Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    ttte ttft:: omatta. tyt:pnt.spay. .-.tantat 4. ion.
a. ! mat tv
r. V CrMtot It
"ak Tut nuiMf to the TtaxoA
. eaartrte flxtcroa BarnM-Oruiti.
Colorado ArE& F! -r.e Artnojr ce8
at ag. -tH.l Mmaaa E-oi life H. c i
h im Jeef a a
to Hold Elections
iSt-eretirr ef the Aic:g1ed Charitiei
Say. Peer Are Sot S-fferug.
Oner. Cava
It lee
naae the katlre t t- ;
4 J a taatf Pre 1
Jede for All i
A b a. r la rr4.
fart I-- a'-cai.t ;:ta '. frailrga ;
A La t H Im'i la provide a funs' to bi a
atnia. ! y are. a at St.
CU(9uHrif aVaU Th ffmnflin Oiaha p- a- r.t f -iTiT fr-n I
ef tb br.j of the rtij nsioi rt,et j fcut.ger or .11 a'-ccrdirf t JAa V.
annraarg n paaa upe-a tb p ro.l ; Jorts of O Awi!e4 cn! An r-
ehr tuuni aaa take wj ronton report that the chafitah erran- ,
too Bo wt Ttta aWrry Keep y' , ' n' r1,B-
Cm.k. t,, tB Tru e-mpo.y. ! rt.terr-nt a
Hj-.J ... 1 'v nisi nar C i n i ..... - ... - 1
! '1:r p-wr ftrnlie ai r-ardJ
' trtn tie cold a I t(4d tie tTre -'terday,"
sad V Jocti Tuesday mrtrr.iT.f.
'in the Near Future
Few CLaEfw Seem ta Ee ia Ceateia- j
rlttioa Some Ya'aaciei to
Ee filled.
Ver"ua lr.k. -ub.ic oer ir oorpora
tiora ard 'arc itJa"ral and realty mn
par., a eoon ,f!1 iriul ir.f
n't th takir.g 1'iac a Tuly.
Juiuin Wv ( tt. iai ail tV' r.alna.
m-:Jr.:. at hrh f.ffrr ai4 d. rector
;!' S for iha tmif yfar
l rdiriH t t f.TFT-"-t- No
cr a' Vr,on 10 ccntf-rupukt airfloti:ii
:h,r r.-j. r, and ; r-rtor x ' m tp b
T.' K'l'-n Nat-.-mal lr k a ' arT
ta f.! in tta ciifc-tfi at lriiii of 11
J Tlmrslay, Jam.
SUITS aiud
nrt-at nmr at .a JP.4 raraa
atmaarfa nr Aaeia 1
r sat Lrt Crtifn. Ba4ri A. Ca. n:
,rxU - j-That iMtf. Kut t.o-l mi and Jath of W A. p.,t., jr. A F Koa
-a f hntnfirw r.'-a to b rrd f"r. j of T- i-!ed t th r''
Tk - drt'" , Thr ar fovr f-ntvt.l t.rar,iatkm ' Tt Urrrtanta ati'a) a la a i-
lr. haa-1-.a oaJ ai tfca Kut . tk- aaociatd rArile I t-,fr.hotid ! ttyr- to f 11 tt- r raud tr th
lr tea trr kav.d-a!h Pf J.ta r. Hi anii. W:,i
Coad, tail-fd f tn ctnc-tic mith It.-
tniwk t.i i irMr V.r Ooad l rf jirot:E tfc
'xx'mTnndat ; ta' its a tuf:ia v.
