f ,SvPl J i f E LZ i I; X. I A X ay Bills for the Week at Omaha Theaters EW rnrre.l.ss even presented n besrir t' e. iv -ir J't'" rfcords "f hum n retire, and at the cam t'me rnw the comii- ele ment In i'ir ll'e a does fl";n- rhll m,t h - 'Tl - .. , V Kr Kr'1 ?h - v '2 """""n" fir an n,.1:nt at fie Rrandeia tht.r f.ir , b.'n- !,'"C .,lin. Jar.,,; , Mr Xib; supported l.y .n .,,ennt cnmoanv of piaver,. The plot is .,1Pi,. Nathan'W 1"'"r,n t- rnlc- wb-n his father s rirh n-sn. and af'.r he vm gradu al -d. H, father .et ail M mnnev. leav ing h- 'mr w'tu an evrell, nt kiowv-l, of ho-' f r-end monev. an. I with n ability to earn it Hnry Kninan. an old college r-.nm-irate. tell .-lt th,t th,r. r, n mnny small town. da'i--ter3 of iva;th.y t"H who will not marry any native, for 1 tliose wht would he eiltrlble hart gnn! to the, big rttW If, offer, to f'nanre Nat d'iring the time of hi eo.msh.lp. provided Nat i;i riniburse him anil give him a thnunanrl dollar beside. aftr he ha got "e :rl'e moiwy. Nat arees. and asks how he la to proceed. He rta elaborate tn- v arrui:tlm from If'nrv. chi-f imonf them b-ln that he must at on-c r to church. JJ JS'iat stop drinking, smoking and swearing. -and ''" n has h.-en in the town a m.int.1 or so. apply Tor worn there. The plo-e la left to Ntt i choirs, but It mtin not be nar New Tors.. Xat rhooees the town of Radvllle. Pa., and the seennd a-t onens In a nin-down drug store. In th pla-. tha proprietor, fain Graham. bin an Inventor, who haa Paid no attention to hia dm atorr. having left It to hia dauuhfar. Betty, a aort of lary. to rara for. Nat cnmii in and lihi for work and Graham f!nniy aTcpts tha offer and th latr-r beina work at once. Nat takes f-.ill rharice. pa off Graham i dfeta -d meeta Joaia LocUwood. duhtar of the li:a banker. The third at-t op.na in tha rehabiiatrd drua; stora thera thr- mntha Uter. Nat haa not only brought hack all the loat trade, but he haa aent Betty to achool. rebuilt the home and haa oulrad a lora for work. Henry arrlraa on tha arena to negotiate for one of Ora hm a patenu. Nat trlea to beg off from hia barialn to marry tha rich girl, but Henry la obatlnate. declares ha will aav Nat from himauif. and nea out ta find Grahajn. Joate propose that he marry her. and Nat consents, and tells Betty, when alia returns that he la engaged to Joala. In th last act. Joate farmer lover whom she j Bad cait aal.Ie. eharres Nat with belna; an embeaailns caahier of a bank who had dis appeared at tha time Nat came to the vil Iaa. and foes away swearinir vanareanca. Henry haa seen Betty in the meantime. f learna ef Nat s pllifht. and the good he has f 1 done, and release Nat from his bargain. V Jela and her father appear, charge Nat 'w'tl the crime of the defaulting caahier. J and Nat refuses to affirm or deny th K A charge. This la sufficient far Joel, who I f casta him off. declaring that their engage- ly ment la broken. The scene closes with Nat i jf "-n Betty In each other's arms, and tha m real rain coming down In torrent. Miss Lang and ber company, augmented by a large corps of djuic era. klncara aiu! other specialty people, will present th H apectacular fairy play of "Cinderella- at f tha Boyd this week, beginning with a mat s' lnw tats afternoon. This will be tha must pretentions undertaking ever essayed by a stock company in Omaha, and one of the largest 'productions ever mad at tha Boyd. The alar, srnich Is based on tha f old fairy story, opens In Fairyland, pro- eeeda through the home of Cinderella to tha palace of the king. Where the great ball la honor of tha Frince's choosing a bride la