12 WANT-ADS Waal ails rrrrlirl at iir time, aat to Imiri proper rlaalf Irntlen ot he presented before 11 o'clock an. far the ftriilni rdlllti and before TtXO naming; aad Sanda edltlone. Wnt 4t rmltril n(tr rarh lioara will headlne; "Too lata to tlaaalfr." CASH RATES rOR WAXT ADI. RF.fi I I. A II I LAiSIFICATIOH Oaa Insertion, 1 1-11 rente T word aad 1 erit er ward (or ear a ibMtat Insertion. Each Insertion made an odd days, 1 1-3 rente per word. gt.SO par line per nonlh. Rates apply to either The Dally or andar Hee. Alwnye cooat alx word to a Una. Want art. for Thf Bra mar at aor of the following; drag storee ona U rnnr "corner drosralst" they ara all branch offices for Tha Baa aad yonr ad will he Inserted Jost promptly and on tha !ma rates aa at tka main offlra In Tha Bra ballilllng, Seventeenth and Fnrnam atreetet Albarh, W. C. 4nth snd Farnam. Psitm Pni Co.. Ml N. 1th Pt. Peranek. f. A.. 1402 a. 1tth St. pennon rhnrmic. Benson. Nen. Pemis Turk Phnrmsry, 8M anil Cuming. Flske-Frsnlnh. 216 Sherman Ava. riifton HIM Pharmacy. Mllltara Ara. Cauchlln C. R., Rth and Plrrca St. CrlKBry Pharmnry, ?4th and l-ake Sti. OmnfT Phsrmarv. KT?3 H. mth Bt. frmk. Fmll. 14 " F.Mer P IT. 2"2 Leavenworth Bt. Fester ArnnMI. 211 N. 25th Pt. Freytag. J J., 1014 N. Nth Pt. Fregge- Drug Co.. W N. 1th St. Florence Pnu Co.. Florence, Nb. Green's Pharmacy. Fark Avr. and Pacific. O.eenougli. . A.. 15 8. l'Mh Bt. Oreenmish. O. A., ft'i and Hickory St. Rnlilfn rimrmarv, Ih and Ir venworth. Havden Wllllnm. 3 Farnam St. punfrnm Park Pharmacy, m S. 29th Ava. Hlnterlong Drug Co.. 31st Avr. and Far nam St. Holut John, r4 N. lt r St. Muff. A. 1. . Leavenworth Pt. .Tntinnxon Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. Klnx. H. P. 22.1. Farnam Pt Kountxe Plsoe Pharmacy. IU04 N. Jtth. lthrop. Charles K . ISM N. !4th fit. Mare. Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. IWi? N. 24th St. Pevton Pharmacy. 72 P. Iiith Bt. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. flohaefer'a Cut Prlra Prim Btora, llh and Chlrano fit. Pcharfpr. Aik.. ?M1 N. lfith Pt. Phmtdt, J H. I4th and Ciimlnir Pt- Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. OKA TIT AJtI riltEHAI, JfOTICKa. ELLISON Chrlat Ian, aurd 84 yrara. 7 Triontha. 12 daya, Prcemhrr 28. H10. Funrral Saturday aftprniton at 2 rTcck from rraldrncr, W Bouth Twanty-nlnth, to Forrat Tjn rrmotrrv. Krirnda Invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., TliNKDFS& tmbalmara. 1614 Chicago. D. 1469. B-IUIt. PARLOR THEATER Tou have aaen tha REHT, now try th BEST. Hlfth-claa vaudeville, matlnaa dally. Tha tcopla'a Show llouaa. COAL At cut prlcaa. ALL KINDS. We a a v a you tuc to tl.60 a ton. Quantltl and quality uaranteed. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO., mi NICHOLAS T. BOTH 'PHONES. OH, YOU PA1LVDISEI flounda good, doean't It? llapplnrai iu prema when you burn our I'AlCAUlttffi COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advice and burn ParadlMe. Will ave you (1.60 to t-.ou ton. Both phonea. J. W. UEUFOHL). &twi Cuming St. The Mickey Music Co. V e ara now local, d in otir new home at IDS S. 18th Bt.. with a complete line of aheet mubio and email muHical tiiatruiuenta. MONEY p TO LOAN LOW 1ATE, In a u ma to t, liu Bee Uid. one Ioug. ami, UNION LOAN CO GOOD EYE-SIGHT la mankind' Kreateot blraaing. Conault ua, Columbian Optical Co., KAMI 8. loch tfr. k-yen rxaminvu. Ulaaaea Fitted. HORN BY Blue Print Co., 518 Bea Bldg. Hand-painted china cheap. 1703 Curn. H. M10 EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKINS, U 8. 16111. UPoiAlHo. DAVID COLE CREAMERY Ca OOOU MERCHANTS LUNCH r, Conta jltlti'S, Uu2 DoUHiaa Street. u MME. FRAYER Adellght hair fond; doea grow hair. Mcgealu'fc. 16th St Farnaia FRANK 11. Q1BSON CO., fine Ooffea. Wa deliver to any part of city. TKI 11. 'I'liune Doug. WJO. ifpfrpshlllPIlts Mu,a rervlca for UClieauiuciiia w,0jing, 4 dancaalnor cut of town. Call or wilia Alfred Jonee, 4iU Jackaon. Tel. liar. ltkJ. Ind. A-iM. LADIES wlahlng repHiring and remodel ing of Jacket and aklrta. call at 2111 Doug laa Hi. Doug. TXA. 0O0D TUINGS t'hV ,n dr,nk rallatart Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. ABE S ILER GRAND TlIARMACY. Leather noveltiea. all klnda, candles, per fumes, cigars and plpea. HAVE your photo taken at Stuts man's. Tha baaaou eHudlu, 1 So loth bt. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 7lc a large hot tie. Klein Uguw Houaa, Ssi N. 1Mb St. MRS. CHARLES C. II UNGATE, china Orirg. k'.D Bi andeia Bldg. Tel. Webster TRY our lOo creaa bread; always fresh. 11 worth bt. Bakery, iiuj llwurih. H. buo. DOUGLAS Prlnllug Co.. Tel. Douglaa 4i PRESCRIPTIONS filled. We deliver any place. Saratoga Drug Co. Tel. Wsb. 11. MY BACK 13 BROKEN. I earned fl.CU) for Infants' noma last fall. Your Mini um, order and renewals this tail will earn lb. WW for charily. The intereat of till money will provide for an Invalid s maintenance for life and laler pay nurse wage or endow a hospital ot forever. Must have tM subscriptions to Every bod vs. Delineator. 11. kv; Woman Hums Compan ion. McClure s, 2.20, in December to earn Hie (lrt fl.&uu; every order or renewal earns 6"o, four eaius U for charily. 