THR I1EK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DKCKMMF.K no, 1010. Rourke Signs Danny Dreamer Durbin; Lincoln Basket Ball Team Plays Omaha GOSSIP FOR THE FIGHT FANS' Old Fhiladelphi. Takes Boxinj as a Matter of Fact. BAT NELSON 81 ELL TALKING A.hlrllil l,n ID (Hit on Please BfBl and Strike Home Real naa In the Way of , Tnhah Ijamri, - Oi i -a. ilon IT'.' xrty progressti e methods ore shown in Philadelphia This epprolia tinn Is meant to encourage Philadelphia. Hoxlng li really ai-cepled. a an athletic Mort by tha rlly authorities over Oier. There, Is no attempt lo beat around the bush. Those In' control of public affair declare there l boxing and that It he It place In the general plan and scheme of physical development, t They do not ad mit It; they assert It. The other night an aspirant to light weight honor was Injured o badly that ha died. The Injuries were Inflicted during a boxing bout. They could have also been Inflicted playing tag ;Ko atriple a pastrme as that has been known to kill and In jure. ' . The boy. w ho lost ) tf life' because of tils ambition, was not in the best nondltlon. to go In the fin-. lilit'Dt on ifNitol to know It. , ; If, . To try to !t event ' rniilar fatalities the director of public, ffl f$ty- ranged iw rules to be formulated to Omn boxing In Phil adelphia. ; , , . - - He didn't .rant aiiir frv about the brutal nature of the poitf or .lid he throw maudlin hysterica peru.a.P. mitfht have happened In other e.ltti-V. 'Me simply- went about a method of'bciteT regulation In a practical rmt t t r 'til fac.lway. . Stimmonlng some of the . most Xpert -sport writers of the city he asked ' t)rem Ihelr opinions. They gave, them, and'fit'm this advice and from hit- ewTr. th&ari'p- bn the atibject he ordered that, th tottowtpg rules go Into effect: ;.'.' All contestable "intist he 16 yrart of age or over. i-. Only aoft bandages are permitted. No substitutes are allowed. Club physicians must pe at the ringside during bouts, and their decision aa to the physical ability of a contestant to continue Is final.' Three seconds only are allowed for each boxer. , ' No coaching hjf nersontl during rounds will be permitted.- The ring most Extend three feet beyond the ring poelav. nd.' th posts of the ring must ex torn) to. fret beyond the ropes. Every ring. must have three ropes ground It. '.'.'. - : xv In all olgss, from,,' lightweight, -lat-poundx. dawn, there 'tnut. pot be more than fen pounds difference In weight be tween lb contestants.".1. '. '' - '' ' . 1 .'.(m Dv 'Ad" WoUaat'a father' and mother have announced thai -they tvHI be present at the next- bout In whicH their son fights, l.ct It be hoped that It takes place before their diamond wedding (anniversary. i Persistent flagger. Battling Kelson talked so long ona noon gt Reno. N that he started an ava lanche of witw In the f-'lcrra Nevedaa, fif teen mlln avmr. He not atop talking until Seined that Inexorable fate whloh befall nearly all men-matrimony. Me is now. ready triflght Wolgast any tlme day' or. pi re. ay he will do It and probably ten ' iv li pfied' again, but that will make no i)ffern' with the chatterer, who will be armind the next day looking for another n atch with the man who beat him. ' & Hest Hraaon la the World. 'Mimtnle" IsamlnKer, In the Philadelphia North American, speaks ag follows: "If you .Would take the word of some wrltera for It. th AtMettca went to Cuba tu defend their world's title and not to take a little winter Joy ride and pick up a few knock -on the side. "The Athletics didn't go to Cuba to chase their swarthy! skinned opponents off the Island, but merely on a pleasure Jaunt. They figured that playing a few games they could pay their expenses, but they had no Idea uf getting Into any "blood" contests like In the championship season. Thev had- enough of hand base ball In the championship ace and the world's scries, and the players who took the tip were content with going "under wraps." That la without question the best indict ment against winter barnatormlng that has been drawn up since the gubject began to be agitated. Lincoln Five Plays : in,0maha Saturday KepmenUtivei of the Y. M. C. A. of Omiha and Lincoln to Claih ' 'in Gymnasium. Omaha ant) Lincoln Young Men a Chrla tlan anaoclatiotia basket ball teams will meet In Omaha Katurday Slight r!n the first big basket ball game of the year In Omaha, tjrorge Plnneo, trainer of the Lincoln Isrte, tsa.ts that he baa a team that will t,bn- the fust Omaha boys a guud game, una with the best men of the Omaha tewin 'crippled It Is possible that may oerry off the honrs. Io WlUnn, .center of the Omaha, form erly of lha . T'geis five, spilt his hand Tuesdny night while playing Indoor bane ball and will fee unable to piy Saturday at all. The Other three mem hem of the former Ttgeis': team, Hugo WeMn. W, J. 11m rls and Mam ice Colin, w ill be able to play, although all of them ait nursing fcnt sins and bruises received In too huid praottce. Warren Ritchie, a new recruit from Apkdeton. Wis. will take Wilson's place at tenter, and A. H. Griffith, who as a Tiger sub last season, will play the guard, to which Itllchie vg assigned. A preliminary game between tiie Tiger t'uhs and !e I'nlversity of Omaha team Is scheduled-1 II. H. Andreas of I.Iih-i.Ib 111 refefve the iiitici Durbiri Signs One . of Pa's Contracts AiterU He Wants to Be Back in the Dana Next Year and with Omaha. MIAMI. OU1. , I'-. -''J taeclal.)