Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Tire Omaiia Daily Jim
Kn tared at Qmaha postofflce second
class matter.
Punrtar Bee, on year 13 to
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bally bee and Sunday, on year W.W
Kvenlng Pn (without Sunday). per wmI c
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State of Nebraska, Douglaa County, at.
Owlght Wllllama, circulation manager of
The Bee Publishing Company, being duly
aworn, nays that the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Kvenlng and 'rund.iy Bees printed during
the month of December, 1910, was as fol
lows: I... ,
... .43.570
.-; .44,000
. . .43,630
. ..48,00"
, . . 43.670
. . .43,430
. . .4AB30
, . , 43,33b,
i . .49,66(1
, . .43,400
. . .48.680
, . .4M.330
. . .43,370
. . .43,850
. . .44.880
... 48,880
. . .44.800
.. .44.890
. . .44,400
.. .44.350
. . . 43,830
. 13M.TB0
i 5 .
Total ,
Returned . Copies.
Net Total 1,844.887
Daily Average . . 43,884
Circulation Manager.
. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
'before me this 31nt day of December, 1&10.
,. Notary Public.
abaertfcere )eyn the elly em
lora.rltr" saoald have The Re
lied in them. Address will he)
chanced mm ofteej as requested. -
The mercury Is coming back.'; Watch
for It.
' Old king Coat " Is enjoying much
popularity Just no; '.'." ' .
Where's the. 'fellow who used to
write those ads, "It'a cool In Colo
rado?" The worst thlnf against Kuhl for
speaker la that some ignoramus might
mlsspelV it "Cool."
Although the "peerless" la In far-off
Texaa. "Brother, parley", seems to be
getting In hla work for him at Lincoln.
On the whole, the year 1910 was
pretty good to us, though, of course,
every one of us is hoping that 1911
will be better. v.
The .weather, man seems; to have
caught the', spirit of the democratic
council, at Lincoln.' . So "calm" and
"harmonious " '
Kansas will be welcome to any "bank
robber It may' find; In Nebraska, and
all of Nebraska's' people will aasiat In
making the exchange, If needed.
The Lincoln Journal got out a most
creditable New Year's review. If Lin
coln can live Up to. the specifications
It must have been, going some during
the last twelve months.
It must be hard on those volunteer
preacher; sleuths if those disorderly
houses have turned over a new leaf
and have realty stopped selling boose
to their- patrons.
One aviator has decided the game is
not worth the candle. In this be will
have the support of a large majority
of hia fellow men, who like to feel
terra flrma under their feet.
Those Utah bandlta ahowed that
they knew where to go after the easy
money. What's the use of wasting
dynamite on the express company'a
safe when passengers may be so hand
ily plucked?
Sioux City haa just lost Ita original
pioneer and oldest "squatter," dying
at tbe ripe age of 3. Omaha beat
Sieuy C'y In this respect by attending
the funeral of ita first white inhabitant
several years ago.
Having toted water for tbe demo
cratic donkey for a long, long time,
Colonel Henry Clay Richmond is now
permitted to 'attach his name to the
pay roll aa an officer Instead of as an
employe. Such Is virtue's reward!
A new wholesale milk combination
, haa beq. formed in Omaha, and
atralghtway the wholesale price of
milk tumbles. Hut it will not be un
wise to reserve applause till you see
whether the cut In price is permanent.
Train robbera are giving woman her
rights, at any rate. The festive ban
dit la no longer gallant aa of yore, but
despoils the fair lady with aa little
compunction and. aa much exactitude
as he bestows upon her male com
panion. jf
The people up In Alaska have re
solved that our own Congressman
Hitchcock misrepresents the facta.
Still, an eminent Nebraskan, who was
osce associated vwlth Mr. Hitchcock as
editor of hit) paper, discovered and
proclaimed it. first .
The Outgoing1 Governor.
I'nrler the Impulse that prompts
people to throw bouquets at the de
parting guest, a disposition Is manifest
to ehower Governor 8hatlenberger on
his evacuation of the executive man
sion with tributea of praise. Rome
over-iealous democratic organs even
go so far aa to proclaim him "the best
governor Nebraska ever had," presum
ably on the theory that the last is al
ways the best.
