THE BKK: OMAHA. R A TUT? PAY. JAXTTARY 7. 1911. COUNCIL ALLOTS THE FUNDS if Apportionment of the General 'Fund for the Coming: Tear. FUNDS ALLOWED BY THE CHASTER FX I mate of the l.r Made r ' Committee's Reroramenaatlna a Speelal Session of tk C'oaartl. Final action In the apportionment f the srneral fund for the operation of Omaha's municipal machinery wm taken at a council arwulon held Friday mnrnlns, Fund were taken up separately for ronsld erHtlcn. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon th council convened a-em and mad official the action of the mornlns by the psssaxe of a formal resolution embodying the ap portionment decisions of the morning. Only minor rhsnses were made In the apportion ment aa recommended by the finance com mittee, Funkhouser, Berks and Sheldon. No reduction of Importance were made and few 'increases were allowed. But little dis cussion marked the evasion. Fifteen hundred dollara wit added to the funda allowed the department of the city engineer. George Craig, engineer, wa re!nt to urge the necessity of raining the amount which the finance committee proposed to give. He pointed out that th development of the city made necessary Increased expenditures. The "charter" fund, an allowance of f00 for Jhe compiling and ravlalon of ordi nances. wie thrown Into the legal de partment fund with the understanding that the legal department should do this work. An Increase of $10 a month waa allowed for the salary of the assistant to tlie license In spector. Apportionment Made. The apportionment niado by the council Is shown by the following table: -Amount Allowed. AKh1. UIIU. mil. Adopted. Mayor 1 t.oV) f 4.VW I 471 ti.unoll li.ot) m.uoi ItUJU Comptroller IT.OK) city clerk ..: 1Q.!70 l.i sal l-'.wn) city treasurer 23.:'"0 1'Vectiical ".oW liulldlng Inspector .. 7.M0 Holler Innpootor 3.HS 1'lumblng Inspector .. 3.4M) IJccnse Inspector .... 2.5?0 Uas rotnnilfMloner .. tlW' eights, measures .. 1.414. . Biipcrliitend't market 1.200 superintendent dump 1.200 Police court 3.f0 Maintaining city hall Klectlon expennee .... h.OiK) Health department... 22,600 Veterinarian Hiaughler house in- . - )M-i'tion KmeiRoricy hoHpnal.. 2.R00 JmlliUICDt. 8.C01) . Ak-.Sar-Hen lighting. 2.600 Annual r port f" Kirn warden In' 4) City engineer fci.SH) Bewer maintaining... 1H MO HiHlxe and culverts f,4l7 t'lo'swalks. etc 20.0ii0 ' liiMpectors street cuts 2.7S5 Ueneral Inspectors .. S.540 16.7) io.n7r M.I 00 21,000 7,(M 7.Hm Z.MS 3,705 .13. ' 4,b70 1.4,4 1.2'0 1.2-0 8,500 lD.UH) 6.000 24.681 10.577 10.74 13.121 21.000 K47 i.7V i.iii 3.46 2.774 4.611 1,415 1.2i 1,200 .."00 II 472 6.0U0 22,000 UoO 2.460 2 ,60 t'0 . 6.000 2.600 1,5.:.0 ' Ro.StiO 18. MO 6.417 HO.fioO . 3.000 6.640 6.000 2, MO S'H) 1.5.r0 M.400 7.000 '18,000 2.DO0 6,340 Total. .i... VaVkius He $289,483 293,800 I27B.9W timi and contingent fund ... 34.617 87,601 Grand total $324,000 f JSJ.SOO I3W.000 ' Allotment of Koadn. The allotment of funds covered try charter provision as recommended by the finance committee waa adopted without change. This allotment follows: Recom- mended , Charter Flie department. t 2."o.ono Allot ment by Fln ee Com'tee for 1911. for 1H10. $ 248.000 1 07.0110 29,000 70,000 I 248,000 167.000 2S.0H0 70,000 36.000 60,000 0,000 "2.000 PollL-e dep't H.000 PmMIr llbrai-y.... .0 Lighting 70,000 Street repair grading 26.000 Park board 60.000 Cleaning and sweeping 60,000 Crrb. gutter and anphalt plant... 