GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET mm iiooit the Wheat market at me Opening Saturday. CORN MAEKET SHOWS GOOD TONE Klrfartk f WbMl Help to AdTaar V1n Offering Mark Lighter Tail Klaerted Seatlnsent Farar an AtiiP. ' ' . OMAHA. Jan. 3. 191L Bull ught the wheat miirket bar of offerings with strong advance In Liver pool and boosted valu sharply at the optnlng. -f The erre rnld wave over the winter whMt belt, which la protected only by a slight covering of mow, la expected to do amna. 'I he corn market onntlnues to ahow Rood lone and the atrenKth In wheat helped to advance values today, offer rigs are much lighter than expected and sentiment favors an advance. - The strength In Liverpool early gave wheat a hlifher opening and value were V ateadlly advanced by general commission hntis buying. Cash demand waa sct'V and aalea ahowed an advance of c to 14e. With aympathy trt the advance In wheat and generally bullish aentlment, corn regls tered another advance. The market haa a firm tone and ch condition are likely to Improve, owing to tji cold, anapplng aeather. Price on caah Bale were ViO to ,c higher. Primary wheat recelpta wr bu. nd ahlpment were lW.flnO bu., agalnat re ceipts laat year of mi.WO bu. and ahlpmenta of 224.O0O bu. Primary corn recelpta were 1. 110.000 bu. . and ahlpmenta were 76.ofa bu.. agalnat re ceipt laat year of 876,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of jiVi.unn bi. Clearance war (30,000 bu. of oorn. l.OnO bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to L'Hfi one mi Liverpool cloned 1H4 higher on wheat and tld higher on corn. ' ' Ummha Caah Prleea ' tt'HFMT '-NO. l hard. 9034rV.; No. 8 hard. kBII4c; No. 4 hard, 82H591e; re jected hard. 78a89c; No. 2 eprlng, iru93',c; .No. 3 eprlng, nhUVO. CORN No. 2 white, 19VJT404o; No. 1 white. 3Vc; No. 4 white. 38Vu.W'tc; No. 2 yellow,. H(i39c;- No. 3 yellow, ax'u; o; No. 4 yellow, a8V,,uK,c; No. 2. 39Vl'3yc; No. 3, 33.Wc; No. 4, Wa.TSViC; no Brad. OATS-Standard, 204r?304c; No. white, 2Va30c; No. I white, 21'V0:0: No. 4 white, IK,r2,c: No. 1 yellow, M'Sc; No. 4 yellow, 2Wi2'e. BARLF.Y No. 2," WVq'X&c; No. 4. 75Oc; No. feed, W(Mc; rejected, 6G4f0c. KYPJ No. 2, 7Wn79c; No. S, 77i-T8c. The following caah Bales were reported: WHKAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 92c; No. 2 hard. 2 car. 14,c; No. 2 hard. 1 car, 91Vic: No. 2 hard, 1 car, lPi No. 8 hard 1 c ar (Turkey), 94c; No. 2 hard, 4 cara. 91c; No. " 4 hard. I car, 80c;' No. 4 hard, 1 car, HSVfco; No, 2 mixed, 4 car, 9So; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 91c; No. 2 mixed, 4 car, 93c; No. 8 mixed, 1 car. 9Uc, CORN NV. 8 white. 2 cara. 40c; No. 4 color, 1' car Ssc No. 8 yellow, 10 car. SNVic; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 890; No. 3 mixed, 24 car, 304c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, OATS No. 3 -white, 7 car, 20c; No. 3 white. 1 car, 2fV,c; No. 4 white. 2 car. 89c; No. 4 white, 2-- car. 21c; No. 8 yellow, 1 car. 29140; So. 4 yellow, 1 car, 294c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car ...... ert Recelpta. " ' Wheat. Com. Oat. Chicago ...e, 34 838 263 Minneapolis 833 ... ... Omaha 08 94 63 Duluth 20 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading and Closing; Price on Boar of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Unprotected field and sever weather outhet caused a tlff advance In the prtc of wheat. The rlae wan aided,, by diminishing receipts, espe cially the northwest and higher markets in "Europe. Latest sale showed a net gain of lMilc to l,c. In corn the finish waa c to V P. "ts wer dearer by 4C to ,;li'ic up, and hop; product 2Vc off to 12Vic advance.. - Wheat. shorts covered freely and the larger local bull with an Increaalng num ber of follower Wight until the extreme top figure of the day were reached. Then the leader began selling and there was a alight recession, but the cloae waa strong within a ahada of the highest Point. The southwestern -markets . failed to follow lully, all northwestern-centera belnr rela tively I higher . than hare.. -World ahlpment proved far les than expected, Russian ex ports falling tiff 8.000.000 bushel. May rangrd from f7N,c to 9Sc, and closed Hie net higher at SKWc. Lighter offerings in the country, the result, of artlo temperature, gave corn a strong atart. May fluctuated between 484 and 49SC closing atasdy, VuHc up to 49o. Cash corn was firm. No. 2 yellow finished at 4'4'ij4t$VjC. ' Oats made a moderate gain In price. May varied from 3Wc to 34VlWc, and In the end waa c net higher at 84',o. A packer sold provisions on a large scale. When trading-ceased, pork was left with 7Ho to 1240 gain; lard down 21Vc, and ribs at 2'ic loss to a rls of 2HiJc. Prices In Chicago furnishe By Th Up dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas U'.i. 708 ttrandets building, Omaha. Article. Open.) High. Low. Cloae. Yesy. Wheat I ! I 71;98!!KS(f97 93 aa,i 4 4S wun 49 49 . 49-S 6oVi50SH. 60 May... July... Sept.. Corn May... July... Sept... Oats May. , July... Sept... Pork Jan. ... May... Lard Jan..., May... Kll.s Jan'.. May... 97HHT4I IMS in -si srn.iS l i :4S4 4 WVal " (1 84S I 84V.I 84VI 84 34e,iui 844, 84l84VSi, X) , 33Wr. ' l 18 7S' 1 00 1 75 12 00 10 65 10 3S 1 4S 1 75 I 19 52Va 19 ft 18 82H 10 45 10 20 10 82 18 7ZV4 18 75 10 40 I 10 42 io bi 10 36 I 10 8S 10 15 I 10 17V. 10 SK 10 35 I 80 2Va I 77ai CHEESE-Steady; daiale. 16164c; twina, 14i&14'4C. young Americas, 15WUVkc; long burn. 15U15lo. Caah quotation were as follow: FlOL'K Wulet; winter patenta, 84.20g4.TlS; straights. 8j.rhii4.6u; spring atraights, KOvii) 4.70: bakera, 83.4r5.00. HYB Nav. 2. SlWo. . BA HLEY Feed or mixing, 80(8'71c; fair lo choice malting. s3&tc. 8KH18 Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 82.38-, No. 1 northwestern, 82.67. Timothy, $10.00. Clover. 81500. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $19.75 (iM.iM. Ird. per I'M Iba. ,"i.4iv; short ribs, sides (loose), r'..'Vifll" 8'1; short clear sides (boxed). 310.62,0 10.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour were eiiual to Siw.UiO bu. Primary receipts were 7S5.0uO bu., compared with t3,00 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in th United 8tates In creased 8K3.0U0 bu. for the week. Th amount of breadstuff on ocean paseaga de creased 1.63t.A bu. Umimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 7 car; corn, 707 cars; oats. &i2 car; hogs. 30.OU0 head. Chicago Caah Prices Whent: No. I red, .