77Tn T.rr.: OMATTA. TTTSOAT. .1 ANTATn X mil. rninQr i it ii K " 1417 Oougla Again Read On! ... van mat licin l mftry erttr. stocks oewid not shown to proper vi:tar leer lew., en the OX.O "midgy" locettoa wwa eoowxwd an fear, n are again at 1417 inrM atree, Ab. v. are going- te a-TAT bar. una tins. U. etar rean at !? Powglna v.- kM been vi-m enlarged arwiy rm rs snore tWtrfti pie than e.r tmda av IVeek for tbe un eld (um at 14.1T rewgle wt. naial Xlaser . snaaager. at 117 ownaa Wt look for a ewetly tacr, Unproved ul Illltl system CMOIT payment. 141T pnflu t a b(r all look lor newer. rror. nxore tMkltuU wearables than ever before, at 141? tmgle W Indebted t. th. alt "Win' Credit Clothing 0 CT the B.i4g 1T Credit CSothlaC Oa, kindly note that payments ebowl V. ,t Till svaw location MIT rox.glas go. fasts ths street and acAher t. ywwr nxlaa. Br ha tiiave ywe read thia n will be Im complete r.ailln.s for t!Tr bweinoaa at tbe new. yet eU, location esse aw wwlewsna arrange for ail the clsUH ycrull n4 t merely l per weak. A NowBetterr.1ore Libera n or (9 n r 71 On Everything In tho Way of Clothe rfl lie A Wssk Csjs Etery ihing a f.lza le&rs 1417 Douglas Street My frtmd hare erer fchowm hnrlTP aa amcb. May I now Ak. th4B to rnnmbrr thai th RidClry Store la back to 1417 Dois:1m Strprt acaia? ELAfCR BETDEX, MaaaTr. o A Week Oajs Efery ihinga Vicnani'cm 1417 Douglas Street Again! Annual January Furniture Clearance Sale Begins Monday r.ar-h Jrj r ahn m hrtia Ifie jr-r' 1m-(b iih a he W- n-u p m lr of all iiKoftif aaxl hrVr Wl ff our rr'markaMr larjc". fcih frV furr.iiarr Mxkt. iikIrs th" p"i" rr f rrr rrdimin tu saia r prin Tti wn IhM ar Jaaaary t"-arax Kale .ffrr rrrl-r harcalna lhaa ay of he aaJ dariax irw rmiim monthfi of jrar. 1 hi jfar flaxi offrnnjt &rrrrr alar oa a.11 lir of farnilnrr lhaa errr IWor. lVrr la thi la may rar. arr far Wow half ibeir r-rcvlmr aHling jtau-n, liil h-r Miinca arr frxnn to SWV dlaoovai. Tarday bt:in t)ii grrml nmlr. I1nodrr1 of the b-t mwV, nn4 hartnim fitTt r t la Omaha ;o oa aal at prtrrs that n mrrrltant would darr lo Maunr. l"n ia a oariy a poiMe.. tk arraaril aurartirrlj-. lMrrbrr with aa evtra ulrt frr, will make baying at thia great hairgaia riving aale a l''f-BT- Ions to be imwmhprKl c aome of the prk-e. China Closets Sflid wuaner f-d Oak. T-f-r mirjxir i8.rlL. It!. P prut Knrliaii f n.ih. rnmT, I ? ! ue. rrlr Pc-'id ouHjIrr f.md C'uK. Karly ".rir)in rttilsh, iertci io. h1 pnc Ht. narlj nk. Karlv S16.SU Hall Chairs ani Seats $6.7i $12.50 !irv.d o. )Vi On nJ Cre5 HU Vr ail'3 Bea Gsirn ak Hall "lil'- 1)1 JTIO . I "n c nl'i-.. .ai AFFAIRS AT JODTfl OMAHA Wtek cf Prsyer Opened by Sermoni TTJT.TT EJCTEASIZES WOSSHZP aaa nt 1aata Cfeaavai Talas aaa ja f rkc 3ta.taaai Tba vk C ararr arraacad for by tb Dtb Omaiia IGBlaUra aaaoclatlon -a aywd ycaiarday nursiB by miiiiiiiii oa tb teat la BL Jctm U:tt: A&d I it I ba tlftad froaa tba canta win draw aU anea tiato at," yi aacbea In ttielr ra anwaiUa Clrureb by thm rolnlrtura of Uta eenarresa.tScxia partial patlnt 1b Uia aerrioea. Tba firat of tba onloa am i tuaa vaa beld lat wrmatng la tba baaiiiiieat of tba First Ti ortirtarlaTi ebarea and vaa ta ebarra of Iter. Mr. Wbaalar, paator of ttta oon Kraaratlaa. Tba addraaa vaa glvca by Rer. C T. Ualey, pwivr of the Firat BaitSat cbarea. ba ealoonai aa hia oaboet tba m&riom of tba Propbot Kalbaa ta David Oo do ail that ta ta thy baart for tba Uarf ta with tboa. Tba aotata aphala4 by tba aaiiaier vara tba Ucportanca of taiabin. tba acooaatty of placoa of arorahlp aad tba tact tbat by aacb aarrloaa aa thai voak of arayor thcr wra bnlkdlca; tem- Paa