Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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TT! If T1 ! J I f6, ... V
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Ee Moines Saloon Tight Now Conteit
.to Strike Them Off.
Order ! tiHe Rrrrlirr f Albla
mmA (esitervllle rilr4 Fallevrtaa;
Prwd ee1la mt IMr Bim4
In tm t aafclactew.
of Honduras at Once i Vxi
DaTila InitmcU Minister tt Wisn.
intoa to Conciliate American
Tram a Staff "orrepondent.
PES MOISifcH. la... Jan. !. imperial Tele
irram. CtnTtM of the saloon consent peti
tion for this eltx anil count r commenced
late thla afternoon by the board of super
visors. Both aide are claiming victory.
It Is conceded that tha huritlMH mm have
secured enough names for giving ronMni.
provided the mmn are not Invalidated
by withdrawal or otherwise. The canva-'s
will trke aoni tun mnd able lawyers have
been secured, to content every point as no
fight of Uatu ktrvd ba-i never before been bo
closely eoniested. .
Ftei-lMtea oai MlM Boaaea.
Attorney tleneral Byers has rendered a
decision In regard to the qualifications of
persons to be mine nouses and foremen,
holding with the state mine enamining
board that all persons who are authorised
to employ and discharge men at mines
must be examined 9his will greatly In
rrloase tha .number ft persons wbo must
have certificates as mine foremen.
Ciw Goe tm Matter.
Orders setting aside the appointment of
W. O. Blerd. iwcelver for the Albl Cen-tervllle--
Eailwtv. company, on petition of
the low Central; signed by Judge Mc
Pherson, " were" Tile- la Pes Moines with
tha clerk. The action taken by Judge Mc
pherson followed the filing of a tns.000
bond. Ta cas will now go to master
In chancery tor 1 esrhmtlon.
. ..
Senator Cummins started for Washington
strain this evening and before going gave
out an Interview la which he reiterated
Ills form srnjemetita In regard to his re
fusal to take part in a personal way in
the contest f eg senator, but he favors tha
election t a. senator In accordance with
bis awn views on national question.
DeasnwrsMa Upea Heaae eartere.
The democratic state committee opened
an office beie gala tor a permanent head
quarters and In expectation that campaign
work will On conducted tight through the
J ar. I. Tl Joaeav of thla city baa been
selected to have charge of the organiza
tion work. The plan Is to start the cam
talgn of 1811 at this time and to begin
gathering strength for the fight. It Is
stated ttutf.. sufficient funds have been
secured to maintain the headquarters and
keep the wtwlt going until the opening of
the presidential campaign In the regular
(hugM la State Offices.
A number of state officials of Iowa re
tired today fremv 'ofTlee and will be sue
ceeded tomorrow . by new ones, but the
changes are of no "great political Import
knee. Attorney General Byera retires) In
favor of George Coasqn. who Is already In
the office. ,it ate Superintendent John F
Riggs retire and' :s succeeded by A. M.
Xeyoe of Hancock county. Colonel H. L.
"Bousquet retire as clerk, of the supreme
court arid" B. W. flarrwtt becomes clerk.
Wlllard Katon Is sucoaeded by Clifford
Thorn aa ' railroad commlanloner. Ail
Others Wre re-elected.
- Mealth Officers tm Moat.
A onyentleit of tha health officers of the
tale baa bW railed to meat here January
fa. Inctudinar Xhm tnenibers f the State
Board jJ?oJtn"a representative o
ail the local boarda It la proposed among
ether things to prepare for legislation for
several state r sanitary Inspectors to be
under the control of the state board. Mat
tars relating to tha various contagious and
infectious diaaaaeaj f tha state are to be
Na ?w Cauaalaataa.
. . No now candidates for senator have ap
peared thla week aa yet, but It la regarded
aa possible, there will be others. It Is
regarded aa poeeibla that Senator James
A. fctnlth 'may jet permit the use of his
ama Sora time ago ex-Congressman
Ueorge M. Curtis of Clinton secured rooms
here and he la niaraly In a receptive atti
tude and willing to ba considered la case
of a deadlock r when It la desired to
name one who will not make the cam
paign for tha long term. Owing to the cold
weather none of the legislator arrived to
day, but a number are expected soon,
Clt BeheaJ-laae Asa (.
Upon the docket of the supreme court of
loaa for tha Jaauary term, laaued today.
Ultra are only eight applications for re
hearing cases, wbexeaa at the last term
there were ' oVef 5 fifty such application
Tha court win Bleat. aal n -on January 10.
