'at 1 .T ah f '-Wl. . fflHI w X X"11. .. i ' 4' Vi -S-fl' 'J"! Ill X P"" HI i i Tli n s'itaStL ii WANT-ADS Mast ads received at any tlaae, bat la laeare proper eleeetf Icatlea saaat be r(t4 before 11 a'elaek- aa. la Ika Ttali editloe aad before TiSU e'eleett of ha ralaa Tala far Mala aad tseday edit!,. Wul da nlT4 aft eb. kaara wUl have tkclf flrat laaertloa keadlac "Too Lata to ClaeUr." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADI. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oa laaartloa, 1 1-3 cent war 1 ee-at wr i?or4 for aaak abeeaeeat laaartloa. Back laaertlom oa add dare, 1 1-8 aaata ar war. 81. S llaa Br asoath. Ratea apply altfcar Tka Dallr tor Baa. Ale-aye aaaat t word to a llaa. Waat ada for Tka Bee mar " ' at aar of tka following dra tore aaa la roar "eoraar dra;e;lt" tber are all branch ofllcaa for Tka Baa aad roar ad will ba Inserted Jaat aa promptly oa ba aaase- rates aa at tba mala offloa la Tka Baa baltdlagr, Seveateeath aad Faraam etreetsi Albech. W. C. 40th and Farnam. R.um Drug Co.. tm N. 18th Bt. Beranek. 8. A.. 1401 B. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy. Benton, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. SM and Cuming. Blke-P,radleh, 2S1 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military AT Caughlln. C. R., th and Plere Bt. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake St. Cooney Pharmacy, 212 B. Wth St. Crrmak. Emll, IW4- 9. 13th Bt Ehler, P. H.. tWI Leavenworth Bt. Foter Arnoldl. 21S N. 26th Bt. Freytair, J. J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. rreniter Pru Co.. W08 N. lfith Bt Florence Dru- Co.. Florence. Neh. Grean'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paclfla. Oreenough. O. A.. 106 B. l'Hh St. Oreenouch. O. A.. 10th and Hickory Bta. Golden Pharmacy, 24ih and Leavenworth. Hayden, William, 2S Farnam St. Hlnterlon Drug Co.. Jlst Ava. and Far nam Bt. Holut John, (74 K. lth Bt. Huff. A. L., 2824 Leavenworth Bt Johanaon rru(r Ci.. Mth and Spalding. Kin. H. 8., 223S Faraam St. KounUa Place Pharmacy, 1304 N. 14th. lAthrop, Charlea K., 1324 N. 24th Bt Marea. Fred L., 2011 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1HU? N. 24th Bt. Peyton Pharmacy, 72 8. ltith Bt. Schaafer1! Cut Prlca Drug Store, 16th and vnicaRO bta. Schaefer, Aug., ?M N. lth Bt. ncnmiai, J ii. in ana v umnii en. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AKD rtREKAL NOTICES. GUDERSON Andrew, aged 7 year. 6017 North Twenty-third Street. Funeral from. Swamon undertaking estab lishment. Seventeenth and Cuming atreeta. S p. m., Tuesday, January 3. Interment Fored Lawn cemetery. Funeral private. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., fllBflfc ambalmers. 1(14 Chicago. D. 16GS, B-1669. PARLOR THEATER Toil have seen th REST, now try th BEST. Hlgh-claa vaudeville, matinee dally, The people snow tioua. COAL ! At cut price. ALL KLNDS. W a v en KM to ll.Mt a ton. yuan till and quality uaranteod. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PK1CUJ COAL CO., ll NICHOLAS T. UUTH PHONKo. MY BACK IS BROK1CN. 1 earned 11. two for Infanta noma last faJL Your magaalne order and renewal thia faU will earn &,( for charity. Th Interest of thi money will provide for an Invalid maintenance for lua and later pay nurea wage or enanw a noapiial col forever. Must have aubscrlptlun to Everybody', Delineator, II. b); Woman Horn Oomuan. Ion, McClur', (2.20, In December to earn the first tl.MO; every order or renewal am toe; four earns for charity. 1 posi tively duplicate any printed offer. Writ lor eataiogui and story; tauo alread y earned. run M&ni baku liti ititLM lli, write or pnone Do a la TIM. GORDON. TH1C UAGAX1NS HAH. OMAHA. Oil, YOU PARADISE I Sound good, doesn't UT Haoplness su pram wnen you burn our PAKAD1BB iuau xu cui aown your coal bill tak our aaviu ana oum raraaise. Will sav you tl.eu to U ton. Both phone. J. W. bKUFOttD. iltu Cuinjng Bt BARK Eli BROS. PAINT CO Doug. 4TS0. lnd. A-31CL 1608V4 Farne Stencil, outfits; styles; picture tratnl at liloierate trtfea! elMiia ra1l CARRY A FI LL LINK OK SHuKWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, BRASS POLISH Llyl lD VF.NKKR AND ALL BRANDS UK FLOOR WAX. The Mickey Music Co V v r now lo-atu in our iiew home at 10 B. lMh St., with complet hit of nee muslo and small musical Instruments. MONEY KATL, In sum to