THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY JANUARY 4, 1911. HUNDREDS BRAVE THE BITTER COLD All dy Inrg. from t Vfiy nreiil i. of tie doors, (hla morning th afore h hen doing Its het to atipplr the thron of eager buyers In attendant ihia first day nf pur January Clenranc. Our other January eslee hv brought their rrowda, but never In tha store's history has a aala nf such msgnltude aa thl. been known. THE REASON SELF EVIDENT "When jou consider that now in tlyr very heart of winter winter apparel of the Benson & Thorne ftaiKtanl is offered at 'i off its regular value, in our A clearance waited for by hundred a clearance that mean a bona fide reduction of one-third In practlenlly every Instance. No Inflation of value, no marking up and then marking down process is In vogue here. Everr reduction la made from the regular selling price all season YOU CXfi DEPEND UPON THAT. Small Women's Coats .sops9 and Girls9 Coats Small Women's and Junior Girls' 3-jiis Small Yoni'n's and Junior Gins' Wool and Silk Dresses Young Hen's and Bojs1 Sulis 0"f f and Overcoats - - - - 3 w B 8 All Fa s Greaily Reduced, fen1, Young Hen's and Boys' Furnishings Reduced. Chil dren's Hits Reduced. Dozens of, Special Reductions upon nearly all articles of Infants' winter wear. i Off 4 Off m i Off 1 . 3 A sale with a aupply large enough to extend unequaled values to all who clme doting Its first ftw days. There's no time for procrastination. COME NOW, , V j TBI TfOOHO PEOPIT C7WW TOM 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET. L t . .' li. au J-'J- MRS. ALMA YAUGHN GOES FREE Woman Xccnied of Murder of Hus band Appear. Unconcerned. DR. JAMES R. HULL INCLUDED rrarrrdliiti Agalaet Pair Follow I Dlirorrrr of ryrljalne la !) fftwd Maa'a fttomarh Probably Drope-ed. I.A.WASTKU. la. Jan. J-Mn. Alma M. Vaughn and Ir. Jainee H. Mult, ai- rueed nf the murdrr of Prof. John T. Vaughn nearly a year ago. today were freed of the charges -against them In tha circuit court here. Their rates ware nolle proFoed by IToee-utlng Attorney Reiser of Adair county, after Judge Fhelion had re fuwl to grant the further continuance a.-ked. The nnnmirx-ement wa greeted a till applause by the friend of Mm Vaughn and Dr. Mull, who crowded the court rou:u. The widow appeared uncon cerned. The Inability of Pr. Paul Srhweliler of tha aiate univeralty, the prosecution's poison expert, lo be present waa the rea son for a request for a. continuance. Proe nitor llfitf In rodlicei affidavits to this effect, and Ii. K. B. Clement of Miron, who waa a member of the medical com mute appointed In November to examine Dr. Scnweltxer, testified that In hla Judg ment tha expert never would be In con dition to take the aiand. Physician Sever HitN Appear. In refusing the continuance Judge Fhelton said he believed Dr. 8c ha el tie.-, who la more than at) yean old. never would be able to appear In court. Helger'a term as prosecutor expired today, and It In likely that nothing more will ever be done In tha case. Mrs. Vaughn was accompanied to the court room by her mother, her sister, Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. Alice Blodgett Of St. Louis. Trof. Vaughn died In Ktrksville, Mo , suddenly on October 14, WV, after an In teresting career aa an educator. In De cember of the same year a-number of his friends obtained an Investigation, and In January, 1910, hla body waa exhumed. Then, followed a bitter legal fight made by tha widow upon Dr. Bchweitter's report that he had found strychnine in the deceased educator's stomach. Indictments were re turned by a grand Jury at Klrkavllle a few weeks later and the caaa brought to Lancaster on a change of venue. Raphael - Pred o. Pllea Cared Is 6 to 14 Day a. Your