Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    tut: nr.n: omaha. tititpat. pkc?;mrkr z?. imn.
tins Grucnther at Lincoln Talks of
Coinins LtEiiialjjF.
" j
ts 1r r Vtel Drvix-ril W a ;
!" (aarae r.aaatlet
ri(t far Him
eraar'e Mi
n -
f . --m a P'aff V-rrTTlr.
t.T.vrriT,N. V . I'v ? i i!
fh1 rupthp of V1mt, rm ce i i iir- :
Trsr of the- aia'e democratic rnminlrt j
fsrd today on Hi rnir Shinherrr. .
n4 latr nry a itlrtH ihit h"tn j
r tn faop of t tfriin of Rrpft 1
ftrtaf K W Q'ia'tnhii of n?hff j
rojptr. a "Apt. fT rTip of th hon
'r H fl' inii( Kt h.h
l'Itn tn a'Cpt Mr O'lakmbnuuh
rdi'v tbftv c4 If'it nv olhr
moorat. tny fl1rl rand dtp to uh- j
' BMt to th t'l of a tmiortlc rm-fnf ,
"! undM-cnd tnerr t a flmwri'tr ma- 1
' ri) In irr of th lrF :at'ir." p J
rt'!ll. "hut I Vavft rct takn any rart In
fp prorftd rn'aat(oTi and I do not
ttiind to I hnjiid b a riead. howr.
I-. to tne wt and dry 1u midf a )ln
ialff demarcation in the tirtaniiatlon. I be
' 1 v fnr'ntatlv Qua'-Ji-nbufth of N
m ha. who ta a dry. mould b a food dem
ocrat to fill tn offr of iakr. H li
the onlr ona of the raedtdatet for that fo
ttoi whom I know."
"Would It he pe!r.le for wet to mikt
a tod apa.kerT" waa aaked.
"Teo. Jt would be rery roaelble for a wet
to tnaJte a good apeaJier. If ba la a demo
crat," replied Mr. Oruenther.
bireraer npora 0e" U.
Oorernor Phallenberrer today announced
that be would recommend In hit meaaatw
a rhang-e In the primary law eo that the
epen prtmarr ahould ba eliminated. Ita
propoaea to recommend the primary law
that existed prior to the amendment of the
laat IfC.ilature. an amendment which he
aimed. He believe the primary law,
rlned aa It eaiatad prior to the an ton of
lW. la aa good aa any law of tne kind In
' other atatea.
In regard to the aubmlesaton of aa amend
ment to the constitution for the InlUatlva
and referendum ho ha not decided what
to tell the lerlvlature. but ha la confident
i from his Inreatlfatlon of the workjnira of
such coostltutlona In other atatea that It
will be difficult to ret a law that will
brlt.f rae-ulta. Ha bellevea the tsk of
draft'nt a proper amendment to the con
stitution will be more difficult than the
work of draftlnc a ruaranty bank de
posit law. a taak that occupied the entire
time of the last legislature, and the law
has thus far not been sustained by the
' a courts. He finds that few lawa are en-
acted in other otateo ander the referen
dum, moat of the propos.tlons belnc de
feated. . .. . .
Tha rail-ay commtaaion la preparlnit an
order today reduclxc tha carload rates on
crude, fuel and . other klnda of oil. Tha
oommlawlunera were consulting Assistant
General Preicht A rent Jo best on of the
Burllng-ton llnea west and S. F. Mlllea- of
tha North west era aa to tha correct nee i of
tha rate.
Bedaela (ra4f Oil Rate.
Tha order of tha commlaelow will aoon
be Issued. It win ba tnrued hi tha matter
of tha complalnt'laatVutea by Tictor WH
aen of Polk county, who aaked for the
aama rate r-reax-rlbed by tha leclalatura
of Kansas. How (such of a reduction la
te be made by the co mm last on la not
Tha !e-iela.Uve committee of the BLate
Charities aad Corrections association met
t ik Kaw l.lnell this artarwooa. After
a lunrhenn together, the committee Cla-y-Vkiuaaed
proposed legislation which Is to be
Xaubmltted to the leglslatura next month.
The creation of the nonpartlaan board of
control for all state charitable Institutions
waa ona of the principal subject under
diacuaslo. DraJt of proposed acts cover
ing" the auhjert were presented by the
aubcommltte which baa been investigating
tha aub)ect and the a ere reviewed by the
Other topics belnf considered were tha
establishment of a reformatory which will
rank between the penitentiary and the
boys' reformatory at Kearney, and the ex
tension of probationary aad suspended sen
tence Judgments. Tha oommttte will re
port to tb association at It meeting In
Uaool January it and li.
Cavlkellea Take Oatk.
Catholic ptieala of tb Lincoln diocee
111 tomorrow take the new oath of al
legtance to the Ko mas Catholic church. The
new oath dlfTera fpem the former vows tn
that It - pc4fkally pledge the priest
against belief In any other doctrlnaa of tha
so-oalled "modernists." who have been an
Insurgent fore In the church for the last
four years. Tha priests of .each deanery
wilt meet at tha residence of the dean to
pledge themselte snew. Fifteen priests
1U lake tha oath In Lincoln.
