TTIK HKE: OMAHA, AYEPXESTUY. JAXUAKY 4. mil. I 3 I' jl '( . i OFFERED FOR SALE ssfe. all sites and makes, bsrrsina Amer ican Hupp! j Co ill himtm Bt- WE HATE on hand a number of In barrels whir h we will sell for 80 rents eech. They ere fin for mm wsier or ehea Call at preaa room. Bee Publishing Co. , Fine cinders fnr sidewalks i ri.VDKR and ronrre'a work, Only lie a load. loada lor IX Omaha Gaa Co, 2mh street and Lincoln ireniif. OSTEOPATHY A lire Johnson, 80C-8 Brand els Theater bid KATHIBIN KIKGLA9. 34- Brandei Theater. PATENTS D O. BARNELL, fuloi Lik. TeL itsd 7117 WILLAKD A.DDY. registered practitioner In U. S. fat. office. 61 Pexton blk. K. L PERSONAL DR. EUGERS, private confinement home. 114 Martha Bi Tel. Dougie sJ TH B SALVATION ARMT lollilH raet-off clothing. In fact, anything you do Dot need. We eoliect, repair and sell at 14 N. Ill a t , fer oust c4 collection, to the worth poor. Caul poos JLmu iu 41 and anluoi HI call. jf MR& PNTDFR bee opened massage par. lore la The Dunaany, room a, luta and pierce Slav., where aoa gives aait Clow. Swedish movement, vioraior aud rauieior treauueat. i'bon Red eMxt. M KCH ANO THBRAPr. Grippe, rheumatism, drug less treatment. It, Margarita HaJlorau, Neville ik. I. T7l. - f A W si A f IV treatment. Mr. Steele, 111 4"ijJJ"u' a. 17th St.. Sd floor, room a. JOSleS WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under world bewer," at All book store, trice, II. Ml FRIVATIC HOME durlnf - confinement; babies tor adoption. Good hamnritan Sani tarium. 140 1st Ave.. Council Bluffa, la. ooooooooeooooo o DR. riCKrX. o o 7J4-7T City Naronal bank Bid. o 0 peg to announce that he has enlarged o hi dental otliee. being now better o than ever eguipped to five the ecel- o lent denial service for which he is o o well knoi. o o o If your leatn are senartive ana you o wlah a more detailed knowieage oi o gentle, modern . operative methods, o send atamp for hie book, "The Gen- o o o tie Art of i'sinleaaoei-e in Dentistry. o o o o ll?AVTl View Maternity home, private UlUuM noma fur women during con finement. Address ox il7. Florenoe. Tel Horence S32. IMTUTrTTJP pile, 'tc.. cured; no knife; HUriUlVU book free. German lectors, 44 broad way. Council Bluffa la. TO UNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as ftransers sr Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association building at Seventeenth, street and ft. Mary's svenue, where they wfll be directed to suitable boarding r'acea or otherwlae aaatated Look tor our traveler's aid at the Union station. VIBRATORY MASSAGE Dr. Rlttenliouse. Old Boston Ptore. 4th floor, elevator entrance. VM 8. 16lh. Open Sundays ttm. sv. m. to II p. m. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramgs Bldg. STRICTLY private horns for confine ments; excellent cars; babies for adoption. iLU Davenport. MASSAGE treatment. Mrs. Steele, 111 S. 17ia at.. Id Xloor, room (. PRIVATE maternity boma Mra Dr. .King, 1114 North 2 4 lb fab Web. ISik ind. b-llJ TREATMENTS at hotel or residence. Neuropathy. Swedish movement. Maaaaga and magnetic chlrepracUoe. Phone B-l.k Dr. Bacsen. ' ' WlfJK and ttnipeg for men. Griffith, uluo"U and 14 FREN21LR BLOCK. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, bo loss of time, no Injury to the skin, work guaranteed; lady attend ant. 1 McCagua Bldg.. 16th and Dodge. MASK 8U1TS to rent at LI KB EN'S. .Qwi tnVina from eombtngs. H SO. Mrs. a 1 -"'-"Matthewa. U paxtun blk. !.(. dr. burke sxiss-jsxrv. r. 1IU as Douglas, Omaha. Call or writ a MAGNETIC . rim?rt': k,,mei8rTlth- la n. 14th. third floor. Prof. Diniian 'n aia v a w. Jiou Brandela Thea. Ph. D. ISA HINDOO TABLETS will build. Strengthen, loc. BELL DRUG CO. brace. liATlIS Plllt l" Bntl maaaae. 16 .t. todge. Jd floor, opp. po.t- otflce. Kmt. Allen of Chicago, Doug. JSi. WE RENT and repair all kind of ew Ing machines, lud. A-lta; lougla 16tl NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, ltih and Harney Sis. -M.AVJilljlll, BRQTTi m lgTH RT A NICK healthy baby girl for adoption. lil Martha Sc Phone Douglas C30. POULTRY L PET STOCK Screenings, 11.3 per JOO. Wagner, 801 N.16th , PRINTING Lew AV. Eaber, Printer pJ:0" - Pe Bldg. Entrance on Court. RlKft-HALL Pig. C. K 8. 14th. lad. A-J&U. MILLER A JAMHSON. Ull Douglas St Both phones, PHUNK IND. A-M!v for good printing. Lingktad Printing Co.. ISth and Capitol A v. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company. Lonued abetracteia, 1714 Parnam BU PETER JESBKN. lr.. Co. Tel. Doug. ESI REAL ESTATE DEALERS RRFD ABSTRACT CO.. Et- 1S6 prompt aervire; get our price. aj6 biandeis theater. HEAL F.HTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Ftf t t nth floor City National Bank Building, CITY PROPERTY FOR l g closeTn. new BRICK BUILDING containing four houses complete, with svp arale basements, furuatea and laundries, oak finish and floors, strictly modem, gas ranf-, ahadva am curtain rods rmuplnn. Tliis property Is located hr i4th and Farnam and la rapidly devvioiing a a Miaineaa location. Annual rental. 11.1.' or -lter 14 per cent net on me price! glZ.UtW, vt. Ernest Sweet, ' x DOUG. HTl lTlv CITT NAT. UA in CITT NAT. 15ANK. Bungalow $4,000 t-ruouia lust N. cf DoUce on Suth; unique; a I. Ills a.flcrent trout auy you l.av imi anailaule w Partiaia car, wr aa.kiiif dis- tanue. O a aer anusl sell. I LI ! 