a"3 " "- ""- thorp, all KSar ta
kiM-vry aU Juai roua U rT. li0 cf th Oiy
I Tb at-nAJ ' ttat t h minrjfti raa
aw i it ra rm rrjfit t-f tba w of pra r ' rran r mwt run than haxa at'Id
Tt, air Natjor.a.1 Ha.r a Pu:.n rorr,-
M UM rvaa Muiat thirch. two rr j rntwut aown ill t4 mora -J and M j tj-r hold it f.rM ar-oual trklifd-
ajia otM-d fw thta .. ra Ktpotd j i W In fd tt a ira to aftr lb j f.- mAiB( ob lha aama Aav- CCix-r
ajni of tka r-d atb Tb firat j Jfdtr aaS a aoman t after trie
fnal giai la Bd Jri
J arftoK-st i twr aVut jrr 4.
fud dad ta tit rwn about bxk Tua
ar at lJ liTf.Tifiti trru LlrOa la
traicc rr.aklr.a' tf Ti tntmf aarla wlil
i j ITrad fir Mint nr
"I him t b ahla to l-- r-f
that kaa akd fur hlp that btn t rrwirnd
tt Wa ar jrrr4 to k-. aftr all tbo
kao-a ft hla h-'n r-i.ii a aa b bad it faml1) ta tbr eotra ta for mora
UTod at tbau pr tut a abort Ua. Tb j blp dur.t.j the next fear dar aftr r.v-
avoltca aw titx atnk that acobuJan aaa
tho nun c ia a i5S- dath.
naiw a .Calif arala W. W. Mc-ra-ar.B
it tb lait a Jd:ut.a to tba Ca-jLJ-.a-CaUift.a
it!frr colonx. Mi. Morraul
l.aa arrrttoB'A. U. Itod ttal t- haa bcucfct
r?OTrty fit "VT TaaaK bwulerard. HoiJy
. od.' kca aavna a Uo prt.porir ef
c"1.4.')ai' E. Ovoa- Mr. Mwatnaa ijct
a haa ij4a a") twna ocxr.pSetc4 anUua
tor rraWi.
BX.aia- Offlta) Xrra Tba effice cf
ta a if )' lit flogt ti it Ot j- NauocaJ
feaaik ' kkk'vCb. " ' jJch bar ba Kk a;
a tt. tt'd rioor. aril be aoovod t lb
tfth, Ft""; tt floor la) tba offices of
Goer, A ".. a)crraj for tba
Oit KUaul Evaxk Bu-jd-T coixpar.T
r.oataii.n aa kemofora to tb
a-iiar of !or 4 C.
BaraJt la . aVtiyemad lftiar TureWj
Witt Haraid, Bsdoraeet a oraOac
f-T rTic aK- t Oi Oarkoom kfwjUJ
McB'lj o-rsBtrc; roportsd prrrat)t
t pwrfrffntr ta tao inwint Ulan for
rpi.CTn, t9 tltn sraa atvild
t tba Oir aha 0aral aovpitaJ. aXter hrh
ta a .o-urt b na rorod. A r)4oa
t i j . (Ji rfTjosr boraXDa rfBJy IX
It ta xmb s)ctd h Ul rocor ta a
Oil B-Ba)' rrwad" Chj(d vita
K : at4 Mi lt frtad abvut tba
CmW koal J?a a ka'.f. Ala Poi.ocA.
tirOa- aa titf-pr1r. tod Judf Cra-f-rd
drtak Kad.cauaod th dood. A)a
Vk )int-lt. rtr)aatilat -ttam. faced
thai ooari tknnk a kuf rratk c kaa
dar Oai tits no aavd f bad escaped
t ta ataf k naa ty bia ba traaad " Tba
- - --. ua talkiad thrown aa taterpmr.
; dcteird bo ketd o im araiaat PoUack.
I 3 ait ,tJraTtrfl. m(ncrd th prtaoe- to
f; flora da a Ji-
aTaasoc BaXlaiaf aUtoravtloaa Altera
tions -rail ma; for aa oatlajr of Mrerai
- tkouaaa -AtAi' ariH M bra MM. to part of th bokrt b-ulldm. lorav
rtr bo ToK ' li a nova caf. omjjid
la Sol)- ht-rr fiary-. Extrik ta the
roar la ctml oar by lb pAana proparod.