And yet Governor 8hallenberger
goes out of offiae with the unique dis
tinction of being the second democratic
governor In twenty yeara and the only
one Sn the history of the state who
sought re-election and was refused re
nomlnatlon by his own party. If Gov
ernor Shallenberger were really "the
best governor Nebraska ever bad" he
would have to be considered a martyr
to his own goodness, when, In fact, he
la a victim of his own folly.
In some respects Mr. Shallenberger
haa not been a bad governor. He has
upheld the dignity of the office; he
makes a pleasing public address; he
haa a plausible way about him; and he
has not been charged with being cor
rupt. The real trouble with Governor
Shallenberger la that he disclosed him
self to be a political thlmble-rlgger, a
hide-bound partisan making pretense
of nonpartisanshlp, a self-seeker de
void of the essential quality of appre
ciation and gratitude.
Governor Shallenberger rode into
the executive office astride tWo horses
headed in opposite directions. By
clever manipulation he succeeded In
enlisting the support at one and the
same time of the anti-saloon forcea and
the agencies of the brewers and liquor
dealers. He had made promtses, ex
Dress or Implied, to both which com
pelled him to break faith with one or
the other, and he succeeded in break
ing faith with both.,
Led by his own personal ambition
and extreme partisan leal, Governor
Shallenberger inflicted the people with
a law throwing the primary wide open
for the express purpose of putting the
republicans in the hole without seeing
the Joker in it by which he himself
was sure to be tripped up. He waa
playing petty polltlce .fr6m the day he
went Into the state house till the bell
rang on the expiration of hie term.
Governor Shalleaberger'a brief oc
cupancy of the executive office ha
doubtless taught htm aeveral salutary
lessons and will also serve as an ex
ample and a warning to other climbers
on the offlcfal ladder.
The Democratic Dilemma.
The democratic party la getting ad
vice In profusion, and from all aides,
In these days on what it must do to
be saved. The chronio democratic
bellwethers are repeating tbe procla
mations they have been making year
in and year out, that democratic pros-J
pects "never looked better" than'they
do now, but at the same time innu
merable political doctors are assaying
to. write prescriptions and to suggest
tonics that will make the democratic
party grow big enough and strong
enough to enter the fight of 1912.
"Will the Democratic Party Commit
Suicide?" Is the way our old friend,
Colonel George B. Harvey, puta the
question in the headline article which
he, aa editor, assumes to contribute
to the current North American Re
view. The very title, with Us grue
aome inference, is calculated to be a
damper on democrata who have been
led to believe that tbe battle haa been
already waged and won. Colonel
Harvey indulges unpleasantly In re
minders that ; the democrats did not
carry congress, but rather the tariff
incurred a popular rebuke; that the
democrats did not carry New York
except that republicans there deliber
ately defeated their candidate by stay
ing at home; that the democrats did
not carry Ohio If reduced majoritlea
over two yeara ago are considered;
that they did not carry New Jersey, or
Connecticut, or Massachusetts, or In
diana, or Maine, where their candi
dates won personal victories; that In
Nebraska "Bryan, maintaining un
broken hia peerless record of helping
the enemy, defeated the democratic
candidate for governor." In a word,
according to Colonel Harvey, the dem
ocrata aa a party achieved not a single
victory, but the success which they
have been celebrating waa forced upon
What, then, la the democratic di
lemma but tbe danger that the dnrno
crata, themselves, will fall to seize
the opportunity put before them with
out their help. Colonel Harvey la
particularly apprehensive as to the
prospective leadership of the party
"A solitary demagogue," he declares,
"haa held the partisan millions In the
hollow of his hand for nearly two de
cades and even now threatena to palsy
the prospects of success. Happily,
hia immeasurable folly in robbing
himself of his vaunted 'regularity'
hla only remaining claim to recogni
tion haa restricted his influence to
communities where It cannot affect re
sults, but it la still active, still bane
ful and still reckoned by the timorous
as worthy of conciliatory regard." The
call, therefore. Is for a new democracy,
under a new leadership, with new Is
sues, or ratber the dropping of the
leader and issues with which it has
gone down successively to defeat.