The blrnn al" report of the state execu
tive council waa distributed today. It la
a volume In which is set forth In detail
all the expenses of the state government.
NEW OR.LJT.AXa. La.. Jan. J Re-enter
ing the country over which formerly he
ile.1 and from which he waa practically
banished, after helnr deposed three years
ago. Manuel Bonllla todnv proclaimed him
self "constitutional president of the repub-
c of Honduras."
News of the landing' of the Fonilla revo
lt ion ary forces on the Atlantic coast of
Honduras, near Puerto Cortes, and of the
ssuance of the former president s procla
mation was received toniKht by a member
the Bonllla Junta here from Puerto
or; t; '
Green Sea! of Quality Furniture
A combined land and naval attack upon
Puerto Cortes is expected. It is said to be
the plan of Bonllla to Bhell the town with
the gunboat Hornet If the commandant
refuses to surrender and to capture or sink
the Honduras gunboat. Tatumbla. anchored
near the docks. An advance guard of cav
alry I to cut the railroad line opposite
Omoa and a line of Infantry with one
company of artillery Is- to march against
Puerto Cortex.
That President Davila of Honduras has
Instructed hi minister at Washington to
endeavor to conciliate the State department
and the American financial Interests gener
ally believed to be behind the Bonllla revo
lutlon Is the statement made here to
night by a man closely Identified with Cen
tral Amerlran affairs.
" was said Davila had cabled to his
minister to make terms with the State de
partment, place with American capitalists
the proposed $10,000,000 bond Issue and any
thing els the department or New Tork
interests might dictate.
Vera let Over Death t Former Omaha
Maa Hartal Will Me
"What makes the home so
isfying to the housewife after
-J S
Q -I
O a
a. ' r-
V y v 4
cozy, so homelike, so beautiful a. furniture that both pleases and assures
dusting furniture than to stand off and admire the beautiful the solid in
orations contribute to the pleasant surroundings of the home; but
without effective furniture cozy cheerfulness is lacking and the
home's appearance is as flat as discord in music. Our (Ireen Soul
of Quality furniture has all the attributes of beauty and comfort.
It is made in most acceptable styles, fashioned in the best woods,
and will remain a monument in the home to the housewife's wis
dom. During the January Green Seal of Quality sale, this furni
ture is being sold at extremely low prices, some of which are just
under cost. Every piece bears the original contract policy tag
with the original price. The green seal has the lower price and
protection to the buyer.
J Nothing can be more sat
it. Hangings and other dec-
T. - H'iT
k Ta- k.
1 K9DJ
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Jaa. t (Special.)
The coroner's Jury returned a verdict
today that Oscar O. Wanderholm came to
his death by being struck by a Burlington
engine on an east bound track.
Mr. Wanderholm cam to Plattsmouth
from Omaha about one year ago and waa
the engineer of the water plant, running
the engine and pump at its station. He
is a faithful employ and was on his
way to the pumping station when run
down by the engine. He had often
cautioned his wife about going to the sta
tion, telling her that the east bound track
at the hour he went to his work was al
ways safe. But the order for moving the
westbound train on Sunday morning had
been changed on account of two freights
being on the westbound track at that time.
Mr. Wanderholm' funeral will take place
In Omaha Tuesday afternoon.
The deceased la survived by his widow
and one daughter about 14 years of age;
also hi mother, Mrs. Christian Wander
holm. of Shambaugh, la, and two broth
ers, Hiram of Torktown, la., and Charles
Wanderholm of Camden, Wash.
Saaaael W. Mwkiy Walklaar f ram
Srw Tartc tm taa Framcteca
far attj Waa-er.
WASHINGTON; Jan. t Samuel Wt
Shookey, who la endeavoring to walk from
New Tork to San Francisco In 110 days
for a wager of tJO.00. stopped In Washing
ton lone enough today to exchange New
Year greeting with President Taft
Shocker Is a years' old and a veteran of
the civil war. Accompanying hlra on hi
transcontinental trip I his dog "Mutt."
Shockey departed tonight for Clncyinati.
where he waa for twelve years engaged In
newspaper work. If ha completes his task
he will present the money to tha newsboy
and bootblacks of that city.
last .Hews Nates.
IOWA CITYCharle Boberlch. a mer
chant, aged C Is dead here, where he spent
hLs wnoie life, surviving is his widow, for
merly MlM tiara trhultx of Umaha.
IOWA CITT rire of unknown origin de
stroyed the (arm houae of John Ireland,
south of AU!iw- Lat nlKht. The content
were aieo burnrd. The losa la x&.uuu. and
the insurance but fractional.