--Stiwic; No. 8 red, 3SSjH&c; No. 2 hard. sfeVaac: No. 3 hard. 83 So laic; No. 1 north ern apnng, 11 06tJ 10H; No. 2 northern apring, 81W1I; No. 8 apring. lecfcllOS. Corn: No. 2. 4t41C No. 8. 44s46c; No. 2 white, 4d 44c: No. 8 white. 4i46o; No. 2 yellow, 41'a4lt'; No. 3 yellow, 444uc. Oata: No 2. SJc; No. 2 whIU. SVwSac: No. 8 white S-'sn'Ji'Hc; No. 4 white. 81Vo33c; standard. S.'vfl.'c. HL'TTER Crmrte. S!c; datrle. 21 (i 'ic. I (J OB Firm; receipts. 1.413 caaea; at mark, c-aae Inoluded lKS-jil'o, ftrata, 80u; prune firsts. 83c-. - PoTATOEti Steady; choir to fancy, 413 lie; fair to good. &J4?c. lOll.TRT-Steady; turkeys, llv. 17c; turkex. draaaed, 21c; hens, llv. l?c; rirvaaed, 13i strings, live, lto; springs, tiresed. lJc. VKAL Steady; 10 to tt-lb. wts., 7VS; 60 to to-Ib. wis.. 8i)10c; M to 110-lb. wts. Ua!lc. Chlgo Reeeplts Wheat. 84 cara; corn, S3 cars; oata, W3 cara. Estimated tomor row: Wheat. (7 eara; com, 7ii7 cars; oats. U.J cars. v Peoria Market. "KOI'.I. Jan. 3 -CORN Higher; No. f yellow,-44Sie; No I yellow. 4Sg44c; No. 3. 43h44o; No. 4. 42c; sample. 4Sc. OATS Higher; whit, 3:"c; No. 3 while, 81c; No. 4 white. 21 -e. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jsn. 2 Hl'TTKR Kirin: extra aeatern creamery 31c; nearby nit 3-tc. i; IS-rarc'. Pennsylvania and other . ... .- f,cm "c at mark t-ur-rent receipts la returnabl caaea. 35o at mark; western firsts, free caaea. 87e at mark; current receipts, free caaea, 3To at mark. HKKSE-."Steady; New York full creams, fancy. Septemlier. IS-Sc; (X-tober, 144'ul"Ci fair to good. 14'ul4V. KRW TURK UKTKKAL MARKET Qaotatloas of the Day Vsrlsss fomaaoalfle. NEW YCR, Jan. a-FLOUR Firm; spring patenta. In.loyA 40; winter stralghta. I41fi4".; winter patents, $4.40ti4.76; spring cloars. 4 mi4.40; winter extras, 33 .sa3.7o; winter extras No. 2. $.1 2f.a.l.40; Kansas uralghta. I4fM4f".. Rye flour, atady; fair to good, H.'AtH.Zf. choice to fancy, 14 4V(j4 75. Buckwheat flour, dull; 3'.' 2o per lvo pounds. COKNMKAL Steady; fine white and yel low, fl.a.; coarse, l.l.'-ul. J, kiln 'dried, WHEAT Spot market strong; No. 2 red, 9-S elevatoi, Wc t. o. to. alloat; No. 1 northern Kulutli. 81.i0:c t. o. b. afloat. Future market was ilrm snd higher, tol- lonlng firm cabin snd Influenced by the strength In the northwest sna on me com weatiii-r In the west, closing ISO to lr net higher. May, 31.3 ft-Mt l.tK1, t-lowed H o4', July, cloaed 1 0!. Receipts, 64.0HU bu.; xhlpments, bu. CORN Spot market steady; No. 1 new, 62"4iC. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa without transactions, closing at c net ad vance. Mayr cloeed 57'c. Receipts, 261,125 bu.; shipments, 84.4PO bu. OAT 8it market steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing hC net higher. May. ched 4c; July. 391o. Receipts, i'7.7d0 bu. ; shipments. 1,260 bu. HAY Dull; No. 1. 3110; No. 2. 4100; No. 8, W(lSfC. Hops P'lrm; common to choice, 1910, 2i(c; lwr), IfiftlDci I'aclfio coast, liUO, lMtJOc; 1!4, litjlec HIDKM 1 Mill, Central America, 21ic; Bogota. 22i23c. LKATHKK Quiet; hemlock firsts, tVc; swonrts, thirds, l!ti20c; re- jfctf, IG'tlTc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 322.00 tiTJ.rVO; family. t23.4sVd"24.60; short clears. 320 OWu 22.00. Heef. stesdy; mess, 313.0iM 14 0". family, $lS.U"ij 18.60; beef hams, 324.60 i& 27.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, 1" to 14 pounds. 13VjHc; pickled hams, 12Hc. Ird, firm; middle west, prime, 310.7.(&10.tid; refined, quiet; continent, 311.26; South America, Jll.'7; compound, 8S.75((ji 9.00. BUTTER Kasy; creamery specials. 30c; extras, 2SVd2c; thirds to firsts, 234i7c; creamery, held, thirds to special, 2-'f'(?atc ; state, dairy, common to finest, 2tV(i'2Hc; process, common to special, 204j244c Imita tion creamery, first, 22r23c; factory held, 2241 22c; factory, current make, 80H'22c. CHEI-WE Steady; skims, 2jl24c KOOH Firm; western gathered, white, 8.Vu40c; fresh gathered, extra firsts, 3tit37c; fresh gathered, firsts, 34y3rc; fresh gath ered, seconds, .W(j-33c; refrigerator, firsts. In local storage, 24(fB4lc ; refrigerator, seconds, 22'V231c. POULTRY Dressed, dull; western chick ens, ll'al7c; fowls, Hl5c; turkeys, 1822c. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT Indication Are for Rlalna; Tempera taro la the .Vallera. OMAHA, Jan. S, 1911. The cold wave that awept down over the Missouri valley Saturday night, ha ex tended outh to the west gulf states and east over the lake region and Ohio valley. Zero weather Is reported this morning as far south as Texas and temperatures well below tero prevail east over the upper lake and lower Ohio valley. An area of low pressure, accompanied by a rapid rise In temperature, la moving down from the northwest, and the temperature will rise ateadlly In thla vicinity tonight And Wedneaday. The lowest temperature at Omaha this morning whs II degrees below sero. It Is still very cold in the upper val leys and temperaturues ranging from 20 to 911 below sero are reported In the Hakotas, Minnesota and the tipper lake region. The cold wave Is- very sever In the lower val leys and West gulf states; It was only 20 above at Oalveston and waa below f reel ing at New Orleans. . 1911. 1910. 1909. 190R. Lowest last night 14 1 28 36 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today. 21 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 14. 58 Inches. Excess corresponding- period 1910, 4.78 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909, 5.83 Inches. v L. A. WEIJiH, Local Forecaster. St. I.oala General Market. BT. IOUI8, Jan. 8. WHEAT Futures, higher; May, V.c; July, 94c; caah, higher, track No. 2 red, Wc&fl.uO; -No. 2 hard, DGctl.OO. CORN Higher; May, 46c; July, 49c; caah higher; track No. 2, 44c; No. 2 white, 44yc. OATS Firm; . May, 33V4&33He; ca' highei ; track No. 2, 32c; No. 2 wtiHe, 83Vc. it YE Unchanged at 83o. LOUH ftteauy ; red winter patent, 34.40dj4.76; extra fancy and straight, 83.90Q); hard winter clears, 33.2ou4.iK. tJlihD Timothy, 8u.009.60. CORNMKAL 2.30. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, 21.030 1.04. HAY Firm; timothy, $14.00 18.50; prairie, $12.00o 14.60. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $19 60. Lard, firm; prime aieam, IiO.IVqJ 10.27. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxeu extra ahoita, 10c; clear ribs, luvc; short clears, Ho. Bacon, unchanged; boxed ex tra shorts, 12'c; clear ribs, 12Vsc; short clears, 12Hc. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 11c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 18c; ducks, 14c; geese, 11c BUTTER Steady; creamery, 26u30c. KUUS Higher, 28c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl. 13.0K) 0u0 Wheat, bu H0.CO0 37.0U) Corn, bu 149,000 44,OoO Oata, bu 172.0UO 26,0u0 Kanaaa Cltr Grain and ProTlaloaa. KANSAS CITY, Mo Jan. 2. WHEAT May, 9tc, bid; July, Dlc, bid. Cash, un changed to lc higher; No. 2 hard, 9mo96Vtc; No, 3 hard. Hlac; No. 2 red, StviPKc; No. 8 red. Utilise. CORN May, 47H,47Vic. bid; July, 48 4H;-,c, bid. Cash lo higher; No. 2 mixed. 42((43u; No. 8 mixed, 42u42,o No. 2 white, 42'vu(3c; No. 8 white, 42'a42Wc OA'PS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 22&33c; No. 2 mixed, 31310. RYE No. 2. 74'a77c. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $14.009 14.60; choice prairie, $11.6012.00. BUTTER Creamery, 2c; first, 26c; sec onds, 23c; packing atock, 17(c. EOOS Extras, 32c; ftrata, 30c; second. 19H. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 112,000 53.000 Corn bu 82.000 4M.OU0 Oats bu f. 10,000 Minneapolis Grain -Market. MINNEAPOLIS,- Jan. 3 WHEAT May, $l.O7Vt!'1.07V; wJly. $!.0774'0l08; cash; No. 1 hard, $1.07; No. 1 northern, $1.011.07l4; No. 2 northern, $1.03igl.o6; No. 3, $1.024 U104. FLAX Closed at $2.48't. CORN No. 2 yellow, 42-'S4So. OATS No. 8 white, 2!H4jJuc. BY H No. 2, 77(i"Sc. FLOUR First patents 34.9af('5.45; second patents, $4.86.36; firt clears, $3.3ti'(i3.75; second clears, $2.8.Vu3.9j. BRAN In 100 pound sacks. $21.0O$21.50. V isible gopply of Grain. NEW YORK. Jan. 3 -The vlslbl supply of grain In the United State on Saturday. December 31. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follow. Wheat. 44 2S2.0U0 bu. ; Increase. SU.Ouo bu. Corn. 6 0s."u0 bu. j Increase. 1.790.OOO bu. Oats. lt.2;7.UiO bu. ; Incrtase, l.tti oj0 bu. Rye. 491.000 bu : increaae. 3.V bu. Barley. l.i0,0U0 bu. ; .ncrease, I'Vj.OiiO bu. The visible supply of wheat in Canada on Saturday, lecemler 31. was 12,Vja,iuO bu.; an Increase of 1.4 0,000 bu. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU Jan. 8-WHEAT-Spot firm; No. 2 red wentern. winter. 7s 2lxd; futures, firm; March, 7s ul. May 7s 2Sd. CORN Spot quiet; new American mixed, 4s 7Vyl; old American mixed. 6s I1!), fu tures, steady; January, 4s 7Hd; February, 4a J4d, May. 4s 6d PEAS Canadian, firm: 7s d. FlAJUR Winter patents, steady, 29s 6d. Mllnaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 3. FIX)UR-Hisher. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1 07ViU 1 09; No. 3 northern. $l(kl.u7: Mav. sSc bid. OATS-stanoam. 32(i3.ic. BARLEY Samples, k.lijr)iic. i Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Jan 3. HAT No. 1. $10; No. 2, t00; packing, to OmT 00; alfalfa. 811 00. Straw: Wheat. $J.5o; rye, $ 60; oats, 87.00. Oil and Koala. SAVANNAH. Oa . Jan. 3 -TURPENTINE Firm; T7'ii77Sc; aalea. 623 bbla. ; re ceipt. .34T bblx.; ahlpmenta, 620 bbla.; stix'ks. H.74 bbls.. Hi is IN" Firm; sales. 4 60 bhls. ; receipts. 4 80? bbla ; ahljmvnta. 6.814 bbla : atocks, k:um itia. viuotationa: H. .. afcu: D, .". : ;.w ; e. $.'. !bit:.i6: F. $s9;v07v,; J. W.r; W; H. 81 10; 1 til0!i 30; K, 8 io. M. $;.:. N, 7.iu7.-; W. U., $;.; W. W 87 3i. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS First Session of Mew Year Marked by Sustained Strength. TRADING AGAIN PROFESSIONAL Sahataatlal Galaa vnle General, Bnt Advance la largely Dae to Cover In; Call Money Open nt ls Per Cent. NEW TORK Jan. 3. Apart from it aua talned atrength, the flrat sesalon of the new year on the Stock exchange differed In no Important particular from the closing daya of last year. Trading was agan piofesalonal and limited more than usually to the speculative favorHes. Substantial gains were quite general, but the advance was largely due to coveting of short com mitments. Call money opened at 6 per cent and according to report Standard Oil brokers loaned large sums at that figure, but toe rate soon fell at a fraction from the top. Foreign exchange was slightly .strong and likelihood of gold import ' I now more remote. Local banks received large sums of currency from western and southwest ern correspondents and the week-end ought to find this center once mora strong in ca'h. American ecur1tle were reactionary in London, where the market for foreign bonds wa slightly weak. Private dis counts were lower In London and opinion there Inclined toward a reduction of the bank rate later In the week. Tn heavy year-end drain on the Imperial Rank ot Oermany was shown In that inatttutlon'a weekly statement, which reported a cash loss of 827.000,000, reduced gold holdings of $18,000,000 and an Increase In loans and discounts of 3137.000,000. Copper exports for December wer slightly In excess of those for the same month of 1909 and the visible supply of the metal abroad shows a decrease, but copper shares were Inclined to heaviness on the continental exchanges. The bond market wa firm on diminished dealings. Total sales, par value, $3,191,014). United .States bond wer unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: Sales. High. Low. CIom. Allls-Chalmers pfd 274 Amalgamated ('neper 13,iwo 41 s American Agricultural ... 71k) 46 4 American Bret Sugar 4f 4.1 4? 4 Anrlean Can I. nio S I1 Amrrlcaii C. A F l.!0 61 4 60 '4 51 H American Cotton Oil ? M (IH - MS American H. L. ptd.... 1J0 BT4 82 Am. Ica Securities ; , 17 S American Linseed 11 American Locomotive sno M 3j g American 8. A R 4,1 no 74 7? 14 Am. g. & R. pfd luO loaa 1"3'4 log Am. Steel Foundries 4m 44 3 43- Am. sugar Refining eoo 116 114H 114V American T. T 1,000 141 14DV4 141 American Tobacco pfd B3 American Wnnlnii 3110 fll SO 31 Anaconda Mining Co Mm S't la4 as Atchison 4,D lots K'H Atchison pfd mo int 111044 ino4 Atlantic cmuit Line oo llTVi 117 11T4 Baltimore Ohio l.frx) 1H 10 1IWS4 Uetlllahem fitnol 29 Brooklrn Rapid Tr 1,I0 Tb 74T4 7BS Canadian Pacific I.M10 1'4 WS lVs Cerulial Leaihor I.S'O at 44 11 Vj 91 Central leather pfd 100 104 104 Ki44 Central of New Jersey ; 2 Chesapeake Ohio 40 s Sl gov ' "1 Chicago A Alton -. t Chicago O. W nw mo 1H4 11 21 C. O. W. pfd 100 461, V,' 4SVt Chicago N. W n) uv Ui U2 Ci. M. St. P t.VM) 1244, 123 82414 C, :., C. A 8t. L IO f.V4j AH 64 Colorado F. A 1 400 Slv, It 114, Colorado A Southern K 67', M'4 f74 Consolidated Oas 8.900 137V 11644 1R7S4, Corn Products .