Colonel Harvey's program ia for the
new congress to w rite Into the statutes
tbe one great law demanded by the
people, namely, a tariff primarily for
revenue and incidentally for protec
tion. Let also the new governors Invig-
I orate (be laws that w ill raise "new
jatatelsra" high above "new national-
Ism" as an effective force and the re
generated party of the past will again,
be believes, become the handmaid of
the republic. "To look backward," he
concludes, "or to hesitate is only to
Invite the Almighty to transform a
revivified corpse into a pillar of salt."
In the language of Marc Antony:
"If you have tears, prepare to shed
them now."
A Bank Robbers' Trust.
According to State Bank Commis
sioner Dolley of Kansas, the Sunflower
state has been made the stamping
ground of a bank robbers' trust. Gangs
of these marauders have established
headquarters and branch houses over
tbe line in Nebraska on the north and
Oklahoma on the south, from which
their agents are'sent to look for busi
ness In tributary territory. Mr. Dolley
would have it that In thla community of
Interest the bank robbers have strictly
followed out trust methods by some
sort of a gentlemen's agreement not to
poach on each others preserves , and
to keep one another Informed of trade
conditlona and discount quotations. So
fearful are they lest they over-step
the proprieties that they have divided
territory, presumably with big and
certain penalties for over-stepping the
limits and clearing up any bank which
is rightfully subject to the Jurisdiction
of the rival planderbund.
In hla bill of particulars ank Com
missioner Dolley goes further, al
though not perhaps making specific
charges, by intimating that the bank
robbers' trust has prosecuting officers
and police agents, where the head
quarters are located, committed to
friendly inactivity, either by being
"fixed" or in fear. The gentlemahly
spoliators are said to be good spenders
and to help make trade brisk In their
home towns with a corresponding
claim to the gratitude of "the best
people," who would hate to have this
source of investing foreign capital
dried up by the dissolution of the trust
or the imprisonment of Its officers.
So menacing has this combination) in
restraint of trade become that Mr.
Dolley suggests a co-pperatlve move
ment on the part of the governors of
the three states of Kansas, Nebraska
and Oklahoma to put the bank robbers'
trust out of business.
We have been against the robber
trusts all the time, and we are for
anything that will down the 'bank
robber trust.
The report of the commissioner of
the general land office affords an ex
cellent answer to the yellows who have
shouted themselves hoarse about the
gobbling up of the public domain. It
shows, mong other things, that over
2,500,000 acres of land were restored
to the public domain during the last
year as the result of Investigations by
the bureau, an increase of more than
a million acres over the year preced
ing, iralso shows that of the nearly
11,000,000 acres patented to private
ownera during the year 7,400,000
acres went to homesteaders, thus prov
ing that the honest settler is still get
ting the land, and that the tales of
wholesale grabbing do not rest on
foundation of fact.
It remains to be seen whether the
democrats will deliver as per contract
to Fred Brunlng, who expects to be
taken care of In consideration of hla
sell-out of the republicans who elected
him county commissioner. Brunlng
first ticketed for himself the position
of superintendent of the county hos
pital, and then switched to that of
matron of the Detention home, and
now has his eyea glued on the Job of
county storekeeper. If the democrata
can't give Brunlng what he wants be
cause be would be crowding out aome
deserving democrat, won't they please
give him something Just as good?
Senator Lodge will deliver but a
single speech In reply to the highly
sensational assaults made upon htm
by Governor Fobs of Massachusetts,
and the shrieking champlona of reform
will howl most lustily because the
leader of Massachusetts republicanism
will not descend to their methods of
campaigning. Conservative people of
all parties will regard thla with favor,
and again quote Webster's remark:
"There atanda Massachusetts."
Assuming that the various gov
ernors' messages are ready, we ven
ture to remark before reading them
that they could have been materially
Improved and made much more read
able by being subjected to vigorous
exercise of the pruning knife and "blue
pencil in the hands of a competent
and experienced editor.
