8 TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 8, 1011. TOW UMDEMUSLM SALE f L.,i-Avv,ir, 1 TT A TNTTT T A T in jaw " Standard Merchandise at Far Below Market Value .3 LA;. " r 11 A - L-k ATP?. : ,y. j Thousands of our customers know just what this means, awaiting the announcement with keenest in terest. Omaha knows no. other January sale like it. You should not miss coming Monday to our store the first day of our annual white goods sale. Ladies' Gowns and Combination Suits, dainty lace and embroidery trimmed, made extra full. Skirts with several rows of lace insertion and lace. They arc IfiH ' $1.50 values at ..lUL Great Linen and White Goods Sale In Our Famous Domestic Room Compart Prices 75e Damask . ... 38c $1.00 silver bleached Damask nt G8C $1.75 Damask Towels 98c $1.23 Damask Towels . ...79c 25c Turkish Towels . . .'. .-.17c 20c Turkish Towels . . . .12 Vic 15c Turkish Towels 10c 12VL-C I luck Towels .. 5c 15c Huck Towels . .7Vr.C ISc Huck Towels 10c Best grade Cotton Crash. .2 Vie Extra socials on Pattern Table Cloths and Napkins Cloths up from 75c Napkins up from G5c Sheets, 72x90, up from... 38(5 Pillow Slips, up from 8MtC Yard wide unbleached heavy Muslin, worth 71c ....V.. 5c 12VLc Dress Ginghams, genuine Toil du Nord and genuine Red Seal, worth 12,oc and 15c on sale at 7hiC C-U-S-I), worth 10c 5c Flannelettes, worth 15c, very best 10c Velvctta and Velours for kimo nos, regular price 18c; to close now at 10c 36-inch Arnold Henriettas, reg ular price 18c .. .10c w -i-i-w-LruLi-u-ijxru Blanket and Comfort able Sale CLOSING THEM OUT All $12.50 Blankets, all wool, $9.00 All $10.00 Blankets, all wool, 7.50 All $8.50 Blankets, all wool, $0.25 All $7.60 Blankets, all wool. $5.50 All $6.50 Blankets, all wool, $4.45 All $5.00 Blankets, all wool, $3G5 All $4.00 Blankets, all wool, $2.33 All $3.50 Blankets, all wool. $190 Extra Specials on All Comfortables 250 home made Comfortables, that sold at $3.00 and $3.50, all n sale at i. . $1.89 HIGH GRADE WASH GOODS SALE. New spring batistes, new spring silk mixtures, new spring foulards, new spring mercerized pollns, new silk striped voiles, etc., all open now for inspection. New wool dress goods now opened up. 100 pieces of $1.00 wool dress goods. at 67 100 pieces of $1.98 wool dress goods, at $1.48 Sever other specials not advertised for Monday. - - - - - -i-i-l-,--innn.ru-miuLW iru-Lri Ladies' Gowns, handsomely trimmed vokes and rc.2U.!" $5:00. vaI.ucs: ...... $1.98-$2.50-$2 .98 Drawers and Corset Covers, trimmed with several rows of lace and embroidery: worth to 75c Ladies' Gowns and Combination Suits and Skirts, elaborately trimmed with dainty laces, embroidery and wash rib- (0)Qp bons, garments that sell up to $2.50 all at one price t(Sl Ladies' Gowns, with dainty lace and embroidery, sleeves made of the finest nainsook, skirts with deep embroidery and lace flounces and combination suits in all-over embroidery, C-fl EJfh worth to $3.00, at.... l.ePW Ladies' Chemise, elaborately trimmed with the finest laces and embroidery, made of French style, ffhfo Cifl CTh Cl'fl Ghft any lengthworth to $3.50, at C-1 One lot of Ladies' Skirts with deep flounce of lace or embroidery, with heading of lace and embroidery beading h and dainty wash ribbons, worth to $6.00, a big assortment at ty&wy Princess Slips, in white and dainty colors, elab- p"c:dVr.:r::.o.$5:.00,.