Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    nr rr,n: .M.ti. i ti u rwi . i , 1 nv tvi iriv i:n.
Drenching Haini ia Southwest Put
Lnd to Drouth Talk.
torka laerea.a Itapldly freent
Level Liable to Wfkfii Under
Orcntm Prfmrf noli
Are affrrlnK ow.
' Es 3d Futures, steady;
'i Irrimrv. 4 .V.d.
; Kl.nt it-Winter patents, dull
IHH'S- In London ll'RltilO COIl,
.; l.,.7j i j;,s.
OMAHA. Pec. W.
Drouth In the southwest I effectually
broken and drv WMihir talk will end m
good drn. hire ruins have fallen ovnr
Missouri. K:ns find (iklnhoma. The
foreign situation. A far an taking our
portable surplus Is cnn i n-d. I "f?
bearish, as exer. Nevertheless the bull
THii"r continue their support and values
are firm , . .
Hec. lrt of roi-n nri heavy and demnna
continue -dull, which is making stock ln
rree tai.Mly. Tt I doubtful If present
levels can be inHlntRlneJ under the heavy
presirre of cash S"le. .
at bull tuippurtrd their market In
fnee nf-rain throughout the south, on
Stronger rable ami a reduction In the
estimated Argentina surplus. Iiim early
adx-ancrd. but m'J bark toward the clone,
value being about where they were yes
terday. . ' m..,H .
Liberal receipts or con y',"" ' ,7,
material Incresse In the vial We supply
the market, a heavier tone resulting In a
decline irf value-. Cash demand l not
active, -and shipping order are not urri
rl.nt td ur huyers to support the re'.
I'rlmary wheat receipts were 3'hoo b.i.
and shipments were IW.ffn bu.. aga nst re
relpta last year .of KJ.OUO bu a:fl shipments
of a.iO bu. . ,
rrltn.ry corn receipt were 1 .2;" bu.
and shipment were 77" iw bu.. sgalnst re
ceipt fael vear of T6.w. bu. and ship
ments of 419.oon bu. ,
Clearance were 113.000 bu. of corn. l.'
bu. of oat and wheat and flour equal to
M.nnO bu. . .
Liverpool closed W1 higher on wheat
and d to d higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
'"WHEAT-No. t hard. 1 car. (rye mixed).
8c; No 4 hard, 1 car. WV; No. 2 mixed.
1 car, Me.; No. 1 mixed. 1 car. 80c; 1 car,
ts'c ; No. J durum, 1 ca Mc.
roilNNo. 3 white. 1 car. 39c; No. J yel
tow. 6 car. 39c; J car. 3M.e; No. 1 mixed,
1 car, fpart old). 39'4c; 3 r. 3c; 6 car",
tsc; No. 4 mixed. car. 37
OATS No. 3 white, car. p; car,
lOViK-; No. 4 white, 1 car, 2Stc; 1 car. 2Sc;
No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 29c.
Omaha raah Prlpea.
WHEAT-No. S hard, H7Hfr91'4e; No. J
hard. W.M-'ifOHc; No. 4 hard. W4'Bl7,4o;
rejected. Tl'iMi'vc: No. 2 eprlne, StfVi'iiSO'.ic;
No. 3 prin. 8.','?' SSHc.
fOUN-No 2 white. W3!",n: No. 8
white 3XMi'?'!!,v No. 4 white, H7Mrff?38c; No.
t llow, J!iiiV4o: No 3 yellow, 3S4.ff
39o; No. 4 vellow. 87H'3"'8c: No. 2. 3'ii
IRi'iC No. S, JWiaWc; No. 4. VWiVc.
OATS No. 2 white. 29. Tiic: tandard.
Hff30c: No. 3 white, No. 4
white, WWc: No. S yellow, ZH'iiiW'tC ;
No. 4 ve.llow. 2SVVfi29c.
' HARIKY No. J. 70UT6c: No. 4. 64g59o;
No. 1 feed. Myrtle: rejected. Mffi3c.
RYE Ho. . 777Sc; No. t. 7fri77.
Carlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oat
Chicago M - 801 4i7
MInneapolli in
Uuluth .. 11
January. 4e',d;
5. 1IH
Traders Change Tactics and Buy
Moderately Prices Harden.
feature of lload Market la lacrea.ed
Demanrf for ;eaeral Fnor Per
aat Hood of Atrhlson
Jt Topeka.
of the lar
Ni:V. YOHK. I ipc. 2N.-KIXHTl-Qulet;
fprliK patent. $.Vl';fVi; winter etraicht.
i4 2; winter patent. I;4"a4 7r; rinK
'i.aiH. 44.1iKi4.4; winter extra. No 1, $.1 "(
A' extra .No. 2. IUiiS1; Knas
rtraicl.t. 4 .'I'ul.'i. Hve flour, steady: f.ilr
to ol. i4-u4.'ii; choice to fancy. 14 V I
4 7:.. HuckKhrat flour, steady at $2.i'i per
l'-i lbs.
ok.VMKAIj Ftendv; fine white and yel
low. 41i'nl 2S; coarne, l.l&'ttl.20; kiln dried.
"n iii.-iTiini .rk .t.oHv No 4 red. ' trader today changed
n, o in eeator and HiV, f o. b . Hloat;
No. 1 northern Imluth, IllS'i. f. o. b..
mioi.t. Future market wn a little easier
at the
wheat belt, but adanced on covering
vptv TnRK. liec. 2S Attempt to de
press the stock market durtnfc the last few
dny having proved more or less abortive,
tneir ia-iics oi
iKiurnt moderately with a resultant narnen-
ln of prices. The Improvement was none
too pronounced, and did not extend to the
start on the rain In the winter I eniir e .cuv. n. ""' " , " .
I m inn ipHiipn aim a nuoii'vi j i
inh lVir 2(1
Omaha Bu Hy.
C'maha a O 9 !
' i'. B St
ii r. b st
otimt'a Kler. I.t
f' Itlr 1 . A T. . 1.H.
R... r Mi n'l. Tl i o..,
tnlon St'nk TtMi vto'-k...
fn. BUI T A T. in, 1MI
Wetrn riclflo
. I1t
I R, ta.
Rt. pTil. 4 per cent
Hf pfi. com
an I Power tM
14 M
!- Mi
M I'l
t i
5 7
r n
. N
l.nndoa tock Market.
I1NPOX, I'er. 28 American securities
opened steadv today. I.leht selling followed
and vnlue dropped below par.ty. Then the
lea, Unit Issue were supported and the
market rallied partially. At noon prices
ranged from to below yesterdny's
New York closing.
London closing stock:
Omiiol. mony 7H IjoiiIxtIII A Naah. .14714,
do account n 16 Mo . Kan. A Tim . .Wy
ALg Nw trtrh iVntral. ..1144
Nnrron a rtnm..i;n
on the cable and the decrease In the Kuro-pi-an
stocks, closing net unchanged; I e
reml er. nn-VflKTVo. closing at 7"c; May.
M l ''( l .('Ji,. closing at II. "Fn; July. Rcf
JI.k.'h. closing at Wv; receipts, ttf,40U bu.;
hipnient, 4O.10U bu.
CORN Siot market easy; new No. 2,
M'sc. f. o. b., afloat. Future market wm
without transactions, closing unchanged to
e net lower; December closed at 67c; May,
.V.e; receipts, SW.000 bu.; shipment. 4S.538
OATS Spot market firm; tandard white,
SS-ijc; No. 2. ;i:i-; No. 3. 3Xc; No. 4. 37ic.
Futures market wa without transaction,
cloning unchanged to c net lower; De
cember closed Ht JSVtc; May, 3Sc; July,
.'".'4c; receipt, 3S.12R bu.; shipment, 1,2F5
bu. .
MAY Steadv; prime. $1.10; No. 1, $L10;
No. 2. Sl.W; No. 3, Sogssp.
HIIiFS Pull; Central America, 21ie; Bo
gota. 2-'aL'4c.
LKAT1 1 ICR Steadv; hemlock flrt, 23
2f.Se; seconds, El','rt23c; third, lWMc; re-jei-ts,
li;,i 17c.
1HOVISIONS Pork, teady; me. $21.50;
family, t:".0i2.M; short clear. $J).KWB.00.
He-f. steady; mess. $13,00414 00; family,
llxiKrctlSoO; beef liama, $;:4.ol4r27.00i Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, b to 14 lb.,
.I3.6ivfll6.7t; pickled hams, $12 50. Lard,
weak; middle west prime, $10 76t10.B; re
fined, steudy; continent. $11.40; South Amer
ica, $12 mi; compound, $8. 759 00.
