Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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J .'.. LJL JJI'. 11
Tuesday morning, beginning at 8 o'clock, every wise
woman in Omaha and vicinity will be coming toward
this new, exclusive store.
,T. .
V. i ;
Cotillion Fijv.i Illustrate! Abdica
tion ci Eu; Chronos.
Watch Parties rrmf ta Itlng Oat
Old anil Hlnar la Krw-nmr
ttan at "Hillside" aa4
Other Hnaies Today.
Flrir not to me of falling
I'pm the- purple hill.
For I am worried far to much
iiy falling due of bill.
Qulrby Quatrains.
Racial Calendar.
4"NOA Y Mr. and Mrs. F. n. PurWow.
reception from 4 to 7: Mr. and Mr. John
Hannigan, dinner and theater party at
Prandei theater tor aon, Mr. John Han
. nlgan. Jr.; Mr. and Mr. C. C. Alllaan,
t house party for Charles and Grace Aiii
i aon at "Hnemere !dr."
TtJFHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Georere A. Jonlvn
and Mla Violet Jnslyn, dancing part) for
Vie MIMred liorera.
WEDNESDAY .Mi rma Reert, matinee
party at the Bnd; Mrs. C. W. Morton,
theater rrty for her daughter. Miss
Dorothy Morton i Miss Marietta Mm,
Orpheum Jmrty; W. W. club, Mra. J. K.
MoCombs; Mra Casper Yost and Mra.
C'harlea Offutt, luncheon. Omaha club.
TH I 'RSPAY Wedding of Miss Cora Roths
child and Mr. Morria Joseph; Columbian
Circle card party.
Ttebutante, college) students and so-j'fty
people, who've, outgrown both these clasal
fleatlnna, shared In th activities which
hava made the last week noteworthy even
when compared with holiday wrefca of
former season. It was an exceedingly
busy week for society people. It Included,
moreover, many eventa of superlative at
tractiveness. The holiday season, aa
society measures It, wilt continue for a
part af this weak at least.
Monday of last week was Cornell day. In
the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chasa
Introduced the visiting collegians to the
Omaha young women. In the evening after
the concert the reception at the Rome hotel
wa a large dancing party.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens were ths
beats of Tuesday's important event, the
reception dance Klven at the Rome hotel
formally to Introduce their daughter, Mlsa
Dorothy Ptevena.
A large reception and a large dancing
party were the eventa of Wednesday. Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. naugherty opened their
new house In South Thlrty-aeventh street
for a large evening reception; Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Millard gave a dancing party
at their home In South Thirty-ninth street
In honor of the birthday of Mr. Barton
Heelsty's observation of New Year's will
be attendance of ths large reception which
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Denlse Barkalow give
at their horn In Thirty-eighth avenue
Monday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Denlse Barkalow. The hours of the recep
tion, are from 4 to 7 o'clock.
The second large event for ths new year
Is the dancing party which Mr. and Mrs,
George A. Joslyn and Mies Violet Joslyn
give Tuesday evening at their home,
Thirty-ninth and Dodge streets, In honor
of Mies Mildred Rogers.
While no Invitations have been Issued,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates will be at home
to their frlenda, at their home, "Hillside,."
on New Year's afternoon and evening,
following their usual custom.
Mr. and Mrs. .Clement Chase gave Isrga
dancing party at their home la South
Thirty-third Thursday evening In honor
of Miss Mildred Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. A.
B. MeConnel gave a dancing party at their
heme la Weat Farnam street to the
younger school set, In honor of thalr
daughter, Mies Irene McConnell. and her
guests. Miss Joseflna Cardenas of Baltlllo,
Mexico, and Miss Mary Nerney of Chicago,
The Delta Gammas gave a studio danoo
Friday evening at the Rlnehart studio and
the Junior Dancing class was host at a
party given at Chambers.'
Saturday, beside being the last day of
WO, was ths date of many watch parties
and was important as the day of the second
holiday debut reception given by Mr. and
Mrs, R. J. Dinning for their daughter,
Miss Louise Dinning.
Watch Parties
Guests at the subscription dance given at
Crelghton Law college hall last evening
literally rang out the old year and rang
In the new. When the clock, warned t;(at
the old year was leaving all the lights
were turned out and Mr. Tore L. Davis,
who was in charge of the New Year's
figure of the german, slowly sounded the
twelve strokes of midnight. The lights
were turned on and the leader gave each
of the men a bell from which huntf stream
ere of red rlbbou. which bore the greet.
