thk r.KK: omaha. TF?n?siAV. T.;r.Mrr.Ti :x win. The (gee'g jme iVJagazi re p)a KM Brightside and His Boy 7X. BY LAFAYETTE TARK9. Tallol1 rikrtcft. Snr-ar Off 1jct ttewellon In Haahi. MVhn Hi Trull rlvldeV at the Rran- Iir Fan" lit Hi B"jii (it therkers" at the Krui Vaudeville jtl the Oipheiim. Burlesqu at h f:ety. Kva Lang had a n'ght off Monday, for th flmt Han sltire. the -son at th Pnyd opened. Fhe (ent It at th Uran del, wstchlng obert Edeson and hi company play "Whw the Trail I'tvldes " Henry W. 1-ivtK' produced a nw play Mr.nday ' night. "The lireat Name.'- at Hartford, tvnn. .The play will come a far a I'M'aso. at. any rate, and itiav b eent around the circle brfore It la taken Into Now York. Henry Kolki i bead Ibe company. Margaret Anglln la to rwume her ac tivity n the stage next Monday evening la New York, presenting "The Green Storking!!.' It l'n Knglleh piay, and has to do with' the custom In a rertaln part of Knglend. where a girl muat wear green stockings at th wedding of a younger sister. Tha character played by Miss Anglin haa to do thla pleasing stunt three times, and the family la beginning to worry about It. How. aha was relieved frcm a doom of perpetual splnsterhood maker up tbe material fur the comedy. Manager Bondy haa chanced the let terlng In tha big -sign on top of the Anier Iran, and now has one of the moat at tractive announcements In blaalnc letter that ahines over tha city. He la prepui lng carefully for hla opening on 8unda which he prnmlaes to make such as wli turn the tide of vaudeville patronage In hla direction. Manager Woodward has tackled many tough propositions In hla career, but nothing quite Ilka tha one he has Just undertaken, that of producing Cinderella" right after "Petal Pan." Tha acenery and equipment Tor either of thee plays fills the huge stage at the Boyd completely, and how to prepare the setting for the one whilf tha other la being produced Is put ting tha manager and hla stage crew to their trumps. Alao, the matter of reliear eals la a feature of th problem. "Peter Pan" is being, played twlc a day, which Is sufficient task almost for any company, but on top of thla, tha daily rehearsal of Cinderella'1 must be had. and as this comprises four ballets, several transforma tion scenes, and numerous specialties and spectaolea, tha task la about aa big aa one manager avr set for himself. The opening of th new Blackaton thea ter In Chicago is going to b mad th event of th year In th Windy City. It will b graced by th presence of Messrs. Frohman, Klaw V Erlanger, th owners, and by many other notables of th stage world; . Wllltom Cranwwlll tar th star, and th play will be George Ade'a new comedy. "United States Minister Bedloe." Th play was presented for th flrat time at Trenton, N. J., on- Monday night. Wilton Laokay haa withdrawn from the cast ot "Judith Zoralne," In which he was to appear aa co-star with Lena Aahwell. George Waldron has been given tha role. No explanation ia offered. Vn army of mechanic Is au to arrive In Omaha tomorrdw morning to make pre par a tl 6ns at th Auditorium for the coming of the New York Hippodrome. Struc tural changes must be made both behind and la front of th curtain line, in order to facilitate th proper operation of this tremendous amusement enterprise. An ad vanre staff of atarly twenty carpenters, electricians and stag- hands will take charge of the Auditorium and put it In proper snap for tbe reception of the en tertainer arid their paraphernalia du there January . Ot. H. Burnslde, general stage director of th hippodrome, bas already made a .careful inspection of the Audi terluro and laid out th plan for th en larging of th at age, erection of apeclal galleries for lighting effects, th addition of several .thousand feet of rope to han th maasiv scenery and th Installation of th proper -mechanical device which in sure a smooth performance. Arrange anents were made yesterday with C. E Dixon, tbe head of th local organisation f aiag employe, to use more than Ho local men on th stag to handle the pro duct Ion. operate th light and take cat of th properties. In addition to thi: number ther will be more than luu stag, hands oo th hippodrome staff. It la n tremaly likely that Chicago will have to b City Building Laws Will be Revised by- Councilmen Intire Code Bemodelled According: tp . Line to be Laid Down by Building: Inipe ctor. A rnmplet revieton of th building law s I f Omaha will b attempted by the city i ouncll probably according to reeommenda ttnna and plana to b submitted by the building Inspector. An ordinance Intro duced at the last meeting