayor Dahlman. Among
the little folks, who were aa much Inter
ested in the eights around the city hall as
were the employes and visitors, were mid
gets of all nationalities. But In the main
they hall from Germany.
Of chief interest were Enrico Oondln,
a ho measures twenty-eight Inches In
height and modestly admits to thirty
pounds of avordupoli, and Marta Mulier,
a little lady who coyly acknowledges to 13
years of age. Miss Mailer's Interest In
Herr Oondln developed the fact that they
are engaged to be married. And lt'a a sure
enough engagement, for the young couple
announce that they are to be married as
soon as the company reached Chicago.
Mine Mulier is as proud of her liege lord
as sny woman could well be. Jealously
she matched ry movement of the young
maae goo goo eyea at Blr Uondin. for his
fiancee guarded him too closely.
It remained for I.udwlg Mess, a falr
h aired youth of two and twenty years, to
set the feminine hearts a-flutter. Mes,
the acknowledged Beau Brummel of the
party, forgot his companions long enough
to cast aly glances at the young women
who are employed In the city hall. His
glances were not In vain, for they were
returned many fold. Mesa Is thirty Inches
ialL However, his diminutive stature Is
so well proportioned that - many of the
swains of the city hall breathed a algh of
relief when the party bade good-bye to
Mayor Dahlman.
Hassld, the little old man of the parly,
boasts a record of which he Is well proud.
For twenty years Hassld, a native of Tur
key, served as a Jester In the sultan's
Tiarem. During that time he received the
munificent sum of 0 a month for doing
nothing, as he fays. Hasald. who la ;
years old. apeaks nine languages. ' Bo far
he his not mastered the English language,
but considering that he has been In this
country but fifteen weeks he does remark
ably well.
Sister of Defaulting Banker Charged
with Perjnrr.
NEW TORK. Jan. . Unattended by
counsel, Joseph Q. Robin, the banker whose
financial operations are alleged to have
resulted In the closing of the Northern
bank, today entered a formal plea of not
guilty to eight indictments charging him
with the larceny of 1307.000 from the Wash
ington Savings bank, of which he was president.
Dr. Louise Roblnovltch, Dr. Robin's sis
ter, waa thla afternoon Indicted on a charge
of perjury and a bench warrant for her
arreBt was issued by Justice Ooff. The In
dictment charges that she swore falsely
In making affidavit that aha and her
brother. Edward Robin, were the indicted
banker's only next kin.
They are looking
in The Bee for
If you have one tell the people
about It through these want ad
Bee want ads rent rooms.
Thay rent them quickly.
They secure good paying people
for them.
Call Tylof 1000 and a cheer
ful staff will attend to you.
Tin Ida at Bartlesvllle, Okl., Hit
Cksik ef ITItra-OtyeerlB
with a Haaamer.
BARTLE8VTLLE. Okl.. Jan. .-Whlle
Elmer and Edward MUlua, 10 and S years
old, were playing with a piece of aolldfled
nitroglycerin which they found near an old
well here today, one of them struck the
lump with a hammer. Both children were
blown to pieces. The boys after finding
the explosive ahowed It to their mother,
but she did not know what It waa.
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. . (Ppeclal Tele
gram.) Senator Norrla Brown presented
Mf. and Mra. Myron Learned to toe presl
denttoday. They had but a few minutes
with the chief executive on aeount of the
uriusual number of persons who had en
gagements with him Including 160 "boost
ers" from New Orleans, who are In Wash
ington to get the Panama exposition for the
Crescent city. If such a thing Is possible.
Senator Brown will see the president a
little later and go over with him the strong
recommendations which Mr. Learned has
for the vacancy on the bench of the Eighth
circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Learned will atend
the first White house reception of the sea
son, in honor or me nipiomaiic corps to
morrow night and will probably leave for
the Massachusetts Wednesday on a short
visit before returning to their home In
Thoroughly reliable Information is to
the effect that President Taft haa made
up his mind to appoint Judge Walter 1.