druggist will refund money if Paso Ointment tails to cure any caaa of Itching Blind. Bleeding, or Protruding Piles In 4 to 14 days. wc. By-Laws. tha office In hand. - Ha will atay three or four daya for that. Richmond will name hla staff tomorrow. (From 'a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLJI, Jan. . (Special.) Represent ative Rlha' of South- Omaha ran Intd an old enemy named Jack TYost, while hasten ing t otateh Is street car to take him from hla home let the train and got hla nose froxen. Aa a result he 1a nursing it caro- fully. 1 , Sheele of Seward, who haa a contest on for hla seat In the house, started out Mon day to look for a bond to support hla cer tificate and claim to office. "Did you gat your certificate of election from your eounty clerk T" a jocular friend asked. "Tea, and I am Bleeping with it." "Did you gat your bond?". "Bond? What bond?" "Why, man, you have to have a bond, too. before you can take your seat." ' "By Jimlny, I knew I had forgotten some thing." And he bolted for the door to look up a bond. certain veracious democratic solon Veil thla one on hla fellow-democrat and brother dry Quackenbuah: j "Quackenbuah defeated-' Town Major, not because he, Quackenbuah waa a probl t ton tat. but becauae ha managed to land on tho wet alate endoraed and published by a German editor in hla district. "Of course, Quaekenbuah a name does not sound dry, ao when he cam along in hla campaigning town and called at this Ger man newspaper office with the proper sort ' of 'porauaaloa.' tho editor, thinking that tattled It, added Quackenbuah to hla alate of good wets." "Whan tha paper came out, Quacken buah'. frienda ware horrified and hastened to Inform tha dry champion of what bad happened. . ri..- . 'I'll go right down and have that mis take corrected,' aaid Quackenbuah. But before the paper (It waa a weekly) went to praoa again, tha voters want to tha polls and tho returns were counted, showing Town Majors defeated by Quackenbuah." Now that editor la thinking of moving back to tha old country, for he cannot "square" himself with bis wet frienda and road era J. H. Allan, a wet democrat of Lan caster county, defeated In the prtraartea by I. H. Hatfield, a dry democrat, wishes be had known w. . Taylor, tha bellggerent dry rapreoentatlvo from Hitchcock county before ho accosted Una in the hotel lobby Monday. "Howdy do," aaid. Allen, extending his hand In greeting to a member. "I am J. H. Allen and want to be aergeant at arms of the houae. . I an a w and. by thunder, I will bo with 'you felloaa at every turn of the door. If M aen't , for such crazy people aa thla blank tuy blank W, Z. Taylor, I'd or we'd r-.'.' "You'd what?" scowled' the man who had thua far listened patiently. "I am W. X. Taylor. What la It you'd do?" Allan haa decided a leaser office will do for him. - - CARMACK AMENDMENT a DECLARED. TP-. BE VALID latitat Carrier la Liable for Uwi of '" Interstate Mklpaaoata Dwrtasr Traasportatloa. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 Tho so-called Carmack amendment to the Hepburn rate law, making the Initial carrier liable for loss of Interstate shipment during trans portation not only on Its Unas, but also on thoae of connecting lines, was declared today to be constitutional by tho supreme court of the United States. The fight of the federal government to have the labor contract law of Alabama declared unconstitutional was crowned with success today when the supreme court of the United Statea held tha law Invalid. The government claimed the law reduced hundred of negroes to a state akin to peonage. FIRE IN A NEW YORK TOWN Bajelaees Portions of Grmavllle De stroyed, CelaT LM of aarer Klllloa. N TROT, N. T., Jan. I. The entire busi ness portion and part of tho residence section of Granville, Washington county, were swept by fir early today and a conaarvatlva aatlmato places tha loaa at flEO.000. The fire waa discovered shortly before midnight In a clothing atoro, Granville Is situated on tho Hudaon river and has a population of about 4.B0O. It chief Industry I alate mining and It Is a popular summer roaort. We Examine and Correct All Eye Defects. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HUTESON OPTICAL CO., Inc. 213 South 16th St. The Smiths are strong numerically In thl aeeeloo. 'Their Initial run In pair. There ic A. A. tmlih ef Boone in the aet ata and R. R. Smith of Boone In the mum ana w, rt, smith of Beward, sec retary Of tha eenate. A. A. Smith la M year of ago and called the "baby of the houae" la 107. He Is a young baukor and a student of Harvard and Heidelberg, and the oaly leglaialor who usee a boot tree. Ha to urbanity ttaalf tS2 Hang Hlmseir la tell. HUTCHINSON. Kan., Jan. ' I. Walter Ixuxh. allow f'red Brandon, 22 years old, an Inmate of the atate reformatory here, committed suicide In his cell last night by tianging htmetlf. He waa despondent be cauae of Illness. HI father la a Methodist preacher at Auburn, W. Va. 1-ough was entenced to the reformatory two year ago for burglary and larceny in Harvey county, Kaunas. A Bloody Affair Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It and cure weak lungs, coughs and colda with Dr. King's New Discovery. SOo and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Tounl of necnle turned swsv on account Of business belna- gres.t. Tai araefae sale arete be a aareesa and tne crowda that H carried these i'ili away at the little prices they paid .or them cam II again this week, and wIM send thousands more of conservative buyers U to Raebael-Pred -, 13 aad Kara em. Whv should not thla fta'e be U a success when you can buy barrvn as advertised below, and hundreds of others even better? wianMnjuiaxT asm Millionaire Utility of Blcanay. ST. LOUIS, Jan. S.-Charlea R. Drum mond, millionaire realty dealer, who has tlgured In thro elopement, today at Clay ton, St. Louis county, pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy and was sentenced to serve alx montha in jail and to pay a fine of 1600. On payment of the fine and cost Drummond was paroted on good behavior. Heiatsli Freight Rate Lower. , WASHINGTON, Jan. I. Immense reduc tions in freight, rates have been made by the railroads operating In tho Rocky moun tain region. In accordance with ordera of tho Inter atate Commerce commission. The reductiona vary from to more than 40 per cent. In every case the reduction affect clas rates. Mea'a W later l.adlea ill 9 Mea'a aad Mea'e latta. (ape, worth ( Miarea's tare, N Joa' Ores a black, em 4 as to (I.OO. vrortb a te 70V Uhlrts. wartk novelty ffoode. ,j a te Toe, worth S10.OO. 35c 10c 15c S3.95 ladle' ladles'. gl.&O Mea's Ladteo' Tallered Malta, Fleered Ribbed Ureas Ihlrts brt Walsta, Ilk llaed, I aloa Pulls, at the very veertb Worth I SOO, wtnk, beat make, to at .30. S5.95 25c 79c 25c I. adlea' and Tbe Prlaeeaa I.adlea Mfi'i Cord ' Gewta' aboea, Coraeta, Terr heavy arey Paats, wsrth fZ.OO, worth IIJBB, Valea nlta, heavy, worth worth ., SI. 19 63c 69c 8119 AU tA-M and Tea H Lodlea Haod rt OO Skirl Ladle' Q All Chlldrea'a herehlefa, rrd rleaa awee t eats, H an4 MMaa. Peart Battoas. 