Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
1 if. knmnr. tlrfiotu n4 mniit
y(rtnn the Ht f vlr.aln-
mfn, ItitlriiftUn, amMcxM-raraf.
For Nebraska -- if ni-rSlv fair
For low i;pnrslly fair.
For "rather report pus I.
VUI. X.-SK 1;
ninuu; copy two ci:nts.
A.iator Flies Oyer Mount Wilson,
Highest Peak of Range About
Los Anreles.
Army Officers See New Method of
Haze Proves Pall of Vapor
Fine Ice.
' V "TSi
trraa, , a If Prefers II.'
vittuntatn Bfrnw the Kb
nr et frn So 'r
. ts a t .
l .
rtii Hot- j
i.f rasedena. '!.. holder of the world i
a roplane altitude record of 11.474 feet to-
day flew over Mount Wit-on. the highest j
r'K or tn mountain ratine tnai mm. to-
alley In whlrh Los Ang"'es. Pasauens and I
the town of the tirnnse belt Ho. I'nder 1
ideal weather conditions he soared 1" vT
feet intn the sky and elrared the crest of
Mount vVllaon with .y feet to spare.
Lieutenant Mernon boiler and several
other army officer", who are here to ae
he flights, went quirk to obaerve In Hon
sev'a performanca new way of trans
porting arrrtea acroF mountain ranaes
and predicted the erh rele;atlon of the
armv mule as an essential In sealing
Lieutenant Poller, who came here from
Kort Whipple. .Ariz., said that a thousand
hiplanca could transport an army of 10
"to men acros mountains as high as th
Aips tn a dav-.
WrUhl Bt plane t sea.
lloxsey used a heavy siotii Wrlnht bi
plane, equipped for pasFcnKer service and
lie made the Journey Irom the field to a
point beyond the mountains in one hour
and twenty-eight minutee.
The distance Is i-ati'.iiated at thirty-four
miles. On an air line the diHance from the
field to th mountain is lews than that,
hut Moxsey circled ovtr the field until he
had reached his manimum height before
he pointed tha none of his machine toward j
t: e range. ! was out of sitfht lefure he
madb tha attempt at topping the peak.
News of hia mro n was flashed to the
aviation field by telephone from the Car
ncie holwr otiscrvatury on Mount Wilson,
directly alMive which the aviator soared.
"It ia fearfully cold," said Hoxsey,
' a I'd n hen I -"t to a point just above the
summit 1 found tlmt the hae. which 00
mcurvd the mountain from the aviation
fit-Id wa aa heavy pall of vapor filled with ice particles that stung my face. I
a certain thav If 1 had had a recording
tlu tmometcr wtih me. it would Iiava shown
the temperature o fthc uper altitude to be
far heluw arrp. fowever. hurdling moua
la.nj !i 'twv.M eastrY than cMtnblng 1I.600
f ct over a valloy Pr the sea. "?Ti earth
does not seem so far away.
vision lu nla Ralloan Rare.
UKKI.IN, I'ec. The lower llhine
eror.:L!itle sssoctution today announced
Its decision to protest the award of the
Jmnri Unrdon Bennett cup to Alan R.
Ilawley, wli ner of the last International
balloon race.
I'awlev. accompanied by Augustus Post.
piloted the halloon. America II. from St. 1 me tits were reported by toe grand jury to
1 ouls to the Perlhor.ka river. Saguenay J ,jay, bringing the total number of tnose
district, ouehec. a. of 1.171 13-l'W j ,ndl.-ted thus far up to 3iW. Forty-one men
m!M on October 17 -Ui. lltlO ; have taken advantage of Judge Blair's
j n.un,!,, ,,f leniency to all who would come
Bodies Are Recovered ;d"ct;;" e"nte" ithout h,v,n wn ,n
from Leyden Mine;NEW TRIAL ASKed for durand
Corpses of Louis and Frank Merrick,
Who Were Killed Two Weeks Ajo, j
Fouad Buried in Dust.