Smith of Council Bluffs to the Vandevan
ter vacancy. . In fact, he haa stated hl
decision to at least two congressmen who
have been to see the president relative
to Judgshtp matters. The president real
ises that the appointment of Judge Smith
to the circuit bench takes away from con
gress an extremely able debater and one
who will be most needed In the lower
house during the next two years.
Probably If tha president could sea the
vacancy on the circuit bench two years
henoe, he might decide that Mr. Smith
should serve ont the term for which he
was elected aa the representative from
the Ninth district from Iowa. The presi
dent, however. Is not willing to take the
chance seemingly and It would not sur
prise anybody to hear of Smith's appoint
ment almoat any time.
The appointment of Judge Smith, If such
should occur. In nowise detracts from the
candidacy of Mr. Learned, for no man has
had any stronger endorsements rfor has
been mora enthusiastically urged than Mr.
Learned, for not only . has he been endorsed
by the Douglas County Bar association
and the State Bar association, but by Jus
tices of the supreme court and Governor
Aldrlch, besides many of the leading clll-
(Kroni a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) As fine ail exhibition ' of ground
and nerlal tumbling hi can hp Feen In any
well-regulated circus a trlvtn today In
the house of representative, when the
idemori'Als foil over themsrh es , In tlit'tr
desire to sustain t ho speaker in his rullni;
j on a resolution presented by Kepresenta
Itlve Fuller of Illinois, providing that the
motion to dlsrluirgc committees shall not
ake precedence ovir motions to suspend
rali s.
Ills resolution was designed, as he said.
to put a stop to filibustering, which.
Mr. Fuller asserted. Mr. Mann, his col
league, was engaged In to defeat ponding
Mr. Dalzell of Pennsylvania, chairman of
the committee on rules. Informed Mr.
Fuller that the committee stood ready to
report a rule fixing certain suspension
days. Mr. Fuller slated that he was glad
to hear from Chairman iMlzell, but that
ha would liiHlst upon his resolution being
given Imnii'dlate consideration.
tannon Outlines I'oaltloa.
Speaker Cannon cogently reviewed legis
lation on (his subjoct and lucidly outlined
the position of fho chair, in which he
held that resolution was not privileged.
Mr. Fullrr was Inclined to abide by the
ruling of the chair, when Mr. Gaines of
West Virginia took the bull by the horns
by appealing from the derision of. the chair
and thereuion waa precipitated one of the
finest bits of political plays which haa
been seen in the house In aeveral years.
It was so sudden that leaders of the in
surgent forces were taken wholly unawarea
while the democratic minority rah to cover
with an alacrity which reminded one of the
ghuet story about the scared colored man
and a rabbit.
Judge Walter 1. Kmlth made one of the
strongest pleas heard In the house for some
time In behalf of tha speakers ruling. ,
He twitted the democrats upon their 1ncon- '
slBtencJ. " for but a short tinie wgo they
were found smarting ' ant 'fttneridment'of .
Judge Norrla of Nebraska, which contem
plated the very same thing as the Fuller
resolution. He read a stanaa or two from
Byron, drawing a parallel between demo
crats and progressive republicans. In which
democrats had "not only grown dark In
color, but had developed kinky hair."
Democrats Follow Lead.
The democrata, realising that In all
probability, If the chair waa Overruled, that
their vote might rise tip to haunt thorn
when Champ Clark becomes speaker, fol
lowed the lead of the Mlssoiirlan and
voted (o sustain the decision of the chair.
That is, In the case of all but twenty-five
democrats who,, with progressive repub
licans, made a total of fifty-three voles
against the Speaker's ruling. Marulre.
Norrls and Illnshaw voted against the
speaker's ruling. Iowa Progressives did
likewise, with the exception 6t Kendall,
who voted to sustain .Kpeaket Cannon.
Congressman Hitchcock waa not present.
