Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    illiriiLi;: OMAHA. Hnl)AVri)Li hMithii ;;o. iia
W if
1518-1520 FARNAM STREET.
Decline, to Be Present at Democratic
Gathering in Baltimore.
lie ftaye ll Infer from the Prelim
inary Arranrnirnt) that It
Mlsht Prove a llrord
aat Note.
LINCOLN, Dec. 29 W. J. Bryan has In
formed Albert J. Almoney of Baltimore
that ha cannot attend the Jackson day
celebration January 17. Mr. Bryan Kaya:
- "It will be InfpcTssible: for me to be pres
ent, and I hesitate to send a letter to be
read at the celebration le-t-lt might prove
a discordant tiote.J if,,Vas I would Infer
from the-preliminary arrangement. thoe
who originated It are diMsatlsfled with the
last democratic rmrtonal platform. That
platform 'was satiafaatory to the party
two years'ago and .laaaWnfactory to the
rank and ftla now." The victory of last
month was. In my Judgment, largely due
to the fact that several planks of the plat-
, form had already been vindicated by
events, and events have since the election
vindicated other plank
Ormoonittr rolleare , f.eaarae to Meet.
WASHINGTON, Dec" 23.-A meeting of
the. of fleers, and atate vice presidents of
the National Leue of Democratic College
tlubs ha beeri called by President Warnin
J. Dav S. " to be held In Washington on
oJamuat f ttt h'ie meeting will-follow the
udemotratla) fcbnfrrcnc In Baltimore Jan--uary
IT. .t wlilch national democratic lead:
era are to dlacuss party plana.
President af Urbanisation Meets with
' ;4jvsrnr' Veaaey and Arrange
- y- rrellmlnarlea.
PLKIUIE, f.. Dec. T). (Special.) A.
E. 'Chamberlain of Brookings, president of
the conservation and dry farming organlpa
tlons; Doan Robinson of Plrrre. secretary
of the conservation orr anlsatlon. both of
which ar to Sieet In this city the latter
part of ne( month, nut with Oovemor
Veasay todny to frame, up a progr am for
the .inaetliias. , Wliila ' a general outline
was arranged. , the munca of the epeakera
have not yet buen lined up as there are
yet several, pn the list -trho are not in Hie
cerUin" cjeaa. The general program will
January tlAddress of we'.-onie. re-ai-onxae;
allrs by Uovernor esev;
""jaiiiiary 24-iX ' program of conservation
and development.
January J."ry farming and connerva
tion lallis and discuasloiia.
January W The proarain for this uate
will ba divided between -dry. farming and
good roadH. which will ho given a promi
nent part In tha program.
Januarv T Kural nw'tsl ' conditions and
their betterment,, and 4tiUirlal education
for hlf 'Uv; the manufacturing Inter
etta of tho atate for 1iaf tht dav.
January W -This, tht' ast dav or tha
meedna will lie devoted v uonervaf ion. ainl
general devalopmeiit ofiithe atate. , '.
A the UtUlHtUre wt)l be., in i.'S inn a!
tha Mint Jim U Is ..ewpanU-il ".tluVt .-inaiiy
of the niendera will .laUe advantage, of
their '-opportunities tow attend .at leaM a
part ot the .meetings. And that the gather
lni;s of representative men.;, which the
meetings are e&pectvd to draw from over
;he state, will hae their Influrnce Id helping-
along Much 'lerislatioti. a Is conMidred
as necessary for1 the rarring on of the
work of conservation-utiVi.. f.-roKrcs along
all Hues In which lrifilutlon can be used
effectively or the upbuilding of the tnte,
and the forwarding of this work which
was commenced at the merlins hrld at this
city lat summer.
efciilaut. - and Plaintiff In Salt la
Court In Pierre Die Wllhln
l Few WreUs.
PIi;RRF. S. 1. Deo. Siveclnl 1 In
the diatli of J. R. P. Brown n this citv
todsy. 1M rre loaes a character who. while
lot one of the older resident, hud nirnl of a record for himself while
he had lived here. Brown came to Tlcrrc
about six years ago. allcalnij that h wa.a
the agent of ,the lntc Joseph Drown of
Pittsburg. .half-brother, for th" euie
mcnt of alleged clnimi auiilrsr o cmtla
company i-f which the P ltshurt Brown
!! been a member up in the tlui-' of his
death and h rh s offlvrrrd by th; l;te
C.iO :e V, tuniley lO' allv Since that lim
Rroan htttl devoted hia tlnv ancl a Ut niton
In I l al'einpla to get action In some inun
ner on l.umlev through the courts for al
eaeil man rnUallon of the nffalr" of the
cviint an-- to h'a own lnieru Blown
rair a inononuin'ac on ih subj-ci and
wonid talk the siibjcl for hours whenever
he could obtain a llairiu-r, and kept ut the
iim with, a peralstencc which, at ti e end
of over five years, had fiuailv secured him
it hearing In eourt. on',v to e bal'.ed by
the deatrj vf I.uniley few weeln a;o and
r.ow of hriiaelf ' ' "
Bigger; toetiet- Muser Is
adveritaing in Tlia Bea will do fur your
The pvont hundreds of young men
and parents of boys look forward to
with eagor exportation.