DENVER Dec. 3. Tha bodies of Louis
and Frank Merrick, the two American
bois. victims uf the explosion and fire in
tin mire of the Lo'..'n Coal company at
l.ojden. a fe v miles from I'enver. about
two weks nao. tr" ftojnd tarlv today
about 0 feet f rt m sluft N.. t. The bodies
we n completely covered with dust and had
Ma I loscd ovci more than one by the
rescua parlies. Apiarcntlv both had died
from uffoeet:on
lata (aaalr; Has Karee
Massed car Perdranlrs
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -While the armies
of liajtl and So Domini;,) are massed on
elllier sldi" of the Piijeniles river, no
fighting has occurnd, according to dls
patohri received by the War department
from United States ct:toins off.ciais.
The Clvde lin steamship Cherokee.
s.hl.-h took Tot) soldiers to the Dominican
ide of thi river, lundfd the troops In good
miter and rrturtied to Snto limiuiuo. are probably as many Ilavtien
troop on the optHislte side of the river,
a cording to the depai tinent s advice. Th
I'oirlnleio KUtilxiat Imi. i t ti'.f :ieia. w hit h
c. nveyed the i to the IVrdrnait-s
riv.v. Is expected to retmn to Santo Do
mingo. This reinforces ti-f bvlief tuat hos
tilities alii he avoid J and that the bound -r
vTUmie will be -nulid by the com
i.uttees to be appointed by tne two coun
tries N bile both vocnirt -s ha.e stationed tiielr
armies along the h rO. r lin s. to protect
thrtr rights, it Is not l.t-Uwd thai an actual
clash til occur.
lltar.o. Hill tsk Jtttiiie Mrl'hr.-aua I
far Order taralast Knfarreuteat I
af e (a I Kales.
DE? M.MNES. Dt- . -Att,.,-v.e, for'
the Nirtiinem-rn. n.wk Isiand. Greu;
Western and Mlaui;re railroads t-lle
gone tot'ay to Cuutull 'il,.f:s to a1
injunction from J ins, suit;-. McPherson ii
federal com t agalns; t'.e vniorcriiient of
a new ached ie materially red icinn the
ales on lump coal l-tei iona "oint
The rndjcuun sui vrdervU by t'ie Stat i
Railroad commission to take eftcct D- '
asm bar SX. j
and Classification
in Pine Ridge Agency
Finished by Bureau
Cheaper War Than Usual Will Be
Devised for Registration Small
Number of Farms Available.
i from n Staff i ', renoid"IU ' .
tt'ASHIXIlTliX, II C. Iec.
T'Vxmm i-Thf Ind an ' nrea i been i
laltis-d that the appraisement anil clasi-
fieatlon of lands of the Pin Ridge Indian
tk atiori In Ben' ett county. South Da
kota, las linn completed.
Practically 'l f the Jesiraiile land has
been taken by In! an allottees and It i
doubtful if t ll TP ivii! lte rtlAllv IHfl- li
niri-r sections If ft open for sctilers. The
Indian allotments number over a toou-and
- nd
Tuft a re? ba'. e Ix-n Blotted lo in
I dlnn for school lanws and J-.lill acres of
j timber land have been g -sn gated There
r 7, iitm of first -class and n.i4H acft
'of second-class agricultural lands unallutcd.
There ar in addition l"v.;' a' Tea In the
and hill;', clns-1 a." griiiint; lands. trc
however, there are no at: Iruliural possihlll-
ties w hatcv er.
Under the circumstances it Is doubtfjl
whether the usual resist' ation system will
b adopted when the reservation Is fi
nay thrown open to settlement, as there j
j nirh a small amount or realty goou lann
to ttied upon. Some smiple and less
expensive method will doubtless be formu
lated Senator Camhle Nils meminft took thi.
matter up with the Secretarv of the
Interior and as several months will
elapse, before the day of openiitK of this
spring. It Is expected a les cot.;ly method
will be formulated to a-overn the opening.
The Secretary of the Interior has ap
proved a contract entered Into by the
reclamation service with Emanuel Thomas
of Bvron. Wyo.. for the construction of dis
tributary ditches under the Franule canal
and laterals of the Shoshone irrination
project In Wyoming. The work involves
excavation of about 21.W0 cubic yards of
material. The contract price Is .it0..-iO.
