Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till: IJKE: OMAHA. -TIH'liSMA V. hlX'EMnEK 2f 1010.
Here Is News
hrfng. evrry
No rire ta et-
'ii pt from tV
reduction, which
11 . 1 11 n tli lit nil
t 'o a --a , o n
hrs-i ntjle r
Included, novpl
v plaids pnlkr
, . . dots and fig
ures, airip'S nil.) t I colors, in nil
tiaM rhstlies, lUnsmss. mohairs ami ba
tistes in light and rk colorings. SI.V--I
mn froi 4 to 14 ve;ir.
All $5.00 nrf(H-s 9.05
A.II $5.o afhl $s.r.n iirtHscs 5.00
All $7.50, .! and $$.7.1 IreB'8.
t $5.00
All $9.7.-.
Alt $11 and $
Drfssps . $0.00
Tfif YOU 0
Plattsrnoiith mowed t a .substitute motion
"not to endorse''' ..
Whereupon the flieworks exploded. A
doren or morn addi:ass were made for
Mnd against the general proposition. When
loud cries of "u,msUonl question!" shut
off fifty or more attorneys who too would
, have talked, there anaued a pretty little
parliamentary wrangle. .
. Things happened this way:
A rising vote was demanded on the sub
., stltute motion. .
Mr. Iturhank Instated on a roll call.
Five men sustained . hlrn. and the chair
rgled the demand valid.
Then It was moved to suspend the rules
and take a rising vote,..
Mr. Hurbank rose to. n point of order
and declared the motion invalid.
President ftyan said the point was well
taken. An appeal followed, Mr. Burhank
asserting thin last appeal was out of
order. The chair now overruled him and
was sustained, 60 to J 4.
Then the roll call was- tak?n on the sub
Htltute to the original ' resolution. The
subi-titute was defeated. 63 to 40.
When ehout to vote again by roll call
on the original resolution to endorse, K.
V. Simrral slipped In a motion to adjourn
to 2 o'clock. On the ayes and noes the
result seemed extreme! close, 'resident
l;an declared the ayes' had Ii.
Mr. Coldicy Orates home.
Tii most f ery anti-endorsement speech
was mad..- by J. K. Cobbey of Beatrice.
Judgo 8. P. IrayldSoit ' of Tecumseh up
poitlng Cobbey in a milder talk. John L..
Kennedy, ('. . 15. Keller and C. J. Smyth
were anions the speakers In support of cn-
tlorsonient. Mr. Smyth's speech was par
'tlcularly vigorous. "TCndprse nowor you'll
tievei aet a chance again,"' he thunijercd
as he tlosnd, and tin- convention, broke out
into ' hok'y'rTf'Ii'e; '"Ivery t1nom
speaker flrllahvd 'fowf rv 'Mi- fifteen men
, were on the (loor claiining fpr recogriltfoh,
and no such some bay bi-rn observed In
On.abu sineu the prtnmry taw "killed the
old-fashioned caucus nd ' conVcnlton. hi
tlui afternoon l.ynn'llclm ef Ia Angeles,
prf B.iHni of the Californ av Har tjesorta
lion and member of the'ejceeutlve commit
tee of thu National liar association, rtad
a study of ttvu principles the Americai)
constitution and the Viowth of constttu
Cwnul law. ' ' A
Manwhlle ihe endorsement question re
nmimd pmdlng. ta be settled at the close
of tho day.
Uhltelork un Kx-fresldents.
The addrex.i by (jeorae Wlulelock of Hal
Uii.oif, Kcretaiyof the itieiii'an liar a-
oilal.oii. dialt sith "I'revedentu In Die
rlroislijents. '... Afer a -aenerul dlscuhsioii
of tho theme Mr. Whilelock rapidly
sketclicd ti ' poh;1VmMin:a! lives' of a.l
limit wlio Wvl alU-t Uteit' Venni of -office
lir the 'White Huuxe1 hat ''expired, but. he
uid' not insilion vthVi, pnJy living fonner
president. 'Tligse sfcatheWr whlflh were ef
fertlve coiMjiation niany blographlM,
WKte follswld be'a" -Huiatitary aa drawn
Ii-Qiii 'tha Individuals. Mr. Whltelock said:
If piTcodtiit Is of value, an ex-pieldent
may travei. 'of devote hlmnelf expediently
lo llteintiiKi'or ajrii'uliuie or to education
or . iiluU in fi. hjl . Axsurethy, he Is aa ap
propriate! tUuit in a national celebratluu;
of n uy eyvii ibe a tae iilvmrr in a cuii
mjtutional' ximveiiilon ceriauiiy an orna
iiittiiiat of It.