Tin World Itimnrd
oampecli overcoats
which have, given this afore phenom
enal, wldrgprcarl prestige,'
Go On Sale Saturday
at 3 3 xq Discount
without reservation. Every suit,
every overcoat is included in
hot li hoys' nnd young men's
sizes. -
See our large west window Friday
afternoon and look for our ad
vertisement In thin Frldsy
evening . A full lint. .of nvia-itlal and
sale prices will be given tTien."-
Terma during this sale. are rh only.
Jefferson H. Davis
and Miss DpWitt
Married in Denver
Bride of Grandson of President of the
Confederacy Wears Veil of Rare
Rose Point and Duchess Lace.
At an elaborate wedding Jefferson Hayes
Davis, son of J. A. Hayes and of th late
Mrs. Margaret Howell Jefferson Davla
Hayes, end grandson of Jefferson. -Davis,
waa married yesterday to Miss Doree De
Witt, daughter of Dr. aud Mrs. Thaodere
De Witt of Broadmoor, a auburb of Colo
rado Springs. The ceremony-- wee . per
formed at Hi. Btaphen'a Epleeopal' Church.
Hev. Dean ,H. Martyn Hart of &C Jahn a
cathedral, Denver .read therf service, as
sisted by he rector-of 8t. Stephen's. Hv.
Arthur N. Taft. . :
The bride wa,s, gowned In heavy white
duchess aatln, severely plain, -trimmed with
rare old point lace. With It waa worn an
exquisite veil of rose point and ducheas
lace that swept from the coiffure to the
end of her long court train. The veil haa
been worn by brides in tha family of Mlaa
De Witt for six generations,
Mrs. Ueor'ge Bowyer Young. th matron
of honor, wore a pale yellow aatln gown
veiled in yellow chiffon and trimmed with
bands of ernino. Her hat waa of yellow
satin, ermine .and gold race.. ,Ur. .and Mxa.
Da via. will re'aide" at Jarfield, Utah.
Jefferron Hayes Davis had hie name
Changed from Jefferson Davla Hayea some
years ago by special act of the .Colorado
legislature. This waa done to perpetuate
tha name ot Jefferson JDavU.',
Revolution Breaks
Out in Honduras
Invading Parties Led by Generals Bo-nilla-
and Christmas Moving
, Toward Cebia. j ' :
NEW ORLEANS, La , Derj- p. -Advices
recelvtd here lata last night say that a
revolution has broken out In Honduras and
fighting la going' on along Mbd irpKdtiran
Nlcaraguan border, twenty Snlles below
Cape Clranlan, Nicaragua. Th fprces art
being led. according to the wuelns re
ports by (General Lea Chiijftrfcaa; who Waa
to have met 1.C00 men, many of them
Americans, on tha Nlearaguan border, with
forty daya' provisions. It Is known that
the Davllla government moved CS.OOft llvrvs
from PUetro Cortes to Cttja arid the lat
ter city la bellevfu to be the objective point
of the advancing- revoluttdnlala.
The reports Indicate that I ha greater
part .of tttf fighting la about, twenty roties
from Cape Graclaa, Nicaragua:' but on the
Hondiu an side. . it' la understood that the
plan "pf attack. ,ls 'for CliHStmas to force
hla way tnlahd while General Bonllla at
tacks Ceiba fioin the Puetro Cortei side,
teavlnn rVii tltynet. which Is said to be
now Heavily armed, at Puet pjnee while
that port is held' ender Its guns." 1 '
Read Thla, If Yon Hani las lleneflt.
J. W. Qreer, Oreenwood. La.. ','aij fared
with a severe c?se of lim'ibaato. "The
pains were so Intense I J.'as- forced 4e
hypodermic Injections for'rclief. These
attacka aiarted with a pain In the small
of my bnck which .giaiually bscanje
fairly paralysing. My arVantliiii was at
tracted to Koley'a Kidney lrrl4iie!ly .aaHl I
am - ad to aay after urfliit-Oils' wonder
ful medicine 1 am no longer x bothered n
any way by my old enemy lumbago." Bold
by all druggists
'three Tralnuieu Killed.
KI.LKNIU UU. Wash.. ' : run.
away work learn on t!ie Flick Conatruction
company crashed Into a Uilwattliaa freight
tiHln at Ityc today, killing -three ti airmen
and Injuring twenty-one, aeven seriously.
rti.i L-r. un - ,it lie..