FT ral!oa la Fay rtfty.Tssa Than
- Mat Ueilwra at Aerepted
br Vetera.
TORK. Neb . Pec St -ippeclal l-Th
proposition cf buying the Tork water
weeks for t2.W aaai Vost by a deejalve
TOte. In every ward sn the citg it failed t
carry. Sometime ago the dty council had
an expert come here to appraise the value
of the present waier company.
ie - D.
praised Its re I vslue at Hi f0. Troirty
owner objected to buying the plant as a
reason that the pines had been in the
bround for over taejity year, and that th
power plant had been practically d
mantled, Iwer" no' "telng furnished by
the electric llghtc onipany. A new fran
chise baa been agreed upon between the
city and the water company by which
York only pays IH per year for each hy
drant and very hydrant over ninety, is to
coet only gat. The eompany Is to fumlah
free water for flushing sew era. washing the
raved streets, a'l school houses, al) parks,
etreet sprinkling, fire houses and twelve
fountains far msn and beast. Because :
good servic. pur water, and low cost to
consumer, voters considered they were
much better off than to vote bonds.
It se ae a I a 1 1 E 1 e t
f rasa
Caaaty ta aa lb Jab t apir.
AIJdA. Neb . Iec (Special V-Tl e re
publican rprsaenttrva-e4e-t, l. 4s Har
din, cf this county has fntshed drafvlns
five bill that ti will Introduce during
th coming satluD of th legisiatur The
.r. r.-baa. .
are as -
A bill It tklvh tbe county asaeieors
A Mil ts repeal 'be primary election law
A bi-annual eieeUon bilk
A bill provedln o IM laxatloa of the r . ,Jl L--J. a
A b,U enlarging th. ,ariad,e,K of ,'...!?";; ' r! ,hf ' !" --..-s ,
county Jude In proti matter. I .
. A , A44ag ia th Read t
Big KelurtA.
Farewell Reception
Uiveii boveruui-tiiect
Luke i M. E. Lhur.h Conjugation
Tuaen Honor to J.l;mter Soon
to Leave for Lincoln.
Ml' CITY N'l- h"
- !
If' l.l.kea M''rv.d' f.PIWltl rhiir. h of
; hi rny gje lr'l pr icn
iP'flit to Jo er not i U 1 and Mr .rh
I ' leaie nM Von.! f r t": ir r ev I
r-tent and a'l parte. fc'1 " cp. irches '
r represent d In 1 he receiiint 1 n
v re tde g.' rnr.f-i and M l'iriri
Ri. J IV Gt! int Mi iidiip. A !.
Huihc. Mr Jftm l.fll ami It and Mil J
i 1 Ricli
Thrf m a rrft'i nc l.j M. Kprn ftn- (
r an1 tn i'p t! M-n s ;!o" rlub and
Iati1 i"it . orrh-:r.i At tb io of
ftth proemmiTi a I'.n I m a ftr4. A.
M Wsllina. srnr.d ma'rr mrknun cf he
Annent Order l"nitx1 Workmen, aas chair
man of the een np.
Pay Raised la l aad Official '
area la lIO tae that Katlaaate
ll Tn HI..
BLOOMriKU. Neb.. I ec ii-eclal )
The government census of isO credited
Knox county with a population of 343
and the U1 cemus gives it IK .3TA. a gain of
4.0"J In the decade The more the taxpay
ers of this county have been studying these
two census reporte for the last few weeks,
the more they are becoming thoroughly
aaakened from their lethargy and are aek
Ing themselves the pertinent question:
YVhy they have been paying; their county
officials and their deputies salaries for
the last six or seven years based on a
population of 2. 50". a population that every
reasonable and Intelligent man In the
county believed to be several thousand too
Mgh during those years.
On July 11. Vi. the county board met at
tha county seat and went through some
kind of a pretenae to take testimony in
order to determine the population of the
county, and after thla deliberation immedi
ately resolved that the population of the
county In IK was 71.M3. la 16 was 22.162.
and In IMS) was 22.00. No seoner had the
board agreed on this population of the
county then It forthwith proceeded to get
busy boosting the talarle of the officials
and their deputies. It raised the sheriffs
salary from SI. 500 to tl.Tad. the county at
torney's from to I1.M, and the deputy
Clark and deputy treasurer each the extra
to 11 O. and the board even became so
Imbued with such a fplrlt cf generoity
that It went back and paid the deputy
clerk and deputy treasuerer each the extra
DUO per year from 15 O up to
A the lilO census shows only a popula
tion cf H.IZ'S and the board's census of
IMS shows 22.500. a difference of 4.142 or
a losa of population In four years. It be
comes plainly evident that several thou
sand dollars has been paid out to thoae
county officials In the way of excessive
salaries, and the question that now arises
la the minds of the taxpayers is: YVon't
somebody have to pay this money drawn
In excessive salaries back to the county?