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hogshead,
7Vjc; country, 7V(j'7?'c.
l'Ol'LTKY Alive, steady; western chick
ens, 12'iil24c; fowls, 13l'nl4c; turkeys, 14
i"(ilhc. lireKxed, easy; western chicken, 114
iiivc: fowls. HUjuiSc; turkeys, lfidi23c.
Bl'TTF.ll tasy; creamery specials. Sic;
extra. Z'Vi3uc; third to first, 2.W2Sc;
creamery, held, thirds to special, 23a30o;
state dairy, common to finest. 2H29c; pro
cess, second to special, 2i'a26c; Imitation
creamery, firsts. 23'a24c; factory, held, 23c;
factory, current make, 21'y23c.
CHKKSK Steady; skims. 2'iDl!l4c.
Ftiti.S Easy; western gathered white,
3.'iu40c; fretjh gathered, extra first, Hfitiaiic;
fresh gathered, ftist, 3:i'a34c; freeh gathered,
second, iini J2c ; refrigerator, special mark,
fancy, In local storage, 2Rtf2fi4c; refrig
erator, flrat, 24(a'24V4c; refrigerator, seconds,
the special group. If anything, the nay
new an unfavorable. Two of the minor
line controlled by the New York Central
the Kiisland and the Lake Krle & Western
roads, again passed the dividend on the
t referred shares. In keeping with their
records of the last year or two, and the
Pennsylvania oompany, an Important part
of the Pennsylvania railroad system, cut
Its annual dividend from 8 to 7 per cent.
lhigh Valley was the strongest or tne
railroad Issues, but the movement In gen
eral wa of little significance and enlistea
nrai'tlcallv no outside interest or support.
The day business was unusually small and
In the late trading the marKet reiapseo. ini.o
extreme dullness.
Ixindon was a buyer or the llammui is
sue and Heading, according to report, hut
the sum total of operations for that market
was probably under B.IM) shares. The lxn-
don market manifested a cheerful tone on
the resumption of trading after the quad-
rinJe holiday.
The feature of the bond market was me
Increased demand for the general 4 per cent
bonds of the Atchison and Northern Pa
cific roads at better price.
The balance of the bond market wa
steady on a moderate volume of operations.
Total sales, par value, aggregated $l,840.uw.
I'nited States government bonds were un
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
galea. HUB. Uom. Clnaa.
AlMa-TVjal. ptd
Amalgamated Oopvar ....
American Agricultural ...
Beat Sugar ....
P. F
fV.ttoo Oil
Hid. a U ptd.
lea fteeuiitia ..
LocomotlT ...
S. A R pM ...
n. R
Waal F
Sugar Ret
T.I. Tel
Tobacco pfd....
Featare of too Trading and Cloalac
Price on rtoard of Trade.
CTUCA'K), Dec. 28. Plappearance of
nearly &,W'.000 bushel from the world's
available supply of wheat holped turn the
market upward today, notwithstanding a
good rainfall In the dry district southwest.
The first named happening waa unlooked
for; the other had been largely discounted
a full day In advance. Compared with laat
night, the close wa 'jc higher to V6'o
decline. The end of trading left corn MiO
net lower, oat "ic. to So down and pro
visions off 2fc to 37V4.i
Leading long in wheat bought the May
option, but they sold July. In consequence
the distant delivery became weak, whereas
that nearby waa strong. Some of yester
day's short sellers, too, were purchasers
at the outset. May congestion appeared
plainly In evidence, although the supply
loosened almost invariably on the slightest
bulge. Nevertheless, trade in July wa
much larger than heretofore, and kept
steadily growing. A leas favorable crop
outlook in Frsnca, Germany and Great
fcrltaln had some Influence on the bull
side.- It was on the news Of the falling
off in tha world's available supply, how
ever, that the market showed the greatest
strength, lvurlng the session May ranged
from 9fio to Viiat-JVa and closed Mo up
at W4jC.
, Corn started with an upward tilt, but
with heavy consignments and with little
outlet from here in a shipping way the
market eased off. May fluctuated between
47V and 48o, closing steady at 47-c, a net
loss of 'ic Cash corn was weak; No. J
yellow finished at 4&V4fio.
Oats suffered from withdrawal of ele
vator demand for carlots to make into
grades suitable for delivery on December
contract. May varied from I3c to SI'aC,
with final sales at SSg-aao, a loss of c
from lHst nUht.
Belief that the packer are making pork
to redeliver next month caused material
weakness in ull kinds of provision. At
1he end of the day pork wa down 25e to
j',Vc, lard off 27e. to 30c and ribs showed
a decline of 17Hc to 2tVT22Hc.
Prices In Chicago furnished by The Up
dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas
2473. 7u8 Brandels building, Omaha.
Halo In River Valleys, Snow In Mon
tana Hanajes.
OMAHA. Dec. M.
Bnow flurries were quite general in the
mountain within the last twenty-four
hour, and light snows are falling in Wy
oming. Utah and the western Canadian
province this morning. Rains occurred In
the lower Missouri valley Tuesday and are
falling this morning in the Mississippi and
Ohio valleys and the lake region. The rains
were very heavy at points in the lower val
leys, a fall of 1.12 Inches occurring at Kan
sas City and 1.13 inches st Memphis, and
rain still falling at the latter. A slight
but general rise In temperature ha oc
cut red In the upper Missouri valley and
throughout the east and south. A change
to coiner weatner la siiown in tne south
west, the extreme northwest and on the
Pacific slope. Conditions remain unsettled
In the valleys and the outlook Is for cloudy
and somewhat unsettled weather In tlhs
vicinity tonight and Thursday, with
slightly colder tonight.
Minimum temperature and precipitation
as compared with the last three years:
1SI10. l0t. 190S. 1907.
Lowest last night 25 1 29 17
Precipitation 00 .02 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 23 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March L
14. ni incnes.
Kxcess corresponding period, 190$, 4.90
1 e(kclency corresponding . period la IMS,
t. inoiies.
Li. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Article. Opn. lllgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat- I
Dec..... 9134 2Vi
May . . . llfe'vo-VMVil l
Dec. . .
Dec.,, May..
Jan... May.,
Lard ,
91 S 921
91 S
J4flS4V S4Sml
SH',1 Sfl
1 I
19 70 1 19 60 I 19 25
18 la V-V, 18 W
i 1
10 W 10 I 10 42is
10 VWi 10 27S
W I 1 7iHi
Anial 1'opp.r
do pftl
PWVt do pM
lofi Ontario A Wea'ern.
Paltlmnra A Ohio. JOTii Pennsylvania
t'ananlan Pacific ..lKand Mine
ChuapMlie A Ohio.. H? Heading
hi. Oreat Weatarn.. 17 Si'Uthern Halloa? ,
TI . Mil. A St. P..12SV do pra
18 Southern rarlflc ...
I nlan Pacific
TJ do ptd
J7H V. 8. Steal
474 do pM
I Wahian
344j do pfd
13 Spanish 4a
steady at 24 16-16d
83-V U
.... I
19 46 19 70
IS bS 1 U,4j
St. I. nut General Market.
LOUIS, Dec. 28 WHEAT Closed
9797Vc; July, l',ia03c. Cah. weak
track No. 2 red, 9Sc; No. 2 hard, 93ir99c.
CORN Futures, lower; May, 46i(a46T.c
July, 47?4c; May, No. 2 cash, 464P46HC; No.
2 wniie, 4tc.
OATS-Futures, steady; May, S2o; July,
siMic. c-asn, track no. 2, 3;c; No. I white,
H VE Cnchanged, 82c
r LOUR Firm; red winter patent. $4 40
m.i.i; extra rancy and tra!ght, $3.SO4.30;
naro winter clears. v.svai w.
SF.KD Timothy. tri.0ffjD.6O.
COFtNMEAL $2.30.
"RAN Weak; sacked, east track. 11.03
HAT Steady; timothy, $13.00318.00; prai
rie. $11 tirt-ifu .00.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, Lard, lower; prime steam, $l0.15'm
102... Dry salt meats, higher; boxed, extra
shorts. 11c; clear ribs. 11c; short clears,
ll'nc. Paeon, steady; boxed .extra shorts,
12'c; clear ribs, 12Vc; short clears, V2c.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs,
12c; turkeys, lS'c; ducks, 14c: gee-e. 10c.
WITTTKR Steadv; creamery, 2630c.
KGGS Steady, 27c.
Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbls IO.&pO n.OiM)
Wheat, bu 45 0no 47 miO
Corn, bu 7H ono 63 00
Oats, bu 78,OijO 114.000
.lbs I I
Jan....! 10 40 I
May. ..J 190 I
10 40 10 TO
10 0;V 10 85
10 27f 10 46
9 70 St'
Ceah qiotatlons were as follows:
r Lot IV-l-Ii I", winter patent, $4.20i1.7o;
ttalght. $J.7itf4.o; aprlug straights, 4U.U1)
ajt.Tu; bakers. $X4V.i8.(M.
RYE No. 8, lyfllc.
BARLliY r'eeiW or mixing, 60f70c; fair
to choice mailing. Tuy.HJc.
t-fc.lilt Flax. No. I southwestern, $2.22;
No I northwestern, $2.42; timothy, $10.00;
clover. $15.00.
, l'KOVlHiNS Mess polk. fr bbl., $1950
Ul'-'.t'-a. lard, per lu II. h.. $10 .42; short rlhs.
vide iioohc). iJ 7-.t lO.oO; short clear sided
(boxedt, l.i21-Uli.75.
7'ulai clearuucia of wheat and flour were
equal to W,tM) bu. I'rlmary receipts were
WJ WO bu., compared with f73,iJ bu. the
corresponding day a yeur ago. The world
visible supplv, a shown by Uradstreet .
decreased 2.M0,ui bu. F.stlmated receipts
for tomorrow: Wheat, 42 cars; coin, uo
cars; oals. 4' cms. hog". 2,.oou head.
Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 red.
$3V'lWi'; No- 3 red, VLSnWivcc; No. 2
bard. !: No. hard. HnV4c; No. 1
northern spring, $1.u1.ii3; No. 2 no.thern
spring, $1.0011 l.u?: No. $ spring, .ici?l.i).
Corn: No. 2 cam. 4;.' 04ii'; No. 1 cash,
4:t4l 43c; No. - wniie. 4iii4jc. No. 3
White, 4o'n44.;; No. 2 yellow, 4o4ti'.c; No.
I yellow. 4MVo4 Oats: No. 3 rasli, 31c;
No. 2 white, ;'3-ac; No. $ white, 31'n
$7c; N.i 4 while. 31u32c; standard. 3. i(J.''tc.
BUTTER steudy; creamei ien, iJtiiTc;
dairies.' i;fi2c.
ElliitJ steady ; receipt. 4.147 case; at
,niaik. casta Included. l44j'.lc; fuatt, "sC;
prune flrsl. Sic.
CHE;Hfc Fieady; daJales, 15,c; twin.
14jil4'c; young Americas, 15''j i.'.'-gc; long
horns, l'i 1'StC,
POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, 43
Ic; fair to good. Sti42c.
1'OU LTRY Firm; turkeys, dre.-sed, 21c;
live. l?c; fowls, lUso; siiringB, live. llVc.
YEAL tt ad ; 6rJ to o-lb. wis., so; i to
fc-lb. t.. !". Sa to 110-lb. wis., lulc.
Iteoelvii Today Wheat, W cars; corn, S01
'Cara; oat, 41 car.
Estimated . Tuino. row Wheat 42 cars,
crn lj. cars; oats. u car.
' Grata Market.
WHEAT No. I northern. $1041.0i; No. 2
northern. $1 Citi 1 0.11 ; May, wso.
OATS Standard. itt'aC
PAKI.EV taintil.a, 7urMc.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. I red western winter, 7 ld.
Future, firm: December, CalOd; March,
(a llVd; Xl iY, 7s 4ad.
. CORN tipot, quiet; American mixed.
Kansas City Grata and Provision.
May, W!7c: July, 8914c. Cash. unchanged
No. 2 hard. 9Hv&9ic; No. 8. 9193c; No 2
red. WfSIr; No. 3 red, &3jft5c.
CORN May. 4n'(i'(i4f.c; July. 4o'i4iiT,e
Cash, unchanged; No. 2 mixed. 42c; No. S
mixed, 41c; No. I white, 42i&4Vo; No. t
white. 41c.
OATS Cash, unchanged; No. 1
3iur(1:i2c; No. 2 mixed, Slrr314c.
RYE No. 1. "4'4i77c.
HAY' Unchanged: choice timothy, $14 0
14 fiO; choice prairie, $1 l.Soit 12.00. .
BUTTER Creamery. 2fcc; firsts. 2fc;
seconds, 21c; packing stock. 19c.
EUUS-Extraa, 4c; firsts. 27c; seconds.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu 70.0nO 14.000
Coin, bu 65.OI10 14.00ft
Oats, bu 6,000 .,(HI0
A marlcaJI
A nierlcan
Atchlaon -
Alchlaon pfd
At. roaat Una
Haltlmora A Ohio
Pethleham Steal
Brooklrn Rapid Transit...
(ai.adlan Pacirie
Ortral leather
Central Leather ptd
("antral of N, J....
Chaa. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
"hl. Ot. went., naw
Chi. Ot. West., ptd
Chicago A N. W
Chi., Mil. A St. P
C, C. C. A St. b
Colorado Fuel A Iron....
Colorado A Southern ....
Cnnaolldatad Oaa
Com Product
Dalaware A Hudaon
D. A R
I. A R. O. ptd
ntatlUeiV Bacurltla
Erla lt ptd
Brie Id pM .
General Elartrlo
Oraat Northern pfd
Oraat Northarn or ctt. .,
Illlnota Ontral
lntarhorough-Met. pfd . ..
International Harvester .,
Intar-Matins pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Ontral
Kanaa Hr Southern....
K. C. Boutharn ptd
Lacleda Oaa
Lmulavllle A Naahrllla .
Minn. A St. loula
M., St. P. A S. Bta. M..i
M., K. A T
M . K. A T.. ptd
Mlaoiui Pacific
National Blcuit
National Laad
N. Rr- of M 4 P'4
New York Ontral
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A Western
North American
Northern Pacific "v...
Pacific Mall
Panola' a Gaa
Fttteburc. C a A It. I.
Pittsburg Coal
Preesed Steal Car
Pullman Palaca Car ....
Hallway Steel Spring ....
Hepuhllc Steal
Republic Steal pfd
Rork laland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd ....
St. b. A 8. F. Id pfa....
St. boula S. W
Kl loula S. W. pf4
Blnaa-Sheffleld 8 A I...
Southern Paclflo
Bniithern Kallwar
Southern Railway pfd ..
Tanneaae Copper
Teiaa A Pacific
Tol., St. U A W
Tol.. St. L A. W.-pfd....
Inlon Paclflo
Union Paclflo pM
t:nlted States Realty.....
t nlled State Rubber ..
I'nited Slates Steel
I nlted tilataa Steal pfd..
t tah Copper
Virginia-Carolina Cham .
Wabash pfd
Western liarrlana
Weatlnghouaa Elactrla ...
Waal art) Vnlon
Wheeling A Lake Erla .
Lehigh Valley
Total aalaa far tha say.
Pa Peers
lienver A Rio O
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 14 pfd
Grand Trunk ....
Illlnola Central
MONKT 84 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for hort bill Is 3 per cent; for three
months' bills, 3V3 9-16 per cent.
, KC4
, 7T,
, 1B4
. S4
New York Curb market.
The following quotation are furnished
b Logan & llryan, members Hoston
Piock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street,
11 Inaplratlon S
7 Laroaa 4
l: Nv. cna 14
t4S Newhoua Bit
II Ohio Copper 14
l Rawhide Coalition..
19 Rar Central S
IS Swift Pkg. Co l'X"
41 gaara-Hoebuck Co....H("a
I14 8llver Pick 7
4 Superior at rittaburg 14
All Kinds of Cattle Continue Strong
and Fairly Active.
! a number of hog being still unsold at the
heep and Iambi Show Very
4 hnnae. Prices, as n Hole,
nalalng Abont Steady
Taeadny' Nolche.
Receipts were:
Official Momlay
Ol fil ial Tuesday
OMAHA. Dec. 2H, 1910.
Cattle. Hogs. Sneep
Estimutc YYednesday .... i,WO
2. M.I
3. )
.. $.911
. .21.74:1
. .13
21 4.-0
1 l.tW.1
Three days thl week
Same dnys Inst week..
Same dsy 2 wieks ag
Same dava 3 week ao
Sam day 4 necks ago
Snme dava last yeur....
The following table shows the recelpii
cattle, hogs and sheeD at Hnuth Om;
for the year to riatj as compared
last year: 1H10. Ii9. Inc.