l'ernaps a particular ex-pre.xideiit might,
I a v In trtrvctt only four year. hunucli
pMvelva a- Miauce to return a recoiid
(vuiand--t j-niet l.mijiMlai y oi the lla
uoj. i.ut hl own evi- ulll ace the. chance
mi re cuarly than the ey s of hl oom
patrmts. f,"lll;e Mai rlfon. an vx-pienl.lelli
i t a.rcadyj beu a lawyer of tran.scendunt
auillly airl lvmsnlieU leuderihlp, there l.s
lioike if retul n to the bar witn renewed
sucies.' tut 1h records are all abo
lntl aKRljit any man's coming hack,"
either i ofiionally or politically, after
more than one term in the White Mouse,
ami gauve'd hlxtoiii- tets an ex-prel-ilent
iiiuxt expect his puhllu utterances to
he without (itlu of persuasion.
Brlonu llir I'aat f
V i oci'iit . writer on "America and ller
Ki-piejiKltsftij"! has ald- that "one of the
iha.-nw of iniplc Horlety has always been
the t'fcue vvlth l liioh great scrvunis return
to oV''urt(if 'Wten their duties are ended.
' " Clm iivti at the plow lias been ex
tolhd as '.ttu - modi I of reimblican virtue
aiti an eitstonilt? ftir leinihlirnn iniilatloii. '
James Hrye nw ihailv t ml an ex-prcs-lot-Ilt
In Mitilar com eptlon, belongs al-
..'.'in ,, . -r-n Ju-tfc
I'al i-oup Xnia iiiouey in tlianmiuU. Our ilisinumcU
tin? iiaifJi'r now tiian they were lat week, I it.
lhoiitU ur this time last year they are always prieetl
it Iheir wrti;th. Fur the past twenty years we'linve
mIi tlit-iu uu'der eelltnirt tU buy back at nino-teutli .
of. ainpiiiitv paid at any time within one vear From
date of putvijase, or full price pai.l will ,e allowetl in
f;.V'h;inge jit-amy time. y
DiamQnd Rings
'","$5.00 .to SGCO.OO
ii :
of a Girls'
worthy a quarter-page story
pricings (but phonlil
parent of a girl here
pirls' dross in this
specialty stoic r?
y rodurcil in price.
rendy to the past, l'ntii, thirrefrrr. law
shall provide a pension, an office-, olr.'a,
sinecure, the post of honor for an ex-pres-idint
Is the private station. One of our
precedents, a man of character and dignity,
retiring at ox years of age, thus 'propounded
and thus solved our pmblim, as he greeted
his old neighbors on returning home from
Washington: "The rirestlon is often
heard," he said, "what Is to beinime-of -ttie
man what Is he to do who. having been
chief magistrate, returns at the end of his
official term to private life? It seems to
ine that thu answer is near at hand and
siifflcl.-nt : It him; like every good Amer
ican clt iaen, be willing and prompt to hear
his part In every useful work that will pro.
mote the happiness and progress of his
family, his town, his state, and his country.
With this disposition he will have work
enough to do. and that sort of work whlcn
yields m ire individual contentment and
gratification than belong to the more con
spicuous employments of the life he lias lett
behind." ,
Vain Klicht ' Made' tu Have Attorney
Made, Member.
John Q- Yelser came forth Into promi
nence In a fairly sensational way at the
close of tho convention yesterday of the
Nebraska State Bar association, the rejec
tion of his candidacy for membership, , be
ing the theme of two hours' parliamentary
debate and wrangle. The convention itself
did not act on his application. It was the
executive councjl, which Is composed of the
offlctrs. which acted, and whose '.ejection
under the constitution as it now stands,, la
Matthew Gering started the ruction by
rising to Inquire w hat ' had become 'of Mr.
Yeieer's application. Mr. Gering under
stood' that the executive ' committee had
acted adversely and he wanted to know
why ft did not report on the matter at
the time it reported favorably oh other
candidates." '' ' ' ... r
r Vresklent nan? rearl "he roristitiltion;
which . provides . that h- etrecarive council
shall ac an- -applications" fofmembet
chip, .-and shall report to -the association on
candidacies which . it favors: There is no
provision favo reportihg on ttioee not fav
ored or rejected, . and by Implication, at
least!, ttie' council Ut .not to report 'In anh
xvThls Mrmt'd to new- up ' Mr.' Yelser's
frtends.. , They attempted to whip hla'.oa
tanlc majesty around the Mump in a num
ber of ways, but a ruling by President
Ryan, or a point of order from -the floor,
put a kibosh on every one of haif a dozen
ingenious attemps made by James K.- Halt,
Tom .Holllster. S. Ai Bearle and several
others. Finally, Mr. Searle started In to
amend the constitution and found, once
more an impanse. The amendment had to
go to the executive council and be reported
back at the next annual meeting.