The "dry" democrats down at Lin
coln forgot all about the beauties of
"Insurgency" when It came to organ
ising tbe house. They wheeled Into
line with the "wet" democrats In a
hurry, and thereby won another glori
ous victory for tbe great democratic
principle that the tail goes with the
Restrained from reducing rates on
coal shipments, .the Iowa Railroad
commission turned around and made
a deep cut in express ratea. In time
thla process may reduce the cost of
shipping small packages of merchan
dise to a poiifl where parcels post will
not be eo urgent aa it is just now.
Will -British Justice" be extolled,
now that the London police bae am
buscaded a group of "rlmlnals and
burned them, building and all? Tbe
proceeding smacks so much of sav
agery that it ia hard to believe it was
accomplished by "the finest police in
the world."
President Taft haa been uniformly
praised for his judicial appointments.
If he will look to Nebraska and accept
the endorsement of the State Bar as
sociation for his choice of a judge of
the circuit court of appeals for this
district be will keep up the good
Pear ft Ira Is.
Washington Star.
Profits of the Krupp gun-making firm are
estimated at $9.010.000 for one year. Thla Is
only ll.O0O.OO0 less than Mr. Carnegie's
peace contribution.
Pollotloa of Rivera.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
One of the '"necessary evils" of civilisa
tion seems to be the pollution of rivers
and lakes. Even the Missouri has arrived
at the stage where a legislative committee
representing the states of Kansas, Mis
souri, Iowa and Nebraska will constitute
the sanitary condition of the "Big Muddy"
between Sioux City and St. Louis.
Msasltsde uf Stay-t-llome ote.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Sums light is thrown upon the disputed
significance of the November elections by
the compilation of the total vote cast for
members of congress In all the states. This
makes the republican aggregate 6,632,814,
compared with 7.242.9SS in 1908, a loss of
1,660.171. The total democratic vote was
6.721,580, a loss of 834,973 from 6,556,517. This
gives a democratic plurality of 128,766 In an
aggregate vote of 11,314,894, an astonishing
close division. -
CoBgtresaman Hllrkrork'i Reeolattoa
oa Alaakaa Coal I.aads.
Washington Correspondence to the Tacoma
The utter insincerity otthe men who
rave been fighting Secretary Halllnger Is
shown by a resolution Introduced In the
house of representatives, just before ad
journment, by Representative ljltclicock of
Nebraska, stipulating certain restrictions
to be placed upon Alaska eoal lands. This
resolution requests the president to "direct
that all department action looking to the
transfer of coal lands in Alaska and to the
issuance of patents for the same, be sus
pended until congrexs msy hava opportunity
to consider and act on the president's
recommendations for a change in the laws
relating to the said coal lands, and that
meanwhile the local land offices be In
structed to accept no new filings or per
mit any other action whereby new rights
or claims to said Alaska coal lands might
be acquired."
Such a resolution as this Is pure bun
combe. The things which it directs done
have long since been gone.
The Alaska coal lands are today tlad up
so effectively that not an acre can pass
patent; not an acre Is ppen to entry; not
a ton of coal can be taken from any of the
coal deposits of Alaska, and title to every
acfe of coal land in Alaska is still In the
government. And all this Is done by this
and the previous administration and the
situation Is well understood.
In the first place no steps ean be taken
looking to the transfer of ooal lands In
Alaska, for they are all withdrawn from
entry, and the only entries of record are
suspended by order of the president. All
filings are also suspended pending Inves
tigation as to . their merits. Under these
circumstances these lands can not be
transferred. President Taft. moreover, haa
given congress assurance that the coaj
lands of Alaska4 wilt remain In statu quo
until congress specifically legislates and
provides aome sped flo manner for open
ing them to development. Therefore the
first part of Mr. Hltchoock'a resolution 1s
without justification and without reason.
As to the latter, portion, Intended to
prevent the acceptance of any new filings
on Alaska coal lands, that is ridiculous,
Inasmuch as every acre of known eoal
land of Alaska is withdrawn from entry
and therefore can not be filed upon.
