1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE : J A XT ATI Y 8. 1011. t t Extra rtperlal Night Gowns One Big Lot of Fine Princess Slips Extrs Special Corset Covers and Drawers Embroidery, lace and tucked trimming; a great apodal lot; regularly priced at A 25c to 60c; go at 1 l each XV Kt Women's Colored Wash Petticoats Ginghams. chambrays, etc., striped and plain, embroidery and fold trimmed, etc; many different styles; A() worth $1.25 and llflC $1.50; at V w Children's Night Gowns (.'liildren's 7."c quality Night (towns, in nil sizes and various stylos; .Tnnu i ary sale price y C onlv.... 4DC Extra Special Children's White Skirts Here are good, full, white Skirts, prettily tuek trim med, worth rcgu 0)p larlv :t!V, at, each. OF Ml SMX AMI CAMBRIC Mgh (iowni, embroidery, lace trimmed and tucked; many Scores of styles; embroidery, lace trimmed and Inserted; many very elaborate crca- different styles to select from; regularly worth 76c; January sale special; at 39c tlona; very fash $1.98 ionable and worth $3. $4 and S; arh O MM SHU L.,.-,...,,- T7TT Tl ft Undermuslias $1.39 Night Gowns Hell sleeved or fit ted chemise combination suits; corset cover and skirt or 'corset cover and drawers, in one-piece: also petticoats, J. drawers, eic. at 39 Undermuslias at $1.89 Tliese are beautifully made under ' muslins, very carefully sized--many with elaborate lace and embroidery trim- J. iniURs; a special group, at 89 Extra Size Undergarments Hen? are undermuslins for large women gowns, skirts and drawers special lot for this Jau u ary sale, at Oc, 75c, 98c, $1.50; $1.98 Children's Drawers All ages worth up to oOe, (J Children's 7oc Outing Flannel Skirts and downs. 39C Children's Outing Teddy Bear I'yjamas. various 7C!Q0f colors and white. . . i 0Jt tOt ay. n . i 1.1 1, THE GREAT ANNUAL EVENT THAT THOUSANDS ARE WAITING FOR We have been, preparing for this sale for months and our New York and Paris buyers have co-operated with us in assembling the finest undermuslins which will be sold during the coming week at far below their actual value. We have bought odd lots from makers from time to time at great concessions. Monday's specials will be extraordinary. .v- j t m cv jikl fra "rin 'R-r "T" "Tin &g& M j r- -il , m ' II. rl Princess Slips A great assortment of these cry fashionable slips all the newest features; special at $2.50, $3.98, $5.00, $0.98 r Undermuslins at 45c , Slip-over Night Gowns, walking length Skirts, um brella Drawers, lace and em broidery trimmed Corset Covers, combination under -garments; a great variety i Undermuslins at 75c, Night downs and Chemises, with French embroidered yokes, full shaped sleeves, white petticoats with wide lace and insertion flounce combination garments, the greatest values in Omaha. at r Undermuslins at 98c Km pi re and Kimono Night (own. many in extra sizes; skirt length and long che mises, white petticoats, two piece combination undergar- garments, a wonderful bar gain offering, at Infants' Slips, made with tucks, O worth 35e, at. .IOC New Tailored Waists and Lingerie Waists First showing of new spring styles for 1911, including the smart est models of the famous- Hera hi Square, Blue llibbon and Opera Brand Waists in big lots at $l98-$250-$398-5-$750 and Fine White Waists Broken lines and odd sizes of lin 1 gerie and tailored waists, in good practical styles that are ffrt QQ worth up to'd.OO, at VUVO Odd Lots of UNDERMUSLINS Various kinds many are slightly mussed from handling fnuj domestic undergarments; spe cial in .January sale at great reductions. Genuine $2.00 Heatherbloom Petticoats Blacks and various colors; fiQj January sale price 0?C Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns All Blxea and kinds, worth 7C $1.00 and $1.25; special I 3C Lingerie Waists Special Thiee special groups of clever, new Lin gerie Waists, in three Qfi $150 198 great groups, at IJOV" 1 "I Children's Ideal Waists IOC special at. . French Lingerie Our Own Importation We have assembled beautiful real French hand made garments for this sale. These were selected personally by our own foreign buyer who bought large lots from the French commissionaires at great sacrifices. We are able to show the daintiest of lingerie at prices much less than you co'dd buy them for regularly. Special groups at 69c, 98c, $1.39, $1.89 Great January Sale of Wide Sheeting, Cambrics and Muslins Begins Monday I'ome direct to the Muslin department Monday. We advise every housekeeper in Omaha and viclnitr to huy here where prices are lowest. .Here are wide bleached sheetings that have been the first choice of housekeepers for generations. Note the January sale prices on I'equot and t'tlca wide sheeting. 