at Ilka tbat Ctavtd eoatpiatd, but unplo act Dado with baada. ataaday otobIbc tba addraaa will bo da Kvarad by Bor. Mr. Wbaalar ta tba En ttek Lanbarmn eburoa, Taaaday oranliic by Raw. K. A. Jordaa ta tba Firat RatlK cbarea, Wodaeaday aroatac by Bar. 1. kC Betbwoll la tba Firat ChrlaUaa cbBreb. aad Tbaraday tnatti by Kav. at H. Tartaa la tba faltcd Fraabrtarlaa church. Tba waok of prayor wIU ooatolado Friday vanliiC la tba Tousg Mra'a CbrlaUaa aa aonlattoa reooM, wbea tba adfiraaa ailTbo aaada by Rer. VllUaia X. PoUoek. L A. IWanpaaaw aocrotary of tba aaaoclatioa, win praanAa. lam mm tra Wbor. South Omaha yaotorday oxpcrteBoed Ha aoooad at ma aaowatana of tba aaaamy, bot tba firat waa aaoroly a aoft padai m oaanpaaUnaM to tba vlaitailaa wbJck ueborod la tba bow yaar. Butrw braa ta fall about I o'clock la tba ntoroiZMf aad Tba Tcui. Meo'a Chriauu aaaodation f01 witbout lnvu-ttuaaaoa ail day. It cu will 1 n-n ton:rht to m:a.tra and aoooaipaaiad by a atror wind, wblob n '"! Tin lfcdi of l aarltlaj-y ' " " " jiva a ahon prorrmn The grammar acbool tbnoa a-alaed tha mtrmgim of a ia and ul riva u trhibiuon vt ciaaa work tadiIloa of wbat a bUuard 1 and tha lug a aciiool bo; a tu t arm oa tbc tba raaidmea, 1M Nartk TweBty-tourth treat, ta BL Brldret's church. Interment wlB ba la St. Varx'a oemetery. Mra. Tltx rorald, wba was a pioitoer resident In Soutb Oasaba, la arm-vtved by ber buabaad aad all cblidrea. Mlae Uaytna FltxceraJd. prlBdtpal ef tba Lowell acbool; Marraret, AaTBea, Joha, ddla aad Joacpb. Macla City Craoaip. Caal Soo Bowlaad. 'Pbona Soutb 7. Tba city council and tba acbool board wUl meet Taeoday xusnt. Tba ABoleBt Order of Hibernian aad tha ladiea aaxlnary win bold a Joint lnataila Uob of offloera Tueaday evening. Mrs. O D. Hrbb baa returned from a vlait wttk trienda la LiBooin. The lnatailatioa of officera of f-ouih Omaba aeria Ao. l&t will tui pla.ee Taea day awning. Mra. 1 J. Carpenter, wbo Uvea on the Fort Crook boulevard, ia reported to ba aull aerioualy 111. Mra. 3. T. Roaaell entertained a number of fnenda at dmaer Saturday evening at ber borne. 301 F atrert. Miae Eunloa Enaor and Miaa Cora Holm a attended tha LaucKUn-Buila wedding at ariiang new leara arva. Klno-roona bouae for rent Inquire at 122 B ntreet- Ir. Miha 'White haa roiomed t hla h(.me In Sioui Ol)', aJrer a vjait with hia aiater. Mra. C. M FJcb. Tha F. E. O. aodety will he entertained Returdar afternoon by Mra. W. W. Fieber. Mra. . eaa Kinget will amt FhoB Bell &outb W8. lndeindent F-3 for a caae of Jetter Gold Tot. Prompt de livery to any pert of city. V" llliajm Jetter. Cpcburch lodxe No. I aad Superior lodae No. 1. Degree cf Henor. will bold a Joint lnatailatioa of offioera Wodneaday evening. Tb ladiea' auxiliary f the Tount Men'e Chnadan aaocatiea win meet with Mra. Philip. 71 X street. Tuesday afternoon at IM- Mra. Ida Henkie and Mrs. Blake re turned Saturday from Olarmda, la, where tttey bad been Tinting Mra. Blake a nuihw for a wek. Mayflower hire. No. 3. Ladiea ef the Maocfcteea. will bold a public iBetaiiauon ef offioera Wedneeday evening ta the ban at Ta enty-eigbtb and Q atreeta. BUly t'viok. the local middle eight, known aa ihe fighting butcher boy. W-ft for Orand laland yeaierda tor a bout with bailor alelly at that plaoe Monday cveauag. The Mimes Haael amd Mabel O Brlea. Taetity-aeoond and Jefferaooi atreeta. cave gone to Clunnda, la to visit their ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mra. C Chamberlaos, The musical program aund "wedding parir" given at the Meeonje hall Friday under tfe airectina tt Mra Talbot for the ba4Uvt Aid aootety, aaa