."Jsn't th.1 body blggeruban the constitu
tion.", demanded one member.. ' t was. at
thl noliil that T..J., Mahpneyvaskad .the
Yelserltes .to, remember the). ..they ,; were
lawyers and ought to sb.ow.eome eajiect
for their 'OW.nJa.wa. .
' Mr. Gering moved to Instruct fue commit
tee to report adversely, or at least to re
port. It. W. Breckenrldge. chairman of
the committee, said he would sav that the
committee had found adversely, but so
far as giving reasons, which A. V. Shot
well demanded, he "wouM alt till the
crack of doom," era he woilld 1st go.
Finally Mr. Yelser himself withdrew his
application. "This action -Is spite: work."
he said. "It comes about because of my
activity In the DennlHou case, and be
cause of Mr. Elllck's bond company."; .
A. G. Klllck. the secretary-treasurer of
the State I-far association heard this refer-,
ence to himself Impassively and made no
comment to the convention. After adjourn
ment he declared:
"Yelser's statement Is unfounded and
maliciously false. It Is part and parcel
of his gallerv-piaylng." . ' - ;
It was Mr. .Olck who recently preferred
charges .against Yelscr. accusiiiK yelser
of subornation of perjury. But It was no;
Mr. Klllck who spiked Yelser's application
when It was up before the executive coun
cil, it was another member of the council
who Is known to have Invtlpaled the un
favorable action.
The Key to the ?1tusti-n es Want ua
I ;T 1n
Iowa Convention Takes Action in
, This Direction at Dei Moines.
'I'll I rslilstsrr Rewrite Prnrst
l aw tlerlsre for t ompalsor)
llrssilnt nf lurth
iTrnm a Staff t'orrespnndent
PF.S MOINrS. la . Hec. 2. Tel
egram.l The Iowa Good Roads conven
tion, at the close of an nll-rtsv session In
Heh much enthusiasm was nrnus"d for
hlahwav legislation, appointed a leg-slptlve
committee and adopted the following reso
lutions: "Resolxed. That In the Interest of simp
licity we favor a rewriting of the rosd
laws of the state Into a sinele Bet.
"We favor the compulsorv dragging of
earth roads and the creation of t non
divertable drag fund.
"We favor a simple system of rosd man
agement, under a centralized authority,
which shall work through skilled and com
petent appointed officers.
, "We favor some form of state aid to en
courage good road building."
It Is the sense of the conference that an
Increased per cent of our road fund be
entrusted to the management of the board
of supervisors.
Tun Men Fonnd Pf nil.
The dead bodies of two men were found
In a rooming house this afternoon. Their
names were Otto Bark and Gus Oberg, and
but little was known of them. From ap
pearances they had been dead several days
and It was regarded as a probable case of
suicide. Two men were arrested and held
on a suspicion pending Investigation of a
minor robbery:"
Attend Missouri River Conference
Governor Carroll today appointed four
delegates from Iowa to attend the con
ference called at Kanfaa City for Thurs
day to consider methods of preventing the
pollution of the Missouri river from cities
along the way. Those appointed were V.
I. Treynor and J. II. Cleves of Council
Bluffs and Prince Sawyer and A. J. Mo
laughlln of Sioux City.
.Need Mora It oom In Capitol.
Colonel O. AV. Boutin, custodian of the
state house, In his report filed today with
the governor calls attention, to the fact
that there Is very great need of more
room for the boards and commissions and
that the state house Is over crowded.
There are commissions or boards occupy
ing a dozen of the regular committee
rooms and these will have to be moved be
fore the legislature meets, lie also asks
that the state appropriate for rebuilding
the west and north steps of the capltol.
Conservation Commission Busy.
The stat conservation commission held an
executive session here and practically com
pleted the report of that body, which will
be filed with governor. The report will be
printed In book form at once. It will In
clude a government report on drainage
matters In northern Iowa and also the gov
ernment survey of the Des Moines river.
For I'nblle I'tllltlea Commission.
; Strong effort will be made this year to
establish a public utilllties commission for
Jowa. At the.laat session of the legisla
ture a bill, was presented which might
Jiave been adopted but for the belief that
It waa prepared largely In the Interest
of somo of the corporations and that the
Interests of the people were not properly
safeguarded. !?ow it Is proposed that a
bill be framed that will provide for con
servative rahd" sVnsi'blo regulation and 'con
trol of all-utilities, , taking much of the
authority of city councils out of thelr
handa. . . , , ,
Tuberrolasla Flavht la Espenslve.
