THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: JANUARY 8. Hf wry y v ftak ill Am X; v a. e i ii if u i ti m it uusriir iiitaittiiucin sr i j m nans vi'iiiiiti nnnnsssni t w if a r r 1 V REAL ESTATE FBM AXD RAM II I. AND FOR SALE tConttnued.) Florida- FLORIDA LAND. ' Florida You cannot lose on any well elected property tn Florida, but sre aura f quick and substantial profits. We hava many good properties for colonisation, fruit ami vegetable land and Improved farms. Pope at North. 901 Atlantic National bank Bid . Jacksonville, Fla- deorala. FOR BALK How la this: A lot (0x14 feet In a progressive city, and 40 acree farming land, all for 1200, on terma of $18 rash and $19 monthly. Address. F. L ibotsu, KM River road. Columbus. Us. Idaho. Farm Lands In Idaho You can't do better anywhere In this country than you can In Idaho. CHEAP LAND; Ions' rr" o' ment, rich noil, rlpatflit climate and all th necessary things to make a tUUlQ 1IUIU CUIUBAW. kuu low. VtlCllki 1U Wo it.MJ Vu VViLL UlVE KOI ThK NAMIi OF A NEBRASKA, l(JWAor KANSAS MAiN TO WRITE TO. He will tell you now HE likes the country. Write for our monthly list of prices a little leaflet that we issue for LAND BUYERS who want definite in formation before they come out here. Ripley Brothers Formerly of Omaha, FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. Farm Lands Pay In Cassia county, Idaho, farming has been tested for thirty years. You can MAKK THIS FARM PAY In CasHlA county. Write today for complete, full and FRKK Infor mation about this, the wealthiest and the most fertile county In the BEST of western states. For FRKB3 booklets, letters of general Information, photographs and lists of op portunities, address: F. K. OR1SWOU). secretary. Burley Cvmmercatl club, Burley, Idaho. O. A. AX LINK, secretary, Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary, Commercial club, Oakley, Idaho. Oakley Farm Lands on Long Credit You can sell that middle west farm of yours FOR CASH and with the money come to Idaho, where the Carey act lands give you the richest farms on earth. YOU HAVE TEN YEARS IN WHICH TO PAY FOR THESE FARMS and they are not worked out, have never known a plow. , Come now. And If you cannot come, send us your name and address and we will send Idaho to you. A beautifully illus trated booklet FREE FOR THE ASKING. The pictures are printed In sepia; you can eo the natural colors of the landscape. Send now to the 111 HI. INVESTMENT CO., BL'HL, IDAHO. Write today for this book. THE Kuhns, the Pittsburg financiers, have spent $130,000,000 developing Idaho. You don't suppose they used only their own money, do you? They advertised their bonds, took public subscriptions and made money for everybody. We can point the way for you to make money In Idaho. It won't cost you anything to learn. Write Frank Rlblett. Albion, Idaho. Money Talks Yes, money talks In Idaho; You draw 3 from that mid-west savings bank of yours; I can guarantee you -7, net. You get a proved security. There is no danger of any loss to the people who live on the United States government Minidoka Project. Write for my free booklet today. C. A. Johnson Attorney-at-Law, Burley, Idaho. Illinois. FOR SALE Corn farms; SS3 acres tn Bu reau county. Illinois, tut 60; sC acres. Ogie county. $0. O. A. Holcooib. Aurora. 111. FOR BALE Best 600-acre stock grain farm In state; R K. station, store and elevator on farm; gravel road; will bear cluMat InvesUgallon. Price $iuu.000. U. A. Brook. Ciaaua Park. Ill FOR BALE Or exchange a splendid 32S gore wheat farm tn Manitoba's most fav ored district, oear town and school. Wha have yuu to oXferT W. L. Ferguson. La Orange. Ill- lovra. TAYLOR COUNTY, IOWA 127 acres In Taylor county, la.. mile from new market. Good s-room house. 2 barns, corn crib and bugty shed. Orchard and shade trees; 2 wells. Fenced and cross fenced. Every foot can be cultivated, no bills or hollows. Price $110 per acre. $5,on0 cash. March 1st possession. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., loug. 17S1; Ind. A-113S. ' Omaha, Neb i . i FARM LAN PA Is ACRES FINE PKAIRIB LAND. Situated nvles from a good countv seat town la North Dakota. Every foot tillable; ill trade la a tew dwelling to amount f tl.hsi to $1,000. Addreaa Lock bos in. Isew Allan. la. REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HAhCH 1, A M) FOR SAI.B Iowa Continued. MONONA CWNTY, IOWA 6ii7 aires near Mapleton; 240 acres In cultivation, balance In posture. Fine Im provement, well fenc ed unci close to threo towns. First class stock and general pur pose fitrm. Owner must sell before March 1st; wants offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 17S1; Ind. A-1188. Omaha, Neb. TWO IOWA FARM BARGAINS. To close a partnership and enable our Mr. Becor to move south, we otter up to Mart u 1. Ml: 240 ACRKf, one mile from town, best Im proved, cleanest and best farmed farm in northern Iowa for only 1106 an acre. Pos session March 1. 