Cattle l,21d.5."'4 1.118.744 99,810
Hog 1.s;7,9o0 2.119.(M4 241,H'i4
Sheep 2.974. 4i0 2.147.37 1 827.119
The following table snows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several das, with comparisons:
1S.4.4 I
24.2 !
,:i.i:17 I
lates. I 1910. 109. 11905. 1907. 1W6. ,1906. (1904
H.700 1 4044 IH
100 4fVt 4r4j a.-Vt
4, If") 4S 4!1 42
6io v
)) 44j 48 4
909 H it 6H
a 1'4
too leva 3 so
4. W0 . 71 12 72
l.t'K) 142H 14144 1424
4 ki tt'i
100 14i 3" ''
3'M W "
I.MK) bH Wi 1iT4
100 102H lnjvi 1-I2L,
100 1144 HIS 114
H) 104V4 lof 1MH
744 74'S 74V
DUO 19SS 134 191 1
100 1 11 31 V,
. 2H0
iiioo "io" 'wi 7si
400 1144 21 21
tOO 14144 141 1"V
IT00 123H4 121 1214
00 II
14,no' 1S7H isiii iaH
00 144a 144 14
tBO MVj IS 2X14
200 !T4 s:s
li 1714 I74 W'4
900 4i4 45i4 45V4
00 151 '4 111 1M
10i( 47 57 64
100 11114 11114 130L4
1.100 19H 19 l'i
.. S.41X) M M
1,900 10'4 104 10
100 154 "'4 14
400 S'i 3M 3'
400 U4 S 33S
, 4fi4
100 lOGVi lOfiH 105(4
200 14S 142L4 144
800 T fc
400 1144 SI SI "4
to 4i,a 44 44
trA III 1I4H tlS
400 44 MS 434
00 1414 M4 444
, 110
"ioo 'vi 9S
100 44 4414 4444
400 11M4 114 114H
ij r K 27
, 1.200 W 124 14
, 4
too 1K lMi 1(.4
100 81 81 M
. 44,400 14 147'4 14
100 80 80
, l.ioo 814 Wi 29
(00 1.9 4 69 f.914
100 T, 874 ;4a
100 ton eo'4 40
l"t,no ii4"i iij'i 11414
400 r,'4 25 !M4
400 41 W'Vl
200 84 84 8.1 '4
200 4 f4 '2
20) fas 6
, 88,100 1IW4 17'4 l"i
, 100 93 93 91
. 1.700 8ii4 . 84V4 8514
. M.too 114 704 114
, 3.4O0 lit H44 H44
70 444 44 444
401) 414 41 41
100 1V4 1f4 "H
1M 84 8I4 24
. 8,600 HI4 4H4 1"4
1I0 464 "4
. U.fOO 104 118 17
Par state Gaa
Biaton Con
Butt Coalition ...
chief Con
Ely Central
Kir Cona
Kly Witch
Franklin ..1
tluldflali Florenc
Ooldflald Dalny ...
Oraan Cananea ..
VHTonopah Mining
4Trlniir Cupper
IS North La a ...
84 Boharnla
Hoston Mining; Stocks.
BOSTON. Dee. 27. CloBlng quotation
weer as follows:
88 Lena! la Copper
404 M,, hawk
2.M4 Nevada Con
13'4 N'1plaln Mlnea
64 North Butte ...
114 old nonunion
nsoaceoia ..
47 Parrot t, ft.
440 Cjulncy ...
If, 4 dhajinon .
. 4
C... "4
Amal. Coppar ...
Am. Z. U A S.
Aria. Com
B. A O. C. 8
Hutu. Coalltloa .
Cal. A Arlsona.
Cl A Macla ...
Cantfnnlal hL Kliajinon H4
vpper Kanfa Con.. 4 Superior 4
Bast Butt Cop 114 Tamarack 6'4
Fnanklln t ttah Cona 18
Olroiu Con t:'ah Coppar 44
Oranby Con 84 Winona '4
Oraan Car.anaa 4 WolTerlna 114
New York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK, Deo. 27. Closing quotations
on the Mining exchange:
27... I
! 8 Fl 6 S2 4 40i Hi 4 1
il I 6 311 4 4 k il 4 44 4 y0
7 66V11 J
I 4.1
7 b7; g 2 t s-;
7 8 on, 5 34
I 7 64i 8 OS; i it
S 11, b 4
6 601
6 661
7 731
I is-al s W.
7 70' 8 36
4 2JI IS 4 W'i
4 33 4 OS 4 sK
1 to, 4 99
4 441 I 4 :
4 Jbi 6 131 I
4 44
4 -S
4 -9
4 42
Ural iiidup
Representative '
No. . 8h "". Na. '. (h. Pr.
1; t ... 40 4 ... 7:1
if 8' 4 1-0 7 M 19 ... 7 7:4
M urn ... t m 74 J.'t ... ;
31 V ' 7 Ml 4 2'U ... 7 75
41 8M 1 t it I? W ... J 75
44 ? M 7 .'.24 11 ll Ci
i4 811 ... J ; : ... 7 :s
r j; . . t tb n km a 7 :
47 :'"4 l" 7 Vj Ii7 71.1 4i 7
v v. no : J t I'M ... 7 ::.
: i t h i :u . . 7 75
t7 ti 7 Si 4. ,u 21-1 7 7'.
I I ... 7 i 4s !'t in 7 75
2 . . 7 SO 61 !'8 40 7 75
J8 ... i 7 n 27 8 5 ... 7 75
11 ... 1 (1 1:4 ... 7 75
84 . . t 40 97 !! 80 7 75
65 J4 ISO 1 f.0 4 217 ... 1 75-
4 C ... 7 61 62 !15 ... 1 7S
14 f0 ... 7 60 7 1.-1 ... 7 76
67 - 74 7 4 it M ... t 74
p! 1 1 10 K . ... 7 6,1
8. S: lf-0 7 424 til ... T Ki
88 ... t 1 15 m ... 7 0
49 21 40 7 65 76 r;i 40 7
5. :.M 870 1 65 7? 13 ... 7 61
25 I'd 40 7 5 44 v5 ... 7 SO
5 80 7 5 7! 717 ... 7 90
6 2M 80 7 65 62 'l ... 7 69
6 2V, ... 7 .-. 77 2.'0 ... 7 l
47 2..0 ... 7 45 SI KH4 ... 7 Kl
6" 1 ... T 65 71........ 2.7 ... 7 K
61 2.'S 2"0 7 64 7 215 ... 7 6''
65 J9 flm 7 65 9' rt 40 7 0
61 241 80 7 70 76 241 ... 7 60
67 !( ... 7 70 67 215 60 7 90
77 W ... T 70 77 IJ ... 7 80
40 874 ... ? 70 67 MJ It Tt'
81 J7 160 7 70 74 2d ... 7 8:4
48 8:4 40 7 7'1 48 .842 ... 7 45'
44 T44 ... 7 70 70 f l ... 7 65
70 2U ... T 70 179 19J ... 7 65
40 191 ... 7 70 99 2i ... 1 85
T 2"0 ... 7 7 71 2.4 ... 7 84
4 :77 ... 7 70
4 2.' 3l! M 4 4:t
4 as, t U & v, i
4 44 6 lt! 4 VA "
tsunday. Sunday and Christmas.
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards. South Umaha, for
twenty-four hours, ending at 3 p. m. yes
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Comatock Tunnal
do bonda
Con. Cal A V...
Horn Silver
Iron Rtlrer .,
LeadTllle Coa ...
. 11
. It
. 70
.. 40
. 10
L.IUI Chlet
fliandard ....
Yellow Jack
. 4
.. 65
.. 80
. 84
Ilank Clean na.
OMAHA, Dec. 28 Bank clearing for to
day were f&ZuG.A&l.ll and for the corre
sponding date last year $2,403,663.33.
C. M. A St P
Missouri Pacific
Union I'aciflo
C. 4c N. W., east
C. & N. V., west
C. !t. P. M. & O
C. H. & (J., east
C. B. & y., west
C. H. 1. &. P., east....
C. it. I. & P., west....
Illinois Central
C. U. W
Total' receipt.
.. 3
.. 1
.. 23
.. 11
.. 31
.. 17
.. 6
.. 19
.. 8
.. 4
.. 2
.. 6
2J6.4O0 Sharaa.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
I cemher, l.4i: May, ll ttl'fil.ini,; July,
J1.04'4; cash. No. 1 bard. tl.U2Ta; No. I
northern, $1.0lb'rrl "2: No. 2 northern, 98V)
Jijl I6'7,; No. 3, WV'iMe.
Ul. AX Closed at $2 3i.