-lilaine (Danny IVsanier) Durhln. formerly of the Chicago Cubs, lias sent a signed contract I. PrfalUeiit Rourke of the Omaha club, bindirg himself to pilch ihere In 1911. Durbtn was acquired by Omaha a year ago. but lilcked over th lrao and said he J amxiry. ho arrived ' fwui hi. hm iii! Scmmn-a-would .eav. , he game. He ha. sine. ,u,nil U,,14y to take'cWrg. of thi ! U r' liia u i fondness for base bail wel tmr nr. i an.1n4.en.ems. w ... 1, 1 tn anxious 14 siu up wlih Dinaha and g-t In tine for action when tho Kong rlng.s. Peralettiit Advertising is the KuaJ to Llg ltetui-n. Pete Lochs Pile Up Marks Upon Indians, Taking Three Games Omaha Bicycln Overwhelmed by the Bnth 6f Their Advertaries Sunkiiti Get Three. Iast night on the Metropolitan sles the Tel I.ochs won all three games from the) Indians. Blllie Martin to ik the high sin- gle game with 2& while Itrlnkwater j smsshed the pins fur a total of !.". Oil- i breath of the Indians was the only, one on his team that bowlrd up to h i average. Tonight the Frank's Colls sgalnst t James. Boores:' . v PKTK liOCHrt. d il. Total. M Msrlin Thomas ... r; W. .Martin Prink water IHfp 1'.;' .H4 JUU ITS tr 1't ; R ITS L'iSI , ITS 11 17) ::-0 ii-.iO t.liS Totals.. sti! txi:. 3,713 UAHA KICVCUK rxpiANH. iKt. M :d. Total. Holnmtin -.. -.. Minrlolis .... Klauck lillhreath 2a rp h; 178 171 m irr Jo7 177 ' lur, 1 1n ?Xi IMi 4M) r.'Ji 64 Ir Totals Kl(l IS-'- V". The .sunkists took three ' straight Bnmes from Pat's Comets on the Metropolitan aMleya. Moi-an hgd high game of and hlV total of 563 'for the tunklsts. Faynlah had hluh gume of 1S9 anc nigh total of 117 for Pat's Comets. Hcores: BL'XKIST. Int. 2d. iJilid '. 137 lb3 tlilfflth 17.' hil Mijl'un Kid 2 V 'Jd. Total. 17(l 470 1:12 to.o 1,1 M Totals 475 :,:f, PATH COM FTTH. 1st. 2d. Paynlsh 1..8 1st liartoti lo7 l'l Kelvhtmayer 144 143 4NO 1.4PS Sd. Total lilt il7 102 S I :h 415 Totals 47U 419 Ueoember 3D, Derby Woolen Mills against Postofflce. In the Boostpr league the Ruffncr Tailor ing company won two out of three from the People's Store In a scramble match. Howell had high totals, with 510, and Sage had high single, with 04. Rt'FFNER TAILORING COMPANY. 1st. ?d 3d. Total. Chrlstensen Ratekln ... fage ....... Howell .... Malum .... Totals.. Lil Uii Ii i48 blO w M ........... v; i5 ,is 153 'i 15S lktt 4S 4H0 MO 45S i,t: .17(4 119 . t , 7Si 1st. .. S le ' Jd! Total r..-...- ; im - am Pepkim) - 0 Hall nit 443 Howard j. 4M 41 t.m 75 ItH H 7S1 S37 2,'.'),.-,:. Hsnutip ;.,'....' k f . Totals............ 703 W- M3 2.440 Y.M.CArGets Indoor Game from Farrells Score of 6ixteen to Thirty-One Kesult of Base Ball Conteit Flayed on Gymnasium Floor. "'V j The Farrcll's were drfegted J5y . tlio, Young Men's Christian assortatton-team'ln a practice game of Indoor base ball In the Young Men's Chilstian association gym nasium last .BlfhH J to (SVeTHie sjore was, somewhat1 liign as both 1'is trlfd out a number of substitutes and the players were not all thoroughly familiar with the game For the Youn Men's Chrlstlarr as-, sodatlon, Captain Rot her y made seven bits and six runs In seven trips to the platter' and the battery worked beautifully, For the Farrell s. Qulgley starredat first base, while Drlscoll made fuur hds and four runs In six tripe to the bat. . ' The Young Men's . ('UHstlun association team has now- defeated three 'of the Trl (Mty league teams as they also conquered' both the Btors Triumphs and shamrocks. Score by Innings: R. H. K. Farrell's . ...1 0 0 S 4 J 0 Q 1 li 1.1 7 T. M.C. A. ...0 1 0 4 t3 4-U-'..M 3 Batteries:. Farrels, Farrell and Hayes; Young Men's Christian aae ciaUun,, Linn and Taylor. Umpires, Quinlejr aoa .Cow gill. " NEW NEGRO BASE UAI.L I.KACtU Eight Cltlea Are Hrpreaested at Meetlagr In ObloataTO. ' CHICAOO. Dec. t9.-The Negro National Base Ball league, with eht icltles repre sented, .was formed yst4rii4 The. league plans to Incorporate ln llllnbls and main tain headquarters In Ch'cago The cities represented at the meeting were (Ihlcagp. Louisville. New Orleans, Mobile. Rt. Lou a. Kansas City. Mo.; Kansas City. Kan., and Columbus. O. Fellg H. .Paynsy of Kansas City, Mo., wts elected temporary chair man. An executive committed wet elected and will meet In New Orleans Mardl Gras week, not later than February IS. . ( IBVS.KO will in u -r miter (ioTti 1 f ' '- Polish Wmtler IVaili to Make Parse Ten Thoasaad. NEW YORK. Dee. 29.