Persons having charge of the work esti
mate that over 1130.000 a year la expended
In the fight against tuberculous In Iowa,
nearly i a II being from public- funds. The
state maintains a sanatorium at Oakdale
gad a state lecturer. and also gives aid
to jiomo hospitals curing, for the persons
affected Willi tuoerculosis. It is planned
that additional appropriations be secured
and that the work be continued with even
greater force In the future.
Start Fight for Cheap tins.
' Councilman John MacVlcar today intro
duced Into the council the ordinance for
the reduction of the price of gas In Des
Moines to 90 cents. This is the ba nning
pf aliard fight for cheaper gas in the city.
Jl he" company has been engaged for some
timer' In preparing to resist this step and
haa cKimcd - that It would be Impossible
to" make, a nil sell gas as crnap as the 1r.ce
Negroes Have lMtertn(a Meat.'
What Is known as the "Interstate l.Hf
erary asroclatlon." an organisation of1 ne
groes banded together for ntelleetual good,
opened a three days' convention here 'thin
evening. The meeting m held' In he
convention hall of the Coliseum. There was
a welcome by Governor Carroll and others.
Gtorne W. Murray o Georgia, a former
member of congress, was pr.ncipnf' peaker
this evening. A general progrHmme of dis
cussion of matters affecting the negro peo
ple has been arranged and tBor'e are dele
gates present from Kansas, . M ssourl 'and
NebiHska. ;
Supreme Court Kgle.
. New rules of the aupretne, court have
been printed by Clerk Huus.iuet and are
being mailed to the lawyers uf ttif slate.
The new book contains several, altnnfea in
rules, tin- most important being a further
Uni.tlng of the time for oral arguments. be
fore the court. v ,
' ' The German church, one mile east of
Baxter, waatotally destroyed by fire Sun
day night. The church was filled tv'th.
people who were there toat'.end the Christ
mas exercises The irlminin.'s on the great
Christmas Iree caught fire anil soon the i
rutin- structure was enveloped in the '
flames. -All left the build ng in eafelt.
II, Wrirra of the flubhard Joe las.
- .' I'M?, sfioncs illtnielf In
Ihe Head. '
CF.MAIl P..Plli.-!. la.. I iec. Klard
II. Me) its. borretui) and treasurer of Hie
Hubbard Ice ve-l.l'rth.v . one of the most
prominent and resm-eted diize'ii, of Cedar
liai'ids. oiiiuiit ted s ihide this morning in
a toilit rooi,' near his offlir. He nseil a
if 'ilr and not himself in the head o
ittM t Is kuo.ii unle: s it was temporary
mental aberration.
lloltenhns .1 hinari Transfer I'laat
lai I oni;m Hen iled l Itleh
ard Kernan.
SHFIUl'AV Win., I 're. ;. i Special
Telegram. ) -The biggest linylnc ilesl
locally of the year wss closed this morning
wtxii W illiam Holtenlmsn. ' and H. C.
Kr-ff. ai.l.i the Shcr'e'an breaery to
IUi hujo Kreiian. a millionaire tohico an 1
satin n man .tml hUFinetti associates, the
eor.aldf rattvn being f-1' im. The properly
is lo clr.r.-e hands January 1
I - Kklnned from lled In Heel
' Mi Id n hm1. Tl.reel, Ala , when dragged
j'ovvr, a giawi h aJua), but R'u kleu's . Ai -
li .-.1... I.O., -ji l.',.r k-il. 1. 1
J Pcaun 1 'i tig Co j
Man is Locked in
Vault to Save Him
From an Angry Mob
Man Charged with Assault at Weston,
Va.. Rescued by Militia and
Lodged in Penitentiary.
li.AUKSFfl HH. W. a., Oee. Wil
liam Fiirru. who was saved from t'ie ven
gennee of the mob. gatreied at Weston to
lynch Mm for the alleaed assault on Flora
Anglln. a member nf one of th most
prominent families In Lewis county, was
brought to .In H here this morning by a
Clarksburg company of th National Guard.
He was kfpt here for two hours When a
train was due for Moundsvllle. the seat of
the state penitentiary and when that ar
rived, he was placed on board. He was
closely guarded during the Journey and will
be kept In the penitentiary' until the time
for Jils trial.
WESTON. Va.. Oeo. 71 -William Furby.
a negro, ' for hours tonight waa between
two fires, death at the hands of a mob
or suffocation In the Iron vault of the
express office at the local railway station.
Outside the little building a crowd of sev
eral hundred persons waited from after
noon until late in tjie night, demandmg
the life .of the prisoner fur the alleged
assault and attempt! murder - of Miss
Flora Anglln, daughter of a prosperous
farmer. ., '
While the mob waited, a large squad of
pedal deputies and the sheriff s posse
guarded the express . rfMee and- kept tha
negro locked in the express' safe, where
he had little air to breathe. For hours
tha crowd waited, but for want of a leader.