suit, UU Bee Bld. m UWII AJUUM. U4. UNION LOAN CO. GOOD EYE-SIGHT Is mankind's grvatekl Urssitig. Consult ua J Columbian Optical Co.. u-i; a. lata a)fcl HAVE your photo taken at Btuts n an s. lb taii Siudju, i u lutb bt. HORNBY Blu Print Co.. bit Be Bldg. Haad-palntcd china cheap, ran Cum. H. lai tAT KOSHEll DUAlhl COOKING. AKKlNa. i a lii. UPaiAitia. DAVID COLli CREAMERY CO. ARSEMC and IRON complexion waters make clear, white sain, iiy mall afce and I. ahsrniaa McCuuneil Drug Co., Omaha. ELKVATORS REPA1HED. freight. pa. senger. J. It Kennedy. Wt S. Uth. D. iml. BEFORE buying your Jewelry, call end our compute line of fine Jewelry at inanulaciurera' price. We .,. . .. i... ... ..... f oi mil kinds at will mmvmt wv ' ' - j.lrv Direct iuiDorter of Diamonds slid predoua slunes. DE LONG JEWELRY CO, tv2-l McCague Bld-. Cor. lith and Dodge b ire is. Opea evuw uuill rVtAl Publl Market Special. "" tvAD lump. njO. prenduai with cash rdr. Partndge-Thon son Ce . Wia Harney sleeU Dougla Ki-'. lnd- A-seit ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. MIPS L.UT1B BRYANT wlahae t aa nounca to ladle that ahe ha added to rer balrdreaalng, manicuring, path, aalt glow, Dofly muHli, eweaian moveinmv, aj BatUa Craek graduat. Mia Bryant thank bar patron for thalr generou aupnort la th future- Room Ut and lli B Bldg. ABB'S 1LER GRAND PHARMACT. ' Leather novelUe. all kind, candle, per fume, cigar a and plpoa. VIRGINIA DARK wine, 7t a largo bof tla Klein Liquor House. HI N. lto Dl wsa r AXT.im r HDNQATt. china flrlpg. I7 Braadeia Bldg. Tel. Webster tut our Mb eraant bread: always fresa. Uwortb St Bakery. 07 Uworto. H. . DOUGLAS PrinUug Co.. TsL Douglas 644. PRRSRIPTIONS filled, 'e deliver any place. Saratoga Drug Cor Tel. Web. U. Filter, niter repair. 1S10 Howard. D.3911 HOW 18 TOUR COAL BINt Tl. D. 4128. Web. 1106. Coal all kind. R. II. MOREHOUSE CO., ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths riiat in the west.. kith A Howard St. MAGGARD Van as Storac. Pack, move. tor and ship H. H. Goods. D. lett. B-24ia. S. H. Col Sign Co., D. t7S. 1211 Farnata. I1AKRT W. UOOL. Engineer. Dealaraer. DrafUman. Hi Brandei Theatrrl. 290L TWENTY per cent le than Omaha prices tau r riTPMiTiina cri- Twenty-fourth and L 8U.. South Omaha DR. MUNSON. 2814 Bhermaa Ava, W. (lie. B. F. Wurn. optician. 41 Brandels Bldg. LYNCH BROS. LU?NaAND REPAIR WORKS. 170 Jackson St D. 1477. ED R0TT1ERY R;h,"f I. Full quors ana cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill S. 14th 6t. MRS. IRWIN 346 Brande: Theater. Les sons In china painting, naturalistic and conventional; evening olanaes, Tuesday and Thursday. Order for china, plao card. etc, promptly executed. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH 5 Centa JET KB, 13ut Dougla Street HUB. FRAYKR Adellcht hair food: da grow balr. Megeath's. 14th di Farnam. FRANK H. GIBSON CO.. find coffe. W deliver to any part of city. TRY IT. riaon Doug. uszo. IffifrPBhmpnta Muslo t service for lAfcireeumenia wadln A danc in or out of town. Call or writ Alfred Jones, UU Jackson. Teu Hr. uu, laa. a-ui. GOOD THINGS :h" -nd drtnh Fallstaff Buffet Board of Trade Rldg AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" four auto. "SKID" into a podt "TEAR" your" coo. And bring It to th beat plac lit Omaha lor n Kind of repairing DRUMMOND Cornar llth and Harn'V St. Auto Repairing REffiV car "on CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxtoa Mitchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 7W4; A-mi AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE) BY Burleigh Glove Co. FOR SALE Model 1 Bulck roadster. quipped with Pre-to-lite taaa aad skausi wills tie. Call Harney IW2. wrnTJ A riTf Auto rpaiiing and nalnt OiVUUlUU , w pf.lff.r rWrlHfe Work. 26th & Leavenworth. Tel. Red WRITE for list of automobile bargains n. r rearicason auio (. o., uraaha. Auto Paintim? '"I'kpht did it." AuiuraiimiiK Get our ,cet now ajuijkbi-w m t KfH x bun. 1412 Jackson. BUSINESS CHANCES Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Up YOUR EYES ARE YOUR FORTUNE lake car of them. Our 19 year' x parience at your service, consult us. ' COLUMBIAN OPTICAL, CO., X-211 Ho. Wth St ARB YOU A HUSTLERT If so. 1 will eell you a half Interest In my old etablind real estat business, located In the city, that ha averased bet ter than fl.udO.OU per month for the past two years, ine ngnt man can get In foi about tAiO.OO cash. Unlees you are a hus tier and have the cash, don t answer. Tin win stand investigation. u. B. WANTED A business man with 11.600 to act as secretary oi plant; solendlrt oppor tunny ior woe-awaa man. Address Kl, Be. A NICK CLEAN STOCK of groceries, do Ing good business In Council Bluffs; In voice stock and fixtures. 