-J. Jt "ier"oian of Iluffalo, manager for Zhyszkn, the Polish wrestler, posted l.oQ 'here last night: as a guarantee that his n an tv.ll meet V"rank Oott-h. the world's champion. Hermans statement accompanying his forfeit sag: "Replying to the published challenge from F'rank Gotch to meet any wrestler In tjie world for a $."0,m0 side bet and the best purse obtainable, winner to all, I hereby accept on behalf orhaHmko. -Th-only stipulation i make lethatthe ld bet be $10,000 instead of the JJ0O sug gested by Gotch. I hereby Jost, $1,000 to bind my agreement and a a' guarantee of good faith, the balance of tf.twp to lie pq.sted upon signing articles." . ; fcKHHINti JMIDIH.LM Kit. II r t II 4 M P tlevelaad Maa Hlai Match la Two klratcat t-'alls. CLF:VF:FAND. O., lec. Ilt.-Henry Geh rlng of this city won the middleweight wrestling championship o: the world to nlsht from Walter Willouglihy of " Iluf falo. N. Y. Tie won the match In two straight falls, the first In ilil.!y-two min utes and twenty seconds aad the second In one hour and five minutes. Uoth men weighed 1 pounds and were 111 t'xaclleni condition. Prior to tonight's contest m.n had laid claim to the wor'd'a championship r-A HomIIub Ewtrlrs 4 I use Jnaar -M. tT. 1Jl lS. Iec. a-The entry list for the Aineilcan Howling co;ieM lourna- ment. wl.u-n Uglca here January 21, will i be cioaed January , accotdmn to an an-' nuuiici ment tonight by Secretary A I. Bt Hall I lube to Meet. CHICAGO. Dec. 2r.Praident Cl.iving- ton totlav ni out fo-.inai nonces of i),eA. third. Time. litUV annual meeting of ttae American Aasocia. lion of Professional Pnse'l-iail rlcba. to b i held io tiie Congreai hwlel in Chiiajo,. Jau- : ry 12. 'v 4, I RADLEY WINS AERIAL DERBY 'Brit-,h Speed ch ion Defe.ts EIy ; nd farinalec- EXHIBITION FLYING OF THE PAST .oienn that lleaeeforth ftactnc Ablli; Will Be the Test for Both " mm4 Machine. AVIATION F1FXD. IOB ANGEL.K9. Cal . np' M Ivnaland and France In a I ,ppM roRlllon drfeaUd America yesterday n ,he flrt tr, ,,erby ,Ver run. J amrs Radley, the Drltlsh speed champion. !n a French Blerlot monoplane, beat F-u-rene Ely, driving a Curtlss racer, and Phil Parmaiee In a "Paby Wndt" In an eight and three-fourths mile race. . He not only demonstrated that bis Bler lot monoplane Is the speediest thing In flying machines ever seen west of the Kockios, but he established a new record for the Los Angeles field. His time for the eight and three-fourths miles was :13t, an average of fifty-seven mile an hour. His fastest lap was made at the rate of almost a mile a minute. F,'ly's time was 10:02i. or about fifty-two miles an hour. Parmalee's time was 10:3S, or about forty-nine miles an hour, ltiul ley'a time by laps over the one and throe fourths mile course follows: First. 1:B0V second, 1:MH; third, 1:WH; fourth fifth, 1:00. Kly's best lap was l:5S-. In all the other laps he was uniformly ten seconds slower than the winner. Parmnlee'8 best time was !:Mfc. Air farresu Treacheroas. It was extremely gusty when the atart lng gun was flnd and treacherous air cur rents blew, but In spite of that there was hardly a second's variation In the elapsed time of any of Radley's rounds and not more than a second In any of t:iy'a. "Mere exhibition flying Is about to pass Into tho realm of the commonplace," said Glenn Curtlss Uils evening. "The novelty of that has worn off and henceforth racing will be the thing, with manufacturers, in ventors, builders and drivers bending every energy for speed and still more speeed. "The day Is at hand when aviation meets will consist solely of .racing. The mere ex. hlbltor w ll take his place, with the out-of-date attraction and ther,e will be prize In the 'future only for the' aviators who can fly In races and win them!"" Hubert Itham made a record In recov ering from disaster. His monoplane was almost completely wrecked Monday, but he had It out again today, making flights with bis mechdnlp a a passenger. . ,''.', Monoplane Record Broken.. NEW ORL KAN'S, Dso. M.