held. Thane to Cinderella a home auraln, and then to Fairyland, whither the prince and hia bride are transported for their honeymoon. Incidental to tha play are four great ballets, three) transforma tion scenes, sereraj tableaux and Innum erable specialties, choruses, solo songs, and other divert! semen ts. The ballets have been carefully rehearsed, and are i .... wviSjiwi4t iu icuun ot tna P'ay. ao that they come in as part of Its ) Nnovwntnt So with the specialties end aons. Manager Woodward has provided the greatest array at scenery and otlier atage equipment erer assembled In an Omaha, theater, and with his special ar rangement of lights and other appliances promises to produce soma pictures of wondrous beauty. Miss Lang will be Cln derl!a, and Mr. Lynch wt!I be tha prince, with several songs in erhlch his splendid voice will be heard with much satisfac tion. The spectacle win be presented twice daily during tha entire week. Lillian Ruasell. "In Search of a Sinner." cornea to the BranJeis theater on Tues day evening. January ia The eomedy la in three acts and was written by Charlotte Thompson, a western newspaper writer, who haa been making a name for herself " dramatist within tha last two or threw seasons. The biggest amusement combination that has erer visited Omaha will be seen ac the Auditorium for the first time Man day evening. January , when the New Tork hippodrome will unfold Its marvels and wonder, wber It Is to be seen for eleven perform anoee. The entertainment corr.es here intact, complete, and un changed from Its home at the Hippodrome, New York City. Every feature and per son of the metropolitan engagement haa oeen retained. The entertainment Is di vided into three parts. The first. "Pioneer rays." tells the story of the times when ovir western frontier was being settled. A v. wi wroiern mining camp la shown !h ail Ita adjuncts. Then there la a raid by the Indiana, followed by a sun eanae exe cuted by a trtbe of Sioux Indiana; also tha hsldup of the stae coavh. The second part of the entertainment la the "Bailet f Jewels." Over participants take part in this and taa effect la like that ef a blaung eunllght of various hues and colors. Mile. Aiberun Kasch. pertr.jt-re danseuke of the Parts Grand Opera and the London iuipodrome. leads this ballet. The third division la a musical, scenic, melodrama, entitled. "A Trip t j Japan " In addition tt telling a nuet Interesting and exciting atory concerning the theft of plana of an Americas submarine, this spet-tacle far Btanea opportunity for the lntrtductln of the various circus featurea which h.s made the New York Hlppudroma tna vWk of taa cuuatry. First, there 1 Xicui Gs- vn s mi.ijti el reus. Introducing half a hundred of the world's tiniest actors. Th iiuse midgets, whi are known aa the ut Kurope. da bareback ndmg. enaatlon aero Oar a i ears, wire walking, fancy deaoiatf. feats of strength, ledgrrdemaiir. and many other tricks seen under lbs regular ' while tees' oi the circus. Then there la Mareeline, the world famous clown Mareeline, the Vloa Trust." known the country aver as "the buy man ef the hiPtMdrnnte.' Aa o(Sr feature In this scene ta the Groat Albas, king of the wire. h- will slide on his head dowa a wire ! feet king a veauab.e thread ef daat.n. This act wui ba seen fur the first time ut mrtr at the Auditorium la Omaha. A.l sorts of ether fratarra are offered, such as gijgaauc ocean J- liners sieamlna- out u tha harwur ef York, showing a perfect view tha "gate way .f aoienca by aignt. also the s'vaat ef Ia n tarns " In JauoA. Altogether the en tertainment require