- 44 Delaware A Hudson 1(8) K4V4 14"4 145 lienver A Rio Urands 100 28V4 3814 V D. A R. U. pfd 7 niadllers 'Securities 47 te 1,100 M 174 iAV, F.ris 1st pfd sit, Krle 2d .ptd 4S14 Oeneral Electrlo l.nno 151V, 151 I6H4 Great Northern pfd 1K 12444 14 liiVj ret Northern Ore etfs... ino MV 64V, MV4j Illinois Central fn) lis 112 132'4 InterhoroUKh Mat 700 1 1 19V, Int. Met. pfd 600 54V4 MV, 64 Intsmatlonal Harrsstar .. 1,800 111 Inn 11014 Int, Marine pfd 100 1644 1644 16V, Intsmatloaal Paper ........ - 100 12V, 12Vi 1244 International Pump ,. 1,1. 40 40V4 Iowa Central 100 lg 14 171,, Kansas City Southern..... 00 IS 81 13'4 K. C. 80. pfd 101) 44V4 4V4 4 Laclede Oaa , too 107 10 10414. Louisville A NaahTtlla 000 146 V, 14444 144 Minn. A Bt. Louis 100 . XV, 10 V. 24 M., Bt. P. A g. I. at I ill M K. A T..k J0 V4 11V4 liVi M., K. A T. pfd 44 MlMourt Pacific 8,600 4444 47V4 ; 44 National Blsoult '.' tot 111 1UV4 118V4 National Lead 1 64 N. R. R. of M Id pfd... 0 14S 4V, M New Turk Central a.400 UIV4 111 11244 N. T., O. A W 40V4 Norfnik A Western 4,700 1014 101 V4 10144 North American 40 4644 4tV, 46V4 Nurthern Paelflo 4,400 111 114 117'4 Pacific Mall ' 28 Pennsylvania I.onu 11614 1284, lz People's Uae 400 lftV4 106V, 106 P., C, C. A St L 7 Plltshurg Coal 100 104 107V4 107 Pramed Steel Car M) 10 80V, SHVi Pullman Palace Car ' tft 140 161 140 Hallway Steal Spring 81 Reading 11,600 1524, 160V4 16244 Republic Steel 1 Republic gleel pfd , 42V4 Rock Island Co i.Smi s t H Rock laland Co. ptd 1, 100 404 40 6044 St. L. A 8. F. 3d pfd 700 !V4 1SV4 3SU St. Louis 8. W 2,,j- St. L. H. W. pfd 700 61V4 ' 6844 41 sloss-8haffleld 8. A 1 4 Southern Pacific, sx-dlr... I.MO U4V4 114V4 USV, southern Hallway 1,1 no 17Hi 1V4 17"4 So. Rallwar p(d 100 4244 42 424 Tenneaeea iVjpper 600 34 Vj 1.144 84V4j Texas A Pacific J"0 f.' 26 M, 14 T., Bt. L. A W I0 llj MV4 11 T., St. L. A W. pfd 400 624, 11 6J t nliMi pacific I1.W10 173 li9 17214 I'nlon Pacific pf1 lo 13V4 1 MV4 United States Realty t I'nlted Statea Rubber 87 Untied Statea Bteal P5.400 73V, 7144 73 I'. 8. Steel pfd 1.400 117 116V4 117 Utah Copper 1.M0 44 44 '4 46 Va. -Carolina Chemical .... 1,1m 43V, 24 41 Wabaah it Wabaeh pfd 600 S6V4 36 15 Western Maryland 3.100 61 6 6ti Weatlnghnuse Electric .... 100 , 44 44 4T.V4 Western I'nlon 100 71 71 73 VA Wheeling A L B 4V, Lehigh Valley 14,100 177 174 177V4 Total salea fdr tha dar, 191.100 aharaa. London Stock Market. LONDON, Jan. 8. American securities wer dull and teatureless during tho flrat hour of trading today. Price at noon ranged from above to '4 below parity. l.ondon closing stock quotations: Cons., money.. 78v-lL. & N .....HSVi do account .... 7iM., K. & T 32,, Amal. Copper ... 3vN. Y. Central. ...116 Anaconda 8 Norfolk & W lOMVk Alcnison 104 V4 do pfd HI do pfd 104 Ontario A W 42 Bal. A Ohio lo&4 Pennsylvania .... 66V. Canadian Pac. ..201vjKand Mine Chea. A Ohio.... 82 Heading 774 Chicago G. W.... 20tk. Hallway 27V C, M. A St. P. ..127 do pfd 64 De Beer 17'iSo. Paciflo 117 D. & K. G 2v,tnion Paciflo .'..l,o- do pfd ban, do pfd Do Erie 2S-tL S. Steel 74 do lat pfd 417, do pfd 120'4 do 2d pfd 36 Wabash 10 Grand Trunk ... 24 do ptd Sov, Illinois Cea 1J6 (Spanish 4s 90 S1LVFR Bar. steady at 2Ud 'per ounce. MONEY 241.2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short b lis is 3'vu't per cent; for three months' bills, JWu 6-16 per cent. - Boston Mln laax Stock. 'losing quotation on BOSTON, Jan. 8 stocks wer us folio Alloues 14 Amal. Copper 1 A. Z. L. A 8 14 Arlaona Cum 14V4 Mohawk NeTatla Con. ... Mplasing Mines North Uutte .... 44 ls lo 4V 17 Mi Atlantic 6 B. A C. C. A 8. M. 11 Butta Coal I turn 1 North Lake Old Dominion ... oacaola .124 Cal. A Arlaona 47 ParroU 8. A C 1 V4 C.I A Hecla 640 Wulncy . . TO .. U .. 4! .. 6 .. 11 .. 6o .. S5 .. .. 1 .. 4 .. 4', ..114 4Nitnnlal lVa Copper Range C. C. 4Va snai.non Superior Superior A B. M. East Butte -. M i Kranklin 6 Superior A P. .'.. Olroux Con 4 Uranbjr Con 14 Oreene Cananea s lle Hoyale Cotiper.. 161, Keer Laek 4 Lake Copper I La Salle Copper '4 altaml Copper 14 Tamarack I. S. . Jl. A M do pld, ftah Con t'tah t'4ppff Co.. Wlnot.a , WolTerma Old. Mew Tark Mlalag Stuck. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Closing quotations on the Mining exchange: Alice 11 Little Chief 1 Com. Tunnel stork.. 1 Neiican 70 do bonda 14 Ontario 160 Coo Cel. A Va 72 Oplilr l; Horn Silver Standard w lion Silver h" Yellow Jacket i: Leedvllle Con II Suffered. Hank mt Germany Statement. BEHLIN. Jan. S. The weekly atatemcnt of the Imperial Hank of Oermany shoe. a the following changes: Cash in hand de creased 108 114.000 marks: loans. Increased 274 rtT.OU marks; discounts. Increased 72. :."..!, v marks; treasury hills Increased 81 Sc4.00tj marks; Bote In circulation, in- creased 444 JfM nun marks: deposlta. In creased g1.7oi4) marks; gold In hand, de creased 7K.;ia7.000 msrks. Mevr Vnrk Maaes- Market. NEW TOR1C Jan. 3 MONF.Y-On call, firm; 5Cui per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; closing hid, i per cent; offered at S per rent. Time loans dull and stesdy; sixty days, 3Vy4 Per cent; ninety daya, 3 per cent; six months, 384 per cent. PHI. MR MERCANTILE PAFF-nVilpS per cent. 8TK1UJNO EXCHANOK-Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 Silojr 4 8U2.r for sixty-day bills and at 84 8-.15 for demand: commercial bills, $4.81H4 81T. SILVER Har. toc; Mexican dollars, 46o. BONLNB Uavernment steady; railroad firm. Closing quotations on bonds today wer as follows: V. 8. ref. 2a. reg. .! 1nt, M. M. 4Vks ... da coupon 1"0" Japan 4a - V. 8. 3a. reg 1M do 4e ; 4-S do coupon 1"1 K. C. So. let la ... 7.1S U. 8. 4a, rg H4L. 8. deb. 4a IM1... : do coupen 113', L. A N. unl. 4s SS Allle-Clial. 1st 6s... ll'tl. K. A T. 1st 4a.. 7w, Am. Ag 6s l"i do 4a 8t Am. T. A T. ee. 4s..lbMo. Pacific 4s 77 Am. Tbbacco 4s 4 N. R. H. of M. 4Vks 44 do s IU614N. T. It. g. lv,s 10 Armour A Co. 4V4S.. do deb. 4a M Atchison gen. 4s.... SHN. V., N. H. A H. . do ev. 4er. 10s ct. 4a 11114, do c. 6a p4 N. A W. 1st e. 4a... n"i A. C. U 1st 4s 14 do ct. 4s !! B. A IX. 4s No. Pacific 4s P do 24S - 49 la 10 do 8. w. 24a ti4 0. S. L. rfdg 4s t.'l Hnoh, Tr. cv. 4s.... l.t4Penn. or. tvs 1414.. M cen. of Oa. 6a 107V, go con. 4a 10! Ceo. Leather 6s 4, Heading gen. 4s C. of N. J. g. f.a....l2iSSl. L. A 8, F. fg. 4s 47 Chee. A Ohio 4 4a.. HilS do gen. 6s 4 do "ef. 6a 4 9t. U 8. W. c. to.. 731 Chicago A A. 1W . 