In fauftt th rr r-oid W ar k-p-tn(
la touch jtfe thB9 and la some case
har rB out and locked up familtr
a boo ttajn ar n oar feook from arbors
h not heard, to aiak rur that Uwj
r BMH uf frr.n.
"If an; urn kmn f anr rd.v prro'!v
an h baa to da la tl?bm u- l av
aa ritra tauot-bon sow and thr ill b
kok4 tlvrt "
1il t-o abl to rjort that me"- than fcur- (
fifvi of th rnpro la th w krcraT
ha b-a t-aad to tfCU'i fot kog fr-
Kd TYt f.rat trtiaiita movd in Aiiru1 '
I. IH. atd tb biiitdict 1 (-rai:y con- j
sidrd to ha bra fiiiod rattor rd y.
Tb arrhta. Hoil".-d dr Roct. d-ird j
that thy tboujbt a yar and a h.'.f arca.o j
bo awe-wary to rrt th buildlnf r-il Diiol. '
Th Urr.aba A tlucn P3ufT t:rt Ras.
iv tvmjiaiij- hclda lt ar.noal rnrrutt
rt Vonday. No rhargra ai said to l
liklj lo Kf.'jcx or diroctcrat- j
For Men and Young Men
For Hen, Go on Sale at
Reductions Averaging
Watch for
our big ad
Hanuca Festival
is Celebrated by
Burlesque Opens at Jewish Uhildren
LUe H ineaier Program GiTe ia Commettermtica
Sunday Afternoon!
'Tho House cf
hlh Merit?
See our
Friday ad
in this paper
cf Defeat cf tbe pretki j
tie Hebrew
Wettera Wheel Serarei a Fire-Year ro than tm pwo partkinaid ia th
Lea,e Fnm tie CaeU j "l V?"?
ellty Coffipaay. larhool la th s?-riaecn Bnal Jacob Auh
PhMrra FuBday vrilr.f Tb fttt-.l eo-
feur.wn riWtilrtmMit srtll bcin at lh3mmfin.tM a nr In lrhlrh th Hfbrr
toarard roeajvorjr Vaoodalr. Mr. Hcraid kaajICrnc tkat-r tunday aftwRnpn. arcoi-dibc j df "atd too Gr-k 1W ars a a
to aBnonctDrit cf Chars A. Fratik.! J. Marfca. prwid-nt t r4rrHt-j-ridet
nnurr fm- tb BiT.pir borl8u fptd tb prorara -ltb a brf xr.laa
rtrr jtt. Mr. Frank axrirod In Omaha i lory rtatmwnt Th crrt-mony was tbra
Tuoodar ax d ecild Arranr-nta o-ith ! Pr '- rhl.droa unflrr tb diroctloa
tkc Cama RJ1y ooropany U a fit-- f M R. Earmaji. prtnclpaJ e.f Taltiod
oa-r loAB .f tb tboatw. Tb Caawll ) Torah. h afwwtarit. ?. Talr and U. Rloa
RaJty cotnruir If tb bt.Win mrwtl-; Rabtth arhol tvrhers. Mm Ella
for th Krvd rUy Interna.. . rvtahtrei. and Col
n a. --4 aa-t ... , ,! tW - J -, J , A LIT H iJAJ TI1 BOW irVJinj IV: 1 lUt
AMBaJ Senien at the ArnericaB The
ater Fridiy Silt.
sonasATioiirs - will . be kadz .
ta orklaa frrn Pot ' " -lot
la tddltlna f tfc Rrsobar Pr
Iwaiaare Waaler to Ha
aad Iaar-.
rnii-aj ta Knawa or riecrrar r &aaui
oiO rceoo b-?r from t- Taal ad hnc
to 51 Jeopb. It is th pmorat lrturJoa
that th oxciDrjUi ha alll b cem-
riudod na Wodnoodar lht. tb rompae-io
I rai-ldooa and r-hia W)nriJa. At-
1 Gr-ornb-rR, Nathan Jacob and Gora
! PwerlTnaa l;btd tb ca4) taidrr diroe-
i Uon of Aartrn F-ftrmia-n ck
rpcnitul tn ft- Jnorpb th next aftomoon. ;
Aftrr tb cbndri's rrcr.ra had
1X-H suit c":bi that this arraxif JOent
aoon arlll rhacrrd.