Irg. "Happy New Year." The ribbons
wero handed to ths partners ohoaen and
each partner then pulled the ribbon and,
with orchestral aaeletance, the new year
was rung In. The german,. which was the
second half of the dance program, was
In oharge of Mr. Samuel Burns, Jr. The
others who lrd figures were Mr. Frank
Haskell, Mr. Edward Cudahy, Mr. Frank
Kennedy, Mr. Harry Tukey and Mr.
Mosher Colpetser, most of whom were
mong the eleverest of the leaders of the
old Cotillion lub. The guests Included
fifty members of the former club. The
danea. In spite of the fart that It was
impromptu, was most interesting.
For a number of young people 1810 was
g.ven another pleasant memory and the
sew year waa pleasantly Inaugurated at
ths dancing party which Mr. and Mra.
Frank W, Bacon gave In their new home,
42C North Thirty-eighth street, for their
daughter. Luolle, and her gueat, Mlas Mar.
guerlte Winter. The large dancing hall
in the basement was hung with Chrlatma
bell and greens, (tapper was served In
the dining room and living room. The
guests included;
Mlasee Mlssta
Marguerite Winter, Fhsabeth Reed,
it a nor Mackay, Harriet,
Kun.nle t'eiteison. Marion Kihn.
France ItovhateUer, tJitl FannUs.
fctell muuimei. HWn llay,i. I,,
Harriet Mats.
Marlon Howe,
Uertruda Mls,
Mary MeKeath,
Alice C'uduhy,
Florence Cuilahy,
Orlrude Md'arthy,
Irene Mci'onnell.
Mary Nerney ot
Josef: na Cardenas,
or Mt'ilcu.
AIUe Jeuultli.
Eint Child,
Hairy Fuller.
Malcolm Halurige,
Wayne 8lby,
Teu Forl'fS.
Carper Offutt,
Jarvla Offutt.
John Duusherty,
L'htster Nlemaii,
r rtd Dausherty,
Helen Kaaiman,
Kulh Clarke,
l.oule White.
Mary Burkley,
Josephine Congdon,
Adulyn Wood,
Heina Cunnell,
Katharine Davenport.
MU Allen,
Marie rlnuidt,
Marie Htewart,
Heka Clarke.
Dunlifl McCarthy,
Harold McConnell,
Hubert Cunnell.
Herbert Conntll,
1 Holllnyer,
tietald I'ulfy.
Dudley Hancker,
Adrian Hancker,
Frauc.s Uainea,
fillip Meta
John Uoomla.
Hubert Howe,
Warren Kreckenridge. Charles Hall,
Jack Howeii
tierril Fort.
Chailre Hamilton,
hapbaitl llaimltoa
Ueinard timyth,
Ted Millard.
Huh Millard,
I'lu Up Imwnf.
Jams MoCord.
li4aa Caj enlrr,
Nvwman Henaun,
J obi Hants bra.
Hivvera Munniann,
Philip Cbaae.
Ciaronee peters.
Warren lUmllion.
Frta Koenlg,
Robert grhenv-k.
tldred Hart of
Council iiluffa,
H.nry Hart of
Council Hluffa
Mr, and Mra Ward M. Burgees enter
taiii4 at tv party last tvting at the
Brandeis theater, followed by supper at
the Omaha club. The party included:
Mrs. Meredith Xleholeon of Indianapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton.
Mr. and Mis. Charles T. Kountxe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart 3d.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Burgees.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned gave a
theater party at the Branded, which was
followed by a watch party at the Omaha
club. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Crittenden Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Caldwell.
Mr. ajid Mra George Peek. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Dearned.
Mr. Luther Drake was host at another
theater party at the Brandels theater, fol
lowed by supper at the club. In this party
Miss Lynn Curtis.
Mr. and Mra. Frank T. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad K. Spens.
Mr. and Mrs. & W, Dixon.
Mr. Luther Drake.
An Orpheum party was given last even
ing by Mr. and Mra F. P. Klrkendall, fol
lewsd by supper at the Henshaw cata.
Tbe party Included:
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hum.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wllholm.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. KlrkendaU.
Mrs. barber.
Mr. David A, Baum.
