Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Charter Committee Holds Firt Set
ion for Organization.
I Mr Attara- Msrpky ble Oplalea
Water .' ay's ReaaMt for
FVrsalsalaa n t
lark Tarda.
Th eotnmlus appointed by JUyor
Tralnor to rrvla tb rlty charter In vlrw
of th cominc lKlslature nvt and organ-
lied last n!ht. Justlr of th Pear P.
'. CaJdarll tu elected chairman and M.
McCartr s?rrtry. After organization
everal members offered suggestions a to
the work of the committee. J. B. Watktn
thought the city should g"t poaer and
have authority to raise all the funds neces
sary for Its needs. Ha also wan of opinion
that the e-retary of tne school board
should be elected by the people at large
and that the member of that hoard as
well as all thn city officials should have
longer terms of office than at present.
"They hae." said Mr. Watklns. "scarcely
time to get acquainted with their duties
hen there Is another t!"tlon."
C E. Starr was of the view that no
matter bow the charter was revised the
law should be enforced. They wanted all
the fire protection they could get. "The
funds should be Increased." he said, "to
give us mors policemen and firemen, but
care should be exercised In selecting the
men." .
Rudolph Techout. president of the school
board, agreed Kith the suggestion that the
secretary of that body should be elected
at large and Tax Commissioner Fitzgerald
said that the growing nds of the city
required a largT assessment roll. This
view was also taken by City Clerk Good.
Secretary MeCarty thought that the park
board shoi.ld have sole control of the
rorks and boulevards and have control of
the expenditure of Its funds.
It having been decided that the chair
man should appoint an executive com
mittee of five, the committee adjourned.
. Miner tore Damaajrd hr Fire.
Defective wiring probably was the cause
of a fire whicS started at 10.30 o'clock last
night In the rear of the three-story frame
building. U North Twenty-fifth street,
owned by T. T. Munger, produce and com
mission merchant. Produce and some fur
, nlture stord In the building were de-
alrAVall ' Tlla 1Tflr'KiV latmflf-V JAS VftrtH
- W 1
Twenty-fifth street, suffered some damage
by water. Property of a family living
on the neofvnd floor, over the laundry. Buf
fered some loss from water. The total
damage Is estimated at between 3,nno and
3.&n0, almost entirely covered by Insur
ance. Fire did IV( damage to the home of Mike
May. Thirteenth and Z streets, at 11
o'clock last night.
Water Company's Ordlnaare.
City Attorney Murphy das handed out
Ms opinion on the application for an
amended ordinance sought by the South
Omaha Water company which acquired the
erdlnanoe originally granted John McShane
for the purposb of supplying the stock
arda and -adjacent district with water.
The legal department states that the rights
to be granted under the ordinance would
In effect -be franchise rights and that,
therefore, the ordinance and the procedure
relative to Its pasKage ought to conform
to the charter provisions relative to the
granting of a franchise.
The city attorney further advises that an
ordinance of this character, granting as It
docs valuable rights and privileges to In
dividuals, should contain proper limitations
and restrictions and definite provision
tcUWJvw t ULCrlghu effected thereby. .
"This department"" continues the opin
ion "at this time Is unaware, nor has It
l cen provided with information aa to who
constitute the PoMhr Omaha Water com
pany, and It suggests that such Interested
persons requesting such privileges might
consult wtlh your legal department relative
to these suggestions, and it might be that
some of theso objections could be obviated.
and the project placed upon such a proper
basis that your nonoraoie ooay wvuia oe
ViiUnc to accept-
The city attorney explains that under the
city charter a franchise cannot be granted
for a longer period than ten years and that
It hi aeventeen years since the ordinance
was granted to Mr. McHhane,
One of Ihose Interested In the proposition
seen yesterday afternoon pointed out that
the water company did not desire right
to supply the city generally t;n water.
All they wanted waa the opportunity of
Living pipes from the river to the stock
ards district, where, a reaervolr, or reser
xoire, would be erected for supplying the
stock yards and the packing houses, if they
coughl Uiat. atrvk.
The matter will come before th next
meeting ol the city council, which will all
'iuesday evening.
Rsiaastas Heavily F1ae4.