Caws Cesstr Jt siport loaatea t.
PLATTSMbLTrf. ' Neb . Lec. Jk (Spe
cial.) County 8uirintendent Miss Mary
Foster Is engaged th.s week making a dis
tribution of the atate apportionment of
school funda for Caas county funds. The
amount of money to be distributed, includ
ing fine. I $4.(4 W. The number of school
children sharing this apiortlonmenl is
Nebraska 3ieia Jfoles.
MlL.LN H. B. Boyer has bought the
John Keeae ranch six miles north of here.
The consideration was K.joii-
BEAT RICE Ro sco Mcpanlel and Mias
Mabel Myers were married here yester
day. Rev. U. I. Young officiating.
FRANKLJN James Bow en baa purchased
the W. H. Ingle large store building on
Nebraska avenue. Consideration, tf,?uO.
BEATRICE William Jenkins of Lin
coln and Miss Anna Philder of this city
were married here last evening by Rev.
L. D. Young.
BEATRICE Edwin Hill of Ellis and
Miss Blanche Green of Hollenberg. Kan.,
were married at the Christian parsonage
here. Her. J. E Iavle officiating.
BEATRICE Fir of unknown origin Mon
day night damaged the residence of E. L.
tarnea on bouth Eighth street to the ex
tent of Fir Chief YVoelke was over
come by smoke and had to be carried
from the building.
BEATRICE Prof Maynard of lola,
Kan . a former Beatrice resident, has pur
chased n Interest in the Northwestern
Business co!)ee of this city and will as
sume his duties as Lualneas . manager of
the Institution January L
KEARNEY While Mrs. Fred Ross was
driving down ona of the streets of tins
city Tuesday afternoon, one of her horses
reared and In tailing struck the po e with
its foot. Tb hoof was broken off and
rolled away in the street The horse was
KEARNEY WilHard F. Bailey, secretary
of th Kesri. ey Commercial club for two
years, revisned this r-fc oo account of
taAtiig up his residence 4a o..n aa
representative from this district, t'haries
K. Oehler was unanimously chosen to fill
his piece.
KEARNEY Robert Larimer. injured
Saturday when a team driven by his s-in
became firghtened and dashed into his
bugey. is very low and chances for his
recovery are not many. Both legs were
broken, one of them twice above the knee,
and his kneecap shat'ered
FRANKUV-J f GKwtin. wl o was trie!
j m district cuurt last week upn the charge
f aseault upon the 5-year-. .id da;.gl.ter of
m e.riie.ii i.pwr juvecion. wun IOUI1Q
iguiltv a i.rt last Friday Judge Duagaji sen
tenced him to serve seven yea.-s in trie
KEARNEY The directors of the Kearrev
Commercial ().,h al a meeting estefdav.
selected f iur del'nates to the "5ood Itoais
convention, wiich will te t.f Id in
j January y 1 l.e 'le egaies are Mavor J
. I'auereon. i. iv ice:s t.. it Andreas
and C. G Finlth
MC1.LKN-YV. H Wii'.is formerly pro
prietor of Ihe llunt.ev afe of Hunt'ey.
Neb. las arrived wttrt lis em:g-am ear
and Is legating on h's ranch ten miles
northeast vt this city which he purr! aee.i
of Robert Ultle Mr Lit; ie will spet.d the
winter In southern Teas.
A!. Ma Har'sn rountv has lust recently
f nished racing all tne hac u,
state nd Messrs. John lunlavv. Thoma
Blcl-man and flenrj Peoples who are
checking over the rountv treasjrer's tKvks
are of the opinion that taxes in the rountv
will be reduced next jear. .
FH AN K I.TN T.lnd Velw.n has disiwed
of al! lis prot-erty here snd all remove
to a'ifornia nvl soring Mr Ne'son at
one time was sheriff in 1age coi nty and
ranie here a few venrs ap. and investe.1
In rheao lands and ritv projrtv arid later
engaged in the banking b.utmeas
AXFLET-The lllaie lard of Ar.s'ev ha-
a; jioin;ed A leuin and A lUrrv IWter
ae a comntttae t iak i n anl have an
en rmeer
ome-with a view of put'i-ir a
I concrete dsm rn tie U .fldi er.ek f.r d
veiooing water power to run tb muni.-ij
eiectru plant and f.r ohrr power t
CtLI-AYVAY-Tt, !!) Masonlo temple
Is now en.loaed snd wit be rewii for h'as.T within the next two months TMs
! l.nt Ixur c'.iintv furfur rr1 r-.r rf t -
r'd pioneers. vk, sni i.onial fr .i.ed-
J leal treat mer t- He wa accwmijiied ky
I' fo .pi ir -
1 - .n ft ! ur,TM
s i , eMi'ea :n n nen
1.' p i '" .m ? ha
.1 ; u ! f is s it
" SI.- tip po-t.el t-tPT
1 t,' n'n pur.. ism. t s ha.e
i'lrf r t , .