70 da 1st gold 4s w4 C. B. A Q. J. 4s.... . A. L. 4s 74H, do gen. 4s M Sn. Pacific col. 4s... ! C. M. A B. P. g lVa 43 do ct. 4s 7 C. R. 1. A P, c. 4s. 71 do let ref. 4a 44 do rfg. 4s svH'so. Rallwar 6a 107V, t'nlo, Ind. 6a no, do gen. 4a 4's Colo. atld. 4s 44 Union Pacific 4s loess O. A 8. r. A s. 4Sa do ct. 4s n4 D. A H. ct. 4a 444 do 1st A ref. 4a... 74 D. A R. O. 4 43'4t'. S. Rubber 6s 101 do ref. ( "4l'. 8. Steal Id 6s....lu4'4 Distillers' Ss 74V4, y a. -ro. Cham. 6s..l4 Bria p. 1. 4s 4i4w abash In 6a linr-t do gen. 4a 71V4 o 1st A ax. 4s.... 44 do ct. 4s. ser. A 74 Western Md. 4s !K?4j do aeries B 44 West. Rlee. CT. 6s... D2 O.n. Blec. or. 6a . .144 Wis. Central 4s 43 III. Cen. 1st ref. 4a.. 87 Mo. Pac sr. 6a 1V Int. Met. 44S 74 . Bld. "Offered. 1 I. seal Seonritle. Onntatlon furnlahad br Burns. Brink k Co., 44 New Omaha National bank build ing: Btd. Asks. Council Bluffa Water Co 41 4 flu ef Omaha 4s. 1411 n 4 Clir Nat' I Dank Bldg. 4a. 1 N 47 Columbua. Nek., Else. Lt. 4a. 1M4 41 Colorado Tel. Co. uar. f .4 66 V4 Saat St. Louis and Bub 4a. Ml 48 48 Fairmont creamery let g per beat rl 104 Uaneral Motor pfd 9 per cent 71 44 Iowa Portland Cement 1st 4s t 100 Kansas City 44. isl. Ca. as. UTX 44 17 Met. It. Br. 4s, Mil , s Michigan Stats Tel. 44. 1M4 4 14 Omaha Gas 4a, 117 47 V4 s Omaha Water 6a, 1441 44V4 M Omaha Watsr Id pfd 4 Omaha 81. Ar. (a. 1114 4 101 Omaha A O B. St Rf. as, IIM M 7 O. A C. B. t. nr. ptd, a par esnt 11 ss o. A C. B. It. Ry pid. com 4 17 Omaha Eleo. Lt. and Fewer pfd 7 tl Pacific T. A T. 4s, 1437 47 47 Kocar Mt. Beu. lei. lo ss si Union iiMi 1 era, noci ss ts 80. Bell T. A T. 6s, 1441 44 44 Wsstsrn Pad fie 4 10 S3 Bx-dlTldeod. Naw Vark Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furu nlshed by Logan at Bryan, member New York Stock exchange, 316 South Sixteenth Omaha: Bay State Ga..l 82 Inspiration .. Boston Con 7MiLaroe street, ... 7 ... 4H ... I8V4 ... 82Vi ... 1 .. 8V, ... 2V. Butte Coalition., 1844 Nevada, Con. , Cactus . i isewnouse ... . 2lHOhlo Copper . . lto Hawhlde Coal. . 18VjHay central , Chlno , Chief Con. . Fraction ... Davis-Daly Ely Central Ely Con. .., Ely Witch , . lVi Swift Pkg. Co ...100 . 7 Sears-R. Co, 183 V4 . 32 Silver Pick ... . 10 Superior & P.. . UviTonopah Mln. . 6 Trinity Copper 1 14 Franklin, Glroux ..' Gold. Florence... Goldfleld Daisy .v Green Can 7 4V, 14k North Lake .. Bohemia 6TkOJlbway ..a... 64, 8V4 7k Bask Clearing". OMAHA. Jan. 8. Bank clearing for to day were $3,000,844.88 and for th corre sponding date laat year, $2.620,740. so. OMAHA W4HOl.lCSAl.S3 PRICKS. BUTTER Creamery, No. , delivered to th retail trad 4a 1-1 b. carton, 31o; No. 8. In 30-1 b. tubay 39c; No. 3. In 1-lb. carton. Mu: packing stock, solid pack. 19o: dairy. In 86-1. tub. 82tft3c. alarkst Chang vary Tueaday. CHEESE Twin. 16V4iS17c; young Amer- Ica. lsc: -dalsle. 17Vc: triplets, liyic; 11m- burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 17Vio imported Bwlsa, 32c; domectlo Swlaa. 24c; block Swiss, lse. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lb., $6.00 per do,; kens, 12ViC; cooks, 10V,o; uucks, 16c; geese, 14c; turkey, 23c; pigeon. per dux.. 31.20: homer sauabs. per dos., 84.00 squabs, per dog., $3 SO; No. 1 par dux., $2.00. Alive, broiler. 16c; emooin legs, VVko: hens, siuthic; stags and old roosters, 8c; old ducks, full feathered, 10V,o; geeae, full feathered, vc; turkeys, lS18c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, . per do., 600; homers, per dor., $2.00; squab. No. L per do x , $1.50; No. 2 per dos., boo. FISH-tall frckenl-rtckeral. Uo; white, 18c; pike, 14c; trout. 14c; large Trapple. 10c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel. lie, had dock, 13c; floundara, 13c; green cattish. Sue; roe thud. $1.00 eucb; shad roa, par pair, Kc; frog legs, par dos, 80c; salmon. Uc; halibut, lis. Beef Cut Price Rib: No. 1, 16c; No. 1. 12V,c No. 3, 9c. Loin: No. L 17c; No. 2 13Vc; No. 3. 10c. Chucks: No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 6c; No. 3. 6c. Round: No. 1. c; No. 2. 8c; No. 3, 7Vc. Plate: No. I, 6c; No. 2. 6c: No. 3. do, ' FRUITS Orange: California navel. 80-96 ise, per box. $2.60; 13h size, per box. 42.16; small sixes, per box, $3.00; Florida, all sixes, uer box. $2 60. Lemon: Llmonelra brand extra fancy, 300 slse, per box, $160; 300 size, per box, $4.60; choice, 300 sise per box, $4.00; 300 lxe, per box. 84.; .'40 size, 60c per box less. Urape fruit., Florida, 46-64-64-80-96 sizes, per box, $3.254.Q0. Ban anas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.2Si2.o0; Jambo, bunch, $2.75i&3.75. , Pears: California Winter Nellis, per box. $180; New York Keifer, per bbl., $3.764.00. Apples, home grown cooking, I pet bbl., $4 00; Mis souri Jonathan, per bbl., $n.60; . Mis souri Ben Davis per bbl., 11.2V Mis souri Winesaps, per bbl., $4 60; Missouri llano, per bbl., $4 60; otlior varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Baldwin, per bbl., $4.76; Colorado Jonathan, per box.. $2.25; Washington Wealthy and Jeffrey, per box, $1 50; California Belleflower, per box, $1.66; Washington Grime Uolden and Jonathan extra fancy, l.iO to 176 a xes, per box, $2.23. Pineapple, per case, 34.60. Grapes, Malaga, 600' ib. gross, per keg. $7.Ooii8.00. Cran berries, per box,- $3.76; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl., $10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl., $10.76. Dates, Anchor brand, new 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box. $2.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb, 6Sc. Figs, new California, 12 12-oa. pkgs. 86c. 86 12-os. pkgs, $2.40; 60 6-os. pkgs., $2.00. j Figs. Turkish, 7-crown. per lb.. 16c; 5- crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb.. 13c. V t;UE 1 AlSLJits t-olalots. h-aiiy Unio, in sacks, per bu., 80c Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.. Tb'tiSbc. Sweet lotatoes. Kansas, per bbl., $2. 60. Onions. Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c; Indiana, white, per lb., Sc; Spanish, per crate. $1.60. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., iro; red. per lb.. 10c. F-Kg Plant, fancy Florida, per dog.. $2. Celery, Michigan, per dos. bunches, Sf.c; California Jumbo, per dos.. bunches, 8.x-. Rutabagas, per lb., lc. Cucumbers, hot house. IV, and 2 dozen In box. per dog, $2. Tomatoes. California, per 4-basket crate, $1.76. Cabbage, new, per lb., iSc, String and wax beans, per market basket. $1.60. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dog.. 40c. Parsley, fancy home g own, per dozen bunches, 4oc. Turnips, per bu.. 66c. Carrots, per bu., 7fc. Beets, per bu., 76c. Parsnip, per bu., 76c. M I SCKLLANEOl'S Walnuts. per lb., Jv,o; California, per lb., lc; in sack lots, lc less. Almonds, California soft shell, per lb, 17c; In sack lots, lc leas. Filberts, per lb., 14c; in sack lots, lc less. Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sacks lots. 1c leas. Pecan, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lota, lc lea. Peanuta. rousted, per lb., 8c; raw. per lb., 6Vtc. lit korynuts, large, per lb., 6c: small, per lb.. 6c. Cocuanuts. per sack, $5.60. per dox., hrtc. Honey, new, 24 frames. $3 75. Cider, New York Mott's, per V, bbl.. $3.76; per bbl., $0.75. ' Wool Market. ST. LOI'IS. Jan. 3 W)L Steady ; ter ritory and wesvorti mediums, ri8-2c; fine inedluma. 174jlc; fine, l-'(jl3c. BOSTON, Jan. 3. WOOIy The local mar ket started the year with but few Inquiries and prices fairly steady. Some transfers era being made In territory and dealers report a slightly better feeling In fleeces. Montana wools 'still hold the lead, selling at 620t3c on a scoured basis. Idaho brings lsc and Wyoming 20c. while small lota of taelv months Texas wool have changed hands st 21c. Sales of Ohio half blood are about S)o. with naahed detain at 34c. fulled wool continue dull. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Light Receipts Make Cattle Strong to Ten Cent Higher. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN HIGHER been anal Lnsnb Fifteen Cent Higher Vnder tfc Inflnene of Aery I.lgkt Beeelata asi AettT Seller. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 8. 1811. ' Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Mondav 1.867 1.S2S L1 Estlmst Tuesday 1.SO0 1.1O0 1.800 Two day this wee-.... 1.657 Same day last week.... 3.911 Same day I week go.. .8iat Sam davs 8 week ago.. 14. 0M Sam day 4 week ago..l6.9n8 Same day last year 7,618 The following table show th recelpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dat as compared with last year: 1M0. ism. Ino. Pee. Cattle 2.667 $.615 M Hogs ., 2 428 6 A4 I 439 Sheep $, 7,871 8.9T7 The following tabl snows th average price of hogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Pate, j 1910. lM.19O8.l!a77.lM.U(e.U04. 2 436 3 f 4.933 8.9x 11. 7fV 1856 14 429 16 T.fW 15 7.528 1 3.546 Pec. 24... 7 67V, 8 11 $ 47 4 361 IS I Pec X... I Pec. 26... 773 18) i 111 IW Pec. 27... 7 79S 180 i$16$0o! Pec. 28... 77tH,l86lM444lM Pec. 29... 7 68V, 8 81 168 00 Pec. 30... 7 67 8 29 6 4 4 60 808 Pen. 31... 7 71 8 21 $ SO 4 83 4 34 Pate. . 1911. 1910. 109. lw. 1907. 1906. Jan. 1.... 8 34 6 68 4 861 6 24 i 14 Jan. 1... 7 86 $ 76 4 36 21 S 11 Jan. I.... 014, ( 80 4 40 2 07 4 a 4 62 4 61 4 61 4 63 4 47 1905. s 4 4 1$ Sunday. ""Sunday and Christmas. Receipt ajid disposition of live stock at the Union stock yard for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock p. rrv : Cattle. Hog. Bheep. C. M. A St. P 1 Vnion Paciflo 4 C. & n. w., east 11 C. & N. W.. west t C. B. A Q., east 8 1.. C, B. A Q , west 20 10 C, R. 1. A P. east 26 .. I C R. I. A P., west 1 1 Illinois Central 2 .. 1 Total receipts 65 Disposition of stock per head 16 14 as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 154 264 413 Swift and Company 468 Cudahy Packing Co 430 Armour A Co 66 W. B. Vansant Co 25 Benton, Vansant A Lush 32 Stephens Bros 81 Hill A Son 181 Huston A Co 47 J. B. Hoot A Co ., 61 J. H. Bulla 18 U F. Hues 69 McCreary A Carey 62 H. F. Hamilton 26 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co . 62 Klin A Christy ' 23 Other buyers 264 463 1.114 6t)S 6Wy 846 Total 1,314 1,169 2,835 CATTLE Cold weather oontlnue to cut off receipts, th arrivals of cattle at th yards today amounting to only about fifty cars. This, taken In connection with th light receipts yesterday and Saturday, will make It very apparent at one that packers are beginning to be quit hungry for cattle this morning. A a rule they were out In the yard early In the morning and very thing at all desirable sold at price that war unevenly higher. To call the market strong to 10c higher would be a conserva tive estimate. As a matter of course, everyone on the market thoroughly under stands that the- advanc 1 due entirely to tha starvation recelpta and that anything like a decent run of cattl would be almost certain to cause price to drop back where they were at th beginning of th light runs. Most averyon 1 looking for a heavy Increase in receipt Just a soon as th weather moderate a little. What has been said about tha high prices would apply equally well to butcher stock a well as to beef steers. Blocker and feeder hav advanced In about th same proportion as fat cattl and for apparently the same reason. Th fact Is there never was a tlm when stock cattle or feeders ware selling as high as at this season of the (rear as they are now. Quotations on cattl; Good to choice beef steers, $6. 00-6. 60; fair to good beef ters, $6.40i&4.00; common to fair beef steer, 84.76 66.16; fair to good cow and heifers, $3,660 4X6.40; good to choice cow and heifers, $4.76 45.15; common to fair cow and heifer, $3.04 4i3 65; good to choice stockers and feeders, M.&Ojifi.&O; fair to good atocker and feed ers, $3.8o4.60; common to fair atocker and feeder, $3.0G33.8o; atock heifers. $3.0O4 16; veal calve. $3.6OQ8.O0; bull, stag, tc, $3.30(34.90. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. rr. No. At. IT. 1 414 4 36 it .....1018 I 4 10 m 4 40 II 10i4 6 41 1 400 4 71 4 107 I II 4 1000 4 40 SO 1141 I 71 10 744 I 04 12 1104 I SO 11 1041 I 00 11 1111 I 44 14 1104 I IS 11 1 I SS 11 644 I 15 4 1144 I 45 11 mixed 711 6 60 14 1271 I 40 I M Is) 11 1144 I 0 T W Is) 1 1431 4 00 COWS. 1 14tl 8 40 11 1142 4 28 $ 1441 8 50 4 114 4 34 I NO Is) 4 1111 4 14 1 711 I 60 1 1041 4 10 8 1000 I 64 A 1111 4 10 1 471 1 (0 jg 07, 4 n I U I 40 17 1078 4 IS 1 1114 8 60 4 1141 4 16 1 460 I 40 11 1071 4 44 444 I 46 10 1104 4 44 3 HO 1 70 tl 744 4 40 16 47 I 76 34 HI 14) 1 1040 I 71 6 1044 4 44 1 1044 I 76 7 1047 4 60 I til IN 3 1044 4 60 4 4M 4 00 8 M ID II 1047 4 00 T HOT 4 It .-. 40 4 06 1 1111 4 44 1 I!6 4 10 4 104 4 46 4 1017 4 40 11.. 40 4 46 1 411 4 M 1 1114 4 Tl 11 7S4 4 34 1 1114 4 40 t 1140 4 M 8 10M I II 17 411 4 16 H EIFERS. 