82.95 83.95 j.Jrr.,.. ; . ... .... Se very big D otto "? ""d beary Flaaael 1.a Mea'a . Turk In Olovea, Sweaters, t",B Towrla, P"'r, rn 58.95 14c 5c 59c Kin .3. ' tSSSSSSSa --iT-riiM-.SS Ecsa 01. OO, Men's ' ga.OO Cotton rare W ool All Oar HhT Owttasj Filled -Men's I ader- Mea'a aad Klaaael Coaafortera. wear, worth Wmsti'i Gown. aa 4 92.00, X.O0 Shoe. 59c 31.19 69c 81.85 fsSEanaBBBaaSSaVam aEaaaaaiaaaaaaoaxaaxaS BSSHBBbR tBSaawSI BaaaawaxSIlxB aaaiaaaaaaSawSal II. 00 Ladles' 9iM Men' Ladle' Fleoee Oyrrahoe Sweater dwaater Maed Hoee, far Men aad Coate. Coata, worth itae, Woaaea at 98c 59c: 10c rg Heav-y Lined ga Woaaea'a 3n Boya' I.adlea' m7.V Tblldrea'a . Heavy Wool Olovoa, "' '""L. - Wool Hoae, I Storking "f worth at.O, ' I aalr, to BOe, atalr, 35c 0, 19c B He SI 19c I-iiiMk-iWiW ladles' and Mlasea' Wool Mitteaa, 10c Ladloo Heavy Fleered I'aderwear, worth Te, 39c ladles' rieeee Lined I'aderwear, 19c Till la no retiring aale. It is merely a house-cleaning sale, so we can start with a new, fresh stock for the spring, 1111. RAPHAEL-PRED CO. Wholesale and Retail 13th and Farnam British Meaner Axlaa Loot. IjONDON, Jan. I. Wreckage reported picked up In the Bay of Biscay leave no doubt of the fate of the British steamer Axlm which left London December t, tor West African port, with a craw of thirty British and German sailors and four pas senger. Mains Wlfa aad Takes Polaoa. NEW KENSINGTON. Pa.. Jan. 1-Afar cutting oft hi wlfa left ear, slashing her face and handa and crushing In the face of his 1-year-old daughter Mary, John Mexxtio today filled a glass almost full Titoro to,0nly Ono " "Bpom Qmnino 99 'That ,- oa !!' ' l CttO TUB WORLB OVtM TO OWtC A OOLB IM OUt DAY, Always, remember tbe fall name. Look for. thla signature tm every box. S&c. SWA , - - with murlatlo add 'and adding a little whisky, awallowed It all. He reeled from the house toward the Allegheny river. Copper Compost to Cwaaoltdat. BOSTON, Jan. . The dlroctor of th Calumet Hecla Mining company hav unanimously agreed upon a plan for th consolidation of twelve Lake Superior cop per companies controlled by It. JANUARY SPECIAL COAL! COAL! COAL! Why will you be bothered with smoke, soot or ashes in your furnace or heating stove when you can eliminate all such disagreeable features by burning " PETROLEUM COKE? . We guarantee this fuel to be absolutely free from smoke, soot or ash. PRICE $10.50 PER TON. One ton of the above coke is equal to two tops of hard coal in bulk. For the range or cook stove try our Special Blend in nut, egg or lump sizes. : One trial will satisfy you as to the worih 6f this coal as being the most economical and clean. ; ' PRICE $7.00 PER TON. Phone Your Order., Altchison - Cook Cornoor UNION FUEL COMPANY Phone, Doug. 268; Ind. A72268. 1714 FARNAM STREET. Remember we hare three yards which insures prompt delivery. A Black or Blue Cheviot or Thibet Suit with extra Trouaera of same or striped material . . . . aai5 WE keep a large force of Cut ten and Tailor! buiy by Including an extra Pair of Trouaere with every ' suit order for the price of suit alone. Suit and Erin Trousers $25 to $45 NEED AN OVERCOAT? Specially priced Overcoats fabrics this week at $25, $30 nr.d $35 Easily worth $10 to $15 more. tr-a nun WILLIAM JERREM'S SONS 209-11 S. 15th St. A1H and other drya slapped "loc" Tan ner by keoUng him off tea serial cotu. mltte oa conirattleee. Tanner took . It wttbout eara, however. Tretmore Cone Insists hs ass riot after tha house chief clerkship, but waa look ing out for VTc Wliaoxt'a lot areata, t'ona I helplug Hlvhaioni Ui get the rupee of o o o (CO AIL J o o o Our Modern Delivery Service is a pleasant surprise to our new customers and a delight to our oldpnes. Take advantage of it. Order our bright, clean Hard Coal for the furnace or Peacock, the faultless soft coal for the range or heater, zxg L.' IB. IMe COUN CO. 1201 Gouth lGtti ZUt. r Dona- 753; Ind. A-3753 "Homo of the Large Ton" The "LeiterM mine territory; eight square miles J that affords us the genuine "Zeigler" coal, is unlike ANY other