On the recommendation of Congressman
Hubbard. In-. J. M. t 'row lev. has been ap
pointed pension examining surgeon at
Ro-k Rapids, ia.. vice Dr. W. W. Baltine,
Judge Blair is Still
After Corrupt Voters
j j AdamJ County WiU
Continue to Investigate Traitic
in Ballots.
WEST UNION. O.. Dec. 3 The Investi
gation into the wholesale vote buying In
I Adams county Is to be continued through
tlia special grand jury Indefinitely. This
statement waa made from the bench today
by Judge Blair, whose vigorous action has
t brought out the facts In the county-wide
Judge Blair said:
"After we' have had a general Investiga
tion of all tlia townships in the county, 1
ah"al cajt. before me the workers; Gf fynji
parrlra from very township and submit
in them thn lists of those who have been
J indicted. I will tell them that they must
'have knowledge who they are. I shall
demand that they designate every purchas
able voter In their precincts and I shall
put special detectives In the field to bring
these men In. If any workers refuse to
disclose the names of those whose votes he
has bought, f will brlns the floaters' in
to testify against him. We are going to
clean up Adams county as It has not
been purged since the civil wit."
On hundred and six additional Indlct-
French I nlona Thrrnlea a tall Cien
rral sitrtka If Plen la
PARIS. Icc. . One hundred and fifty
members of the Chamber of Deputies have
united In a petition to the government for
a m.w trial for Durand. the secretary of
the coal handlers' union, who was con
victed oi instigating the murder of Fore
man Donge. during the 'strike of the
docks of Havre last December and sen
tenced to death.
The plea for a re opening of the case Is
based on a claim that a judicial error was
made at the trial.
The general Confederation of Labor has
arranged for a big demonstration In front
of FnUliores' residence on New Year's day
and threatens to call a general strike ten
days later unleas the request for a new
trial for Durand is granted.
Biggest Special Feature of the Year
The Bee's
Junior Birthday Book
Begins January 1st
"Wliii.-. liirtlitlay tola I
I u ri nur the year jut rlo-ini; we have answered that
interestinv, jiie-tioa with information about notables
anl near notables for whom it was the natal lay.
I Minn? the euinin year we shall answer that same
intere.-tinj; question with the names of the rising genera
tion of boys ami girls who will be the future notables.
This Is the Day We Celebrate"
l.'niler thi- ht a.liiig The l'-e will tell what youngsters
are having b'j'thtlay anaivei .-aries each day. of the year.
Vhos ui'!'..i; -t-r '
Why, your ni!i'u' ;tll Vour neighbors' all the
t hililieu ill Omaha nM t-nouli to go to sehool twenty
thoi:snl of '!!!'!.
Our 1911 IMrthJav Book Will Be Unique
Look for It. Every Day in The Bee
Plant of Korewood Lake Ice Company 1
Near Pittifield. Mas., Scene
of Disaster. I
Dozen Instantly Destroyed and Others
Succumb to Injuries. j
Three Thousand Dollar Fund Sub
scribed in Short Time.
One II and red saw Twenl v-Flvr Men
Aniltltil tturr In 'frirf Jobs
Intllng Ire Injared er
PITTSFIET-P. Mass.. Dec. S.-Tl-e live,
of sixteen workmen were ended todav bv
the explosion of a holler at the. plant of;
the Morewood La.ka Ice company at More
wood Ike. two miles south of here
Twelve men were Instantly liilled. one died
shortly after the accident and three othrs
died in the hospital. In addition twelve
men were Injured and it was said at Mercy
hospital, to which they were removed, that
It was feared two of the patients would
The dead:
WII.I.IAM rPNN. engineer.
;KORUK WARD, fireman.
KIsi.AR ALLAN, emplove.
l.Kii TKRMAVDZ. laborer.
M F. SMITH, laborer
WYATT MoORK. lalmrer.
WILLIAM l-'KPOON. laborer.
AI.FR.BI H KM'K. laborer.
KUKI tKh 'K Rl'THLR. lahorer.
KI.MKK KLDRHxiK. lahorer.
JAM KM M VAI.l'S. laborer.
fiORtiK HOl'tJHTALINd laborer.