at suggestion of Coroner Crosby wss drsww for th purpose f preventing arridenia in building while in in course of construction. It provides ; iirnnni " "- i-uami nans lor me com for temporary' floore to keep men from I '"K r. felling through the steel work. Council-' Considerably oer 100 of the members of man Fridge suggested tst other reform ; rl" mere P''ht, some having ie wer quit as nectary and It was decided ! t"tne.l fron. college and others who were to refer the ih.l. m.t..r th. hulldin. I "' ln Omaha A short program and r- tn pec i or and.bat him consider all th j change that should be made. j uarry H 4lmmao. rspreaentlng unnamed client, aaked to have a to.c at th dle cuaaion of th ga company a b ll for airaet lighting which, will be taken up rest week In coraniitt meeting and hi request wa grained. Mr. Zinunan was n of th original minority who (out a ih ga contracts and Is on of 1 1 . beat In formed men In tbe city kin th fight and It rulta. Th city engineer wa unofficially ad nd to anaK apvCiftcauons for artificial ston , gutter eoj bilrtb b-h o t property oar will not aW to bs them isld with pile streets. tin Laud atrtet th property oni ha afced iai a brick laving with, artificial ston gutteia and it la tbe opinion of the councilmen and the city engineer that the combination docs not a gvod roadway. Notbiug can be CLEVER INGENUE HIT IN KANSAS CITY r POLLY I3AVI3. l'olly I a vin. who was a well-liked favorite In Omaha for several seasons, is winning a warm place In the hearts of Kansas City folk. Hhe Is playing with the stock company at the auditorium this season, and is more than making good. railed on to furnluii sufficient stage hands, aa certain it is that all the theaters In town will have to be raided for their stage help. Manager Olllsn of the Auditorium an nounies that the sale of scats for the hippodrome engagement will begin tomor row morning at the branch office In the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad office. Sixteenth and Famam streets. So heavy has been the advance sale by mall orders that a temporary office was opened In tbe Auditorium yesterday and a fore of clerks worked the greater part of the night In making reservations. Mall orders received now. Manager Glllan announces, will be numbered and filled In the order In which they are received. William Rock, who Is appearing at the Orpheum with Maude Fulton In original danca creatrona this week, came from Bowline Green. Ky. He Is now 28 years sf aare and hla wife accompanies him on his travels. Mr. Rock has staged several east ern production and was identified with "The Orchid" and "The Candy Shop'" Just before entering vaudeville a few year ago. "It may seem strange U hear me say It, but I can assure you that the sound of appreciation are as aoothing to me as the ' tcund of the 'ghost1 when he walks oa Saturday evening." said Mr. Rock. "Now," he added, "don't mistake It that the money element is not essential and welcome, but I do say that I really love my work, and every time I aror a hit It gives me mor gratification than a whole lot of money could possibly give." Sam Howe's "Love Makers" started in Sunday at the Gayety to turn hundreds away unable to obtain seats and have kept up that pac ever since. Th friends Fam Howe made when here last season ar all earnestly endeavoring to renew thelt pleasant acquaintance. Mignonette Kokin, th Orpheum dancer, arxnt Christmaa day In Omaha. She went to Lincoln Monday for a week's engage ment and from th capital city she will proceed to Denver. Frank Pallma, who has been musical director for William Rock and Maude Ful ton, went to Chicago from here Sunday evening to serve as musical director at th new Blackston theater. CHATHAM. Mass . Iec. . M Th sunken three-masted schooner that haa been reat ng In three fathoir.a of water on Little 'tound Shoal slnoe the storm of December 1 was Identified today aa the Mollis HI; odes of Vinal Haven, Main. It was oiind to thst port from New York with tial. Captain ltobbln. Joneiport, and hla -tew of five men wer probably lost. don, however, when th petitions ar cor rectly made out and the engineer was told that he ought to require so much expensive material In sucn gutters that they would not be desirable, but that real stone would t preferred. HIGH SCHOOL CLASS HOLDS FIRST ANNUAL REUNION MeasKera .i Salter her at Home f Miss - Ileah Mills For President. The first snn'ia! re-mton of the class of 1!10 of the Omaha Hlh eu hix was held Tuesday night at th ho. of Nellla LI-I gutter, one of the t-,asn members, at S" j Iodg street Il'jgh Mill was elected