0 H.i... hath. 14 000. CJO Burt, half blok of I ear lines. Harney and C'unuuing; asp). ait si. uanar. Burt bt. lei. Harney 1J. SIX-ROOM modern rottsce fir aaie oa easy isiiua by vsusr, Atiauu be REAL ESTATE I ITV PHUt't.R I 1 ruB B I IB. C 'or.i.nued 1 lm FAI.B--Two lots. l-'ian. on Hutn l-h ft near Vinton; all special taxes paid. ill sell tp one pieve or divide N nnng to U at sacrifice. Apply at 83 Houtn iinl tSt. K'iR PALE-IImm" J trx ma. water, sewer, toilet, etc.; nice trees and shrubbery. nouti I1M PL REAL ESTATE FARM AXD Hl.XH LAND WOH 111! A rlsnwsv. FINF land can be bought cheap. Borne inernmrM and relinquishments, beat atrr In Arizona and the fineat climate. Apples and other fruits grow to perfection, ror partlrulsr write Wlllcox Realty Co Wlllcox. Aria. Callfarala. FDR BALFr-f-O to t"0 per acre; U cash, balarce lung term; the last of the big ranrhea to he colonized and In the greatest Irritation district In the world, where each land owner haa equal right to water and It never five out; rich, level, sandy loan; roil flora i to 7 cropa alfalfa yearly; dairy product called for eeci day by tb four bis creameries; no land anywhere r.ear so cheap, any where lo district; will double In vaiue In 2 year; investigate this. Tuiiock Uaraen Lend Co.. Modest. CaL MN JOSE Income Home Orchard. 6 a., adjoining the city limits of Fan J one; assorted fruit ornnard. pay ' per year; two food new cottafea; rent tor .0 per month; mill and tank and all outbuildings; land adjoining aeillng for Jl.tim per a.; beat proposition in tle Blafa J. M. KKLtON. U N. 1st tt.. baa Joaa txoo IiO down; I acrea food level land. 4 miles from Merced; adapted to aifa.fv fruit, etc; 1 ml! from acuool; aiuall bousa ahedK. ter rtfht l."n 4 down; H acre food level' land, 4 mile from Merced; adapted to alfaUa. orcbarda, etc.; water right J. HUSsKLL. Merced. CaL Ark PW-ACRB Improved farm, adaptable to lice, cotton, corn, alfalfa; food locality; li.s per acre If sold by Jan. 1st- flare bar- gain. Forster A tfsunders Co., Iln Bluff, Ark. FOR SALE At a big bargain. IMS acres pf rich bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4.0U0 In cultlva tlon: Cm acres deadened and ready to take In; good storehouse and atock of merchan dise on R. K. system; gin, mulea, farnuDg Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for 15 per acre and give a bar gain In the personal property. Want to sell all to one purchaser. No agents need apply Addreaa A. W. Mills, Pin bluff. Ark. ARKANSAS FARMS Big list; apodal bargains; aent free. Writ today. Caplaia Klgga. r'ayetteville. Ark. Cwlorade. . FIXTF.EN successive years of good crop mnke northeastern Colorado wheat land the best offering before Inventor and home buyers today. Price advancing, but on crop still pay for the land. Write J. B. Reiiih&rdt, sterling, Colo. GARDEN SPOT or ARAPAHOB COUNTT. Now Is the time to get ready and boy a cboloe garden tract for next spring; hav a chotc lot to select from, tai good bargains In ranches, cnicken rsnchea Call on The J. R. Harris H salty Co., XXi Main fcU. Littleton. Cola. rVs-acr tract, or part, plenty of fruit: alao suitable for chicken ranch; a bargain. If taken at once; cloae to car line. Call er 'phone Roland 4s Huffman, beal tta Arvada. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida Tou cannot lose on any well alerted property In Florida, but ar surs of quick and substantial profits. We hav many good properties for oolonlsatloo. fruit and vegetable lands and Improved farms. Pope A North, Wll Atuuatlo National Bank Bldg. Jacksonville. Fla. Gears; law FOR RALE How Is thU: A lot 10x14 feet In a progressive city, and 48 Acres farming land, ail for fSJu, on terms of 11 cash and tit monthly. Addreaa. F, Thomas. 12M Klvar road. Coluiubua. Ga. llllaola. FOR SALE Corn farms; 153 acre la Bu reau county, Illinois. 1112.50; SC acrea, Ofl county, lad. O. A. Holcomh. Aurora, 111. FOR 6ALE Best W0-acre stock srraia farm In slats; K. R. station, store and elevator on farm; gravel road; will bear Closest InveaUg atlon. Price I1U0.SW. At. A. Brock. Clsana Park. Ill FOR SALE Or exchange splendid S2B. acre wheat farm in Manltoba'e moat fav ored dlatrlct. near town and school. What have you to oil art W. It. Ferguaua. La Grange, 111. laws. FARM LANDS. 1(10 ACRES FINE PRA1RIB LAND, Situated mi lea from a good county seat town In North Dakota. Every foot tillable; will trade In a town dwelling to amount f fl.i'OU to 2.tM0. Address Lock Bex til. New Albln. la. Do You Want a Good Kansas Farm? Here It Is: C4U acres, one-half new land ahich heretofore has not been cultivated; ha good it-room house, well built; barn 40 aw), with cement floor, aiso numerous otner outbuildings, ail In good repair. This farm la located In I'owely county tn southeastern Kansas, within I mi ma of good railroad town. The owner of this farm Is of ad- kneed years and unable to properly work the land, hence he his decided to offer the land, totit-lher with about t;.(J9 of live stock and farm machinery, at a bargain. 0'Neils Real Estate Agency lot'.i t-'amatn St. Loin Phonos; Bell. Tyler IvH. Ind., A-3311 wo AC'KKS, I ml. town, Nes. alx room lioue. bain, aheils. W0 plowea, balance ferued pusture. all smooth, tillable. Rural route, trleplione. Good road. null. ncigU IboiH. Cr.i bird aith acusuca. cauie lor stliing. ! ptr acre; utne if wanted. W. Aibrikiit, lrt-wster, Kan. LliUS your lace in a smile. It wont catci ci Id Now s the lime to "lxp" tarins, rand.?, uly propeity or muse. i Hot ' bairams for "cold ' uas. Price and I describe our pi uposiaoua K. B. W aus woitti. ..Mtii City, Kan. CRAWFORD county. Kansas. Farms; 2.11 acres improved, bargain, u.0ou; saay It. Mu.