Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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The geeg jlne Jfaf
-Thr Dcrs Junior Birthday DooK
yt:Mniiii5 is me ua
2We Celebrate
January 4, 13 1L
iii u na
i pi I J i. ii I mil Ifml nil I I j I in in mi II imi h,.
. , . , . - I. iiii.iib.ii ,,i i I nil - ,, w -
' .-Th-A.H;ntfr ,th.rMd : COMEDIENNES sWS ! J iTi i fTtf ill CsAll
I ... J Jf , . (v MA
V 1
ittf pr niinwi if tn-Punrlnt opr now
..i i. .
-vt o :'TLtaiB Iruf-TiiM,' M(Tnlf out '
xf hr vaiiw f'i". of ' T'.im .'rt of .
r in--tm kVwk a ; ri"! "f ! !
pi Kwtffft ' rnw to tlM avriptinnti' I
I iia an 4 r"BT Hi drink. Joitlori.
Mr frln rrww1 dm itKitxinfi an
n tn M t'yw rfi wn a fi'ro
tti ttK ilHuiiin" whTskT would pr-
hn hip p"ir hi tlppt". a1 I
tiat ni mliina1'r': if hri antf hir- !
mM 3-- -nn itt iMiFfatrm.
roum h 'tnf "a trnttirt lluirrrnt o
it. hamuli an rrn a fnt of a har'rrt"'
pourna "h a an-lff.
a -!Tih!f nia "ai ha1 man. art "f
(r-t1 hir 'W.-,rfV
T'i rir i. a.ia 1 f1' tlii alfja
'n nail - a:'i-1 to V - T''o Riunrril.
irri if )ihi RlrnHI m.
InnnrM "-T1 tmlinMi ropp-lwt. am!
Bra i-rlTianif avniomn tjmi-!it. Thn h
a -otii, hla hart aa-'iv and firm W ihia
''ivr"iah n nijrr: '"Mn In
f9rnL in- iij. tnnw not hinar 4 1:1
iar ifnffraai' whim raa!T in. nartnar !
ti pour for tm." Mr K-ra-iwin IraUitr1
en arfinn Ua ffltunr. Aoctatiira of 1
Tf irmanMrna oAtti. n,'jM-inl opmra will f,
ntw" mat Mn. Rjwxaaiii pvHira hla own I
'-nA. . r -.
r fiTrt fre- eelehrated
f!fv-avn(l! blrfhav "on fwrnlwr
rpnka Ihim an Jiw annlvw asi ' :
"t'hen la an awt-wi a til bat? When
ai"hw' titr f -wii finif nn il!fnmiT
In anwwftflp' "f n'leatioDa He la at hla
nai at nut ha anould r"tire at st: i
Sir Fferborl M lilii-d wit 1 hla own '
aoara. J-o'lfi'troa the it ana of hia ;
Jlajeaty'a frieato-; t ra triad hla cane; h4a j
f - waa - aiii.uaiuiMi li rtoppml anil I
nthhed alajwnd jar a flntir, "I must touch '
ord. he vDlhfnl. "Ttefura I ear It: I
Xael mn oidT rvw ijiao i did when I waa j
' i ahin ilfe -o,ai;liu tnda to aep j
Pfil .Ji aruir is eo often eonie
onr alae h ha pa-Uhwi to fi borwl with
Wmearr J4. aajy hofdom. not ia-.
thai kills tai 'H aaa ormipled on an
avwraTfr'nf .tkawe wf -nrrwlna; honra each
Vi rn twaiaa1 m"mlla wiiraetvaa) aa poa-
Vbi-. f" -
h a tz. ? '.i ;f .
' V i-l or -VtiMinrwii "."fflirtt;' niaka Ida i-eap-pea;
ani:"ln " 'hliVcfl'r In mueit-al play
ca-d Tha IfapinVlwht or Ilia Ufa."
h "Jtiiife"' Wrfrri "and Sidney Rouen
leld. , ii:i'. m iix TW A Inert von Tllaer.