frtshmen'.s wa th evtntngs entertain ment. Other bu$lnKea of the class constated In electing further officers. Henrietta OU mor waa mad vice J resident; Marlon Carpenter. aecretary; Richard Barnes, treasurer, and Edward Smith and Nellie Klg itter. sergeanta-at-arma. A bronse tab let will be put In the new wing of th high achool with th remainder of th money which the class has on haad. 1M Prof. E. C Graff, principal of the high school; Mis Kate and Miss Florence Mc Hugh and Miss Markln of tbs high school fa'-uliy war present at,4h reunion aad also A. N. Carstensen. former member f th faculty. (alrrfell IVotlars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter bus Dr. King' New Ufe Pills, for cxmtlpsttun. itis'arta aiid Jaundice. For sale L, Lcatuu L'lu Co. A I ' IHERE-TAKE. MY I IT" i si ,'.f vp-i nt i HA' PURSE A ST 'SfeS- fe&t. ( ) LUCK FOR. JT rmasc3. ra- V TOTTE1K HOME1 ? A . . . f OBLIGED-jOSt J CJ pW-NOW-WouLOMYrrlJ r Sleeping Rooms of Outdoor Temperature No person need be afraid to sleep in a room aa cold as tutdoors 1f sufficient pro vision has been made to keep the body warnv. It cannot be stated too emphat ically, however, that cold Is exhausting to the vitality, and so the pores must be pro tected. The danger of taking cold by fresh air enthusiasts lies In the fact that they rarely h,ve the bvi cov"" 1 ' ' anged the' give sufficient warmth. An Individual who la not in robust health Is likely to feel the cold Intensely, and for such fjannel next to the spine Is imperative. Either the sleeping garment may be mad from it, or there may be a sleeping bag of flannel. Baga arc made especially for sleeping and are fashioned from the warmest and softest wool. They are expensive, so unless a per son Is literally sleeping out of doors suf- ficient warmth will be obtained by using bag made from a good quality of flannel, preferably blanketing. Even In such a caae. extra warm cover- Women Wear Too Thin There wasn't any reason for it, a cer tain woman declared, but she was always tired. She was conscious that her temper waa not of the best, though she had it under excellent control, and whatever ahe did tired her teven her diversions ex hauated her), so at last she called a nerve specialist. He listened to her recital of trouble and shook his head gravely and then began to as): questions. "Do you wear high boots when you walk 'in the street?" Sh said she did not. "Do you wear ailk stock ings, or warmer ones?" She said silk. "Do ou wear few underclothes, to ap pear sylphlike, or do you ue flannel?" No flannel was her answer and she volun teered thst most of her gowns had half sleeves. Then the nere specialist delivered himself of an opinion like this: , "You are like most women nowadays: your are not warmly enough dressed In cold weather. Cold saps vitality, which Is strength. You are not sufficiently pro tected from cold, so your phical strength goes below par. and then u proceed to live the atrenuoua life demanded of women, and go on your nerves. "It ia uaeless to tell me you are warm enough when you are out of doors. If I you are warm enough when wearing pumps In the street In winter It Is because you ar making an undue demand upon ' ourself to b so. and ou are bound to pav later by lack of strength. It la as 1 logical as that two and two make four ! "Cold 1 exhauating to a pernon who suf- fers from nerves, font crsely, warmth is ALL A MISTAKE Silt "But they gay iris was mn Ctress." Untrue She paly tnouht lng for the feet Is necessary, for unless circulation la perfect, the' blood will not be sent to the extremities. Jfiiuej of flannel or crochet should be om,rnd tbey ought to come up above the anklfes. Persons who do not oare for' the extreme of using a Bleeping 6a g will find warmth In a thin blanket laid beLYeen the sheets. In a room where th tcrmperatur goes down to that of outdoors this, with th usual covering, will keep a sleeper warm. It Is rot unoommon for -the "fresh" air" followers to need something warm over their heads, and for such covering a close, knitted cap ia best. There should be no hesitation in wear ing one, for there will not be benefit, but injury, If a person takea cold In the head. There Is no queatlon that plenty of cold air Is highly beneficial, and that to sleep In a warm, close room is delimitating-, but if any portion of the body feels the cold It must be warmly protected. MARGARET MIXTER. Clothing in Winter J soothing. You must keep the surface of your body thoroughly warm at all times, unless you wish to grow old ..before your time. For premature age will be the price that women will pay