Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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"in ttt TTrafmsrnr
Pre-lnvenfory Clearance Continues
The ficipiiona atssrimtnis and splendid bargains are
drawing great crowds daily
I 1.1 I I I R M
I i a.
i" 1
Ifetrly 1,300 Or More for December
Thii Year Than Last.
larilratlona re far qHf Has- of
rala to the Markets of the t on
trr After the First it
the War.
Omihi grain receipts tor the month of
Irrmher lo date are nearly I. "00 cars of those for the corresponding period
cf last year, according to figures oi
ialnl at the Grain exchange Wednesday
morning. For t ie flint time In a month
receipt yesterday fell below. thoae of the
corresponding days of last December.
Prospect promise that the total of re
ceipt for the closing month of 1SU0 will r
rel those for 1 jecember, 1W9. although
the laat day of the las-, year established
seme remarkable figures.
The Chicago wheal market I threatened
with at least a temporary congestion.
Tuesday there were 5.000 car on track In
Chicago and 1,400 were reported Wednes
day morning
"The number of Inanities received now
Indicate an Increased demand after the
holidays." I1 W. J. Hytim in reviewing
the situation In grain Wednesday morn
ing. It la generally admitted among the grain
men that there H a tendency toward con
servatism on the part of all dealers during
the holiday season. The beginning f the
new j ear Is usually expected to bring de
velopment of significance to the market.
Daniel Baum Enjoys
Eighty-Third Birthday .
Pioneer of Iowa and Nebraska, Sur-.
rounded by Family and Friends, j
Talks of Early Struggles.
Paniel Raum, ar.. president of the Paum
Iron Co., yesterday celebrated his s'd
birthday, surrounded by bis friend and
family. I
Mr. Paum Is one of the early pioneers
of Iowa and Nebraska, coming west In
1M7 when he bill 20 year of age. He
first nettled In Burlington, la., where he
worked In a store for about two years,
leaving to ro to liavenport to enter the
service of Cook A Hargent, land operators
and bankers. Ilia work there led him Into
making survey for the government In
northeastern Iowa and northern Missouri.
Family buslnee called Mr. Bnum buck
homo to Philadelphia for a short time,
but in 1V.4 he returned to Hurlington and
It was here that he married Mis Ix-thenla
I.effler, the daughter of Congressman
loftier of Virginia.
After a short time Mr. Baum came
further west, locating In Fort Dodge, la.,
at that time a frontier trading point. Here
lie entered the mercantile business an4
was vpy successful. A few years Inter
the Cui'linyton tallway had completed Its
line to riattsmouth, Neb., and was
plannlnK to extend through to Kearney.
Mr. Baum took a contract to build all the
bridge through to thla point, which was
dona In record breaking Urn.
In 187 Mr. Baum moved to Mncoln and
established the blggeat hardware business
In tha middle west, which he continued
until 18&S. wher. he came to Omaha and
founded the Baum Iron company, with
his two sons. J. IS. Baum and I. A. Baum,
of which cqinj stay lie la still the preMdcnt.
Mr. Baum tells many very Interesting
stories of the early pioneer life. lie has
a very extensive and valuable collection
of articles used In those day showing
what the settler bad to contend with In
developing- tha wlldernes. tine of the
most Interesting pieces In this collection I
a hall clock made by Mr. Baum'a great
grandfather In 1767. carrying with It hi
Initial and the data, beautifully Inlaid
In white wood against the richly finished
mahogany casing. An old shoe brush
with the name In white bristles which was
a wedding present to Mr. Baum'a father
is also a very Interesting relic of the early
American manufacturing Industry.
Mr. B-usn yesterday was surrounded by
hi four sons ami two daughters and with
hi wonderfully clear mind Is the source
of much entertainment with stories of the
early life In western America. Charles
I-. Baum of Denver, Colo., a son of Mr.
Baum. Is here, making the fsmlly circle
Mr. Daniel Baum r., la making bla home
with his daughter, Helen Baum, al 104
North Thirty-first street.
Women's Fine Neckwear at 10c
Soma of it Is slightly musted
TJioiiparuls of pretty, fancy law jabots, silk neckties, stocks,
Dutch Collars, beaded collars and bows many of them
are slightly mussed from handling during the A
Christmas rush a number of them are worth I 1 1 a
up to 50c. each a big bargain square, each
Fancy Cotton Laces at 5c Yard
Kino Wash Val. ami Linen Torchon Laces, Point d'Espint,
etc., in a variety of widths worth up to 10c a CJn
yard, at, per yard OL
Including a splendid variety of post cards On sale
in our Book Department.