H failed to move with sufficient force to
dlsjodge tha deputies and take possession
of the negro. They stormed the place
several tlmea, breaking all the windows
and forcing open the doors, but were un
able to gain access to the safe. The only
hope of the authorities to get the pris
oner to the Jal at Clarksburg, as they In
tended to do whea tha mob collected, waa
In the arrlTt.1 of state troops. An order
was issued early . In lha evening for tha
mobilisation of the 'militia at several
points, but although special tralna were
provided. It. was doubtful If tha soldiers
would reach the scene before early
It was the appearance of Mr. Anglln,
father of Miss Anglln, an aged man, upon
the platform of the station, telling the
crowd that the story' of his daughter was
as true as steel, which set the mob t- lid.
Prosecuting Attorney Swlnt made at
tempts to appeal to the people from a
truck on the depot platform, but the truck
was drawn from beneath him and the
crowd yelled him down.
(Continued from First Page.)
unless some International action was
token. The acquisition by American rail
roads of Canadian terminals and by Ca
nadian railroads .of American terminals
and lines present ' increasing difficulties, r
under existing circumstances It la not pos
sible to compel either railways or express
companies to establish Joint through routes
and ratesto and from points In the two
countries. In other word neither an
American nor a : Canadian carrier may be
required to furnish, to ashlpper a through
bill of lading from any point In one coun
try to any point' In lhe" other.
..TnereajjoiyibJeocii't'sTt; ta international
rates, which -ordinarily hrV a combination
of the- fates fojttil to eaj&untrji, can ba
determined , only.' by; ; a Vjrcuiious proceed
ing Instituted before the- commissions of
both countries. No power at present exist?
that can require carriers engaged in Inter
national transportation to establish reason
able through Joint iates and to apportion
lliem among tho participating carriers in
'he event they cannot reach an agreement
among-themselves. -
Out of this situation, grew the Idea of the
creation of an International commission
which hould have supervisory control over
the railways and other common curriers
doing an International transportation bus
Wine at Christmas Feast apposed to
Have Bern Adulterated with
Wood Alcohol.
... . ... i
NEW YORK, Dee. 2S.-A ' man and a
woman are dead and two other men are
seriously 111 today in -hospitals as a result
of drinking liquor said to have contained
wood alcohol at a lower west side Christ
mas celebration on last Monday nglit. The
dead are Mrs. Maria Del Gudlela, ?! years
old, and Rocco Pel Marco. The condition
of the other two men is said to be serious.
All attended a Christmas feast, for which
the host had laid In' a large store of wine,
of which the partv drank freely. Soon aft
erward four members of the 'party were
taken violently III. Mrs. Pel Gudlela died
last night and Del Marco early today.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Generally fair.
For Iowa General fair.
Shippers' Bulletin Prepare forty-eight-hour
shipments north and west for temper
atures of 10 to li aboe, and east and
south for lj to 20 above.
I eg
& a. in
ti a. in
I a. m
8 a. in..
( a. m
to a. m
11 a. ui
i m-
1 p. in . ,
: p. in
3 p ni..
4 U- in
I I', in
f P . Pi
7 p. i i
5 p in . ......
Local Itrford.
Ol'i- H,'K OK T1IK .WE A Til: II BlitK.Vf.
OMAHA. Ore. 2x, 19U-. Of fu iai record ol
iuh. Iieret ure ami pri-elutation compared
uii Uiw nrresponijing period of Ihe last
Ihiie ears; J : M). 1? j.i. Idi. li,'.
I. it-cst r.iljv , :. , ji
I.ukcxI toda.N -a ' I .'i !, -
Mean lempcidluie .. 1,1 l i 4K z
Pi ci Ipliailon oi .' ii .
Temp, i at ure ami pi ei ipii ai ion departure),
from the normel at oniaha aim e March
I. M,:d camiiareil -;ih ihe ,jr m.i wars
Noiinal t, mpe.-at hi e
i-. ii-ih; tor i he rta
i"tl I'xrcn :.lne- .March 1
i i iai t 1 1 eli iiat on
' i ficp nc for ihe dav
Tinsl rainfall since March 1.
I i,-i :--!i m . since Mai eti I
Kxiisg for or. period l:it' ...
Iiifiehnc.. for cor. peilnd. I"1
.; inch
l men
II. J7 inches
1 1. is Inches
I II llliilCM
I bt Inches
Hl,)ii from stat'.uitM at
station and
T nip. 1 1 iKh i;ain-
Slai- i.l Weather , . in. Today, fall.
j Cl.eWnne. arl eluud .'a f- .'
j I'amuurt C o dy 1 .tij
I l'ener ,-l.iiid- i ; j .m :
I Iw Moines do'idi fl :w ,a I
j iHidse itv. part lioudj.... ;-n i: ,i
I I amler eleai . . ... j; 3: .On.