Co K.N No. 3 yellow, 4147Ml4o,
OATS-No. 3 white. SnuoCiC
IIVlc-So. !. 7fi.'rj77'4C
HKAN In 1'10-lh. sack, 121002150.
H.OUR-Flrst patents. 4.7nff6.; second
patentts. 34 &fib V,; fit.t clears, 3.153.nd;
ecnd clears, $2. l&ij 2 75.
Peoria Market.
PKORIA. 111.. Dec. 28 CORV Bteady ;
No. 3 yellow, la'rtiiic; No. 3 white, 43c: No.
3 mixed. 4244y43i,c; No. 4 mixed. 41Vc:
sample. 39 'ii 40c.
OATS Kasy; No. 3 white, Il'icj stan
dard, 31 'c; N'o. 4 white, Sic.
Mew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Deo. 2R.-MONKY-On call,
steady at ZWZ1 per cent; ruling rate. 3tj
per cent; closing bid, 34 Pr cent; offered
at 3H per cent. Time loans, dull; sixty and
ninety days. 344 per cent; six months,
814 per cent.
cllne. with actual buslnes in Danaers duis
at 4.82'a4.Sl,2o for sixty-day bills and at
14.8510 for demand. Commercial bills, 14.8114
4(4. hZ.
rilljVrjtv car, dj si , mrntaii uuuai m, wv..
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Arm. ... . ......
Closing quotations on oonai iiwaj were
as follows:
.Ill's ini.-iaec. i-s tw
.100ln. Mar. Mar. 44a.. 44
.li'l Jaia 4a 814
.102 do 44a W4
.1164 K. O. So. let 8a... 94
.1164 U db. 4a (1931) M4
7S4 J.. A. N. un. 4a.. 44
102S M.. K 4t T. lat 4a. 174
lii& do can. 44a 84
60 Mlaaourl Paclflo 4.. 76
luf.'i N. H ot 84. 44a 44
814 N. V. C. (en. 84.. 4
t'Jl do dab. 4a 634
1054 N.Y..N.H. H. a.4a.l334
lta4 N. W. lat eon. 4a 9
Hl do ct 4a I'ni
9 No. Paclfla 4 tol
42 4 'I
Kis ' r. s. 1a rra. 4-,.. 9U4
ICS Pans. ct. 84a (19141 Mi,
Ilnleth (iraln Market.
No 1 northern, 11.02'4; No. 2 northern.
$1 or.
Cotton Market.
ciimra ipiici. ruinoiing upianas, I4.9tc; mid
dllng gulf, 15.2mc; sales. Sou bales.
New York cotton market, as furnished by
I-oiran Kryan. members New York Cot
ton exenance, sia mjuis Sixteenth street.
uniaua: ,
Month I Open High Low
Jan ... 14 6' 14 2 14 67
Msrch 14 ' 3 14 9S 14 fu
May ... U 07 15 14 14 05
July ... If 0 15 17 14 ji6
August ( 1 1 7f 14 45 14 ftj
Dec. ... 14 4J 14 oO 14 U
14 40
14 94
15 12
15 1
4 H5
.4 Li
14 64
14 94
15 13
15 lii
14 85
14 03
V. B. ref. Is. 1
do coupon ...
V. 8. ta. rag .,
do aoupon ....
V. S. 4a. res .
do coupon
Allla-Chal. lat
Am. A. 6a
Am. T T n. 4a.
Am. Tobacco 4a ....
do 4a
Armour A Co 44a
Atchlaon ten. 4a. .
dia. ct. 4a
do cr. 4
At. C. It. 1st 4a..
B A O. 4
do 14
do 8. W. 34a..
Br. Tr. ct. 4a
47. ot O. 6a
Central Uaathar ta
C. ot N. J Sn.
C. O. 44
do ref. 4a
C. A A. 84a..
n A U. ao
a. i,.irvt 4- 6S Bo.
cm. s r. f. ana uo ... . .
C K. I. P. 4 72 o lat raf.
do rti -4a. o. Rr. (a
Col... lnd. 4a do san. 4a
a,.io Midland 4 .. t'nloa Pacific
a s r. ex. aa i- -no
I. H. c. 4a..
.107 4 do eon. 4a l'4
. pus Reading (en. 4a.... 91 4
a .1254 U S. F. (. 4 .vi 4
...1014 do sen. 6a 144
... 94 II. L 1 W. eon 4a 1
... 704 do lat gold 4a ttet
4 174 Saaboaid AT U 4a 76
Pacific col. ta.. 91 '4
4a.... 944
107 4
4a ...D14
r R. a. a ..
do ref 6a
alnatlllara' 4a
Erla n. a
do prior Hen 4
lo c. 4a ear. A
alo aer. B
Gen. Klec. er. a
111 Coo. lat rt-eBld.
t4 do lat raf. 4a.. 44
. 954 V. 8. Rubber 4a 10:4,
. 69SV. 8 8teal 9.1 4a.. 1044
. 74 5 a -car. Cham. 4a. .1004
. 74 Wabaah lat 4a 1 '4
. 864 do 14 ax. 4a.. 44
. 7? Weat. Md. 4a 114
. 44 Waal, b'lec. rr. ta. . 92
...144S Wla. Can. 4a 91
4a.' 7 4 Mo. Pacific ct. 6a . 814
Loral Seenrltiea.
Quotations furnished ty Burns. Ertnker
U Co., 44 New Oinalia National bank bund
Council Bluff Water Co...
ru of Omaaa 4a. una
k u.i aa iaa
fr tlonda Market. V.J ,'..!:..; i-T. alia. Lt.ka. 1884...
NFW TURK, l.9ec. 3.-Cvtton goods held Colorado Tel. Ca. ' ''.l-i
leady and ro generally f(ull. 8ome inall 1 ta st luie an f.. . nl
exiH.rt trade with Chira la passing on four- i 'l"n,"?'M V" T . pJcJnt
ya.d -n4ilns.. Underwear and hosiery tor ,V.rtEn4 "'c.m.n, 4a... '
fall, li'll. are being sold steadily. Spot , L.'AJj ot H. tl. C 6 MH ...
dres goods trade la quiet, but cutters areiKaiaaa cur Ky. an IA. 4a, 114...,
ordering mure for epnn I ai.t. st. kr. 4. BU
BUTTER Creamery, rto. , nellvered to
the retail trade In l ib. carton, Slo; No. 1
In 80-lb. tub. 2Src; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons.
!9c; packing stock, solid pack. 19c; dairy.
In 60-1. tubs, 22I3c. Market change
every Tuesday.
- CHEJESK Twins, lVfcT7c; young Amer
icas, 18c; daisies, 17Wc; trlplts, 174c; Urn
burger, 18o; N0.1l brick, 170 ;imported
Pwlss, 32c; domestlo dwias. 24c; block Swiss,
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs.,
15.00 per dos.; hens, 12c; cocks, 104c;
oucks, lbc; geese, 14c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons,
per do., 31.20; homer squabs, per doz. ,44.00;
lancy squab, per dox., $3.60; No. 1 per
dos., 13.00. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth legs,
94c; hens, HHa; stsgs and old roosters,
8c; old ducks, full feathered, lOHc; geese,
full feathered, -9ot turkeys, 13Q18c; guinea
fowls, 25o ac"n; pigeons, per dos., Mc;
homers, per dox., $3.00; squabs, No. 1, per
dnz., $1.60; No. 2, per dox., 60c
FISH tall froten) Pickerel. Uc; white.
18c; pike. Ho; trout, 14c; Urge grapples,
20c; Spanish mackerel. 18c; eel. 44c; had
dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, SOo;
roe shad, $1.00 each; shad ros, per pair,
6&c; frog legs, per dos., sOo; salmon, lio;
halibut. 11c. 4
BEEF" CUT-RIbs: No. 1. 18; No. t,
124c; No. 8, $'ic Loins: No. L 17o; No. X
184c; No. 8. 4o. Chuck: No. 1, 74c No. 8,
8Hc; No. I. 4c Round: No. L 9c: No. X.
7ic; No. 3, 7Uc Plate: No. 1. 5c; No. 1
6c; No 3. 60.