Representative Hitchcock, author of thla
resolution, will move Into the senate after
the 4th of March. He Is a sensationalist;
he Is a bitter partisan, and by his attitude
In the Bellinger controversy has caused
many to look upon him as very much of a
faker. lie has cried aloud against the
outrages alleged to have been perpetuated
by Secretary Bellinger and his subordi
nates; he haa pretended to discover all
manner of corruption. In the Interior de
partment and general land office; he made
more or less sensational charges against
the administration of the land office, re
sulting In an Inquiry which failed to sus
tain the ohaxges. and all to manufacture
campaign material on which to baae his
fight for the senatorshlp.
The people of Nebraska took Mr. Hitch
cock aerlously, for they indorsed him for
senator and unquestionably ha will be
elected. But for all that, his chief stock
In trade haa been hla sensationalism, all
of It on a par with his most recent resolu
tion which makes him ridiculoua In .the
eyes of Intelligent men, but which mani
festly bolsters him up as a great defender
of the rights of the people In the minds
of the gullible and unsuspecting public that
does not think or does not know.
If Hitchcock's resolution should pass It
would not change Jhe status of Alaska coal
lands one lota. ''
People Talked About
Arthur .1. Baurn, a pronilnnet southern
cotton broker, who started a movement a
few months ago for a monument to the
"Black Mammy," committed suicide at a
hotel in Galveston, Tex.
William Stark of San Franc!nco, Cel., haa
spent nearly a year In Jail rather than pay
alimony. He was committed January IS.
1X10, for failure to pay hla divorced wife
tHO. "I will rot here before 1 pay alimony,"
Stark declared to a committee of the grand
jury which visited the county jail.
Left a fortune of SiOO.OOu three weeka ago,
Mlas Alma Stanley, a young teacher in the
Atlanta public schools, ia being deluged
with letters from men who want to marry
her. Miss rltanley estimates she has re
ceived more than 1.000 offers of marriage
by mall In two weeks. The offers come
from all sections of the Vnlted States.
George A. Lincoln, state fish and game
warden of Iowa, has advlved the farmer
of the state to go into the business of
raising f!nh for food In view of the high
cost of living. "Food fishes," he says,
"can be raised .with no more difficulty
than chickens or vegetables. A pond an
acre or more in extent and eight or
ten ftet of water in the deepeat part will.
If properly managed, give excellent re
sulis." Lloyd Minott. 2." years old. is said to be
the busiest . young man In Montiwlier. Vl
lie gets up at 4:30 every mornjng and starts
out on h s milk route. If he has any t int
after he returns he works until noon on
his father's farm. From noon until 9:30
he works In a store. Then he has to go a
mile to hla home.1 He Is a substitute car
rier on three rural free delivery rout, .
sings in the M tliod trt ctvir. s treasurer
of the Fpworih loiue and la oiherwir
proiuineot. ia church Wwrk.
Washington Life
gene latereattag leasee
tit VCoadltlone Observed
at the Hatloas Capital.
An Intimation cornea from the Treasury
department that national banks are trading
too heavily on the publicity skle ot Hie
claim that they are "United States de
positories. ' The claim is bluoned on bank
windows, printed on letter heads, and fea
tured in advertisements. This course Is
objected to because In many Instances the
claim Is baseless, but bankers believe It Is
a good thing to flash before the public
eye aa a business getter. There Isn't
enough government funds to go around to
make all national real "government d
poaltorlea," hence the department proposes
to prohibit the use of thla prestige for
advertising puriKwes! ."The rule la
prompted," says thf Washington corre
spondent of the Springfield (Mess.) Re
publican, "because the pressure haa In
creased for favors of this kind, despite
that the deposits of the government have
been greatly reduced now that there Is no
surplus to spread around and the govern
ment keeps only a aum In the banks suf
ficient to manage its business. It IS de
duced that this kind of alvertlslng pays,
as very little profit can be expected from
the small sum the government keeps on
deposit and which Is loaned out."
By a decision of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, the National Associa
tion of Letter Carriers loses a netabla
case which it had Instituted against a
large number of railroad lines.