10-4 width bleached L'tica or PeqUot Sheeting.! 6-4 width bleached Utlca or Pequot Sheeting, 27c .".74c value, at, yard 30 value, at, yard m 2l) H-4 width bleached Utlca or Pequot Sheeting, 35c value, at, yard n . . . 28 45-inch wide bleached Utlca or Pequot Sheeting, 8-4 width bleached Utlca or Pequot Sheeting, 32c 22c value, at, yard 17 value, at, yard 25 7-4 width bleached Utica or Pequot Sheeting, 30c 42-inch wide bleached Utlca or Pequot Sheeting, value, at. yard 22 20o value, at, yard 15$ Low prices on wide Fruit of the Loom Sheeting 8- 4 width bleached Fruit of the. I .com Sheeting, 3 5c v ilue, at, yard 20 9- 4 width bleached Fruit of the Loom Sheeting, 37 He value, at, yard 25 To avoid any delay in being waited upon we will place the Fruit of the Loom Sheeting on special table with extra salespeople. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 10-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, at, per yard 27? 9-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, at, per yard .25 8-4 width bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, at per yard 23 TWO SPECIALS 8-4 bleached Koxcroft i 7 4 bleali"d PhIIus Sl-.eet-hheetlrm, better than An- I In, 22c value, at, per rora. at, yard Slo ' yard ISO Genuine Lonsdale Cambric, 1A 15c value, at, yard. . 1UC Ask for the 10c Blue L Grass Cambric; special, yd.. ."C All the one-yard wide, firmly woven, soft finish, bleached muslin Lonsdale, Fruit of the Loom, Hope and Langdon, together with all our famous soft finished, well known brands, during .January at 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c and 10c a yard, should interest every housekeeper, hotels, restaurants, etc. Now i the time to lay in a supply. We nicked every grade of these bed muslins for the good service we know it would give. Kvery sheet torn, well niHde and finished. The relobrated West Faraam Sheets are Tery popular. We would advise you to buy a year's supply while these January Reductions prevail. Size 63x90 West Farnam Sheets, V'oc value, at 55 Size 72x90 West Farnam Sheets, 80c value, at GOi Size 8U90 West Farnam Sheets, 90c value, at 68? SUe 81x99 West Farnam Sheets, $1 value, at . . . .75i Size 90x99 West Farnam 8teets, $1.10 value, at 82 Wo recommend the popular Dreadnought grade es pecially for hotel use. Size 81x99 bleached seamless Dreadnought Sheets, at, each 59t Kze 81x90 bleached seamless Dreadnought Siieets, at, each 55 Size 72x90 Elmdale Bleached Sheets, at, each 49 The Genuine Armorslde Bleached, Welded Steam Sheets Size 72x90, bleached Armorslde Sheets, 60c valued at Bc Siie 72x99, bleached Armorslde Sheets, 65c value, at B5c SW. S1yQO hlearhed Armorslde Sheets. 65c value, at Mc Size 81x99, bleached Armorslde Sheets. 70c value, at 60c The Pillow Cases are made from the very best well, known tubings and casings. All the 25c Pillow Cases, medium and large size, at. .18c All the 224c Pillow Cases, made from tubing, at . .lc All the 20e Pillow Cases, medium and large, at.... 14c All the 18c Pillow Cases, medium and large, 12W All' the 12c and 16c Pillow Cases, medium and large, at, each 10 11 White Goods Beautiful snow white barred ma terials, sheer corded mercerized lawns, jacquard madras, sheer India linons, etc. new white stuffs In lengths for children's wear, waists and drsses, worth up to 35c yard basement bargain square, yard.. 10c White, black and all desirable shades in mercerized poplins 4. 6 and 8 yard lengths 25c grade, bar gain square, yard . .124c Ginghams An almost endless variety of new and very pretty styles best Amer ican gingham, also plala shades lengths for waists, dresses and rhildren'a wear basement A bargain square, at, yard .... "C January Sale of White Goods ln Basement , We have been preparing for months for this great annual event. Kcorrs of the finest linMited sheer white novelties. .When you buy white goods at llrandels, you are sure of the latest '" i;ir,imu juu ir ir. ..