11.000 Must be sola at one. Man oner. l ti Midland Co Hit Brandeia uidg. MEAT market, thoroughly modern, onl on In 400 town; auo miles from Omah Swedish ettlnient. Address C bcA, lit. LARGE FIRE insurance com LAllUIl i J-LVXU PAN V . Tnl IS pasi uviy m last roonin inis aa win run: lake aavantag of IL btocks for sal. D1VI- itNLiii Agent wanted. Cassady Fiscal Agents. S. W. Cor. Iss. Omaha. Tel. D. J0. 14th and Doug SEE th OMAHA LAND AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY for big bargains la (arm or rani. a lands. List your property ior sal lth us. All sinus uf eacnaugea ,M N. i Lit toiag. FOR SALE A u'mA business In Idaho. Qrocurlr and Wuenwar. flue location oa main aticet. Duing good business. If you uuy we pay your laie. svaures r. u. di tui Caidweil, Idaho. 1 OIVK Pronal attention te collrc- '-- Uou; no collection no com mission; L2 years' experient e. .'ensen, M SEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHoNa: IHJUU. 4S-.4. ('SADY Co- K''1 Eta, Loan and Vaoaui Insurance. List your prop el ty ! sale or rent. Quick returns, a t. coiner 14th and Dvuglae. 'l ei. Duug. L4 WANTED Business woman over thirty with tluvu cash to Invest in old estab lished, big paying business. Salary, share of profit. Handle your own money. Ad dress fur Interview, J-644 Bee. WAN'TE1 Representative -business man to taka agency fur wsll known line of au tomobiles, both commercial and pleasure type; very fine opportunity fur man with some means to build a good, pernsaneiU business. Ad dree Y 2tft. car Be. G. D. C CODD1NGTON. St Board f Trade Bldg.. business chances, bonds, atock and real estate. TO GET la r out r uustna call OANGESTAD, 4 Be Bldg. Tel. D JJI. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PARTNER wanted In a retail clothing ualnee. aetabllKhed 1 year. or more If right party. l-6o. Bee. FOR BALK Stock of farm Implements; good live town. Central Nebraska; invoice t-i,000 to 17.000; good location; good bulld Ine: only Implement house In town. 11' 10 sales. 13,oni). other business, reason for selling. Address, y B6. car Jtsee. I HAVE an improved farm olose to sta tion to exchange for a drug stock. Ad dress T 2M. car Bee. TO RENT small (tor building. Addres Lock Bos 213. Creston, la. Rooming; House For Sal. ROOMING hous for sale. HI N. SRth. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1MB Farnam St. Dougla 47. KftON'TTinTT rhlmnnrbfllgit m n Iriirin sr Vialt 6rwngt hair goods. City Nat'l Bk. DM. OENTISTS BAILKY A MACH. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 10M. OETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective ajro.. Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Faxton blk. D. tm; lnd. A-1J1. CAPT. T. CORMACK. $17 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS Dressmak'g, Tailoring. 2211 Doug. D. 4736. STRICTLY lst-class dremk'g. and tail oring; only first-class trad wanted, A-lfii79i MISS STURDY, 1 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 1711. DRESSMAKING and alteration. first class woik; prices reasonable. Mis Elisa beth O'Connor, 'll N. 1th. Webster 14J0. EDUCATIONAL THE MID WINTER TERM OF Boyles College will open In both the day and nlgnt ea Ion MONDAY. JANUARY 1. Business Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. Tb cata logue I free, 'Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent, Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Official Training School Unioa Paolflo R. R Telegraph Department Mosher-Lampman fffio8? Unexcelled courses la Business. Ahnrt. hand. Penmanahlv and Knaiisit, None bat stperiencea icacpeia Day ana Bigot ses sions, nuji interesting catalogue uoueue iu wmana. nenu ior uut '.ooay. vrir4is.it i crt&i rvuw orm ENROLL AT ONCE. MOdUEH 4k UUfMAN. llth and mi cam bis.. Omaha. Nea THE Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL Wishes You a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and announce th MID-WINTER OPENING for TUESDAY, JANUARY J. Drop in and let' see if there isn't some thing. In th schedule for you. FLORISTS Bennett s Flower IfepL. East atrane BRANDEIS' cut flowar dept.. new store L. H end sr so a. lilt Farnam. Douglas L2U J. H. BATH, tot Harney. Dougla jut HE8S V SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St ADONAHUB, 107 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER front, furnace and atove re pair. New furnace and combination hot water neater. 