George Caspar. Ue Roumanian. In whose I
plae wlih h ts koown as the Hindoo hotel
al 418 North Twenty-sixth street, the girl
Maggie 'Tober waa found Tuesday night,
was yesterday nto'nlng charged with va
grancy under a city ordinance and fined by
Judge Callanan fUt. The fine was paid.
The girl Deludes at Columbus, Neb., and
the allegation ortc'.nalty was that she was
Ix iiiK held In that pUtce against her will,
ll later transi'lred that she Is 1) years of
ate aiwl the. ether charge was substituted.
Yt -it-rda- afternoon it was stated that
Caspar would hae another charge pie
fomd against him of keeping a disorderly
huuae. City Attorney Murphy prosecuted,
and the defvmUnt was represented by
Judi; Levy
Ptaaeerw Kleet Officers.
At . th ' regular meeting of the South
Diiuhl Plutr Historical societ. held
Tuesday evening, the following officers
were ricvtl for the ensuing year:
President. Joseph J Hreen; flrat vice
president. Hi u'e Mi-CulUxh: second vice
1'iiai'leni. i:. T. Karnworth; third vice
prtfuUnl. N l. Mann, treasurer. Mrs. K.
it Kootrts; financial secretary. Herman
s-iemh. ig. rcccnitiig secrt tar . Mrs. t'.mma
irt'Ool: historian. K. T. T. Farnsworih;
assistant htM irian. 11. J. Oswold. unher.
Mis Hessle llowbtd.
The follow ing committees were appointed.
I'Mgrnm. Mrs. Nellie T. Sage, Teresa
H'm.iiin. Catherine Rowley. Thomas
Hroadhurst. Daniel J liannon snd N. D.
M.nn; memorial. Jude A. I- button. Jo
i hine Carroll. David Anderson. Mrs
Mary Raffrt. I.. C. Gibson and Herman
T.'inhnnk Brui e ! 'ulloch. tieorge H.
Hrwcr. J. C. Carlej , Mary Rafferty and
Mamie Cllnchard were apimlnted as a com- J
iniltee to arrance for the fintt annual ban- ;
iuit of the society, uhlih will be held I
in the course of a few weeks.
lite memorial toiiiuuttee presented a j
m. liable resolution cm the death of several '
nf lti members e ho had died during the
lajt year. After the business had teen
lfiiincHj a short musical program was!
i n Jvrtd. I
Manic t Ity tioaalp. j
''fcl S liowUml. 'Phone tkiuth 7. i
The German-Ann man Kntertainment I
.U will gr a prttxel iva:i .New car a
in Franek's h.v!
i tie birth of a lauuhier
l; e I,, .ie. . ,,r XI- . 'i.-iile
s reoori.-d st
I uko b!.y. "Zi
Nw.tb Tinrtj -h'nili .-ire-.I
v. .1 Kiernnn Is .r II at hi home on
N.nh TwrR'u-tii it ee,-i h.i:.i i.n,lei Co:ie
.' s.rio1. &J'ir.4l o-'frat.on.
lb- 1 1 1 1 -t : .-1 M ss o: Si!ies c i i.ol hs I
i .e Tu ?uy v Ilili;,.
ii i'i.. tuii in a.i ".ateivsi inaiui.r iu-
lencH-v j rorrsmme uniler the
Ion of Miss Clara Krln SMpertn-
terdnt. end A T. Conowsy, ',ant su
rwnntefident. The hlehes'. attendance st
the school during the ear s sixty
eight. The hirth of a en I" reported 'he
home of Mr. and Mr Oris Swartzlander.
Nineteenth and Jackson streets.
'I hone lleil F.nilh !ri'lPnrnt F-1'
for a case f f Jetter oM Top Prompt de
llvtry to any part of city. William Jetter.
The women of Woodman c rele No. V
will be entertained Thursday afternoon b
Mrs. Roc V hti at her home, lrni) L,
Mrs Chsrles Runyon of Stanberrv. Mo.,
and M ss M James of Sheridan, la . are
the guests of their cousin. .Mrs. J. M.
Mrnrv. .
The I,ltWl fluster of Antelope will
give a sta party for members and friends
this evenlnc at stanek s hall
and (J streets.