160 ACRES, four and one-half miles to good town; small Improvements; 8u8 an acre. Kasy terms. Hecor A Sparks. Buffalo Center, la. UNION COUNTY, IOWA 111 Acres, well Improved and one mile to Lorlmer. All In cultivation, fenced and cross fenced. Bmooth land, Rood soil. Price tW. 2.W cush, balance long time. Immedi ate possession. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 1781: Ind. A-HM. Omaha, Neb. Kansas. CRAWFORD county. Kansas.. Farms; ??0 acres Improved; bargain, 115.000; easy terms, 80 and 100, also 6, 10 and 18 acre fruit and poultry. For particulars writ Geo. W. Strlckler, Otrard, Kan. Do You Want a Good Kansas Farm? Here It Is: G40 acres, one-half new land which heretofore has not been cultivated; has boo J 9-room house, well built; barn 40 xW), with cement floor, also numerous other outbuildings, all In good repair. This farm Is located In Cowely i-ounty in southeastern Kansas, within 3 miles of good railroad town. The owner of this farm Is of ad vanced years and unable to properly work the land, hence he his decided to offer t!ie land, together with about 17,000 of live tuck and farm machinery, at a bargain. O'Neils Real Estate Agency LiOj m nam tit. Both Phones; Bell. Tyler mi. Ind.. A-3313. 640 ACKf.3, 8 ml. town. New six room house, barn, sheds. 30 plowea, balance fenced pasture, all smooth, Uiluola. Rural route, telepnono. Oood road, soil, neigh bors. Crippled with sciatica, cause for selling. J-5 per acre; time If wanted. U. W. Albright, n re w tor. Kau. DRESS your face In a smile, It won't cstcu cold. Now s the time to "swap ' tarms, ranches, city property or mute. 'Hot ' bargains for -"cold' days.-price and describe your propomuuns. M. U, Wsds worth, Uaidea City, Kan. -100. TUN miles from Emporia; 130 culti vated; house S rooms, one two rooms; good barn; aittilta, clover, timber; school twenty rods; $u0. J. T. Burton, Emporia, Kan. 370 ACRES alfalfa grain and stock farm, rich bottom land, one mile Cherokee county, Kacsas; offered snort lime, 34 per acre. Act quick, tu. J. Voiaw, Vvicuita, Ivan. MR. RENTER Bargains In west central Kansas. Nice luO acres, improved, 3 uuies elation; easy terms; J,ow. a.o acres raw land, J,3uu. Ed. H,wing, Uiguiun, Kan. too ACRE grain and stock farm; Im proved; 3 miles market; UM acres bottom ana upland crop lanu; springs, well and river, 6. bpeoal. Heiaer at iiostrup, Man hattan, Kan. 3,3u0 ACRES, solid tract, 4 sets Improve ments; 2 miles town, best sou; can t be duplicated ill state, lii. Best tonus. Kan-as-Culorado Investment Co , bcutt City, Kan. 828 ACRES wheat, corn and alfalfa land, southern Kansas; 6 milm county seat; DO acres wheat. 30 acres alfalfa; well Un proved. Price $Ji. Ik L Kiser, El Dorado, Kan. 760 ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R. R. town In southern Kansas. Alfalfa, corn, wheat, stock and fruit iarm. Price $:o,0u0; best of terms. W. 1. Carter. Sterling, Kan, Loalalaaa. FOR SALE Louisiana orange and fig trees are money makers. Will sell you 6 acres of fertile land with 100 orange and fig trees bearing In 2 years for $250; $20 monthly payments; will culti vate and lake care of trees and pay tax tor t years; no Interest; title guaranteed; trees tins htUMi.i in this section hava netted from $5 to $10; Inducements on larger tracts. For further particulars address A. J. Godard. Abbeville, La. Michigan. FOR BALE 12.000 gores of unimproved fruit and farm lands in eight townships In Lake, Osceola and Mason counties, Mlob !fcn; formerly hard wood timber lauds, situated In well settled country, title per fect; abstract furnished. Representatives at Land Show and at Hotel New boutiiern. where samples of soli and products are shown. H. W . Marsk, Owner. Uaa letee, Mich. FARM BARGAIN. Best O0-acre lanu in Mich.; black sandy loam; 14 bldgs; 1 mile from town; net yearly earnings fo.uGu. R. Arbogasl, lUoou field. N. J. Minnesota. 40 OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at $14. Terms: $12,001 hardware and Implements and Itl.Out building's for farm to uiatun la torn belt. I'oi lie. Adrian. Minn. ' FORECLOSURE SALft OF LAND We have over l&.uwO acres Minnesota land te offer at foreclosure prices; about one-half value; liberal terms; part or whole; grand opportunity for retailer. E. W. Taylor Jt too.. Nat. Oer.-Aoir. bank Bldg.. et. Paul, Mlno. FOR SALE BY THE OWNER -100 acres In Mower county, Minn.; well Improved, all tillable; 2 miles to town, half mile to school. U miles to Iowa Price, $70 per acre, beth A. Cheney, Grand Meadow, Minn. FOR BALE Best cut-over land In north trn Minnesota and Wisconsin; ti-'i per acre and up; farm, timber and Iron lands. Jona y A. Ouaby. 