-Rene Simon, tha French aviator, this afternoon broke the world's record for monoplanes when he. olrclid the mile track In a twenty-mlle-sn hour wind In fifty-seven seconds flat. This Is the fastest ' Mlle'eVer ' made ' by a' mt.noplane under any condition on a mile course. " . ' Tho machine wa a' fifty horse-powejr Blerlot and .Simon drove the dangerous turns at an angle that threatened to send him sliding off the alrbanka to the ground on one wing. He negotiated these curvoa with perfect control, however. The first flight- of ' tht day was made by John B. Sloissant.; who ascended In hla fifty-horse power Blerlot. The wind at timer, carried Moissant at tho-estlmaled rate o.' r.lnety miles an hour. He remained aloft thirty-three nlautes and twenty-two jicuonde. Klmon, also made an once nt this evening, remaining In the air twenty-two minutes and forty-eight sec onds. Garros, Hamilton and Marrlef also made flights. Wrlbt Back front' ttarope. NEW YORK, Dec. 2S.-After a stay of several weeks In Parts and Berlin, where he has been giving Instructions In' the art of flying, Orvllle Wright returned today on the steamship Oceanic. Th'e aviator had heard by wlrelexs of the success of IIox ey in breaking the record for height In a Wright machine. . Mr. Wright, when asked if he had brought back any new Ideas, replied: "We do not go to Europe for new Ideas lu flying."'' The only limit., said the aviator, that can be placed on the height that will aoon be attained In an aeroplane la the limit of human endurance. - ST. LOUIS, Dec. 28. Albert B. Lambert, president of the Aero club of St. Louis, at taches no Importance to the protest of the 3ulss Aero club against the management of the International balloon race which started from here last October. ,. "Members of the Swiss team - protested before the race started," said President Lambert today. The Swiss teams' objections were so eliildiah ' that the Frenoh team refused to Join them In asking them. EVENTS OS Rl'NNIXtt TRACK! trlusette Beat Clever Field of SI printers mi Emeryville. DAKIAND. Cal..' "Dec. 2 J-Arlonette. the Iheavilv tilaved -favorite, boat some clever sprinters In the feature event at Emery ville today. He went to the front when Pickens was ready and waa never headed. Bamhro and Golden Agnes were plunged on and led their fHds home, ijummarles: First race, six furlongs: Yellow foot, 6 to 1. won; Pete, 20 to 1, second: Who. 30 to 1. third. Time. 1:14. -Second race, six furlongs: Banibro. J3 to, ,V won; Pete.. 20 to 1. Seconds Calia, la to 1. third. Time. l:13i. Third race, futurity course: Golden Ag nes, i Archibald . H to f, won; Media, (Glass). 7 to 2. second: Frank 1'erris, (Pick ens). N to 1. third. Time. 1:rttn. Pel) Vlfffo. Heretic. Dolly. V. R.; The Rallff's Daughter. Starry Night, Ben l.'n ca". Pleaxant and Ritta ftnlohed aa named. Fourth race, sl furlongs: Arionette. (Pickens). 4 to I. won; Fernando. iGlsexi. t to 2. second: Thistle Ilelle, (Garner), 3 to 1. third. Time. 1:21',. Madeline Musgrave. No Quarter, joe Moser. Descendent and Hither Scot finished as named. Juan left at the pout. F'ifth rao". n" mile: Cabin. (Taplln). 4 to 1. won: oualltv Street. tUlddle). 11 to 5, second. Clt-ko, (Radtke). 20 to 1. third. Miss Picnic. Sona. Wap, Liberto and I Dovalta finished as named. I Sixth race, six furlongs: Ixrd Clinton, i Martin). 2-' to L won; Passenuer, (Garner) 7 to 5. second; Harrv Stan,hoe, (Page). 4 to 1. third Time. 1:14'. I'm Cuferala. Bucolic Meda Galene I Gale. Roa1 Stone, Tractor and Roy T. flnixhed as named. I JACKSONVILLE. Dec. 29 Ben Double. well supported at A to 2. won the 11,20) ' Kverglades celling stake, this afternoon's ( feature at Moncrlef, from a field of four j sprinters. j The winner look the lead at the rise of the barrier, but allowed Danfield to go to j the front during the first half, then came on and won eaaily two lengths in front uf 1 rirm, wun tvmg Avonuaio n.irq. A" "d' ,rm ven money favorite In the fifih race, tit the only successful first. ern Hei;e ti to I, uuii. zool, second iLavonilt-r Lad, thiid. Tim. l.u. Krcond race, mile and seventy ards: iiaralHnd. ii to 1. won: o Km. second; Jotin Tlur.l rm a; an, I nne-l lf furlong. : FuJJyi d, T to -. won Caspar, soconil; I'ainel. third. Time: 1J1",. Fourth rice, the Kverglaaes selling stak. iix furlongs: Ben Double, a to 2, non. Dsnfield. sreond; King Avondale, third Time. 1 13V Fifth race, seven furlongs: All Red. ei en. won, Lawrence V. Isle. second, ftone man. third. Time, l ;7S. Hlxth.rsce. mile snd one-eighth: Mer man, i to I.' won: Third Rail, second- fe hsMMn. third Time. I 1f. rE). 8AOlA. Fla.. Dec. 29 -The racing meet here terminated this afternoon with the running of seven races. The sport was witnessed by a large attendance. The race In which gentlemen riders were to engage did not take place, professional riders hav ing the mounts Instead. Summaries: F'lrst race, four and a half furlongs: Anderson, u to l.won; Cherry Girl, aacond: Friend Virgil, third. Time, 0;.. Second race, fVe and a hulf furlongs Atlil W., to 1. won; Cull Holland, second Severa. third. Time, 1:13. Third race, five ami a half furlongs: Melsar, 4 to 1, won: Rodman, second; Myr tle Queen, third. Time. F'ourth race, four and a half furlongs: nn 8and. 4 to 5. won; Dr. Holllm second: rum- Anout toii, tnint. - Time, 0;. Fifth race, six and a half furlongs: Jen nie Wells to R. won: Walter McLenn, second; Grecian Rend, third. Time. 1:27V Sixth raxe, six and a half furlongs: Ameron, 3 to 1, won; Golden Castle, second; Hiram, third. Time. l:2-i'(,. Seventh race, four and a half furlongs: t ompete. S to 2, won: Crene.aeoond; Cer ssln (Mr.1. Time. fl:5?V JTAREZ, Meg., Dec. -.