Twentieth j
The South Omaha branch of the Clans
men of America will give a free entertain- J
sunt and dance New Year's eve In the i
Woodmen hall.
Mrs E. A. Kltxserald and daughter left
Tue,lay evening for Rochester. Minn .
where Mrs. Fitzgerald will undergo a sur
gical .operation.
The Women's Missionary society of the !
Prebyteilan church meets th s afternoon
at the home of Mrs. fj. F. Beavers.
North Twenty-fourth street.
c. E. Miller, superintendent of the post
office st the stock vards exchange is re-
! ported to be seriously III. His duties are
being taken care of by Postmaster-elect
The third annual reunion of the class of
IS of the South Omaha High school will
be held under the auspices of the Prosit
club at the home of Arno IHckman.
North Twentieth street, tit i evening.
Much Interest has been aroused by the
performance which will be given this even
ing of the romantic drama. "Prince Jaro
mir." by pupils of the Bohemian free
school of South Omsha. The auditorium
of the High s hool will be the scene of the
production and the music will be furnished
by Kranek s orchestra.
Charter Revision
Committee Pleased
Of fen No Substantial Obiectioni to
the Work Already Accomplished
by City Committee.
The charter revision committee of the
Commercial club and the Real Estate ex
change are well pleased with the results
that have been obtained by the city gov
ernment committee aa far as they have
examined the recommendations. The two
committees met with City Attorney Rine
Thursday morning and went over the
propositions that have been selected as
favorable by Mr. R ne. the mayor and
Councilman Berka, And aa far as they
went they offered no substantial objec
tions., The charter will be gone over, section
by section, before the committees cease to
consider It, and the final recommendation
to the Douglas county legislative delega
tion will be the best opinion of all three.
Most Wesaerlsl lleallag
After suffering many years with a sore.
Amos King, Port Byron, N. T.. was cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, 2oc. For sule by
Beaton Drug Co.
High Sraoal date Members at He
aaloa Faaetloa at Hri
shaw Hotel.
Th member of Le Hiboux. an Omaha
High chool club, enjoyed their third an
nual reunion banquet at the Henehow
Tuesday evening. There were twenty-nine
member present. Including fourteen
alumni member and fifteen active mem
ber. There were five member unable to
attend on account of being out of town.
Ther wrere Frank Belby,' Uuy Wood.
Crosby Wyman. Horace Bchram and Mal
combe Baldrlge.
Isaac Carpenter, Jr., was toastmaster.
and the following toast were given:
"Th Hatching of Ies Hiboux," Allen
Tukey; '"Th - Owiette," Henry Howe;
"The Habits of Th Owls." John Iomls;
The Wis Old, Owls," Vaughan Bacon;
Th Owl Who Hav Flown." Frank
L tenser; "Ies Hiboux." Merle Howard.
Th member present were Arthur
Wakely, Vaughan Bacon, Reed Peters,
Randall Curtis, Harry Carpenter, Sand
ford Gifford, Sam Carrier, Frank Itenser,
Will Haynea, Allen Tukey, Merle Howard,
Ralph Doud, Warren Howard, Isaac Car
penter. Jr., John Bowen. Max Flothow,
Richard Payne, Edwin Alderson, Clarence
Patton, Wayne Selby. John Iomls, David
Bowman. Walter Klopp, Henry Howes,
James Durkee. Eve ret Burke, Robert
Thompson and Herbert Ryan.
Till It Got to be Second Nature
Suffering Endless and Without
Relief Cuticura Made Skin
as Clear as a Baby's.