60.000 General balance 2R.000 60,000 67,000 40,000 of limitation of n.w.i.ouo 295.000 324,000 319.000 Tctala 11,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Levy for 1911. For general purpose $1,000,000 lVr sinking fund 160,000 For water board 100,000 Fur school IK mills, estimated 4tM,5uO Total levy, estimated $1,71(1.600 Th telephone bills of the various offices and departments will hereafter be carried by the city Jail maintenance fund. Deduc tion waa made In apportioning the funda to compensate this change. BILL LAING GOES UP HIGHER Former Omaha Newspaper Hu Maw Yarlc llasrr far Capper Paallnatloaa. William T. I.alng, for aeveral years an Uinaha newspaper man,, has recently been promoted to he eastern manager for the Cepticr publications with headquarters 'In New York, succeeding J. C. Feeley, who toea to Chicago for the same concern. Mr. and Mr. LaJng have, already moved to New York. Mr.. I.alng began his service with Capper In Omaha, having charge of the advertising for thla section and was then advanced to the Chicago office and, territory. Ha now atsums charge of the largest field. The Hell-Dressed M Hate you ever noticed that a well dressed man always has well Broomed ft rt? Tha an-1 pearance of a man's foot either adds to or entirely destroys his personal appearance: The well dressed man nine times out of ten gets his shots at FKY'S, and he doesn't pay a big price for them, either. We have them with all the elite you find In any shoe1 for. L4 $3.50 04.00 and $5.00 This is the season when most men need shoes that will keepj their feet dry snd warm. Ie-t us show you some of our men's storm shoes. FRY SHOE CO. Tin: KHOKKS. hivteetitti ttuj Dou.Us blreeu. Mil's SHOES mm,m , , ,,. ,. , ., Grand Clearing Sale V omen's Fine Kid Gloves SLIGHTLY SOILED AND MUSSED Hundreds of pair of high grade long and short Kid Gloves, slight ly mussed from holiday display, will be sold Saturday at positively the biggest bargain In gloves we ever offered. 'TO1 Clearing Sale of Women's and .children's fine Cotton Hosiery fancy silk erobrold dered boot patterns; also misses', boys' and children's fine and heavy cotton, wool and fleece lined hose, at pair. . . XU2. Women's fine iitn ported lisle- hosiery fancy embroidered boot, patterns, ' nil-' over luce and lace' boots," raer- . 0C cerized and dull finish lisle, pr.. . .aaitlL Men's fine cotton and mercerized .'fin ished lisle hosiery; also. jfine wool hosiery, with double soles, hefts and toes, at, pair! Clearing Sale of Underwear Women's fine ribbed fleecy lined vests and pants 50c , quality, at, each .29c Children's camel's hair vests, pants and drawerswill sizes, extra good quality worth 75c, at, each. . . . . .25c Boys' shirts and drawers fine ribbed, extra heavy fleece lined, 50c quality, for 35c Women's fine natural wool vests and pants $1.00 qual ity, at, each RED CROSS DRUG SALE ' This is our regular monthly sale of drugs and toilet articles that everybody waits urday are bigger than ever. 25c Banttol Tooth Paste, at 12; 25c S a n 1 1 o 1 Face Cream at 12c 60c Dr. Grave's Tooth Powder at 29c 50c . p e b e c o Tooth Paste at .' 80c 25c Lilac Tal cum powd...0c 15c Chamois. 