twenty maaaivs seeasa. The sale ef seat Is oa ai the uffKa of the Chica ilUje A 6L , Big Act at New American r ' ' i t ' w. " S 11 'X 'v ESX.INI AND HSK Sixteenth and Farnam Paul sailway, streets. Those who attend the opening perform ance of the New American theater today will find that a surprise awaits them. The New American theater will hare the famous Sullivan Conidlne attractions escluaively. Chief among thie week- of fering will be Madame Bedini and her famous trained horses. Madame Bedinl's horses are as graceful as they are beauti ful and everywhere they are the subject of favorable comment or critics. McKen zle. Shannon and company will present their latest vaudeville success, "More Ways Than One." Both Miss Beatrice McKensle and Walter Shannon ara Weil known in tha theatrical world. Doyle and. Field, comedians, present a new lino of songs and dances as novel as they ara en tertaining. L, w. Gilbert, author and lec turer, esmesi with soma new songs and parodies. Rica and Prevost, acrobats, give an exhibition decidedly novel and their feata on tha hortxontal bar are a source of wonder. Messrs. Sorenson. Hirst. Ja cob I and Richards, the "Diamond Four," offer a musical farce, entitled, "Fun In a School Room." Klnodrome, with a sub ject never before shown In Omaha, con cludes the bill. Augusta, Glose wlil be on the Crpheum bill for tha week, starting today. In a planologue and spoken songs. Besides be ing an accomplished pianist. Miss Glose is a clever mimic and all of her spoken songs are character studies, ranging from Im personations of children to a vivacious French, musie hall singer. Another feature of the New Tear bill will be Maurice Free man and associates In "Tony and the Vtork." said to be ana of tha most original sketches in vaudeville. Tha story la of Tony and his wife, tha latter having; been sent to a sanitarium:' XT reashea .the Institution on the "glorious Fourth," to learn that his wifs and little one died dur ing; tha early morning. It happens, how ever, that another woman of the same name was the person who died. Tony's wife and two boy are brought ta him and hia southern temperament Is at once changed from eorrew ta Joy. Lei Merrill and Frank Otto have a akit entitled. "After the Shower," with musical numbers, repartee and a little romance in terwoven. The Six Flying Banvardj come hers front the London Hippodrome. These daring aertalista combine grace and orig inality In their act. their long leaps and somersaults being reported as revelations In this clans of entertainment "Musical Scenes In Old Nuremburg," Is the name of the first part of the act offered by the Joseph Adelmann family. This first part Is given on children s Instruments. The finish of this act . la the introduction of a set of novel musical instruments on which the quartet Imitate a full brass band. The Frey twlna give a wrestling exhibition which la Quits out of the ordi nary. Herbert Brenon and Helen Downing have a fa eical skit. 'The Intruders," which relates to two autolsts who seek shelter In a strange house during a storm. "Cau casian Mountains of Russia." and "Down With the Women,' are the new klnodrome views. Daily snatlgeea. The big melodrama, "Hearts Astray." AlUKsIVTi. 