i M I . l ; 1 -
? ' . Kl I'll,
t r, r,. n, , ,) , ,,
', f iMipiH nn In
r" ha t " t -nop"
of tne ilfitiip-
1 1
"! ii an i-ai
i t ir- ( ! tia:"P
I KAN Is 1..N-l r..l M Hus -rs s i-
'"Ml'tinn cf ir Ft nk in 1 1 . u . ., ..
iirt.H frt-n tti- jstlit' nej.ftM ment
i t ii-ati'ii an i'1-.iitute miT'i-ti.-n ter
i i .ftir aoior.K tlrftt h Is a vnrior in-fti'-ij.t.f
ii h.-titn, rai'.r.- s.t itlv . b(rtjl-ti-te
and i 1x .c i I are tb- f'rt
mtli atea ot the kM ls'iid in th.s state
aiio lT"f Husvti4 ts . -t t'.IK at: .No. "
'K.NTHAI. rrry-Jol-n I'e. k oi Talmrr
anie d'lvin tr j swore ut a i '..mi'laint
I araip t..a J.n in low . j tin Reese. wih
i 'Iiia g j i i t t.f a siatnt'.rv orfne rKsini
w.f li i nn rs 1 1- ear-. .!u oauahter. Sherilf
iit went in ana bruiiicrtt K--e d"n .at
"Jay irj on Tiw la I e was released on
In ri jS. utiMi was fu-niehed h his
f 1 1 ,. r prliminarv htaring wss t
Iit Januarv lv ,
K KAK.n KY - The s-ate s. ' oo.
b" k prKlurei a isnta'a In the e "oo
rlep'l l"-t eienuig lfme a la--g an.l well
pi.-fd autlieme Several diftirmt drills
we well exerute.1 and some Sft g." were
n.i x ihe ...a wiio made great hits as
f rM-ria-i mine.! anft. The ranlstts. Ia
la.'i. tij. Heautifiji vjueen. ' wan written hy
K I' rnraeraid. an instructor ft! the
svhi'ol. 'Ihe entriainment will be repeated
In Kfamey at tlie vpera housv Monday
ei nit.g
FRAXKUX- Old was received iiere
Tuesday that Oeorse YV. Miller died Le
'emler . at his li .me in Fortland. Cie.
At t f.e time of death he was ST years old
He was a pioneer settler in this county,
having i r.uie here in l;i and hoineeteallii
a quarter rear Macon, t-ater l.e removed
fro mthe farm to Franklin and engaged
in the mercantile business with his eon,
the firm hwr.g Miller A fon. In 1WS he
it-moved to t'reron. whete he resided up to
ti.e time of his death. He owns a store
butMing here on Nebraska avenue and
lav.s ony one living brother, H. . iliikr
of this iit.
FT.ATTSMOVTH Charles Phopp resld
in on his farm nep this city, was sur
prise jesterdfty. YVhl'e some 'en m'les
away from home running his corn sheller
twenty-one of h's neighbors, usinr seven
teen wagons and t m invaded his corn
field and husked and cribbed forty acres of
corn for him Mr Shupp had got a little
behind with his corn gathering this fall.
tlng away with the -heller, and his regh
t'Ors planned and executed the Wrirest sur
prise for him that he ever experienced
The wives of the neighbors came over also
and mw'stpd Mrs. Hhnpp in preparing d n
ner and supper fr the huskers The men
and teams cribbed about 1 000 bushels of
Governor Carey of
Wyoming Boosting
for the Land Show
Em Appointed Some of the Leading
Men of the State to Act on
Adrisory Board.
The newly elected governor of YY'yoming.
Judge j.-taeph M. Carey, has sccepted the
position of vice president for YY'yoming
fop the YY'esYern Lend-Products exhibit, and
has obtained the following advisory board
for that state:
A. R. YY'hltely. Cheyenne: Edward Toung.
Lander; YY. 8. Edminston. Cheyenne: Trof.
B. C. Buffum. Woriand: R U. Hopkins.
Wheatland: L. F. Hurd. Hherldan; Prof.
B. C. Knight, Laramie; E. 8. Drury, En
campment. Judge Carey, who Is the author of the
famous 'Carey act." la not only an active
worker for the attendance of th new
west, but he is also one of the. bst fosid
men on western conditions. Referring to
the Land show. Judge Carey wrote to C
C. Rosewater, as follows:
"'I appreciate the work that you are do
ing, and feel that nothing is adding more
to the Interests In western states than
the various land itioM that are being beld
throughout the country."
City Dads Favor a
Garbage Crematory
City Engineer Craig Sayt He Saw
Some on the Coast Work
ing Well.
The project of establishing a garbage In
cinerating plant for Omaha la gaining th
support of all tbe dty officials who are
Interested and when the county delegation
takes up the matter in the legislature there
will be very suong sentiment In favor
of It.
"I looked over some of tb plants on the
coast." said City Engineer Craig, who re
turned a few days ago from California,
"and anyone who see bow successful tbsy
are Is sure to b In' favor of on for
Omaha. It does not do to assert that such
a plant will generate much power, because
It probably cannot b of great servic In
that way. but It It a quick, sanitary and
thoroughly practical method of disposing
of th garbage."