Ji'SKPH liAMOU). laborer
oRKKLi.VO ALLK(.;. laborer.
JoHN RAYMOND, carpenter.
State Officer A. H. McNeill was assigned
by the Mawnchusetta police officials to
make a thorough Investigation of the ex
plosion. Halck Relief for Families.
At a meeting of the city council reso
lutions were adopted calling for Immediate
action to supply the wants of the father
less and Injured. Upon the suggestion of
Mayor Wiillam H. Macinnla. a subscrip
tion paper was started and In a short time
nearly had been subscribed. United
States Senator Wlnthrop Murray Crane,
whose home is in Dalton. near here, headed
the list with ."Oft.
athered this forenoon In groups about the
boiler building, which was some distance
from the Ice houses, were about 125 men.
mostly Poles and Italians, awaiting the
chance to earn a few dollars by cutting ice.
With a ciaah Ward for miles around, the
boiler burst.
Bodies of men. and fragments of iron and
timber were hurled through the tir. Those
of the workmen who were not killed out
right were injured or daxed by. the shock.
Physicians, ambulances and automobile
were rushed from this city to the lake and
the injured men were hurried to the hos
pital here. Then the dismembered bodies
were gathered together and removed to the
The entire monetary lose will not exceed
Officials of the Ice company are at a loss
to account for the disaster.
Deis t Illinois ehel nt larrlcnl
tnre Hsra Pieeeat Stystena la on
Wroaar Batata.
CHICAGO. Dec. 3 Vocational instruc
tion in lower schools was given indorse
ment today by the Illinois State Teachers'
association, following an address of Pro
fessor Eugene Davenport, dean and direc
tor of the University of Illinois, school
of agriculture.
Professor Davenport deprecated the pres
ent system nf education, which he said,
gave only one college graduate to about
evepy Si pupils originally enrolled and
which nevertheless planned and conducted
I on me meory ina-i an were 10 De grauu
I ated from college.
Mistake of l.atheraa Elder la rksrrk
la Raula laaari Three
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 23 Three com
municants have died and twenty-niru; oth
ers are seriously til as a consequence of a
mistake made by an elder of the Lutheran
church In the Peterhof district, who last
evening filled the communion cup with a
mixture of aulphureted chromate Instead
of wine
"Oh, Gee,
From the C'levelasd T'.aln Dealer
Roads Seek to Enjpin Railway Com
mission's Rlcent Order.
Jndae MrFkrma and Others Sar
arlaed that O iterators Ire On
nosed la t haaif lltclaina
Comes Tndnr.
Judge Smith McPherson of the federal
court was yesterday importuned at Coun
cil Bluffs by the attorneys for five of
the Iowa trunk line railroads to Issue a
restraining order preventing the Iowa rail
road commission from enforcing the re
duction of rates on bituminous coal mined
In Iowa and shipped to points within the
The revised rates, which are very com
plicated and cover nearly all of the grades
of Iowa coal with a different rate for each,
are to go into effect on Patirrday, De
cember 31. and the attorneys for the Iowa
roads, which carry practically all of the
coal mined within the state, the North-
western. Burlington. Rock Island. Mil-
waukce and Great Western, asked Judge
McPherson to come to Council Bluffs yes
terday afternoon for the purpose of con
sidering their appeal. Carroll Wright ai
peared for the Rock Island. J. C. Davis
for the Northwestern. George H. Carr for
the Milwaukee. Judge Eaton for the Bur
llr.gton and William" Ellis, general com
merce, counael for tt Great Western, rep
resented ha Great "ivistern railroad. .-
Through, a misand'erstaDdlng the Iowa
commissioners were not represented by
counsel, and m response to Inquiries by
Judge McPherson it was discovered that
the notification sent to Attorney General
Byers was not delivered In time for him
to reach Counrll Bluffs and attend the
(Ir-irr t.len Thin Manila.