' Th cfxiica attractioa sri'J l "Tba Bo
lor G-lrta." C. Frankiand, a veloraa Ua
tor man brr orlth Mr. Frank, la tr ad
ranor acrrt tor th Crat prrfai mui a.
Mr. Frank aaaiaoa mmOt' arauksaioars
11! b f'rea and It la tb tt; tea uon sot ht
off ord aalnt tan a a oil aa eot to of
fend araJnrt annraJ otandarda." i
Ntnarw Breed experts to retire Sarsr-
y aurbt. hut wiil rotnaMa ia Utnaha to
; oornpteted C Flelsbicaa and J. Goldstein
addressed th people, thanking tbem for
tkear teterR. Gifts vera glrra ail tb
trara-ard fa V trilr dJwrtHia la artiok
a tak plaoe for tb building . loeh t, ,&r;ou, ut.ereota
la ar4 errupird latrraHjr y tb tn
aata replaoed t a ?e. Tb '-n.ahi.f-
aar VUrto And pyaaaa room.' hk
baa Ven a fe- of tn krlirr nor.. w.U
b aad aa ir AAd durlr the aJtcraUons
ad lb nor canxrarca trill take piac
at mt VI; i. Tb enor wilt tnend (
feet oaat frwxi . aideaajk srboa lb
a ark Is ftola-- Cart of tb outlay aria go
Into addltia3-'ftrtTjrea.
Post off ice Shows
Some Good Gains
Asts-ra All - ava lo BtlaV
artmaT wttla a Bbud Star. Had
Crrlp mt aeer.
Iacrtaae ia EeceipU from Second and
laird Clan Katter Stella
the Totala.
Pnotal receipt frora oeeond rlaaa mail
matter for tb anentli of leormber, ma.
show an UM-raao of tLUkol over th bum
Burnt k of th proooding roar at tbcOsukba
portofacB. rVeoond class tnatter reeelpta
for tb tXKMitb iuitn dosed amounted to
rep erteaital tairateo Is that trait th , p ut a For U sasas tavueib cf M tb ro-
eetpts ere I Ota. Tb reoeipia for third
e-laoa seal lor for Lb soentb of tooMnber.
UN. ineroaaed oi-r tlx aanua porMd of a
year age by tile H. artirt 1 a jump from
S"9bK. tb reoeipu for December. UKd, to
Hffi a tb rvOBtpta fotv. tb tnontk Just
added, Ti.i naakea a total lsi-eaaa of
Leoeibea-. Ui en-er iJeOBmbcr. . of
HXR Tb total Increase of erooDd and
third class matter for tb entire ,uartr
ending Ieoet-)ber S error ibat of tb aam
iiarur e J is
oUeo far la tb rase of a Chlaeoa ar
restel ad A laooterrr. -b-bs aastrcro aU
aeOoaa artth a diuab look. OUrj Lu
as oroatly ' aaa tao borao. i ii aaa't ktnotr
bore be cute from and Is Be, aaterosted
la bar a aaall and.