Tli plant now la us In Minneapolis,
which waa th first on seen by the Omaha
councilmen and th one that Inspired their
enthusiasm. Is described In a report mads
to tb League of American Municipalities.
U la a specially designed fumac fitted
with two hopper- rh highly Infuunmabl
refuse Is put in one hopper snd is fed Into
the fir at will to keep It going while th
leas combustible refuse la poured In atead-
ily and consumed. Tbe fire is so arranged
j that th refuse Is suspended over It on
i one grate and tl.en as It drops through
falls into another fire. Insuring that it la
all thoroughly testroed.
Bologna for Dinner,
Father Put in Jail
Scanty Dinner Leadt to Family Dis
turbance Gam, Police and An
gry Housekeeper in Mix-Up.
i-. .. . . rv,.lt.,4 T.A 'r. v AJ1A T u . .
enwcirth street can't get along with
women His first w fe died His second
wife divvtceu h.m. liis ho.isekerptr !ie
put him in lail
Trouble :n the TV Y'aney bouehold
Tues1ay night when the dinner provid-1
by the head of the ho-.iae consisted of It
I cents worth of the bologna of commerce,
j In restoring order snd Mr. !
j Y'aney resorted to the use of a reolvrr.
; He inapt J me gun fruitlessly several
j times before he discovered that Mrs Helen
i Herron. il.e housekeeper, had extracted
j the cartridge He paused to load tha gun
'when s polioemsn api-eared
j le Y'aney was arrested and charged with
' the pese on cotiip'.s nt of Mrs.
! Hrrrv.n He was sen'.enred to fifteen days
1 In jail by Judtfe Crawford In pol.c court
j Y'edneday morning
The children. Margaret. T years old:
CenevWve, t year, and Julia It Lav
tm turned over to the Jiiveniie off.cera.
t Talal tllM
of the fjncliwn cjf stomach, l.vtr.
gnd b-.we's Is u.ik! disposed of aim
Eiectrlc Bitters jMu. Tut sals by Beaton
Bees Bovt mat It.
T. i. Creates k ten-Csai.
Ttke Tear rrtauij ta tbe Times.
Besdisg Umpi- Barf-4trada
aV.aetaart. " i-pinpr aph r. !,-. a. Kar'i i
Tom Moor Club Da ace Tt- next j
dsn'-e of the Ir.-i Nm fl.ih ni l he gi.en '
Tr-i.rsda n:eht at p.-ie'.it"i T'.rnr hall.
Tnirte-nth .ird loriis streets I
W Caa Set Ten T per seat on your
ninri in amounts tf t- to ti '. no i
iei.gth of t'me wanted G:d security i
l-.astinits aV He., den. Ii4 liaiTey St.'
XDesstmeats In the Nel i-e- i -a Uin
As n cam " ier ar.n'i-n ctel'tej s-f;i'-annisa'ly
;.r. ti Its ti l 1- a-nam
street Board of Trade x Hiding, ( in.alia
ttr B Saf Than Sorry Keep your the hearing he mev decide that the manual
tsniabies in a btitg ar proof private safe at I shall not be considered as evidence
Omaha Safe I'eposJt and Trust company.: w j conneii. attorney for Chief Iona
stteet entrance at Nr.. p:i4 Farnam street, hue. objected to Atlome General Mullens
Bsoeptloa to Bishop Beecber George offer of the police manual, the objection
YV. l.ininger lodge cf Masons will give a I being mad on the ground tt at the state
receition at the lodge rorri Thursday j had not sh 'Wn C at the police department
evening In honor of Bishop Geotge A.
Reecher of the nvissionary district of Kear
ney. stolen Aatonsobile The owner doesn't
worry, for our automobile fire tnsuranc
policy also coveu theft of the machln.
Creigli, Baldrige A to. phone liouglas
;( Most liberal policies, lowest rates.
Phon Loug.
Th Bnbbar fttara, the only lac In
tosn to g-t what ou want in th way of
rubber. If it is made of rubber we have
It. Tbe Omaha Rubber Co . E. H. Spragu.
Pre . 1 Harney stret. just around th
sVobersos at rtrt Ktb4Ut Tonight
at the First Methodist church Mr. Frank
Roberson will present special Illustrated
travelogue of the Psasion plsy st Ober
amergau. Thursday, at S p m . "Tyrolean
Alps." snd at t p. m., "Around About
Pari '
sTewsboys Vt Enough money
was left ever from the irfiotint collected by
th probation officers for the newsboys'
Christmas to buy each one of the boys a
psir of gloves. An additional gift of tJt w as
received from Miss Katberine Krug, sent
in memory of her father. YY'ilMam Krug.
ma righter Batne4 Will Rpady,
a colored prixe rghler, lost a verbal en
counter with the police court YY'ednesday
morning and waa aentenoed to thirty days
In Jail. Kpady suffered his first knock
down when the prosecuting attorney
charged him with being a suspicious char
acter. Sutra raj for Bmploy Employe cf
Hayden Bros.' store who worked Monday
have been given their choice of two propo
sitions In consideration of their working
when moit of the other large stores were
closed. They may have double pay for that
day or they may have two days' leave of
absence In January on full pay.