1 Palladia bid.. Duluia, Mlna. llUMarl. STOP! Doa't go a step further than Doi-tlas to. down In the beautiful Oxarks. Raise anything; corn, 40 to 66 bushels per acre; ail other crop in ptoortion, cheap est good land on earth; Sv to $2o per acre. Free mtorma.luii. Globe Real Estate Co.. Ava. Mo. FOR SALE 730 acres splendid Vernon Co. tMo ) slock and grain farm; every acre guoa, p.eiii) i i waM-r. 1 rice. Sou per acre; as good is tl'JO loa land and far belter climate. rue for better oeocnpiiou- K. E bpurgeon. Owner. Olathe, Kan. 266-ACHE valley stock farm near Leba Bon, Mo ; well improved, good soil. 60-acre field. UW-acre pasture, several springs. $1. Terms, no trade. Ed C. Bauiuao. 4u4 Boonviile bt.. Springfield. Mo. STOP! Listen! 80-scre valley farm. $5. Terms. Cheap timberland. McGralb, Moun tain View, Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AND Ht.MH I.A.Nll FOR BALK Mlssonrl font lasted. 1) ACRES t miles to town; good, level, well drained land; ou mall rout and school bouse on one corner of the farm; 1-room house, new; barn 30x00; hog and low house; windmill, plenty water, about 8 acres timber. This Is a good place, priced at tt per acre. D. E. CKUTC1IER, Drexel. Mo. HALF INTEREST. 40-acre farm, under laid with si no and lead. T. Chapman. Webb City. Mo. M0 ACRiB AND 409 ACRES IN UOOU eld Cass county; bo miles from Kansas City; both well Improved; fine black limestone land; bargain; choice, $ per acre; good terms, ki. V. Burdetle, Uaroeu City, lio. BUY Missouri Land raises everything; good markets; cheap now, going up; easy terms. We help you. Write quick. Mis souri State immigration Board, Spring field, Mo.' MISSOURI BA11QAINS We have a large list of Improved and unimproved farms In south Missouri, ranging in price from 14 up to H0 per acre. Call or write for description. WAKNEK fc WILLIAMS, 442 Bee Bldg. MISSOURI LANDS for sale, 80 acres to 1. 000 acres; terms and prices to suit pur chaser. Write for particulars. W. al. Stevens. Cllntou, Henry Co., Mo. BARGAIN 60-acre farm; 4 miles from Warsaw, Mo.; 26 acres cultivated, balance feature; near school and church; price 1,000; terms easy. Address T. U. Owen. Warsaw. Mo. ' Nebraska. IMPROVED farm of about 200 acres In Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, 60 acres 1b wheat, lays close to town. U. P. R. R- runs through the farm. Price. $jo per acre, would take some city property. 1. N. Hammond. 332 Board of Trade. FA11M BARGAINS l.fOO acrvs Kimball county, Nebraska, 4 miles from good railway station, all good (arm land, some Improvements. For quick sale, 114 per acre, cash, bal, 1. 2 and 1 years. . Warner & "Williams, 442 Bee Bldg. 149 ACUKS near Lytle, Garden county, Nebraska. - 1H6 acres Irrigated, with paid up right, balance pasture. Price, $.000. Clear. Will exchange for eastern Ne braska farm or town property. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha. D. 1781. A -1188. . AUCTION SALE OF the famous "Bell Ranch" of 470 acres; finely Improved agricultural lands and all the registered Shorthorns. Percherons, Jacks and other stock. Monday, January W, 1811, at Brlstow, Boyd county, Nebraska. H. S. Duncan, Clearfield, la., auctioneer. Get full particulars at once. Address Q. W. Bell, Owner, Tekamah, Neb. SAEPY CO. HOME FARM Twenty-five miles from Omaha, on line of Interurban to state fisheries and Lincoln. Five miles to a good town on main line of B. & M. Large barn, granary, corn-crib and wagon shed. All new, 7-r. house, and new well Just finished. Improvements cost $ti,000, or more; 130 acres under plow, bal ance choice pasture. In richest part of Harpv countv. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1018 N. Y. Life, Omaha. FOR SALE 400 acres. A bargain for somebody. A good, Improved stock or dairy farm; $7.00 per acre; have over $6,000 worth Improvements on place; 6 miles from R. R. town; basement house, 24x32; kitchen 12x20. Basement barn 44x'.i6; and many other buildings. Three wind-mills. Good soil and plenty of good water. Telephone and water works In house. Write or see owner, G. Rottman, Box 93, Sumner, Neb. SARPY COUNTY FARM POSSESSION GIVEN. 121-acre, well Improved upland farm, eastern Nebraska, 25 ml. of Omaha, for Bale and for sale right; good reasons; ml. to school; 24 mi. to railroad station, R. F. V., telephone; splendid neighborhood. A homelike place; $5 per acre; $300 cash, $2,500 more March 1; bal. long time. Remember this Is for safe; possession given. This will be a $125 per acre farm within a very few years. 1 have others. Come and see the goods. Prices advancing. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 City Nat. Bank Bldg. North Carolina. WANTED Family men to become In dependent farmers in eastern North Caro lina, the "Nation's Garden Spot" A card brings information. C. T. D. Co., 617 South ern Building, Wilmington, N. C North Dakota. $20 ACRES. Stutsman Co.. N. D., clear, for good residence, clear, In Dea Moines. Price of land $10 per acre. 60 acres, well Improved, 35 miles from Winnipeg. Manitoba, for Income. Price. $36 per acre; mtg.. $4,500 equity. Lock Box 796. fcplrlt Lake. Ia. Oregon. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. SO acres only 10 00 per acre. Address L. D. Oakea. Gaston, Ore. Homesteads Advantages of Oregon, a 100-page book explaining what each county Is adapted for, gives amount of government land open to homestead In each county, now to secure 160 to 320 acres free, homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; gen eral description of Oregon. Two maps in colors, 21x28, "showing K. R. in operation, the other showing proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including eastern and central Oregon. 20c each, the three for 60c; gives amount of government lanu open to home stead In each county in the state of Wash ington: description of the same; map of Washington In colors. 20c. Ntmmo. Runey & Co., Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Texas. TORT O'CONNOR, TEXAS. The garden spot of the south. Fine win ter and summer climate, very best agri cultural and fruit land. All close to rail road. One year's crop will pay for land. Price $25 to $j0 per acre. One-third cash. WARNER & WILLIAMS, 442 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Nab. OHANGE orchards near Houston are big Investments. Oi.r five-acre orchards are sold on easy monthly payments. Tne Alvln Japanese Nureeries adjoin and their ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years. Writ today for Illustrated oiange booklet. Federal Land & invest ment . Houston, Tex. ARE you seeking Independence? Then come locate with us on a ten-acre farm, close to Houston, Tex.. In the balmy gulf coast country; you are close to markets and can get rich by raising winter garden truck, and b '-teloplng a fig and orange orchard; wltl attain yearly income; sev eral huudrd of us have formed an "Iowa colony" and are farming here; you can buy a among us for $15 a month. Write lue today for particular. U. L Huffman. Manvel. Tex. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAMI! LAND FOR VA1.F. Texas -I on tinned. TO exchangi -120 acres good level farm lDd, Oneida county, Wisconsin; near railroad and town; country rapidly eettlint) up and prices advancing; price $1,800, clear; want good, sound young registered Perch ron or Belgian stallon, to weigh no less than 1.800 pounds and a sure font getter. Address Lock Box k3. Rhlnelander Wla BEST land In Wisconsin; any slsed tract; wholesale prices. Grimmer Land Co., Mart Crete. Wla $15.73 PER ACRp: buys ,7S acres richest Nueces river Irrigation land, southwest Texas; Investment or colonixstion; $15,000 developments. Part cash; forced sale, rar est opportunity. Wire or write Immedi ately, Jes. F. Wolfe, Trustee, 116 N. Flores fet., Han Antonio. Tex. TRUTH ABOUT TEXAS The Texas Realty Journal Is a big high-class lllust trated Texas Magazine giving reliable In formation on entire state; treats on de velopments, products raised; climatic con ditions; prices of lands; health resorts; where to locate, etc.; and puts you In touch with Texas land owners. Send 26c for three months' subscription and nice map of Texas. We are publinhers not land dealers. Texas Realty Journal, Houston, Texas. , TEXAS school lands $1.50 to $5.00 an sere; 1-40 cash, balance 4" years; some don't require residence; good land. Write J. J. Snyder, Dept. 52, Austin, Texas.' FOR SALK Forty acres next to Huv mondvllle. Tex. W. II. I)., 1300 Eagle St., Le Mars, la. 1 tab. Buy Land in a Small But Growing City That's the Way Others Got Rich Ogden, Utah, the Gateway to the New West; the Inter-mountain country with all of Its past wealth of undeveloped resources Is the Jobbing, manufacturing and railway center of this entire section. Buy Ogden real estate now. It increases In value, slowly, surely and conservatively every year. You can get RICH if you will in vestigate the chance there is for you here at Ogden. The Weber club, an association of gentlemen; a business man's club formed for the purpose of helping In the growth of the city and numbering among Its mem bers the most conservative men of the community, employ a PAID official to give you exact, explicit and correct information. Have no fear In addressing us. THE SECRETARY The Weber Club OGDEN, UTAH. You ARE Coming to Utah Then YOU MUST ASK US where and in what section you had better settle. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW; WHERE they will grow. Our NURSERY BUSINESS puts us in touch. LETTER OF INFORMATION FREE. Davis County Nurseries, Roy, near Ogden, Utah. INVESTORS MAKE SURE MONEY SEVEN PERCENT CERTAIN 1 7 t 10 improvements going on at all times in a country which Is growing In population, productiveness and wealth, make neces sary the Investment of more money than the country Itself may own. Murray, Utah, offers to the cautious Investor the Ideal chance to double his money. Mid-west banks pay 3 per cent to 4 per cent on sav ings. Murray, Utah, offers 7 per cent net. The secretary of the Commercial Club will tell you of this; his Information may be verified by reference to any SALT LAKE CITY BANK. IF YOU HAVE ANY MONEY FOR IN VESTMENT BE SURE TO WRITE. THAT WILL COST NOTHING AND IT MAY MAKE YOU A GREAT DEAL The Murray CJomraercial Club, Murray, Utah. WRITE TO WILLIAMS BROS.. Real estate. Murray. Utah, for full onmnieta reliable information concerning this city. Busy factories, farm lands, town lota ) may be bought for less than their value A HE A FEW OF THE OPPORTUNITIES WE CAN TELL YOU OF. Write today. Opportunities for Farmers I can Invest your surplus cash where It will bring you greater retnrns than it will be possible for you to secure elsewhere Send me your name today and I'll keep yoii In touch with western opportunities as they arise. I Will Guarantee 8 Net GEO. J. KELLY, Ogden State Bank Bldg. Ogden, Utah. Washington. FOR SALE Cheap. 10 acres good land, about $ acres slashed; good well near pump and shed; for S&0; mile to Sheri dan dock; 16 minutes' ride to Bremerton, Address Box 61a, Bremerton, Wash. Safe, Sound, Sensible ARE INVESTMENTS IN WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE Safe as Government Bonds Sound aa a Gold Dollar Sensible as a Savings Bank and Sure to Bring SPLENDID RETURNS For Particulars Address Poindexter Company Bremerton, Washington. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres of good alder land, partly cleared near Good road; goiid new house and chickea house: 00 laying hens, ducks and a lot of p.geonsl two miles from good new town, near boat landing; ten miles from city of 40,000 people. Price, $vJ0; tzuu down, balance $i0 per month. fcee Mr. Morrison. sU Bund bu. Everett. Wash. TWO (-acre tracts, fronting on I-ake Che Ian. Wash.; 8-year-old wlnier apples, fine soil, fine lake, fine climate, fine fishing and boallne; low price to close an estate Address W. H. N orris. 47C1 Uth Ave.. N heatlla. ox C P. Ucuueit, Lakeside! REAL ESTATE FARM A Mi It AM It I.AM It FOR SALE (Continued.) Wisconsin. COME TO VILAS COUNTY. WISCONSIN. Good land cheap and on very easy terms form $10 to $15 an acre. 40 acres for $10 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH. No Interest, no tsxes. Insurance clause tn the contract. Fertile soli, plenty of rain, good roads, good markets, good schools anJ churches. pend for map and book to Dept 2. Q. F. BANBORN CO.. Eagla River. Wis. " A BARGAIN. lOn-aere farm. tock machinery and all fof 13.200; small payment down; 60 acree under plow; new modern seven-room house; tws miles from Mauston. Wis.; act quick. Ad dress R. M. GR1MSRUD. Westby. Wis. FOR SALE Cheap, good Improved farm. t 1,000; half down, balance easy terms. Ueo. ves. Mauston. Wis.. R. & Mlscellaneons. WANTED TO BUT There are thousands ol people In Iowa that want to buy farms Improved and un improved In settled and unsettled districts The way to best reach them Is through the classified pagos of THE DEd Mul.NEJ CAPITAL. Average circulation last momn 44.446 copies. Published for twenty year ol Dei Moines, la., bv Late Young. HOW TO SECURE PUBLIC LANDS. THE SETTLER'S HANDBOOK contains the up-to-date land laws; U. S. land oftice table of fees and payments on all govern ment lands; how to secure water tor Irri gation, costs and capacity of pumps. A llHt of the government and state lands In each county In Colorado and full list of all VACANT PUBLIC LANDS IN THE UNITED STATES, price. $1. Complied and for sale by U. H. Hagar, formerly re ceiver V. ,s. land office, i72 South Wash ington St., Denver, Colo. Kndorsed by II. S. officers and state land officials. L-$-0-$-0-$-K 100.000 acre ranch, well Improved, and 32,000 head of live stock, farm Implements, etc.; all go at $U per acre; will take part trade; one of 6.000 acres Is all rich grain land, well Improved, $17..ri0 per acre, part trade; a fine farm of 1,280 acres near K. C, Mo., good dirt, well Improved, $45,000; a choice grain farm of 640 acres handy to K. C, Mo., well Improved, $40 per acre; 5,000 acres In Mo., $H per acre. Let me send you a list of other farms and ranches. FRANK GEE, LAWRENCE, KAN. SEVEN-ROOM hous. barn. chicken houKe, 1V4 acres In fruit, 4 blocks to car, $2,700; also & acres In alfalfa at $1.8'0; these are bargains; I must sell; moving to Colorado. Inquire of owner, 40th and Grand ave. H. Prior. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth and Mason. Union Pacific Depart Arrive. Ban Fran. Overland L..a 8:15 am all 50 pm China and Japan F. M..a 4:10 pm a 6:46 Dm Atlantic Express a 6:45 am Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 5:10 pm Los Angeles Limited.... al2:45 pm a 8:30 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:27 am Colorado Express a 3:60 pm a 4:50 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. a!2 50 pm a 8:20 pm North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4:45 am Columbus Local ....a 6:30 pm al0:30 am Btromsburg Local bl2:40 pm b 1:20 pm (bit-ago A Northwestern NORTHBOUND, Twin City Express a 7:45 am al0:20 pm Hloux City Local a 3:46 pm a 8:28 pra Minn. & Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm a S:lfi am EASTBOUND. Carroll Ixeal a 7:00 am a 8:50 pm Omaha Express a 7:40 am a 6:49 am Chicago Local al2:0$ on a 3:25 am Colorado-Chicago t S lkpm a 8:28 pru Chicago Special a 6:02 pm a 6:4 am Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a 6:06 pm a 3:28 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 pm al2:32 pm Overland Limited all: 46 pm a 7:46 am Carroll Local a 4:3u pm al0:00 am fast Mall a 8:30 pm a 3:36 pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron a 7:50 am all :00 am Norfolk-Dallas a 7:50 am alt':45 pm Long Pine-So. Platte... b 2:15 pm b 6:30 pm Haatlngs-Superlot b 2:ln pm b 6 20 pm Deadwood-Hot (Springs a 8:00 pm a 5:20 pm Casper-Lander a 8:56 pra all 00 am Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm a 1:3 pro Missouri Pacific i K. C. A St. L. Ex a 9:20 .m a 7:40 am K. C. At St. L. E.. ey ccpt Saturday all:." pm a 6:50 pm K. C. & bt. L. Ex., Saturday only li:00 pm Chicago, Ltock Island t Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd....al2:5s am al0:45 pm Chicago Day Express.. a 6:46 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Local Pass bl0:S5 am bl0:l pm Des Moines Local Pasa.a 4:00 pm ali:30 pm Chicago Express a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm Chicago Limited a tt:0s pm a 8:02 am WEST. Chl.-Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 8:20 am a 5 47 pm Colo. & Cal. Express. ..a 1:25 pm a 4:30 pm Okl. at Texas Express.. a 8:16 pm a 1:20 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:56 pm ali.&o am tli lea go, Milnsskea A St. Paul- Overland Limited all:43 pm a 7:69 am Omana-Clucabo Ex. ...b 7:15 am Omi ilia-Savanna Local. a 7:13 am aU:45 pm a 3:2 pm a i:ou am blo:uo am a 3:45 pm a k:.oo am Colo-Cal txpreaa Colorado opecjal ptiiy-umaua i-otai . .a b:oo pm .a 1:U am .0 V .Ul pui .a 7:00 am Illinois Central- Chicago Express .... Ciucaao L.U11110U .a V.uu pm Paul Ex D :oo mm aiiuu.-au I aui iau a v.w pm a :vu am Chicago Great western- Chicago Limited a 6:4s pm Twui City Limited t:Miiu b 7:Maii Twin city Liuuicu elVM am 'iv.iu city liXpieas a :lw am a :Jo pm Chicago Express a iAi m auMjih Omaha-fat. Louis Ex... .a :30 pm a :2i am Mail and Express a 7:0i am all:i6 pin bu.nO'y Lcl. .tiumCM. b:w pm u-, -lu Burlington stall,-. loin nnd Mason. Borllagton Depart. Arrive. Denver California... a 4 lo pm a M pm Paget Sound express. .a 4 10 pm a 3:le pin Nebiaska points .a 8.30 am a :lo pm Llaca Hills Lincoln Mail Northwest Express . Nebraska point Nebraska Express .. Lincoln Local richuyler-Paltsmouth Lincoln Local PiaUsiiioum-lowa .. Btllevue-Platumouth Central Nebraska ... Chicago Special Lirnvci Special Ch.cago Express .... ... ym a ;4t, p,,, ...b l iu pm pin ...all:66 pm a 7:00 am ...a o.or aui ...a H.U am . b 3 Ou pm ...a 7:& pm ...a l is am ..al2:3u pn. ...all A', pm ...a 7:Ui am a ti:lo pm a ti:10 pm b K: am blu:Ai am a 7 io pm a 8.60 am a 2:40 pm all Z5 pm all:, pm a 7 Ou am l l is put a 8:00 am a U).'Y aui al0:30 am all to am a :4j am a pm a 4 .30 pm Chicago past Express. .a S:3o pm Atlantic Coast Limited. 11:40 pin Iowa Local a 8: la am Creston lla ) Local a 3:3o pm tn. Louis Express a 4:3u pm K. C. & tit. Joseph al0:4i pm K. C. t t. Joseph a 15 am K. C. as rl. Joaepn a 4:30 pm Webster atatlun 15th and 'Webster. Mlaaonrl Pacific Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 3. SO pm bll 66 am Chicago, It. Pa el, Minneapolis at Oiunka Eioux City Express b Z:1S pm bll am Omaha Local e !0 pm 61oux City Passenger b 8:30 pm '1 win City Passenger.. .b ( 30 am Ploux City Local e 8 36 am femeson Local b $ ii pm b 9:10 am It) Dally except Sunday. fl) Bunday only. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The South Omaha and Western Rail road Company, for the election of seven directors anu the transaction of such other business as may come before the nteitlng, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohlcr, corner of Ninth and Karnam streets. Omaha. Nebraska, on Wrdtutidtx . the eleventh day of January, A. I . 