9c 50c Java Rive powder . ,26c Mme Yale's Special demonstra tor will be with us for only one or two weeks' longer. See her about Mme. Yale's Toilet prepar ations. nrnnKit goods 75c 2-quart Hot Water Bot. .00c Clearing Sale Linens and Towels I $1.35 Quality best Irish and Ger- i 59c Extra large double warn Tur- 1 1 $1.35 quality best Irish and Ger man linen table damask, at rd 954 10c Huek Towels, red borders. at each JJ 13Vc Huck Towels, extra large size, at each . . . 8 20c Extra heavy white fleeced Turkish towels, at each. .'.15 BRANDEIS STORES NEXT MONDAY VA X ItKaw- varieties will be greater LJJ an ever. . :rz- cri? Till? TiriimfiTirc COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Dee against other local papers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interesting articles from day .to. day and The Bze's superiority will be demonstrated, Oreat fleartng Hele of jewelry on r 10. Woman's Short Kid Glove t-olasp, black, white and colors worth up to f 1.50 pair. . Women's Long Kid Gloyes In small sizes, mostly dark colors worth up to $2. BO pair. Tour choice Saturday, pair Hosiery for Women ChiUren and heavy . . 121c 59c for. The bargains for Sat 60c ' Pozxonl's 'Powder ..20c 50c Locust Blos som pow T. 29c 60c White Rose Perfume .25c 10c Palm Olive Soap . v. . .7c 5 0c Flowes' Girl Toilet Water ...20c 25c Bottle Hy drogen Perox ide 7c 15c Llquozon Soap 7c 76c Fountain Syringe 50c $1.50 Fountain Syringe...1. 08c $3.00 Victor Douche S2.00 $1 Travel cases, Special Sat..4c 5 Cakes Ivory Soap.. 10c 1-20 Mule Team Borax 00c 59c Extra large double warp Tur kish towels, at each 39 All our Turkish towels worth up to $1, at each 49 6c Cotton Crash Toweling, red borders, at yard ......... jj 16c Turkish Toweling, extra wida very .heavy at yard .(J NEXT MONDAY Deghis Our Great aiiiiarySak -OF NDERWE The bnrnins will h ill mm. m jffl llTfi extraordinary and tl:c CLOTHING MS DAY OKILY Your choice of Men's and POSITIVE $20.C0 AND displayed in our windows. L G"SV. (JSSftfZUi Q-ourVlJs (JWVr 10 . O f , Specials for J California Cooking; Figs, per lb. .9c A Old Fashioned Sun-dried Sweet Corn, 2) per lb ... .late 3 'ana Corn BSC J Imported Sardines, regular lBo (Sp- $ rial), per tin 110 U Home-made Mince Meat (bulk), per . 100 3 Mince Meat 1 11 .Lira I . . 35o, 4 60 750 ? 4R lbs. "Excellence" Flour $1-33 J 10-lh. Sack New York Buckwheat. 60c p t Irge Cakes Imported Castile sohp, 0 at 8Bo Box Process Soap (40 bars),. .. .$1.10 fl 2 Boxes Best Pomestlc Macaroni. 850 2' V4-lb. Tins, Potted Meats (assorted 1, 1 at asc U-lb Tins, Potted Meats (asaorteilt, J at 130 4 pnekages T'needa Biscuits ISO 14, S packace Orshnni Crackers 350 gj Pine Quality Pretzels (bulk) 60 BTTTEBi EOO AMD CHEESE SEP'T. "Lotus" Butter (in cartons), per lb 340 Our Best Country Table Butter ln Sanitary Jars), per lb 33c I3) Country Roll Butter, per lb.. 860, 88c li and 300 Vt Strictly Fresh Kg-gs (for tabls usei. per dor 360 Imported 8nlss Cheese, per lb...35o A. New York Full Cream Cheesa, per ) lb SSo Is Fine Larce Kdam Cheese, each.. 91.00 I? Fancy Tr Cl;eese 13c. 95o k 500 IP. Very Fine Roqusfort Cheese, Per (J In BOO A. rXEBH nVTT AND IjJ DUPABTHSKT. K 1.000 lbs. Very Fine FIks. per lb.l8V4o 12 100 Boxes Fancy Navel Orara;es, pal jTi doz 1 800 QCEUj (watvryi (uAt Q55SfJ3 f 1 fl (Jit C" mm s ' ' 1 111 v b V Omaha's Pure J Food Center r j J CHICKEN JOic at The Public Market Pork Loins, lb. . '. IS He Pig Pork Roast, lb. . . : . . .". ,94c 9 lbs. Leaf Lard.... S1.00 Steer Pot Roast, lb., 8tfc, 6c Native Stee; Steak, lb 10c Rib Lamb "Chops, lb... 15c Fall Lamb Legs, lb 10 He Young Veal Roast. .12HV 8)c Young Veal Chops, lb. . ..... . . .10c