LAXATIVE PROMO Quintrtfv B wrtrlj
wld told and Grip remedy, rvmovea rauaa
Culled from the. Wires,
l'Hronena I lengelin-iller von Henervar
wife of the A uai ro-ll linger ail ambasaador
is crlilcallv 111 from append cltia
tiamhlirm houaoa and kindred resorta
haw been vrd-ied out of Uarv. Ind as
inei aevs to .public safety and public hi ra!s.
Dr Hairy Moelliln Was killed at
Oosheu. Ind.. when a In, n alruek hlaauu,
.i.oh.le. Dr. Moellering wa. , graduate of
tne I n veraity of Miehigan.
Chicago w II hav e another eaa.,n f
grand opera The director, of the Chlcaio
.land oiH-ra com) any y(d lo continue
the company a efforts another year.
A conference of tl-c aed inunuracturera
of the Cnlied staiee ruts be.Mi ej.lVd lo
meei in New ork on January 'j for the
puipoae of d scuaaing t.ricrs and rondi
tlons. The bodv of a man 10 ears old was
found at 1'auU. Kau.. in cur loaded with
bricks. In his pocket aa found a receipt
fioi.i a iratcrnal lixlve at Anadarho KM
beuilrg the name of . i. Bruaa. . ..
Iv' iw.noia vr . , .
of ill nola was. Cfct-Hl 1-r.i d t p( nK. n.
-I riiacogica Ml tll K .
teenlh annual convention la - Wa dilneton
t bicbgo waa alKled as the nest meetlna
Dei Moinei Torn Into Factioni Over
bignatures on Petition!.
Tut rrnoai Added to Mat ef l)r4
from Disease In Itpllnl
Hahkara for Konk for
(From a ."'aff Correspondent !
lKf Mi INFS. la.. Dec 2 i Special
Telegram A definite claim was. made on
behalf of the cltlsens' committee fighting
the saloon consent petitions that they
have beaten the saloonmcn and have taken
enough names off the petition so that it
wilt not atand.
The citizens claim the petition Is now
short over WW names, but the buslnesa nien
are claiming that the petition Is still large
enough and has 1.000 names to spare. Only
the actual cancans by the county authori
ties will decide, but on all side It Is ad
mitted that the situation Is uncertain.
Want State Fire Marshal.
A meeting of th'excutlve committee of
the Iowa Manufacturers' association was
held here today for the purpose of plan
ning a legislative campaign and deciding
wjiat measures shall be advocated. Among
other things, they will advocate a atate
fire marshal.
"lateen Dead from typhoid.
TphQld fever claimed two more victims
IB-. Des Moines In the last twenty-four
hours. lxtecn deaths are traceable to
typhoid In the epidemic raging here for
the last six weeks.
Uovernor A. O. Ebr rhart of Minnesota
was a guest of the Commercial club at a
dinner this evening and the principal
speaker at the Swedish benefit entertain
ment. He is a strong booster for state
publicity, consolidated rural schools, short
courses, agriculture extension work, farm
era' Institutes and good roads.
Repeal of Mnlrt Law.
The repeal of the Iowa mulct law by the
coming legislature will be demanded by
the prohibitionists of Iowa at a confer
ence of the atate central committee and
other workera which will be held here to
morrow. This will be asked rather than
resubmlsKion of the constitutional prohibi
tory amendment at this time.
Hnhbard for Knnk.
A special from Sioux City states that
Congressman K. H. Hubbard of that city,
upon his return from Des Moines, for
mally announced that he Is not a candidate
for Cnited States senator and that ha will
support A. B. Kunk of Spirit Lake.
Insarance Companies I'nlte.
President E. M. Davis of the St. Louis
Fire Insurance company In Des Moines to
day effected a consolidation with the Cen
tury Fire Insurance company of this city,
one of the leading Insurance companies of
Iowa.- The business will ba conducted by
the former, with offloea here as a branch
office to handle the Iowa field.
' Literary Society to Wichita.
. The Interstate Literary association of
Kansas and the west, a negro organisa
tion, which haa been convening here, -selected
Winhlta for the meeting In 1911, after
8t. Joseph had withdrawn from the con
test. Tariff Reformer Needed.
Governor Carroll appointed delegates to
the National Tariff commlsalon convention
In Washington January 11 aa follows:
Charles F. Junkin, Fairfield.
J. A. DeArmand, Davenport.
Qeorge W. Dunham, Manchester.
H, R. Palmer. Hawkeye.
WO. Kerr. Orundy Center.
John Wilson. Hedrlck.
.T. O. Beiryhlll. Des Molnea.