"If I hid known of th Cuticura
Remedies fifty year ago it would hay
eared ma two hundred dollars and an
immense amount of suffering. My dis
eas (peoriaais ) commenced on mv head
In a spot not larger than a cent. It
spread rapidly over m v body and go
under lay nail. Th scale would drop
off of m all th time and bit suffering
was end leas and without relief. A thou
sand dollars would not tempt dm to hara
this disease over again. I am a poor
man but feel rich to be free of what
some of the doctor railed leprosy, iom
ringworm, peonasia, etc. I took
and aarsapanlla orer a year and
a half hut got no cure, 1 cannot praise)
the Cuticura Retnedtea too much. Ther
made my skin a dear and free from
scale as a baby's. All 1 uaed of them
was two cakes of Cuticura Soap, threw
boxes of Cuticura Ointment and threw
bottle of Cuticura Reeolvent. If you
bad been ther and said you would hav
cured me for two hundred dollars, you
would have had the money. I was
covered with th scales but by using
Cuticura I was soon as clear as anr per
son ever was. Thi was over twenty-two
year ago and for a long time, through
force of habit, I used to rub roy hand
orer my arm and legs to oralch, but
to no purpose I was well. I had
acratched twenty-eight rear and it
got to Is kind of second nature to
m. Dennis Downing, Waterbury, Vt.,
November 27, ltfim."
Cut tear the moat erasoBleal Irwvlmset Inr
sReriteaa ( the Un aa aralp. A cat al i-ilriu
as a ul t-uiievn OMtiaesi era ahe
sofflrMt So.4 Utrr.usa.iul Ui wor d rvitef Prug
ka Carp .Som f rm. Koaioa. s-kliid Dwa,
t-cs CuiKura sock, as Auiaamy a um bus.
M ii. WiMieu ' NtetTHio tiisir hat tieer
ulrer MXTV YKAkxht VlLLI'INSof
M iTH KM lor their CMII.UKI-N U IUI.K
1 fH'IMMl. with PKKI-M'T !l'CCk!t.. It
xk1 llt.s the CHll.ii miiTkns iv( (,Li1i
i AI.I.WNatl PAIN ; Cl KK-. WIMlCUI.IC. a.i
i. I' e let rrieedy t r lilAHrUI V It i ao-
o.nir. hai mle. He Mitre and a"k (or "Mr.
'mw so.jihing Srup." auj lake ao oihec
i ikiuu. TwcnU oCkTut4 Uittlc.
Keren termt aroint Kett. 1M. 111 New rliwM i
S' wa! t.t4 in all kyuji'.'l. brg.nfwr'a cl
: In m4t:in hi I r.l lan4uAjtt. Wnta (or Yar I
. MISS Ca.DT. FnaclpaJ.
1 lit a a a, Kskrask'
Collecting Funds to
Endow Johns Hopkins
Omaha Alumni Aiding Movement to
Raiie $150,000 to Secure Quar
ter Million Gift.
On aha rlumnl and former students of
Johns Hopkins university are engaged In
assisting in raising an endowment for the
fam.u Baltimore Institution. The sum
of UCo.t-'l must be raised within two or
three days by the alumni throughout the
country In order to secure a gift of tiA
flOO from the General Education board. The
string on the l-WOno is for a collection of
XT.i.w. making a total of and of
the necessary amount JhOOiOO has been
pledged. Her.ce the hunt for the other
Harry S. Byrne has been appointed chair
man of the Omaha alumni and former
students. Other Omaha men who took
work at Johns Hopkins are Tr. Millard
Langfeld. Vict r Rnsewater and Edson Rich.
Johns Hopkins will probably move in a
short time from down town Baltimore to
Iff the creator of the new grain "Emmer"
(il -(ft will lecture daily at .. . m
i a handsome site Just outside the city. The
tre--t Is called "Homewood."
The prospective progrfsion of this great
( university to a larger campus Is of in
' teres! to t'nlversity of Nebraska men for
j the IT.I verslty of Nebraska mtit also move
out and locate Itself In Its entirety upon
' the state farm unless the Institution ts to
continued bifurcated with several miles
betwen the two halves, and the older half
located on a little ten acre campus of
which Regent F. 1 Haller recently said:
"Both expansion and beautlflcatlcn are
alike impossible "
Hardly a great university in the country
which has been located like Nebraska and
Johns Hopkins but has been forced by
internal expansion to seek a new campus.
Columbia had to move to MornlngsUe
Heights from don tomn New York, and
the University of Pennsylvania went out
to West Philsdelphla. Pme of the great
state universities have njt had to move
because they saved plenty of land when
founded, around the early buildings, but
none except Nebraska Is located on a ten
acre campus.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
The Omaha. Land.
JANUARY 18 TO 28, 1911.
Nearly four years ago the United States Department of Agriculture introduced
a small amount of black winter Emmer into this country to be divided among
the leading agricultural scientists of the United States.