-., so and luu, Uiso . lu and k acr iru.t snd poaitry. Pur particulars win ueu. . Btiicklcr. Guaj a, Kaa. luO. TEN miles Lmpor.a; VM culti vatri; house rooms, one Iso rooms; good baiu. ailaila. clover, umber; aciuwi twenty ivUs. Vu. J. T. iuilon. Lu.poiia, Kau. U,o ACKKd allalfa grain and siix k farm, rich bottom . laud. on mile Cherokee county. Kansas. uffercU snort lime, lu ' l"'r Acl yulck. L. J. Voiaw. Wicuita, i Kali. 1 MR. KKNTtK Baraina lu west central I Kaiia. Nice luO acres, unproved, 1 luiiea istauon; easy terms. acres raw 'ana. J.aoo. Ld. Lwaig. iJiainon. Kan. 4UV ACHE grain and Hock farm; lm p:oved; i miis Inarsrt; acres bottom and upland n p isiiu; springs, well and ilvi-r. 4C Hcider A Uusirup, Man haltaa, lCull. Xjuj AfKl.S. solid tract, 4 sets Improve ments; 2 nines loan, best soli; can t be duplicated in state. Boat lerma. Kan sas-Colorado luvesiment Co., aVuit City, hsu. Ji AlilKS a heat, corn and alfalfa land, aouthern Katiaas, i county aat; M a. res a heal, tw acres alfalfa; Well lm lioveX Price V-i. L. L. kiti. Li LHjrauo. Kau. , REAL ESTATE FARM AD Rt.M II l.A.M FOR S4.I.R Kaaeaa 7W ACRF.8. ell Improved, ad loin R. R. town In southern Kaniuui Allalfa corn, wheat, stixk and fruit larra. I'nre tj0.i; beist of terms. W. I. Cai ler, ftterllng. Kan. Lelalaaaw FOR 5AI.E- Louisiana orange and fig tr s are muney ma Hera Will sell you acres of fertile land with it orange and fig trees bearing In I year for M; I monthly payments; will culti vate and take care of trees and pay tax for 2 years; no interest; title guaranteed, trees this season In ims section have netted from 6 to tie; Inducements on larger tracts. For further particulars address A. 1. Uodard. Abbeville, 1-a. Michigan. TOR SlALHr U, acres ef snlmprored fruit and farm lamda In eight tomnships In Lake. Osceola and Mason counties. Mi co if an; formerly bard wood timber lands: situated in well settled country; titi per fect; sbsiract furnished. Hepresentative at Land thw and at Hotel New Southera, where aajnplea of aoll and products are shown. U. W. Mars a. owner. Mas Utea. Mich. FARM BAROAIN. Best on-acre farm in Mich.; black sandy ksam; 14 bldgs; 1 mil from town: set yearly earnings SO.UUU. Arbogaat. Leld. N. J. Mlaatsst, OPEM MINNFSOTA PRAIRIE at 115. Term: flZOW hardware and Implement and eLOne buildings for farm to maiuk La corn belt. Box 14a. Adrian, Minn. IX)R BALE BT THE OWNER 1I acre In Mower oounty, Mlnn-j well Improved, ail tillable; 1 miles to town, half mile to school, 11 miles to Iowa Price, trt per acra 6elh A. Cheney. Grand Meadow, Minn. FORECLOSURE! SALR OF LAND Ws have over 1&.000 acrea Minnesota land t effer at foreclosure prices, about one-half value; liberal terms; part or whole, grand opportunity for retailer. E. W. Taylor A r-oD.. Nat. Gar. -A mar. Bank Bldg.. be Paul, Minn. FOR BALK Best rut-over lnd In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; $2 7o per acre and up; farm, timber and Iron lands. J una U. A. Crosby, t Paiiadio Bldg.. Luiuta, Minn. Masewatrl. BTOPI Don't go a step further than Douglas Co.. down !n the beautiful Oiaika- Raise anything; corn. II to bushels per acre; sil other crops In proportion; cheap est good land on earth; 6 to t'Ji per acra aree Information. Globe Keal Latata Co., Ava, Mo. J6S-ACRE valley stock farm near Leba non, Mo.; well Improved, good soil. 60-acra field, low-acre pasture, several springs. ! Terms, no trade. Ed C. Bauman, 4t4 BoonvUle Bt.. Springfield. Mo. FOR SALE 720 acres splendid Vernon Co. (Me.) stock and grain farm; every acre good, plenty of water. Price, ScsO per acre; as good a $100 Iowa land and far better climate. Write for better description. H. AU bpurgeon. Owner, Olatba, Kan. MISSOURI LANDS for sale. M acres ta l.Ois) acres; terms and prices to suit pur- Chaser. Write lor particulars. w. Stevens. Clinton, Henry Co.. Mo. BAROAIN 60-acro farm: 4 mile from Warsaw. Mo.: X acres cultivated, ba lanes pasture; near school and church; price fl.euo; terms easy. Addreaa T. U. Owen. v araaw. Mo. OZARK LANDS, Ozark Land Co.. u BOO OIQg. 140 ACRES 4) miles to town; good, level, well drained land; on mall route and school house on one corner of the farm; l-room nouse, new; bam SttrtW; bog ana tew house; windmill, plenty water, about I acres Umber. Tbia la a good place, piiued at e per acre. D. CKUTCHER, DraxeU 11a . . GRAZING, farmlna-. timber and frutt land la south Missouri. From ti-M to Ui per acre. , OZARK LAND CO.. 40t SEE . BLDO. HALF INTEREST, 40-acre farm, under laid with si no and lead. T. Chap, Webb City. Mo. M ACR3 AND 40 ACRES IN OOOii Old Cass county; to miles frota Kaasaa City; both well Improved: . fine black . Umutnii land; bargain; choice, 106 per acre; good terms. v. uuraeua, Garaeu C.ty, Mo. stbrssks. IMPROVED farm of about WO acres la Colfax oounty, Nebraska, all good lefel land, new buildings. M acres In wheat. lays ciooe to town. u. P. R. R. run tnrougn in farm. Price, gw per acre. wouia uii some city property, a. si, Hammond, SU Board of Trada. FARM BAHGAINS 1.600 acres Kimball county. Nebraska, 4 miles from good railway station, all good farm land, some improvements. For ouick sals. i4 per acre. cash. bal. L I and t years. Warner & Williams, 441 Be Bldg. Hortk Dakota. v S20 ACRES Stutsman Co.. N. D.. clear. for good residence, clear. In Des Moines. Price of land 10 per acre. 440 acrea, wail improved, 3C miles from Winnipeg. Manitoba, for Inoome- Fries t per acre; mtg.. H.bOO equity. Lock Box iva. optnt jxo. la. Ol-egoa. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. N acrea only IflOOO per acre. Address L. I). Oakea. Gaston. Ore. Tciss. ARE you seeking Independence? Then como locate with us on a ten-acre farm. close to Houston, Tex., tn the balmy gulf coast country; you are close to markets and can i?et rich by raising winter garden truck, and by developing a fig and orange orcnaro, wun ceitain yearly inoome; eev era! hundred cf us have formed an "Iowa colony" and are farming here: you can buy a farm among us for lis a month. writs me today for particulars. G. Huffman. Manvel, Tex. tMli PER ACRE buys 4 736 acres richest Nueces river Irrigation land, south wes Texas; Investment or colonisation; fl.( developments. Part cash; forced sale, rar est opportunity. Wire or wtile Imroedl ately. Jes. F. Wolfe. Trustee, 11 a N. Flore bt., ban Antonio, ltx. ORANGE orchard near Houston are big Investments. Our five-acre orchards are sold on easy monthly payments. The Alvln Japanese nurseries adjoin and their ex perls develop and care for our orchard thrcs years. V r!:i ...; for U Lt?U orange booklet. Vederal Land A in t went Co, licustou, Tex. Wasklaatv. FOR BALE Cheap, 10 acrea good land. about t acres slashed; good men, new pump ana anea; for &; 1 mile to bUeri dan dock; la minutes ride to Bremerton, Addreaa Box ss, tuemonun. asii. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acree of good aluer land nartl cleared, near good road; good new house and chicken house; too laying hens, ducks ana a lot oi p geona. two miles from good new town, near boat landing; ten mile licm city of 4e,oj people Price, ); flown, balance per month. bee Mr Morrison. Bond b-. Kverett. tNaah. TWO t-ecr tracts, fronting on Iak Che. Ian, Wash 1-year-old winter apples, fine toll, fine lake, tine cliruate. fin fishing and boating, low pr ce to close an eataie. Addreaa W. H. Norris, 4VA Lth Ave.. N E.. bealtie. or C p. Bennett. Lakesida 10 ACRES CLOSE TO 6POKANE. Cn electrto line, aubirngated. near $750 laud. Cheap. Part cash, ba ance a yeara H. T. RoBklHTS. Box bpokane, S aj.ii. Wlseessls. COME TO VILAS COUNTT. WISCONSIN. Good land cheap and on very easy terms lurm i0 te fit an ao-s. 40 acres for f 10 DOWN AND flO A MONTH No Interest, no taxes, insurance clause la the contract. Fertile eolL plenty of rala. good ivads. good marketa. goud ecuoois eaj tnui clies. feend for map Jid book to Dept I. G. F BA.NBOHN CO.. Eagls Klvar. Wis. A BARGAIN, pta-acr farm, atock machinery and all for 15 MO. email peynit doan; so acree under plow; new modern eeven-reom house; tw miles from Mauston s. ; art quick A it er ess H. M. UhlkcRlU Wis. REAL ESTATE pARM AU KA.MH LAUD FOR Sat. Wlecvaaiav- leatlaeed. FOR f ALE Cheap, good Improved farm, A.4W. half down, balance eaay tsraia ie. I tea Mauaton. Wia H. 4. th'ST land In Wisconsin; any aisad tract; wholesale price. Unauaar lnd Mk, Mark neete. Wis. TO esrhange 1J acres good level farm land. Oneida county. Wisconsin; sear rauroad and town; country rspidiy settling p and pricee dvanclng; price I1.IK). clear, want good, aound young registered Perce. eron or Belgian Italian, to weigh Be lea than l.M pound and a euro foal getter. Address Lock Bos sot. Khinelander W M berellaae-esia. wanteFto but There are thousand! el people In Iowa that want to buy farms Improved and un improved In set tied and unsettled districts Tb way to beet reach them l through the classified pages of THE DEd MOINE.S CAl'lTAL. Average circulation last monia 44.44s copiea Pubusbed for twenty years si Pea Moines, la., by Lata I sung. REAL ESI A IE LOANS w a NTCD City loans and warrants, W. rarnam bmlth A Co... 1U Far nam Si WANTED City loan a Peters Trust Cex ISM to IS 000 ea Omaha homes. C Keets Real Estate Co, 1K N. T. fa louguu er .. .. flW to 110.000 mad promptly. F. Wead, Wead Bldg. lth and Farnam. OARVIN BROS. Id floor N. T. Ufa MM to iluO.OCs) on 1m proved property. Ne delay. LOW RATES. BEMIB-CARBK.RO CO- b-lU Brandeta Theater Eidg. LOANS to homo owner and bom build ers, with privilege of making partial pay moots semi-annually. W. M. THOMAS. 60S First National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED CLIENT want SO acre In Douglas Co. n-vrr.l.lil ukAI. lcSTATE CO.. 101 N. T. Life. Doug, or A-EiO. SWAPSt ir Torr have any kind of wu sines or properties to trad (or South Mleeourl land e osark Land Co., 4U se xuug. u"s itRhinri nronertiea of merit. H. U. Culver. 8U-K1S N. T. Life, tsouglaa VM. nu hraind new Ne, to Colt's acetylene gas machine and gas ran a to trad fof good toga cows or chlckei 40 Uraad Ava. pnone eo. . . - TO EXCHANGE for land; 00 head regis tered shorthorn cattle and on Percheroa stallion; will trade stallion for good auto mobile. George Fischer. Caatana, la. WANTED. RESIDENCE OR LOT. Chotc 40-acre tract, clo to town of W.Ono reople In eastern Oklahoma, clear; price h0. Also a nice M-acre tract In same lo cality; price $1.0UO. WU1' exchange one or both for vacant lots or equity in small bouse. Might put In small amount of cash. S. K, Walt Co., 17 Be Bldg. WANTED TO BUY BEST Drioe nald for Id-hand furniture. carpets, clothing and shoe. Tel. D. tsTL SECOND-HAND clothing: party after noon dresses. John Teldman. D. HA; A-ssat, WANTED TO RENT " WANTED Storeroom, near Auditorium, for first hall of January-. Address, F 838, oar Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST-CLASS., practical, nurse can be engaged. al . Looaiasi i4 4. . - - v-. YOUNG man dentres psace. to work fof board ; and room 4u private rfamily s while attending college. ' Boyart Couega. Botn phones. ns . . I- COLLBGE graduate wishes evening em ployment at tutor or an other capacity. K 667, Be. ... . EDUCATED young man stenographer. saperienced, - eight year', . correnpondont, destrea responaibla aecreiaxtal poaltlon or assistant; busy man; fnr referencea. Ad