Oar 1 railed, a On start Over a
dosen passengers narrowly miased injury
when street car No. 623 ran off the track
and crashed Into a telegraph pol near
Florence Wednesday morning. The pol
was snapped off at the base and the front
of the car badly damaged, but no one wag
injured. An obstacle lying on the rail is
said to have caused tbe accident.
Oaxman Worker Bnfit The Work
men's circle will glv a benefit program
Thursday evening at the Lyric to raise
funda for the Chicago garment workers
strike. B. McCaffery wHl act aa chairman
and some of the sctors from the Orpheura
will assist in the entertainment Louis V.
Ouye. deputy state labor commissioner,
will speak cm the aubject of th "igtruggl
of the Garment Workers
Interested U tb Hartji wast Tha call
of th big northwest uovatry has reached
George A. Price, a lavld City banker, who
1 tn Omaha to visit Land show head
quarters and inquire into development pro-
JecU to be x plotted at th show next
month. Mr. Price haa recently sold his ln-
tereet In th Butler County Ktats bank at
larld City. Hs contemplate Investments
In tb northwest In some of the new snd
growing renters ther. He Is especially
Interested In th town of Redmond in th
Deschutes valley.
Christmas Mail
is Cleared Away
Syttem Oivei the Omaha Pottoffice
a Chance to Distance Other
Probably unuk any other city post
office In th I'nited Eta tea. th Omaha
posioffic Is cleared of Christmas mall.
Tha attention of Postmaster B. F. Thomas
has been called to th conditions of many
postofflces of the sam six aa Omaha's
throughout tha country and in nearly
every Instance, ha says, tha mails ax still
Postmaster Thomas accounts for tbe
quick dispatching of mails through the
local branch offloe by th new system in
stalled this Christmas season. Fifteen ex
tra carriers and thlrty-fie extta clerks
wer employed for th holiday season, and
th mail cars which mak sixty trips a
day to th depots increased their number
of trips upon Friday and Saturday. Cars
went to the depots with mail as soon as
thsy wer filled Ignoring schedules.
"An unusual thing happened thla year.
said th postmaster, "which obviated the
usual congested conditions to a great ex
tent. Fifty carriers voluntarily cam back
to work Saturday night. Wc also had ons
subcarrler for every three regular carriers
to expedite delivery. The carriers de
livered Saturday night 9i extra registered
package. In former years it was th rule
it send out notices to persons who had
registered mill requiring thrrn to coma to
the post off! c and get it Since last year
th rule has been changed so that the
carrier can deliver registered mail. At
previous Christmas times the mails hav
been very congested because the people
did not get these notices in time or they
dels)d coming after their package until
the very last day.
"To have looked Into the mailing and
registering divisions Monday, one who had
seen It In former years would think busi
ness had fallen off ronaldersbly, but I be-
! lieve the stsmp receipts for Iecember. lid.
will show a gain of IN per cent over last
Theater's Yw tar
Chaeea ay U. J.
I WarWer
The business snd executive staff for the
American Music ball under the new owner
ship snd management will be as folio a.
according to announcement of P. J. Rondy,
manager and owner; ee rrtry and treas
urer. Mrs. Alveraon; orchestra director. J.
K. Flts. press represents ttve. Henry"
Grapecgiser: stag managr. EL If. Waller,
doorman. F. W. Harte; ele.-t rlciaa. K. O.
Himer. advertiatng agent. Marcus Lynch;
program manager, llaroid Groom. The bog
olf.c open Thursday morning and
remain open every day hereafter frocu t
a m. until It p. m. The first performances
will be gln unua.
Digger, Better B-eler That Is what
sdterilsir.g la The Be will de fur ur
jSayt He Will Per.d; Lter Whether
! to Ccntidr It.
4eaber Harbacb of tbe rlre Te.-
lire HmtI Testifies acatasl tbe
kief at tbe Hearts
YYeMaea4nf Xsrslsi.
db-eriir-n of the defnee to the dmi'oTi
in evidence of the trinuli of tie p-'ice
department was overruled bv Referee R - h-
ert F. Kvnn in the !wrihu otisier heai
'r In overruling the ohje-tion T.eferee
Fvsrs enplained tat his hld ng was not
niw-eesari! final and III! at the end rf
' bv law Is requird to be gnv erred by the
ripes and regulations contained In the
manual J
The remainder cf the rooming sit'irg was i
consumed h a-gumer.ts of Mr. Connell and
the attorney general on the question
whether or not C J Karbach. member of j
the R"erd of Fire and Police Commissioners !
should be permitted to give testimony to j
show that soliciting ws going on in tie;
"buent" district st s time when the chief
cf police said no soliciting wss going on 1
Referee Evens made a ruling similar to
that made in th matter of the admission
In evidence of the police department man
ual, receiving Mr. KarbaeVs testimony,
but reserving final decision aa to its ma
teriality. Msralsg tesstsa Open.