Thursday is Chocolate Day
40c Chocolates in Pompeian Room- r&p
Herp are those famous Hitter Sweet Chocolated with Pffi
crushed fruit or nut flavors. They sell regularly at 40c Uf3J
a pound Thursday only, per pound '.
Books at Half Price
An after Christmas &ale of Books damaged during our
great holiday book selling at half price.
A I! social bargain tables f ftf- ft and
of hooks, at -Lclla), uOj9 tOL op
I :.: -
u i n t .,
! 1 J I rami V
L- SiJ,
Many JlebmaVene anw lnwtm Hare
Merared Patent tor Shi ('on
vilW hi-
i ila
MP Lai-
r i yj7
FB.EE On Ladle' Horn Journal Fat tern with
aaeh eovr of the Itw Winter Itrls Book.. 80o
Our Pre-Inventory Sale
Include nierrhniMlip from nearly erery sertlon of the Mor at rf
durt ion.a Indicative of our dly to end the jear with all stocks In per
fect order.
Odd lot, broken assortments, small quantities and many com
plete lines afford the greatest economies of the year, in goods whose
worth to the customer has been in no way lessened.
Those to whom Christmas brought gifts of money or mercandise
certificates will find in these sales many opportunities to Increase
their purchasing power.
Ladies' Coats, Tailored Suits and Furs Re
duced to Unequaled Bargain Prices
The choice of any of our beauti
fully tailored wool suits that
would regularly sell as high as
60.00; this enr-s
end sale at
The choice of any colored coat,
worth up to $45.00, beautifully
lined with heavy satin;
this year'a end sale at
The choice of any black coat,
handsomely trimmed and tailored
very swell garments at $45.00;
this year's end sale
at only
OHE-Tintn OTT on our complete
ittock of elegant fur set. Including-
our rich hlrk lynx, large
hlack wolf ami fox. Fisher anil
natural raccoon and mink sets
worth from HR.00 up to 1150 0":
choice at ORC TmiBD OTT
Slightly Soiled.
I'sed during the holidays for
decorations. This great Pre
Inventory pale week values up
to 2 5c divided into four groat
lots 2 3 5 and 10
Ladies' Neckwear
Slightly Mussed by handling
during the Xmas shopping
weeks values up to 35c
placed on sale Thursday at a
big sacrifice at,
each OC
Hundreds of
books placed on
Rale thla week at
from JJ up.
Half Price Sale
on all Toys and Dolls in order
that we may sell everything.
We have greatly reduced prices
to clean up all Xmas Toy and
Doll stocks.
High grade ladles'
fchops In patent
colt, dull leath
ers ami velvets,
cloth and in a t
tops, short vamp,
plain to. all but
ton, a big clean
up stock sale
this week. ..B1.19
Great Semi-Annual
g Sale
All our immense stocks of winter mer
chandise must be sold at once. We posi
tively carry nothing over until next season
We have lipid clearing sales before, but' never ouo
where the poods were so desirable, the varieties so hn
mense or the bargains so wonderful. You can buy high
class merchandise for a fraction of what it cost a few
weeks ago. r
Thursday Special Bennett's Big Grocery
Hrnnpll's ICxce'sior Klour, sack tl.SO
I'rlile uf Bei.nett's Klour, sack 91.30
Bennett's Hreakfaat Coffee, 2-lh.
can 4go
Free Cup and Saucer.
Teas, assorted, lb 580
Free Cup ahd Saucer.