1:111 at 11 o'clock A. M. T. M OitU. D30dl2t ' Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE AN- nual meeting of the stockholders of ihj Bee Building company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. January 17 1911, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for the transac tion of such other business as mav unm. erly come before the meeting. By order of the president, in. r t t,iu, secretary. . D31dlSt STOCK HOLDERS' MEETING OFFICB of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com pany, Omaha, Nebraska, December 9, 1D10. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Glaas-Andreesen Hardware Com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at the office of the raid company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city or Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Janu ary, 10, A. D , lull, at 8 o'clock p. 111., tor the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to erve during the en suing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meet ing. H. J. LEE. President Attest: W. 11. GLASS. Secretary. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for December 7, furniHhed by Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter., 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2S05: Nettle Hock and husband to Charles Eklof, lots 15-16-17, block 1, C. K. Maynes' 1st $1,600 George A. Wunderllch et al, ' to Ellphelet F. Coumbless, west half south lot 12, section 21-15-13 7.000 Robert S. Peterson to Ittie 8. Peter son, lot 23, block 4, Portland Place.. 1 Mattle M. Mac key to Elmer Mo Mlchael, lot 877 Fairfax 140 Minnie G. Noreen and husband to Hllma Holt, lot 213, block 2, Van Camps 437 Gerald M. Drew to Nannie J. Mo Kltrlck. south 40 ft. of north 80 ft. lots 13 and 14, B. D. Prospect Place.. I Clans W. Glandt and wife to George Seheef, lot 13, block 7, Bennington.. 226 A. E. Becker, referee, to Cornelius Bradley, lots 7, 8, 9, block 2, Becker ic Frederick's addition 6,300 "ANGEL OF THE POOR" IS DEAD Slater ludnre, Who Nursed Sick In Yellow Fever Epidemics, Dies In New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 7. Sister Isadora, known here as the "angel of the poor," died last night In St. Joseph's convent, after sixty-four years In the Order of St. Joseph. She was 85 years of age, being one of the oldest sxlters in New Orleans, both in years and length of service. Through several epidemics Sister Isidore nursed the sick and In some Instances helped to bury the dead. Once aha herself was near death from yellow fever, but recovered. During the civil war she nursed the soldiers of both armies. She was born In Havre, France. Knlirhts of Coloinbns at Yankton. YANKTON. S. D., Jan. T.( Special.) Marty council. No. 153(1, Knights of Colum bus, will entertain on Sunday a very large gathering of knights from all over this section, the visitors being estimated at 600 at least. Solemn high mass will be cele brated In the morning, and the rest of the day will be devoted to the initiation of a large class. A banquet at the Portland in the evening will close the day's work. Among the out-of-town knights will be E. L. Meisch, Alexandria; Rev. P. J. Monag han, Parker; George A. Junk and John Mc Laughlin, Sioux City, and E. G. Dunn, Mason City, la., all prominent men in the Knights of Columbus order. Buffalo Poor Farm Costly. KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special.) Buffalo county's poor farm Was, in spite of Its 240 acres of rich soil, an expensive proposition in 1910, as shown by the an nual report of the superintendent, filed with the county commissioners. Over ard above all receipts ' the farm cost the county $1,327.23, the total receipts amounting to $1,072.78. A new plan Ib being tried out this year, the farm hav ing been leased for a percentage of crops instead of placed under a superintendent on salary. Bigger, Better, Bur.ei --nat is what ad vertising In The Bee will do for your business. Hurries to Prison to Watch Mr. Mabray Construct Brick A plea of guilty has hastened the Journey of Frank Meyers, steerer for the "big store" gang, to the federal prison at Leavenworth so he may see his beloved but fallen former chief, J. C. Mabray. make brick. Meyers was sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment by Judge Smith McPherson In federal court at Council Bluffs yester day. "Jack Mabray proved himself such an Infernal fool by keeping a record of his work that I'll Justplcad guilty and get to prison In time to see him sweat for It," said Meyers to an officer at tho county jail. "He'll be getting out pretty soon his time is about half out and I don't want to miss the treat of 'pass ng him the