0NIGHT , 7 " I! J l.rt.SlirWtRr -j 1 n n a COHAN & HARRIS PRESENT - . I-h i KiTTlTRTiT"? I J ml vJx i ; Jill ic-tr-r-u rv ct) is : Mir ILLIUXU i . i I lif T M-M AND THE ORIGINAL COMPANY NEW YEARS' MIT. f:i EES. MAT. TUlliiat aftaaSCvJ A -uO, lime. riARCELLA SEIIBRICH Knal4 Anlit4ty MR. FRANK LA FORCE or coicxiT. BICX l OO. HM, a.O0 sad U.M. sua tuti IB incus d baxcoby, too. 4 ) " - "" f - ESAUTTFtrU KOSSSi will be the offering at the Krug theater for the four days beginning Sunday mati nee. January 1. with special hoilday mati nee January 1 "Mparts Astray" contains all the elements of popularity, so inter woven as to neatly work out the designs of the author. A pretty scenic investiture and strong specialties materially aid the offering, and the patrons of the Krug can 'ook for a most palatable entertainment the first four days of next week. ib Harrr Fields and his latest play, "The Shoemaker," will be the attraction at the Krug three days, starting Thursday, with ma Lines Saturday. As Morris Goldberg, a mender and maker of shoes, Mr. Fields la said to have- made tha hit of his long and successful career. The cast supporting Mr. Fields this season in the most capable ar ray of actors ever mustered for one pro duction. The play must be seen to be appreciated. There will be no deviation from the usual standard of popular prices and the regular matinee will bs given on Saturday. Charles Robinson and hia "Crusoe Girls," an organization of stars of tha first mag nitude, will be the attraction at the Gayety all of New Tear's week, starting this after noon. A two-act musical skit opens the show, highly seasoned with bright linns, catchy and ludicrous situations, di versified with marches, medleys bal lets and novel dancsa. The vaude ville portion of tha entertainment takes in Charles Robinson, character comedian; Ida Emerson and Harry Hills, In comedy and song; May Belle and Tom Barrett, In travesty, "Only a Volunteer." and Gracia Hammond, direct from musical comedy. There ara thirty pretty girls in this company, tan funny comedians and abundaaca af sparkling and catchy music Holiday matinee tomorrow. MUSIC (Continued from Face Six.) tel Der Sandmann .. Schumann (d) Fruchilngsnacht Schumann Maoame sembrtch Three PreluJes M r. Lav Forge. .. Chopin (a) Allerseelen R. Strauss (b L'Olseau Bleu Dalcrose c Expectancy La Forge (d) To a Messenger La Forge Madame Sembrlch. Intermlsslon. (ai Bluebells ef Scotland Scotch (bl Kittle of Coleraine Irish (' Old Folks at Home American (d) Nar Jag Blef SJutton Ar Swedish tel Krakowlak Puliaii Madame Pembrieh. (a) Nocturne, up. 37 No. 2 Chopin Ibj Polonaise. Op. 33 Chopin Mr. La Forge. Vocl Delia Forests, (transcribed by La Forget Strauss Madame Sembrtch. Otherwise All Right. A Missouri dsrky was endeavoring to sail a mule to a Jefferson City man. who. how ever, was in doubt aa ta the animal's age. "If." said he, "this mule ia as young as you claim, why Is U that ha bends su at the knees "Oh. don't let dat little fact worry you, I boss," the neero hastened ut say. "Pal . mule bend at de laigs. but It ain t due to ao airs dat he does. Da hones' truth, boss. ' Is dat I ain't had de mnnev to look after dat inula de way be oughter been. My stable is knder low, an' dat mule he been 'bilged ta stoop a little, dat s ail." Har per's Magaxln. imrieicxTt. Li 1 1 WEI ni SIT. - BEST SEATS SI.C3 Li J ef J H TTTK OMAITA 5TXDAT BEE: JANXAT.T t. 1311. 1MRS. EDDY'S DIAMOND CROWN I Facts Astern the Jeweled Bnerk Be-' 1 ae-dtked tm e lark VVemaa. One of the most i.iteresting things about this codicil i of ir-s. Eddy s wiVii. reports the New Tors Sun. Is that It gives to Mrs. Augueta E. ?ter.si.n of New Tork. the p ece of Je rlry known as the Vrewn of Mamond." It is In the form of a large brooch, more than two !nc!ej in d'a-neter and Is one of -he moit valuable pie-ee ef Jewelrv which M-s F.ddy pod. TU.S beoiest comes a somewhat of a ur;T'm to Christian Srlen;!sis. esp-c!a'ly a tie beneficiary is