1 ' 1 460 8 71 I Til 4 SB t 640 I 40 1 701 4 44 )4 M4 4 00 1 414 4 71 1 401 4 10 14 747 4 40 I Ill 4 10 10 1014 4 45 I tK4 4 40 T44 I 10 1 414 4 40 1 171 I 10 II Ill 4 (6 BTOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. II 416 4 84 4 447 I 4 1 6.14 4 40 I Ill 6 00 IT 411 4 60 It m I 14 1 164 4 60 II 44 6 1 Thursday is Home Day. Look for home bargains tomorrow. You will find about the property that you wish. Look for them. How much nicer It is to live In your own borne than in a rented one. Why not get one of your own and pay for It monthly like rent. In a fsw years you have a home all of your own paid for with the money heretofore spent as rent. In Thursday's Bee will be found a great many choice home bargains advertised for sale on the easy term plan. Here Is your opportunity to start the year right t 4441 4 4 tt 44 IN tl 447 4 4 I ft I tn t SID 4 44 U 14 IN I 44 4 44 44 IM 11 4S4 4 T4 B4 1O04 I So II 74 4 4 41 Ill I 41 8 44 4 40 Bl'LLS. I , lt t 74 1 14-4 4 44 1 V ICS 4 f I If 4 S4 I , 7 4 40 1 IIM! 4 4 1 7TS 4 IS 1 ISM 4 tn 1 IIM 4 14 I ll'l 4 I 1 IM 4 II 1 10 4 M 1 114 4 10 1 Ill 4 n CALV k. I HI I sn 1 lf t M I Ml 4 40 8 4 1 44 I IM 4 7 1 ISO I 40 1 110 I 14 1 110 I 04 1 44 I I ISO 1 n 1 ISO as 1 144 I OA 1.- 10 1 M i 1 IN 4 14 t 14 HOOS Continued Improvement featured th trad In Tioga thla morning and con tinned light ahlpment featured th re ceipt. There wer hardly enough hog on sal to put bulk on a qtiotabl basis. Individ ual aale appearing all of a dim and In aiany caaea 16c higher than ttioae ef yester day, Clearance wa made early and packers took th big end of offering a usual. Heavy hog wer not very plentiful and sold readily around 87.80. Mixed brought $7 f4 00 and light reached the top, $8.10. This figure I 33Ho higher than Saturday' top, whll th average market today la a full quartar higher than it wa at that time. N. e. S. Tr. He. At. Sk. 10 Ml ... 1 71 Tl Ml ... t 40 1 411 ... T Tt 47 I4 44 I M M Ill ... ID T4 ..MT ... I S4 41 tm DTP) 13 lit ... 10 14 104 w 111 II to 70 I OS 44 ;n ... 7 ft 74......i-nt ... 1 10 41 t 40 I 04 14 114 ... 110 :n iw ... no- 4 11 ... 110 BHEEP A fresh advano In sheep and lamb prices, with supply hardly enough to make thl advance applicable to a trad normally . or liberally supplied, developed In the sheep barn this morning. Only a few double arrived, total receipt Just about equaling an ordinary ingl day's purchase of on of th larger paokers. Everything on sal moved readily at fig ure right around lfa higher, awes reach ing 84 04 and lamb selling at 86.25, $6.00 and $6.80. No very good wether ware Included in early offerings.- but choice handy weight would probably ll around $4,169 4.26. Feeder trad remained nominal, a supply was vary light and demand rather Indifferent from country buyers for warmed-up stuff. Preference among packer at thl tlm. It will b noted, favor offerings finished but lacking In weight. Bulk la coming heavy and fat, plenty of corn making long mutton finish easy and cheap. With lota of weight th rut and lack of It th ex ception, atring of the latter description are naturally meeting with th better demand. Quotation on aheep and lamb: Good to cholc light lambs, $6.10041.26; fair to good lamb I6 60W..W; handy weight yearling. $4 76.16; heavy yearlings, $4.36e4.75; good to cholc wethers, 84 00af4.10; fair to good wether, $8 tWff-4.10; good to cholc ewes, 35. 6034.00; fair to good ewea, $3.X0$.ftO; sheep, culls to feeders, $1.60f J.26, Representative sales: No. Ar. Ft. 238 western wethers 106 4 jg 270 western lamb 74 6 38 10 western lambs, cull 65 4 75 203 western lambs 60 6 90 104 western lambs 4 00 110 western ewes 15 4 00 16 western lamb 74 K 847 weatern lamb 66 $90 79 weatern lambs, cull 60 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for all Clasae ( Stock I Itraag. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. CATTLE Receipts. 4,600 head; market strong; beeves, $4,709 6.00; Texas steers, $4.25-93.40; western steers, $4.2r86.00; tockers and feeders, $3.5W5.30; cow and heifers, $3.6094.30; calve, $7.0CS 9.00. HOOS Receipts, 18,0T head: market strong to 6c higher than early; light. $7.86nr 8.20; mixed, $7.8604.20; heavy, $7.8fS.25; rough, $7.8dtr.00; good to cholc heavy, $8.0cvcfH 2f,; pigs. $7.60816; bulk of sale, $8.0041 8. 15. BHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. 14.000 head; market steady to strong; native, $2.60 r440; western, 82.7MJ4.38; yearling. 84.76 6.80; lamb, native, $4.7676.46; western, $4.75 66.45. Kanaaa City Lira Ctawk Market. KANSAS CTTT, Jan. I. 7ATTLE1 Re ceipt. 7.000 head. Including 100 head south ern; market steady to 16o higher; top, $7.60; dressed beef and export steer, $6.16 476.60; fair to good, $6.2Txg6.00; western steers, $4.76454.36; tockrs and feeders, $4.26 25.40; southern steers, $4.26Jf.00; southern cows, 880094.85; native cows, 33.0CHS6-10: na tive heifers, $4.006.00; bulla, $1.764j.0O; calve. $t.008.60. HOOS Receipt. 8,000 head; market 15c higher; bulk of sales, $7-9fyZ!S.05: heavy, $8.00 (68.05: packers and butcher. $7.6tJ8.10; lights. $7.S6S8.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 8,000 head; market steady to strong; lambs, $6.75 (86.26; yaarllngv $4 60. 50; wether. $3.769 4.36; ewe, $3.6tx34.00; stockers and feeders, 13. WQ 3.76V. 4. I.e.nta Live Stack Marktt. ST. LOUIS. Jan. I.-CATTTJC Recelpl. 1.600 head. Including 400 head Texan: mar ket strong to lOo higher: native shipping and export steers, $6.607.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $.25ij7.00; steer under l.ouv pound. $6.0037.25; stockers and feed ers. $3.76(06.25; cow and heifers, $3,764)4 26; canners. $2.76tg2.26; bulls. 33.50lf6.25; calves. $6.257j900; Texas and Indian steers, $4.5C3 6.60: cow and heifers, $3.0iKa4.60. HOOS Receipts, 6.000 head: market. K9 loo higher; pig and light, r7.754rs.28; pack ers, ts argii.a,; butcher and beat heavy, $8.1Mt27H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.200 head; steady to 10c higher; native mutton, $3.6004.25; lamb. $6.C4r76.60; culls and bucks, $2.6OJi3.0O; stockers, $2.3b2'3.26. St. Jaseak Llv Stack Markat. BT. JOSEPH Jan. 3 CATTLE Re ceipt, 800 head. Market strong to shade higher: steers, $4.6o-(j40; cows and heifers, $3O$6 60; calves, $a.Oft3.50. HOGS Receipts. 