FRl'ITS Oranges, California navels, S0
96 sizes, per box, $2.60; 126 size, per box,
82.75: small sizes, per box. $3.0); Florida,
all sizes, per box, $3.00. Lemons, Ltmoneira
brand, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, 86.00;
ihO size, per box, $5.00; choice, 800 size, per
bog, $4.60; S60 size, per box, $4. 75; 210 size,
60c per bjx less. Orape Fruit. Florida,
46-54-64-80-96 sizes, per box, $3.25(34.00. Ban
anas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.2t"x?j2.f)0;
Jambo, bunch, $2.75'g.75. I'ears, California
Winter Nellls, per box. $2.86; New York
Kelfer, per bbl., $?1.7D('4.00. Apples, home
grown cooking, per bbl., $4.00; Missouri
Jonathan, per bbl., $5.26; Missouri Ben Davis,
per bbl., $4.26; Missouri Wlneeaps. per bid.,
$4.50; Missouri Gano, per bbl., $4.50; other
varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Green
ing and Baldwin, per bbl., $1.76; Colorado
Jonathan, per box, $2.26; Washington
Gravenstein, per box, $1.60; California Belle
flower, per box. $1.60; Washington Grimes
Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, 88 to
126 sizes, pel box. $2.25. Pineapples, per
case. $4.50. Grapes, Malaga, 60 to 65 lbs.
gross, per keg, $7.00t8.uO. Cranberries, per
box, $3.76; Bell and Cherry brand, per
bbl., $10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle
brand, per bbl., $11.76. Dates, Anchor brand,
new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box,
$2.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
4c Figs, new California, 12 12-os. pkgs..
fc;c; 36 12-oz, pkgs., $2.40; 60 6-0. pkgs., $2.00.
tigs, Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c:
crown per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c.
VEGETABLES Potatoes, early Ohio. In
sacks, per bu., 80c; low and Wisconsin,
white stock, per bu., 76aK5c. Sweet pota
toes, Kansas, per bbl., $2.60. Onions, Iowa,
red and yellow, per id., 2c; Indiana white,
per lb., 3c; Bpanlsh, per crate, $1.40. Garlic,
extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per
lb , 16c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, pet
do., $2.00. Celery, Michigan, per dot
bunche. 85c; California Jumbo, per do,
bcha., 76c. Rutabagas, per lb., 14o. Cu
cumbers, hot house, IVi and 2 dox., per
box, $2.00. Tomatoes, California, per 4-b.ik.
crate, $1.75. Cabbage, new, per lb., 14c.
btrlng and wax beane, per market basket,
$1.60. Ittuce, extra fancy leaf, per uox,
40c. Parsley, fancy home-grown, per dos.
bunches, 40c. Turnips, per bu., 6To. Car
rots, per bu., 75c. Beets, per bu., 7uC.
parsnips. Per bu.. 75c.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts, black, per
lh. 84c: California, per lb.. l!c:
In sack lots, la lees. Almonds, California
soft shell, per lb., 17c; In sack lots, lc less.
Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lot, lc less.
Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc
less. Pecans, large, per lb., lsc; in sack
lots, lc less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb.. 8c
raw, per lb., 4c. Hickorynuta, large, per
lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts, per
sack, $5.50; per aox., sue. Money, new.
frames. $!.7T. cider. Yora Alott s. per
4rbbl., $3.;o; per boi., 40 fa.
Coffee Market.
XUW YORK. Dec. 28. fOPKEB Fu
tures opened steady at unchanged prices
to an advance of' 7 points on continued
covering or bull Buppurt, which appeared
to bo encouraged by the firmness of 111
zlllan uiaikei and unfavorable new crop
advices. 1 he European markets were not
belter than due, but made a steady show
Ink and during the middle ot the day
March contracts made a new lumi
record for the season, selling at 12.2.ic.
Releasing caused reactions later, however,
and the market cloned barely steady, net
3 point lower to 2 point higher. Salts,
W.:il baK. December. 11 u; January,
11 o.c; February, 11.14c; March, 11. lac;
April, 11 lie; May, 11.07c; June, lo.c; July,
10 hoc: Auguxt, 10 c; September, lo.itfc;
4,ctober, It) bc and November, 1066c.
Havre was 4 to 4 frano higher; Ham
burg, unchanged to Va f'lf higher; Hlo, 1.5,
I.Iku at 7 $"0, aiitoa 60, Hea. 4s 7$.",jO; is
itUi. Receipts at the two Brazilian porta,
":.M) baK attalnst 2oi bags last year.
Jundlahy receipts. ir.5.' bag against 8 JoO
bugs last year. New Yora warehouse de
liveries yesterday. 2u,72 bags 7jJ
I bag last year. Rio cabled that congress
has fixed the rale ot Brazilian exchuiiKe
in Ixmdon at hid. The rate ipjoted by to
day's cables '.va 1-3-d higher at 16 6-l'l.
Spot cvffee. steady; Rio No. 7, 134c; San
tos No. 4. 13Ttc. Mild coffee quiet; Cor
dova UV15o.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift & Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
B. Yansant & Lush....
Stephens Bros
11111 & Son
F. B. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
I j. F. Husi
McCreary & Carey ....
S. Werthelmer
l.eo Rothschild
Mo. & Kans.-Calf Co..
Ct rl8ty & Cllne
Other Buyers
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very
fair today, 122 cars bolng reported. This
makes tne total tor the week 6.900 head,
only about half as large as a week ago
and smaller than the Holiday week last
year by 2.6U0 head. The market as a whole
was in very satisfactory condition as
viewed from a seller's standpoint.
Packers were all out In the aiua In good
season this morning and anything in the
way of desirable beef steers finding favor
In the buyeia eyes commanded good strong
prices. The offerings were picked up
quite readily and early arrivals at least
were soon disposed of.
Cows and heifers also commanded good
strong prices and the trade on that kind
of oattle was sufficiently active to effect
a very early clearance. The market. In
fact, was In a thoroughly healthy condi
tion from start to finish.
The supply of stockers and feeders was
small, but still there was iult a sprink
ling, but none too many to supply the re
quirements of the trade. Buyers aa a r-ie
were out in the yards in good season in
the morning and practically everything
changed hands early. Quite a string of
hay led or stalk fed cattle sold to feeder
buyers at $6.60.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $6.0043.76; fair to good
beef steers. $5.266-00; common to fair beef
steers. $4 26'tf6.25; good to choice cows and
heifers, 44.7b'6.40; lair to good cows and
heifers. $3.65&4.76; common to fair cows and
heifers, lli.ooy 3.t5; good to choice stockers
and feeders, Kao&5.60; fair to good stock
ers and feeders, $3.8OiU4.60; common to fair
stockers and feeders, 83.3au3.80; stock
heifers, $3.0tK4.16; veal calves, $36a08.OU;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.304.30.
Quotations on range cattle: Choloe to
Crime beeves, lo.jaj-iji 60; good to choice
eeves, 86.0ixu6.26; fair to good beeves, $4.40
4J4.90; common to fair beeves, 4"U4.iu;
choice cows, $4,5046 00; lair to good cows,
13.50&4.00; canners, $2.70i&3.50.
Representative sales:
234 604 4411 I
M4 1.3i0 845
660 l.blO 2.2:o
34S 2,11 601
66 .....
896 406
M9 6,783 4,641
SHEEP In the neighborhood of eighteen
doubels of fed sheep and lambs arrived this
morning, but none of the regular buyers
appeared to be very anxious for material
and movement was slow from the start.
Steady prices acre maintained ns a rule,
but were obtained onlv after more or less
dickering between buyer and seller. The
noon clearance found most of the desirable
killing strings in second hands, moderate
receipts clearing In good season, while any
thing Ike a heavy supply would huve
doubtless been burdensome.
In the sheep branch of the trade year
lings sold ti 1 ns high as $5.00. which wa
also yesterday's high pr'ce on "breaker."
Choice handy weight yearlings would prob
ably bring $6 26 or moVe. Oood ewe moved
at $3.65, indicating a quotable top of Z.H.
It might be noted, however, that ewe of
ferings were especially slow.
Lambs sold up a high a $6 15. the sup
ply being none too plentiful and average
quality none too good. An apparent pre
ference for lambs In the east at present
prices, due largely to the same preference
In retail trade, la credited with the more
active inquiry for stock of this kind at
South Omaha and other river markets
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood
to choice light lambv. $1 0046.36; good to
choice heavy lambs, $5.2",'.ir.75; good feed
lambs, $5.3u95.75; fair feeding lambs, $4.50fi
oou: light common lambs, $3.00irl00; handy
weight yearlings. $4.7".ji36: heavy year
lings, t4.r(j-l.7o; good to choice light weth
er. $3.8tV&4 06; good to choice heavy weth
ers. $3.66fc4.00; good to choice light ewes.
$3. 40ti3. 9i ; good heavy ewes. $3.00413.60; feed.
Ing ewes, $2.25f3.0O; carmers, $1,6042 00.