buck' every time I see him In prison. I Listen to what a prominent land owner in Dakota says of lk-e Want Ads: "That ad I run in The Bee brought me 27inquiries and paid handsomely. C. A. JOHNSON, Fairfax, S. D. DOTY TALKS ON VALUATION Tells of Lease Made for Addition ia the Air. UNIT FOOT SYSTEM IS USED liM'nllon, lr nml Minpe Influence the lur of n llre of Prop erty Tnn llamlreil Hear the TnlW. IV. E. Doty of Cleveland lold Omaha real estate men, city and county officials! all about the Somers unit system of realty ; valuation Saturday noon. ' Mr. Doty also told how a Cleveland Institution has leased j the air. "A man owned a valuable piece of prop- , erty on Euclid avenue." said Mr. Doty, "and had money enough only to put up 1 five stories on It. He built strong enough for seven additional stories. 60 the Cleve- ' land Athletic club then leased the air above the five stories and la now engaged In putting seven stories Into this aerial holding." The architect Is the some and the casual observer might pronounce the buildings one because t hey are perfectly continuous und of the panic stylo of architecture. "This Is the only air lease ever known, to have been drawn." 1 In reply members of the Omaha exchange , told Mr. Doty about the houso that ran 1 away, the Chicago Heights homes which, were stolen, and the tenants of the Byron Reed company who forgot to notify tb landlord that they were moving In. It wus first explained that A. W. 80m ers, who Invented the sctentlflo system of appraisal under discussion, had been for ' many years a civil engineer, a real estate ' man and who was suddenly called upon to aid a tax assessor. The assessor frankly confessed he did not know exactly how to ' value real' estate. After digging In a little 1 Mr. Somers, who later joined the Manu- j facturers' Appraisal company, saw that 1 some real system was needed. He Invented j the "unit foot" system, which has been adopted in Cleveland and Columbus, O., 1 and many other cities are considering. Explains the ft y stem. Mr. Doty explained this as follows: "Under this system the judgment of tha value of land is expressed in the value of a 'unit foot.' A unit foot ia a frontage of ground one foot wide and 100 foot deep, located in the central section of a block at a distance from any street corner or other influence that might affect Its value, other than that which it obtains by reason of access to the life and business of the city through its own frontage. By confin ing the expression of judgment of value to a unit foot, the subsidiary factors of value size and shape are at first elimin ated. "When tha value of a unit foot has been fixed on the four aides of a city block, the exercise of Judgment of the value of land in that city block la complete. The Somers system provides a method of ap plying that judgment accurately and scien tifically to all the land in that block. "The factors that affect the value of a given piece of property or real estate are three in number location, that Is, the kind of street the lot fronts on, size and shape. In addition some lots have other factors; they may be at or near a corner or they may have an alley frontage, which also gives an added value." The detailed application of this principle was explained by Mr. Doty at some length. Only Women Can Vote in Bill Town District All Male Voters in One Diviiion of Adams County Are Disqualified from Holding: Office. WEST TjTNION, O.. Jan. 7. They will have to change the name of Bill Town school district, which is one of the edu cational divisions of Adams county, for Bill Town as an electoral quantity has cl anged Its gender. Rvery male elector In the township has been disfranchised and only women are qualified to vote at the next election for school trustees, and none but women will bo eligible to hold the office of trustee,. Three women have already announced themselves as candidates fur trustee neat November. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ai.s. used to tliinlt Mabray had brains. Never thought he'd make a break like that. I can't tay 1 have any admiration left for the Intellect of the man who organized our famous syndicate. Job In a brick factory is about his cul!bre." Meyers was arrested In Montana and was brought to the Council Bluffs Jail on December li. He was the steerer In three cases which were carried through In Coun cil Bluffs and one at South Bend, Ind. Altogether he helped to rob his victims of more than $i,000, nearly one-half of which it is ax-scrted he got for his own use. There are still eight "mlkemakers" te appear before Judge Mcpherson. They are under arrest in different parts of the country and all will bo brought to Coun cil Bluffs in time for arraignment at the March term of the federal court.