Tea Sifting, lb. pkr 19o
Table Syrup, 2Valb. can 100
Seeded Italslnn, lb. pkg 19ViO
10 Stamr.
B. C. Baking; Powder, lb. can.... 940
20 Stamp.
Monarch Cut Asparagus, large can.
for 9BO
20 Stamp.
Bennett' Capitol Mincemeat, three
pkgs , B8o
10 Stamps.
Snlders Chill Sauce, bottle B5o
20 Stamps.
Mpp's Cocoa, H-lb. ran 944
20 Stamp"-
in n::.n..
la n ci h
Karly Winter Social Functions at
hand. Get the correct footwear
Dorothy Dodd dress styles dainty
as allppera In a rariety of patterns;
for .afternoon teas, dinner parties or
theater. Priced moderately
$4, $45?and $5
SB" H-P B Bin. 0: :"BtB 'BBBl "n'B'
Applied to Taking
Up Homesteads
D. Clem Deaver Makes Suggestion for
Two Men to Take the Same
TV Clem Deaver, head of the homeaeek
era' information bureau of the Burlington
lines, has a new theory In settling land
of the west. Ilia plan la to allow two men
to take up one claim, one man workins
upon the farm land and obtaining the land
and the other holding some money-earning:
Job In the city and supplying the necessary
fund. At the end of tho time needed to
settle the land each man takes half the
Ills argument Is that a pour man cannot
Official Hat of letter patent for Inven
tion sued from tho T'ntted Ktate patent
office at Washington, I. C, to inhabitant i
of Iowa ami Nebraska for the week end
Ing !ecember "). a reported from the of- sot land, as he has not enotisli money to
fic of Willard Ktldy. solicitor of patents ttla It by himself. Tho a stem which
and counselor In patent causes, SIS I'axton j ho proposes is really the ' grub stake" plan
block, Omaha, Is'eb.: i employed by miners and which U consid-
To Charle F. Bloom of Brady, Neb., for ' e red legal, but under the present home-
'TK K. T. Kulton. of S "leaJ 18 ",Uf!a'1ln ' ,h
BulUer. Colo., and H. 1'. William of In- lin! of frma by thla method.
vain. Neh.. for syringe. I "We need more liberal land law In the
To William rJIUott. Jl. II. Srhlachter and we,t
i,. i ones vi iieairii-u, --eu., ior urtitt
Real Estate Exchange and Commer
cial Club Name Representatives.
Will Appear Before the Legislature
This Winter la the Interest of
Change la the Omaha, .
With the appointment of committee by
the Heal Kstate exchange and the Com
mercial club Wednesday the organisation
which will appear before the legislature
In connection with the movement for a new
charter for Omaha was completed.
The membei of the city charter com
mittee of the real estate exchange are F.
D. Wead, K. O. Hastings, J. D. Bobbins.
The Commercial club ha designated a
member of It charter committee J. E.
Ueorge John L,. Kennecy, Mel Vhl.
Member of the charter committee rep
resenting the officials of th city hall are
Mayor J. C. Iiahlnian. Judge Berka. coun
cilman; John A. Rlne. city attorney.'
Thee nine men are to co-operate in the
To Kdward A. Gamble of Hastings, Neb..
for harness attachment.
To Ueorge tJllht rison of Uloomfield,
Neh.. for cultivator.
To John O lllgan of Nebraska Cltv, Neb.,
for reinforced concrete construction.
To Hoacoe C. viore of Tecumseli, Neb.,
for aeriul navigator.
To Frank 1.. Hoffman of t'onisoh, la.,
lor sanitary receptacle.
To John Horner of Friend, Neb
said Mr. Pe;ver. "We have free lands formulation of plans for revision of the
free water, and free money to build Irrlgn- ! city charter. They ar to appear before
tlon systems. I used the term 'free money' I the legislature Jointly.
advisedly, fur the reason that the reclamn- j At the meeting of the Heal Estate ex
tlon law provides that do per cent of the change Wednesday tha charter committee
monty reoelved from t' e sale of puVdc j was chosen In connection with the designs
lands shall be turned Into the ie lan.a: o:i , tion of member on Hie public affair com
fund. and our government has been selling ; mltlec of the exchange. The three mem
from $7.(Wl.i"0 to $9,04.0110 w irth of public i tiers if the charier committee, with C. F.
lands yearly during ihe hist ee:ul yearp, ! HarrlBon and N. P. Dodge. Jr., constitute
f'" land will no doubt continue to sell this much! the committee on .public affairs.
. t i- ,...,... v.,. iiuillig me next sevriai jriirw, nuu ii n
i mux i.uiriiiavii ... .'inniia. -i.u., ior.
bur. collar. healthy public sentiment could tve created
To Adam O. McN'utton of Columbus 1 in the nest in favor of a' more liberal
Junction, la . tor collar or hame fastener. , llcy towards the homoseeUer who Is will
lo John Menen of ltimn -n. la , f(,' ' , . , , ., ..
ie-iarator. ' Ing to live upon his land five ytars, It
'i o Otto Nelson of Axtell, Neb . for music would have the effect of relieving the
tea i hint device. ; silon In the cities and s miewhat
decrease the high cost of living.