1 hermoatata and tank hat ers Omaha Stov Repair Work. L!0s-UU u ougiaa bl nuin pnonea. HELP WANTED FEMALE Fstterr aaa Tradra. WANTED At once, women and girl. Steady work. Oood wages. Great Western Cereal Co.. Fort Dodge, la. WANTED -Two binder Printer. Bee Bldg. girl. Kaber OIRLS to learn ha'rdresslng. Oppenhelm ranore. mi-w iuy nsi i iiariK. u. isja. WANTED PKLSKKItS AND MACHINE OPERATORS I.N OUR SHIRT FACTORY APPLY AT ONCE. BYRNE s HAMMER DRY OOODK tx-. FACTORY till AND HOWARD STB. Heaeekeepere aad Iloaeeetlca. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, no laundry, good wagea. lli 8. KSih St WANTED A good Danish or German girl tor housework. Xi4 Harney sit WANTED Competent girl for general housework, lis a. in Ave WANTED Neat white woman to help cook and waan aisnes. ivut ixiugias. t ANTED Experienced girl for house- ror. 7-1 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. WANTED A good rirl for general hous wvrk. goud wagea liUi Park Ave WAN1 RI A competent girl for house work, ill S. eelh tt. llamey lwu. WANTE1 A good laundreas, for Mon days or Tuesdays. JS'.t Kamam St. WANTED A middle ged woman, no children, to take care of home and old lady; refertnc.s; also utete wagee required. Advent religion preferred. Julia Burke, Norih Platte. Neb. WANTED A gocxP sundress. private family, all modern conveniences, i-l La layett Ava. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 303 N. 4Sth Ave WANTY.lv-A vomit to do plain cook ing. 1 Farnam St. WANTED Laundresa for Monday Tuesday. W7 Park Av. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeeper aad Homeettce Coat'd. WANTEli An experienced girl for gen eral housework, no cooking, email family, good home. ,t S. Mth Ave. Red 41. WANTED Kxperlenced girl to assist In housework. 720 & 2d St. WANTED Woman for general house work. (36 N. 41st Ava. WANTED Girl for general housework. no small children, good wage. 47u Cass St.- WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for general housework, new nrtck dwelling, nice warm room, good wage. Uut Park Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 12 Li N. 26th St., South Omaha. WANTED Good girl to assist with housework. S43SJ Decatur. WANTED Girl for mall family to do housework. 124 S. 36th Ave. GIRL for general housework. Ill So. Wth street. Ulltt. f t.r ir.Ti.r. 1 housework: small fam ily , good wagea 05 Park Ava. WANTED A chool gtrl; one who can Ko horn night. Z568 Cuming St, Apart ment A. housework; small family, lit S. 3Sth St. WANTED An experienced cook, tit 8. 0th 6t WANTED-A good girl to help with housework. Harney 4229. EXPERIENCED clrl for general house work; modern home, small family. Har ney 2X40. 8815 Burt Bt. WANTED An experienced cook and eo- ond girl. 2013 Dougiaa St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3123 Cass St. AN experienced nurse-maid. Mr. John L. Kennedy. Telephone Harney COMPETENT girl for general housework: family of three; no washing. Mr. Tal mage. 4'J Cass SU Phon Harney 2918. LADIES wanted: take work home: aD- plying transfers. 416 Brandels Theater. allellaaoas YOUNG WOMEN eomln to Omaha as stranger ar Invltad to visit th Young Vmn' Christian Association building ai t Mary' Ave. and 17th St.. where they nil be directed to auitabl boarding placet er otiiaiwlse assisted. Look fr oar traveler's aid at lbs Union atatloav HELP WANTED MALE Aajeats, galesmea aad Solicitors. WANTED Exoerienced salesman to sell factory line of men' Welt and McKay hoe In Iowa and Nebraska. Stat In first letter amount of sale and house repre sented. No application will be considered except those from salesmen who are now engaged In selling shoes on the road. J W. Carter 4 Co., Nashville, Tenn. Clerical and Office. WILL make a good proposition to a young man who can Invest il.ouo. Party will be well secured, and a good chance to establish himself In a good paying busi ness; prefer young man from country; party must put