J Ni rib Platle. cbi'idr St. 4." .ii
l I it'lut-a. eu.'lfly . . .'; Xt: :ii .taj '
'I'll bio. cliiiMlv . :.' ,"l -Hi T
' l:ecld city.-1 leaf- ?t u-
r.-nia r . i-au einud A : T
rl'iitlan. tlouilj... ;'i x'
! Sio;,a Ctt, clomi.v . . . : .' '', .iai j
I X'aUntln-. cl mi- :',; .t)
"T" Indicate.! ti ae of p, v. Ipiiation
L. A. WELSH, l.oeal Koi eiaater.
Ross L. Hammond Sends Out Notice
to Corporations.
Rrtnrni I poii Which F.trlse Tat la to
Be Taken Are Requested of I or
poratlows Only Pernnns
Concerned May See.
foss I.. Hammond, collector for this ills
trlet. Is now making arrangements for the
collection of the federal excise tax from
corporations In Nebraska The blanks for
ninklng corporation return-, showing the
net profits upon hleh tax Is to be paid
for l!Mn, have Just been Isued to the cor
poratlolis In the state from the collector s
office n Omaha.
"These blanks are a little different from
those issued last year." said Mr. Ham
mond, "but it Is not expected that there
will be aa much confusion on the part of
corporations in making proper returns this
year as last.
"The objection to publicity urged by
many corporations against making these
returns has ben largely eliminated for this
year by a ruling of the Treasury, depart
ment made only a month ago.
"W"hen the law providing for payment
of this tax Was first enacted It waa sup
posed that the returns made by corpora
tions would be open for the Inspection of
tho publio generally, when filed In the de
partment at Washington, but congress
failed to make an appropriation for prop
erly filing and indexing the returns, so
that that portion of the law was prac
tically nullified. The new ruling of the
department more definitely fixes the limita
tions under which publicity may be made,
and these returns will be open to the In
spection of the proper officers and em
ployes of the Treasury department, but
where access la desired by an officer or
employe of any other department, applica
tion for permission to inspect such returns
must be made by the executive of the de
partment desiring it, and transmitted to
the secretary of tha treasury.
"Also, the secretary of the treasury may,
upon showing of proper cause, permit In
spection of a return by a bona fide stock
holder, but, since this la a personal mat
ter, this privilege cannot be delegated to
anyone else. A little more freedom will be
granted with respect to returns of com
panies whose stock la listed upon any
recognised stock exchange for the purpose
of having the shares dealt In by the pub
lio; also as to returns of corporations
whose stock Is advertised In the press, or
offered for sale to the public by the cor
poration itself."
The first collection of this tax was made
last year. The work was done so thor
oughly that nearlv tha last dollar .e..,H
rniralnMt K-.h...!,. .......... .
- --v. none ..UIJIUIBOUIII WS paid
There are J.T00 Nebraska corporations
that will be compelled to make returns to
the collector upon their MO business. These
petitions are to be filed with him not later
than March 1. The penalty for delay after
that date Is 50 per cent of the tax due the
Negotiations Are Proceeding Amic
ably and Agreement Is Kxpected
by Monday.
CHICAGO, Dec. 2S.-Discussion of the
demands of the conductors and trainmen
on the sixty-one railroads north, south and
west of Chicago, which granted the en
gineers a wags i Increase recently for a
highet wage schedule, proceeded amicably
today.-' It was announced thnt a settle
ment of the difficulties appeared In. sight,
poasibly before Sunday, without recourse to
mediation or arbitration.
J. B. Davidson of Ames, la., la Chosen
Secretary of the American
LAFAYETTE, 'nd . Deo. 28. -Farm ma
chinery was tha subject of the closing
day's session of the annual meeting of the
American Society of Agricultural Engin
eers today
Officers elected were: President, C. A.
Ocock, Madison, Wis.;, first vice president,
W. F. McGregory, Racine, Wis.; secretary,
J. B. Davidson. Ames, la.
Director of Hiiriim Says Steel King;
la More Liberal Than F.ver In
Christmas Gifts.
PITTSBl'RQ, Pa., De.c. 28-At the an
nual meeting of the American Society of
Arts today In Carnegie institute W. H.
Dall, curator of ihe National museum at
Washington, was elected president. Mr.
W. J. Holland, director of the Carnegie
museum of Pittsburg, said Andrew Car
negie had been more liberal than ever be
fore In his Christmas remembrance to the
museum, which is maintained wholly by
Mr. Carnegie.