On December 8 of the present month. WASHINGTON. Dec. Z.-Secretary of
the Iowa railroad commissioners promul- j State Knox was In warlike mood today,
gated a new rate affecting the shipments j Following a visit to the White House, he
of Iowa coal to all points within the state, j declared he was In favor of taking Japan
making a material reduction. The rail- first for three fast rounds of the blood
road traffic managers objected to this ' lest sort of fighting. The secretary had
rate on the grounds that It waa not only ! had a long talk with the president. lie
too low to permit a reasonable profit on t seemed hardly prepared for the onslaught
the Iowa coal business, but It waa In con- j 0f t!ie reporters as he reached the execu
fllct with the Interstate commerce law for 1 tv offices door.
the reason that It would compel a read-- you favor a war with Japan?" he
justment of the rates on coal shipped Into ; maJ, aaked.
Iowa from Illinois and other states ad- j The nty ,miled gnmlv.
joining It except in cltlea located at the j .., do favor .. r,pllej. "provided.
hnpflap tnui'hlnir th itiIm whre tha a h i TV- .' . ...
" -"
men la originated.
Each railroad presented big petition
representing its contentions, hut when
Judge McPherson was informed that all
were identical he told the attorneys that
1 was needless for them each to argue the
I matter; that he would hear any of them to
a reasonable length, but would prefer to
take the petitions and consider the state
ments therein set forth. This was agreed
to after Mr. Wright had made whatever
explanatory statements deemed necessary.
Judge McPherhon placed the bulky docn-
i ments In his capacious overcoat pockets.
saytng that he would read one of them
on hia way to his home at Red Oak last
J this morning to permit his opinion to reach
' Des Moines tn time to be effective if he
decided that a restraining order was deslr
C la 1 fin Oftrrators Ospm.
On statement made by the a.torneya for
the railroads caused an exclamat on of
surprise from Judge McPherson. It was
! said that W per cent of the Iowa coal mine '
operators were opposed to the rate reduc
tion ordered by the commlsulonera. an I;
that the remaining 20 per cent were not ; Ohio Gas company, recently denied a fran
I enthusiastically In favor of the reduction. I ehise giving it the right to Increase the
I Judge McPherson said that ha could not price of artificial cas. today took the first
I understand this phase of the case and
I regretted very much that the railwav
' commissioners were not present by counsel
I to explain this, or that the owners
; who should be pleaaed with a rale that
would get their product to the' ouHtonier
I at less cost, had not co ne forward with,;
I explanations of their hostility to the re-,
The arguments following this, althou.i
not intended in any measure a an answer
, declared that tne reduced rate wouid pi ice .
i the coal h In many purl
of Iowa on a hass of actual ios to the '
I railroads, and that the r.tlc eitr unrea-
sonable they ueie confiscatory.
i It was If any orde:- at .il'
1 is laaued it would '.e ieniori-y and un
early date set for the hearing and the
I ecHU nce tu be submitted by tne rail oa.l
Heads af tte laslllalluaa U ill Be
litra to tddresa l.m Is
lam re.
KANSAS CITY. -Mo. Dec. 29. Governor
Mad 'ev tciLiv announced that lie hat de.
elded to ic-ii u'e lectures fur written
ii'etc aes to make knovtn to the Ic; s am re
li.e nceiia of the various state iniTcJi.o:i-.
I'e said ftpc lad shown C at n .es
tate tvroien bv sovei nors on the m-eds of
state are not eri efi'-ct if
He sad his pan was to have the ncn in
charge of the various insttt utjuiis deuvrr
the lectures to the legislated
Grandpa, I'm Getting
Alleged Kidnaper
is Identified by His
Six-Year-Old Victim
Son of Wealthy Italian Parents in
Brooklyn Points Out Man Who
Took Him from His Home.
NEW YORK. Dec. 29 -Trembling and
agitated from a nervous breakdown which
he sufferd after he was arrested last
night, titacomo Crlml. a J7-year-old Italian,
is In a cell at police headquarters today
awaiting further examination cn a kid
naping charse. He was one of seventeen
prisoners made by men under command of
Lieutenant Vachrls of the Italian squad
n a raid last night on an Elizabeth street
Italian grocery, where the detectives were
'nfornied they might be able to round up
some kidnapers.
Within a short time after the raid -year-old
tliuaeppe D Stefano picked Criml
out of the line of prisoners as t;ie man
who kidnaped nlm from the home of his
, parents on Elizabeth street last summer,
Little Giuseppe could not Identify any of
j 'he other prisoners. The child was re-
turned to his home In a carriage a week
after his capture.