soon for the fashion now of wearing insufficient clothing ln cold weather. "Don't for one moment fancy I think you should swath yourself in flannels, or that I would have you wear hosiery made of yarn. You should select auch garments as will prevent your own natural warmth from being dissipated during tha first five minutes you arc exposed to a cold wind. "Wear pump Indoor by all means, but it Is not logical that they shall be equally comfortable for you when aa icy tem perature is recorded and you arc going out to walk. "To almost every woman nowadays it would be safe to say: 'You do not con serve your natural strength. Keep warm, and your nerves will be less strained. You won't be so fussy, and wrinkles will not so soon appear. But If you don't wear such clothing as will protect you. then you will be profitable patients for nerve specialists, as well as general . practi tioners.' " MARUARET MIX.TEK. r Daily Health Hint J For the first thing in the morn'ng only light exercises hould be taken. Just enough to quicken the circulation. Th a should be taken before, not after the morning bath. NATURALLY b4f 'Why do they call him port of paaaion?" "He err to rad wbtn kk venes are returned" 'mo trouble, lu POP- I'LL BE OLD them i ll. meieid some v one: to help me: along f Novel Row in Clubdom J The Beethoven club, composed of the leading society women of Canton, O., has been thrown Into wild dlsaord by the an nouncement that fourteen of It popular members, maids and matrons, have been made defendants In a damage suit for $100,000 brought by Mr. and Mrs. ti A. Sawyer. Mrs. Sawyer, one of the plaintiffs, ha been the critic of the Beethoven club, and her daughter U the secretary. A paper read by Mrs. Sawyer at a recent meeting, criticising the program of th year, was the beginning of the trouble. Among other things, she said: "We began the year's work with Bee uo ven and ended with 'The Chatter..ig Squaw.' I consider that there waa an un equal division of the work. One member, who has a fine, natural voice, under good control, waa Ignored as a vocalist, but seemed to have many 'papers' on current events, and on number fur th piano. Waa It to spar the member s voice? "I chanced hear Beethoven fifth sym phony, 'Allegro," on the program. It was a solo, but given as a duet. The motif was suggested to Beethoven by the clear, sweet notes of th yellow hammer. While listening It suggested to me the carpenter's little yellow hammer nailing the notes down hard." A few days later the women who have been made defendants In the damage suit signed a paper calling upon Mr. Sawyer to resign from th club, declaring- that her report as a critic had been a personal in sult to every member. The paper was de livered by special messenger, and Mr. Sawyer saya that when hla wife opened the envelope and read the content sh was "horribly shocked." r Fads of Women J Veils edged with marlbou are no longer the latest Idea, for fur Is now used as a border on some of the newest importations. Of course only the narrowest fur edging are seen, and the veils they trim arc heavy and fairly coarae In mesh, usually the Russian nets In a fancy weave, or rather a combination of Russian net with a hair line Tuxedo These veils are. of course, expensive, but If a woman possesses a narrow fur edging the net sold by the yard will not be costly, and by combining the two a new style veil ran be made for comparatively small cost. Lovers of delicate perfumes whos purses ar not too well filled will be interested ' In knowing that they mav Indulge In the delirious odor of the Mary Garden Without being obliged to purchase an expensive essence. KINDLY SUGGESTION. 1? i if nil IV'M 8 'The critic id my pain rim was goodbut ft lacked warmth. Can you suggest anything " Yes: use a match.' "This is the ie.n of the vrar exerybo'ly should heeln to plan turning over a new leaf on the first of January." begins Hrightstrt"'. when Son arries to grind out the daily grist of parental pui xlee "In 1011 I shall be kind to vary class skirt with coin that I meet." resolves Son. ettrsrtlng a corp tip from Ms clgsrette CS4. "I like this Idea of having one ay in the year to make new resolutions." ap proves Father. "And then take the other S4 to break them." assents Son. "That's your little Willie's Idea of reform." "I regret, to admit that Is usually the ay a great manv New Tear'a resolves end." mourns Father. "A guy will ssy 'Never agalp!' and mean It." says Son. "when he can't Bet his hat on with a shoe horn. As soon as the swell ing goes down, however, he forgets those noble words he swore to on the glad