$i.50-$i.98-$2.50 Great Clearance on All Linens During Our Great January Sale Bleached and unbleached Table Damask",. worth .79c; January sale price,, yd. 50c Silver bleached Table. Da mask, pure linen, worth $1.15; January sale price, a yard .75c Bleached and silver bleached pure linen Table Damask worth $1.75; January sale price, yard $1.00 Heavy double Damask Table Linen, worth $2.75; Janu ary sale price, yard $1.50 Dinner Napkins, warranted pure flax, worth $3.50; Jan uary sale price, doz $1.98 German Silver Bleached Napkins, worth $3.95; January sale price, dozen 82.25 Pure linen full size Dinner Nap kins, worth 18.00; January sale price, doien $5.00 Warranted pure linen Huck Tow els, worth 50c; January sale price, each ..?) Extra large Huck Towels, colored borders, worth 25c; January sale price, each 12 H Hemstitched, site 30x40, Huck Towels, worth 29c; January sale price, each 15t w .--------innnrinn.n.n.ian.rLajiruui-ii. Second Week of 0ir Great January Sale M if .' r i c- . ill Furs Furs Furs .$195.00 bS85.00 One fine Jap Mink Coat, 52 inches long, was $400.00, now ......... . . . , . One fine LXXX Coat, 52 inches long, with badger (f flQ A A collar and cuffs, was $225.00; Monday .VvOeUU One fine Aleutian Seal Coat, 42 inches long, worthy $2UU.UO; Monday ; . . . . Six Near Seal Jackets, 30 inches long, worth 9 A ft A $60.00 and $65.00; Monday $OU.UU Suits Suits Suits All our Ladies' Cloth Coats at less than U price Monday. 200 Ladies' Tailored Suits, made of fancy mixture, serges and suitings, in all the newest shades and styles; $4 A A A suits in this lot sold up to $25.00; choice Monday. . lUeUu Fifty Misses' Party and Dancing Dresses, in marquisettes, chiffons and crepes, in pretty evening shades, (I J A A worth up to $30.00; Monday $J.?t?U Ten Specials for Monday 50 Ladies' Blanket dA af Robes, sold at $5.00; special '. $AVt) Ladies' Percale Wrappers and House Dresses ftr $1.50 values ... VdC Ladies' Silk Kimonos, some in this lot sold up to $15.00; your choice Monday Ladies' Flannelette Dressing Sacques, worth $1.50, choice Monday $4.95 79c Ladies' Long Flannelette and Crepe Kimonos, sold $4 ftr at $3.0C and $3.50; Monday at M.Jt) , ...... , M January Clearing Sale of Silks $1.00 Silks Monday at 59c 3,000 yards of 27-inch Taffetas, Messalines. IVau de Cygnes; 20-inch Novelty Silks and satin barred plaids and Persian Silks; regular $1.00 values, rn for grand clearance sale Monday DmfC ltemnants of silk in lengths up to 20 yds., at almost half price. They include all this season's new weaves and colors; on sale Monday in Domestic Room, at . -38c 24-inch Silk Poplins, new spring styles, ten different colors -regular $1.00 values Monday at (Jg(. Special values in Black Silks 36-inch black asuretv taffeta (wear guaranteed) worth $1.25, at . .".$1.00 36-inch black Peau de Soie dress quality, worth $1.25 89c 36 inch black Messalines, heavy, firm quality, worth $1.50 ou at -: $i.io Fin Showing of New 1911 Spring Patterns of Rugs and Carpets 4x7 Reversible Hall Rugs, Oriental patterns, $7.50 value . Monday j sj jg 36x72 heavy Reversible Rugs, $3.75 value, Monday. I $2.98 9x12 extra heavy Axminster Rugs, 48 patterns in this line for selection, $27.50 value, Monday $19.98 9x12 Seamless 9-wire Tapestry Brussels Rugs, big range of Great January Clearance on All Bed Spreads, Sheets, and Pillow 'Cases Full sized hemmed Bed Spreads, worth $1.50; Janu ary sale price, each. . .89c Full sized knotted fringed Bed Spreads, worth $2.25; January sale price, each at $1.25 Full sized scalloped Bed Spreads, worth $4.00; Janu ary sale