- v. n.c .....vt. en uniTro lor awn Mgn class good, if you buy during this sale. SPECIAL SALE IMPERIAL LONa CLOTH 3(i inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at. .98c 3b"-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at $1.25 36-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at $1.45 M-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at $1.49 36-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at $1.59 36-inch Initial Long'cioth, 12-yard bolts, at $1.79 42-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts, at $2.10 SPECIAL SALE OF NAINSOOK 36-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12-yard bolts, at....98c 36-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12-yard bolts, at.. $1.45 40-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12-yard bolts, at.. $1.98 45-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12-yard bolts, at.. $2. 49 39-inch French Nainsook, made from genuine combed Egyptian yarn and guaranteed not to (? (?(J turn yellow-bolt of 10 yards, at 12-yard Piece Windsor Nainsook, Worth $3.00, at $1.98, This offer of Windsor Nainsook is the greatest value in goods of this character ever offered in Omaha. This cloth is made from the very finest combed yarn and contains no starch, 4.") inches wide, bolt of &4 AO 12 yards, at $ltfO 39-inch White Mercerized Barred Dimity For under- muslin, secially put up and manufactured for our January sale a bolt of 10 vards, at ; '. $2.10 44-lnch wide White French Lingerie Mull, a beautiful, soft, clinging material for making dresses, slips, waists, f Cf undergarments. January Sale Price, per yard, at ...' 84-incli Checked and Striped Persian Ijtwn Very fine quality, worth 35c a yard. January Sale Price, only per yard, 15C Imported White Cotton Crepe Suitable for making waists, dresses, undermuslins, etc. This is the cloth you want, as the crinkle will neither wash out nor stretch out, and requires no ironing, worth "iOl 33c yard, January Sale Price, per yard, at. la 2 V 20c Extra Fine India Linon, sold from the -I Ap bolt-no remnants, per yard, at XUt French Lawn, sold from the bolt, regular 23c 1A. quality, 46-inch wide, per yard, at.' lvi 43-inch Irish Dress Linen, pure white and extra heavy tor waists and suits regular we wwv quality; one day only, per yard, at. 16-inch Sheer Dress Linen, also medium, light ( weight, 45c quality, January Sale Price, yd.,. . Last Clearance New Dross Goods Main Dept. and Bargain Square. Prices much under cost to make room for spring dress goods. 5 4-inch Tailor Suiting reduced from fl.50 and $2, yard - --$1 60 and 46-lnch Costume Serges, Bengalines, Novelty Suitings, re duced from $1.25 to 70 54-lnch Diagonal Cheviots, reduced from $1.25 to 50 60-lnch Broadcloth, in all colors, reduced from $125 to 804? 54-inch gray stripe Suitings, re duced from C5c to 30? On special bargain square Three cases Jamestown Woolen Mills special :t8-lnch dress goods, usu ally retailed at 75c all go at one price, per yard 40 Great January Sale of Linens .'.:'5 Irish I.lnen Pattern flotti, 72xi'J, a t '. .fl.bS ti 00 Irlali l.lnen l'attern 'loiii. Ti'x0. al , 93.13 (4 Irish l.lnen Pattern -lnt'i, 72x1 OH. nt . .S3 G5 1.i.' Austrian Mnen Pattern Cloth 7Jx72. at a.l $4 00 AtiMrUn l.lnen Pattern Cluiim. 72x0, at $a.7 11.75 Austrian l.lnen Pattern Cloth' 7:x1", h B3.3S IS SO Anxtrlan l.lnen Pattern Clnthn, 72x72. ;it 4.aS $7 Auatitan l.lnen Pnttern Cloths. 7:0. at $3.69 $9 Austrian Linen Pattern Clothx, 7:xl0K, at 98.80 Scalloped Embroidered Table Cloths ti S.-alloe.1 Klse Pattern (Moths. 72-Inch round. at earh 3.4 $7 60 Scalloped Kle Pattern Cloth. 71-lnrh round, at ea.h 94.S9 M 00 Galloped Kdge Pattern Cloths, SI -Inch round, at each 95.S8 All our l and t0-lnrh round. Scalloped Kdgn Pattern I 'In? ha. worth up to $ 1 J.T.0. at earh 94.S4 Odd Pattern Cloths fi SO Herman Hound Thread Pat tern Cloths, slz 72x7::. each, at 91-Bt 13 Irish l.lnen Pattern doth, 7!x0, at each 91.S8 Damask 1 5S Bleached (lernian l.lnen Ta lile laninnU, now stripe patterns, at yard 91.10 tl 3 Kieached Irtali Itouhle Satin I'amask. 