DotaeKlroa lna aad FWnind arreanod
Caa orao b ares araJklng at Pifueeili
aad Faraaa atroets trith a suit case loaded
Ilk be tied bear. Aoording to several wit
bib ra Cttaa-naa bad anado throe
pr--us trips past that paint. aJo ava kar
lac tb hoarr oultrae. More b tras
taka. ar the detoelvoa.
la krokcej Bng'.ish Charley tnaaukgod to
aO tb -aoUos be bad bougbt tao boor aad
traa aottm to tak to hi roots for bia
" . Fro-a that petal th pnaoner
taed art aa laavr-aLlo Vook. exprtowiaa
la and dull to all aiteayUoxJxig. He bad
aa assoer aa ta ataer hla raeea ttaa mat
a hero t k.talnd lb
A Bailable Coaish Medteta.
- La at Talaabia iBHiuy fnesd. Faloya
Honor and Tar fuifilia this condltioa x
cliv Wro- Ojur. Kao, X. tb tU
aiatea: "frral ane-xibers
Appraisal Expert
; to Speak in Omana
Will Ad ire u Eeal Zitate Xea at the
Commercial Club Satur
day IT oca.
A taxation and realty appraisal xpert
orill be a Omatia f-aiuraar to aAdreoa a
t--.ial iseeting of tb Omaha P.eaJ Fil
iate etrha&fe. Th meetir.g -lll he bold
st th Coromemai club at noon acd will
follcm- a tunrbeon.
The expert ia E-. W. Iotr rf Oe-Telaad.
O. .special agent of the VI a.r u ? rt urera' A p
praiaaJ corr,;ji.y. Air. roty Co uvea here
atmply to talk to tb cxrhanr and other
Air. Doty's rosiLaxny doea appraiaal ef
real oauate for jg eorjoratlons otrning
real ectala In various porta of the ceantrr
jd a'.so nnakoa ap!raiaals for dtJes and
cotzntiea. Mr. roy -nil speak tiers upon
"The Stan era ysiexn of ReaJtT Talua
tioa." a oysters f appraiatng; real eatat
for tax and other purposea.
Member of the city ooonci. tseinbers
ef tb Corcmerc.aJ club, oouatr eoastsio
toners, taxation, treasury and aitxilar city
and county officials trill be specialir la
rlted to atteatd th loctora, which ia by aa aa the subject.
Tbo Beal Ejrtat cackanre arlll bold Its
rt-ru-ar Dtet:n( Wodnoodar-
Laotaa. Ira. aiatea: "eeral
aar fajnUy bare boea carod of bad i
oaaTba and eclda by the woo of Foley a !
Hen and Tar and I aa aoior trittteut a '
bottle ta tba hetjoe. It aooU. and r. '
ita the irtiiatloa la Iba tLrwai and '
eooooaa up uo co.d I bate aJvaya fvuzd !
It a reliable rouga euro." twd y a.3 j
ate-rata ......
AfTietaVe Aek All Walks kV
Oeadl at Oae Before th
tre- Ar Cleared.
Cluaclcg tT sidetraiks prompUy ta tarred
by tb street departnat as a iseasur of
etxoir.y to tb city.
"If we clean the trrroets and tbea tb
t-opertr ea-nera abo-el the snow off tb
; o alka oa tb pavsi-Mxt r car th a ark
lo do over again." said Torn I ila. ancst
1 aat to tb street ooeiirnlaeaorier "T'i can't
-pen d tb saot moaey t-to and there,
ociue too tnocb Boar.
T-eodar Baoiiand; tb atroet ga&gs
pot to aark la tbo doarntovti aacnoav
Plaahod aatth m Baaor.
arouadod trith a gnu or pierced by a rusty
pail. Backloa'a Arajca Salro heals th
toouad. Giuraxttod. Sc. Far aai by
Beatoa iTuc Co.
R-.bert llinler and some if the merry
rrea of aoiker mho ene-t;r.ed en
thn.naJ)ia at the Ien lart anil ap-pe-ir
in iwtif arid danoe st the American
taier Friday ever.ixi in add'urm to thf
regular Trf(-nanre at thkt th
orr-artr-a t-einr t.e arinual nieeurr t i he
Knirhta rf Ak-Rar-Pn. t-hen te-t; tftcmiha
ta alll mae Vt the elecri'Ti or ilie
merrtbera of the J.oard of Oovem"'- to
take the -Mac ef the three tx" te."m
ctf office xplre-C- K. pACk. J. C Rr-ot
and H. J. Penfold.