in the world. Just the same coal is found NOWHERE else; no other coal so clean; so hot; can be sold at $7.00 per ton. The ONLY other coal as CLEAN as "Zeigler doesn't possess TW0-THIRDS of "Zeigler" HEAT value. Genuine "Zeigler" contains but lt of 1 per cent sulphur; about the same as the famed Pocahontas, Smokeless that brings $9.00. v v . v It's false economy to buy a $5.00 or $6,00 coal; the usual $5.00 or $8.00 coal giving you a never ending' amount of grief in the shape of smoke and Impurities. Then again, it's MORE folly to pay an added two dol-, lars $9.00 per ton for a coal that does no more than the genuine "Zeigler." , "Zeigler" is a soft coal, costs merely $7.00 per ton; and was Omaha's most FAMOUS fuel when on the mar ket two years ago. "Zeigler" coal leaves a stove lid WHITE; doesn't ' soot; burns hot; exceedingly hot; lasts long. Write call or phone quite soon. J - Peoples Coal Co. I Phone$ Tyler 1283 Auto A1768 . ; 1 1th Floor City National Bank B'g ) EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO; FIRE PROOF STORAGE 1 MOVING VANS, FURNITURE Packing, Baggage Delivery City Officei 210 So. I7lh St. " iw-iiikitada 3TO.NldnT l?if'iM.wiri' msMinTisr'' AM t!8BMKlVT. AMUSKMBNT9. Doyd Theater DOUOUA 1.1 atatlao Btt Oor. tile, aright, .1I8, IVIIos Eva Long aid ixa azoax.uaTT comfajut Za tha hw on tonr. Or.r 100 people used la a ayaotaoala fairy eatraTagaaaa la five aota. Cinderella" with a beautiful ballet of fifty chil dren, under the direction of Prof. Chambera. 800 tho Shetland ponlea See tha fairy dance, fhe great tra Re formation. Vast Wk "Th rrlr," aranaa tlaed froaa tks faaaeaa aoral of the ALL VwEtK-"1" Cohan and Harris f?10 17 a t it w v a . - 1 yeara In. fifw- ,Arlaj 1 year in l luoign. tUD :iaS?S- DiuaA'i rvn OUTTZB" ll-tt-ls-th ataL. la-aa-oo Caarla Koblaaoa aa XI. XTaVATAOAJtaA AID VAVDSTXX.U. Two aatlreai "I.oet .l.OoO.OOO" aad "Cohen la Chinatown." roalttraly TMM yaZTTt x.t oaoavi iria Ladtoe toi acattaoe Brary lTeek Bay. Bat. Night Only, Jan. 1 Kdltli 8penrer Stouk t'o. In "A Baoholor'. Bomaaoe." KRUQ THEATER 1 lso. as, ao. a Bow a TS T.alg-ht, 1 Ka Usee Weaaeaday HEARTS ASTRAY ravaiDAT XOXatAKKB. mirm with fnl Blhlo and onglaal eompaay i.aat rariormanoo annaay railing This Afternoon at 4 P. M. ttm. Marcella . Senbrish IB OOBOXBT ABIZSTXB IT : Frank La Forge, Pianist rrlcoe tl.OO, 91.60. aa.00 and ftOO Beat Seoond Balcony, too. Vir' Z Crand Opening Weak AMERICAN THEATER 10th and Douglas 7 Big Vaudeville Act 7 . , Tnrro Show. Krery Day., . i aCATXBBB DATXT AT a lit.-. au axATa lo. Two ahowa rry .t.ulng at f .4 aad 9 mo p. m. Brtoosi 100 aad .Oa. Kes.rr.d aad Bos Boat. aoo. , Bedlnl'. Performing;. Horae. -and Other Big Acta. i Advaaood Taud.TlUa. ataUn.a IaUy, :1.. Brery Breniag, Srla. Augusts Gloss, Maurice Freeman A Co.,, Merril and Otto, 8lz Flying Banvards. , Joyepli Adalmann Family. Frey Twins, ' Her bert Brenon, Heln Dowhing 'A t'o., Klnodrntne. Ornheum Cnnrrrt Orrheetri I. ' ' - fa s ,': h i i tl ii KiiiiTUiiisyjJia If li tm .tf YORK 4 EN-TOUR DIRECTION EIESSRS. SHUBERT , ' Alirlitnrilim Biglnning Han. Ewe., hn. fl IftUUIlUl IUIII, ONE WliCK, Dally Matlne- WONDER SHOW OF THE WORLD-600 PEOPLE COMBINING: MISIO BALLET SPECTACLE PAGEANTBY U1LU WEST C1RCV8 INDIANS Ml'SICAL COMEDY DRAMA . FAMOUS MARCELINE FUN TRUST WONDERFUL MIDGET CIRCUS . TRIBE OF SIOUX INDIANS GREAT ALBAS, KINO OF THE W.IRE TWENTY MARVELOUS SCENES,. . All Direct and Unchanged From tho World'f Greatest Play house. r- BeaU'SeUiag at Chleagn. Milwaukee A St. Paul It. It. Office, Ittih aad Karnam bt. ,.i -n IHGHT PRICES r. 50c, 75c, S1.00, $1.W MATINEE PRICES. 25c, 50c, ,75C $1.00 COME EARLY A.M AVOID THE Rl'Rll. mmmmirmmm li U' mum i w u huh . umi umii) i aa