For many years It has Wen the policy
To Henrv H Weverfcropp of Havenport. i
Is . Tor lwo-ceie expioH on engine.
To lui W. W.tiy of Waterloo, la., for
reinblned chaining and feeding device for
gHsolmo engines.
To Fran J. Wood of Ie Moine. Ia..
for driving gear for iracilon engine.
Prase Property Worth Fifty '1 aoaai
Uollars tines to lutestor from
A tcoflnp trade In realty took place In
Omaha Wednefday, Hastings Heyden
selling the Troy apartment house at Thir
tieth and Harney streets to George C.
White of Sutherland, Neb. The Fullerton
man Juts In 11.'') acres of land near the
town named. The owner of the Troy has
Special Elrrtrlt-al lllaln Made by
the lt to Farther Char
ity Work.
Fremont, second among the cities of the
state In selling red cross seals laat year,
ha been booming the sale during the laat
f tbl Kovetnmtnt to allow two or more I few das wlili a special Wilconie arch
persons to form an association for the'ex- erected by the city electrician. Thl sign Is
ploltatlon of mineral lands. B . this m-thod I similar to the one that was pnt up In
the man who has num. y and the man who Omaha a week ago. The an h wa built
has energy can comb'ne their money and 1 radially for tho occasion. Fremont has
m.r-v and by complying ith the require- ; on hand 30.000 seal and expects to dlspoae
Hop! Think!
One death in every ten in your locality !
caused by Tuberculosis.
You can help stamp out this disease.
Use Red Cross Christmas Seals
on your Holiday Letters and
Cost One Cent Each.
Anyone may sell them.
Everyone should buy them.
Distributing headquarters for Nebraska:
807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687.
i .
Oo -It Wlow
Tomorrcrw A. M. loo Ute. Tk
a CASCARET at bed time; get
up in the morning feeling fine and
dandy. No need for ticknest
fron over-easing and drink
ing. They surely work while you
sleep and help nature help you.
Million! take them and keep well
CASCjiRKTS toe's bog for a week's
treatment, all druggist. Biggest seller
luuua u
ia U world. Ml
boua a mouth.
ments of the law, acquire title in the land
under the mineral land laws. There Is no
good rejon hy this principle should not
anulv to homestead Unrts. whereby two
of tlu m all.
Culhenson, Oshkoh. Trenton and I.oup
City have sold all the seals allotted to them.
In Otnahi the effort of the secretary and
Beautiful Teeth
There are but row people who hava
them. Hood Teeth every one might hava
If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The
tiulckext. easiest and least painful am
the only methods employed by u and
hundreds of our patients, both In and
out of the city, will n'adly tell you about
tha good dental work and our up-to-date
ways of doing things. Crowns and brldg
wrk from ..U0 per tooth, l'lates thai
I fit from I4.IJU to JCI.BU. I'ulnlesM extrac
tion of teeth. Nervei of teeth removed
I without hurCng you. Work warranted
! ten year
I 17 rears saaia location.
i 150S rarnam et. Xbon D. 17S0
furnishing the money fur necessary Im
provements and the other furnishing the
work to do the improvements and rnise
the crop and when title passes each one
gel title to half of the homestead."
i ,!.. 4.. Ilia f nh.
been J W. Tease of Omaha. If he give rmi. "l 'KI.IH I A. la.. IVc-iW.-With thf
other Consideration bcblde the apar'ment running at a spe.d of nea,iiv forty
house It 1 not disclosed. ! miles an hour. 11. C. Heck, . uyineer of ti e
Irittsbur - t nei
a. in too.ty.
l.y th., f ri-.ini'
n ;rti ' ' :V.-:n-weat
of th s c:t
rson ii'iglit Jointly ti;ke a homestead, one ! ht r assistant are being directed toward
Mealcan l.auui-er St.trt tor Home.
tT. JOSKI'H. Mo., lvr :S.-Kifte.n I
Mexican nwn n ii nan re, n t in' o ed
hv the Hutltngion railroad Iric bft
riinht for lilhuahua. Mexico. In company
of o of their countrj ni'-n. sai.l 10 te
agent of the Inaurrevto The nemltera of
the party ld thev wire going bck to
Join tn revolutionary force.
v. ii c. It li li- r- :n s l"
f, 'ml au in tut- cab
iv ( "l the vtre wi s
v. I. i'i... sim ncl a
W.ilicr MiOie. the
man. iiroi'gbt tiic ir in i" '"i'- .
was due t heart dicaF.