a pronounced sue- SAYS BAKKIKS OUTLOOK GOOD W. H. Bar.holi cf Omaha Sational Pre dict! Debt liquidation. SA5ITT ASD CATJTI05 TO EXILE Dining Room Tables American Golitn Okk EhBing Ta ble, f-foot TieiiFion. rrular $1-4.0 value, FsJe Q fl pric 9k9 Solid QuarttT-SBa ed Oat, early English finish, with f-foot fs- teiiBion. Rfular IT! vain-. yric . . . . S13.75 Solid Quarter Saved Earlv Knplli r;niali. . oiomaJ or Feoe.Hl style. '-foot eiierisioix, reru mr S -i a' ties, sale pric. Other Polld Qtisrter Paed Golden Oak, hand ;(Ut-hed tables. C-fnot extension. 111 values. JJ aa -ftM etlensipn, values $2 H frvrt extension, 1?" values JJ q $31.0 3 -Piece Parlor Suite at Half Price la benBtiftil solid Mahopany, npholttered in the ery fir,pt k-ather; a regular I1J0 0 aiue. CC" Art Thi Clearance SaJe .. wOJaUll In nolid Mabogtny. rrbolsKTed la beautiful French A" Vflour. Regular $110.00 Talue. Sale price 'tUJ Tliree-piece solid Mahogany suite, tipholetered in French aas y Velour. Our regular f TO. 00 value. Sale price Jww'evw' Chiffoa ieres Solid tjuaner Kaited golden oak, hand pol ls b e d aad French beveled mirror, ISS.00 value, 6Ble pri $2150 Circt,s;iEE Wal nut Chiffonier, French plate bevel mirror, regular ITCCO talue, sale price If f i. -'. wr '-iwjr-'-r--i1 Buffets t-olid Quajrtar Pawed a.k, J.KT'.y Kr-giisti finish. has a tantiful Irerirh j ate mirTur, values, sale ; rice $15.50 lSP'.id Quarter Faed vik, Kr!v Kr.rlish finiFh. OfK'rs ef leitld SiaiKS. Ii value, rale price J35.00 f-..iid Quarter Pamed .iak, lirly r.rigiish finifh. 9h valueft, sale pri ce ll p n sHasalBj!a , 9 -mm- Thrcc-Piecc Hahoany Bed Boom Suits 175 Chiffonier, Dreiser, $L40 value, for $17.50 TD)17IMT? $60.00 Parlor Chairs and Rockers f-r-Hd Mahosany. upholstered isj Frenrl' Velour. IUC value. t( -a.e price Tarlnr Chair fcolirl mahoaary. ur bol stered Tilth full I teitch !"ur. V.!1. sio.eD Solid Quart-d fased. Golden Rocker. 11!' value. 7 t sale price Maherany Unrktr, tiplinlstered in car pluitli. a It ;0 value, . mq price Solid Oolden .. Pleepy Hollos-K'K-ker. ui'holajered in leatlir a 114 value. smV J awMMaf tied ltaveuMrts CXit Away iK.wn for this Sale, Se hens. mm t T. Genuine Circassian Bed Boom Suite Dresser and Chiffonier, reg ular $140 value, sale price $110 ta hka The anew was swept ia many ptaoee rate drifts several feet deep. It SWIMMING EXPERT ARRIVES All Mesabers of tbe V. M. C. A. Are Prtitleaed to Benefit at Mia 1 astrwetioaw borisontal lra Mllll J. L. Ijuatlien of Irving-ton. Neb.. arst aua that has bn expert- Mr and Mrm. jDtlB y hulta. None tatsl la tbe district for som. time, la I Tsenty-second street, were Biarried at tlie , t,. .e,n. , k-a f . ' heme of the bnoe parent Kt. I t a ai. . (Wheeler officiating Mr and Mra. Liuaol.rn - - - - xill reside aear snn 1'iat.e. weatng advanced. taelet rit ltar't ace, Wltfe tba hd shut effecurely doe a is froutb Omaha the new year had te be euateat with the blowing of tbs whistles of tbe factanea. tbe ringing of bella aad the eoastonal dia-harge of fires or W a. In deed, the arrival of the ctreoomer as practically nanouoed so far aa public ob eervaaoa was ooaoerBed. There ere tew oa the streets at the witching hour, as those ha bad beeat atueiding partiea or eBtertalnaseata bad ere tbea aoate tioma Faarral of Mieatavrl Ularktr. Tha fuaeraJ af tbe late Michael Hiuchey. a bo died Friday night from erf a: jUa, Ivi lea trig aa Injury te hia nvhl hand, took plane yesterday from Lit Norm hvea leenth street te ft- Mary's cemetery. Prior ta thia there as service in St Agnes' church at which Rev. Jamea Aherne citi- I dated, and shirh maa