price, each. $2.98 Extra large scalloped Bed Spreads, worth $6.50; Janu ary sale price, each, $3.98 Colored Bed Spreads, fringed or hemmed, worth $5.00 January sale price, each at $2.50 Full size Bed Sheets, heavy, strong and durable, worth 11.00; Janu ary sale, price, each.. 50 Full size seamless Bed Sheets, strong and durable; worth $1.25; January sale price, each, 82 H Hemstitched Bed Sheets, full size; worth $2.00; January sale price, each $1.25 Hemstitched Pure Linen Pillows Cases, worth $2.00; January sale price, each 55 Size 42x3C Pillow Cases, worth 20c; January sale price, at . .12H patterns ior selection; $18.U0 value, Monday $13.98 9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs, 18 patterns in this line; $25.00 values, Monday $18.75 9x11 fine Velvet Rugs, big assortment, $16.50 value, Monday A " $11.98 -6x!) Seamless Tastry Brussels Rugs, $11.00 values, Mon- $8.98 day 6x9 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, $9.00 values. .$6.98 Best water color Window Shades, 7 ft. long; special 25c Special in Women's and Children's Shoes Monday Women's patent colt, suede, velvet and vici kid welt shoes, new styles and every pair guaranteed, $.150 and $4.00 values, at ...$2.50 A big lot of shoes, worth up to $2.50, not'all sizes of each kind but sizes to fit the large or small foot '. $1.39 Misses and Children's Shoes, worth up to $1.50, all lace or bluchercut $1.00 Warm lined infants' and child's shoes, in two lots, while thty last, at 75(. and 50c Women's Knit Slippers with the extension top and fur trim med, $1.50 slippers; to close them out quickly $1.00, 75c Are you a Grover customer! If not, get the "habit" and find a real foot comfort. ' wi luiminwn.iiiiii ' r Clfrnr vale nf 1,200 Ucn'i Winter i'aps. fur InKiiie bands; keraeva and woralrda; "6c to II Si) valuea: Aloud v. at .S Th finmui John R Btetaon Utn. aoft and atiff, all tha latent at) laa, S4.&0 Bp. Trunks All floor samples of our high-grade Trunks will be closed out at a bargain to nitka room for spring stocks. Read Hayden's Mammolh Grocery Sale for FJonday25 w duYo saved Is That Much Earned A I U . . . v . mui uranuitel Burar. . . . 8o 10 Iba. Heat Rolled Braakfaat Ont- niaaj . .25c 10 lha. Beat White or Yellow forn ,n1 ISc 5 Iba. Uood Japan RU-e 18o Ha. Beat Hand Picked Navy Beana, at 21o l-lb. aacks Rt High Patent Flour, very Back guaranteed to give tha lieat rraulta or your money re funded, per aiu-k 1.30 Mara ruamotid C. or Beat 'Em All Boap : .6c Oraj-Nuta. pkg 10o K-C Corn Klakea. pkg Vic The beat Roda or Oyaur Crafkera, ,b- Ho Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jello. pr P 7V,e 1-lb. Cans Aaeorta4 Boupe 2- lb. Cana Fancy Wax. String, Green or Lima Beana 7 He I-lu. Cana Fancy California Aprl 'otm iso 3- lb. Cana Golden Pumpkin. Hominy, aviuaah or Baked 1 leans KVac The Beat Tea Slftlnsa, I Iba. for.Jio Fancy Golden Santoa Coffee, b..!0o Batter. Barterla and Cheeee Sale. Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb..2c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, lb 17c Fancy No. Dairy Butter. Ib....i6c I Iba. good Bu'terlne iic Fancy Full cream white or colored Cheae, per lb 'lite Fancy full cream Y. A. Cheeae. lb. 20c Fancy Full cream Brick Ciieeae. . l&c VadyaJi Brand Big-hUad Karela the rinert rrodnctloa of California. There are none "Just aa good." Per dozen 15c, 10c, Zae. 30c Regular price ;5c, J5c. 40c, 60c M to 100 Far Cent Saved by Trading at Harden' for rreah Tegetablea. t head freah Hothouae Lettuce.. 