Besides the alleged abductor of the Dl
Stefano boy only one other of the prisoners
was detained. This was Giacomo Crimi's
brother. Gleuseppe. whom the police de
sired to question further In pursuing their
investigations today.
Secretary Knox Ready
for Warwith Japan
Head of State Department Would
Have Campaign Fought by Re
porters of Two Nations.
. however, ne added. that mere are no
I soldiers on either side except newspaper
I reportera."
j "Have you any particular favorites in
: the profession you would like to put In
the front rank?" some one aaked.
"No.'' said the secretary. "I am not play
ing any favorites. Put 'em all In the front
ranks. I love them all."
'Why did the State department suppress
the report of an attack on Vice Consul
Williamson by two Japanese and a China
man at Dalny, Manchuria?" asked a par
ticularly brave young newspaper man.
"All I know about that." answered the
secretary, "is what I read in the news
papers this morning. Therefore, I don't
-i Cleveland Gas
Company Will Quit
Thousand Employes of Company Not
Allowed to Baise Bates Will Be
Dismissed January 17.
CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. J9 The East
j step frrward toward making good its
! threat to shut off the supply by notifying
i all the employes In its artifclal gas plant
, of their dismissal to take effect January
j 17. More than 1.0) men are affected.
j .
Fiance of Frank
Object to the
DLS. MolNES. ia . Dec. -"Tk-kltd U
dealt.' declared Frank tioi-.-n o.- the
telephone today vt..en to.d that J.f k Cur
Icy. Manager fur Cvirije Haoken-chmhlt
i. ad accepted ti.e chalice:. ge saed througn
Farmer L Ui ns that Ovtch would n.t any
ii. an that woui.l, ;iut up a $ slie bet.
1 am aireauy to Jie-t the Hussion Lion.'
they tail l.iui. and show him that 1 am
lii; world champion. I would prtfer that
t .e match he pulled off in tiie next three
o- four a ceks. After h.m. I w.ll
slay 'il the mat a" 1' n as any of ti .n
can .ut up Ciougli money, but I don t
ti.inli thee .a eitoirfli .r.oney Ir- the whole
hunch of them to .-over the amount in the
cii.ii.v nt;o Issued by Farmer Purns."
M.ti OltljS f Humboldt. Pance
of Frank Cotch. !he campion readier.
..a' scrtiied lotia-' tv'ien -Vie waa luld
cvr He tclt plior.e fiorn die Daily Capital
j(fit.e that t;tt ti and Hat 'kenschnudt' are
'in to meet id..i on the mat.
Smallest State Has More Than 500
People to Square Mile.
a Person ta aare Mile e-
hrnska. Haa Fifteen and a
Half aiqnare Mile.
WASHINGTON. Dec. I? Rhode Island
has vt j persons to the square mile. thus,
according to census bureau figures, lead
ing the list of states In the matter of
density of population Nevada, with only
seven-tenths of a person to the mile, finds
a place at the lower end of the table (riv
ing these facts.
Second In the density list, Massachusetts
supports IIS persons to the square mile;
New Jersey. 337.7; Connecticut, 2T1..1. and
New Tork 131.2. The other states possessing
more than ion to the mile are:
Pennsylvania. 171: Maryland. 1.T0.3; Ohio.
117: Delaware. 103. and Illinois V7.
Wyoming, boasting m persons to the
mile, more than doubles Nevada, while
Arizona with 1.8, stands third from the
bottom. Montana. New Mexico. Idaho,
Utah. Oregon, South Dakota. Colorado and
North Dakota all have fewer persona than
ten to the mile.
Of tha states of large population. Wash
ington takes the lead In the growth of
density, having advanced from 7.8 to 17.1
per square mile in the last ten years, thus
taking a place between Kansas with 205,
and Nebraska, with l&S. Washington ex
ceeds Its neighbor, Oregon, with seven
persons to the mile, by more than ten, and
even surpasses California with IS 2.
Idaho Increased from L to IS. and Okla
homa from 11.4 to 23.S.
The figures for other states are:
Indiana, 75.3; Kentucky. 57.0; Tennessee.