New Tear's morn and Just another vow la broken. tht is all." "For that very reason." cautlona Father, "this matter of turning over a new leaf should be given serious conslderstlon some day before January 1." "I'll speak to the bunch In the office about that." decided Ron. "Ther are a number of little things that I don't like (n word from me. you know and they'll do aa they please. Most of ua coarse chaps like to give advice on this uplift business, but I notice most of 'em are a trlfl shy when It oomes to doing any of the lifting." "Well." saya Father solemnly, like a dis trict attorney drawing up an Indictment, "there are a number of bad habits that are Indigenous to Americans generally. I sug gest that a campaign be started now for everybody to resolve on New Year's to unit these annoying traits." "Suppose. Pop. suggests Son. "that we start the list with the dames Then If the hammer gets worn out before wa get through, that will let us men get by with a few." "For one thing." enumerates Father, "I should like to see the young women stop chewing gum." "Better that than chewing the rag or tobacco," asserts Son. "Believe me. If a skirt must chew, and It looka to me as If she's Just naturally built that way. a wad of rubber la about the proper thing." "I also bellove," hesitatingly resumes Father, "that a little leas gossip on the part of the fair sex might make for more happiness." "My, my. Governor." exclaims Son. "but you are a regular kill-Joy for fair. Take It from me. little Bright Eyes would rather cut out the eats or even tha grad rags than fBirds on Miniature Trees Novel Decoration J An engagement luncheon to be given next week for a fashionable girl offers sugges tions In table decoration which may be fol lowed to advantage by others. The general scheme of ornamentation is that of a con servatory and aviary combined. The blrda used ln the decorations are about three Inches long, so built that they I balance when the tiny hock, which la an ' excellent substitute for claws. Is placed on j a slender twig or wire. The birds look like paroquets. They are probably made of papier mache, and come In different colore, buti for the young girl' luncheon those of white, shading to a pink tone In th neck and had, wer chosen. The small toy shop sell them and they cost, aa a rule 10 cent each. In the center of the tab!e"for the en gagement luncheon are to be sprays of orange blossoms, growing aparently from a mossy bank. The birds are perched among the flowers, on the natural stems. Such an Idea could be modified, using only a natural bare branch, for th birds mak quite enough ornamentation. Tiny little swings, such as are used In cages, are plaoed, on at either corner of the centerpiece, and a bird Is perched In each. r Use Cream on I think a woman should never go out Into cold wind. If she uses powder, with out putting & layer of cold cream on her face before dusting on powder, because the cream 1 a protection against drying, cold winds. Only a little cream need be applied and the powder should then be rubbed on slowly; tbe grea will noj show. To recommend a cream that would agree with all flh l Impossible, for om skins require mor oil. while other need hut little. A girl of my acquaintance, who dislikes to use much grease, has prepared a lotion that aults her. 8he applies this mixture before going' out Into the cold. She baa no rule for quantity, she telU me. In preparing ahe takes about one tea-sp.-wnful of pure strained honey and puts It Into a china cup which haa previously been nested. The honey is thinned with rose water until there la Just body enough to make It hold. This mixture Is rubbed Some Simple Aids for Insomnia persons who ar troubled with sleep lessness in winter hould try th effect ot drinking something hot Juet befor going to bed. Kuch nourishment must not be swallowed until th peraon Is literally ready for bed. Incidentally the food taken Just before retiring must be of a kind that ran be easily digested. lore than one case of sleeplessness might be traced to a need for some alight nourishment, for If the etomech 1 too empty circulation is Interfered with and blood that should b In th stomach and thiough th body gather In th bead, causing pronounced restlessness, even though th j-eron afflicted may not real is what make insomnia. A glaa of cold milk beaid th bed, where th liquid may b sipped If a per aon la restless through the night may alao aid in bringing quiet to tired nerves FeciaJ heed should be given to having plenty of fresh air In the eleeplng room of a person who is Inclined to restleaanesa. By fresh