At Rosemert Lodge, tha beautiful coun
try home of Dr. and Mrs. Q. C. Allison.
as given one of tha watch partial last
evening. Dr. and Mra. Allison entertained
a number of the young college set In honor
of their nephew, Mr, John Daugherty. Ten
guests left yesterday afternoon to Join Dr.
and Mra. Aiiiaon and win return homo to
day. Another luue parly la planned for
Monday and Tueeday at Rsemero Lodge,
when Dr. and Mra. Allison will ontertain
for their children, Uraoe and Charles At
llaon. Thoaa present will be Miaaea Etna
Reed, Catherine Baum, fcjtther Wllhelm.
Marjory Smith. Virginia Offutt, Claira
Daugherty. Oraee .Allisoni Messrs. Ray
Millard. Wlllard Millard. Robert Btors,
Kduard Daugherty. Donald Hall. Edward
Fuller, Charles Allison; Mrs. C. C. Allison.
Mr. and Mrs, Lyon Kemper gave a
watch party New Year's eve at their
home. SOUS Poppleton avenue, to watch the
old year out and the new year In. Tbe
guesta were:
Mr. anj Mra. N. F. Harrlman.
Mi. and Mis. John R. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fetters.
Mr. and Mrs. H W. Moody.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. L'uaioker.
Mis Mariuita King gate an Informal
party last evening at her heme, fallowed
by a watch party lit honof of her gueet,
Mlas Lcla Mcchatner of Central City, la.
Those preeent w era Mlases Lets Machamar,
Lucille Kremborg, Ruth Byrne, Mar
guerite Haven, Marietta King. Margaret
Oraut. Emma Kremborg. Bernlce Whit
ney, Heulali Davis. Messra Fred Meyer,
William Bhoiter. Guy Grant, Leslie King,
Arthur Frederick, Iion Wilson, Guy
Walker, K. Megeath.
Pleasures Paf
The rhorua choir of the Nor. a e U
Christian eburoh was entertained Thursday
evening at tha home of Kv. and Mr. H.
I. Klrecbeteln. tOe Maple treets. About
thlrty-flv were preaeat and the evening
waa spant in muale, readings and game.
Combining the pleasant features ef the
gfternooa t' n4 th Informality f the
" e V v
1 ,
evtnlng coffee, the entertcinmont flven
by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning for their
daughter, Mies Louise Dinning, Saturday
was ono of the delightful affairs of the
This is tha first entertainment given
by Mr. and Mrs. Pinning In their attractive
new home on South Thlrly-sevento street.
Tbe rooms were abloom with cut flowers.
In the afternoon Mrs. Dinning, Mlas Din
ning ond their guest, Miss Margaret
Brown of St. Louis, received the guests
In the large living room, where the many
gift flowers sent the debutants were used
In decoration. Klllarney rosea brightened
tha dining room and the sun room, where
refreshment were served. A profusion of
PAlma and ferns was used In the reception
Miss Dinning wore a gown of whit orepe
meteor trimmed with crystal and bands
of ermine fur edged the Dutch neck and
short sleeves; Miss Brown .of St. Louis a
stunning gown of black and whit, mad
of whit crop meteor elaborately trimmed
with black lac and ermine fur; Mrs. Din
ning wore Copenhagen blu crop trimmed
with eream lace and marabou.
About KO cards were Issued for the after
noon and 1M for the evening.
Assisting In the afternoon were:
W L. Mucoy,
tiamuel burns,
j, L. Baker,
. A. Kuhn.
U. W. Megeath.
Duroihy Stevena,
W. J. Conneil,
J. W. Grllluh,
D. E. McCarthy,
Osgood T. Jilaatman.
Elisabeth Pickens,
Nannie Page.
wiioroa nogers.
The assisting party for the evening In
eluded i
Mesdames Mesdames
pentae barkalow, Harry Kelly,
Loul S. Clarke, irtUerlo Uhomaa.
John Madden,
Misses Misses
Alice cary McGrew, Miriam Patterson,
Dorothy Morgan. Margaret Lee,
besa baum, Josephlns O Weill.
In honor of her sister, Florence, who is
attepding achool at tha stale university,
and her brother, Leo, a student at college
In Prairie du Chltm. Wl., Mlas Genevieve
Hush entertained informally Friday evening
at masquerade danulng party at hr
home, Fourteenth and Martha streets. Tbe
most effective disguises were worn by the
Misses Marguerite Lowe and Cella Malone,
Meaarg. Sherman McCaffrey and James
Hartnett. The guesta Included:
Helen N orris,
Mary Maione,
Mae Halplne,
Lucile Downey,
Lillian Caasldy,
Klintn M-(aitrey,
Marguerite Lewe,
Nell Hurley,
James O'Neill,
Jona Halpine,
Thomas N orris,
Leo Tracy,
rrank Murphy,
Harold Van Dusea,
li tno Langdon,
Marguerite Vocum,
Atary Duffy,
Cella Malone,
Margaret kngliah,
Blanch MnCreary.