Th hearing reconvened with A. J.
Shields, clerk of the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners, on tb witness stand.
Mr. Fhields identified report of the ar
rest of a party of gemMep pteferee Evans
sustained Mr. Wonnell's objection to At
torney General Mullens offering in evi
dence tb report, the objection being
made on the ground of Immateriality. The
complaint against the chlet Mr. Connell
contended, does not refer to gambling
"YVhst rules are the polio department
acting ucderT" asked Mr. Mullen. Mr.
Connell objected, saying:
"It has already been shown by witness'
testimony that It is acting under no rules
whatever, so fsr as law is concerned."
YY'hrn th objection was overruled. Mr.
Shields said the department Is acting under
the rule la the polio department manual.
Witness testified that he has furnished
out of th manual to Chief Donohu and
to other members of the police department.
H said payment for printing of th man
ual ia made out of the police fund.
Telia sf taarletloa.
Cross-examined by Mr. Connell, Mr.
Shields said that when licensed liquor deal
ers ax convicted for selling Uquor in vio
lation of law their licenses are cancelled.
The convicted liquor dealera. he said, csn
not secure new licenses, but licensee may
be and ar lasued to other, who may con
duct saloons at the locations formerly oc
cupied by the convicted persons. Regardless
of whether or not th previous licenses
were near expiration when cancelled the
persons securing th new ones must psy
the recular ll.Out fee.
YVItne, still nnder cross-examination,
said th chief of poilc Is at his desk prac
tically all tha Urn and personally does not
patrol beat nor make round. He testi
fied that th complement of tb department
la IS at this tim. luciudirgj about clgbty
flv patrolmen, thirteen detectives, six
sergeants and three captains.
YVitness said there Is a polio court prose
cutor whose business it is to compiam
j sgainat and prosecute law violator
Mr. Karbach, placed on the stand by tha
state, told of the events leedlng up to his
inducing Governor Shsllenberger to start
proceedings against Chief Donahue.
Ylelatlea af Llaaor Law.
Mr. Connell declared the chief Is on trial
merely for permitting violations of tne
loquor. law and not for permitting op
eration of disorderly bousea. Mr. Mullen
contended tha charge ar three, vis., per
mitting liquor selling without a license,
permitting liquor selling after t o'clock in
the evening and on Sunday, and permitting
operation of disorderly houses.
Mr. Mullen offered In evidence a report
from the local Vnlted State Internal rev
enue office ahowlng that government
uquor licenses have been Issied to sbout
JO persons in Omaha, a number consid
erably In excess of th number of persons
supposed to be holding local licenses. Mr.
Connell objected to th offer, saying some
of th persons named Ir th report have
left th city, other ar dead, and some
probably have surrendered their licenses.
The objection was sustained. Mr. Mullen
ordered from the Internal revenue officii a
certified copy of Its list of persons In
vjmaha cow holding government licenses.
Th office said It will take at least until
Thuisday nuon to prerart th copy.
tatesaeat ta City Ceaarll thaws Te
til Fasti sll.4et,Otl as
Th regular report of the dty comptroller
submitted to the city council shows a total
fund on hand of tl.40.Osl . It is distributed
ss follows:
Balances In banks
City funda L16sYiii
Folic tuna
School funds
Roecisl fund
V 47 :
i: awioc
s k
71. Mt .14
fessh In drswer
Checks for deposit ,
Total Sl.ta.On.".)
City. SchcM.l
First National bank...S 1HW1I t N Kfc t;
Merchsn's .Vstlonsi...
' . . a Kb V I ir.II. I
V. K. Nstoinal
City National
Corn Exchange Nat .
Kountse Broa., N. T.
Totals H.lSI.flMll l".4: .71
1'ollce Special
S 4s (to
Sl'ifl . o
. '
Merchants National
V. S National
Omaha National
7; til(4u(i
Tata niffereat Eetabllsbaseata Frave
Their lissceaet la the Pa-
llee ( urt.
Tr.s prosecution of two establ shmentt
on the charge of illegal llqjor selling re
sulted In tha acquittal of both defendants
in Judg Crawford s court Yed t ea-lay
morning. Mr. and Mrs Frank Futton.
from who plat a trunk filled with bot-
l tied beer was taken seterel days sgo.
i iu. H b rmr-A whan it waa nroi'tn I Mi
j ft room,r r, ,n, t,r and that no
I .i. .d bein made
Frank Iegan likewise escaped conviction
on the charge of selling liquor la bis p'ac
at Twentieth snd Oark streets Witnesses
testified that t'eaao ke;4 his estar.liaiituent
locked against intrusion and d d not enter
ta.o nations of tx sort oa the pretuiaea.
Monrcn't rw rw TiVt ar trollVe a3
fiber iax.V.lvts or cathartics. Tbcy cost
the liver into activity grntle methods.