DELIVERY. WAtiONS , LBAVK AT IO-.SO A. M. AM I. M. EKPRESSMEEI'S DELIVERY CO. FIRE PROOF STORAGE: MOVING VANS, FURNITURE Packing, Baflflage Delivery City Office: 216 Sc. 17th SK Be, m. P ; '1 It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest l'f.7Ht BEtR YOU LIKE HAVE K CASE SENT HOME, Csssustsrs' Dlslributsf John Nittler 3224 S. 24th Street Doug. 1889. R 8932 In. ... A-1420 a a ' . t, , n E V. i COMPANY Young Men's hand tailored reoati $25.00 VALUES. See them J (MViy suVrj tu& Cfc?3 v u Saturday 000 lbs. New Mixed Nuts, per lb. .IBS Radishes Bo Imported Endive, New Beets, t arriita, Turnips. Turnips. Mushroons, f Mint. P iKimestle Endive, cm-umbers. Cauliflower, Hptnach, fjrieappies, langennes. lorrsjE a xi ii lit BsruTBisi! ee I er "1 Courtney's "Lotu-Anko!a'' Coffee 1 , t fntfa In I ii . VVnrM. nr lb 33c.:. .8 lba. .'or 1.00 Demonstration at Coffee Department. Uourtney'a "Lotus" Japan Tea, suar- k an tee 1 to be. absolutely trie from ah JJ coloring, per H-lb. .36o per lb. .660 t Peanut Butter (made dally), per Jar J4 - lOo, l&o, S&o and 48c a Peanut Butter (made dally), bulk, pei , lb BOO Finest quality apices (put up In ah tight, tins), each , lOo, lBo, 85c WISTES ASTD Z.ZQUOKB. Smuggler-Scotch,' 13 years old.. $1.30 Atherton Whiskey, 10 yeara old, per qt '"0rf- Guckenhelmer Uye, yaars old, perl qt fl-00 Cedar Brook, 7 years old, qt.. $1.00 gl Courtney "s ll-y ear-old Whiskey, per 31 qt. fa.6c(M Three Star French ' oirnac. .. .Bl.Bt Jjt Courtney's Martini Cock tall. . . .81.83 fl Pure California Brandy, qt....$1.0c U Port or Sherry Wines. B years old. 1 Saturday only, Gal it- Bottla. .35c Kl White Tokay. Full Quart BOo " Virginia Dare, larse bottla e5f O raturaav uniy. Ail aay, a imw" Wine Tree, with each full quart of inr S-vear-rld 'Lotus'' Whiskey at t We Prepay orrtera for liquors to l the amount of J3.00 and over. V (TS5VC Qurvr Cw 2,000 lbs. Cudahy Bacon, ISHc Swift's Premium Hams. . . .17c Cudahy D. C. Hams 16Hc Best Regular Hams, ,1b. .. .15 He California . Hams, lb 12 He Morrell's. Peacock Bacon. .22 He Fresh Dressed Chickens. . .lOHo From 7 to 9:30 P. M. PORK CHOPS, lb 12 He Steer Steak, lb... 8 He : JB10 Harnay St. ; Phonss, Doug, 2144 and 'vint A2147. It Costs Money for us to use t)ls apace to tall you aljuut the sood quulliy mean we sell, but It's the only way to lot you know About it. If we kuld tha "common kind'' ti wouldn't cure to ta.k so loud, but as we bell only firt quality we're nut afraid to do it little boost illK. t'or Saturday that's for Hunday rating, you know we'll have extra tin iuallty Bf, rork. afntton, Lust battdss our twi drcstad Cotoksas. ilve us your order early. You know uur pilceu are light, as our mpeiuti sia not as l.eaty a others, fur we don't keen any book accounts, sell for ept caati and aun t deliver any good. Knrks Chops, lb 16c Pork Steuk. lb 1SV, :holie Oiurk Steak, lb 121,0 t'holce Kill Hull, lb 7e Choke let ftoast, lb...,10o, So and Te Jos, Bath's Cash Wfarket l?t rtnsn at. Don," as S384. Reliable Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rosins 0u lit! Hi! iMiBny s Ieady for School and Fulluvvears. He is livelier than ever. He will need STRONG ER SHOES than ever. Suppress his "leather grinding" ability with a pair of "Fulluvwears" cater to his pride of appear ance with "Fulluvwears" save enough to buy his books, etc., by buying "Fulluvwears." $2.46 W ars eloBlBf out eartata Una of sxtr haavlly