Among others a small amount was received by Prof. B. C . Buffum of AVorland, Wyoming.
Prof. Buffum Added Millions to the Vealth of the West
by using the small fraction given him to produce a new grain which is the heaviest yielding small grain now
grown, and the most valuable of this class of crops for stock feeding purposes.
It is better than oats for horses and ranks with corn for fattening sheep or cattle.
It will produce more feed per acre than corn and can be grown at much less cost.
Come, Hear Prof. Buffum Tell About His Vonderful Creation
He will lecture at the Land Show every day it is in existence and his story will
be of great interest to every one interested in the welfare of the west,
The Omaha Bee
The Twentieth Century Farmer
wish to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the west and they are backing
up the Western Land -Products Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will show
eople more of the real truth about this wonderful section than any amount of pure talk; and their
real interest in the upbuilding of this empire is due to the fact that they realize that it is upon the
west that Omaha must depend for its future progress and greatness.
Land Information Bureau
So many of our readers have written us from time to time, ashing us for reliable information as to soil, climate and value of
land in localities in which they were thinking of locating or buying for investment, that we have decided to establish a Land
Information Bureau.
This bureau will make investigations and gather data, so that it will be able to either answer inquiries direct, or give
parties wanting information the names of reliable persons to whom they can write.
When writing, address, Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Xeb.
Remember the dates January
Admission Price 25c. This will admit you to every lecture
Four Chinamen Are
Caught by Marshal
Celestials Captured on Way East
Held for Violation of the
Exclusion Act.
Fr.ur Chinamen R. MoT. R. Tun. R
Lung and Sam Jul were arrested Wednes-
dav night bv i nited States Marshall War-
ner on complaint received by telegraph
from Ixiuls Adams. Immigrant Inspector
of Denver, charging violation of the Chin
ese exclusion law. The Chinamen were
enroute from toa Anxeles to Boston and
Worcester. Mass., according to tickets
found In their possession. Immigration In
ept ctor Adams will come to Omaha Im
mediately to have them arraigned before
the I'nlted States commissioner. The
orientals are accused of working as com
mon laborers without Immigration Inspec
tors' certificates, which Is a further viola
tion of the exclusion act.
Tersistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
Xfw Treatment ml Mlaaesota I at.
lenity Will Make Address at
tld-ear saaaeaeesaeat.
The speaker for the mid-year graduation
of the Omsha High school will be Dr.
George E. Vincent, president-elect of the
t'nlversity of Minnesota Dr. Vincent has
Prote.sor 01 sociology in me mi-
versity of Chicago and la known to be one
of the best speakers among modern ed
There will be seventeen candidates for
graduation from the senior class, which la
considered a good showing for the first
mid-year commencement that has ever
been planned. Most of these candidates
sill probably get their diplomas. The the
ater In which the exercises will be held
has not yet been selected.
Ket tae neaalae aiwatya.
A substitute Is a dangerous makeshift
especially In medicine. The genuine Fo
ley's Honey and Tar curee coughs and
colds quickly and Is In a yellow pack
age. Accept no substitute. Bold by all
18 to 28, 1911
an every part of the Land Show.
Ittarary He ales lcl .rpratla la
raageel ltitaUrllf.
NEW YORK. Dec Difficulties be
ta en Nat tioodln and his wife, who as
Misa, Fdna Ooodr' :. are understood to
have beer, settled toda. Mr. Goxlln
called at the office of his Iswyer ho also
acts for Mrs. Goodwin, and entered lnt
an agreement regarding the disposition of
property said to be valued at li.VWO.
Ben Black has gone on a three weeks'
pleasure trip to California.
I. I,. Pelsel. deputy city treasurer, and
Mrs. Belsel have gone to Kansas Cit.
called there bv the sudden death of Mrs
Hetsel's mother Mrs T. M Sick, mhe
'died suddenly Tuesday eenng of heart
Harry E. Peterson of l.orgmonl. Csl .
and Elltabeth V. Kl.ld of Farragut. la .
were married Thursday by the Rev M
V. H ghee at the patsoi.age of the North
Prebvterlen church. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
son will live at Ixinttmont.