entire time Into proposition. E 39 z. care Be. I WANTED. A younir man of character and nerry for a responsible position with an old and well established lire Insurance company. Ad dress G 669, care Omaha Be. , Factory aad Trade. Drug Stor (snaps). Job. Knlaat Be Bldg . Mlseellaaeoaa. TOU ar wanted for government oosl. tlon; 80 month; writ for list of poaltton open. Franklin Institute. Dept. mu. Rochester. N. T. WANTED 170 month; customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clerks; list pf spring examinations In Omaha Low ready; prep aratton free. Franklin Instltut. Dpt JU4 U, Rochester. N. Y. ITS PER MONTH; practically no invest ment; spar tlm only needed; answer at one. Fred Wolf, Conoordla, Kan. WANTED Men to learn barber trad; big demand for our graduates; you can run snop or hold good lob after few week: some money mude while learning. Call or write, Moler Barber - College, 110 8. 14th street. YOUNG man to learn drug business. W A. Piel, 18th and Farnam. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Waaoas WE want to buy 25 head of horses. Best or prices paid. The Blue Darn rar Mil lard hotel, 12th and Duugla St. WE buy and sell ail kind of horsea Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 4Uti. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, if you buy from JOHN SON-DAN FORTH CO., Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sts. BOB SLEDS L1N1NGER IMPLEMENT CO. Cee. FOR SALE Jereey cow. VX 8. 12th. LOST AND FOUND IXJ ST A allver necklace with blu enamel and iupis-laRuli pendant. Return to City Engineer office f"r reward. llST - wire haired fox terrier. wV.it Willi hiaek and tail li-ad. lilaek spot on baik. tag -M,, name patsy. Return for re waid tu W. K. Runcker, 111 S. i'Jlh St. I)ST A coiae:, between Bennetts and Brandels Stores. I-eave st Bennetts. LOST Hlack pocketbook at Oavety the ater by R. A. Crancer; return to Hee busl ness office. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and aurgtcal treatment at Creishton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sta : apeclal attention, paid to confine ment caaea; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Dougla 1117. Calls answered day and algal MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHAT1KLS. fJfMMmWJ?$MJlM KHHIlllltm NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC M XI iu i,w lOANED ON HOUSEHOLD t FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES. U THIS IS A NEW FIRM U U Organised by th REPUTABLE! t BUSINESS MEN of thi city to pro it tect honest working people In need M of temporary Lelp from the exorbl K Unt charge of the o-clled loan it .mnanla Wa will loan you all th U money you want and charge you omy it a Dar cent a year. it THIS MEANS YOU PAT For t 10 t mo. payment xi.70- w.w it for I 26 t no, payment M -s M r.r t to mo. nayment U I eo.l M M For 110013 mo. payment fci.&S IIO W U And all other sum In proportion, u M Easy weekly or Monthly payment. H It Reaaonabi Appraiseuia iuti. f A gianca at in aoova raves win convince you how much you sav by M ft dealing with ua. H U NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. M atOMEY IN fuvr,i. m WITHIN AN HOUR. U It INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., M M ROOM 204. W1THNELL BUILDINt. M It Doug. UHo. N. u.cor. loin ana nsrney. el ttniiiiHwiwwi mHwwiwimiiiMiw Could You Use $50 to a Good Advantage! i. II 1 U iV A , 1 V U W. . ..... w .v ww. .- you borrow money you want th lowest rate, and we give It. We will loan you . t , si . n f : , . k nA am fiivnttnrA Til.nn. or team, without removal; email and easy payments, i u i tne wrrmy v:ni" a tftO loan for SO weeks. Other amount In . v. 1 n,nnrnn mvm liheral dis counts on all loans Paid off befor due. Mall or pnone applications ri v. prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Uo. Room 12. Arlington Block, U1H4 Dodg St Phone: Dougiaa i6 a-moo. DON'T BE BROKE W will loan you what money you may need; quick loans, reasonable ratea. term to ult on any kind of aecurtty you may hav. or on you plain not. THE J. A. UUTTON CO., ill Paxton Blk. Uth and Farnam St. DO YOU NEED MONEY T ... . ., i , i .... n .n.i m 1 1 n v nn vour furnl- v m iv. j -. . - , - - , ture. piano, llv took or any othr se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Counou ueainieni uu strict privacy. Call or phon and convinc