-Coblesklll. rid den by Mr. Cassldsy, won the gentleman'! cup race, the feature at Terrasas park, to day. He was favorite at I to 6. and. after being outrun In the early- part, came fast at the end and won by a nose.' Three favorites won. Summaries: First rac e, five and a half furlongs: Fred K?ien. (.Moles worth). 7 to 2, .-won; Soon. (McOee), tt to 1. second; Agllitv. (Ganal, 6 to -I, third. Time. 1 :0S. Scarlet. F'imperneli. Oblivion. Dartmouth and Red Lass also ran. Second race, one mile: Ellerd," (Van dusen), S to 1, won; Nethermost, (Rice), S to 1, second; Runa, Moleworth). 7 to 2, third. Time, 1:42. Alice George, Sir Ed ward, Himalaya. Vesme, Llsta and Red Hussar also ran. Third race, seven furlongs: CoblesklU, (Mr. Cssslday). J to 6. won; Eldon, (Mr. w. Rutler), 6 to 2, second; Ashwell. (Mr. J Rutleri. to 1. third. Time, 1:30. St. Kilda. Charlie Rothschild and Senator Pay ner also ran. Fourth race, five and a half furlongs: Seth. (Rice), I to 1. won; Sterling. (Moles worth), C to 1. second: Frank Mullens, (Wilson), t to 2, third. Time. 1:07. Mockler. Oriental Jr'earl and Edmond Adams also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs: Flying Pesrl. (Smith), S to I. won; Smiley Metsner. (Rice). 8 to 1, second: Roberta, (Ketd), 4 to 1. third. Time, 1:14. Pannell, Cathryn Prott. Cheswardlne. Slscus. Dave Mont gomery and Antlgo also ran. Sixth race, one mile: Hjvle (tlevnnM.i to 1. won; Miss Cslness. (Ponschoten). even, second; Alma Bov, (Molesworth). S to 1. third Tims-. l:40s." Ed Holly and Barney Oldfleld also ran. Reynolds Wins First in Pool Tournament by Only Three Balls End of Conteit that Has Exciting from Start to Finish. Been P. W. U Balls. S tk5 RenoIds Porttr ... Shepard Swanson Frallck . Mots Riley ... Reynolds 2 M4 (141 .! ti:8 820 546 In the wlnd-up. rt;. (w Capital Pool tourney, Reynolds''j)lbn jirst money, 120. by three balls' oV4-! Porter, who got second, 10, with sixteen balls over Shepard. Shepard got third, $5. with five balls ahead of Swanson w ho, was fourth securing a i -box of t-andy.V 4'$ V - , Shepard captured We highest run of 41, winning a box of fifty cigar and Riley also wins a box of cigars for the least number of Innings with ten. 8core of games Reynolds: II. 16. 14. 14, 4, 8, . 16, , 4. 6 101. Total 100. Rllii I, 0, lt 1, 31, 7, , 0, 1, 11, 0-68, To tal 62. - Scratches Reynolds. 1; Riley, 7. ' High Run Reynolds, 23. . An exceptionally large crowd witnessed tho closing game of what has by far been the moat successful pool tournament held In the oity. Laat night's game between Jesse Rey nolds and Frank . Riley, was the deciding game. Previous to the opening Riley waa III the lead with three balls, with Rey nolds second ' wdth three balls ahead of Porter. By Riley being defeated Tuesday by forty-eight balls he waa eliminated from any of the four prises, dropping from first to seventh place. Wrestllna- at Sargent. SARGENT, Neb.. Dec. 29. -(Special Lee Scott of Westervllle threw Farmer K'nney of Greeley at the Freeman opera house last evening. Scott 4s powerful, weighing over 200 pounds, while Kinney weighs but It took him thirty-six minutes and fifty-two seconds to put Kinney on the mat the first round And aeven minutes In the second. Some good preliminaries by local parties were held. George Freemen and Dick Hill were well matched, but Freeman proved the better. Charley Brodlne and Roy Brush were not so evenly matched and Rrodlne proved the better. Howard Wallaca was lefersee. . Ilftdlrr for (Tapir at Kansas City. KANSAS' CITY. Ko., Deo. 29. Governor Hadley today said tliHt while he believed the annual foot ball game between the Missouri and Kansas universities should be played In this city, he did not believe the KHiiie should be played on Thanksgiving day. t "The game tends to prevent proper ob nervation of Thunksglvlug," he said. Two (itmri of Basket Ban. LYONS. Neb., Dec 39 (Special )-Twn glints of basket ball were played here last night. The Liberty second team, being heavier than the L-ons H ptl school, eanilv won. 21 to 13. The Lincoln All Star scored 40 against the ouinmlnu l.ihcrtv team, who landed but 34 a splendid game. If your are deaf er your hearing Is falling coma In and let us make an xamtnailou f your caae. A great many rrgl-ct (tils terrible affliction until the trouble has become chronic nd beyond medical aid or human skill to help them. 1k not let be se In r iur Catarrhal Daaf ness yields readily to treatment. If the proper treatment Is taken In time, nd the (tearing perfectly restored. Catarrh If you have Catarrh our treatment YCuI OKI (Tn3 Dill IS) Of professional service and treatment for all dlaeaass of the Eye. Ear. Nose. Bronchial Tuba and Lunge. We are going to give one whole month's treatment ab 1", a . f "'' tho,,.,n ,1 ,, prov our ,'"i' and that by our scientific 111 ettiods these diseases can be quickly and permanent ly cured. Not one penny needed to begin treatment. 