W. P. Hepburn, Clarmda.
O. W. Culltson, Harlan.
J. V. Lavender. Rockwell City.
E. P. Helser, Cherokee.
New Rate Cane Started.
The railroad' commission today placed
upon record the formal order to the at
torney general authorizing him to appear
aa attorney on behalf of the Mississippi
river cities of Iowa In their suit to secure
St'. Louis rates to and from eaatern points.
Commercial bodies of Muscatine, Daven
port. Clinton, Burlington and Keokuk re
cently formed an organization to aecura
concessions similar to those aaKed for by
the Des Moines committee on bthalf of
interior Iowa citiea. The attorney general
will now bring a caae before the Interstate
Commerce commission to have the matter
adjusted. '
'Health Hoard I'sser Flrt.
Dr. Louis A. Thomas. Red Oak, baa sent
broadcast over the state- a circular letter
In which he urges upon the legislature a
radical Improvement In the system of
state supervision over public health mat
ters and Incidentally makea a decidedly
warm attack upon the present board
"For soma time," he says, "there haa
been ' growing a feeling that our State
Health department Is Inadequate, incom
petent and praotloally devoid of public
beneficial results." ' Ha suggeata complete
abandonment of tha system and adopt'on
of "methods more in harmony with mod
ern requirementa."
Dr. 'ihomas aays the present board la
too large and there Is no authoritative
head of the department capable of prompt
legal action In an emergency. The present
method of appointment Is bad and results
in appointment ot "petty medical politicians
with but mediocre abljlty and general un
fitness to appreciate or perform the duties
pertaining to public office."
He atates that the fact that "the average
stundlng and competency of the member
ship ot the board has retrograded needa
no argumept."
The. per diam sjaieni. so it is stated,
results merely In membera absorbing all
the funds In payment of per diem and ex
penses and "the diligence of the membea
in thla respect la In marked contrast with
tehfr energies In other official directions."
Members charge local authorltiea for aer.'
lcea. they do not observe decorum at their
meetings, and the two boards meet aim
ultaneotisly so that the peraons attending
get double per diem. There la delay in
having the examination papers marked
and general inefficiency under the preaent
ssteni. Dr. Thomas favors a radical
Blrahday of the Male,
Today was the birthday of Iowa and the
state Is sixty-four years old. The slgninT
of the admiaaion act was by President Polk
during tbe time of the Mexican war. Only
once haa the birthday been celebrated and
that waa on the occas on of the fiftieth
There was filed with the secretary of
state today the - articles for the Stoney
IVil) Telephone company, IM.oB,
Wadena Co-operath e company, ?10 0J0;
Kliker Pax-r Box -company, Davenport,
125.0(0: Hamilton Seed and Coal company.
Cedar Kapids, $J6 tJU.
aonreuac Jaitgr III.
Jam tee John C. shcrw n of the Iowa au
preme court has boen confined to Ida bed
at h a home in Mason City since Friday
with quite a aavere illneBs. He hopes lo bn
able to report in Da Moines soon, lie was
able to sit up today.
Interstate l.lterar laeoelatloa.
There I a Warm f ght on at the conven
tion of the Inters'ate Literary anoc'atlon
1 for iht? location of the next convention.
'iliiuln conits'anta are Wich ta. Kan.,
and -Ht. Joseph, Mo. At the nieeilng thla
morning airs, name vtarr cas oi les
Moines. lr. K. A. Carter of Burton, la.,
and Mrs. Wllla Besls of Omaha cava Inter
esting talk on education, Id rail and rar
Saloon Flahta at Manilla and Klran.
HKNPHN, la, Dee (Special.) fome
two years ago. when the saloon consent
petition was circulated In Crawford countv.
the towns ot Manilla and Klron did not sufficient slgnstures to allow saloons
to run. With, a view to getting saloons
Into Manilla a new consent petition wss
put In circulation, which has been liber
ally signed all over, the county. The tem-
I pcrance forces of Manilla rallied, union
I temperance meetings were held in the
I Methodist Episcopal and Presb terlnn
churches, and up to date a sufficient num
ber of namea have not been had to allow
saloons back.
Iowa Newa .Notes.
LAKE CITY The country home of David
Park, two miles east of here, was com
pletely dextroxed by fire lajt night. The
lo.'s is S3.M0. partly Insured.
TARA-H. M. Rohrer. aged 22, a switch
man employed- by the Illinois Central, was
killed In the yard here thl morning when
he was caught between two cars and
TABOR A basket ball game between the
Malvern and Tabor high school teams, was
played here Inst evening In the college
g ninaslum, resulting in a score of 23 to IB
for Tabor.
IOWA CITT-The records of the antl-sa-loon
league' Were destroyed by the fire
that burned . $!i.0OU worth of property at
Marengo, la., C hristmas. The tapers were
In the hatid.1 of a firm ot lawyers wiiuae
orfice was burned. - .