now nmir.H'in'raH from tha chui-eh. ; ;s said that Mrs. E'.iv. It fact, had an abiding affection for Mr-. .Stetson and t!iat trie outcome of her dltfi cul.ies in the church was not brouulu about by Mrs. Eddy's doi-gs or at her Lid ding. Although this eo!t':.' jewel wis st apart for Mrs. Stetson before her relations with the church became strained It :a said that Mrs. Eddy was mentally cipabio long af.er the trouble of making another ccd Icil striklr.g Mrs. Stetjon s name from the list of those favored by .her will. Under this same first codicil Mrs. Lama Lathrop. tha pioneer to carry Christ.aa Science from Boston to New Torks. ge's tha "Cross of Diamonds." This Is consid ered a precious memento, as It was evi dently the favorite Jewel of Mrs. Eddy. 6he always wore It at her throat and sev eral of her photographs show this cross. The cross la about three Inches In length. It Is said that this cross was still upon Mrs. Eddy's breast when her spirit passed on. Not because of Its Intrinsic value, but by reason of Its hallowed associations this would be considered tha most valuable thing which Mrs. Eddy possessed and would mean more to one who received It than Its actual money value many times aver. Another valuable keepsake known aa the "Portrait set with diamonds," the portrait being of Mrs Eddy, was under this codicil left to General Henry M. Baker, executor. This portrait Is known to moot af th Scientists who have ever enjoyed any de gree of Intimacy in Mrs. Eddy's house hold and is considered a rara and costly production. It is said that Mrs. Stetson for quite a time had the custody of this portrait and on one occasion when she visited this city she exhibited tt to several who called upon her at tha Eagle hotel, where she was quartered at tha time. iallsir Fa!Ivaosfcr. There Is usually more talk than money in a politician a "barrel. ' Arbitration Is a splendid thing, but it never touches the ben sir.ke. When a man wears u. watch chain an both sides of his vest look out for turn. Every year the farmers expect thirty bushels of wheat per acre and get fifteen. A detective can always be counted upon to find a clew, and" frequently that la ail he can be expected to find. By the time a woman is :! she has ceased to try to look very well In a kimono, and wears one for comfort. When a man says every man has hia J trice it Is a sign that hia price la pretty ow, and that ha la looking for blades. Atchison Globe. AMC9EMENT5. RRAHn flPFMIMR TIWAY la NEW D. JACK CS:iDY THEATER viRlfPAPr 4 7 DIG ACTS 7 r.lADflr.1 DEDiniS' if VAUDEVILLE i mwSSnB 3-Big Shoas DaiI-3 McKenzis-Sbanaio Co, Tsi Rpex-iaJ PUf Lntw PrincU PRICCQ peUs Mitix Kichartl Carie. Hatinea f RICE & PREVOST Tliaj Mni 1 U j 0.3 Worta-s Crtawt ArrohaAa. DIAHOIID FOUR PRICES Comedy Hinging Quartrt. 2-Sh33 Ev3niags-2 L170LFE GILDERT At 7:45 and 9:20 0'C:cck r"" i"t"' n(npni5)(ftp DOYLE a FIELDS S4eiu 30c ALKIE & HOOPS Gems end G3 un:n von pisaso Anna Eva Fay Tho "A-ti'Sn Ccnanj B3B F1TISILIV.0SS TODAY EVilY DAY Motinoa.ZMS A(tvaarr4 HAPPY NEW Augusta Glose PiaaoUira, Spokea Sooxa aad Ioulatioas of Type. lola nuti ft OTTO Presenting "An? tna BSewes.-' JOSEPH A:CUIH1 FAUIY Bnxanaaa XyIjJanaa TU Sanaa, tatva. gadsg SU. adelssaa. hi ufTH patrMscem." I.-jX tan. lilu tzt'M i, Co. riesesaig taa Basal si Flsfet. "TM nrrmvoBBB." Ns UW4(Ww Orpheum- Conce t Qrchettra 1 5 -T as. Bvga, loo. M ka Bon. AUDITORIUM sSm JAN. OME WEEK Oil LY DAILY MATIMEE Kfew Yorb r ' j. FIRST ANNUAL TOUR Vjonder Show ofthelUor d y6rr 600 Poo pie fl AaT Pv M.iiion. 