1 onaultailon and examination la free and all eurable cases aocepted will be given our services, office treatment and the medicine for successful treatment free for one whole month. No Incurable case, aocepted. no, will w give medicine or treatment to those we fl e caunot beiieJlt. If your case la an Incurable one, you will be honestly told so by our physician In charge. k " u BERLIN MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 405 Doo Dldc., A. A. U. TO HAVE RIYAL SOON Athletic Research Society Decides to Break Off Friendly Relations. WANT INDEPENDENT FEDERATION Committee's Nresaimes4alls that Loral Oniipa Re rnse4 to Join A. A, I , . oted Ilosvn hy gnrlelr. NEW TORK. Dec. 29.-If a resolution adopted by the Athletic Research society at Its annual mewing here I concurred n by the athletlo bod'ea represented In the society friendly relations with the Amateur Athletic union will be broken and imme diate steps taken toward the organisation of an Independent federation to exercise the control formerly vested In the union. The society was organised three years ago for the purpose more particularly of developing schools of athletics and Investi gating the administrative control of the sport. A committee appointed at the last meeting to look Into the latter subject re ported today through Its chairman. Dr. George, L. Meylan of Columbia university recommending that locgl group be formed In various sections of the country, which should Join district association. .... Amateur AthTetlo union, thus making it possible to control, their competitions. Recommendation Voted Daxvn. Objection was made to this affiliation lth the Amateur Athletic union, the rec ommendation was voted down and a com mlttee headed by Prof. Meylan was ap pointed to make arrangements for the or ganisation of an Independent federation. The following were then elected officers of the socloty for next vear: Clark W. Hetharln linn niiln... n.l. dent (re-elected); W. C. Cnrr, Boston, vice i.rc,,aeni; j. E. Raycroft, University of Chicago, seoretary and treaaurer. The meeting was addressed by Dr D. A. Sargent, director of physical training at Harvard university, on professionalism In amateur athletics, tr. ..m tlon at the expense of the development of . .u...i einietics made the tendencies of the large colleges and universities all w-rong. HACKEriiMU,T HELD EVEN Russian Lion Falls to Throw Belgian in Hoar. MONTREAL Dec, 29-For an hour and fifteen minutes last nla-ht Ti.i..n..i and St. Eurs, the Belgian, wrestled here and "-nir nee-urea a fall. Hackenschmldt did all the attacking, but the strength of the Belgian helped the lat ter out of tight corners. The matoh was Grseco-Roman style. Toornament at Dorehester. DORCHESTER. Neb.. Deo. .-(Speclal ) mZr?r P?rheM"' Jun c,,lb hold Ugurna towi s w.r. "O nd today" Eight towns were represented in. the shoot; Exe it ' .Beaver rosslng, Geneva Keneakw Dorchester Atr-A P"'"1". citv Thee. L.. ,I-""co'n ana Kansas reti' "'elve events of 170 tar- C. Holiwortl r I)u'chester. and C. tar?.WC hroke 138 and Vviin.'. t, T 01 "aver Crossing for the mon-J T "r 'argots first anri uiifi . Jonn oauaman won 1S: Oe.kTns. ,m and' ColW m., iPPc1. tvetli ot ntv target for the of Kins.. T-... I' m,."B"'"n D 'Orfs, gave .hlblttong'-otln;?4 Boston Foot Rail Playora Ht Four Miles In Threa Ml.ntea. Hnlds-thlVeVoVd MflStt&Z uii Litar LMne and It Is doubtful is other lake holds a better record. He went "n a(.fth".ht 'cno0u7dS.ther4sit th ' wS Fortt Bali Gam Postponed NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. .-The foot ball game scheduled here this between tha Ur.rA i.i nJf-'.rUn,.o0 until tomorroW on, Wcrou7tf.enh,v'yPa;'! Fnllerton Mlgna with Glssts, NEW YORK. Dec. .