1 posi tively duplicate any pilnied offer. Writs for catalogue aud sloi y; 1ai alirady earned. FOR MERCY BAKE GET THEM 1ft. Writ or phone Douglas 711. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas senger. J. R. Ksnnedy. 104 8. Lith. D. tm. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug 4TO Ind. A D21. lOOVVi Farnam St. biENCIL, outfits; styles; picture fram ing at moderate prices; im, wall paper and a full line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, bias pollMi, liquid veneer and ail biands of floor wax. BEFORE buying your Jewelry, call and see our complete line of line Jlry at manufacturers' price. w Mill save ou hv p.r cent on all kmda of Jeweuy. Direct Importers of Diamond and pi .clone stones DE LONG JEWELRY CO., to.'-J 4 McCagua Bldg., Cor. lih and Dodge titreeta. Open a.enlna until I p. tu. t'O-VIj ''ub,1 Market Special, nut. $u.0& v. vy.i j lump, lo) Piemium with cask order. Parirtdge-Thomaoa Co.. Ulw Uaraey leU Doula B04.'. Ind. A-Jv.lt ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued MIPS LCTIF; BRYANT wlsha to an nounce o ladles that she has added to ter halrdreslng. manicuring, baths, salt glow, body massage. Swedish movement, hy Pattl Creek graduate. Mis Bryant thanks her patrons for their generous support In tha past and solicits their patronage for tha future. Rooms lit) and lli Bea Bldg. HOW IS TOUR COAL BINT Tal. D. 412. Web. !. Coal all kinds. It. II. MOitElIOUSE CO., ILEIl GRAND HOTEL TSirlriaii Hatha Finest In the weet.. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skins, by mall tOc and 1. Sherman V McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MAOOARD Van Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. Goods. D. 1406. B-2421 niters, filter repairs. Hit) Howard. D. 1IU 8. H. Cola 81gn Co., D IM. Ill Farnam. HARRY W. MOOL, Engineer. Designer, Draftsman. Kt Brandels Theater. D. 290L TWENTY per cent lees than Omaha, prloes HOME FURNITURE CO. Twenty-fourth and L Bt.. Bouth Omaha. tR. MUNSON. 2814 Sherman Ava. W. llH. B. F. Wurn, optician. 442 Brandels Bldg. LYNCH BROS. FLUFBiT?NoAND REPAIR WORKS. 170s Jackson Hi. D. 1471. ED ROTIIERY flt Ycur. Lud' oigars. Cafa In connection. Ill B. 14th St. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "BKID" Into a post "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the best piece In Omaha for all kind of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner 11th and Harn"V St Auto Repairing "car no5 CALLS PAY OR NIGHT. The Paxtnn Mltchell Co., 2010-1 Harney. D. 7824; A 2011. AUTOMOBILE GLOVES , MADE BT Burleigh Glove Co. Auto Paintinir - murphy did. it." ANDREW MURPHY at SON. 1411 Jackson. FOR SALE Model 10 Bulctt roadster, equipped with Fres-to-lite tank aad exhaust whistle. Call Harney Vat. STORAGE Aut0 'Paring painting. OIUIWIUU Wm puffer Tarnage Works. 2th & Ieavenworth. Tel. Red Wsl. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co., Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out or uusiness rail GANGESTAD, 404 Bea Bldg. Tal. D. 3367. LAEGE FUiE K9g2 US: tlvely the last month this ad will run: taks aavantaga of It. Stocks for aala. DIVI DENDS. Agents wanted. Cassady Co., Fiscal Agenta, S. W. Cor. 14th and Doug las. Omaha. Tel. D. 152a SEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST MENT COMPANY for big bargains In farm or ranch lands. List your property tor sale with us. All kind of exchange i) N. Y- Ufa Bldg. Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Up! YOUR EYES ARB YOUR FORTUNE Take care of them. Our 19 years' ex perience at your service. Consult us. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 208-211 So. 16th St $5,000 TO $10,000 We have two old and WELL-ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE HOUSES here in OMAHA who want young men to Invest 15000 to $10,000 with services. Thla la a chance of a lifetime to tha right man. Sea us at once. Geo. . C. Coddington, 220 Board of Trade Bldg. Moving Picture Theaters' vhe'r money making picture theaters which we can sell very cheap. Equitable Motion Picture Co., 131$ harnarn St.. Omaha, Neb. TO RENT small store building. Address lock aox ili, L res ton, la. A MERCANTILE OPPORTUNITY. Must be sold at once. A clean, first claas, up-to-date stock of general mer chandise. Will invoice about 1S.500. Beat located and haa been doinar th hiiri.r business of any general merchandise store In town. Did over a )4S.O00 business last year. Practically all of the stock was purcnaaaa witnin the last six months. Lo cated In the finest irrigated section of Ne braska. First class building gt a moder ate rent. As an Inducement for an Im mediate aale we are offering this stock at k0 cents on the dollar. If you ara look ing for a mercantile opening- von win never find a better one than thla. Get on ine irain ana come at once and you will not be disappointed; or address W P. McDowell Mlnatare Neb. FOR SALE A aood business In Iriano. Groceries aud gucenaware. fine location on main street. Doing good business. If you buy wa pay your far. Addrasa P. o. Boa 4ox Caldwell. Idaho. I filVK personal attention to colleo. VJ " tlons; no collection no com mission; 12 years' experience. Jensen 201 NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHONK DOUG. 4M. CASADY F- R'Estate. LoaHTand Insurance. List your prop erty for xale or rent, yuick returns, a W corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug, lost)' WANTED Buslneaa woman over thirty w,th 3.0UO caah to Invest In old eetab llahcd, big paying business. Salary, snare or profits. Handle your own money. Ad dress for Interview, j-i44 Bee. W ANTLlk-Repreaentstlva business man to take agency for well known line of au tomobiles, both commercial and pleasure types; very fine opportunity for man with soma means to build a good, permanent business. Address Y 202, care Bee. G. D C. CODDINGTON. 