3,000 head. Market Vtf 16 higher; top, $8.06; bulk of salea, $7,909 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, K head. Market 10Q15O higher; lamb, $6.60iff6.S6. Ileek In tlaht. Receipts of llv stock at th flv prin cipal western markets yesterday: cattl. nog, eneep. South Omaha 1,300 l.ioo I.80O St. JoMPt 800 1.000 800 Kansas City 7 001) 8 0o0 8 0f Bt. Louis 2.900 $ 909 8,200 Chicago 4,500 18,000 14.000 Totals ...18,300 84,000 17,800 Dry Good Markat. v-.n . nnT wins ran. w lonn, j,n . - . .v. . Th naming of a nw prlc of 84c on a new construction of Lonsdale sheeting waa th feature of th day In sotton goedav Huslnees opened quiet, wlta price gen erally bald Una. Caff Market. NEW TORK. Jan. -"orFr?: turn onened ateadv at a declin M 14 - ..... ,. mkk u..r fTurotaa k cahie. Ther wa no hng In th char- "-a acter of th Hrastllan It and with of- f faring hr light, th market dvelpd 4 a 1 inner tone dtlrln th aiternoon on 1 bull support and covering by-near montb. shorts. March contract mad a new high rariirH foe tha aeAei.n aailinsr at 11L4QL Of 10 points abov th closing old ol Satur- 1 i riav. whlla tha aeneral liat closed firm. 1 ' net 1 point lower to 8 point higher. Sale. U.2( bag, and It wa said that Maroh had sold up 10 point on a buying arder for only 1,000 hags: January, $11.24 Feb ruary, $1181; March, $U... April, $UK; May, $11.16; Sun a, 41111, July. U.W AH- , r gnat, 81.04; September, $10.19; October, ; '; $1089; November, $10.87; lecmbr, $10.8$. j j Havre waa 4, to f lower. Hamburg f closed at a net decline of Hfpfg. Kio firm. 160 rels higher at 7f7.00. bauitea, quiet. k 4. 7$6.60; 7, 71. 60 Brsslllan axenang on 1 London unchanged. Receipt at th tw 1 Hraxlilan pons, 4H.00O bags for three days. , against 4.M7 last year. Spot coffee, steady, 6.14)0 bag, agalnat 32.000. Nw York war- house deliveries, Saturday. 18,174 baa, against 6.617 last year Spot coffee, steady; Hio, No. 7, 13 c; Santo No. 4, W,o; mild cofle. qult; Cordova, l.Hloo. ' ' Metal Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 3 -METALS Stand ard copper, dull; spot anoT futures. $1100uT 12 20; London market, flrm; spot, 6. 6 W, future, 4.67, 2s 6d. 1-ake locally, $13.0u9 13 36; leotrolytlo, $13. 761.1 ft), and casting, $12 DOG" 12. 75. Th I nltao State geological survey estimates th domestic production of copper for 1910 at 1,029,000) pounds. , equal to 481.9 ton, agalnat 47, 9i ton last year. Tin, strong; spot and futures. $. 10H.T9 60; London market, strong; spot, :i7. 16; futures. 4E17B. 6. Lead, dull-e- $4.4fvo4 66. New York; $4 4-3S. Lsst StTT., ljOUia: London i.i..b.t 1 1 1- .4 k: tr firmer; $6.46 8 6.66. New York; $6 .Jud M. tat St. Iouls; London market. 34, 2 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrant. 40. 10d tn London; locally, nominally unchanged; No 1 foundry, northern, $13 2rvfjl6 ; No. 3, $J4.7615.75; No. l eoutharn and No. 1 outhern soft. $15.3ftri$,76. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 3. METALS Lead, firm, K40; speitr aale at $6-34. . Cation Mark I. ' NEW TORK. Jan. 8 -COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling nplanda, 16o; mid dling gulf, 16.36c; sale. lo,4xO bales, all de livered on contract, ST. LOtnti. Jan. l.-fiOTTON-Qulet; middling, lf4c; aalea, none; receipt, 4W bale; shipments, 1,267 bale; stock, 32,286 bale. . 1 ,. , . , New Tork eotton market as furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New Tork Cot ton exchange, $16 South Sixteenth tret, Omaha: Month. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Ts'y. Jan. ... 14 72 14 78 14 7$ 14 75 14 60 Maroh . 16 Of 16 07 14 89 16 0$ 14 98 May ... 16 23 18 24 16 14 16 18 16 16 July .... 16 23 16 26 16 17 16 30 15 18 August 14 81 14 81 14 88 14 91 14 88 asar Market, . NEW TORK, Jan. 3. SUGAR Raw, quiet: muacovado, 89 test. $.3o; centrifu gal, 96 teat, 3.85c; molasses, 8$ test, 8. lie. Refined, quiet. El aria natter Market. ELGIN. 111.. Jan. I. BUTTER Firm at 30o. Output. 693.700 pounds. POPULATION OF KANSAS TOWNS Iadependene and Pnraan Make Rig Gala Galena sai Len-renwortk , Shaw 1.0 WASHINQTON, Jan. $ Sevan munlel palltles In Kansa. whtoh In 1800, had fewer that 8,000 parson each, Increased In population beyond these flgares during th last ten years, whll on city of th nineteen, which In th twelfth census had In excess of 6.000, went below those fig ures. Th total number' of el tie of over 6.000 population, aocordlng to th thir teenth census statistics announced today, la twenty-five, a net Increaa of six cities during; th ten year. Th Increases In the cities war small In most eases. Th most decided decreas was Oalana, from 10,155 to 6,086. Leavenworth decreased 1.37T and Argentine, whloh bad 8,878. fell back of th .C0 elaas: " '"v " " Of th citle which Increased from be low 6,000, CoffeyvlU Jumped Into the 12,000 class. Independence Into th 10,000 class, Chanute into the 1,01)0 class, Wellington Into th 7,000 class and Junction City Into th 8,000 class. Almost half of th entlr Increase in th population of th state of Kansas was con tributed by th twenty-flv cities of over 6,000. Th figure follow! . 1S10. 1900. Atchison 1,4 15,721 Fort Scott 10,463 10.323 Galena 4,06 10.1 Independeno ,.. 10.480 4.1 Lawrenc 12.374 10.842 Leaven worth 19.863 20,736 Parsons 12.463 7,681 Pittsburg 14.765 10,111 Saa(k Dakota Now Note. TANKTON Mrs. Laura A. Andrews, for merly of Boetland, and mother of Ira M. Andrews, waa found dead In bed here, st th aga of 80 years, death being; du to ad vanced ajra. TANKTON Th farm horn of Matthew Seddan, thl county, wa burned to the Tiround with a total loss of $1,000; no Insur ance. Tha fir caught from tn kitchen tove. Th content of th house wer avd. TANKTON The annual meeting of tha Congregational Church society shows the church in vary prosperous condition, with a revenu of over 84.000. Officers sleeted were L. L. Tyler, clerk: Albert BurgL treasurer; Mr. R. B. Tripp, treasurer of benevolences; J. A. Week. Albert Ie, H. O. Burgl, trustees; E. 1). Ory and O. H. Soott, deaoona; Prof. Stewart, school superintendent. ABERDEEN Rov Lash, a young farmer. 28 year of aga, residing near fond, dis appeared from hi horn Decern oer 1. ana wxn Ir.M I of his where about. H bars a good reputation and hla financial affair wer In fair shape, and no reason la known for hi disappear ance. H haa a wife, but no children, and Mrs. Lash Is prostrated with grief. J. L. Holmes of Leola, father-in-law of th young man, ha organised a vtgorou earch for him. :.v. If; : Fr 1) ; i 1 -it- ii r-r i i T .X m M t . i l M t Jt - - Jill 4