Representative sales.
ferini-s lire lisht and price are firm, quo
I1111 .ns niiuiin from c tn 1'kV for Cali
fornia i.p to J'- and !4t)h'Sc for Ore
Kon from to Aprlroia In small
supplv ami prices are firm, but trading 1
I'.o't;'.-, I '. ii:ue; ettra choice, 1341
lisi . fiitic.. I'viic. I'emtie tery firm,
with a bitter Inutilrr; choice. 7V: extra
choice. K4"fi(i4c tarn v. !a-,e. Raisin
quiet but firm on report .f firm markets
in the west. Loose Muscatels are quot
at .M-'ii'lV; choice to fancy ceded, 14'
74' seedless. f-uM-; !cmlon layers. $1 20 u'
1 3...
A Islhle Knpplr of t.reln.
NEW VOUK. Diiv DS eJprclal cable and
telegraphic communications received by
liradstrei t show the following change in
avnllnhle supplies, n compared with pre
vious accoi nts Available suppllea:
Wheat, United States, east of the Rockies.
Increase. M;.inp bu. Canada, decrease. 1!7,
O110 bu. Total United State and Canada,
Increase. ,H.Vil bu Afloat fur and In Eu
rope, di-cresse, 3.3000a. bu. Total Amer
ican and European supply, decrease, 1.960,
0ti bu.
Corn -United States and Canada, Increase.
l.fwp.niiO bu.
Oats-United States and Canada, Increase.
34!' 000 bu.
The leading decreases and Increase re
ported this week follow:
I 'ecreas" Chicago private elevator. 87.
bu.; Cleveland. M.imo bu.: St. Joseph,
W,fxi bu. ; Louisville. 5.1,000 bu.; Hamilton,
rvl'.i"! bu.: Chattanooga, 50.000 bu.i Minne
apolis private elevators. Ro.oO' bu.
Increases Omaha, 63,000 bu.; Manitoba,
M.ODU bu.
...J ,
Turpentine and Hnals.
Firm; 76fi77e: sale, 6A bN.; re
ceipts, M bbls; shipments, 2 bbls.; stocks.
15.LH7 bbls..
KOSIX Firm; sale, $.543 bbl.; receipt.
4 001 bbl.; shipments. $ bbls.; stock. 7S.45S
bbl. Quotation: B, $5 80; D, $A.8?14jr V:
E. $r,.S2Vil6 K7V; F, $T..$7H: G. $6.S74-n5 90;
H. $6. 919m r..; I, $6(46.15; K, $6 70; M.
$7.10; N, $7.3..; W. (I. $7.40; W. W., $7.50.
latar Market.
quiet; muscovado. 89 degrees tef, $38o;
centrifugal, 96 degree tet, 3 86c; molAsse
sugnr, S9 degree test, 8 llo. Refined,
No. Av. Pr.
8 western ewes 96 4 25
834 western lambs 74 6 90
85 western lamb 76 6 75
15 western lambs, culls 64 4 75
517 western earllngs 86 4 70
118 wesfern yearlings 113 4 '0
32 western yearlings, ewes 90 4 35
77 western lambs 83 6 5
146 clipped lambs 7 6 00
10 clipped lambs 60 4 50
20 clipped lamb 20 4 50
244 clipped lambs 76 6 80
22." western ewe 101 3 70
25 western lambs 71 6 15
8 western ewe 146 4 00
55 western lambs 79 6 15
219 western ewe 115 3 85
M western lambs 103 6 35
11 western yearlings 89 6 SO
20 western lambs 89 S 60
80 western lambs 72 5 80
7. western ewes 100 3 40
71 western Iambs 63 6 65
4 western ewes IS.". 4 00
77 western ewes 109 8 65
16 western ewes, culls 100 3 00
Demand for Cattle Weak llogi
Lower Sheep 8trong.
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. -CATTLE Receipt,
18.000 head; market, weak: beeves. $4.66?(
7.30; Texa steers. $4.20(8)6.36; western
steers, $4.004i6.9O; stockers and feeders,
$3.4ifi6.80: cowii and heifers, $2.60&.25:
calves. $7.tr4T8.50. '
HOGS Receipts, 24,000 heed: market. Re
to lOo lower- than early; light. $7.66Sf7.i);
mixed, $7.6tX3'?.80; heavy, $7.5iV(j)7.90; rough,
$7.65(87.70; good to choice heavy, $7.7iWI.90;
pigs, $7.262j.06: bulk of sales. $7.76(.85.
SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts. 15,000
head; market, strong; native, $2.60ttil.3o;
western, $2.76JM.30: yearling. $4.75'U'5.8i;
lambs, native, $4.26&6.60; western, 4.7iB W.
Na. At. Pr. No. At. Pr.
81 897 4 80 21 1164 4 78
7 767 4 25 17 18 4 80
18 Ml 6 40 40 1879 6 90
20 1098 6 40 It 1.167 4 90
4 l'MU 6 40 84 1244 6 90
20 1060 4 60 81 1174 4 00
17 965 6 Wl 14 14l 4 10
81 106 6 40 80 1211 4 10
10 1746 4 6i 71 ,...1344 4 10
16 11 i7 4 70 14 1321 4 It
14 1150 4 76
8 ".. 796 8 85 18 tit 4 15
4 -.t 8 80 17 1007 4 It
836 8 36 3 Itoi 4 20
4 loOO 8 40 6 1094 4 80
1 1000 3 60 4 1040 4 26
8 4'.li 8 60 8 1110 4 26
4 191 3 60 8 10ST 4 86
4 1060 8 69 4 1114 4 80
7 ilf 8 86 8 8.10 4 80
18 11 : 4 8 9) i U40 4 80
8 1H4 8 96 18 866 4 80
8 971 4 00 tt 987 4 40
11 100 4 OS 1162 4 40
10 800 4 10 4 1113 4 46
I wa I 16 8 1160 4 60
8 1093 4 IS 8 1100 4 It)
8 444 8 76 733 4 84
8 a 4 00 4 664 4 25
7 49? 4 00 12 770 4 15
8 447 4 IS 31 1084 4 85
88 700 4 16 I M tu
8 6'. 4 16 7 843 4 70
1 1030 3 80 1 1160 4 88
f 1070 4 00 1 1660 4 84
1 12U0 4 00 1 1700 4 40
1 tlSO 4 00 1 140 4 60
J 14ft 4 It 1 1490 4 60
1 1470 4 J& 1 1.640 4 60
I 131 4 26 3 1460 4 W
1 U10 4 SO 1 1770 4 74
1 876 8 00 1 490 4 00
l. 476 4 85 $ 1M 4 76
8 860 4 40 1 190 1 74
8 284 4 60 1 till 100
1 874 4 74 1 140 6 00
4 424 4 85 4 147 8 IO
1 4) 4 00 8 160 8 04
418 4 00 41 4 10
678 4 25 4 470 4 10
410 4 26 8 146 4 10
640 4 45 4 748 4 14
423 4 65 10 7t3 4 10
4"0 4 70 8 44 4 15
367 4 70 4 M 4 16
trl 4 76 24 tnt 6 la
474 4 76 7 817 4 84
617 4 75 17 900 4 80
1,0 4 66 4 978 4 35
464 4 a6 16 116 i 26
670 4 90 10 842 4 85
694 6 00 110 1060 4 65
776 4 00
LOGS Hog prices suffered a reaction
th's morning, the decline being due to
heavier receipts and unfavorable advices
from eastern points. All weights and
grades had to sell cheaper, heavies meeting
with the most indifferent demand. Reduc
tions of 6al0c were apparent on most of
tin- early tales, but aa the morn ng ad
vanced, the situation grew more bear h
and close was at the full decline. Shippers
t.. l.-cted a few loads for epeculatlve pur
poses, but oiders from this quarter were
liardly large enough to give the general
in it. very much support.
Heavy hogs dro.ed to 17.50r7 .60. a com
pared with yesterday' spread of $7.rt4'0 ,.70
on same class of slock. Mixed hog moved
around $7.76 and light and amooih butch
er sold at or near the top. $?5. Move
ment at no time was very active, but
tmnl clearance wa practically complete.
Wh.le today's break leaes the market
In much ti e same condition tliet it was
Saturday, It will be noted that local valuet
are not only well up to tne logical level
but are even crowding eaitern valuu. tha
additional cot of delivery having l.ttle or
no cheapening influence.