Me. joore lias i part, Ehclt Brnnn. aim
ilar. to. tbak nf.'h if' . Hnm in VForty
luiaM j;ui; triiTt Pri'Sd wa v ami "Tlie
Jaik at..Najr.irk- .T'ia,- o-a hit" of. the
play la "On. You 'I'hioaita. jh.oi ,N
Xra,V' iIrA4a. avt a'JPM"rtin Mr. Moorr
r Mia AnnaAeiW- Umfrd. Mr. Mct'rw.
4wiiD Tyler MUa -Hnuu, Uulafletd, JoUn
iif-adrraon aa4 Mia irude Vaaderbtlt.
-iMr-.-.Moaaatfa; ttBaSwnent. will open-at the
Colonial Oieater neat Sunday. ,
' li. RaevasMm;th, Ninm rert-ntly leading
nu for EThei BarrrTHirw. and with a Ions;
Hat of aut:h D ro '-ho) crmllt botit tn
aw TorH and I ndun. haa been ennaffd
td 'piay CloneT '"wnith In "Cirrn. Htock-
ira, ' t!wenoinriii' wuicit Maraaret Anslln
now imhiq awt In. iMHroit. Coiont Smith
! a eharartRr- pr1marly invenled by Cecil
Farad y ii! ua Anlln) but lator appeariitx
In aha to amaan Mlaa Ceila by
hia aituailry tSer mirased for Mjta
Aaitn' aupport In C3mn tucklntfa" and
Te make any toilet preparation succeas-1
roil th .nt-aner nf tmiximx miuK b under-
atoBd. for thar sr eertaln general rules
ehica ap)y to aL..'
rOXieea U .Ubat tat. used ahail never
become hat. airwougn It la aeceassry to
meit. tbeu.-Tkey.taai'' be reduced to liquid
by putting into a vessel which Is set Into
a !. of Vnf'tnj water There are regular
' ,.
utensfls- Caw- tau ce-led "brain marls, but
thev are expensive and are not aeeessary.
' n. - ..
" " ' t"''
oose. f : '
, An it her fim:i lu atc-esa la that the Base.ftvmo to ivtiiwonl.' I I X ) I f IM 1 Ju i I Q ' if.,-,. n
j...r,iin mil.. ih wM. I f ? 1 III I L-T V-4 N1 B I i K7 Vli II ?
vrnwi ovaia-iuM Uie fat ahail be glaaa or w ben aicoaol.and any powoer or lumps I The ana eon 'of midnight t-uiinary ameni
di.iiu ae en - aaetaU. FurOlnT than that, soluble In it are to be employed, aav fur I ties Is on. with a demand for after-the-
hva the fat Is in one lump, as with
snrrjriacrtj or white wax. it ahould be
broken' f'.ne with ITia fluiiere and then
aitrrmJ. atirr1! Beglna tfl tnn. that melt
wig ahad te' -a en. fThierwise there win be
U'luld .! ai-r-It'.iipa hi one cup, ami
4m,1 teauite -wtu mrt n oMainets. ' -
. TA hnj as happens, frequently, oil is to
set pu-. Into the mixture. It is added ira
t;i,...iy aftac the bus melt. In odr
tuiti the mixture ahail not harden too
raiit!y. ., ilia cup containing the fats is left in us hot bath until ail the oil
a- tn. Thee, If a cream la being com-,
pqunded, the sup is taken from the
Girls Should Set
l ib majority ef girta whs
gaged py but email heed to one very lin
perrast detail cbey do nut make certain
tast a Uaxa is fixed fjr the mamase; that
ia to,-as. not just the any and hour, ad
jet a ami wtthui whxh the) mar-
C1 bat an anctinuillahsal fart
' ben aa spu nassf s entareal ante
nr ssaattliia sssaei ataaoe eC as 11 1 al
what Uas etasi nsanlrs? Tw
si wana aad tsauac fia area anssKsi lav
ever tUe) gtri, hT shs bat aensrttve. fee a that
she lar aast epeai up tha question, aha
i.auw it. Is tne au i duty us da ao, and
w.,i ea-eavd mailing aay allusion ta
rent. 1st aaae he eac bar aowe aa a
type nf yeuag womao-
But tt hi ae good waittn. Tne tlaaa wheel
tola anaftar, sheuld be attendee to Is at the
srotxateJ jen-tug if at aa ant, aortaal oat
tn there ta vary ' etuuvca) that bt never
w lit he , artaai ntsx. A. girt inust'Ms ta
bureeiif It is ail rht to ' hehbie about
mtiitra r mweeaty. gtrliah. raeerve aad so
torts, but a Is a aad n stake.