-Thlrd Baseman Fnllerton of the Adrian club teuthS Michigan feagu. signed up today with the New oi k Nationals for 1U. Fullerto batted .314 with Adrian last year and h," fielding average was .M. Reginald K. Doherty Dead. I)N1X)W nc n.i.i n, r,. elder of the brothers of the noted English ii i ,.Z . "u ,onv- " had been In III health for some time. Worse than an alarm of fire at night Is the metallic cough of croup, bringing dread to the household. Careful mother keep Foley Honey and Tar In the house and give It at tha first sign Of danger. It contains no opiate. Sold by all drug- giHtS. Dead Man I Blamed for Wreck. MEXICO. Mo.. Dec. 2 The coroner's Jury that sat over the three victims of th rear-end collision of a freight and a Chi caifo Alton passenger trsln. near Fsrber yesterday, returned a verdict today hold ng Harrv Flora, the frelg-nt flagman, who was killed, and Russell Thompson, a tele graph operator at Vandalia, responsible for th wreck. An Opportunity Plow Granted Accept This Generous Offer Today win neip yru. I ner 1 nothing dlat.psalng than t be afflicted with tlna terrible dlaeaae. Many people suffer with thla dis ease and run the risk of lie compli cations, which usually result la aome thing mote serlout. Catarrhal dla eaae, yields teadlly to eur treatment and we cure it in Its most chronic stages. Asthma 1 a dreaded disease, th horrors of which aie almost luurscrlbable. Thla Replica of Orleans Will Navigate Father of Waters Next Year Grand Uncle of Rooserelt Navigated Pioneer Boat Colonel Guest at Celebration. INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. 3. - The first steamboat to na Igate the Ohio and Mis sissippi rivers, the Orleans, sailed from Pittsburg to New Orloans In the fall of 1S11 and a rnpllra of the pioneer will make the same trip at the centennial celebra tion of Ohio and Mississippi river steam boat navigation at Pittsburg. September 2", 27 and 28. 1911 This was decided upon at today's session of the Ohio Valley Histori cal association. The Orleans wa commanded by N. J. Rocevelt, grand uncle of former Presi dent Roosevelt, who will be asked to speak at the celebration. It will Include a festi val at Pittsburg and a river pageant. "It I particularly appropriate that Colonel Roosevelt should have a oonsplcu oua part In the celebration." said A. II. Hul burt of Marietta, O., president of the as sociation. In announcing the plan, "not only because his grand uncle was the captain of the Orleans, but because the stork visited the little vessel on Its way down the river. Earthquake gave evil and false omen aa the Orleans proceeded on Its perllou Journey. We may not be able to provide any circumstance so dramatic, but w will do all we can In the way of realism." TUB B1U WBEITLEHi. Great Interest Manifested In tha Match Between llaekenschmldt and Westergnard. The big wrestling match on next Tues day night at the Auditorium between tha great Hackenschmldt, the "Russian Lion," and Jess Westergard, the "Giant of Iowa." I arouatng unusual Interest and enthusi asm among all who like the manly sport of wrestling In and about Omaha. Hackenschmldt I recognised a the strongest man In the world and he ha a lot of eotenetf besides, but Westergard Is a giant In strength and be has plenty of donee aa well. From all viewpoints thin will bo the greatest match ever witnessed In Omaha, and It la a safe prediction that the big Auditorium will be crowded. The seat sale opens Saturday morning at the Audi torium. New Railway Mall Service. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 29. (Special.) Railway mall service on the "Cannonball" branch of the Milwaukee road, running from Mclaughlin, S. D., to New England, N. D., will be established on January 2. ac cording to word received by Chief Mall Clerk Dennlaton fro mthe department to day. The new irvlce will serve a doaen town on the branch, beside probably fifty Inland towns which will receive mall by stage from off aome of the Cannonball branch towns. The town on the branch which will be given the new service are Shield. Rrlsbane, Lleth, New IJepslg. Bentley. Waltrous. Mott, Regent, Itavelock and New England. Dr. Cook Will Lee to re In Dee Moines. DF MOINES, la.. Dec. i.-Dr. Fred erick A Cook, the Artie explorer,. has ac eeptad an invitation, to lecture In Dos Moines la February under tha a-uspieea of the Press club of Des Moines. The pro ceed will be turned over to charity. Jnanaon Mar Flaht In Parts. PARIS. Dec. 29. It la announced that Jack Johnson, tha heavy weight champion, has accepted definitely the offer made some time ago of S2S.OQ0 to come to Paris In April and fight the winner of the ap proaching match between Joe Jeanetta and Sam Langford. Violent Barthejnake In Greece. ATHENS, Greece, Dee. 29. There was a violent earthquake In the province of Ells today, causing heavy damage to buildings. The government ha dispatched help. . Diets Honda Nearly Ready, LA CROSSE. Wis . Deo, 20 Bonds for John V. Diets, "outlaw" of Cameron Dam for 122.600 on th three Indictment against Mm not previously heard, were signed her today by a half dosen Bangor (Wis.) business men. Th bond ware negotiated by alia Myra Diets a week ago. The release of Dleta from the Hayward Jail 1 expected within a day or two. limit irii ik dlasase 1 usually the' result ef neg lect of Cstarrhal dlasase We hate a epeclfle treatment for thla disease and one whloh Is prnberly not used by any one else in the world. We have never yet failed to cure this diaeias If the treatment Is glvan In time. Relief and comfort is af forded. Chronic Diseases Such as atronehllla. Catarrhal ill uf tbe stomach, liver, kidneys bladder and all curable jl ut tr film' j MURDER AT 0SKAL00SA, IOWA Ceell l.oekard Shoots tiara Vela, lo Ksrane In Ante. OSKALOOfA. la.. Dec. jLCecl( l,ork- rd, S3 year of age. today shot his sweet heart. Clara Mcintosh. 