They do t.ot itir; t!"T ) not rx-pe;
they do tot w--akei; but they d- s'srt
aU tre recret;ons rf th liver and stora-
h in a w-ar that sonn ruts these or-
irens in a healthy rendition and corrects
ont patirn. la my ct in on cc-isiipsTicn
is reponih for riOft aa'raen'a. Ther
ire thirty-t-o feet cf htjmJTt pc''
which is fraJiy a sewer ti;. When tint
ripe Vevonies'c)-Ked. trie whole rest era
eocenes poisocH. csu;ng t'ijonsness, in
dipes'.ion et'i imptir blood, whirh often
f.rod'jcrt theumntirra tnd kidney a:l
laen's. Jso who suffer with
cKjnstipttioa of rr lirrr silment can ei
pert to riv a clear complexion, cr enjor
good health. If 1 had try war. 1 would
prohibit the sa2e of rinetenths of the
tthanic that art sow beicg told, fur
it J
f GEO. E. MICKEL. Mgr.
I f 5tb and Kami;
XjS 334 Broadway,
Kearney Military Academy
Unitary Training- combined with Academic and
Business courses develops the bodies and minds of
toys into manly, successful men YVe buiid up a
sound body, develop character and create the habits
that make the boy the Manly Man.
Our academic standards are high. . Our clas
sic snd scientific courses prepare for all colleges
Our commercial courses prepare for business life
YY'rtt for illustrated catalogue.
Two Million Acres
of Oklahoma Land
at Your Own Price
The unallotted lands in the old Indian
Territory, much of which is well adapted
to successful agriculture, are to be sold to
the highest bidder at
U S. Government Auctions
which will be held at County Scan of Counties in
which various tracti are located, from November ?
1910, to February 25, 1911.
The best of these lands are
Lines. This is
and probably the last chance
land cheap. Can you ailord to oY erlook :: t
Low Homeseeker's Excursion Fares first ar.d third
Tuesdays of each month with liberal stop-ot cr privi
ledges. Go, see for yourself. You have the. tame,
chance as the man on the ground.
Title Guaranteed by United States
w rite today for full information. I will tell you
where the tracts are located, points where each t?.::
will be sold at auction and send you a map free of
L. M. ALLEN. Passenger Traffic Manager
Room ill. La Sail Ststlon. Chicago
JOHN SEBASTIAN. Third Vice-President
Rock Island Lines
. 1V7J4 1 n.Kc
. !U 47 i t-"' a, t-T fag xjm..,h. am.i.nw a ,.,. .. m.
. 1! 15 SO 17.14 , I J , 1 j .-
'. ilft47 4t ;3t47' j Hl x 1 j J j
'a.' """ro'.Vi! ' ! T"!.L I J
Rupture of men. women and children
gleal operation, loaa of tune or pain. The
cpeiuiig to be closed Th money rosy be
j cr tne ist.ert or guardian, not to be paid
' ruptuiea pecple have sccepeu tl.esa terir.s
i pieteiy aattsfied. write or can lor further Itf oru.ation. SB, raVAMX at- WHY,
sua stew SBuxiaf,
Measure The Bee against other local papers in
respect of quality as well as quantity of timely
news and interesting articles from day to day
and The Dee's superiority will be demonstrated,
i-vmC bo Iktx
aaueay uu
OPCttTIOa. CHtt'tOf ORgl. Hhtg Mmrut,..!! w i'e p e k. . t-e c ia . I a..
t tT U kEKU. AktUI HETaC tata'.au
te reaeon that ther -vr didoT 1V
l.ring of the storrach, gett .rg up seriotii
f rrr.s rf -t .on, tud so parVer'j
th howls that th. y re.'-ise act Ui-iet
forced br strop rurcatives.
.lurrrn's l'aw-l'aw Ja tr a ton'c to
the ;omch. lirrr tnU hcrve. They
i"Tril ct w-ek.rn:nr: th-r
erirnh th blood instesj cf iTPcventh
ing it; thry erahV th atornarh to g't
a i tl e murishmrnt fmtn food that it
rxt into it.
Thee pi'.ls contain eo calomel. To dope,
thry s soot hire, hcil'r snd si mtiiat-i-il.
Tl,er school the bosrt'j to act w it h
Ort phrsic .
Tr-al" hox cf 10 rffia, 10 cwita. Larj
bottle, :
Siraeti, Cmahai
Council Bluffs.
reached by Rock It'tid
to buy p-ood Oklahoma
can be cure., in a lea Jays aiiti .ui a sur.
coat la governed I j th sir ef tbe ruptu'S
detosned in sotr e Omaha Habk In the i. u.
until tb cur i completed Thousand ol
during tn past IS yeaia and ail e oo.n
IslltWtLi It pta.U tet.1 . gw Bit Llai l,( li elJlfi
- t.l I stha u, qtucA, ta; twit tVvrB.wi
- t I gtiCH) lam I tw J ii-v uasV
V i ee.lj. !!- cue 1 ... c d
aw fltf li.niru Ihm .. ai . ftiut
f f I. IsttT. tune R4 tea Blag .Oaiaafc. kr.