dress li 500, care Bee. .. . FUIST CLASd. carpenter would Ilk a position In aooie. large offlr building or store. Addreaa . Vi... 2a et, douui Omaha or caii AuW- iii- . LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR PAPF.R TOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING SEALKD PROPOSALS will be received un til Januaxv la. 1M11. at 10 0 a'dock a. m., for furniahina the PAPER for the PUB LIC PRINTING and B1ND1NO for the year endlns the' Xrth of Fwbruary. litis, th aid proposals to be opened before and th award of contracts to bo made oy tne Joint Committee on Printing to th lowest and best bidder for the Interests of the Government, tb committee reserving to itself the rlsrht to relect any And All bids. aa Its judgment of the beet interests of th Government may dictat. Detailed schedules of th description nuantitv. and oualltv of the paper required acoompanied : by sarrrplea and blank pro posals, and giving tbs regulations with which bidders must comply, can be ob tained by addressing Sam I B. Donnelly, 0. 1 1.1 1. Tf-lnter WuhlnitDL D. C The contracts will be entered Into for supplying such quantities wf paper as may be needed and no more. The approximate estimated 'quantities set forth in detail in ths cbudul comprise: 140.0UO reams machine-finish printing naner. I4x3S. 16,000 reams machine-finish printing psprr, 3Sx48. gg.OO reams ld hd gnper-calendered -"W hite or tinted" printing paper, various sixes. 1,300 reams antique - machine-finish printing paper, 1.500 reams wove mchin-flnlsh print, ins nancr. 4.800 reams white writing paper, loft dried, various slsee ana weigiua. C.2&0 reams colored writing paper, loft dried, various sixes and weights. S40.0UU pounds white writing Japer. ma chine dried, -various sires and weights. . lANii nnu.'i. tablet 'irritlpg Tiaper K.OoO pounds white writing paper, watar- marked U S M O. I,0u0 reams cover paper, various sixe and weights. 10ft ") pound loft-drled linen map paper. Mo.OuU pounds superfine (single and double) coated book paper. 470.000 pounds mantle paper, various sites and weights. 1.0UO pounds plated bullet patch, various sites. 14o.Wt puunds bond raPW, various colors. sixes and weignt. Si 000 pounds blue bond paper, water marked I BM O. aaO.OOO Kunds safety bond paper, water marked U U O tono pounds parchment deed.. Ha.ivO sheets cardboard, various colors, and weights. (OoO.OuO pounds bristol board for V. 8. postal cards. h6,i pounds superfine bristol board. pounds colors briatel board. Ho (0 pounds manlla tag board. c0 reams first-class ledged paper wove, various colors, sites, and weignta. 4. it) reams second-class ledger paper, whits or blue, wove, various slses and weights. l' reams tissue pap textra an pert, yu teams blotting pc per, any standard color. 1.CJ0 i earns marble.- comb, and lining paper, various sites. 5Ji reams t a liter paper, various sites and weights 2it teams letter paper. S.Uuv pounds white paraffin paper, Xixjg Inches S 000 sheets parchment, lrxll Inches In canes where more than one thousand reams are called for proposals will be re ceived for one thousand reams or more. By dlrecltou of the Joint Committee en Printing. SAM L B. IONNELLY. Public Printer. W asi.lngton, D. C, Dec i Per 14. lsio. lia-At LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Mock holders' meeting of the Union, Land Comtany. Notice Is hereby riven that the annual meeting of the tfx ahoidera of the I nloa Land company, for the election of five director and th transaction of such other business as may Irgsuly come before the meeting, will be held at the office of the Gnerai follrltor. Union Pacific Head Quarters Bulldiug. Ninth and Farnam streeta. Oman a. Nebraska, on Mor.aay. ins ih day of January, line at 10 o clock a. m. 1 be stock transfer book will be closed 10 days previous to the meeting. ALtA. MILLAR, secretary. New York City. N. V.. Dec Is. isiO DlMJOt STOCKHOLDERS' MF.ETINO OFFlCal of Lee-Guxaa-Andreen Hardware com paxiy. Omaha. Nebraska, December , 11. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders ef Lee-Glase-Andieeeen Hardware Com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holder of the company will be held at th office ef the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in th city of Omaha, in th state of Nebraska, on Tuesday. Janu ary, M, A. D , mil, at t o'clock p. m., for th purpose of electing a board of director for th company to serve during the en suing year, and to transact such other bustneso aa may bo presented at such meet log H. J. LEE. President. Attest: W. H. QLASS, Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The euth omaha and Western Rail road Company, for the election of seven director and th transaction of such ether business as may come before th meeting, will be held at the office cf A. L. Mohler. comer of Ninth and Farnam street. Omaha. Nebraska, on Wednesdsy, the eleventh car I January, A. d. liu. at 11 o'clock A. M. T, M OMR. DJudltt ' Secretary. STOCKHOIJ3FRS' MEETING THE AN- nual meeting or the stockholders of ths Be Building company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, January 17, 1WL for the election of a board of director for the ensuing year and for the transac tion of such other business a may prop erly oome before th meeting. By order of the president. N. P. FEJL, Secretary. DSldlSt RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOX STATION Teatb and HlMa, Cailoxt Pactflo . Depart. Arrtvs Pan Fran. Overland L..a 1:14 am all pta China and Japan F. M..a 4a0 pm a 4 46 pra Atlsntic Express a 44 am Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 1:10 pm Los Angeles Limited all 46 pm l:M pm Denver Bperiai a 1-M am a T:I7 ara Colorado Express a I H pm a 4 50 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. ili w pm a l.JO pre North Piatt Local a I . IS am a 4:46 am Columbus Local a R SO pm al0:BV ara Stromsburg LocaU bU;40 pra b 1:30 pm 0,1cm gee aV Nerth weaterw NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a T:40 am al0 pm Sleux City Local a 1.45 pm a IH pra Minn. A Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm a :15 am ' EASTBOUND. Carren Local a 7:00 ara a 1:50 pra Omaha Express a T 40 am a 0 40 am r-hit-aao Local ail UJ o a t M am Colorado-Chicago a 6 :1V pm t I it pa Chicago Special a :ut pm a ( 4 am Pacific Coast-Chicago. .a 4:06 pm a 1:21 pra Lo Angeles Limited... a 1:60 pm alt U pm Overland Limited all 45 pra a 7:46 am Carroll Local a 4:10 pm elO 00 am Fast Mail a I (W pm a I X pm WESTBOUND. Lincoln-Chadron a 7:50 am all 44) ara Norfolk-Dallas a 7:60 ara al 44 pm Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 1:15 pm b 4 M pro Hastlngs-eiuneno im d m.w pro r.s,taood-Hot Springs a ( pm a 6 20 Dm Casper-Landsr a 1:66 pm all :M ara Fremont-Albion b i:M pm l.STpm Mlseoeirl Paclflc- K. C. A 8t- L. Fx a t.10 am a 7:40 am ir r A He L. Ex.. ex cept baturaay aii: pm a ;o pm K, U, a n. n-a.. Sat ar days onty u:w pm . CaleavsTOt Roelx I slaved A Pmclfl . EAS1. Rocky Mountain Ltd....all:H am al0:45 pm Chicago Day Kxprea..a (:& am a 4:80 pm Chicago Local Pass..'..bl0:M am b M il pra Dea Mottles Local Pass.a 4:0 pm a 12: 30 pm Chicago Express a 4:40 pm a 1:18 pm Chicago Limited a :0i pra a 1 :ut am a . WEST. tM.-Nb. Ltd., Lin coin. a 1:20 am a 8-4T pra Cnln. A Cal. Express. ..a 1:6 Pra a 4 SO nm Okl. 4k Texas express.. a s:u pm a I SO pa Kucky Mountain pm ana CwicaeTo, Mllwtake A St. Pee Overland Limited all:48 pm A 7:68 ant rimaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am . Omai-a-Bavanna Local. a 7:16 am all: 46 pm Colo-cai t,xpresw a s.w pm ai:apm Colorado Bpecial. ...... .a 7:42 am a 4:W am Perry -Omaha iocaj a s.u pm b 10:00 am UtBOla Ositrmi Chicago Express a 7 AO am a 1:46 pm Chicago uroitea a uo pm a 1:0 aru V Inn -tit. Paul Ex b 7 KM) am Mlnn.-at. Paul Ltd a 4.O0 pin a 1:00 am Chleavsn Great W eater Chicago Limited a 6:41 pm Twin City Limited.. a 8:80 pm b 7:63 am clO.30 am Twin City Limited.. Twin City express.. Chicago Express.... Wakask a 8:00 am a 8:M pm ;4tpm Omaha-bt. Louis Ex... a 4 0 pm a 8 25 ara Mail and Express a 7:02 am all:ifi pm bum by Lcl. tromC.B.jb 6.1M pm bitl.U tun Batrliagtoa Statloa -lot. a.d M.MK. Baurllagctea Depart. A rri.. Denver A California... a 4 lo pra a 8 46 pm Puget Sound Express.. a 4 10 pm a 1 46 pm Nebraska points a I to am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 3 46 pro Lincoln Mail b 1:10 pm aU:16 nm Northwest Express ....ail:u6 pm a 70 am Nebraska points a I At am a 6:10 pm riewiMa sv a. as eua a f:lf pm Lincoln Local b 6 KM am bchuyler-Pettsmouth ..b 8 06 pm blO JO am Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm PLattsmouth-Iowa a 1:18 am a 8.60 am Belieruo-Platlsmouth ..al2:A0 prr, a 2:40 pm central jveoraska Chicago Spec-la) . . Denver Special ... .all:66 pm all:2S nm .a 7:16 am all: pm a l 'W ara Chicago Express .a 4:80 Dm a 1:65 nm Chicago Fast Express.. a ( M pm a 8:00 am Atlantic coast juimuea. li so pm Iowa Local .a 1:16 ana alO.M am Creston (la) Local. St. Louis Express.... K, C. A Bt. Joseph... K. C A bt. Joat-ph... K, C. A. be Joaepb... ..a 8:80 pm alO st) am ..a 4:80 pm all 46 am al0:4e pm a :4a am .a 8:16 am a 8:10 put .a 4:20 pm Webster tatlea -15tb and Webster. Mlaeearl Paclflo Depart Arrive. Auburn Local b 1.60 pm bU:66 am Chicago, bt. Pawl, aHaasasolls Omaha Sioux City, Express b 1:15 pra bll:46 am Omaha Local e pra (Sioux City Passenger b 8:20 pm Twin City Passenger.. .b ( 80 am Sioux City Local e 8:36 am Emerson Local b 6.66 pm b 8:10 ara tb) Daily except Sunday, tc; Sunday only. WOMAN GETS BURNS LIGHTING TREE CANDLES Mlaa Metal Krll lajared W aesv Blase Is tehee la f'ottoa Trias es I ags. Mis Metal Kell of 1T23 Dodge street had a belated Christmas celebration last even ing that came very near to a fatal end ing. In ths act of lighting the candlea on a little Christmss tree In her room, th flames caught on th cotton trimming of the tree and communicated themselves to Miss Kail's dress. The woman screamed and Mrs. Ellen Rocho, the landlady, came running ta her assistance, wrapping a blanket about Miss Keil and smothering the flames. MIhs Kell's fat and arms were badly scorched, but she waa not seriously burned. Assistant City Physician Langdon was called In and dressed the bums. Tbs woman refused to allow herself to be takaa to s hospital. Ths firs caught on some of the articles of furniture in the room, but the fire de partment was called In and the flames quickly extinguished with chemicals. A Querent of Business prosperity Th Peralatent and Wlae Patronage of The Bee Advertising CuluuuA- YOUNG MEN HADE WELCOME Y. M. C. A. it Thrown Open for Annual Kew Tear's Keception. PROGRAM OF AMTSEKLNTS Riklkltlssi t.lvea la Ike Cysaaaalaaa and sslxamlagr Pwol, as Well ae Meale aad rtraeaatlee la Aadttorlaaa. The Toung Men's Christian assoelstlen building ws thrown open from the top noor to the basement Monday night for the third annual New Year' reception and house warming la the new building to giv a Joyou welcome to the young men of Omaha, and especially those living here away from home. Th building was decorated throughout with flowers and pennants and a varied program