Knar Hundred and Fifty llrilonlui
Itrporlrd Killed by Tark
Ish Army.
troops sent against the Uedoulns have
driven the revolters out of the tzi Kerak
district in the Vilayet of Syria, near the
Dead sea. after a sanguinary engagement.
L'.i Official edvlt-pH received hero today Htate
J In tin- battle the tribesmen lost i.V) killed i
'gj : and irfo prisoners. The Turkish losses were!
,H seven of f ict rs and sei nty-aevi n men. i
i - ;
& California Man Tries TIcLlins Kraal!
In1 I oiler the Chin and ta Now
i ' Minna Two Plnarrs.
SAN' KHAN' 'ISCi i. !., t,.c. ..... vbi.
vialtlng the. winter iiUHiler.-) nf a llc tin I
linal show today. John Kcllrrt of Knight's i
Landing. Cul.. was told UmI he could nidke j
a lion yawn by th kliim h'a chin. .Libit ,
truii. witn ill- icstiii Unit he is now in
! horpitiil niir.-insr a l-iiml from v hleh iw
fingers are missliiK.
till. lis -.I-..- hi: t III CHE.
I.ANaIIVK PRO Mo u.i.mne ihe
wid f old ar.d ino rtuim,
Mnoi es eaua
Call for full nice io.i
i: I'hovi-:. su
si,.wiia' ewiaiyaaiaai iiiii 1 1 a i, ia
"' -
, !.;,
-C' i '' i
r - - .a
. -v-
ie'i.ii, ., t. .
i una . h aa... ii .i-i.ii i
422-3-4 Paxton Blk.
Train from West
Wrecked; Holiday
Mail Destroyed
Congressmen from Iowa, Nebraska
and Minnesota Find that Fire De
stroyed Some of Their Letters.
i From a staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. Dec. (Special Tele
urnm.l -ln the nlpht Of December Jl, rail
road postoffice train number H was
wrecked through collision In the Chicago
yards and the wreck caught fire, abso
lutely destroying much mall matter.
Felioes of that disaster tnrough tha t'nlled
Slates mall are now reaching Washington
In the receipt of charred ami partly burned
letters, nearly all having only a sufficiency
of address remainlhg to enable the ex
perts In the Postoffice department to de
cipher and deliver.
Tedav Congressman Daason of the seo
ond town district received a bunch of ten
letters from the Washington postoffice
which had been In this particular wreck.
Mr. Dawson is wondering whether he has
received all letters that may have been
addressed to him which were upon that
Congressman Kusternian secretary also
has received several letters addressed to
Mr. Kustiirman from Wisconsin towns
which happened to escape fire, both badly
charred. Other members of .congress from
Iowa. Nebraska and Minnesota and their
secretaries have been advised by frlonds
at home that a gift from "Santa" was en
route, tiut up to date these presents have
not been received and they are now of the
opinion that their Christmas remembrances
were on the mail train which was par
tially consumed by tire in the railroad
Today Congressman Dawson of the Sec
yards at Chicago.
Packers' Lawyers
Attack Dismissal
of Suit in Equity
Defendants Insist Bill Was Supple
mental to Injunction Proceedings
and Trial Should Proceed.
CHICAGO, Deo. 28. Attorneys for the
Indicted meat packers who are accused of
having formed. In the) National Packing
company, a trust for restraint of trade, to
day appeared before Judge Kohlsaat In
the United States circuit court and attacked
the government's dismissal yesterday of
the dissolution suit In equity against the
National company.
Attorney George A. Rucklngham told
the court that It was the packers' posi
tion that the equity suit really was a sup
plemental bill to the Injunctlonal pro
ceedings several years ago before Judge
(Irosscup and was In tha nature of a con
tempt charge.
- Assistant I'nlted States District At
torney James R. Wllkerson denied that a
prayer for contempt Judgment was con
tained in the bill and Insisted on tha right
of the government to dismiss Its bill, since
he declared, no answer thereto has been
filed or Issue Joined. Tha government, he
said, had paid the costs. Arguments will
be heard by Judge Kahlaaat Friday.
Trio Charged with Turning: Eleven,
Tricks In Two Weeks Cap
tured In Chicago.
CH1CAUO,, lee." 28A" youth ef'22 years,
his 19-year-old wife and her brother. It
years old. were .arrested here today
charged " With eleven burglaries which
netted them 1,00 In the two weeks since
they came to Chicago from Springfield,
Mass. Samuel A. Butler, the husband, and
Walter Gray, the boy, are accused of
having done the actual robbing, while the
wife is charged with having acted as
A burglar alarm led to the undoing of
Butler and Gray when they tried to
"Jimmy1' open a window leading to a silk
store room, say the police.