IOWA CITT Mrs. Barbara Plevka. aa-ed
hT, and Mrs. 1. H. Ityemon, M are dead here
at thtiir ri-epecttva bomea The flrlst mill
la Iowa A Uy was constructed by Mrs.
Kyerson a hittihaad. sixty years ago.
MANLY While hauling hay yesterday,
Puter Hefithau. living west of here, waa
prtiballv fatally Injured when he fell from
ine load, breaking both arms, one in three
places, dislocating- his hip and being other
wise srloualy hurt
MARSH 11.LTOWX-Agustus Slcard. aged
K. who has been a resldrnt of this city since
UA.. ni.J i neumunia here toiliv. He
"m in ana. la. lived In Milaauk
!a 1M.;, Itrr rx-aMrd !n Jsnasville. VVia.
for .i time and still later ha waa a resident
il aierford. Racin4 county. Wis.
X. A H.-H A LLTtlW N Two well-known old
Maj-snailtown sou v Irs today celebrated the
lUtieth snniversary of their wedding.
Thev were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F.
Nichols. ho were married at New Lis
bon. Ohio, and Mr and Mrs. Marshall
Oxan were married at Princeton. 111.
.JIARSHALl.TOWN As a result of the
sweeping Injunctions lueued againat saloons
nf this oil by Jurie '. B. Hradahaw. three
t the oars nave tx-en turced to close per
A piece of flannel dampened with Cham
berlain' Liniment and bound on to the
affected part la superior to any plaster.
When troubled with lama back or pain
In the side or cheat give it a trial and
you are certain to be more than pleased
with th prompt relief which It afford.
Sold by all dealer.
ort Arrived. Ballea.
OUIHOOW CalUorala.
BHKMXV i ii n , Free, aer Oram
riHHiil ARD Jbesttanla
IXNroKT Mi nnaionaa
UM).V liontnal
ST. VINCCNT hartiesr.
IDNaT Ilford
Ths Ilsal Curo Assures
Successful Fulfillment of New
Year's Resolutions to Break
Drink Habit.
But very often these plana fall through
for th lack of proper preparation and
Thla 1 especially ture of men who at
tempt to break themselves of the drink
habit they fall because they really do
not realise the enormity of the task un
til they are fullv engaged In the heat of
battle 'llh the drink demon, who In $0
of the cases usually wins th fight and
the man with the good resolutions eventu
ally decide that' "the road to hell ia
paved with good resolutions, broken."
The logical way to cure th drink habit
l Is to commence th flp ht a.zsl"t lionor
by properly preparing the system to sus
tain itself without the aid of th custom
ary poison, to eliminate the desire en
tirely by removing the condition thst de
mands drink.
The Neal Three-Day Cure has perma
nently cured hundreds, regardless of how
much or how long a .man may have drank.
Th medicine used 1 a vegetable alter
ative tunic, which ia a true antidote to
alcohol, free from narcottc drugs and
other objectionable features, so thai mere
$10.75 Commode Birch veneer
on oak, four sanitary
compartments, strong
front, 30-in. high
at $6.50
$66.00 Roll Top Desk Solid
oak, dull finish, five-ply
writing bed; length, 7'J
in.; depth, 36-in.; height,
44-in ..$59.40
$45.00 Typewriter Desk Solid
oak, brass ferrules;
length, 54-in.; depth, 3--in.;
height, 30-in.
at $40.50
$18.50 Solid Oak Typewriter
Desk Plain, three pow
erful drawers; length, 36
in.; depth, 42-in.; height,
30-in $10.65
$90.00 Roll Top Desk-Solid
oak, massive drawers;
length, 56-in.; depth, 23
in.; height, 56-in.
at $80.00
$25.00 Chiffonier Circassian
walnut veneer on gum,
non-binding drawers,
height, 48-in... $22.50
$63.00 Hepplewhite Settee
solid mahogany, silk
cover, highly finished,
very fine $35.00
$45.00 Hepplewhite Chair solid
mahogany, silk cover,
heavy legs, high back
at $25.00
$37.00 Massive Chair solid ma
hogany frame, genuine
leather cushion, broad
' seat $18.50
$90.00 Panne Plush Couch gen
uine grey hair, solid ma
hogany frame, massive
at $45.00
$20.00 Arm Chair solid mahog
any, broad back and
seat, heavy, large legs
at $10.00
$30.00 Arm Chair solid mahog
any, broad arms, strong,
high back, durable
at $15.00
$10.75 Cellarette Solid oak
commodious apartments,
high legs, perfectly sani
tary, serviceable, $G.OO
$22,50 Cellarette S olid o n k
with heavy top, strong
high legs, sanitary,
strong ... .'....$15.00
$50.00 Ladies' Easy Chair Lea
ther on seat, back and
arms, mahogany frame
at .....".$25.00
$8.25 Broad Chair Imported
cane back and seat, ma
hogany veneered frame,
at . .." $4.00
$12.75 Dining Table Solid o.ik.