T)te a&nt.unce-xnttiit aa.' that th rule cf
former ear au'.l obtain, that tfc. that ai;
o ho pay tbr Iniiiarjon fee before the as
dual meetitig o jU cape the in;tiat on taext
ButBtoer. ,
fiatnooa I anxicua that aTl appear and
thoe who do not receive tb in vita. Hone
and ticJ ahjcb bav ten nt out are
requested to fcrxid trj-rr pame to fean-iaon.
telepbTje Cvaplas xn to call at Ak-Far-Ben
beadjuancra.JTlT . iKvuglaB anreet
There ar l.l!a nit't-crabl some fcat-e
changed tbeir adarteM. .
A Guaranle 7 parlhefio Prorptrity
Tba Bee Adrtiii.g CtiiumhS.
All Recent Typewriter Progress
is Remington Progress
The first column
The first built-in
decimal tabulator.
The first key-set
The first writing,
adding and subtract
ing typewriter.
Model 11 Remington
. Htk Wahl AdJInr avod
Subtractln; Attacluncsit
Remington T)-peTiter Company
- , 1619 ranua St.
Eeiaeirij till Vtf.t
List la Cetk Sum
Mem and aromea -.Ui l.eary poaduloua
liKmNj arbo oriab lo reduoa tboua cuica-
! rj- and oafeiy arc tisaily atfAte to go in
for cenua tlreoorb ta'tULf avttd becidar.g
texemaea that- aa a mauer of fact. Lhejr
iaubuid rarefuily ada' aa b;i.g danger
'n'ji raider 1 11. btr.sTVctai
I A far tetter I lan la to use Uio f ollotrl&g
I thro ::iip. bouseb'd remo&ee ari.lch can
' b ola-:.ed of arr druanat at email ran,.
, oa xlarn.Ll. S os. Hioi
li-aKaix AroiUkUc and S-e oxa. rrMenum
j tA tT. Tiifne ar SLixed tc-eretber at borne
bile Tire Bedatoed. aod taaen a laaaounrui aiuar tnea aoa
Jaa I jasal to Th Be . 'At hedutaa.
ir aad Rubber con. ... ... r, ...
Balldla Po-raalta.
E4I Jvtt.el6 US ,!Jth Tbirtj -frfti..
brvcA ..ltit ?.,; .'. W. tirafan 1.1
Nortk K-n -f.f-.fc da.l.r. tl
Jr L.1-. luk -Vrth Tmoxitr-funai
daelhf. bw. t.'.e K roa td nuiian,
e l k.uia Tbirtr-thu tSoeiaij u jj
.taair. fj IsHice. dru.g. t.M'. a. 'near fatura
Waware 7 tll -oereniB and Jerlfa f at-
tor. Ii or n atMr. eia .Scru Ii.r-I aa auo mrm mm Uki..
.. .iid 1 raabar iaocaoa-ruous k...
A a lose
AkPjiX, O
Tb Govdvoar Tiro aad R-j t-ber
pany aaaouaceo a redartioa of it per ceau boMfiesai to the arateaa. raruaiing tbo at
ia pr-x of caaLbga and IS per cent la prto : gee-uon. runrymg ui Oj jod. ad Cioarti.g
.f tub, naoe possible by decltn ta ooan
ti-e cinpiexioa ox pin.xia ana nuuticbea.
ef pure para rubber rum aad unequalled j crural tnaL-rTa Ur it reduces
rrJC -fa-clrir.f fart-itlea. Tb probabiiiuea . tt fat perooa to tro awrabal. beauufui
arc that an other naien la aamo line Ur.e f a fit. pr.TB,;u, it tavl:.g n
Thertayor GarJeuiMjiis J of X (iiTvjmj
j of Bewkresad dependl I , XV ' f X WjL jf V JTf-f fifa $
TTozzz Starts AfcxrTMzmAy V !