It was on the point as to whether a pro
posed amendment to the rules offered from
the floor constituted a question of high
constitutional privilege that the storm
broke. It was precisely thla question that
called out the "revolution" of last March
when Representative Norrla i.f Nebraska
offered an amendment providing for a rules
committee of fifteen members to be elected
by the house. Instead of three membera ap-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
Cleveland Police Find Out
Index System of Robbers
CLEVELAND. O.. Jan. S.-Fred C. Hoff
man, carrying a card aa agent for the
Bell Telephone company, was arrested
here tonight as the third member of a
gang of burglars who have looted scores
of residences In the last few months. He
revealed to the police a card Index sys
tem In which the estimated booty arrange
ment of furniture, means of egress and
Ingress and other details of hundreds of
dwelling houses were enumerated. Thla
Information had been collected by him In
his guise as telephone agent.
The capture of tha burglars has brought
into the hands of the police an Immense
mount of stolen property valued at many
thousands of dollars. Part of this, con
sisting of valuable silver plate, was dis
covered buried under a wall In the For it
Hill estate of John D. Rockefeller. It hud
been stolen from the house of one of Mr.
Rockefeller's tenants and hidden until an
opportunity could be found to carry It
way. Arabel Harrison and Burt Hosiidge,
two of Hoffman's associates, also are in
custody, but the police are still looking
for a fourth man named O'Reilly, who Is
believed to have been the lesder of the
JACKSON, Mich., Jan. I It developed
today that most of tha dynamite found
yesterday bi'rled In the state prison yard
here was uunearthed by one of five men
who were recently transferred to Mar
quette prison. The prisoner had confessed
to Warden Fuller of Marquette that a plan
was on foot to blow up Jackson prison.
After disclosing the conspiracy the prls
oner was Immediately brought here. He
soon found sixteen of the taenty-one pieces
of explosive material which ha had warned
Warden Fuller were flamed about the
Institution. Three loadrd revolvers, steel
saws, drills, nails and candles were found
today burled in the yard.
pointed by the apeaker.
Baled Oat of Order.
Speaker Cannor ruled the Norrls resolu
tion out of. order. Today Representative
Fuller of Illinois offered a resolution
amending the rule relating to the discharge
of committees from the consideration of
bills. It was purely technical.
A point of order was raised against It
and the speaker, declaring he would Ignore
the precedent set by the house last March
when It overruled hla ruling In the Norrls
case, held that tha Fuller resolution waa
not privileged.
An appeal from the ehalr was Immedi
ately taken by a regular republican, Mr.
Galnea of Weat Virginia, who demanded a
yea and nay vote.
The apeaker waa auatalned by CS to M.
Speaker Cannon's ruling waa delivered In
his most Impressive manner. He gesticu
lated at tlmea with tha gavel clutched la
his left hand. Again he would pause, put
down the gavel And apeak almost In a whis
per. The attention waa auoh. however,
that be could be heard In tha far corners
of the gallery.
, To point the similarity of the question
raised today and the one raised lat
March, the speaker had the Norrls reso
lution read in full, together with an ex
tract from the Journal of the houae, giv
ing the details of the fight that followed
and the oevrthrow of the speaker. He
also had read extracts from remarks then
made by Champ Clark, and Representa
tive Underw.ood.
Only One Precedent.
"The chair," lie said, "would have t o
difficulty In promptly ruling In liannonv
with all the precedents ao fir as (he
chair Is able to ascertain, from the be
ginning of this house In Its sittings under
the constitution, lave one, and but for
that one. That precedent was n.ade In the
last session of the present congress, upon
a resolution precisely similar In principle
to this."
The speaker aald that under "the great
parliamentary reform" of last March
there Is still no ay under the rules in
amend the rules except by revolutiitji ' if
we are to take tha word and vote of (he
gentlemen In the house Isst senlon con
stituting for the time being a majority
of the houae.
"Now the chair desires to ssv In this
connection." he continued. "tHht It i
within the power of the hoiu-e, acting t,y
a majority, to do anything that a n.uj.jrit v
votes for. having complete power in i lie
premises, whether Justified by the fixeU