I - II U I 4 1" It ni l, , kb-'i IV
I - si i m i. 7 1 l ll ij a t: ! i n i I . I
Jrace i"orje. who ban won a place la
the front rank of American actfirtT. baa
been piirBued hy a aeries of 'intowai
renta Uria eawjn. The last waa iha
audden death of her Iriutlna man In Ce
tm : lBt WMk. She la tn private Ufa the
wfe f William A. Brady, who haa mad a
himaelf quite prominent In the llet of
American produclna; manaa'tra.
atso for "The Backslider." another onmedv
which Mlaa Analin wlil irodice. are Rut It
Holt Boucli-aiilt. iTiarlca Garry. Maud
Granger. Lewla Howard. I.einard How.
Croahy Little. Fr-flerlrk Powell. Rath Roae,
Ivnn F. iltnpon and George Woodward.
I.iehior 'o. have completed the cant
of "J'lditU Zarainc." the new I. M.
M'lclian drama In which Lena Aakwall
la to Htar. aaeletMt" bv i"Ttariea "Wndron.
John E. Kellard la to liavn- the part of
Colonel Pontlfea.. whnau military aottvtOa
at Minetown itha acene of the piayi pro
rrte tile UnmploTed tt rlolcnce; Edward
Kila will be Conrait Borlnaki. the pbllo
etiplnc ahoemaker; rordf Johnstwne will
ha Ja k IiorinakL the leader of tha unnti'
ployed, and other parts will be played by
Walter CluMon. Edward Lautvford. Qiarli-s
Dow and little Donald Gailalier, who
lejrrm his meritorlmia work in "Alkaa Jimrny
Valenrwie' to crata tha part of r'art Bue
'JiakC Jaa k's bfot,ser. .'.Mlaa AihyHI ' will
b Judith, and ac, WaMirvn. David. Murray .
Oca apltaJfct. - wioim. opratlotia nava
- -
Paul Fertirrfand Paul da liwl'
br1h IHtle-opera comtutia. with mualc by
luiuia Gaune. haa beon produced, at tha
Caaino ' theater at -Monta Carlo with auc
reaav, Tha atary haa Ui do with, tow aiivaOr
mrea- in EaTPt wf the Oreelr cnurteean.
Rhodnphe. who, by her marrtase "with
Amaaia. became queen at Egypt- The opera
cnntalna at laaet half a duaen caechlnit Pa
aaaies. and an. exceptionally fine duet be.
tween young Amaala and but tutor. Xeno
phon. Eai'h act tej-minatea with eiaaslc and
trreslHtlbla finale. Tha action follua
otoaety tha teat of iMrabok
"The Bachelor Bellea- waa so bad that It
has driven MIhs Gaaea to vaodavilla. aha
will make rha plunaa J-anuair It
aad the perfumed waters and ether ma-1
tHai- r uidfa.
( CT ..... '
, . r rorn uinm aa h cream must not
be heated asain. but If It la hardening too
rapidly, the u mar ha ut harrk inKi tha
j bam for half a minute or more to soften,
1 without heating the lnreuienLa,
i U la sever to be forgotten that fata,
' ,,c th' -"e heated to a high degree, at
1 er. harden propm-ly
again, ana. If they eongeai ac ail, than-
j va;u. baJ injuria.
1 In lluuids or creama. narfumaut mi.
! asam-..- .n. tn.v . i .