52.4 lrglnia. E1.2; West Virginia, ." ..;
South Carolina, 49.7; Michigan. 4K.4; Mis
souri. 47.9; New Hampshire. 47.7; North
Carolina. 46.3; Georgia. 44.4, Wisconsin.
42.2: Alabama, 41 7; Iowa. 40; Vermont. ;
Mississippi, 38.8. Lou.siana. 36.5: Arl.&nsas.
JT. Minnesota, 25 7; Maine. 2.i; Texas, 14 8,
Florida, 13.7.
Haauanrrr 'Casatr, llllnoie, Jnrlal
Loaea I. If When Hia Horse
Breaks Thronah lee.
SPRINGFIELD. III., Dec. 29 Precipi
tated into Bhoal creek when the Ice broke
under the weight of his horse and buggy
Judge Milton M. Creighton, of the Mont
gomery county circuit court, was drowned
this morning. A companion, another Jur
ist, tiding with him. escaped.
When the report was received here at
noon it was announced that Judge James
A. Creighton. of the Sangamon county
circuit of this dlty had been drowned. The
man drowned is a brother of Judge James
A. Creighton and of Judge Jack Creighton
of Fairfield.
French Aviator Attempting ta fas
tare Prlaa Farces ta Deaeend
hr Fas.
PARIS. Dec. 29 M. Lanser. another
competitor for the Automobile club's prise
of S30.00S for tha first flight made by an
aviator carrying a passenger from Paris
to Brussels and return, started at 9 .T
o'clock this morning. He piloted a bi
plane. 1-anse.r landed near Complegne.
forty-five miles northeast of Paris, at
! 11.50. At 1I:4 ho continued toward Brus
I sels. He again descended at St. Quentln,
i In a department of Alsne. this afternoon
j because of a fog. He had covered about
eighty miles and will resume the trip to
BrLtbeis tomorrow.
Gotch May
Proposed Match
I Why Frank d.d not teil me a lliinj
'about that." she ,-a.d as she gaspt d in
Jslun. ailment. "lie promised Hat h
icjuld not to hack to ur-silins We had
! a ta k a blu rt time a;o and he d d not
! ay that he had changed mind."
j "Ar.u will you hreak the engagement if
( he rel'Jin to tiie game'.'"
Juri a mum. nl s hesitation. "No, I w jiiid
, r. il want to say that, but I cannot ta,
lefir.l.cly until I ta.k things over with
hull. He promised me but then 1 gut as
1 d belter see .Trunk. " Oestrich acmd lurprised but not
ii'. NT REAL. Dec -S-Jack Ourley.
manager for (Jeorne Mac kensehmidt, the
I'.i-as an wrestler, !. ft lr Chicago today
t vinciuclt ar: angen,, nts for a match he
ttt.en hn prtncipal a id Fiar.k Gotch.
Cuiiey had prevluu'ly wired formal ac-
, teptante of a challenge lu a contest fjr
, iJO.'Jtsl a aide.
Senator Flint and RepresenUtiv
j Mann Will Introduce General
I Panama Canal Bills.
Conference Develops Discussion as to
! Preferential Treatment
I Bill in Senate Will Fix Maximum and
! Minimum.
I'atttr Fortification af Canal. Presi
dential Dlscretioa ' aa to Klart
Innaal of Telia anal datrro
mental Sale nf tantfllrs.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 7 -Roth enatr-r
Flint of California, chairman of the com
mittee on tnteroceanlc canals, and Repre
sentative Mann of Illlno s. fhalrman of
the house committee on Inte'state and
foreign commerce expect to Introduce gen
era Panama canal bills. These will in
corporate their differing Ideas as to the
needs of legislation for the wsterwnjr In
the light of the Wh.te House conference
las: night.
Tills conference developed substantial
harmony of opinion favoring fortification
of the canal, presidential discretion as to
the exact amount cf tolls under prescribed
maximum and minimum limitations: gov
ernent operation of the dry dock and re-pah-
shop facilities and governmental sale
of all the coal, oil and other ship supplies
at both ends of the canal to the trade of
the world passing through It and the safe
guarding of competition through thn
The differences of views as to whether
fore gn shipping and cocat wise shipping
should receive eonn! treatment In canal
chaises could not be reconciled and the
problem still Is unsolved.