229 Board of Trade Bldg . business chances, bonds, stocks and real eitale. Rooiun Houses for gala. NINE-room house full of permanent roomers, cheap It taken at once. 404 South tsih avenue. CHIROPODISTS ROY. 1J3C Farnam St. Douclas !. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Xat'l Bk. D. 231. DENTISTS BAILEY at MACH. Id floor. Paxton. D. 1036. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age.. Inc. bonded. 4i- 1'axlon blk. D. 121V, Ir.d. A-lSl. CAPT. T. tORM ACK. nV KARB ACh'bLK. DRESSMAKERS Dieasmak'K. Tailoring. 221J Doug. D. 47i. STHICTLY lst-class dieaamk'g. and tall oilua; only firt-cia trade wanted. A-.. MISS STURDY, 1 8. Mth Bt. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. J71J. DRESSMAKING and alteration. fir.l cla woik; price reasonable Miss Ellia belh O'Connor. Ml N. Hth. Webaler 1110. FLORISTS HE83 at 8WOBODA. 141i Farnam St. Ben acit s Flower Iepu. Eat sairanoa. FLORISTS I Conl inut d. A DONAHUE, 1M7 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L BRANDEIS out flower dept.. Bw store. J. r. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. la.. Iarrt greenhouse In weet; beautiful flowere for any occasion shipped anywhere la U. 8, U Henderaoa. Ul Faraam. Douglas 1ZUV I. H. BATH. 12S Harney. Douglaa XX FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and atova re pairs. New furnacea and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat era Omaha Ptove Repair Worka. 1200-120 Douglaa St Both phones. EDUCATIONAL THE MID WINTER TERM OF Boyles College will open, In both the day and night sea slona MONDAY. JANUARY I. Buslneaa Bookkeeping. stenography. Telegraphy, Civil ,Servlca and Salesmanship. Tha cata logue la free. Address II. B. Boyles. Presi dent, Boyles Building, Omaha, Nab. Official Training School Union Paclfle R. R. Telegraph Department Mosher-Lampinan StWS. Unexcelled couraas In Business, ShorV band, penmanship and English. Nona sai experienced teachers. Day and night aea siona Most Interesting catalogue puMiaued u omana. nend lor one touay. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. atuailEK u LAM Pax AN. lith aud mi nam bla.. Omasa Nek. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT By giving your son, a daughter or friend a scholarship In the Business, Bookkeeping, KienuKi apny. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship Departments of Boyles Col lege. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical anal Office. WANTED Several experienced sales women. Apply Saturday, Thomas Kil patrlck Co. Factory aait Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdresstng. Oppenhelre Parlors. 236-240 City Nat l Bank. D. SSd. WANTED At once, women and girls. Steady work. Good wages. Great Waalern Cereal Co., Fort Dodge. Ia. Hotels and Restanrauts. WANTED A good cook and a helper In kitchen. Apply Delft Tea Room, Bran dels Theater Bldg. Housekeepers aad Doraestles. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, no laundry, good wages, lit S. asth St. WANTED A good Danish or German girl for housework. 1324 Harney St. WANTED Second girl In private faml lly out of city In Nebraska. Wagea 130 and railroad transportation. Mrs. stubb, lull Faraam street. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. U6 8. 25th Ave. WANTED Neat white woman to help cook and wash dishes. 1024 Douglas. WANTED Experienced girl for house wor. 721 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED A good girl for general house work, good wagea. 17u Park Ave WANTED A competent girl for house work. 211 S. 36th St. Harney 1083. WANTED A good laundress, for Mon days or Tuesdays. 3816 Farnam St. WANTED A middle aged woman, no children, to take care of home and old lady; references; also state wagea required. Advent religion preferred. John Burke, North Platte, Neb. WANTED Experienced girl to assist In housework. 720 S. 22d St. WANTED A good laundress, private family, all modern conveniences. 321 La fayette Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 3VJ N. 3Sth Ave. WANTED A woman to do plain cook ing. 1906 Farnam St. WANTED Laundress for Mondays -or Tuesdays. 707 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, no cooking, small family, good home. 636 a 24th Ave. Red 5941. WANTED Woman for general house work. 636 N. 41st Ave WANTED Girl for general housework, no small children, good wages. 4708 Cass St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for general housework, new nrlok dwelling, nice warm room, good wages, iim Park Ave WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1212 N. 26th St., South Omaha. WANTED Good girl to assist With housework. 