built tan shoas for boys wintsr tans of "Billiard Calf Skin" high shoaa with bal Iowa ton rasa that miki It hard (or snow to crasp la Ooodyaar wait bit: brass sralata, ato. Tbo sisas raas from 1 to tha Talna is ACXCaLLr 3.60 and wa dekbt tha axlatsuoa of a stronfar, prat ttar shoo. , An Idea of the excell- ent "Fulluvwears" at A look at a fal of oar S1.9S "rullnTwaara," will oonrlnca that blshar prlosa ara HOT aaoaaaary la many a oaaa. S tha sanmataJ button and blnohor striae with high toas and short Tamps s sIso tha baary grain laathar blocbara. Jost tblnkt a also ran fa of 10 to 6Vt for boys of B to 16 yaara and at only SI-SB par pair. HTTH OZITI HOKS A dlstlaot Has o rnUnrwsars" la "LltUa Oant's" slass 10 to 13 t sturdy oalf skins warm, hlra tops may also be bad at S1.SS a pair. hoe Market asememt99 322 South Sixteenth Street Locate your of ice in a prominent building where the location is known to everybody, convenient and accessible. An opportunity to secure an office in a modern, elegantly appointed building, so situated, is now offered by The Bee: Building Room 820 On the third floor; room 10x1 f ft, has fault, fronts north and west. Pries 140.00 par month. i Room SIS On the) second floor; room 8x10 ft, fronts north. Price $11.00 per month. Room 618 Oa ths sixth floor; room 18x1$ ft fronts on ths flas court of ths building. Pries $1$.0$ per month. . Rooms 42-s2?W430 Now divided Into four rooms, bot may be changed. to salt tensnt. Has 1167 squar feet floor space with large vault Fins north and east light Rent 1116.00 per month. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office 17th end Farnam Stt are still celling meats at the same old prices. These prices for (Saturday selling: Hindquarters Mutton ...Gc Forequarteis Mutton ........... 5c Pot Koast 8c, 7c, 6c Hams . 14c t liadon ". 15c Picnic Hams' . . . . .11c .SSLt TRY OAYDEN'S FIRST i If you would protect the bojrV health kep his feet dry bd warm. I0YS' SHOES For Shshy Yeaiher We have a boys' shoe that we guarantee to wear twice as long as any ordinary boys' thoe. These shoes are made of ths very finest box calf, with heavy soles the kind this weather demands. There Is twice the quality In these shoes as compared to the ordinary boys' shoe but ths price is only a trifle higher. Boys', sizes 1 to 5H $2.00 Little Gents', sizes 10 Vs to 13 Va S1.75 BOYS' HIGH CUTS Typical Boy Scout Shots, with buckles. The boys sll like tbein, In all sizes; price range from S2.50 to S4.50 DREXEL j ffBSspaawSUStaaWMiaJII IV atjsrrmiavi Close Out Price on Cer tain Former $3.50 Shoes Cook's Comfort You can't help making good coffee if you use our Steel Cut ud Niftod Good. It's In a class all by Itself. There are no other Omaha producers. You get foil weight without the dust and chaff. It has everything that goes to make delicious coffee. Mocha Mixture, lb , ...80c Three lbs., for , .fl.oo Mocha MUture. lb 85c Three and one-half lbs., forf 1.00 7. L. f.lasterman & Co. "THK tWKKK MKX." Ilranch at, I'ublic Market, 10IO Harney HI. Jf CANDY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 40c Assoi'led Jiutteirups,- at, per pound 25 OOc "Princess SweeU" hocolates, per pound -39 and a roll of our Neopolltan Ice Cream for our Sunday dinner Mjren-Dil!o3-Diu2 Co. I (llli atxl Fa rnatu hts. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oar Duller IV r Year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ii it A i 1