yourseif. , , . , T y WEBiiAJSJVA LUAiN KAJ'f . D. 136s. lnd. A-13stt. 320 Be Bldg- To LOAN. Com in and let us explain our low ratea to you, Kellaule Credit Co., MONEY u Paxton Block- il. Dougiaa lill. A. -1411 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPL& WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AN It OTHEHti, wlthcut aecurlty; eaay payment. Office in 66 principal cltle. Tolman, Hoom tot New Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loan mom y on furniture and piano. Low at weekly or monthly payment. OUH ADDRESS, 140 k'AKMAat BT. Private party will loan honorable salaried people small sum on their plain note; baiiKlnz methods, loweet rates; loan mad quickly and confidentially; payment ar ranged aa oesirsu. Aaareas A m, Be. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Wf! FIATATI 1514 lg Btret MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-Ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage. Telephones Dougla get. Independent B-U41. OMAHA VAN STORAGB CO. clean your carpet on your floor; electrlo vacuum eieaner. sv a. utn; M . ito. Doug. ii V OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Raosaa. LARGE beautiful furaiahed rooms, en suite or slngl. with lavatory, large clossta; excellent board. . w ueorgia Ave. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, good board, 109 8. 2blh. FINS furnished room w'th board; horn cooking. 9S407 uarnsy St Bt. Jam, 41 8. It; stm, beat free bam j Am., ti.26 up; wkiy., t up; meal. Jxx NICE room and board. 2611 Farnam St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. board; gooa location. 08 N. itu ai. WANTED Two young men to room and board; private family. AUl Howard ut. FOR RENT Larg south room; board for two reference, ma lass Ht NICE room and board for two gentlemen. !Ci N. ih m. BOARD and room for two moderate price. Z4is capitoi av. BOARD and room for man and wife; good homo cooking. iMi Dougiaa Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished num id alcove; waiKina oiataiue. itt.u'.v. Beard if wished, wit r arnnv. ft TEN MINUTES' Walk. Got5 '.oant. N'c room; Reasonable; All conn.iif i:: ; Aew, modern; fnvate ramuy. in .oan iist. NEATLY furnished room; good coo kin 601 t. iilb bt. BOARD and room for two; private fam Iiy. 610 Hickory St. WANTED Traveling man and wife to room and boaru; private family. 204 Howard bt PLEASANT room for lady. 240S Cass St NICE rooms, well heated, neatly fur- n Is lieu, horn cooking. 2112 Dougla St. MCE, neatly furnished room. 2216 Dougla St. WARM modern room, with excellent board, clone in; reasonable. Tel. Doug. IXJ, 6: SOUTH 17th, board; reasonable. flrst-tlai-s room and Faraleked It . GENTLEMAN boarding desires room mate. Only refined parly cnriKidered. Lo cation la good: wltliln walking dlatanca. Nice neighborhood. New, with nil muuein ronvenlucee. iiKd board Reference ex changed. Address. S-iJ0. Be. . FOR RENT Nioely furnished, modern. frnl room: break faal if desired. ii'A Iavenport St. Harney 177a. rojt RK.NT Nirelv furnlahed front room fit S. Sth St Very eoarenlaat t buslaeea NICELY furalabed roe, is & ttd at OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued. Famished Raosaa raatlaaed. SUPERB larg t earn-heated room. N. Ud. CHOICE front room, auitabl for tw; arm: strictly modern and well kept; art tale family; phone; walking distance; als convenient to goou ear hue. raaaooaaia I'v N. i4th at. TWO furnished room. Tsl Wsbstsr 671. 161 N. 20th St THB cost est, neatest furnished room la eity within minute of business district; strictly up to date; prloa reasonable. I704 Farnam, Harney ttSeX SUITE of room, elegantly furnished, running hot and cold water in room; price reasonable; suitable for two or three gentlemen; walking distance. Istft SU Mary s a vs. MODERN rurnlshed front room with al cove, also amallar on, tin Dodg. xjnriirRM tot i. aha room floor. J? Harney. DESIRABLE MODERN room: orlvat family; good tocaUon. ill No. list Ava. MODERN room, gentlemen only.' half block from posuiffic. ta N. 171a. Doug la K194. NICE front narlor for two aentlamea. all modern, convenience and horn com fort, board If deslrsd, good hoin cook ing walking distance, tit bo. 26th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished modern room. 1126 Dougiaa St NICELY furnlahed front room In new steam-heated flat to, young lady only. tttU LUicago Bt 11. Rd Mix. FOR RENT Nlo front room, around floor; good location. US N. Kth St. FOR RENT Nlo sleeping or house keeping room; warm; reasonable and modern. 