2432 Decatur. WANTED Girl for small family to do housework. 124 8. 16th Ava. GIRL for general housework. HI So. Mth street. . GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. 006 lark Ave. A GOOD malu for general houaework; family of 1; must be competent and furnish good references. 2403 S. 32d. Harney 22)7. WANTED A school girl; one who can go home nights. JioS Cuming St., Apart ment A. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family. 133 8. S8th St. WANTED An experienced cook. 614 S. th St. I i .i i .i iii WANTED-A good girl to help with housework. Harney 4229. WANTED An experienced cook and sec ond girl. 2ol3 Douglaa w WANTED A good girl for general houae work. 312 Cass St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: three In family. 2 JO N. 41at St. Phone Harney -J0. Competent girl for general housework; small family, good wages. Phone Harney 2&3. 113 N. 14th Ave. GOOD competent girl for general house work. 10U3 Park Ave. Harney 3761. Hotels aad Restaurants. WANTED A good waitress at once. Ap ply Delft Tea Room, Brandels Theater Bldg. allacrllaaeoaa. ' rOtTNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as rtrangere are Invited lo visit the Yount VI emen s Chr stian Assoulstloa bulldina at I. Mary's Ave. and 17th 6i where thsf will be d reeled to suitable boarding placet ir olre' n l ssstteV Look fer traveler a aid at the Union station. HELP WANTEDMALE Agenta. salesmen and go I tr I tore. FIRST-CLASS, energetic coal salesman, familiar with wholesale trade In Omaha and surrounding country, to take charge Omaha office of eastern firm. State ex perience, rvferencea and aalary. P wu, Bea HELP WANTED MALE (Continued ) rirrlral and Office. I.EWRR CLERK. I. COLLECTOR. .Man with grain elevator exp.. ?A Stenographer and Bookkeeper. H6, Cannier and Slenosraplier, $. Railroad Rate Clerk. Vf WESTERN KEF. BOND AS9 N , INC. City Omaha Est. 8 years Kansas 77)2-3-4-6 New York Life Bldg Factory an Trade. Drue Stores (snap). Job. Knleat. Bee Bldg POILERM AKER8 wanted for Panama ranal. government work; wages 6 cents hour; free lodging: free steamship trans portation from New York or New Orleans; must be experienced; no men In other trades wanted. For full information write Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C. WANTED Mlehle pressman, on half-tone and hook work. Two presses. State salary expected, and whether union or non union. Commercial Printing company, Ottumwa, Ia. WANTED Experienced platen press feeder. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 8 14th St. Miscellaneous. YOU are wanted for government posi tion; ISO month; write for list of positions open Franklin Institute, Dept. 217B. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 670 month; customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clerks; list of spring examinations In Omaha now ready; prep aration free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 314 B. Rochester, N. Y. 176 PER MONTH; practically no Invest ment; spare time only needed; answer at once. Fred Wolf, Concordia, Kan. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALR. FRATERNAL Insurance workers In ev ery town and county In Nebraska, for the American Nobles, a fraternal association doing business in 14 states. A first-class society absolutely representative .equita ble rates, giving life and accident benefits. Write or call on C. H. Boehl. state man ager, 414 Karhach Blk., Omaha, Nebraska. Give references. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wasronsw WE want to buy 26 head of horsea. Pest of prices paid. The Blua Barn, rear Mil lard hotel, 13th and Douglaa 6ts. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth. If you buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sta, WE buy and sell all klnda of horsea Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 4004. Cow. FOR SALE-Jersey cow. VO 8. 12th. LOST AND FOUND LOBT Oold bar brooch. 'Phone Belle vue six. LOST OR STRAYED From 2111 Plnkney 6t., December 18. white and liver pointer pup, 6 months old. Liberal reward for re turn to above address. LOST Dec. Ti. a gold locket; reward. Fhone Benson 364. IX) ST A silver necklace with blue enamel and lapla-laaull pendant. Return to City Engineer's office for reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment oasea; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglaa U87. Calls answered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. tsfKmmummmutti .uwhujkjsjj$mi NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC " M 11 $10 TO 61,000 U It LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD It ft FURNITURE, PIAN08. SALARIES. 61 M THIS 18 A NEW FIRM. 11 t Organised by the REPUTABLE II It BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- It It tect honest working people In need 61 It of temporary telp from tha cxorbl- It It tant charges of tha so-called loan It ti companies. We will loan you all the M It money you want and charge you only t II 4 per cent a year. M STH1S MEANS YOU PAT ft For f 10 6 mo. paymenta 11.70 t JO.) It It For t 26 t mo. paymenta 64.236 26.8 61 16 For t 60-4 mo. payments .44-6 60.74 61 It For 110013 mo. payments 18.&8 tl03.4 61 It And all other suma In proportion. It It Easy weekly or Monthly payments. M M Reaaonable Appraisement Charges. 