IOWA. CITY Samuel R. Stouffer. a
pioneer of Iowa City,. Is dead In his SHtn
year at Des Molnea. Among his children
are J. C. Ptouffer and D. 8. Stouffer, re
spectively former president of the Iowa
city school board and former member ot
the Iowa City city rcouneH.
VINTON John Donnelly, a prominent
Benton county stock dealer, who was In
dicted for the alleged murder of Charles
Andrews, Is to face trial on the charge
early next week. The trial was postponed
from the November term because Clarence
Nichols, who waa employed to defend
Donnelly, waa elected Judge.
IOWA CI T Y Tha C. R. I. A- P. Ry.
company'e new $2i,ouo freight depot was ac
cepted by the company here Thursday. The
superintendent of construction, VMInon
Koonti. son of George W, Koonti, of the
Iowa legislature, waa then promoted to
the superintendent of the burned clay
ballast department, with Nebraska, Kan
sas and Colorado aa hla field.
MAR8HALLTOWN While on a street
car riding from the city to tha Iowa Sol
diers' home Wednesday afternoon, and
Just aa lie was In tite act of paying his
fare. Augustus Marks, a veteran of an
Iowa regiment, waa stricken wun heart
disease and died almost Instantly. He and
hla wife had taken their discharges this
morning, and were to leave tonight to
visit a daughter in Bhelblna, Mo.
Committee Will
Seek Investigation
of Missouri River
Representatives Selected by Gov
ernors of Nebraska and Kansas
t Meet in Conference.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Pec. S9.-Inltlal
stops toward obtaining legislative investi
gations of tha sanitary,, conditions of tha
Missouri river In Kanaaa, Missouri, Iowa
and Nebraska were taken here today.
Representatives eelected by tha governors
of Kansas and Nebraska appointed a com
mittee to draw up resolutions asking th
legislatures of the four Mates to choose
sanitary committees to make thorough In
quiries Into the condition of the rfver
water. The committee consist .of W. C.
Hrad, sanitary engineer of 'the Kansas
State Board of Kealth, 'and- of Dr. R. W.
Connell, health commissioner of .Omaha.
Resolutions were adopted declaring con
dltiona of th river frord Sioux City to St
Louis were such as to. make It desirable
that the river be Investigated..
None of the conferees were certain that
the water waa bad, but thay were unanl
mfus that an Inquiry would ba timely.
Deputy Sheriff is ;
Beaten and Robbed
Official of Saline County Falls Into
Hands of Thugs at
. Sedalia.
SEDALIA, Mo., Dec. 26 Charlea Herl-
den, deputy sheriff of Saline countv. Mia.
sourl, escaped from a rooming house here
last night where he had been kept a pris
oner fourteen hours by flv men who had
beaten him and robbed him of a rirart
for S1.000. Hla skull waa fractured and hla
condition dangerous.
Heriden, who came to Sedalia to buy
cattl. waa attacked by th men and car
ried to the room. He escaped when hla
captors left him ungaurded for a few
Ernest Counce and Marie Davla ne
gices, were arrested today charged with
robbing Heriden. It la believed ther will
be other warrants. Heriden la not abl
to appear In court and the negro' hear
ing waa aet for January 7.
The Key to th Situation Bee Want Ads.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Generally fair.
For Iowa Generally fair.
Shlppera' Bulletin Prepare forty-eight-hour
shipments, north, for sero weather
east and west, for temperatures of I to 10
above; south, for temperatures of 10 to li
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
ilAur T t -
& a. in
a. ni..
7 a. ui..
t a.
9 a.
10 a
11 a
li m
1 p. m
a p. m
S p. in
i p. m......
i p. m
S p. in
7 p. m
a p. rn
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 20. 1H10 official record of
temperature and precipitation compared
with the corrcpponuing period of the laat
three ears: luiO. yox lkJk. 1j7
Hitsheist today 27 I
1, w eal today IS
Mean temperature .. 22 2
f reclpitauon T .00
Temperature and precipitation departuioa
from the normal at Oinaha since March
1. and campared with the last
Normal temperature
Lxceaa for the day
Total excess aincs March 1....
Nirinal precipitation
Deficiency tor the day
Total rainfall since .March 1..
Deficiency alnce March 1
Kxceas for cor. period, imX)
two ycara:
. .0.! Inch
. .03 Inch
14 .27 InchtM
.14 .93 Inches
4 to Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, luue... 4. M Inches
Ueaorta fram Stations at T P. M
Station and
State of Weather.
tiuyenne. clear
Daveniairt. clear
Denver, clear
Dea Molnea. clear
DodK City, clear
Lander, cloudy
North Platte, clear....
Omaha, clear
pueblo, clear
Kaiild City, elear
Salt I.ak City, clear..