Gertrude MoCraan,
Pinky Welsh.
Frank Maloney,
Jay MeCaffrey.
John fnennahsn.
tlnurga buahman,
Harry Murphy,
John Lowe.
Sherman McCaffrey,
John Huah, Jr,
Jack Ormabr,
1 humas Mcvhane,
James Hartnett,
Mlas F-dlth Shrum, who Is a student at
the University ot Nebraska and Is home
for the holidays, entertained a number of
her friends Saturday afternoon when her
guests were;
Ruin bberwood.
I J I nun Talluruphus
Eleanor Patrick.
Ktbel Heeea.
h.dn Waterman,
tmlly Vankmaii.
Christine Pauleon.
Amanda Paulson.
uuh Kdmuud
Mane Viruauu.
Annie Fry
Julia Linn
Gladya aolomon.
Margaret Walker.
Joapiiln Yaire.
Gertrude Marvin.
t Mantle M alloy.
Ma4ae Malloy.
'.anna Hall.
1 Mable Erln-
Milared Fusien
Irene klrecheteia
RutU Llndlay.
beatrlce barnhart.
Nell CaniMUr.
Marion Carpeater,
Myrtle Buek.
Nell Ryan.
Mr. C. Will Hamilton entertained at a
bog party at tb fifandei theater Batur-
' i
fiPSt.louiS . who i&
vUttintf Miss Zo uise
8$, 88 88 88:
day afternoon for several members of the
school set. Those present were:
Misses Misses
Hartet Smith, Pauline Bourke,
Carmclita Chase, Gretchen McConnell,
Meeara. Messrs.
Clement Chase, Charles Hamilton,
Frederick MoConnel), Raphael Hamilton,
George Hamilton.
Mrs. C. Will Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weller gave a
luncheon Saturday at the Omaha club for
Mr., and Mrs. Clifford Weller of Weller,
Colo. The table was decorated with red
geraniums and those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weller.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry F. Weller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flaher.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Weller.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles g. Weller.
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mets announce the
engagement of Mrs. Mets's niece, ' Miss
Elisabeth Forney, to William Boyd Dickin
son of Seattle, Wash. The wedding will
take place In March.
Mr. I. S. Hunter anneunoes tha engage
ment of his daughter. Miss Edna Hunter,
to Mr. Waldo B. Foster of Minneapolis,
formerly of Omahg, Tha wedding will
take place In the spring,
Miss Sara Bourke, daughter of Mrs. John
Bourke, was married to Lieutenant Luther
Rica James. Sixteenth Infantry, U. S. A.,
Saturday at high noon in St. Paul's church,
Ban Diego, Cal, Rev. Mr. Barnes, rector
of St, Paul's church, officiated. The wed
ding was very quiet and th guests In
cluded Mr. J. J. Monell of Omaha, with
whom Mr. Bourke ha been vtwitmg at
La Jolla. Cel., and Lieutenant-Commander
Leland James, U. S. N., broths of the
groom. Lieutenant and Mr. James will
leave this week for Fort Ltseombe, Alaska,
where they will reside.
At Warrenton, Me., th summer noma
of ths bride's father. Mr- Benjamin F.
Smith, the marriage of Mrs. Dudley. Wolf
and Mr. Joseph Baldrlga of Omaha was
celebrated Saturday at noon. The ceremony,
which was performed by Rev. Uussell
Woodman, rector of St. Peter's church,
Rockland, was witnessed only by the Im
mediate member of th families. Theau
Included Mr. Benjamin F. Smith, Messrs.
Clifford Wolfe. Dudley Wolfe, Maston
Wolf and Miss Gwendolen Wolfe, Clill
dren of ths bride; Mr. and Mra. Howard
Baldrlga and Mr. W. Fa mam Smith, of
Omaha. -
Th bride wore her traveling costuros of
ehampagns colored broadcloth, end a
black satin hat with black plume.
After the wedding trip, which will in
clude a Melt in New York City, Mr. and
Mr. Joseph Baldrig will coma t Omaha
and for th present will occupy the house
la Thirty-eighth street, which Is now occu
pied by Mrs. E. V. Lewis.
For the Future
Mrs. C. W. Morton will give a lunch
eon and theater party Wednesday for her
daughter, Dorothy.