.. ' -
oecauee tney must not Be autijectad to any
heat, or their scent will be destroyed.
' example, alcohol and camphor, the solid
ahuuid be dissolved In the alcohol or
t-e-urita before betn adtieil to the other Us -
gredlenta ....
bt maaing any llqaala athkm border oa
; euiulaion conatant asltauon ut aume kind
.k neceaaary. and aiouiat without axcen-
i tlon ail ingredients ahould be put In aiowiy.
that blending ahail go on evenly.
The utenul for atlning should always
be of bans or 1- orv ; If one of these Is not
owned, a silver fork or spoon may be sun-
. eiii-a-d, but it must be pure silver and nut
plated. jt
preparation will be die-
limtUBCT' llDtTSR.
Date for Ceremony
The maa ahu asks a girl to become bis
wife, and who yet does not mention when j
aiie is te tana up that rale, acta dlahtm ur
eal y there seed be no doubt on that point.
He can have ao consideration fur her
feeiinas. indeed, can he really love har?
Thing of what he expuaee her La, She be
cumea engageel. her chums are su ways ask
ing when tha wedding Is coming off. her
relative are erariastlhgiy making ta
quirust when la that maa going, as aaarry
her--ia hs ever going ta do it? And eo
forth. . ;
.As a matter ef fact an esuragamaeit toe
often ananas a mare U'tag sows, A man
obtains a girl's word, hs pledges his earn
she knows little or nothing about his true
paslUun; she may ao even know tt he can
sappea-t a wits aad aa may not be in a
Paestlon tat do a. He SMrwiy wants a girl
chttsn, a aloe eoeaiHuiiiex ta trtttex aera hia
sere fcila- bouas Mi., iia, at- ' aorjally
tneaa amhiaut. feat aa soa. be ahyvwd
enough Uw rhax he cma beax aecure the
1 1 rtrTa aurtery for kmaesf ounae by aaiartng
i mt aa asigsgwnssnt wtta bar.
the front rank of Anwrtnn actnrr. has l.J 5- H V V'
I III 1 1 ' t B V- aS s, V M I I tea f )
Ever notice that it's very tiresome t
be const suitlr reniimM that you must he
"arllahT" I'ouain Anne pointed out Con
stance Boaidman to me yesterday as a
perfect example of a sweet, "(rlrlish" little
OMnaj. Hhe waa dressd In white silk, and
had a pimply sort of eomplexion, and the
only, thine I heard her say to everybody
waa. "It's rather cold out today, isn't ltr"
M do hate thle Idea ef weartna: white Jtiat ! a
because you are a few years younger than
aome people. I ahould have given any
1 to have worn a long, tisjit flttln. "
satin dreas at my coming out tea.
Ea"TUan earrtngs.
lut I waa obliged, to wear the inevltablr
white. I tried to persuade Cousin Ann
to est ma put a black lacs ecaxt around
ma and wear a pair of jet earrings. Then
witlt a big bunch of scarlet flowers and j
red satin slippers the white wouldn't have
beet ao notlceaole. 9he dldn t like the j
Idea., though. However, t fixed my hair
all over again after the hairdreaeer had
- . ... .. v..-i, I
anno ana. uiua a uia n uui u . . . .
,H -,, ,ook much '
-ati-e and I raeulv don't UUnk I looked 1
aa Jlaa-uatlnslv Touns: as I might have.
mer , Mat aaBaaBBaaaaaaaianBJBUMu
"Oh. I am a feeUve chafing dish
1 faam and froth and buboie
1 mDt tha anng of meat and r.ah.
And aave a deal of trouiua
ater aupswra and midnight "bttee" to fur
Uf y the Inner man after a strenuous even
, tng . ocu the lc or a blood a'.lmng "spin
In Ui a feoaty air.
Far the woman who Can "flil the bill"
wit dtainry.. qnfkiy prepared and pip-
lng'ho refacuon. there waits unqualified
approval. For the aucceaeful rendition of
this the chafing dish la an aeeeni-ai.