solid square top, fine
firm legs, strong. $7.00
'a-? ! Vat ke
V ., a-eV
$60.00 Roll Top Desk - Solid
golden oak, built up con
struction; length, 150-in.;
depth, 29-in.; height, 30
in $54.00
$12.50 Chiffonier White
enamel on birch, five
easy moving drawers,
perfectly sanitary
at $9.50
$62.00 Chiffonier Mahogany
and mahogany veneer,
six spacious drawers,
heavy mirror, 25x19
at $38.00
$25.00 Writing Desk Polished
birch with neatly en
graved pigeon holes,
thick writing bed
at $17.50
$28.00 Wardrobe golden oak
veneer on birch, two
doors; height, 74 inches;
depth, 19 inches; width,
39 inches .. ..$25.00
$48.00 Fumed Oak Clock long,
heavy glass front, large
face, decorated top
at $32.00
$27.00 Typewriter Desk Solid
oak, dull, sanitary draw
ers; length, 37-in.; depth,
32-in.; height, 30-in.
at $24.50
$40.50 Golden Oak, Flat Top
Desk Sliding table for
typewriter; length, 30
in.; depth, 30-in.; height,
30-in $35.50
$53.00 Roll Top Desk Solid
oak, indexed letter file;
length, 60-in.; depth, 34
in.; height, 43V2-iu
at $47.70
$68.75 Solid Mahogany Desk
Roll top, dull finish sani
tary; length, 54-iri.;
depth, 34-ih.; heigth, 40
in $61.00
$47.00 Dressing Table Solid
mahogany, two highly
finished drawers, mir
ror, 23x19 inches
at $38.50
$62.00 Buffet solid oak, three
doors, commodious com
partments, neatly ar
ranged $40.00
$5.00 Child's DTesser white $120.00 Mahogany Clock fluted $21.00
enamel, three neat draw
ers, broad top, strong
at $2.50
$100.00 Parlor Cabinet solid
' mahogany, thick glass
shelves, ! French mirror
back, pretty. . .$50.00
$4.00 Pullman Baby Carriage
steel frame, strong
wheels, large wood han
dle $2.00
$30.00 China Cabinet solid oak,
five heavy shelves, mir
ror, 40x8, at top--nt
$65.00 Fumed Oak Table Wil
Iiam and Mary period, 5
ft.x34 in., heavy top
at $40.00
$78.00 Mahogany Settee denim
covering, very excellent
material, high back,
broad ,...$40 00
$21.00 Dressing Table Bird's
eye maple veneer, beveled
mirror, 19x15, prettv,
at .$15.00
$35.00 Heavy Bed Mahogany
veneer, massive, full size,
solid foot and head,
at $21.50
pillars, large, dull case,
rather massive, accurate
-at $80.00
$19.00 China Cabinet-Solid
oak, high feet, thick
glass door, heavy
at $12.00
$10.00 Chiffonier Golden oak
veneer, solid, -in. top.
five large drawers, dull
and strong $9.00
$10.00 Plain Oak Dresser Bev
eled mirror, 27x21; three
commodious drawers
with handles $7.75
$10.00 Commode Mahogany
veneer on oak, four com
partments, curved front,
heavy $9.00
$65.00 Dresser Golden oak,
solid, beautiful, polished
top, thick beveled mir
ror, 43x29 . . ,
$2.50 Child's Table
enamel, very
tide, strong
pretty ar
legs, thick
Child's Perambulator
English style, heavy ma
terial, strong wheels, good
cover $300
$40.00 Dining Table Solid $21.00 Fumed Oak Clock Accu-
quarterea oaK, S-loot ex
tension, colonial platform
base $25.00
$1.80 Child's Reed Rocker
Very fine grade, thick
rockers, solid back ami
seat 90C
$13.50 Arm Chair Seven oaks,
genuine Spanish leather
seat, broad arms. .$8.00
rate time piece, with
strong base, broad ami
tall $15.00
$45.00 High Clock Mahogany
frame, pretty front, large
case, accurate, artistic,
at $30.00
$32.50 Arm Chair solid oak,
very strong, heavy denim
in seat... $24.00
$145.00 Chiffonier Mahogany
veneer and solid mahag
any, heavy, non-binding
drawers, massive
sides $90.00
$37.00 Chiffonier Mahogany
veneer on birch, two
drawers, 21x18 in.; four
drawws, 43xl8-in.; thick
top $34.00
$53.00 Chiffonier Circassiou
walnut veneer on gum,
massive article, drawers,
38x16; mirror, 31x17
at $35.00
$37.50 Twin Beds Solid ma
hogany, top posts, mas
sive rails, made to en
dure, handsome
at $35.00
$34.00 Cheval Glass Adjustable
Mirror frame mahog-
any veneer, four legsj
glas, 48x18 inches
at $21.50
$85.00 Solid Oak Dining Table
English design, four
centered legs, diameter,
54-in $60.00
Couch demin cover.