61 tt A glance at the above rates will It convince you how much you save by It tt dealing with us. 61 It NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. 6 It MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. It WITHIN AN HOUR. 64 tt INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., It tt ROOM 204, WITHNELL BUILDING. It $1 Doug. 6046. N. K.Cur. 16th and Harney. 8! MuitttttmtuvHi mwwimmiMW, Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow mcney you want the lowest rate, and we give It. We will loan you from 66.00 to tluo.00 on furniture, planoa or teama, without removal; small and easy payments. 81.20 Is the weekly payment on a loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In tha same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Block. lBHV Dodge St Phonea; nouglaa 464-A-2466. itmwmtwtttH Ktt$oti4tttmmumtmtss tt CHEAP LOANS tt tt en Furniture. Pianos or "alary. It It AT 4 PER CENT A YEAR! tt tt Can You Beat These Rates? M It t 10 for 8 months lio, tt It I 24 fur 8 months 75c It tt 8 60 for 4 months 11.64 tt 88 6 76 for 4 months 12.26 It It tloO for 4 months 13.00 61 It Small charge for appraising. It tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 14 It Room 8MT Brown Blk.. 807 8. lith St II It Opposite Brandei. Doug. 2o3a. A -203d. tt tttttlUUUMU) VM tUWlHMIIKiltHDUWWlU DON'T BE BROKE We will loan you what money you may need; quick loans, reasonable rates, terms to suit, on any kind of security you may have, or on yuur plain not. , THE J. A. 1IUTT0N CO., iii Paxton Blk. 16ili and Farnam Sts. j. 'J 1UU' NEED MONEY I We will loan you money ou your furnp ture, piano, live slock or any other se curity at LOWER HA 1 ES THAN GiHEili ADVERTISE. Courteous ueairaeut aud strict prtvauy. Call ui puone and wuvui.t '""TsiLBRAiSKA LOAN CO., D !,- Ind. A-1264. 330 Bee Bldg i AiWi NEGOTIATED QUICKLY. LUAAO CONFIDENTIAL, COLR-d-lfi TEOl'S. SiJUAHE DEAL. "F1" LOWEST HA 1Kb. NO Advance TTU I EE OR APPRAISAL CHARGES. llr.LP US liBbl' lliE ilkol. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., ROOM 215, .SECOND FLOOR, BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. Phone Doug. IM. Will or call. Pilvate party will loan honorable salaried people small sums on their pain note; banking methods, iowent rata; loans made ouukly and confidentially, payments ar ranged aa dealred. AdUrea A Ul3. Bea. MONEYS?; To LOAN. Come In it us explain w rales to you. able Credit Co.. tut Paxtun Block. Tel. Douglas HiL A.-HU MONEY TO LOAN -t ontlnaed. MONEY LOANED SALARIED rEOFLT WoMr.N KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERH. wlthtut security; easy paymenta of fire In K. principal cities. Tolmnn. Room 603 New Omsha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loans money on furniture and planoa. Low est weekly or monthly payments. OUR ADDRESS, 1404 FARNAM 8T. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft W f! PLATA IT L514 rxg street. ' U elephon II MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'8 DELIVERY CO.-Mov-Ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage. Telephones Douglaa SH. Independent B 134L OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. clean your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 8. 16th; 809 8. 17th. Doug. 4163. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Room. LARGE beautiful furnished rooms, en suite or single, with lavatory, large closets; excellent board. 708 Georgia Ave. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, good board. 1609 8. 88th. FINE furnished rooms with board; horn cooking. 3407 Harney Bt St. James, 416 8. 13; atm, beat free batn; Am., 11.86 up; wkly., 65 up; meals, 860. NICE room and board. 2518 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, board; good location. 80S N. 33d St. WANTED Two young men to room and board; private family. 2021 Howard St. FOR RENT Large south room; board for two; references. 1918 Cass St. NICE room and board for two gentlemen. 1428 N. DOth St. BOARD and room for two; moderate prices. 2414 Capitol Ave. BOARD and room for man and wife; good homo cooking. 2208 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room and alcove; walking distance, good location. Board If wished. 1918 Farnam St. TEN MINUTES' Walk, Good board, Nice room; Reasonable; All conveniences; New, modern; Private family. 817 North 21st NEATLY furnlhn room! wnnii .nnlrln. 601 8. Mth St.- BOARD and room for two; private fam ily. 610 Hickory St. WANTED Traveling man and wife to room and board; private family. 2021 Howard St. PLEASANT room for lady. 2408 Cass St. NIf'R rnrttna wall V. . .A ...... .1 t nlshed, home cooking. 2113 Douglas St. NICE, neatly furnished rooms. 2216 Douglaa St. FOR gentleman and wife who would ap preciate a home In refined family, an east front room, with alcove. handHomelv fur nished, with choice table. C 483. Bee. TWO choice rooms and best of board; private family; on car line; refined neigh borhood. 1106 Park Ave WARM modern room, with excellent board; close in; reasonable. Tel. Doug. 2363. Furnished Rooms. GENTLEMAN boarding desires room mate. Only refined party considered. Lo cation Is good; within walking distance. Nice neighborhood. New, with all modern conveniences. Good board. References ex changed. Address, 8-630, Bee. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. CI 8. 16th 6)t Very convenient to buaineaa. I4TCBLT furnished rooms. 683 & ltd 8t 8UPERB large teain-beated room, tm N. 83d. CHOICE front room, suitable for two: warm; strictly modern and wall kept; pri vet family; phone; walking distance; also convenient to goou ear Una: reasonable, lis N. 24th St. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster 6976. K19 N. 80th St THE coxiest neatest furnlfhed rooms In city within 6 minutes of business district; strictly up to date; price reasonable. 8704 Farnam, Harney 863L SUITE of rooms, elegantly furnished, running hot and oold water In room; price reasonable; suitable for two or three gentlemen; walking distance. 2i6t bt Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnlsheg, modern, front room; breakfast It desired. 8321 Davenport St Harney 8778. MODERN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one, 8428 Dodge, MODERN south room; also one on bats) room floor. 3677 Harney. NICELY furnished front room; close la. 1026 Howard St DESIRABLE MODERN room; private family; good location. 131 No. list Ave. MODERN room, gentlemen only; half block from poatoffica. 220 N. 17th. Doug laa 4194. NICELY furnished rooms, modern house; walking distance. 2224 Howard St NICE front parlor for two gentlemen, all modern, conveniences and home com forts, board If dealred, good home cook ing walking distance, 18 So. 26th Bt FOR RENT Neatly furnished modern rooms. 2126 Douglaa St NICELY furnished front room In new steam-heated flat to young lady only. 3011 Chicago St Tel. Red 6243. FOR RENT Nice front room, ground floor; good location. 130 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Nice aleeplng or house keeping rooms: warm; reasonable and modern. 1920 Dodge St. FOR RENT Two very nice adjoining rooms. 1813 Chicago St. NICE warm room; furnlahad; reaaon able. 1816 Chicago St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges if desired: good beat good bath; close in. 8413 Dodge. FOR RENT Large front room and al cove; private family. 8671 Dodge St. FOR RENT Nicely fgfnlshed front room, 2512 St. Mary's Avs. FOR RENT Single rooms, tor gentlemen, 4:4 n. Hum st FOR RENT Nice large furnished room, desirable for two, batn on tame Hour, walking distance. 3577 Harney St. x NEAR postoffice, nice warm rooms; single or double. Very reaaonable. ISIJ Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Large steam heated room, good location. 216 N. 23d Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri vate family; good location. 714 S. l.tn Ave FOR R1JNT One large front room, de sirable for two men, neatly furnialied and evenly heated. Private family, xju S. lutu Street FOR RENT A nicely furnished room east front, modern, evenly healed, walking ditanc for couple refined gentlemen. Ret unable, 'out 8. 24th. MODERN sleeping rooms. Centrally lo cated. 411 N. 19iu. THREE elegant rooms, modern, main floor, walking distance. 320 N. 30th. No sign on house. FRONT room, two beds. Reasonable. 181 4 Dodge FOR RENT Fire' v fiirr.lsl'.cd room in prliate family. 130 So. 3oth St. FOR RENT Very desirable nicely fur. nished room strictly modern, good location, 2c9 S. ftlo St. FOR RENT Nice large front room, all modem conveniences. Uu9 Harney St. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -Continued. FOR RENT- Two nicely furnished room for sleeping or housekeeping. 1.01 Leaven worth St. VERY nicely furnished room, good loca tion, all modern, toll Sherman Ave FOR RENT Nlrelv furnished rooma for gentlemen. 619 8. 2uth St. FOR RENT Modern furnlstied rooms, well heated, private family. 219 Ho. tn Ave. MODERN furnlshet room, well heated, private family. 2A2 Dnufcias St. NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooms for student or person working. 2oTl St. Mary s Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod. em. walking distance. 2408 Harney St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. FOR RENT Nice suit of furnished rooms for three or four gentlemen. 37iJ Farnam Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, hot water, and heat, 1 block from car. 3130 Blnney. FURNISHED, steam heated-room; pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. 602 8. 2sth St. CLEAN, nlcelv furnished rooma gentlemen. 116 North 20th St. for CIOSE In, rooms suitable for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. . TWO clean rooms, In modern house. Tel. Harney 843. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; close In. 1916 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Large parlor; furnace heat; good location. 618 . 22d St. FOR RENT Strictly modern, well heated room for couple gentlemen. 215 S. 26th St. FOR RENT Nice, warm front room and alcove; bath on same floor; use of piano; to ladles or couple without children, tf.63 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nice room; neatly furnished; parlor floor; good location. 404 8. 2Mb St. NICE room for two young ladiea; all conveniences; laundry privileges. 27 Harney St. THREE or four large rooms, desirable for ladles or gentlemen. 