largely attended, aa deceased aa ti knosa. lit aa aaich siockman ia the business district fur tee yeara aad was also a member of Soutb Omaha aene N a let. aa eU aa tha local Wdge of the Woodmen of the World Tbe lU bearere sere Georg. llauptmaa Tbomaa Curraa. M. F. Pr-ennaa, laa t'oa- Tlewi oa Cemalaar Tear Exprtsssd at eolteltatloa of Frees Aseewlatlen Ceiwgit Miaaal Art taw 1 export aa Farter tu fetsie. The vear WU faces a brirht otTtlooa. In tbe basiness world, as it Is reviewed hy as Omaha banker. W. H Burholk. vice president of tbe Omaha National back. CurtaiiTnent of some extra vagancea, llqni datipn hy farmers of Indebtedness to banks and a general procedure along cautioua and j oonservative linea these are the features of tbe banking outlook and prorpect its seen by tbs Omaha National man. H a viewa given on solicitation of a national press syndicate are aa follos-v "Viewing the situation from a more or less local viewpoint. I believe a decided i check to extravagance and a conclusion to curtail speculation are encouraging fea tures cf the present outlook which will be of hen fit during the coming year. "Money has been 1b strong demand dur ing the year, but tbe country is rich la the product of tbe farm and when these are marketed, liquidations of obligations ta hanks tor vartoua purposes ahould be rapid. Tbe farmer ia la aa Independent Position. He la not compelled te aell at the present lower prices offered, and is ia fair position to bold en and will prob ably do so for a time unless be becomes convinced that the present level will pre vail for some time te come. "I would not pretend ta predict whxt tbe dominant Influence of this year will be. It seems ta me that much depends upon the action of the present congress and tbe Incoming one. I think it safe te say, though, that business will proceed with caution and along conservative lnee -V. -Xx W IN Kf I . Flying Newspaper "Holds This Man Epoi-tiTe Wind Ka.kei PedeftriEa Ihir.k tint Banditi Bold Are After Hii Wad. Friends Gasped W hea the bella rang, the cannons boomed and the whistles blew their official wel come to tbe arriving year a near custom was Inaugurated at the Omaha club, where a number of Omaha s smart and exclusive people were celebrating. Some of them had come from the theaters: others had come in from tbe subscription dance, and other groupe of friends had spent the tact hours of IMS vaulting, and had oome te the club only to give public welcome to the new ruler, and tbey all were surprised by tbe liieug-ural. The same spark ef courage has tired other women to other parts cf the world to proclaim their independence cf prejudice and to openly avow their pleasure la tbe habit. On board the steamera and In American cities the avowal likewise has always led to gaps f amassment and haa aroused puffs of comment ia the press. In Omaha the few who have joined the grow ing army of recruits have done oo timidly and not until the early hours of mi. when the brave woman at tbe Omaha club dis regarded lifted eyebrows, has a woman dared to openly and publicly light and emoke -a cigarette! School Lunch HEN she is putting up tbe tin lunch whicn goes to scnooi Jfjf I w lt.b the Student of her household, or the toller, who prefers to take a lunch from hiprn- le crunching st a down town lunch room, the mother haa pleasant ways of varying the lunrb menu. One tbouchtful mother, for instance, has evolved the following vananta for the lunch: Cold meat put through food chop per; add a little gravy, salt, or cel ery. salt. Hard boil one erg, put throwgh chopier. season with ealt, a little well made