Tha Columbian Circle of Peered Heart
pariah will give a card party Thursday
evening at their hall, Twenty-second and
Icust streets.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hannlgan' will en
tertaln the school set at dinner and a
theater party Monday evening for their
soa. Mr. Jolm 3. Hannlgan, Jr. Th com
pany will be seated t two round tables at
whluh fern and poinsettaa will be th
decoration. After dinner ths young -pi
will attend th frformaae of "Th
Tailored Suits, Gowns, Dresses,
Fur Sets, Separate Furs, Etc.
Removal Notico
A3ts lira DMssma bb-
movzd noil xm ria-
(obovbto r&ooa cxtt va-
BOVOZ.AB 8333 OB A-2333.
fortune Huiumt at tiie ilraiiuL'.a laeaiur.
Those Invited are:
Mary Burkley.
l.uclle Baron.
Florence Cudahy.
Alice Cudahy.
Joreplna Cardenas
Gertrude McCarthy,
Irene' MoOonnell. -
Liorothy Morton.
Mary Nerney.
Rugenle i'atteraon.
Helen Kastman.
Ellxaboth Iteed.
Kranee Hochstatlar. Marguerlt Winter.
ureta i-ane.
CharlM Hall.
Harold MoConnel).
Daniel McCarthy.
Jurvls Offutt.
Clarence Cetera.
Severs Busmann.
John Hannlghan.
Everard Child,
l'hllip C'haae.
Gerald Puttie,
l'lilllp Powni.
Krvlng Forbes.
Harry Fuller.
Charles Hamilton,
Raphael Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hannlghan.
Mrs, Casper E. Yost and Mrs. Charles
Offutt will give a luncheon Wednesday at
the Omaha club, when they will entertain
thirty guests.
x Personal Gossip
Pr. M- B.' McDowell of Hay Spring Is
visiting In Omaha.
Mrs, R. H. Graves of Peadwood, fi. P.,
I visiting her daughter, Mra. P. F. Bon
orden. Mr. Andrew Roaewater and Mrs. Stanley
Rosewater have gone to Kansas City to
pnd tfw Tear's.
Prof. August Molzer of the state univer
sity school of music Is the guest of Mrs.
M. E. Millar today.
Miss Bertha Olrton ha been (pending
th holiday with her aunt, Mlas Bertha
It. Davis. In Chicago.
Mr. H. W. Lawrence of Baltimore, Mtl.,
formerly of Omaha, Is th guest of hi sis.
ter, Mrs. B, R. Hastings.
Mr. Arthur P. Quiou left Thursday for
Hollywood, Cal., to spend a month with
his father, Mr. Charles Oulou, and. Miss
Mrs. William I Holsman and son Mas,
Who hav been spending several weeka In
Qmaha, will return Monday to their home
in New York City.
Mr, Edward Schneider of Bun Francisco
arrived last evening to epend New Tear'a
With his sister, Mrs. William J. Burgess,
and Mr. Burgess. Mr, Schneider leave
Unusually Large Number of Social
at the White Home for Secretary
Function Other Cabinet Officers
WASHINGTON, Pec SI. (Special to The
Bee) Ths beginning of the new year is
marked by an unusually large number of
oclal function among th official house
hold la Washington. Taking first rank In
th list are the White House dinners and
th diplomatlo breakfast which will be
gievn tomorrow. Of the remaining din
ner on the official calendar at th
Whit Houe that to Secretary and Mr.
Knox will be on of the moat Important
Thl will be on January t. The dinner to
the ecretary of the treaaury and Mre.
MoVeagh will be on January 19. pinner
to Attorney and Mrs. Wlckershsm will be
given on January If. Th dinner to Post
master Oenersl Hitchcock will b at
Rausrher's Instead of at the White House.
January t. The secretary of the navy and
Mrs. Meyer will be entertained by th
president and Mrs. Taft at the White
House February j. On February they
will entertain Secretary of the Interior and
Mrs. Bellinger. Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson and Miss Wilson will ntrtalned
February 16. Th dat for the dinner to
be given Secretary of Commerce and La
bor and Mr. Nagal has not been eet. It
Is not known whether a dinner will be
given Secretary of War and Mrs. Dickin
son, as thsy ar In mourning for their
aon, who recently died. There ar a aum-
South 16th. St.
At Our New Store, the
mm sa
Tuesday Horning at 8
Worth of
See Details in Monday Evening Papers.