616 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; rea sonable; good location. 624 N. 2nth St. WELL furnished rooms, modern; good location; reasonable. 1918 Capitol Ave NICE modern room, private family. 120 8. Mth St. Phone Harney 4751. SUITE of rooms In modern house, de sirable location. 2204 Webster street. East front room, suitable for two, 13.50 per week. 612 So. 18th St STRICTLY modern room for two gentle men. 330 N. 17th St. LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for 4 gentlemen, modern convenlencea. 201 N. 19th. -I FURNISHED room to Baraxa boya, 1817 Da"enport. 2r2 HARNEY Nlrely furnished, warm sleeping room; walking distance. STKAM heated rooms, desirable for one or two gentlemen; continuous hot and cold water. 1701 Davenport Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM3 for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out aide cool rooms; special rates by the week. SUITES 166 up; ileal bonk, 86.60. Gentle men preferred. Tel i'ar. 661. 1043 Geo. Ave. Aaartnaeats and trial. Five-room apartment m the moat at tractive apartment house In the city. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1808 FARNAM BT. CENTRAL, steam heat. 4-room flat W N. 33d. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly modern. 228 N. 2oth St. Inquire J. N. Marsh. 1923 Locust St. FOUR room flat; new, modern, warm and convenient. lil Bo. A wsnty-sevsnth at Harney 8b34. UK 00 7-1 oom modern flat U44 ti. llth St, upstairs. Inquire ) si lota at. call Wen 177. I . . CHEAP WINTER RENT 6-room flat 14H N. 83d 8t, close In, very choice, 821.60. t-room cottage, 8017 Jackson St, edge of West Farnam district only 30. Telephone wner. Red 624, THREE large rooms. 8041 8. 18th St. Six-room apartment In The Bherman. Webster 6766. ONE two-room apartment, with bath, In the New Hamilton, southern exposure. Ad dress N 648, Bee. THE ALMA, 27th and Harney, four room apartments, -by January 1. Harney 2029. SIX rooma and balh. 2638 Davenport. 15 Four rooms each, 3HS 01f Ixard St. 2622 Davenport St., 115; modern except heat. B 24&. Inquire 2616 Davenport St FIVE rooms, brick, strictly modern; gaa stove; walking dlatance. Harney 2264. 840 Pressed brick flat, nearly new, nicely decorated; strictly modern; hot water heat; splendid neighborhood; walking dlatance; seven rooms and large reception hall; possession January 1st. W. W. MITCHELL. OWNER, Board of Trade Bldg. HEATED APARTMENTS. 126.80 -r., 1708 Burt St tiO.00 4-r., Ijifayette Apartment, 17th Ave. and Jackson St. taO.OO-6-r., 3210-2212 Farnam St., new, strictly modern, steam heat. GEORGE ac CO., 902 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Famished HokaekeeplnsT Rooms. FOR RENT Six rurnisnad rooms fo light oousekecptng; alio sleeping rooma 1M3 Dodge St Tyler 106. 122.00 Strictly mouern. warm front room and alcove, on bath room floor; for re spectable ladiea or couple without children. 2u month with uae of piano; vacant after 16th. 2063 St. Mary's Ave. WARM, cozy rooms, all modern, new furniture, gas, furnace heat and bath. 2.07 Dodge, ti 6JS6. TWO or three front rooms, partly fur nished for light housekeeping; rui reason able. Ulhi N. ZOlh Bt. TWO ROOMS, completely furnlshod for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and Very desirable; fine location; walking dis tance. 6t0 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Room for llg ht housekeep ing; heated. 2213 Douglaa St TWO large front rooms, gaa, bath. 2607 N. 20th St. FOR RENT Nice, warm, light house keeping rooma. 1M4 Chicago St. FOR RENT Single room, dowustalrs. t04 Davenport St. FOR RENT-Two comfortable front rooms for housekeeping. 316 8. 26th St FOR RENT A nicely furn'shed room, gas. bath, laundry privileges. 2114 Chi cago St. FOUR nice, clean rooms, complete tor housekeeping. 2J6 Charles St FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing, with rang and sink in kitchen, also sleeping rooms. 1701 Leavenworth St FOR RENT Three furnlsned rooms for housekeeping, fur man and wife. 8414 Webster St. FOR RENT Two adjoining front rooms. Complete for housekeeping; a. so sleeping room; gaa, bath; phone. 2114 Chicago St. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. x 2223 N. Uth Bt FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms; good location. 201S Leavenworth St OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Honeeheepltig ReesnB. FOR RENT - Housekeeping rooma, fired floor. 1712 Jackson St. FOR RENT Nice rooms for hoitsekeef Ing: gaa for cooking and light. 8- 17t Ave FOR RENT Two nice clean rooma, h mortem house. 8401 Jackson St. . FOR RENT- Furnished room for ho keeping. t aiifornia m. FOR RENT -One larga room for light housekeeping. 2419 Podge St. NICK suite of rooma for light house keeping. 1MW Grace St ONE sulto south front modern f"r7e. for housekeeping, also aleeplng rooma. tukt St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. g73 St. Mary's Ave. SUITE of light housekeeping room. 404 8. 2lth St.- I OR 4 furnished or unfurnished house keeping rooms In the front; also sleeping room, very desirable; price reaaonablej good location. Mb1 N. tbth 8t FOR RENT Two furnished rooma for housekeeping; good location. 1S15 Howard St - NICE rooms for students or working girls. 