Kree Pnasaae nf tmer'caa "hlpa.
Senator Flint's bill will provide either
an unqualified frre passage of American
ships or the collection of toll and sub
sequent rehate of the entire toll, which
from the viewpoint of some of those In
the conference merely would operate as
a maiter of bookkeeping. His bill will fix
a certain maximum and minimum of toll
on vessels of other countries, probably
f'o 5n or 75 cents mlnumlm to II 28 or SI. SO
maximum, a net ton. leaving the exact
charge to the discretion of the president
so that It ran be adjusted to changing
commercial conditions.
It will provide that the rebate to coast
wise vessels shall not be allowed to any
vessels owned or controlled by any rail
road with which they are In competition
directly or Indirectly. It also will provide
that the government may take over to Its
own uses, when public emergencies mak it
necessary anv veaaela. that avail them
selves of the rebate, which wotrtat make
all coastwise craft engaged in canal traffic
subject to naval uses on demand.
Thn general measure which Mr. Mann
propones probably will be presented to his
colleagues on the Interstate and foreign
commerce committee at one of the early
meetings after the recess. Whether the
bill, carrying the amount wanted for the
initial expense for fortification, will come
from the appropriations committee or tha
military affairs committee of the house la
uncertain. Chairman Tawn?y, of the or
mer. Is opposed to heavy increases In gov
ernment expenditures and It may be that
the military committee, of which Mr. Hull
of Iowa, defeated republican standpatter,
la chairman and which Is framing the army
appropriation hill, will report out such a
Coastwise Shipping ntsaaneeat.
The oucstlon of what treatment to ac
cord coastwise shipping caused the princ
ipal discussion at the conference. Much
of the time was devoted to the interpreta
tion of the treaties with England, aa to
whether the gencaJ reference to all powers
being treated alike waa to be Interpreted
to Include the United States or to mean all
powers foreign 1o the United Btates and
j thug permit lower tolla for Vessels of this
country and the treaty with Panama, as
I to preferential treatment of It craft.
Senator Hint was especially Insistent on
the coastwise exemption. There was unan
imity of view aa to the government furnish
ing the ship supplies. The president feels
that these are more essential at the
Isthmus than on thn Hues canal porta be
cause of the distance from coal or other
supply depots and because private conces
sions would open the way for discrimina
tion between canal patrons.
Joseph C. Robin is
Charged with Larceny
Head of Defunct Bank in Hew Tork
Accused by Grand Jury of Steal
in? $30,000.
NEW Y' RIC. Dee. 29 The (rand Jury
this afternoon handed down an Indictment
a.-amst J seph C. Robin, .hose financial
transact. ons are alleged to be responsible
for the closing of the Northern Bank of
Nt. .v York on Tuesday last. The Indictment
spdcflcal!" chames R.ihln with the lar
ceny of Sjf-i) f:om the Northern bank.
The indictment a as hand-d diwn to Judge
'rain f the general stsilons.
As soon as It became knows that the
indictment had been filed former District
Alto, rev I. r'.n.e. " ho Is Robin's counsel,
announced il at he l ad already Infurmed
In.-lrl"t Attorney Whitman as to the
hert am it 1 of the ind'eted man.
Jati,-c cia.n fixed tai! temporarily at
JC'.XO and Robin will be arraigned tomor
:ow if his cond"!or. is deemed tatlafa
tot v.
' Imtrrauirat niaccitvrra Secret noelelf
that la Plolllna tu Restore
PARTS. Dec dispatth to the
; Tfitint from Madrid states thai advices
, from Lishon desciihe tha political ituaiion
in t!io n republic of Portugal as threat
etii.if Ti e not e-nment Is reported as not
sure of the lovaii..' cf the army and navy.
Ti e p. illation Is becouung alarmed. The
I euro N'onias 'a iiuoted as saying that
; tho toveri.menl raj discovered a secret so
le . . tsl.ich is plotting to restore K.ns
Manuel to l'. thr tie and that tne leadeif
in ihe conspiracy weie airte-l.