The ai mHt Merat of aucceMeftil chafing
dlen cookery Ilea In the preliminary plan-
J mng. that everything will be tn readme
when the diaa
started. Wlin every one
as "hungry as a bear." and wacching
every move of the cook, the woman who
' has forgotten aome essential is bound to
I became nerroua Hen re the urgent necea-
1 airy of order. In using the chafing disn.
nlaiA nn . m.l.i t r. V aurflclenuv laran
rTyxaj parf tor rour
Cat pane, ft must fas)
aw sua x nry tuac as matnw
Cousin Anne said my dresa looked very
.liferent from the way ahe had thought It
would, and she was gntng to speak hanhly
to madame about it. fhe says ahe can t
understand why I am not more like Con
stance, and 1 wonder from which aide of
the family I inherit my extreme lack of
refinement and disinclinations for "alrl
Ish" things. It 1s beginning to worry me
little. Perhaps I should have been a
I like to fight, too. and I can t
aren be maidenly m that reepect. for. In
stead of being able 'to say catty thintfa
the way Aanee and most of the glrla at
school did. I used to feel perfectly dumb
and silent, and Ion to. fail en them and
scratch and beat them. One day Agnoe
waa terr'tyy Insulting, and 1 simply flew
at her. She was 'pretty 'fame, but I had
her ditwn In an Instant. .
. - - . . OT - .
She bit me on the area and t positively
had to pull her hair our bunches before
ah would take back vl slae had aaid 1
waa unladylike-.
I think words are rather mean weaoona,
anyway, and only fit for old women. And
how they do knife a person In the back
with them at times! Cousin Anne aaid to
Mrs. Deckman yesterday about that beauti
ful Mrs. Dangerf'.eld, whom I adore: "I
waa told by absolute reliable author ty.
my deer, that ahe drtnaa. Olu this person
4W her In a restaurant in Parts very
much intoxicated. . Now.. I myeelf have
nothing whatever to aay against the wo
man. Nothing' whatever My dear Mre.
Deckman. please understand that. When
ever I have seen her see has been per
fectly sober and moat sweet and lovely."
Mrs. Deckman rolled her eyes ana aiowiy ,
noiltled her head. It was oae or touam
Anne s days at horns and I was P""
tee. ana i coumu t up -
ahould have loVed to pour a good, hot cup
down the bak of Mrs. Deckman s neck,
As I am Uvlng with Cousin Anne and she
hm. hxn so moil to me I restrained the
feeUng that I ahould. like to put another
cup of tea a. little hotter down her nee.
Some men came In later, and there was j
- i
I to protect the table flrom. Are, boiling I ful manipulation of the mistreee of cere
: water or spatters. The lovely corner traye I monies presiding over her culinary cruel-
that can be bought quite reasonably at
Rusnaa brass shops ace correct for this.
Have the alcohol lamp filled and the
matches at hand in a tittle tray. Beeida
the chafing dlata have in readiness fur the
atirring a polished, long handled spoon.
with salt, pepper, spicee aad measuring
! Pv oaou. ,
'"' measured out in Uble-
j apooufuis. then moulded In butter bails and
j laid on a pretty plate. Have the eggs
nipped 1U a dowi ana cuvitbu wiui a
damp cloth, as aiso the cream measured
nn.t Uft In a nretfv utchor. A fork am.uia 1
be in reedineee apu-tte. catsups or, if tailed fur in the recipee to be used.
It the coog feela nerroua about forgetting
have tha rer.pte typewritten and laid where
la ta easy to acceeo. If a rerte is on the pro
gram nave tne chimes gratett.. wtugned
and In a dainty bowl, if oystare, oiams
er lobetare are te make their supears-Jce.
have the iobaters cut in piecea and meas-
'Did ym exyo-y the bpera laot
'Aarfun. I aernt wnth pack, and
be is such aa uteres arts; talkzr.
jsaai know;
&i&8p't- A nil
a B
a man with a beard and who had a Rus
sian name I couldn t catch. He bad that
Indulgent way of paying compliments that
all foreigners Tve met so tar have.