6c 2 bunchea freh Huthouae Radlahea for ' 60 1-lb. box freah Hothouae kluahrooma for D&c Fancy Cauliflower, lb 7 Ho iaaa 1 Jl"VVVarMrVV'kO'Vfirkra I The Busy Hardware Dept. Don't Forget Try IK1AYDEETS FrsZ 75c Furnace Shovels, fits inside fur nace door, only 23. Mrs. Vroomau's 2T,c Sink Strainers. on sale for 10c" Heavy tin Flour Sieves 5 Large Japanned Bread Boxes, 35r 2 5c Wilson Bread Toasters. 15 Any size Lisk Roaster, worth up- to $2.00. only $1.25 Largs Frisco Lanterns, worth $1.2 6. only G9C 60c Galvanized Foot Tubs..23? It Pays $1.60 Nickel Plated Tea Kettles, at CSc $1.00 C-pint Co.'por Nickel Plated Coffee Pots I'Jf 3- qt. bl.;e ar.d white enamelpd Pice Uoilf rs, worth 7"c, only 25 75c X-Hay (offie Mills, at.. 49 $1.00 Large Folding Clctlies Packs, et 4i) 4- r.t. blue and white enameled cov ered Buckets, at 15 $5.00 Perfection Heaters, on sale at S3. 50 25c extra heavy Dust Pans, a great bargain, for 10 Grand Embroidery Sale Monday we begin clearing up all the short pieces in fine matcher sets, both in the narrow, fine baby sets and the wide goods for ladies' wear. Edges, Bands, (Jalloons, Medallions, Edges and denii-flounces, in cambric, Swiss, Nainsook and long cloth. All these good3 will be assorted into big lots at prices less than one-half. 1st Lot, 5c worth up to 15c. 2d Lot, 7VsC worth up to 20c 3d Lot, 9c worth up to 30c, 4th Lot, 13yac worth tq 35c. 5th Lot, 15c worth up to 40c. Cth Lot, 19c worth up to 50c. 7th Lot, 25c worth up to GOc. 8th Lot, 29c worth up to 75c. 9th Lot, 49c worth up to $1. This will be a raro opportun ity to buy your spring embroid eries at a big cut price. RHover Laces AT HALF PRICE We are clearing; up onr stock ot plain and fancy all-overs and will sell all at one-half price for Monday only. A big 6c Lace Bale Monday all kinds of Wash Laces In torchons, clunys, vals and Nottingham laces on sale Monday. ' Watch for our great sale on Dress Trimmings. Thursday, the 12th. . SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. A great snap In fancy Pillow Tops, Laundry Bags, etc., clearing; up this stock Monday. - - - - - i ri ii rir iinnjuijui.ii. ruijLnnjuuLruui Corset Dept. Theae baoi of Bt-eWk Laitikope Webbing outwear the const and pcooWeextietae figure-red ucttoo. with period mm. Handing at leatad. The new models of Nemo Self Reducing Corsets are now to be laid the Nos. 311 and 121 produce a greater degree of reduction by means of a. heavy, broad, elastic band acroaa the back of the ekirt, which leducrs the hlria and pro ducen the "In slope'' required by the fashions of the coming season. They come in high or low bust at 13.00 Other Nemo models $3.00, $4.00 and fS.OO The $2.60 Warner'ai Uust Proof $1.50 The $2.00 Warner's Rust Proof $1.00 Clearance sale of hiand ,nt makes In broken lota at about one-half price. Lace Curtains and Porlieres Less One-Third All odd lots Curtains one, two and three pairs of a kind that sold from $1.00 to $15.00 pair: Monday 1 off marked price. Odd pairs Tapestry Portieres all desirable colors, that sold to $15.00 a pair; .Monday, your choice at V:i off. Dressers, Rockers, Divans and Odd Dining Chairs ai Half Price Fifty Dining Chairs, one to four of a kind, Monday at half juice. $1.75 Sewing Rocker $1.25 $-50 Saving Kockcr $1.75 $J.15 Ann Kockt-r $1.95 $2.50 Ann Kockcr $1.50 $10.50 Oak Dressers $7.85 $14.50 Oak Dressers $9.85 $.'1.50 Steel Couch $2.45 All $1!J.50 up to $25.00 Turkish Rockers go Monday at $10.50 to $16.50