, , ... J N 3ra(77(x V !
" Xs. v y AAAAAAA JK '
rS folfP AO I? ii,
H A.D.SW 1
D i eT! Q
a - 1 m
cream ; rraxrauat. pleasant
and harmleaa.
If yoo hare a red, blotch
ed, pimply, coarse si in.
nt a. trwrnnt rnatrrao
t"j a- "
ot it tr-nbt, and notice H
t the cfloct to-cxxTxrw. y
Ooiaataeay A.tva
all! tu!o lead f tbta oenpany
ia tb
tieea. doe.i't.ev. k. jo a
Tautiota. -.'.;ng. t:.:.'
at thu
aeaaoo linen and uadernualin aaies ar
held r-e a to abetber tno toottosa
Bm. a a to cum reea.fcrt-tjvm w a nauca
aa a poubd of fat a e.j . Moreoeor. tt aWeai
it a? metnuajy , ao no arnnaieo ar
fiattT aiaa are M-ft bebtnd. Uitj to
car noivber dieting or e acres ar ad
v.aed t-es this atn.pi bom reoip is Oo
li.g uaed. for tt r.j prudoo roau.ta indo
pei.iei i of iter aid ou tba pabtetit ta
Jiiu-u;ted to eat hi eier bo or Le f
A ree Attach
of ataiaria. heer derangement and . cuey drci out of tb thermometer or nt, rboo , - aid 1 aaa penuitud to take uuLga
trouble aa eaaly cttred br Kiectnc Kttera. ' laflie aba ooujo not get out today arm oary Adv
ibe goaraateod rt.d . ioc t aaia br ! fa u tt' a eruaed by Tbomaa
Bealai IruA Co
Matre-aaat Laee-aeeo.
The tolut Uif Sbarnag nceuea bet
he graatod:
Nasa aad Ree..cer ...
run rviNv. v uii u
nsit.a Ano.ieae. Omaha !..
Harry K Ctua. Ct-icaaa
kanas J. Ke? aouia, uau ... li
fvarrt K Hnt, Can la. X. t ' ai
E ktaiuaoa. la kldinoa w
kvkpairkrk A
tb eana lo'
Co. oa objO oa Woaneeday at i
I 1. raacaa. Chtoaca
Uarrtot U) lw. Notuaaaa lit) .
Blrtha aad Deaths.
Bm. .r At, Aia Vate-a. Canat
Guerai t.olial. g n. 1 twill at.d avi.eaj
i-alua. U't'fMf bv . F. li. aad U.
- , il. leeder. a brniw. girl. lie.r and
.la ii uia Lj:t enn it 1 Jonea. girl: paota and
lca M.iiu. z r-tore. girt. Ctarea aad
Mane hnr si EKutit iriiUvoin. r;ri.
twtiaa and Roea VaWaa. Par nc
av . s-ea and i'rattoee Aaanaa, 24 i'ai-
, aa
leader kV.reiireaca. a b raaao bee three I
aniaibs a fmeji Haagar-y aad ee.t i. '
rJMMM ta aaaia fur a ouie la irara th
-M- Maneoia K Arleoeaorta.
C-ui--l feiufra. t: year J&ha A ktawM-.
1idr-e.'ii aud kiilu M yoara: Ja
Mus Lana w 1-atrvca uniMk 1 nuoatn.
hiary t-nf.-'u a toiraorr. 1 iar: ktatM
H baaua. Crsoa boapital at years, rat
rea Carre, ft. Jt-oeja bop-ta-i. i years;
V. L. Lsd. Fortieia aad p.fpielea ai
n It tun; Andrea Aaeenua. eMia
L-3 JV - Vw
I G:a M
II AsaaTAAast.
l-i xj at: an aoaoeny
ad la td 11 of
u 1 i-,i -.. hieu newer,
uaa cju-
' I raruetk aa f vli im e years.