of athletics, dramatic and music was given. Upon the fourth and fifth floors the dormitory men held aa open house and visitor gathered In the various rooms for a oclabl chat. A part of th venlng entertainment was the production of a play. "The Bach elor's Wired," by pupils of th Boyd and Brandels School of Acting. The auditorium on the second floor of the building where the play was given was filled to capacity at both the per formance at l it and at 10 o'clock. ' Th character of th play were taken by Bruce Burgess. Garnett Underwood. Mildred Scott and Adeline Bpecht. Bur gee gave a good charaoterlxatlon of th bachelor and Miss Undrwood a the for tnn teller who tell him h I to be divorced from hi first wlf after six month was equally pleasing. Ml Scott took the part of an artist admired most by th bachelor, and a such captivated hr audieno. Adeline Bpecht cam In for her share of favor. The play was well executed. FIbo Klectrlcal Exhibit. All unusually Interesting exhibit era given on th third floor by the class In electricity. A larg room entirely dec. orated with a multiplicity of colored eleo- trio lights bore evidence of th boys' In genuity. Tho boy wired th whole of the dec orative lights," said Ouy Zlegler. Instructor of the junior electricity class. Among th display in this room were an arc lamp. an electric switch board and an electrlo motor made by Eddie Johniton; a minia ture electrlo railroad mads by Loo Cuiodo; telegraph Instrument mad by Clifton Cooper and a atatle machina manufactured by Otto Schmidt. The bulbs of the electrlo lights were colored with a solution mixed and applied by th boys. Tha athletic program under th direction of Physical Director i. T. Maxwell, con stated of both gymnasium and swimming events. Jak Gehrig took the class through various complex gymnastlo movements, displaying the skill and strength of muscl of th athletes. J. W. Wharton and Harry Lincoln put on a hot boxing match, pura mellng each other well, and Band berg and Nelson, two of th "Y" wrestlers, divided a two-fall match. - In tha swimming pool th most Interest Ing swimmer was Prof. H. H. Corson, who la to be In Omaha this week teaching th business men to swim. Prof. Corson wsnt through a part of his accomplishments, showing th different stroke and way of swimming with on hand tied and finally with both hand and feet tied. C C. Wendell headed th local swimming expert In a number of events, a 10-yard race, an 80-yard relay race and an egg and candle race bringing out rooters from th crowd. Wendell himself went through th suicide's reoue," allowing himself to be tied In a sack and be thrown In ths water and then escaping from tb sack under water. McClelland Man is Found in Denver Albert Thomas, Who Left Family, Located by the Police of Weitern City. Through the efforts of the Omaha po lice. Albert Thomas, th McClelland, la merchant, who waa reported missing last Friday afternoon, haa been located In Den. ver. In answer to a description sent out and a request to locate, th Denver aa tharatlves telegraphed Captain Dempaey last night that they had located Thomas at the Oxford hotel In that city. W. M. Thomas, father of th missing man, started for Denver last night, in. tending to find out the causa of his son's sudden disappearance and, if possible, to bring him back to his deserted wlf and family. Th wlf la reported in a precar ious condition. Thomas left McClelland early last week saying he was going to Omaha In order to buy a atock of shoes. As ha had largs amount of money w! him. It was feared, upon his failure to ahow up at any of tb wholesale houses, th man had met with foul play. Th father la at a loss to explain his son's Strang action tn deserting hi fam ily. An unbalanced mind was one hy pot heals advanced, but the Denver pollc say that tha man la mentally bright. COLD WEATHER NEARLY CATCHES TWO WANDERERS Foaad Lylagf 1st lasw la Alley aad LI vea Saved by Trip to Jail. Although it Is usually considered unfor tunat to bi arrested, two men had good and sufficient reason Isst night to thank tb pollc for putting them "In duranc vile." Frank De Gam a of Honey Creek. Ia, and Jame Tadlock, who gave no address, possibly because he had none, were found huddled up In dark alleys, peacefully sleep ing off the effects of a fall from the water wagon. obltiou to th world and th bit ing cold and well on their separate way to an Arctic fate. When taken to tb po lice station thy ware revived with diffi culty, and when brought back to life shivered so with th cold that they shook the Jail floor. Both were locked up on the charge of drunkenness. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity The Hee Advertising Columns. RUSSIANS ENGAGE IN DUEL Two ef Thesa Have Klaht, Oae Belag Severely Cat aa Face. Alex Malllntck and Alex Pallock, two Russians, cngagsd In a dual with knives early last evening at 70;v North Klgh-tee-nth street. Officer Walker was called tn by other occupants of the house and the two men were separated, but not until Mallinick'a face was badly cut by bis oppo nent. Both men wer arrested and taken to the police station where titer were charged with fighting. Police Surgeon C. 1L Pep pers dressed Malllnlck's wounds, which wer not serious. Malllnlck Uvea at 7716 Second street. South Omaha, and Pallock at 707Vt North Klghteonth street. Sixty-Four Dollars and His Gold Watch Thugs M. P. Lyons, Bnrhnirton Clerk, Forced to Leave Traveled Street and Yield Valuabki. ." M. P. Lyons, a rate clerk at the ltur- llnfton headquarters, while on "Is a home last night shortly after 7 