1KW Dodg St. FOR RENT Two very nlo adjoining rooms, lttll Chicago St-- NICE warm room: furnishd: reason able. Ult Chlosgo St ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, hause. keeping privileges If desired; good boat good bath; olose In. 1411 Dodg. FOR RENT Larg front room and el. ova; private family. 1671 Dodg St. FOR RENT Nioely f arnisUed front room. CI I fcl Vj m A ... deUAat gpv Mif m ntVi FOR BJCNT BlngU rooroi, for MntimtL YJVtl IS 1TVT KTI dN.waal.l,. UA.a aV Vw aawi a a-e vV law gJV gVMlUwIIVU rVVIU, dtMiraoU for two, batn on Mints floor. aualltlna 4lslnn J ala Ue Watlllia uVtut.a tWi ntll Uf gjJU Van RENT-Urffi tm tiMtM mmil food location. UtS N. iW St. FOR RENT Nioely furnlahed room, pri vate family; good location. 714 S. um Ave irri a nimiT tim. i . . . m . viv wi, iiviii mviiL slrabl for two men, neatly furnlahed and venly heated. Prtvat lamlly, kju s. uut iieofc. FOR RENT A nicely furnished room east front, modern, evenly heated, walking distance for couple refined gentlemen, ttaa. sonaola. 602 S. 4th. MODERN sleeping rooms. Centrallv lo. cated. 411 N. Uth. THREE elegant rooms, modern, main floor, walking distance, no N. loth. No FRONT room, two bed. Reaaonabi. lilt Dodge. Flirt RENT N leal v furnlahed ranm in privat family. 120 So. uth St. FOR RENT-Very dlrabl nloalv fur- nlslied room strictly modern, good location. Km 8. Kth St FOR RENT NIc larg front room, all modern conveniences. 24ti Harney Bt FOR RENT Two nleeiy furnished rooms for sleeping or bgusekeeping. 1701 Leaven worth St VERY nicely furnished room, good loca tlon, all modern, full Bnerman Ave. FOR RENT Nicely fumlbd room for gentlemen. US 8. loth St. FOR KENT Modern furnlahed room, well healed, private family, 2i So. u Av. MODERN furnished room, wall heated, privat faff.Uy. Uut Dougla St. NICELY furnished room near 24th street car line. 2446 South Soth street. LARGE front room, suttabl for four student. Rent reasonable. 41 North Uth. SUITE of room -la modem house, de sirable location. 2204 Webstar treet. 'NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooms fof student or person working, at, l St Mary Av.- FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed room, mod. rn. walking distance 20u Harney St. . NICELY furnished room, board If da llied. HOI South 1Mb street. FURNISHED room at bargain, strictly modern, walking dlstancs. Phone Har. IM1. w0 !..ivenworth., Hires very deeleafel room, all modern convenience, walking olsianc. Price very reasonable. FOR RENT NIc suit of furnlahed room for three or four gentlemen. XTua Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, hot water, and heat, 1 block from ear. 21W Blnney. PL'RNISHED, steam heated-room; pri vate family, for gentleman; walking die lance. 602 8. 2Hth St. CLEAN, gentlemen. nicely furnished room Hi North 20th St. for CLOSE In, rooms suitable for gentlemen. 216 N. lttth. ROOMS with all conveniences; half block from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. FURNISHED front room. 5 per month for two separate entrance. 17U NIc uhoias street. LARGE front room: steam heat, elec tric light. Call Tyler 1207. MODERN room: southeast exposure; everything first-class; reaaonable; refer ences. Douglas 6216. FOR RENT Nice, warm front room and alcove: bath on same floor: use of piano; to ladle or couple without children. 20J3 St. Mary Av. FOR RENT NIc room; nestly furnlahed; parlor floor; good location. 04 S. 2Sth HI NEWLY furnished room. In strictly mod ern flat; private family. Apt. ? 1317 Park Ave. FOR RK.VT-Two furnished rooms; close In. 116 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Iarge parlor; furnace heat; good location, ti 8. &d St. FOR RENT Strictly modem, well heated room fur coupl gcatlemea. lit 8. 26th bt OFFERED FOR RENT Farnlahed ReomeCeartaset, Nirr, room for two young ladlaaj 1 'or t-o laundry ceinvenlnce privllsgea. gsar Hamey St. DKWET Buropaaa Hotel, lrth AV Faraan. THRf.-h". n. . i m for ladle or gentlemen. 61 N. lMh t FOR Ti V V T 1, m - . - - - - " i lurnnnvu rvomvi r onabl; good location. 624 N. .Hh St V.'llA. fllmlahaw. gwirsga. nivsrn vvjtgt) NltTTIC nrtrwl si- naMtai w iiea 8. 