salad dressing or cream. Freeh, crisp lettuuee leaves, lay on the buttered bread, spread on a llitle home made salad drcesmf. This mah.ee a deiic ous aa well as nourish ing sandwich. Take a few dates and cuts I use walnuts), put through chopper, add a little cream, enough to make It apread easily, and a dash of salt. Also niak? a jelly sandwich of grape, apfile, or vhatever may be at hand, and which is of: en all tbe sweet the lunch contains New Yearfs Eeception Going north on Sixteenth street jesierday evening there waa a man. There was nothing extraordinary about tbe man. He waa just a plain, everyday type of tbe grnua humo. built upon staunch and trust worthy lines thai Indicated prosperity, and offering a j')endi broadside to the blast inel howled down the canyon formed by the buildings. Like many another honest clt.aen be had decided to walk to hi home. Perhaps the deluSinn was helped by. loo many previous rrookmrs of the elbow H. A. Curaaa, tbe swimming expert who waa te ttach tne young Men's Christian aseociation members of OinaLha to a aim during the second week of February, will aiae be here the first week. I'uring the initial week be will tears, business men Air n tli m4n iWnrirv th, LuBinM dnrtenu of the Young Men a CbrtsUaa I imuatial happened. A .ablatio. memtr,hip list bavmg the pri-l.e. of hia instruction. Mr. Corwaa , ' h t- unsuspecting bead, will r exhibition at the Y.uns M.. . nd ar" th 'h rreat hia steps were a little awry and lie walked In an uncertain way not due entirely to the fore of the wind. He waa makt rig fairly rood headway derpite ttie wind and his failing, when the the young people will resume their studies f at school, and Mr. and Mra. t-m th will j spend aome time in New York and bnon. Mr. aad Mra. M. Block and sun lSdward of Kansas City have arrived to be the g-uesta of Mr. and Mra. V ax Burkenroad. Pleasures Past A ' hard timea watch party waa givei; New Tear a eve at tiie home of Mr. and Mr. and V ra Sidney Dejuise Tjakalow "Mra. Howard Shinrock. Ttiose present are giving the only large New Year s re- ere Mr. and Mra C. O. 6iark. Mr. and option thia year. They are entertain nr Mrs. John Kilttan, Mr. and Mrs, David thia evening from 4 to 7 o'clock at their I P-eed. Mr. and Mra. George Spark, Mr. attractive home. e02 North Thirty-eighib and Mra. 1orm Levi. Mr. and Mra S. V. street, ia compliment to Mr. snd Mrs. Barker. Mr. and Mra. D. Ganan, Mr. and Lxttiiae Earkalow. Mrs. William Woof. Mr. and Mra T. Christmas decorations of holly, nxstle- Thompson. Mr. and Mra. Charles Sparks, toe and bella are usod throughout the Mu EKleila Barker. Mr Claude Siiarks, room a a mound of red bloasoms formins ,Mr. Ijiwrence Shlnrotk, Mr. Ernest Caw the centerp;eoe for tbe dining room table fold. rnontha. ia now vis ting Mr. Freed man's Irenta Mr. and Mra. D. Freedman, in Boston, Maaa The engagement is tbe outcome of a friendship formed while Miss Mandeiberg waa attending Smith college and Mr. Freedman waa a student at Harvard col lere. Last summer Mr. Freedman visited in Omaha and ia popularly known here. For the Future Wedding Bells The msrriare of Misa Helen Furta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Forth, of Chicago, formerly of Cinihx to Mr. Lou a Epstein of Milwaukee., will be celebrated this evening at the home of the brioe parents. J3J East Fiffy-f.rs street. Chi cago. Guesta at the wedding who were formerly of Omaha will include Mrs. Hose iTeifuss of Chicago and Mra Jack K ixr pel of New York City, who waa former) r Mis Harlie Iireifuas, wbo will oome te Omaha the latter part of this week t h the guest of Mr. and