Santa "e, cloudy
Sioux City, clear
Temp. High Rain-
p. in TiMiay. fall
, 25
"1 Indicates trace of precipitation.
1 A. WELSH, I-ocel Forecaster.
! i "ST1- - I
Witness in Donahue Ouster Case Ad
mits Such Was the Case.
Cwmmlsalaner Karhaeh Says that He
Had Feella Against Other M em
bers of the Hoard Itehler
Hires Teatlmonf.
Mild connict between II. T. Fiass of
Pouth tmiaha. a witness for the state,
and W. J. Connell. attorney for tha de
fendant, regarding Brass' testimony and
further arguments between Mr. Connell
and Attorney General Mullen on the ques
tion of materiality of general testimony
regarding illegal liquor salea were the
features of Thursday morning's sitting of
the Donahue ouster hearing before Referee
Robert E. Evans. The rest of th sitting
was occupied with testimony of Fred A.
Carey, a reporter for the Omaha Dally
News, and E. C. Jones, 2209 Leavenworth
street, both of whom told of buying liquor
in Omaha at Illegal hours.
Examination of Mr Brass was begun
Wednesday and continued for about an
hour and a half Thursday morning. In
cross-examining Mr, Connell made a thor
ough examination regarding th motives of
witness" Investigations, bringing out atate
ments that witness' first trip through the
district was made upon request of Elmer
E. Thomas and that when witness made
subsequent trip he knew that such evi
dence as he secured was to be used against
Chief Donahue rather than against the
actual violators of th law.
Mr. Connell asked the wttneea tBrass) if
he wa not a witness In tha trial of Frank
Erdman In th district eourt a few weeks
ago, and If he did not testify that he be
lieved the cJly and county officials, as
well as th court and Jury, wer corrupt.
Mr. Mullen objected to the question as
Improper. Mr. Connell aatd the answer
would tend ta ehow how much weight
should be given the witness' testimony
Referee Evans ruled that th witness
should answer. Brass answered "Yes."
Fred A. Carey testified to purchasing
beer In several restaurants and resorts
after S o'clock In the evening, to being
refused beer In on place, th proprietor
saying he had been raided by th polle
and forced to pay a $100 fin, and to find
ing one restaurant that had been violating
the law closed by th pollc.
When the hearing reconvened Mr. Brass
was on th witness atand. Attorney Gen
eral Mullen began hla examination where
he had left off th prevloua evening. Wit
ness answered by reading from hla notes.
Mr. Cornell asked that witness be re
quired to testify from memory, using th
notes merely to refresh his memory, or
else that th atate be required to offer
the notes In evidence. Refer Evana said
he would grant th request. ' Mr. Mullen
asked witness to use tha note to refresh
his memory. Witness said: "I prefer to
read from my notes."
"Th court haa a little something to say
regarding what you do," said Mr. Connell.
Thaw is Discharged
From Bankruptcy
Recognized Creditors of Slayer of
Stanford White Will Get Twenty
Cents on Dollar.
PITTSBURO, Pa.. Dec. . Harry Ken
dall Thaw, who killed Stanford White, th
New York architect. In that taty, waa dls
chaxgad from bankruptcy by Judge Charlss
P. Orr In th United States district court
here today.
Th order waa signed after a motion had
been preaented by former Governor Wil
liam A. Stone, counsel for Trustee Roger
O'Hara and carried with It "Thaw'a dis
charge from all debta and clalma made
payable against hla estate and which ex
isted August 7, 1906."
Attorneys declare Thaw'a . recognised
creditors would receiv 20 per cent of their
accounts. According to. the bankruptcy
petition, Thaw's liabilities war S4C3.140,
with aisets of $128,012.
A. H. Waterhonae, Formerly Prin
cipal, Is Gaeat with Favorite
Fifty members ot th class of 190S of
th Omaha High school held their annual
reunion at th horns of Frank Latsnaer
Wednesday night. Officers for th year
were elected, Frank Lateneer being chosen
aa president. Other officers were: Elisa
beth Anderson, vice president; Dorothy
Philips, secretary; Hal Thompson, treas
urer; Emily Jellln and Mrl Rohrbough,
A. H. Waterhouse, superintendent of
schools at Fremont, who was principal of
the Omaha High school In I94S for his laat
year, cam to Omaha to attend th re
union. Mlaa Kate Mrliugh and Miss Flor
ence McHugh, th class teachers, were also
present. Beside th social time of th
evening a short business meeting waa held.
Woman Held In Ut. I.oala la Wife of
Jim McDowell, Convicted of
Similar Ofteaae.