Southern men do it. toe. As If they were
saying to a small child. "Oh. see the pretty
He sat down beside me end said In a
very sentimental way. "Do you know
that you have beaut. ful eyes. Mademoi
selle?" I leaned over very near bim and said as
softly as possible. "I believe I have. Er
do you know that you have quite a large
piece of cake In your beard 7"
Johnnie and Piggy appeared lust then
and Piggy whispered, -Cut out malting
love to the foreigner, Gelllc. and give us
something to eat!"
go we were unable to save any mors
conversation, but I don't bolieve he'll men.
Uon my eyes again.
1 ured. the body of the clams freed from the
I hard portions, or the oysters drained and
I pounded. If mushrooms are In order, have
! them peeled and on a plate. Thus all the
1 essentials at hand, the aotual blending ef
; materials into dainty and tempting dishes
I goes on as if by magic under the sklll-
Now with a crackling, leaping Are tn
the grate, bright Uhts. easy chairs and
a little table spread with cheer, where will
you find a cosier staga setting for an In
cipient romance or a new forging of the
I ehains of friendship and good fellowship.
Among tha dishes tor wmcn lusts is siwae
a demand Is the Boston Welsh rabbit.
To make It cut one pound of fresh cheese
tntu small pieces. Have reu(y two medium
aised butter balls. one-ha.f to.f ll of cream.
two eggs beaten very Uht. a snaking of
pupniiii. a quartar trspissful suamad
! and aa.t
to aeaaon. The amount eannot
be determined accurately, as aome eti
c ii.Ia fur mora aait than others.
Put the cneeee in the chafing dish
blaxer and when nearly aoft add the but-
. ...... an.l nr. , I at . , li Ifttlr WAll
, -wt.. uvuuw ,
I rubbing the cheese with the back of the , 111 that avaiaoua farmhouse on the brow 'and independence.
I spoon to facilitate lis melting. Whsa well uf a steep slope of the Rappahannock, j At the youthful age ef 19 he was a
1 mixed add the cream, stir until smooth, j Here, on a big plantation largely devoted pointed district attorney general. Not lung
1 then add tha beaten eggs and stir hard ! to tobacco growing, he lived the healthy afterward he waa adjutant ef a troop, and
I for a minute. Put on tne cover to tha open air life of gentleman of -Tidewater m ins tiny manhood won fame In tap
dish and let it reart witn the fiame turned Virginia." where a epacious hospitality ITrencli and Indian, war.
(on for two or three seconds without st.r- was exercised and where tile siiipa from (Copyright, 191U, by the N Y. Herald Co.)
j'nng. then extinguish flame and serve at j England Bailed up to their very thresholds -
1 once on en pay toast that haa been dipped
; for a second only In a little boiling milk
' or water ir you are using tne not sua-
pan the toast can be dipped In that, but
a little aait must be added to the water.
Daily Health Hisxt
J Many people who suppeee (hat they have
I heart trouble ahould take steps tn discover
I whether It is the heart that neods atten
1 lion and care. Nine-tenths of the so
I called heart troubles are due to tha bad
1 condition ef the liver aad stomach.
; It is said that of any faurte becomes
,' rain spotted the spots can be removed by
' .rouing the material on the wrung side.
; placing a piece of dean white mual'n be
i tween the iron and the garment to be
prael. I have never tried the expert
j aacat, but pass oa tha inXormauoa.
uu and addraaa
Thomas AstWord. 2 79 4 South Ninth St.
Philip Blrwk. 40l) North Twnty-flfth A
Walter Brar, 4101 North Twanty-i)thth Arm
Robert Banner. 2924 North Twenty-flfth St
Opal Burks. 1622 Clara St
Charles Reed Campbell. 3004 Elm St
Mlrtha Carney, 2112 Chirano St
Bertllre Clarkaon. 2 403 North Twenty-second St...