72 tnchpa u Ide. at yard 86o $1.10 Bleached or Silver Hleaclwd Satin l'amaok. at ard 83c Napkins $1.00 Silver Bleached Nnpklns, slxe 19x19, at ilo.on 4So $1.3 Pure l.lnen Napkins, sil ver bleached, at doi.en.,.890 $2 60 finest pur linen satin finish Napkins, dofcen,. .$1.59 $3 extra heavy Irish l.lnen Napkins, at dozen 91.98 $5 dinner size Scotch I.Uien Napkins, extra, heavy weight, at dozen 93.60 $10 doulila Satin laiu,ik l.ln en Napkins, size, dot., 96 Towels 10c lluik Towel, isrire slxe, red border, each 5 I i:Wc Muck ToHela, extra ixe, fine quality: at I each 8'te i I'Jc I'nlou l.lnen Towels, IXx3, at each . . . . ltVo 2Sc Pure l.lnen Mink Tel, '.'1x4(1. at each.. 10 46c Puie linen Iteiustitcheil Ituck Tuwela, with lac for uionoKrsrn, at each .850 74. tst riade Mark Towels, at each 490 in, Hrtiw n Turkish Towels, Mr alir. at each to :'ir Hei'vy Hleached Turklah Towels, al eacli..l6o fc Corate.l llordeied Tuiklah Towels, at each 30 &0c scalloped or hemstitched tiuest Towels, at Fancy Linens exrh 9So $1 t0 Austrian l.lnen I.unch Cloths, five rows of drawnwork. slz 64x64. at each 80 Pine Renaissance I.ace Scarfs and Centerpieces, worth up to $1.60. at each 76 Kins llenaisance I.ace, Centerpieces, with embroid ered centers, worth $1. at each 880 X.XTXaT SHEETS AD PILLOWCASES 90x96 Pure l.lnen Hemstitched Hheeti, regular ?.'.0 ulues, al pair 94.60 s0x94 Pur l.lnen Scalloped Sheets, regular values, at pair 98 Pi.r l.lnen Pllow Ca. hematitcned ends, at I air 980 First Showing on Our Main Floor High Class Imported Wash Fabrics Superb collection of the smart 1!M1 fabrics, comprising "Kfleuiv," printed Voiles, bordered sheer Marquisettes and St. (Jail embroidered mulls, exclusive linen robes, Egyptian tissues, French ginghams, etc. QC- AND UP f-t 1 l T . - V sjiecially priced for Monday, at, yard Monday is the Great Foulard Day A special purchase of 125 pieces of beautiful printed foulards at a large concession enables ua to place on sale this lot at fully one third under the regular value. Scrolls, dots, jardiniere effects, Egyptian and geometrical patterns newest OClC shades all $1.00 foulards, at, per yard v w Special lot of Silks on our pop ular bargain squares worth double the price, at, per yard ....29S 50S (JOt I.yon's spot-proof K nilards, 4 2 In ches wide will positively ,slieil the water 2-color tone Jacquard patterns, French colorings, etc.. at yard 91.T5 "VilM '""P"""'-' ,""r" " """ '.h'-ih'isim' hums iMiasMusmi. bmih.si.l,l.stss , I BRANDEIS STORES IsasBxmi mil n mill Tminsi n-n iiM.Mmiiii.iaa Great Sale of Embroideries At the Lowest Prices That New, Stylish, Desirable Embroideries Have Ever Sold for: 27-Inch fine swIss and batiste embroidered Mountings new designs in F'lauen lace effertn. Irish crochet. Vnise and Kaby Irish designs worth up to I1.5U a yard. at. per yard 75c a7-lnch Ktiffleil Kdge ami Heinhtltclie.l VA Embroidered Flouncing., with rows pf lure and embroidery insertions pretty medium designs, aiso canny qixih alVfC new designs In English eye- dresses, worth $1.25 a yard bargain square, at, per yard 22 and 27-Inch fine embroldreed waist frontin gs and allovers let. blind relief work effects and dainty French patterns, worth up to $1.26 a yard bargain square, at, per yard. 59c IS, 22 and 27-inch fine embroidered flotincings and corset cover embroideries English, eyelet. Madeira and blind relief designs, wide salloi?d edges, also dainty pat- QQ. terns for children's dresses, many worth 85c a yard, at, per yard KJ J 18 and 22-inch fine swiss, nainsook and cam bric embroidered flounclngs, skirtings and corset cover widths. English eyelet, floral and blind effects - many worth 5fc Of5i a yard big bargain square, yard . aWCll Thousands of yards of fine embroidery edg ings and Insertions neat openwork and blind effects worth 10c yard a"i bargain kquare, at, per jard Jl 18-Inch fine embroidered flounclngs and cor set cover widths, also medium and wide edges. Insertions and headings nainsook and cambric worth up to 3."c yard, bargain square, at. yard . . . . 12ic Fine French and Ciernian val laces and inser tion? ill new designs, many to match worth 10c a yard bargain square, C lit, per yard .' . JC A ! is 'V r I 1-