2715 Dewey Ave. FOR, RENT-Couple unfurnished room. 2411 Michigan Ave.- FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room for housekeeping and sleeping. 2404 Cum ing St- FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping; rooms; good location 614 8. 22d St. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping. 2421 Dodge St. NEATLY furnished rooma for aowee keeplng or sleeping. 2227 Dodge St. FOR RENT Nealty furnished front room for housekeeping; good location. 111 N. 23d St. FOR RENT-Two nice rooms. 419 N. 16th St. housekeeping FOR RENT Two furnished light h keeping rooms. 1K21 Chicago St. 77.1 TWO or 'three verv Pleasant watt fur nished housekeeping rooms. Entirely mod ern house. Private family. 1724 Charles) St, TWO convenient rooms for light house keeping. 611 North lsth street Red 7814. Unfurnished Reosme. FOR RENT Two nice, warm, tra fur nished rooms; gaa for light and coo king t private family. 2411 Hamilton St. 110-8 rooma, modern except haevt Nt children. 116.60- 4 rooms, first floor, modem ass cept heat. 2612 N. 19th. Phone Webstar THREE nice housekeeping room! WWte In kitchen; gaa. 1714 Webster St. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms gaa range and shades; no children Tit Pierce St. NICE, Isrge desirable, for two, for Ugh housekeeping; private entrance. 8Mb Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooma. 402 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nice eulte unfurnished rooma; heat and light; good location! references. 2402 Cass St. FOUR rooms, gas and dry water. 014 Bancroft St. Phone Red 6654. Fnmiahed Itonaea. FURNISHED HOUSrO. 185.00 10-r., 206 8. 37th St., all modern, nicely furnished. I-as 4 months. GEORGE & CO., 903 City Nat l Bank Bldg. H oases nad Cotiagrea. MODERN. 7-r.. house, near park. - 1S49 South 28th St - Om. Van & Storage Co. packs. moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage, 804 . 16th. Branch, 308 B. 17th. Tel. D. 4163. A-Uas. 4-ROOM cottage; modern, except furnace beautiful lawn and treea. No. 2204 Bout 82d Ave. Rent only 126 per mo. lelepoeae Douglas 4040. 4 ROOMS modern, good repairs. 124 Ave., t20. Tei. Harnsy 1666. A BEAUTIFUL tVroom, all modern bang. alow; In excellent neighborhood; on car line; reasonable rent to good tenant 4uat Grand Ave. Phone Webatei to4. . v FOR RENT Two B-room brick honses- all newly remodeled, ail modern, north part of city. 126. A nice 4-room cottage, all modern exoen furnaoe. 4605 Hamilton St.. 116. 4 -room apartment flat 1623 No. 13th 112.60. I rooms, 1818 Clark St. tis. C. M. BACHMANIf, 436 Paxton Blk. Office. R- 8639. Ran.. D. MODERN 4-room house. 8710 Capitol Are. Call Harney 1401 NEW, 4 rooms, all modern except heat, 8601 8. 20th Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler 167. 110.60 8-ROOM cottage. 1921 Willi Ave, Phone Webster 1661. 8-ROOM, strictly modern bouse, Marcy. H. 2706. 8084 N1CS cosy sevan-room house, all mod em, excellent furnace. Right on the 84th St. car line. No. 2838 N. 84th Bt WIU rent tor 26 or will sell oa easy term, lei, Harney 6368. 7-ROOM house, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful. Turner Park, Cor. Dodge and So. Central Boulevard. Inquire 8ult Dodge or Geo. McBrlde, county surveyor. 110UULS crelgh Sons Co., Bse Bid COTTAGE, 1406 N. 86th St Tel. Harney 6054, FOR RENT Nine-room house, all mod ern. 607 S. 29th St., for T0. FINE t-room, modern house, 2704 Cali fornia. 4 ROOMS, modern; 8304 Sherman Ave, 120. 4 ROOMS and bath, 689 8. 81st St; very pleasant. 14. Tel. 11. 4639. 8 ROOM. 330. 8220 Burt. Harnsy 2494. 2668 DOUGLAS Stret, 8 rooms, 327.60. HOUSEHOLD OOOD8 packed. forwarded cheap freight rate; moving and atoiing. Kxpiesamen's Delivery Co. Tel Douglas 394. HOUSES FOR RENT. Bungalow. 6 rooms. 518 8 36th Bt., West Fa. nam district,, modern and strictly up-to-date. ul 5o per month. 110.00 S-r., 2921 Douglas Bt, partly mod ern. 11500 -r., 5"19 IVidge St., large yard. lla.OK 7-r., 4418 Capitol Ave. 116.00 6-r., 3W Shirley St., partly mod ern. 130.00 6-r.. 2o4 8. 20th Bt. 120.00 8-room, 2154 S. 84th Bt, modern ex cept heat. 2l.oo-7-r., 8406 Jackson St. 821.00 6-r., ZM'i baiiler St., modern ex cept heat. 126.00 8-r., 1541 N. 19th Bt, modem ex cept heat. J60u -r., 2219 Capitol Ave., modern ex cept heat. tiilio 6-r., 114 8. 42d St., all modern. ;t5.0u 7-r., 2o40 Harney St., all modern and good barn. 11500 8-r., 257 Harney St., all modern. It.'. l-8-r.. 2111 Pacific St., all modern. 'C U-r., 616 N. 23d St., all modern. ttjiu 9-r., 61 8. 26th Ave., all modern. GEORGE at CO., 9u2 City Nat l Bank Bldg. READ THIS I.OWER RENT EXPENSE. We will niaka exceptionally liberal offers to good tenants. T r. mod . paved street. Ilaiiscoin park district, walking dlatance, J5; 6-r., part mod., very close in. 1623 Marcy, no; r . elec. it., well, barn, H acre fruit, etc., 110; 6-r , good aa new, cloae In, lit. 6 r.. mod . 640 H 23d Hi.. 117: 4-r., mod . IM7 N. 17lh Ht., 15: 4-r., city water. 2:111 8. 17th, 88; r.. mod . choice fine location, paved street. J. 2712 Caldwell; also others bee ua for real desirable home baraalna on monthly payment. HI SHELL tk M'KITRIf K CO . 422 Ramge Bldg. lth aud Harney. ltr.' Maple St., 4-room. modern. HT. FEKRIN Exp. at Storage 1611 Cap. D. tUg.