The defendant roads filed tariffs with
the commission providing for special re
duced round-trip ratea on the certificate
plan In connection with the national con
vention of the association held In St. Paul,
Minn., In ions, such reduced fare being
conditioned on the presentation of the
1,000 or more certificates.
Less than 1.000 certificates were available
to be redeemed, and, therefore, the re
duced fare for the return trip was denied.
The railroads had expressed their will
ingness to give the reduced rates provld-M
they could do so without violating the
provisions of their tariffs. The commis
sion holds that the tariff provisions are
binding and must control.
It will be recalled that many ot those
who went to St. Paul to attend the con
vention found themselves In a serious
financial predicament because they could
not get the reduced rate to their homes.
Subsequently the letter carriers' associa
tion filed a complaint with the commis
sion. The decision expresses sympathy for
those who suffered In the e'tuatlon. but
does not see Its way clear to accord relief.
Friends of Senator Tillman fear that his
days are numbered and that never again
will he make the senate ring with the
kind of speeches which made him famous
a few years ago. Tillman la no. longer
sturdy, and appears but the shadow ef his
former self. Now he uses a cane to sui
port the left side, weakened by paralysis.
He sits down a If doing so gave himself
pain. Apparently that vigorous pluming
of men and measures by means . ef his
pitchfork Is never more to be seen. Pre
sumably when he speaks If ever at all,
It will be under restraint. He had a voice
that carried far, and he liked to pitch It
as high as hla strength permitted. Such
exercise may no longer be tried with Im
punity. It may stretch him low en the
senate floor.
Most of the picturesque senators have
been retired or have died, and especially,
of; the t14t souther schdol. Daniel of
Virginia waa the last of them. No one In
the senate now weara crutches.
Dan Ransdll. sergeant-at-arma' ef the
senate, Is an expert at anticipating tht
wants of senators, but he came across a
new brand the other day. Mr. Rahsdeli
discovered long ago that ordinary drink
ing water from the pipe was not good
enough for members of the United States
senate. relates the Washington Times.
Hence he made a contract with several
mineral water companies to give him a
liberal supply of their particular brand of
water. Each day a pail la packed with Ice
and left In the office of each senator. ,
Senator Norrla Brown of Nebraska was
entering his office a day or twq age when
he encountered a negro porter inside with
a big pall loaded wltb. loe through which
the necks of several bottle protuded.
"Where are you going with that stuff?'1
asked Senator Brown.
"Into your office," answered the negro.
"Who sent it hereT" demanded the sena
tor. "Mr. Ranadell," replied the porter.
"Take it back and tell him not to spend
money on me for that kind of stuff. If he
will Insist on keeping me from typhoid
fever- Just tell him to send ma some ordi
nary boiled water of some kind."
Owners of the new postal bonds, which
probably will be In circulation before very
long, will find themselves In possession of
tbe only steel portrait of Grover Cleveland
ever Issued by the United States govern
ment Not only will it be this, but It Is
the finest portrait of Mr. Cleveland ever
printed, and, according to F. E. Smtlle of
the bureau of engraving and printing, the
finest piece of steel engraving he ever has
turned out.
The portrait Is small and was engraved
from a photograph sent by Mrs Cleveland
which she regards ss the best ever taken
of him. It presents the great democrat In
the course of his second term. The more
familiar pictures of Mr. Cleveland represent
him primarily as a fat man, whose face
though atrong.ln general outline Is without
special distinction. Inis portrait shows air.
Cleveland after 'years of public life had
marked his face with the lines of care and
responsibility which time never could
erase. The view ia three-quarters, facing
to the right tnotead of the customary left.
The former president wears a simple black
necktie and the lapvl of hla frock coat Is
evidently silk-faced. The picture gives an
Immediate impression of great dignity and
strength and of the manly beauty which
comes of those qualities. As a souvenir of
Clevelaqd alone a postal bond will be worth
Paylas the Price of .Neallgeare.
Philadelphia ledger.
The aettlement by the directors In New
York of a apeculattlve bank of a suit by
which over fu00.000 will be returned to the
stockholders Is taken as the establishment
of the principle that directors exist to di
rect. This haa long been an etymological
truth, but what la truth In etymology has
not necessarily been accept, d aa truth In
business, and their identity thus estab
lished will probably do much to restore
public confidence In the value of names.