ST. LOCIfl. Mo.. Dec. 29 Ira J. Mix of
Chicago today Identified Lily McDowell,
who is hld her on a charge of stealing
SirtXK worth of diamonds from homaa
where she worked, as the servant girl who
disappeared from hla home December 10,
at the same time that tha Jewela valued at
13.200 were missed. She Is to be prosecuted
The woman was Identified also by Detec
tive James Conick of Chicago as th wife
of Jim McDowell, who Is serving a term
In the Allegheny City (Pa.) penitentiary for
diamond robbery.
Mrs. Joseph ihepardson.
TABOR, la.. Dec. 29 (Special. )-Mrs. Jo
seph Shepardson. one of th early resi
dents of this vicinity, died December 2g at
the home of her daughter. Mrs. Edgar
Brlttain, south of Tabor, after a brief Ill
ness from pneumonia.
The deceased was In her seventy-second
year and was tw'ce married, having sur
vived both husbands. Her first husband
and the father of her children was Isaac
Hardy. The funeral was held in the Tabor
Baptist church Wednesday. Rev. Charles
Freye of Burlington officiating.
Alfred A. lorry.
NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Neva of the
death of Alfred A. Corty, father of Wil
liam E. Corey, president of the t'nlted
States Steel corporation, at Thorndnle. Pa.,
laat nlKht was contained In a dispatch re
ceived here today. Mr. Corey waa a re
tired coal merchant and was 71 years of
l.lfrlvnar lloailaae
Ij dy.xpcpNla, liver coiuplalnta and kidnsy
trouble la need lens. Electric Hitters la the :
guaranteed remedy, auu. For sale by
lleatun Drug Co.
Woman's Work.
Aattrttlaa f Varlowa Orgranlsed
die aUavr h Ua ef Va-
The Women's society of th Preshy terlan
church will meet this afternoon at J
o'clock at the Young W omens' Christian
association. The program Is:
Ievotlotis Mrs. J. C. Pentland.
Items regarding the Mexlcana In the
fnlted States Mis Ruth Thompson
Music-Miss Cora Evans.
A trip to Chelng Ral. Ijios. to visit Mrs.
W. A. Brlggs-Mrs J. B. Mason.
A meeting ef the committee ef the
Women s missionary federation was held
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion to arrange plans for a meeting to be
held January 17. when Mr. Robert Speer,
of the Presbyterian board of missions
comes to Omaha.
Mrs. a. W. Claubaiigh will give a recep
Hon at her home Friday afternoon In honor
of Mrs. John Kelly, of Hainan. Chins. Mrs.
KeJIy. who Is missionary to Halnln from
the Presbyterian church of this country,
has given several Interesting talks to mis
slonaty societies In teh city.
Cnder the auspices of the Clio club Mr.
Alvln K. Poole, violinist, gave a musce
Wednesday afternoon at Redlck hall, t'nl
verslty of Omaha. Mr. Poole was assisted
by Miss Allen McEarhron. soprano, Miss
Nellie McAullay, reader and the university
whose humorous selection wa splendidly
A large audience and most enthtialaatlr
In Its appreciation of th work of the mu
muslclans and also that of Miss McAullay.
whose humorous selection was splendidly
given. Mr. Poole's violin numbers showed
to advantage his technical skill, and his
playing aroused much enthusiasm. H was
accompanied by Miss Florence Peterson.
Miss McEachron accompanied Miss Mary
Taylor, who sang two grounps of dainty
little songs. The university orchestra, un
der th leadership of Mr. Poole, did ex
cellent work, and added greatly to tha
pleasure of th afternoon.
The program wa Contributed. by th mu
sicians aa a feature of th club's regular
The women voters of the flv equal
suffrag states are to form a national
body, one of whose alma will be to help
tha women In other parts of th union to
achieve political Independence. Evidently
the movement Is to aee radical progress
th coming year.
Sheriff at Katd, Ohl., Receives Letter
Demanding; Releaae of Two
ENID. Okl.. D. .g. c. Campbell,
sheriff of this county, received a letter to
day containing threats to burn county
brtdgea and the residence of County Judge
Culllson If . William Coyla and his son. con
victed of violating tha liquor law, are not
released. William Coyle la serving a sen
tence of eighteen month In Jail and was
fined 11,800. Judge Culllson has presided
over the trials of several person charged
with violating th prohibitory law.
Postal Bank Deadwvod.
DEADWOOD, S. D.. Dec. .-(Special.)-Announcement
Is mad her that tha
postal saving bank, th first on to b
esiaousnea in Bouth Dakota, will be
OPend at th local unatnMna linn...
Postmaster Qrlmsnaw la now in Washing
ton learning tho detaJls o fthe plan to be
worked. Th auppllaa for th saving bank
have arrived and ftr being put In readiness.
A nw dark will b required to handle tha
business. Deposits as low as 10 cents will
b accepted, a card being given each de
positor and a special stamp for cacti 10
cants, th card being turned in whan 1
is reached and that amount of credit Is
then given.