20th St Phon Harney 475L FTRIPTT.V marfarm . a win lur at wv ax jxa uw men. 120 N. 17th St LARGE room, with aJnnea ,iU.i.l. 4 gentlemen, modern convenience. Kg mill. sleeping room; walking distance STEAM heated rooms, deslrabls for on or two gentlemen; continuous hot aad ol4 water. 1701 Davenport NICELY furnished rooms all tnodtrex 2lS Dougla st STEAM ht ..wl. eiintlakal close in. 1708 Jackaon Bt VERY DESIRABLE, NEW MODffllW, CLOSE IN, GENTLEMEN. 11M VGV&bmUk. TYLER 1221. Uotele evad Apartaaaata. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS fe raw Umo.. THB CHATHAM. 110 a Ilia Si DODGE HOTEL Uth and Dodg. All out aid, cool room; special rata by tb wv SUITES t"6 up; meal book. tS-lo. Oamia men preferred. Tl Har. ML IMt Geo. Ava. Apartaaeat aad Vtata. Five-room apartment m the moat aft iiM.111. .wiinriii liuusn 1 u 111. u r . . JOHN W. ROBB1N8. 1H02 FARNAM UT.' CENTRAL, steam neat. 4-room flat t ti.ua. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly modern. 2K4 N. 2oth St Inquire J. N. Marsh. 121 Locust St FOUR room flat; new, modern, warn and convenient, 1740 So. Twenty-ssvsnth at. Hartley HUii. tlt.W I-roon modern flat, bet N. Utkt U, sitalr. Inquire a. lta at. Call Wa, ONE two-room apartment, with bath. In. the New Hamilton, southern exposure. Ad-, dreaa N 64s, Be. SIX room and bath. 263 Davenport FIVE room, brick, aUiotly modern: sea stove; walking distance. Harney 2264. I'T.ITJllNT .hKmnM Hrtflr tm.t - em throughout Cloe to high school. mgnx party win get pnai vno. call ir..i.. i.i. A xylol 1W, ivi mwf. kitchen and bath In the "New HaoUltoav" 146. Telephone Red JW0. 2617 Capitol Av., -r., all mod., 132, 662 So. 2Kth. -r., all mod., tM. tv No. 17th St., -r. mod., heat furnlbd. $38.00. J. W. Rasp Co., Doug. 1d-A-3. GENOA apartments, tWO Caaa, n ready; never occupied; th latest an) finest living and dining rooms, two bad room, kitchen, stores, ga ran-, re. frlgerator. telephone, shades, rod. JanU tor In rear will show you. SURE am fin plac to llv: itrloUr modern, five-room fiat. Harney 202. LOW mi RENT -room flat; choloej near High school; only 1:2 50. 7-room cot tage; 3017 Jackaon St; reduced to (20. Tl. owner, Red 624. raralsked Hakalagr FOR RENT SIS rurnind room fi tight housekeeping: also sleeping recioe. uL Dodg st Tylr lso. FOR RENT Slngl room, downatatra. CM Davenport St 122.00 Strictly modern, warm front room and alcove, on bath room floor; for re spectable ladles or couple without chlldrea. tia month with ua of piano; vaoast after Wth. 6 St. Mary a Ave. WARM, cosy rooms, all mod era. nsw furniture, gaa, furnao heat and beta. mi Dodg. h tm. TWO ROOMS, oomplstely furnished for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and very deelrable; tin location; walking di tanc. 660 S. 26th Av. FOR RENT Room for light housekeep ing; heated. 221 Dougiaa St TWO larg front room, gaa, bath. MOT N. Will St FOR RENT Two adjoining front room, complete for housekeeping: also sleeping room; gas; bath; phon. 2114 Chicago Bt FOR RENT Two comfortabla froal rooms for nouseaecpin. u b. oin ct . i - t, A .I..I. tii.nl.l, m.A gss. hath, laundry privilege. 211 Chi cago St FOUR nice, clean rooms, complete for housekeeping. Sue Chsrles St FOR RENT NIc room for housekeep ing, with rang and sink In kitchen, also sleeping rooms. 1701 Leavenworth St FOR RENT Thre furnlahed room for housekeeping, for man aad wife. Kit Webster St. FOR RENT Nlo, warm, light house keeping room. HI 4 Chicago St FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. 1221 N. Uth St FOR RENT NIC housekeeping rooms; good location. 2016 Leavenworth St TWO or thre vary pleasant wall fur nished housekeeping rooms. Entirely mod ern house. Privat family. 1724 Charlea St FOR RENT Housekeeping room, tlrat floor. 1712 Jackson St FOR RENT NIc room for housekeep ing, gaa for cooking and light 2 8. 17ta Ave. FOR RENT Two nice clean room, km modern hous. tail Jackson St. FOR RENT Furnished room for house keeping. 1114 California St. FOR REXT-Ona largs room for light housekeeping. 241 Dodge St. NICE suits of room for light house keeping P4M Grace St ONE suite south front modern rooms, for housekeeping, also sleeping room. vt bt. Mail' s Av. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. 2671 St. Mary' Av. 4 SUITE of light housekeeping room, sua B. 2ft h St.- IOR RENT Two furnlahed room for housekeeping; good location. 11 Howard bt- ,1 4