Jlaao Hlaff t ailed.
Philadelphia Record.
A cable nieasagd from Manila Is cal
culated to soothe I lie susceptibilities ef
our jingoes by announcing that the Jap
anese have not yet erected wireless tele
grsph stations on the Philippines as a
preliminary step in preparation for ar
wltb Hie United States Hence there
is no imiiiedlste neoeeally (or ra sing that
regular army of tO.UUO men.
St. I.oiila Globe-temorrat : Aeroplane
men have proved their willingness to dn
or die. but the public will be better satis
fied with reasonable performance without
the fatalities.
Brooklyn Kagle; The loss of such men
aa Johnstone. Hoxsey and Molsaant will be
widely felt. The underlying leeson of their
deaths Is that there are still mechanical
limitations to aviation which no Inventor
has yet been able to overcome. The aero
plane that will not go wrong and tumble
Ita driver to death Is ss yet as far beyond
the conatruottve genius ot Inventora aa the
automobile that will not eollapse In a road
Washington Tost: No machine yet ex
hibited In America haa shown that steadi
ness and stability were more than ef sec
ondary Importance In the mind of the
constructor. Speed and maneuvering are
the chief requisites In a racing machine,
and success has crowned the special ef
forts made by the designers to outrival
each other In these particulars. Had each
and every part of the machine been devel
oped on the same scale doubtless the ten
dency of the later models to turn turtle or
dart hither and thither would have been
New Tork Sun: If the aeroplane la dan
gerous in the hands of the darine; profes
sional, M. Henri Farman seems - to be a
witness to Its safety when It Is managed
by an experienced man who confine him
self to methodical flying. M. Farman Is
In the air aa much aa any man who does
not follow the circuit, and for three years
he haa devoted himself Inderatlgably to
the sport. In 11 he won the Mlchelln
prise for longest sustained flight with a
record of 1SS miles, and in 1910 he accom
plished a flight or iH miles. Tet M. Far
man has ever met with a serious accident.
The sculptor "hsd Just finished the
Apollo Belvedere
"I ar
m satisfied." h cried. "Kverv man
who passes thinks It looks like himself."
New Tork 8un.
"The supposed young millionaire bought
an airship just before he was declared
"That was a perfectly natural proceed
ing." 'How BO?"
"Most people do buy airships before thev
go up." Baltimore American.
They were playing a game of chess.
"Don't htirrv me." protested the man
with the bulging brow. Tm a slow
"You're worse than that" aakd the man
with the bulbous nose, looking at his
watch: "you're a standpatter." Chicago
Hicks There's a doctor who says that
the use ef starchy foods causes baldness.
Wlcka That probably accounts for the
gloas also. Boston Transcript.
"What did that woman do when her pet
dog jumped on you and bit you?"
"She gwve me a very reproachful look,"
replied Plodding Pete, "an' then she or
dered the dng s valet to give it a bath."
WaahVngton Star.
Maud Tee. I ant Dsn te bur a vacuum
cleaner for mother.
Jessica How thoughtful.
Maud Ye. Mother I a little at Iff en ed
up with rheumatism, you know, and T
used to feel so sorry to see her trying to
use the broom thst I always left home on
sweeping day. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Massachusetts minister waa making his
first visit to Kentucky several years ago.
He ha4 to spend the night In a small
The man who naes a Bell Telephone usually
travels many hundreds of miles over its wires every
day. When he feels the necessity of being in two
places at the same time, he goes to the telephone and
sends his voice. ,
If you have a Bell Telephone it la Just as easy -for
you to converse with one hundreds of miles
away aa to talk to your neighbor in the next house,
for Bell Service reaches nearly everywhere, and la '
the hest thst skilled engineers have been able t
D January 10th in the SAVINGS
r a rrrrsWT ST T A TV
will draw
THREE PER CENT interest is paid on
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
The combined capital and surplus ia f 1,350,000. .