Mra Julias Dreifus. About JiO Invitaticss were tsuued The agisting party includes. Chrisuaa asaociation tonight IMPROVEWTENTS CN Ed O. Uaalllsa feakUg the W llae Mltrbrll fa. Batldlwa at Farll eib aad Faraaa. The W'iike-Mitciien company building In prooaaa ef erectioa at Fortieth and Far- coat, full in the,, face. It wrapped itself j about the fare and stuck there with aJ! i the ijssesrtenry of the wind The man rAnitAU ! thusiaken unaware, retded and clutching at tbe offending eheel very suddenly sat down Is a snow drift. Ti.ltce Help," cried the maa, Tre been si ugged " Another ltnest ritisen unfortunate enough te be also walking, saw the in- Mes dames Walter T. Pare. eorse A Joai-n, Cui-iill Fair. J C. Prencn. Philip Potter Theodore R-.ngwaJt. George Beeclier, Ml attes Heien Iavis. Eiixabeth Congdon. jan Cudaby. hen bun. Helen Cudaby. Nantue Page, Meedamcs I a v ia Croweli. ' Charies C. George, of Les Moine R-lert Keii, Bdward Porter Peri. Joet h Barker, J. W Gnftth. Misses Mildred Rogers Frances Ssf-h. l'orothy Morgan. I oroi h y Ste en a. C aroij K Barkatow. Personal Gossip . . m . cAet atid burned te lend a heii.ing- hand nam streeta gives aa akr of decided husi- i ... na. Edward McEvoy and George ken- e ts that section, and whee completed V " " 'wr" " ,, . , the poraistent fmj-r. but it look some little a1- 'will lmprote Fortieth street greatly. , . , . . , . , , , ... I argument to convince him that be had Aire. ntaseraM a rattraL ( The structure Is brjck, UxlOS, and w Ul Ti.'tHdy of Mra Edward Fit Herald ! cost dj sards of gX.T The first floor win , tt' racd South Omaha jeaterday miaTiing ! be nriUy ttted fur a grocery stce and j Itmmmrrmmm iargrrr from Rochester. Winn, whither she had i the sord will t four modern aiart meets i in the abdamiaal reanon ia prevented by gone far an operation w hick an survnad r.d ti. HanuKon 1 et.ntracvi aad ia push- ! UM f r. Kings New Life It lis. th aaiy t da.a. Ti. futwral ha been ar- j ig the work vigorously and experta u. : r.mit purif,eja. lie pur al by Bealoa ranged for Tucwday tuomuig at trwiaturB ev er tut k early in the si-ring i lrus Ce, Miss Ruth Roberts of Fremont is spending- the holidays with Mra. George Howell. Mr. W. R. Bennett of Chicago, formerly cf Omaha, ta spending a few daya in Omaha Mra William J Hyr.es ar.d son. Master William Hynea. returned borne Friday from a week'a visit ia Hastings. of Les Mcimea la, are vimm; ber aster, Mra James B Bone, and Mr. Bone. Mra. Brook and ihe Miatwa Brooks of Portland. Ore . who haia been nsiuxig Mr. rnd Mra M. T. Barlow, left last evening for Washington, I. C, te spend several week a Mr. Edward Schneider ef Saa Francisco, who is vuauiig 1.4 sister. Mra William J. b urges, and Mr. Burgee, will leere to Kerrow etening for Cbioago for a short stay before ret urmi4 west Mr. and Mra Arthur Cnttend Sautk accoit:an.ed b Misa Harriet rMtutk ard their son, left t-naay fur th east, w here Ttie Mirpah club waa entertained Friday afternoon by Mra Fred Peterson, ! I'u-I-ont. The Jrisea wtre w on at card by Mr. Fred Peterson and Mra. M. J. An derson. Tb next meeting will be held at .lb borne of Mra. R, Q limmaa on Jan uary It SO Grand aienue. Tbe memtrs of the club are Mcsdamea Fred Peterson. Paul Stein. J. C. Reeder. Charles Gift, S. W. 11 user. M. J. Anderson, Nettie Myrra A. Richardson, M. A. Lumberg, L. Pulli van, P-. G. Hmman and Carl Erickaon. It. and Mra. J. R. McPherson were given a surprise Friday evening in cele bration of their fifth wedding aunivereary. The evening waa sjwuit in plating high five. Tboa present were: Mr. and Mn. L. L. Johnson. Mr. and Mra. Tracy Kvans Mr and Mra. Joe McPLoreon of Council Blufia Mr. and Mra. Will Vnderwood. Mr. and Mra. Fred licainaon lir and Mra W.iU Hjer. 