Thomas P. Cnan, 3307 South Twentieth St
Herman rvh. U01 Ontario St
Ld!a Fuller, 1523 Marry St
Bwrth Hill. ::30 Norti Ninetnth Pt
Ir-n Hinman. 31i North Tw-nty-flfth
Luella Jacobeen. 27 4 Maple St
Fannie Jensen, 2721 Spalding St.
Theodore Johnson. 19H Charles St
Raymond Manwairen. Seventeenth and WebBter Sta
William D. McCullorh. 3434 Sailer St
Irene Nelson. 1902 South Twenty-ninth St.
Ellen NordHtrnm. 473 Seward St
Arthur O'Brien. 222S South Eighteenth St
Mary O'Halloran. Fifth and Spring; Sta St. Patrick 199 7
Floyd erhauiM'r. 333 MandeTson St... Monmouth. Prlt..l9T
Dorothy Payne?. 13 1 North Forty-first Are; Walnut Hill 194
Sebastian Ptcrola. l01 South Fifth St Lincoln ......... 190 1
Fred Pleuler. 1417 Pierre St Comenlua .......1995
Mary Pullman. 3229 Plnkney St Howard Kennedy. .1905
Mary Rager. 1120 North Fortieth St
Tracy Sallander, 420 Brown St
Edward Schlotfeld. 5603 North Sixteenth
Catharine) Sewing, 563 South Twenty-eighth St Farna.m IS97
Richard H. Shannon, 3323 Seward St
Clifford Shields. 3308 North Twenty-eighth St.
Oscar Shlrely, 3906 Dodge St
Anna Stock, 120T Chicago St
Karimlr Ssexepaniak, 42 4 Locust St
Leroy Weburg, 2710 Amen Are
Horton V. White, 172S South Thirty-second Are.... Park ,
Albert Wltiig. 3437 South Thirteenth St ...Vlatoa
Walter Woodrow, 2715 Fowler Aye
Thomas Cogan. 3507 South Twentieth
Dottie Dialogues We
"Did you sllpT' asked Dottle, anxiously,
at greeting.
"Why. no! Why?" I asked.
"Why. why? Why the why"a? she
"Ton know when it's folly to ose why's."
r reminded.
"My query was the result ef a fear that
you had slipped and broken a New Year's
resolution' she explained.
"I broke none." I declared. "I'm no curb
"Superfluous to say that you made none,
then." ahe signed.
"And yon?" I queried, crossly.
."I resolved not to ran up gas bills sit
ting In the parlor exchanging hrtgtit re
marks . with conceited young men," she
"In that case let us save gas." I cried,
joyously reaching toward the chandelier.
"He admits ha Is conceited:" she chor
tled. "Our brilliance would be sufficient to
light a ball," I saserted.
''Why don't you hire one?" sbs Inquired.
"There! Don't turn out the light."
"Then you won't make light of my re
marks?" I demanded.
"They might have had a commercial
value If the aeroplane hadn't made the
balloon a back number, shs replied, glanc
ing approvingly at tha mirror. '
"You should have taken a New Year's
pledge to shun the glass looking glass." I
added, hastily.
"It's one glass which exilaratea." she
insisted., making big eyes.
"I should have taktm January 1 to avoid
your intoxicating glances." I remarked.
"Do you find them stupefying?" shs in
terrogated, gazing straight at me.
"No. But they make my giddy.". I as
serted. "I'm liable to say wild things."
"Coward"' shs accused, stretching her
eyes wide and then lowering the lids.
"I cower before your lashes." I confessed.
"I have an ecu-llat, he never will be
missed." she sang.
"You woulda t make a good teacber." I
"Why?" ahe demanded.
"You just can t make your eye pupils
behave." I enlightened.
"Aren t we becoming egotistical T' shs
asked, "talking of nothing but eye. eye.
"Aye. art, uaptain." I affirmed.
"The very 1-dear'" alia drawled.
"You are. but why talk about if"' I
Some Famous Children of History
From George Washington, the exalted
hero. It Is pleasant to turn to Washington.