Washington Height of I slostens,
Pa., Fatally Shot by Miss
Daisy Meade.
I NIONTOWN, Pa., Dec. 28 Washington
Height died early today from a pistol shot
wound said to have been Inflicted by Daley
Meade, whom he followed to her home at
Republic last night. The girl waa at the
home of W illiam Taylor, when Height en
tered and It is atated renewed the suit so
often rejected. The girl became angry and
Height attempted to walk home with her.
When In front of her brother's house, she
says, he attacked her. She shot him. Miss
Meade wss arrested.
N.w York...
N.w York. . .
oanoa .......
M.rselel.a. .
La. Patina..
. Kroonland
. Lyra
, K.alns d' Italia
Man ha W aahingtos
fan UUiv.nnl
La Oaacogna
Sa Ned.
i. Jobn Mantfurt.
keep your teeth
whiteand sound,
your breath
sweet until eld
age. Removes
tartar, will not
scratch enamel.
ai Ail Hl'llgglMa.
Dr.K.Ii. i
lJla-' atWIVJ
Dr. V. N, Dor ward
"Omaha's reliable tli-ntist ". That is
what my patients any, lieiMii-e my woiK
is durable ami everything: i;p to date
Prices very reasonable. Present tiiis ml
ami reeeie a liberal t'i -cfjunt.
' Both Phones.
Sugar Combine Will
Be Asked to Pay Over
One Million Dollars
Offer to Settle Drawback Frauds hv
Payment of Seven Hundred Thou
sand Dollars Will Be Refused.
WASHINGTON. Dec 2 - Recent dis
closures In Ihe "drawback" fta'lds against
the government hae put the freasuiy
department In a position practically to d e
tale the terms of compromise with tha
siiK'ir refining companies. The American
ft'igar Refining company's recent offer of
ITui noo nav noi be accepted In view of
the fnct that the government ! ss'd lo have
evidence to compel the return of not less
than ll.ftuvnfii.
It has lust become known that 0 a re
cent conference with Attorcev Gerneral
Wtrkershani. attorneys for the sugar com.
pany offered SSnn.iW in settlement and de
clared that "was the last cent."
The offer was declined and the
one came on soon after, fine official of
the customs service Is authority for the
statements of the fr.iuds appear to grow
with every day's investigation.
WH linve finisfietl . and
read for q trick rrwtrtxt
on your Chassis, new sc
sign Limousine Hodies J rim
med in finest imported Bed
ford Cords and Broadcloths
with handsome Iuts, embrac
ing the best ideas of French
authorities on color treat
ment and appointments. .
The Kimball Limousine Bod
ies possess the quality and in
dividuality that result from
seventy-five years of special
ization in the highest grades
of Coach "Work.
Prompt delivery assured. ,.
CP. Kimball & Co.
315 Michigan Avenue
Dronchial Troches
will atop that cough. Carry them In your vcrket
and uaa them all day whenever needed, without
inconvenience. They are fo and effectual.
Entirely free from opiatea and noted for thaar
prompt action. , . . . . ,
r nca, oc, owe ana i.vw, ' "
John I. Brown A Sen
SMtaa. mrnas.
H. 3657
Tha Dellrhtful Comedy
Regular Kat.lnaes Wad. and Bat.
Vaff.O A3LO
Tuss., jaa. 3d, 4 p. m.f Kme Bambrlrh
Prloesi 15o, 80c, 60o, a raw at T
Matlass Today, 1:30. Tonight, tilt
Thur&'lay llumo In Arl.ona.
Onr Merry Chriatmas Of faring.
Matins 6al y, Sua. Svaoing, t:lA
Rock and Pulton; Howard and How
ard! Mr. and Mrs. Jl -inula Barry
Witt's Rotes of Xildare; Mr. and Mrs.
Xrwla Connelly i Mausa aad Eldredi
Ooff rhilllps; Klaodroma; Orpbsum
Cr"-ait Oiohestra.
Matlcse Today, 8: IB. Tonight, Slid.
and Rr Ercallant Company la
BTI R raw
Heat Weak every Night. Matinees
Brary Day.
!0O People. 80 Philoi-an In Tt1y Ballet.
Xbe laugh not. "Teddy in Atrloai" lot
foot I Htrmoay rour; Vera Desinoa4
i t amy vnii -n-iras ti ja-ji utria.
j lad aa' Uiu.a Matlaaa Bery Weak ay.
bat. ji.gul Oaiy, Xoita Bfeaeas Bvoog Oe
j!ffS&t Healths
f.i tj-t 'y&iaitxiKgmm