'r. and Mrs. J. K Rail , It and Mra J B. McPhersoa Miaa Car iSk)ae Mesdame ' Mesdamea Charies Coftrtian. E Gilbert of li. Pot's Council Bluffs. A BowelL Messrs Meaurs Guy Boswell. Harry Chi a. Lxiuis Wngtit- M.s Franora Weasella will be tbe hosi far tbe meeting of the Amateur Rridre I club next Friday afternoon. , Aa Informal dancing' iiarty will I eriven this eienlng l y Mine Maraden at Brownell Hall in oompliment to last year's graduat ing class of Browneli Hall. Christmaa deo orationa will be used and fifty inittiona were used. One of tbe larger affaire today will be the dinner and theater tarty given by Mr. and Mra. John J. Hanighea tbia evening at their home, followed by a theater party at the Brandris, ia honor af their son. Mr. J. J. Hatughen. Jr.. and about thirty mrmbeiw of the school aet- Faahlaa a a Art, An observant 5pmard in Paris. Ronot Gomca Cart 11 o, has written a book on women'a clothe, the materials, colors and styles they select and the shape of their hats. So great a hold has the subject taken upon him that he has onccived an idfca which may apjeal to many women. He suggeKta that, a faihion haa become an art. a chair of feminine elegance ahouid be established at the Ecoie des Beaux Art. It is not enough for women to be seen in the latest modes at the Grand Pri a at flower feats, at art exphibition and at first night at tbe theater. They are cer tainly observed at lbea function, but they do not exactly reign supreme. It ia said that many fashionable dress makers in Pans are charmed with Senor Cwrillo'a tdeaa and would be glad to further them If poasible. PEATTLE OF TEE Y0U5GSTO.S. Teacher Now, Harold, can jou tell tn w ha t made the Tower of Ilea lean ? Harold I gueaa there must hsre been a famine la the land. "Willie, aaid little Mabel te her brother, "what shall we gv for Christ- College Romance Mr. and !ra A. Mandwberg announce the engagement of tbeir daughter Ronna M. Mandeiberg, to Mr. Edward Freedman. of Spr.nrfieid. Mass. Tbe wdd:ng plan j haie not yet been made. Misa Mandei- i berg, who ha been wlinc tn New York end other eaaiera due tor the last taej A pair of 1 added Upper" waa tbe prompt reply. ""Well, little girl, what did you get yes terday is your stocking r "1 got It full of candy." "What else did yon get?" "1 got tack -Little Eia-V.arruia didn't you aay that it my m dolly got broke somebody would have to be spanked ? Mamma Tea, dear. Utile Ei a Wall, she broke her arm to day. iaak her. pli than A. Takalt Thelma while visiting ber giand tiot her, disootered a marble-top table ia tbe par lor the first aha tad ever seen. Running to ber mother she exclaimed: 'Jti. n..-. giandmamma baa a table la the front room lib a tombstone oa It" The aty a the Situatioa Be Want Ada. j T (at tba kaat af RacKacha Cat at Rax af Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Otharwiae Baf K.aoha May gat tha aa at Af yota Nothing distarbi the humio fytetn more than pm whether k be ia the iora of headache, backache, neuralgia, stomachache or the pains peculiar to women Dr. Mile' Anti-Faia PtUg are a taadard remedy for paia, and are praised by a great army ei men and women who hive used thean for year. "K friend was aowa witi LaGrir pe and acariy erased with awhii backaine 1 g ' on Aah r ain Kill and lrfl another tor ber o take. Tkry heJped aer rirht away, aad aa aay she wii arvcr be srrthotit t ts again." Maa. G. H. W ts. Xaatinbcrg, (1. At a dewagtsts 2 tfoaaa U. htlaaa MEDICAL CO- HahanTw,..