It Is tbe oldest bank In Nebraska.
Established In 18.0.
United States National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska
at. T. Barlow, rrestdeat.
8. W. Wattles, Tlce-Fres. 0. B. BaTerstlak, Asst. Cash.
T. B. Caldwell. TUe-rres. B 1. Morasaaa, Aae. Cash.
W. B. Bhewaes, Cashier. M, 0. MoClwre, Asst. Caeh,
Ope, ca Saturdays lutll 0:00 P. At. "
mountain town where feuds f sr moon
shine abounded fcnssalnr In onversa
tlon with one of the natives, he skirt.
"Mv friend, this Is a very bibulous state.
I hear ."
"Ixird." replied the man: "there haln
twentv-flve Hlhle In all Kentucky."--Washington
Chicago Tribune.
A correspondent at Aberdeen. . send
us a bit of weepy verse foundj among
the possessions of Joseph Colavlta, a
traveled, young Italian recently sent to the
penitentiary at Sioux Falls for. theft. It Is
as follows: . , .
Beside a western water tank, one cold No
vember day.
Inside an empty boxcar a dvtng hobo lav.
Hla partner stood beelde him, with low
and drooping bead.. ,
Listening to the laat words this dying
hobo said: ',,.,-
' ,
"I am going to a better land, where every
thing In bright:
Where handouta grow 'on uKa and yea
Bleep out. every night: .
Where you don't have to work at all, or
even change your socks.
And little streams of whisky come trlnkllng
down the rocks.
"Tell my sweetheart hai-k In Venver that
no mote her face I'll view:' '
That I have lumped the faat freight and I
am going through.
Tell her not to weep for m, no tears la
her eyea must lurk. '
For I am going to a land where I don't
have to work! '
- r -
"Hark! I hear her whlstllngf 1 must ratrls
her on the fly! .
Farewell, partner, I must leave you; I
ain't so hard to die!"
The hobo stopped, his head fell Sack he'd
sung the last refrain
His partner swiped his hat and ahoes, and
Jumped the east-bound train.
Thia Will Stop Yoar
Cough in a Harry
Sara 9 h? MWT Tata Cm
rraa S)( Heat.
This recla makes a pint , of better
eeugh syrup the you oould buy ready
made for I2.S0. A few doses usually
oOnquer the most obstinate eough
stops even whooping eeegh quickly.
Simple aa It Is, no better remedy earn
be had at any price, -
Mix one pint of graauliUed - sugar
with H pint of warm water, and stir
for I minutes. Put Itt ounces ef Pines
(fifty cents worth) In a plat bottle;
then add tbe Sugwr Syrup. - It lies
rleasant taste and lasts a family a loop
ima. Take a teespoonful every oa
two er three hour. - - t .
You can feel thla take hold ef f eougJt
In a way that mean business, lias a
food tonlo effect, h races up the PP
Ite and I slightly laxative, too. which
I helpful. A handy remedy for hoarse
ness, bronchitis, asthma and all throat
and lunsr troubles. -
The effect of pine en the memhranea
Is well known. Pinex la the most val
uable concentrated compound of Nor
weglan white pine extraot, and lav rloh
In gulalcol and U the natural healing?
pine elements. Other preparation will
not work In (hi formula. '
Thla Pines and Sugar Syrup reels
haa attained great popularity through
out tbe United States end Canada. It
haa often keen Imitated, though never
Successfully. . -
A guaranty ef absolute satisfaction,
er money promptly refunded, soee with
this reolpe. Your druggist has Plaes
er will get it for you. If not. send, te
The Fines Co..Ft. Wayne, Ihd,
Mas. Wihslow's Sootmiko Svscf has beea
vied for over SIXTY YKAaSby MILLIONS el
is the best remedy for DlASRHCKA. 4t is SB
solutely hsrmless. lie suta and ask for "Mrs.
WinMow'a Hvothiag Syrup," aad take eo ether
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. '
A. F. Jfc Adams, Lcal Manager; '
Bell Bervloe 1 the World's Stealer ef Telepheme
made on or before
flal AVJLi AJlj ' BAitn,
interest from January