Kent a Safe in our Big Manganese Steel Vault
and keep your valuables in it. Private Safes $3.00
per year. ,
Onaha Safe Deposit & Trust Company
Entrance 1614 Farnam Street or through the Bank.
Malted Milk Bread
Perfectly Baked, Wholesome, Nutritious.
Especially Suitable for
The Children Thrive on It.
5 d 10 OnU Per Loaf.
Monday for a short stay in Chicago.
Mis Dorothy Lalk of Pittsburg, Pa., ar
rived Saturday to spend a fortnight aa the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Powell. Mlas
Lalk is th daughter of Mr. Edward Lalk,
who was formerly Mis Palsy Jawett of
Mrs. A. D. Lane and children have been
pending the holiday In Omaha at the
Rome hotel. The Misses Greta, Elizabeth
and Margaret Lane leave the second week
In January to continue their studies at
Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis.
Mrs. Hetoalf and Miss Rose Coffman of
Omaha, who ars now In Paris, recently
wore guesta at an Interesting matinee
mustcale given by Mm. Valda and Lam
pertu, A young Neapolitan, Marchess d'
Urga. made his Parisian debut at this
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Perlght have returned
from Fremont where they attended th
wedding of their niece. Mine Lillian Mal
colm, and Harry Herbert Brown, which
was celebrated Wednesday at the home
pf the bride's mother, Mrs. Minnie Mal
colm. Prof, gnd Mrs. II. W. Barr of Clemson
College, a. C, ars spending the holiday
with Mrs. Barre' parenta, Mr. and Mrs,
P. W. TllloUon of 2301 Fowler avenue,
This 1 Mrs, Barre first visit home since
her marriage last February, and she will
remain In Omaha a short time after the
Social Gossip
Affairs in Official Circles Dinner
Knox and Wife to Be Important
and Wires to Be Honored Later.
ber of social events announced for the
week that will be of much Interest to the
society people of th capital city. Mr. and
Mr. Joseph Lsiter will give a dance on
Tuesday evening complimentary to Miss
Helen Taft. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Wynne will formally introduce their
daughter, Mlsa Ruth Wynne, at a recep
tion at Rauacher Tueeday evening.
Th reception will be followed by a
dance, The formal introduction of Mis
Wynne into society will be of much In
terest, not only because she le one of the
most beautiful of the season's deburlntes,
but because of th fact that Mr. Wynne
was former consul general to London.
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks are
pending the winter at Passadena, Cal.,
where Mra. Falrbanka, who has been ill
for eom time. I said to be rapidly re
gaining strength. Mr. Fairbanks haa
leased property in the California city and
expects to remain there until Mrs. Fair
banks Is fully restored to health.
Engineer Commissioner William B. Jud
acn and Mr. Judson ar spending th hol
iday at th horn of Mrs. Judson' mother,
Mr. C17. In Lexington. Ky. Mr. Cly
Judson, wlio Is a student at Harvard, la
also at the home of his grandmother for
th holiday. Mrs. William Preston
High Class
Cloaks, Fur Coats,
Delicate Stomachs. .
Wooten of West Point, wife of Captain
Wooten, U. S. A., until reoctnly stationed
at Washington, has been spending the hol
idays at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Clay, at Lexington.
The holiday dinner-cotllllon at Cheve
Chase olub yesterday evening was limited
to sixty couples. At this social function
many -of the naval and army officer were
In attendance. Women prominent In so
cial life In Washington reoelved the guests
and took part in the danoe.
The departure of Baron Rosen, Russian
Ambassador; Baroness Rosen and their
charming daughter. Baroness Elisabeth
Rosen, makes a regrettable break In th
ambassadorial clrcl in Washington. They
will spend some time In Europe, and the
embassy, which took Httle part In last
wlntsr's gaieties on account of th ambas
sador's health, will practically be closed
again this winter '
Miss Edith Grade gave a masquerade
dance for Mlsa Helen Taft on Monday
evening, which was one of the Interesting
(Continued on Page Three.)
M. gelicow has left tiie city for New
York to select his spring line of ladles'
tailoring goods fur the spring and sum.
mer season of 111.
n k b
e a - . e ' -
Watch Us
Wfve Just added a smart
Automobile to our dtliv T I
rvice and t hire's MORE
Folks LIKE the way WE
clean CLOTHES.
Telephone ' Tyler 1300 or Auto.
A-1225, and a wagon rails. Fx
preaa paid one way on aliipinrius
of IS. 0o or over. .
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jj 2211-13 Farnam Strett
p m