"the human boy." who lived with his
widowed mother, two brothers and a aiatar
Even la hla boyhood Wsshlnglon was
. famous throughout the countryside
nret attended school kept by
bond-servant of hia father, in
a school-
house that stood In a field exiiaustod by
toe growth of tooacco and now allowed to
grow up to pines. Tha uncertain epelllng
of hla early letters done not apeak, too
well for Hobby s pedagogy. But the boy
learned other thlnga Here be took delight
In diapiaymg the mamsl spirit that dom
inated him. He turned his eenoel mates
ante soldiers and drilled them In parades
and sham fights In which hs waa Invari
ably the commander-in-chief.
His tad figure, hla warm temper, his
naturally dominating disposition immed
iately pat hi in at tha bead of his feilawa
He was a superb athlete, and many stor
ies are told of his remarkaula achieve
ments In running, wrestling, leaping, pitch
ing quoits anal tosaiiiaj iron bars.
At IS he had pu ked up enough knowl
edge ut surveviBg Ut ee sent beyond tils
akwat. Taar.
Bancroft 1904
Sarmtnrm i . 1 M
Monmauia Prlt. .1"7
High tt
Kellom k 1U
Windsor !!
CentTa! tSOJ
Lalm 1901
Vinton 19"
Vinton ....19
LarenwortH 1913
Laku 1904
Sr ,Hih ........... 1S9
. Howard Kennedy.. lUt
. .Lothrop -...1900
. Kellom ..19
.Cass '....101
.Monmouth Par. .1901
.Dupont 19"4
.Walnut HiU 1903
.Castellar 191
High 1995
Central Park 1905
St Sherman .19
Franklin 19
Sacred Heart 1904
Farnam 1903
Cass 1995
Im. Conception. ...1999
Saratoga, ........1905
Street . . ,
. Saratoga 1999
Vinton 1900
Ereak 5ew Te', -i-tM
Mil tfUCMbSM.
"Have yeu become, accustomed to the
new year?" she tacked;
"No, I still spoil good staUtonerr writing
1310.' " I owned. "Can t get rlil at tha
"That's nothing to get rid of," aha
stated. "Whjr dont you swear eft writing
"Being broke sftar Christmas I suppose)
I hava to 'O' everything." I heatwreg.
"I suppose there's much wreckage tn the
pawnshops this week," she g sawed.
"Why?" I bit.
"So many broken pledges," ahe glsgled.
"Cncie Joke, anon."-1 grasped, weakly.
"If you don't like It. return It like aa
unsuitable Christmas present." ahe chal
lenged. "Patience, patience!" t admonished.
"You talk Ilka an attendant hi a phy
sician's office," she decided.
"I sort of planned systematla eserriae
for this year, beginning the first," I medi
tated. "What sort of exercise?" she wanted te
"Tj develop nimblaneee and agility hs
adle-atafipinaT designing young women," I
murmured, caut lonely.
"Oh, do you know any designers?" she
"At least one." I alleged.
"And how does the (raining go" sat
"It goes now Tm tired of It." I moaned.
.Copyright, UU. by the N. Y. Herald Ca.)
Bl ie Ridge to survey the laoda of Lrg
1 fr'airfax. a task which oerupted Sim far
tares years and laid the foundation, far his
future greatness, teaching nun endurance)
Fada of Women
Asy woman who understand erorhedag
' can max a pretty tove from yarns and
worsteda A gay ball that would
I giv a baby or email ciuid aurb pleasure
is a straight piaca of crocheting, sown te
! getber to form a ring
Into true ring a ruboer bait is alios ad
and ths ends drawn up with baby nbbea.
When soiled the "ball case'' caa be washed
and replaced.
Attractive colonnga ehouid be chooea.
Pretty girdies for negilgeea. house gowns,
etc.. are made by taking .k cord la a sae
dlum axe and knutt:ng it at lnuervxla aay,
of three inches. This Is eaught dowa,
lightly around the wast. the unknotted
cord falling duwn the front and