19 year of ag. through the head because sh refused to marry hlin. Ixtckard sought to escspe In an automobile, but was overtaken and ar rested BOYS FLOCKING TO POOL V, Vt. (', A. Instruction In Swlmralag (hl( Fonunatlon of Knowl edge o Many, Yesterday was the biggest day since th beginning of the swimming school at the Young Men's Christian association pool. It required the asslxtunco of a large num Itor of the active association workers to line up the boys ellKllile to recede les sons, and they were eut In to Mr. Coisan In bunches of twenty-fiv each. Lennox gold to Louisville. NEW YORK. Deo. 29-Announcement m made today of the sale yesterday of Third Baseman Edgar Lennox of the Brooklyn National league club to the Louisville club of the American association. The price paid was not made public. The Brooklyn have several other men suitable to fill the third-base position. Commercial Teachers Fleet. CHICAGO. Dec. 29-The business man agers- section of the National Commercial Teachers' Federation today elected B. K. Williams of Des Moines, la., president. The shorthand teachers' section of the federation elected H. A. Hagar of Chicago, president, and Huttle L. Cook of Cedar Rapids, la., vice president. Bonus Coins Are Seised. WASHINGTON. Dec. DJ.-Lant night near Newark, N. J , detectives arrested Max Silver and David Garin anil captured the largest quantity of couhierfelt coin ever found In one raid in the history of tha secret service. Seven thousand dimes, J.onii quarters and sixty moulds were found Willi the fugitives. Third Death from Trolley Wreck, KANSAS CITY, Dec. 29.-0. R. Ocker. a Western I'nlon telegraph operator, who was injured In a collision of two trolley car on the Inter-City viaduct here Tuesday night, died thla afternoon, making the third death as a result of the accident. All th other fifty injured will reoover. Commission Charier for Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash.. Dec. 29.-The com- m 1 mm I , t n ktrni nf . t 1 .m. .. - r ' miiriii was adopted in Spokane today. With only one small precinct missing, the vote stands 4.438 for the charter and 4.111 against It. n majority or t.m. many women were reg istered, but only about tvfo-flfth ot them voted. Bomb In GalesbnraT Club Hoora. GALESBl'RO. III., Deo. 29.-A bomb was exploded today In the rear of the Jfeldel-, burg club rooms, wracking part of two buildings, and breaking a number of windows, but Injuring no one. Club rooms have become numerous In Oulesburg since the city voted against saloon. ' Fourth Death from Clnolnnatl Fire, CINCINNATI. O., Dec. M.-Phllllp Hur ley, district marshal of the Cincinnati ro-. (department, who was hurt while directing tun men in a ngm nu me ij.tino lino bls of December 21, dlsd today. His death Is the fourth to result from the fire. Ttsrers Hay Corcoran. CINCINNATI. Dee. 89-lnflelder Mlrkev Corcoran of the Cincinnati base- ball team was sold to the Detroit American league club today. Knocks Out Cold Fnr eatsrrk, kr ftr. nih, nera ttiniat jrl'Mt lnlnt rllf ud eura. Writ ut postal foe Sample Free golit lj or tt.on tfnie(rts. StP IISIKIJ Of DOS Koados Mfg. Co. Minneapolla, Minn. 'ifatnnnei! I rnnn PflR who rind their power to rJJU Jl work youthFul Vigor NPRVPR Weak and nervous men i"-1 gone aa a result of over work or mental exertion should tske BRAT'S NtrtVB FOOD PILLS. They will make sou eat and sleep and b man again. If Bog, S Boxes It 89 by Msll. SISIHAg Si MoOOITB'III.X, tMVQ 00). Cor. lth and Dodge treats, own Diva ookPAirr. Oot. 14ta and iinw ana. Oxaaka Sleib If EICEM"f!ni!UD!l a ivm ii4vii i win v;v M n. . axaa7 a-MaWsV-: -a . tX swV- sfr ;nj. ""exeir mv i a r&iiim to All lunga quickly yield to our new methods, our generous offer will psrmlt all In need of treatment for tnese diseases to take up the treat ment at once. Remember, not one retiny all) be required . to begin. Place your case In our handa and l restured to perfect health and happl ties. If yon cannot call write fer torn treatment symptoms blank. Office atoare a- m. to p. xa, Wednesday and Saturday, a. m. to 8 p. ., Sundays, a. av. to It. Omaha, Neb,