o'clock was held tip and rohlel of 64 and a gold watch by two unmasked men who mrd from the shadow of the trees on lrtx treat Just South of ths high school build ing. Th men took his aatrtt whetl they first presented their guns, but as they had some trouble in finding his pm-krthook and ths street cars and automobiles pstng marts he search dangerous, the stlck-up men walked Lyons to Twenty-second street and Into an alley. With the wtixtie ' of a gun pressed against hi bark Lyons wiarhed along at their bidding very wllllnaiy. When they arrived at the alley the rob bers 'frisked" their victim again and dis covered the purse which, rontalnod three 830 bills. ,- . The watch was presented to Lyons by his mother fourteen year ago- and he disliked to part with it. "Look here, you fellows."' h said, "that watch will be of no value to you; It haa my Initial on the back. You had belter let me have It." "Well, If we can't use It we 1 return It to you." was the civil reply, and they took his house number. Lyon live at 110 North Twenty-fifth street. He 1 wondering If he will get his tlmapleoe back. ' ' Two Families Driven From Beds by Fire Six Persons Forced to Brave Cold in Bight Clothing; Fifteen Thou sand Dollar Lost. ' Firs drove two families In a double flat at 618 South Seventeenth street ' out Into th cold at an early hour Oils morning In their night-clothmg. The building, a two tory structure, was completely gutted and together with Its contents Is a total loss. Th damages ar estimated at tuVOia). The families of A. C Chrlatensen and P. Wolf lived In the flat. Mr. Chrlstensen was awakened by ths falling of planter on th bed. He gave tbj alarm and tlx persons hastily made their exodus from ths build ing clad In th first garments they could put their hand on. Mr. Chrlstensen begged to ba allowed to go back Into tha flat to rescue a Pt rat. but waa restrained And the animal was burned. The origin of the fir ha not been learned. i Zion Baptist Church Spreads Big Feast Surprise for Women of Congregation Cleverly Executed Touts Ee . iponded to After Banquet. Laymen of th Zton Baptist church. Twenty-third and Grout streets, Rendered a banquet Monday night 4o the -women members of the church. . It was A sur prise banquet, th women being Invited without the Information, a to tha natur of tha entesmmentvrqr',trT;ihem; Mora than 108 couples .aUended. A splen did feast waa spread -aad the churerr par lors were beautifully decorated with flow ers and feraa for th occasion.' , , -' Th layman w er prof ua with their toasts for th women of the Congregation and women In general.' ' The principal toasts were given by Rev. W. F, Bottg and the Rev. W. W. S. Dyett and John Grant Pegg. Inspector of weights and measures. Mrs. Dr. August Q. Edward's respunded on be half of the women. , Frightened I a to Kits ' . . by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. Kings New lire Pill, and away goes bowel troubla. Guaranteed. 2ic For' sale by Beaton Drug Co. " CADET TAYLOR SUES THE BEE Starts Daaugs Salt- for SSO.OOO) la District Coart Against Thar Bee aad Victor Uosrwatrr. , Cadet Taylor started a SAO.000 daman ao Uon against Tho Bee Publishing qbrupany and Victor Roaewater, editor ef Tad Omaha Bee, In district court Tuesday, alleglnt that the defendants damaged his character by publishing libelous statements regard ing his character. Tha petition reofles that the plaintiff haa a good reputation, that h never has been auapected"of being a bank wrecker or a crook; that on Decem ber 18 th defendant caused, to be pub lished a nw story from a staff corre spondent In Washington, D. C, which re cited that Victor Roaewater tad filed ob jections to Taylor's appointment ta the offfos of ourveyor of custom t for tluj purl of Omaha; that In the course of tha ttoiy the plaintiff was refenned to as a bank wrecker and a crook. - Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor ex ercise. Insufficient mastication .of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are ths most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Cliamberlaln'a Flumach and Liver Tableta and yon will soon te well again. For tale by ail dealers. ,' CHARTER CHANGES DISCUSSED lowarllaaea Meet with Mayer Dahl- aa aad Hear frwiat tave ly Klect rielaat. , -.. - Proposed charter changes weje fli'cusd by the coundlmen at a mwcltng held in the office of Mayor Pahlman at the city hall Tuesday morning. Sidewalk, and curbing regulations weie subject of long and animated discussion ' over technicali ties - 1 , Waldemar Michaelsen city .electrician, was present to present to the countilmen lilt views on the plan under consideration for an ornamental linhiink; system fir ths downtown streets. Mr. Michael sen takes the ixisitton that the Property owners bene fited by the Improvement should pay for It. Construction, lie says, should be tinder the direct supervision of the city to Insuin uniformity, so neccsary to ths effect sought. Pole) 'a Kid svey Pill Are Ionic in action, quick lu results. A special medicine fur all kidney and blsd dtr disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolf. boro. N. H.. say: "I waa afflicted with a bad case of rheumatixm, due to uric acid that my kldueya failed to clear out of my blood. I w as so lam in my feet. Joints, and back that it was agony ior rue to step. I used i oley Kidney pill fur three days when 1 waa able to get up and movs about and the pains were all gone. This great change In condition J owe lo Foley Kidney Pills and recommend them ta snyune suffering aa I Lav." Avid by all druggists.