A Simple "afrgaard for Mother.
Mr. V. Gllkason. S2( Ingles Ave,
Youngstown. O., gained wisdom by ex
perience. "My little girl had a severs
cold and coughed almost continuously.
My alatar recpmmendedd Foley's Honey
and Tar. The first dose I gave her re
lieved th Inframmatlon in her throat
and after using only on hottl her throat
and lunga were entirely free from In.
flammatlon. Bine then I always keep
a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In th
house. Accept no substitutes. Sold by
all drugglata.
Held aa Robbery Charge.
ABERDEEN, S. D.i Deo. 29. (Sneclal
Jamea E. O'Brien, Joseph Smith and John
Howard, the men arrested for tha rohherv
of the postoffic at Stockholm, wer held
to th federal district court In (6,000 bonds
eaoh, whlo hthey could not furnish and
will be kept In th Brown county Jail hare
until th February term of court.
Bank of Enaiand tatemat.
LONDON. Dec. . Th wekly statement
of th Bank ot England ahowa th follow
ing ohangea: Total reserve, decreaaed
fl, 475.000 circulation, decreaaed f33,0U0;
Duuion aecreapea, ti,; oilier aecurltie,
Increased 8.660.000; other deposits, Increased
6,023,0o0; public depoalts. Increased 1.0iS.O00'
note reserve. Decreased, ti,; govern
ment securities unchanged. The proportion
of th bank's reserve to liability la tiM
per cent; last week It was 4.3& per cent.
Elliott' Friends Bnsy.
ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Dec. 29 (Special.)
Friends of James D. Elliott of Aberdeen
are confident h will be chosen by Presl-
Auditorium, Jan.
Seats Xow Helling at Chicago, Milwaukee) tt St. Paul It. It. Office, lath
and Famam.
NIGHT PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
MATINEE PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
dent Tsft as federsl district Judge to suc
ceed Judge Carland. They contend his
connection with the railroads as attorney
for the Milwaukee haa been so brief as ta
not affect his standing under the plank In
the state platform which Is being uc,t
agans tlhlm andthe argue that President
Taft has shown him.elf to be unUlaeed In
his Judiciary apMlntments either aaslnst
or for rorpnartlnn attorneys.
ArrM Sailei.
rrn. I.lnrrtln..
, nriMi
vni- ,
. (leroianla
. I II ra . .
. r'-"" llrBMl
. vuen Amrlts.
. l.urllne . Mrlp
yrw voriK
NKW tllltK
i Hrnirni hii
t.A ri.u s ..
fT Johns
Tho day Is past for him who
conduct a business devoid of
aentiniont. That daah of Hpntl
mrnt Is In our business, is that
porsonal Intercut wo tako In ar-o-Inn
that each customer gets the
full value of the Bericn our
years of experience enables us
to place at your dlaposHl.
Huieson Optical Co.
-No. 2 IS South Sixteenth Hlrcft.
Th Delightful Oomarty
BegtUar Katln Wad. and ftat.
BEST B10TS 91.00.
' AKW iwintntLL jniirij
ew T Baa H MAT. HUltUAT
Twes.. fan. gd. 4 t. m.. Mm A.mhrloh
Tuesday Night, Jan. 3d
The Big Match
5 f.- ; .-bT y
.FmStlBUlTABIIaU-Tollfer and Miller,
Poaposhll and Mlnden.
SAT BAXifl opens Saturday morning.
December SIsL
Reserved Heats, 60c, 76c. 11.00; ring
side, 1.60.
PRICES frto. friONti
Our scarry Christmas Of faxing.
Matin dally, ins. Bvanlcg, 81IS,
Book and JTalton) Howard and Bow-'
ardi Mr. and Mra. Jlrainl Barry
Witt's Bos of Xlldar ; Mr. and Mr.
Xrwta Oonnally; Ban and Bldrd
Ooff Phillip Xlnodrom! Orphanm
Concert Orchestra.
Matin Today, BilS. Tonla-ht g:ia.
and Bar XaoelUnt Company ta
FETES fig . .
Wk Bvry Wight. Matin
Bvry Day.
10O Popl, BO Children In Tairy Ballet.
9 rf.'.m ?JL&li gs-. i-a--7,
aV- iT Dally Mat., la-as-aa,
XM langa riot, "Tddy In Africa f Boh
ootti Harmony roar; Tra Xsmond
Baauty Congress Chora of Ja-Ja Girls.
X.adl' Sim Matin Bvary Weak Day,
as. Bight Only, Edith pacx stock Co.
rrloaai lto, S5e, 60o, a raw at 7M
9-14 nainee Dail
All Direct and Unchanged From the
World's Greatest Playhouse. .
4 '