air I do not mean pronounced , r.A for thla aaus vitality, and therefore la to be avoided, but stale air Is a strain upon tbe nurtts, for the lung cannot work SUfttSE THE U5T ever THE. S put the soft pedal on th bun buss par ties." "This fsd to Join clubs seem to m overdone on the part of our women," eon tlnue Father. "As for me," ventures ?vn. "If I wer serving a life sentence paying rent for a dame, I'd rather have her make herself at home at her club, than to keep busy with her lnb at home. I'm some side stepper, at that, but life would be far too sad If hubby had to keep dodging wlfle'a big stick." "Another useless fad." declares Fsther, "Is the desire of many of the women to become mannish or athletic. 1 .et them re solve to go bark to the dainty feminine ways men love so well " "Bark to tbe flat and the gas range for the dames of New Tear's is O. K.'d by me." agrees Hon. "What bualneaa. I say. has any skirt to try to cultivate a mt.srle like a bunch of bansnas In order to Intim idate us men. who toil all day In offices until our biceps are as flat aa a pair of string beans? It'a an outrage.." "Bom resolutions also should be mad by all aenslbl women In regard to dress reform," add Father, "t advocate a uni form tyle of an unobtrualve fashion." "Most married men," 8on observes, "will be willing to compromise on the style If th dames will only make the price unob trusive. It's the big noise of prying loos the long green for the glad rage that stag gers father." "Let us not forget to make resolutions that apply to the faults of men," admon ishes Father. "I can't seem to think of any habits be- 1 longing to men quite baV enough to be worm tne irouoi to swear on, moaestiy concludes Son. (Copyright, 1910, by the N. T. Herald Co.) The swings are twisted with asparagus vines. Th birds themselves cannot hold a flower or leaf to their beaks or they would over balance. For each guest there will be a tiny bes plant, In a small fancy china dish, which will serve as a favor. On top of each of the four candl shade . a bird will be perched, care being taken to have it aide wise that It shall not burn. - For a dinner surh birds might be used with great effect by choosing those with feathers of different color, in the middle of the table two uprights to serve aa telegraph poles might be a foot or more apart. These should support a fine silver wire. On this the birds must be placed at irregular Intervals, facing In different directions. Beneath the wire, on th fable, an ar rangement of box paints, with bright red combined, either by berries or flowers, would be effective. Another charming way would be to raise a fish In the center of the table and perch the birds about it. A foundation of moil or a small fancy stand could serve aa tha flower base. ROSANNA SCHUYLER. Face in Winter I Into her skin before she powder. On com ing Indoor sh washes off the lotion. A combination of honey and glycerine, using equal parts, and thlririlng as sug gested with rose water, would suit aome aklns. Honey thinned with cucumber Juice, the latter slightly warm whee, being mixed, would be more astringent ' than either of these other and to sensitive skin 1 bleaching. Although I do not disapprove of so-called "liquid" powder washes that ar substi tutes for powders I think the dry dust i better to use In cold weather, bacaus any liquid I more apt to be carried Into th pores than powder that will remain on th surface unless It Is driven in by rubbing If, as Is not uncommon, there are rough places on the face, spots which suggest chapping, they should be lightly touched with oxide of sine ointment. This Is heal ing and powder may be put on over It. MARGARET MIXTER. aa they should, and ao the blood that feeds the tissues Is not sufficiently purified. A drsught blowing directly over th bed la not desirable, aa it might reus cold, but where ther Is danger of thla a folding screen may be set up to break th direct draught. Indigestible food taken late at night 1 ap to cause sleepleksn through Indi gestion, though tha sufferer may not b conscious that what waa eaten la not being assimilated. Indigestion Is not always ac companied by acut pain, but If food re main In the stomach without Coins through the process of dlgesUon. It Is likely that the individual will either not sleep or thst restlessness will follow. MARGARET MIXTER. A fctrlalasj t-asa. fo striking ia May fcih strike with delight Typewriter by day. 1'iano by night. T. E. M. Jf at mrlsi. He asked her for a t'hrtstm kiss. And. tru I am living, i-he gave him two or three and this All for th joy f giving T. at