1,000 0,S I'M I Mi POSITIVELY THE MOST W0NDEETUL, MARVELOUS AND ENCHANTING AMUSE MENT COMBINATION EVER PUT ON ANY STAGE. Ccrion's Famous Midget Circus Tribe of 31-ux Indians MAR CELINE The Famous Clown The Gorgeous Ballet Orchestra of Forty STAGED IN ENTIRETY BY R. H. EURNSXDE SCENIC . EFFECTS ' ARTHUR V0EGTLIN, MUSIC BY MANUEL KEIN. nnifljf-P NIGHTS Hat. Daily, W W islli v4 V off ! " wrtr yJ Dcuglas WEEK STARTING TODAY VauUavtila. YEAR BILL Tna Wail Kaawa Talaatad A cur. Maurice Freeman Ce. Breseatins; taa Cnaraata Ceveedy Blaiiet, "Tuay and taa gaecs." rreaa tha IVeadoa BippeeVrome, THE HI FLT1.13 B1IYAS2S As rial Bsasa aad Bisgaaao, Witt TsofiS ef Comedy aad a Bhrill. Taa tarasna Ataiaves. TE riiT THS In Basttmes) af tag Taleatsa. sriwnejne; . suJtuas& BseJeuUsg Oisaaa Baataerraahy. Baa. atata, lae. aSo, Soe B loo, sm. o Tea Baaaaa, B. ti li Ippc wine 4 DIRECTION COMBINES Oallet, Music. Spectacle, Pageantry, Musical Comejy, Circus, Melodrama, Wild West, Midgets, Indians, Fun, Sports, Something for Cvsr yori. 50c to $1.50 aata i Calaagw, raiaasa 25s i $1.00 re rvVi'sAr OOYD AT 1:1S sV aVaV&AS 1919. mi wui, conrcxww ivsTDat lunm iVIISS EVA. LA. IMG in srnm sxexxjurarr coaorAjrx Ia tha mg-et Snow en Tear Ores 100 VwanU Va4 in peotacnUr, Tmixj IzMvafaau la VtT Acta, . CINDERELLA Witt a Baasmfnl Ballot ef 50 CMldraa, VaAac tna Blxwatton mt Trot. Cbjunberm. Ma tna fiffit yeolss Baa tha Tairy Basea The rant Traasf OTnaatien , ar.xt week i rm BAmrnxxx" Sramatised from ta Tanxowa Boral af tna lawia Vaano. rr rra a rrt sooi Snixaa ta tstriouv SL.rtl srAa Istnrpsn and TaeAevillei TICI0ILT MIT. TO 3 IT (Xagagemant Termiaatew Kaa, ata.) o roa yrtsetpal Vew ToaCg Bo salve ba ta attasiA Tae waxetf weakly, tart by seeing C3AS. H3J1IJ21 CRUS0E GIRLS Twa idesslitmlng' attrsg "lost i f 1,000,004" and "Cab an la Chinatown" j iiViudeville Olio 5 wa aawiMs. sissarqea I"w raXmoc. Barsta Bella, Allan ft Ciaxk a ma BBBTTTBIT CXQBVS 1TXB iu jaaaei Listen. I hav tidings ta Impart you'll find this snow a laugr.ing aiaeeverr beunded en the nortti by comedy; south by the ehnrus: east by dancinr. wst by singing and easily 131", batter Uian U was last seasen. SL T M B!r. eVayetw' Teato Bvenlags and Sonday "'inta I3e, 13 o. SOe and TSa Mats. 15c & 2oc LAOI'S' Hfi- At Any W. TIC KITS I WU D ii.mMt yCI ITAT wtTTWll TOMOttOW atorday BtjUt Only, Jasaary Tta E2ir 5FE15ES 22 STCCX CO. Ia tea rsroctta Comedy "4 SACXXI.OS-S BOXABCB- 1 Bribes la, SSa aad 3e. KRUG THEATER mesa lie, a&a, Mai Brw at 79a i Oaya, ttarttaa; BUttnoa Tdy peeial Katnea Monday UL X.BB KCU1 Of fata tils Bi(7 Kl0ssTr3aAeJst BlWAA 9 HEARTS ASTRAY A Btay ef Beart Zntesost r s a Says. atarBug TaarsAay. Jan. I aaexaea HARRY FIELDS Taa Bsansal Aatew ta "THE SHOEMAKER" A Story of Baal xi a J. as aa,-p..se fk f f? uJt.i.W-T-em . ,''7,, " MESSRS. SHUDERT Direct and Unchanged From the World a Greatest Play- hvuse. Where it Has Been ieon by ALDAS the Great King of the Wire In the Most Sensational of all Thrillers Sliding on His Head Down a Wire 150 Ft. In Length. 20 Superlatively Stupendous Scenes A Mammoth Traveling Wizard Land BY soiling; a Brasueh Bog Offta la xaaj omoa, lsu aas. THEATER RQHT AT - , - " ' V f - ' '' 1 .... - 4 - i ; , - ' ; , ' - - f i - ' x . AUDIT0RIUI1 Tuesday Nih Jan. 3d The Big Match Haclcenschmidt TS. Westcrgaard. rmnraTZBABIZS Tiltfer and Millar, Puananu and M nilan. Heat sale opens Saturday anarniag; C'ereniner 31st. . Reserved ieats, 50c. Tie, $10. nagside. I Lie, WEGEGlUn STUDIES UM1 Uuiutlnn kUreeA .ajeust M. Borsiusn. Madame Borglam, k-uftU of Vaarr !, Parta, Piano Instruction i Leacuetizay Method ( auppleraented or tar Traioift ana eUtit Rsalinf.