lined with cedar, 6 feet
long, very satisfactory
at $18.00
$13.50 Dresser golden oak verr
eer or poplar, French...
plate glass mirror, 27x20
at $9.00
$42.00 Bed Davenport simplic .
ity oak, choice wood;
heavy sides, very long
at $21.00
$80.00 Arm Chair Solid mahou
any, finest panne plust?,
very strong article
at $40.00
Brass Costumers three
strong hooks, durable, at
tractive; 68 inches high
at $5.00.
$22.50 Oak Veneer Wardrobe
single 'door, six coat hold
ers, sanitary, height in
side, 64 inches .$20.00
$150.00 Massive Clock-Solid"
mahogany case, month in
X dicator, second hand,
4 at $100.00
$14.50 Dining Table Solid oak,
circular top, diameter 42
inches, heavy feet,
at $11.00
$31.00 Dining Table Solid
quartered oak, one apron
leaf, strong colonial base,,
at $24.00
$44.00 China Cabinet Solid ok
, extra high ami strong,
spacious, heavy shelves,
at $30.00
$55.00 Arm Chair koI id mahog
any, fine plush, extra
heavy, strong. .$27.50
anntlv. nd owner, w ho r.m- ...i-.'.A- "UJl,un"u"
ban of the court s decree will be com- re no "anr ot " kind to the patient
taking the seat cur. Drug a.idicMous
also treated
The Omaha Veal Institute is located
at 1502 douth Tenth street. Patients are
peeled to operate- under other name than
ifceir own.
TOl.KPO Much to the disappointment of
!; faculty and frlrajda of Iinder-t'lnrk col
lege. thv found when the will of the late
lndrfr-t lark, who gave l4 (am to the school
a r- w -ars ao, on condition that It be i
ner-ed after bun. was opened, that he had i
made ne HfmUloii for the college In that j
i.M-ument. roe t-etate valued at wHi wo '
Out-of-Town Customer
are not denied the benefits of this Green Seal of
Quality sale. Send the price you wish to pay and
a description of tlie article. A salesman will give
your order special attention. He will fill it quickly
and dispatch it promptly. You get every concession
that our Omaha customers do. The original tag goes
'with the goods we ship you.
,M4 4
Muee t. hie widow anrr daughter and the
latter a children, with Hi exception of'
1.9. -kit given U other relatives. j
JURjHAtJ.TOWN-A clinic will be the I
i n. unusual feature of the annual meeting '
of the Iowa Veterinary aas.M.-.aiion. shith la
to be bald here Wednesday and Thursday
of this w-rk Kree clinics will be held at
a Im ai veterinarian hospital daring ail of
both mormnps ahile the convention Is in
eiwn. Vetcrtnnrtanj from various parts
cf the state aill perform ofierationa on
horse au-1 anima's that have pex-oluu
ouonieis cit'lii'.e tor an operation have
ben e-ur.l for these free clinii-s
received at all houre. The genuine Neal
Cure U also administered at 15ti Went I
t'hartea street, ijran.l Island, Neb. Sr :
full Information sddress .Veal Institute
Co.. O. B . 150J South Tenth street.
I or either acute or cnroni.? kidnev dis
eniers foe annoying and painful urtnarv
lieularltie take Foley Kllney p-.l!a. An
lioaeat euU vfte-.-tive nied.cuie fur kidney '
and bladder disordera Hold by all drug
- v ;. i !
Removal Notice
MoainTi un soods
TAA LliXallT HA. K
MOTED rsOX 1411 ris
lUriUTI I T a T
afOI9mri TSOXE
Do not forget! Good furniture may be cheap, but 4 cheap" furni
ture cannot be good.
Miller Stewart
Established 1884.
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street,
E. .ssi
4 3
wi V.
ml V