1 uaa auaa
aaaarauat. PtiamuLt, eT yoara
aaooa teeikaeke
oaeiaae aaaie ia a
4en, r bma
I i a aa iaaaa aa
t aaiias
evi-T rar Tootaaoaig a rat.
a i aw - nai ipat a w-Ja, ae Iff aw
DctTs Ctrn Cca ,Zairr?
tt a MaT C W. tta.
'Mr- in
; i'
?l l 1 i'i
... . . , . , . . aa.
i a i
. Business conditions and heavy expenses have
placed us in a position where ve are forced to
clean out.
Our Creditors want their money, and want it
quick! We must get it for them, and we are go
ing to do it!
We axe going to pay them every dollar we owe
if it takes the Ust item of crux immense stock.
To do this we are going to give you bargams
you have never wen before. Nothing will be re
served; everything must go; cost cuts no figure as
long as the fetock lasts. DON'T DELAY. Hake
out a list of items you usually buy at a drug store
and get a year's supply. Come early and get fim
pick. Store open from S a. m. to 10 p. m. No goods
charged. Bring the cash with you and plenty of
it, for you will s-ee lots of things you will want.
16th and Capitol Are., Hotel Loyal Bldg.
Kearney Military Academy
aflttary yrataiag eoonMaed ith Academic ad
Euali.oa course eevolfpe tbo bodue eud anliada of
Lo a in auaniy. aiocoafuj auea Ki Uui.i vp a
acund body, develop character and create tt haaits
mat naaa tt boy tbo Uauy kui
Our acaoertio atanaaroa are LJgn. Our ciaav
ane aad atiaaufia taaraea prepare fur all ooliea-ea
tur comxuisrciai oouraea prepare for k-ualnoaa Ufa
Wra f - . l utr..ei cauuuiaa
Btraaxu. atXaVB hvaariXB
aararr. arxm.
Now then read
these prices, "they
are special then
keep the phones
BUSY. Phone D.
1544 or Ind A-2511
To only Xkav of e raa slated Bag-ax
tabea purtaaing tt orders of
any of our Teas or Coffees .
BOTATtJM, Cslorada. totaorroor.
a per ouanoi .
BOAT, ! bars lanr.dry aoap to.
HIWTTW z ur ..............
QVAJTZB OATS, rolled. X park
ago for iu
OOmc, our popular tldbd. at
l-r la. bps
TaVaVa. Chase B ttaabema '-c
grade, at per lb aya
OU afirTCai CXXAjrmZB, t pack,
ages for i&e
BAPOUO, J bars for lbe
COBB", fancy eugar corn, loc can.
or doaen cans tut
TtbLAT-OXJa. extra (jeary pack.
lbe can. ouseo can tia
flka, early June saci pea. lo
cao dioea carta tl-ld
FXACBlta, extra bes-ry vrtip.
can Ike, or aVuaen uli . AAAk
OUT At a. fancy larg uea oliea.
k f..r Aaa
B A TarBB, fancy aeeded. t ;a k-
ago fur AM
aravAB aroa, rincrt Quality, at
per Ih gva
ATT BBAJra. per lb a
BABTaVBTT fUAA, l,-)k car.,
uiiy ayrup, raji aac
ABOLZATB. per gaiioa loa, rr
rti for ee
B AatA. Ka. 1, mild sugar c-ure.
ot-dal at per lb lac
aVAOOB, o l ourar cart 4.
rial, at per lb AJV.a
tTkiH, porter houa steak, at
per lb la
BTaAX. airioia. per lb lac
l, Ka. 1 leaf, per lb 11S
R. E."
That large, bright
new grocery the
very clean store at
Hi? Farham