Ijile arrital fared Btlll worse at the
extreme close, being fully 15o lower and In
aunie cases bids were all of 2oo lower, quit
Kansas City Lire Stork Market.
ceipts, .000 bead, Including 800 southerns;
market steady to 10c lower; dressed beef
and export steers. $5.8ai&r6.50; fair to good,
$5.00(6.8t; western steers. $4.75(66.00; stock
ers and feeders. $4.004W.3E; southern steers,
$4.76r(i4j.OO; southern cows, $3.00ji4.50; native
cows, $2.7.Vu6.fJ; native heifers. $4.25C(iS.OO;
bulls, $3.75(11.1. 05; calves, $5.(O'a.ri0.
HOGS Receipt , 8,0110 head; market. 5c
to 10o lower; bulk of sales. $7.70(qr.r;
heavy, $7.70(fiC7.80; packers and butcher.
$7.70Ca'7.8o; lights. $7.6y&7.80.
BHEEP AND IA M nn Receipt. H.Onn
head; market, 10c. to 15c lower; lambs, $5.7tVfK
6.26; yearlings, $4.30tl6.50: wethers, $3.7txg
4 35; ewes, $3-34.90; stockers and feeders
St. I.onls Live Scorlr Market.
ST. LOUIS, Den. 28. CATTLE Receipts,
2,500 head. Including 200 Texans; market,
steady to lOo higher; native shipping and
export steers, $6.5tB7.2f; dressed beef and
butcher steers, $.2o(ft7.0u; steers under 1.000
pounds, $5.5(Xi4'7.2o; stockers and feeders,
$3.76(tf5.25; cows and heifers, $3 76316.25; can
ners, $3.75-3.2S; bulla, $3.50iH3.25; calves.
$5.2tVu9.oo; Texas and Indian steers, $4.60g
6.60; cows and heifers, 83.5i9jiM.fa).
HOGS Receipts. 6,900 head; market,
steady to 6c lower; pigs and lights, $7.buii
8.00; packers. $7.9U3.06; butchers and best
heavy. $7.90ij7.96.
BHEEP AND IAMBS- Receipts, 4,w
head; market, steady; native muttons, $3.60
(04.26; lambs, $5.64.76; culls and buks, $2.60
4J3.U0; stockers, $2.25413.26.
St. Jnirph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2.5U0 head; market slow; steers, $4.50
3t50; cows and heifers, J2.76ao.50, calves,
$3 wni8.25.
HOGS Receipt, 6,500 head; market, 6100
lower: top, $7.ts5; bulk of sales. $7.75iJ7.80.
BHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market 10c higher; lambs, $4.606.60.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
4ame. nuRn. oueep,
South Omaha
St. Joseph ...
Kansas City
St Iuls ....
Chicago .. ..
Totals ...
.... 2.500
.... 6,0(0
..32.000 6O.90U S3.100
Metal Market.
dard copper, weak; spot and December,
$12 OOfefia 15; January, February and March,
$i2.05a 12 20. lxuidon market closed weak;
spot 4.06; future. 66, 15s. Local dealer
itiuon a nominally unchanged market.
Lake copper. $L3.0O&13.26; Electrolytic.
$12.76'ai3 00; and earning. $12,504 12.75. Tin,
quiet; pot December, January, February
and March, $3K 26& 38 75. London market,
steady; spot 176, 7s, 6d; futures, 175, 10s
lad. dull; $4.4.r.li4 56, New York; $4 3"w4.40
Fast St. Ixiuls. Iondon spot market. 13, 3,
9d. Siwlter, dull; $,'..55(0 5. 65, New York; $r..32'4
4l6.42. East St. Loula. Ix.ndon spot mar
ket, 23. 17s, 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrant,
4'J, 10ijd in Ixindon. Ically. Iron waa
dull and nominally unchanged. No. 1
foundry northern, $12 2.V 16 25; No. 2. $14 75
ti 15.75: No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
toft, $15.25'a15.75.
ST. LOIIH. Dec. 28-METATifi Lesd,
firm at spelter, lower at $5.35.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm; extra western creamery. 22c; nearby
print. 34c.
EGGS Scarce and firm; Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts, free canes, 37c, at
mark; western. In returnable case, 87c at
mark: western firsts, free cases. 27o at
mark; current receipts, free cases, Sic at
CHEESE Steady; New York, full cream,
fancy, September. 1540; October, 144'ul5c;
fair to good. 14al4ic.
Kaprated Apples and Dried Kralta,
APPLES Very quiet, but price are firm,
(m the fancy I quoted at 12Vt(13c;
chub's. Iliiime; prime. tVallc.
DRIED FRL'ITS ITunea Inactive, but of-
U'ool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 28 WOOL Steady ; ter
ritory and western medium, $Hj22a; fine
medlupis, 17i19c; fine, 12tflSe.
Three Men Charged
With Robbing Post
Office at Stockholm
James O'Brien, Joseph Smith and
John Howard Held to Await
Action of Grand Jury.
ABERDEEN. P. D., Dec. 28 (Special.)-
James O'Brien. Joseph Smith and, John
Howard are the names of three men
who were bound over late yesterday to
await the action of the federal court on
the charge of robbing the postufflce at
Stockholm, 8. D., on the night of Decem
ber 23. O'Brien and Howard are middle
aged men, while Smith is somewhat
younger. ' The evidence against them Is
so strong that there appears to be little
doubt of their conviction. The postofflc
Is located In a store at Stockholm, and the
men secured their loot both from the post
office and the stock of merchandise. After
looting the building they went to a livery
barn and stole a team, but met with the
mishap which eventually led to their ar
rest when they ran Into a barbed
fence three miles from Stockholm, and
were compelled to walk to South Shore,
four miles farther. Arriving there, O'Brien
and Smith hid in a barn, while Howard
walked on to Forestvllle. All three men
were captured the next day and were hur
ried to the oounty Jail at Watertown, where
they were kept until Deputy Marshal Byron
McVeigh could bring them to Aberdeen.
A quantity of shoes from the store at
Stockholm, and some nltro glycerine were
found In the possession of the men.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott of
Aberdeen Remarry
Couple Divorced Six Weeks Ago
Start on Second Matrimonial
ar a
pedal. )
on Ihf'f
he ceC
B. Bcctt
APKRDEEN. S. D Dec. 2.-(8peclal.)-
A.'L. McNaghten, county Judge,
day after Christmas, performed th
mony uniting In marriage George
of Aberdeen and Miss Wllhelmlna Bteffrn
of Des Moines, la. The marriage attracted
more than usual Interest here because it
Is not tha first time that Miss Bteffen has
become Mrs. Bcott. Scott Is a young lino
type operator, and very popular among his
associates, but differences arose between
himself and his young wife, and Mrs.
Scott returned to her parents' home In Des
Moines, and last November, In the stats
circuit court at Aberdeen, she was granted
a divorce from Scott, being granted the
right to resume her maiden name. Bcott
wag not content with the court's decree,
however, and Immediately resumed the
courtship by which he had won his bride
but a few short years before. Miss Btef
fen listened to his pleadings; the past wa
forgotten or forgiven, and a second wed
ding six weeks after the divorce was se
cured start he young couple again on
tha matrimonial sea.
Youthful Eloyer Married.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 28 (Bpsolal.)
The youthful romance of Herbert Oalns
and Ella Brum icy, a Mellette boy and girl,
aged 18 and 16 years, respectively, who
eloped to Aberdeen a week ago and were
arrested here on ' orders from their pa
rents, culminated happily at Itedfleld,
where, with the coneent of their parents,
they were united In man-lag by a Jus
tice of the peace.
Hraudle Goes ta Jail.
PIERRE), 8. D., Dec. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) In ths supreme court today In the
case of the State vs. Frank Brandle, from
Hyde county, the lower court was af
firmed In a conviction of Brandle on a
charge of rustling horses. Brandle was
one of a gang of alleged rustlers cleaned
up by ths county authorities and demanded
a separate trial, but was convicted, as
were the rest.
Small Coins on Way
Back to Treasury
Banks Are Returning- Fractional Cur
rency Withdrawn to Meet De
mands of Christmas Trade.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 28. The flood of
small coins which th mints ground out for
the Christmas trade has begun to find Its
way back to tha vaults of the treasury,
where It will II until another holiday shop
ping season.
Some $20,000,000 In all. In dimes, quarters
and halves, ar coming into Washington by
express. Stores hustle the coin to th
banks and the banks quickly send It back
to ths treasury. It Is being redeemed
moMly in silver certificates.
Christmas this year made a new record
In the demand for pennies. For three
weeks preceding Christmas th Philadelphia
mint stamped out coppers at tha rata ot
l.t.iO.000 a day without stemming the de
mand. Where the pennies alt went to no
one knows. None of them ever returns to
ths treasury. They seem to be lost In circulation.