Persistent Advertising Is ths ivuad to
Big Keluiua.
selling out the small tock left before New
Viai day.
Ilnblra Strnnglrd
by croup, cough or colds ar Instantly re
lieved and tpilckly cured with Or. Kin.'
New Discovery. Mc and 1.M. Kor sal by
Pinton Drug Co. .
Taft's Dental Roims
t retl I'Oklal. 1'rea. ii. A. hliaw. Mgr
1.i;.im xicuo.d ln rKdi..Ta. :u .r
tr.U ilx-vui-tii.. i'n 01 ur,a
tcid atr Ijh iteroy. Ilia aud up pef
(H iut ioi.u.s wiitt li'O auu u i
t-r. V i-.' l..r a
Hwrt au4 finest I" 1 rlty. wltkj
tLa iiiosl leaklilui ia trlcai l,i.iiia,a la La. Our factiltlea lor Ulgn class srr
iTa ' utucept.mi. ai.d iiuliar t m
.sl hoisis la New rk. Iu can pay
J'Vbln -ur rata for ur accuiuiuuaaUvaa,
but ti ut ioi Uig (tr.
The season of colds. La Grippe
and" Pneumonia la her. If you
want to protect your health
Avoid Gold Feet
Cold feet are caused by the ahoe
you wear you can 1 absolutely
avoid cold feet by wearing our
Cushion Sole
They are both a non-conductor
of heat and cold-aoy one who hag
suffered from cold feet can find
immediate relief In these shoes.
Thty are made on a common
sense last and fitted with soft,
jiorous felt cushion Insoles that
give a aoft, firm foundation. The
only real cushion sole shoe In tho
Mens $5.00
Women's $-l!00 1
II 10 1 ti rii am Street.
-ort to
MB year
oholce for
58 P IA i-?-. -;
b. wmaow. I I! E WEIJADU STOU't I." 1
worth to
OS, yonr
hole for
flea windows.
Tailored Suits at Just
Half Winter coats at Just
Half-All Furt al Just Half.
Nothing ropprved, ovory pnr
mrnt goos during this Pale at
$10 and $12 Tailor Suits at $5
$.0 Tailored Suits at. $1 0 00
$25 Tailored Suits nt:$12.50
$."0 Tailored Suits at. $15.00
$40 Tailored Suits at. $20.00
All winter foats. ineludim;'
fine line of new plush coat?,
and fur coats, all fur fcarfs,
muffs, sets, etc. at
In addition to the tailored
suits and coats wo will include
for Thursday's selling.
500 Dress SKIRTS at Half.
All newest styles, colorings,
fabrics. A magnificent bat
gain opportunity for the day.
Come earlv.
Hand Hags and Handkerchiefs
selling to he closed at about half.
$1.00 Hatid Bags at 10
$2.00 Hand Bags at $1.00
$3.00 Hand Bags at $1.48
$5.00 Hand Bags at $2.50
$7.00 Hand Bags at $4.08
lrtt from our tremendous holiday
ROc Handkerchiefs at 2o
26c Handkerchiefs at 15
20c Handkerchiefs at. ... 1 C
15c Handkerchiefs at 10
10c Handkerchiefs at
Clothing Clearance
All Wint.r Suits and Ovsrooats
at Swiaplng Prloa Reductions
Stock must be greatly re
duced before January 1st.
$10.00 and $12.50 Suits and Over
coats, at S7.75
$14.50 and $15.00 Suits anu Over
coats, at '. ..S0.75
$18.00 and $20.00 Suits and Over
coats, at $13.75
$-22.50 and $27.60 Suits and Over
coats, at .. 817.75
$30.00 and $32.60 Suits and Over
coats, at $21.50
$36.00 and $40.00 Suits and Over
coats, at . -820.75
Not a suit or. overcoats,
ia our entire stock reserved,
all - go at these sweeping;
price reductions now.
90 of the stock is Hart,
Shaffner & Marx clothes,
which insures best quality,
best tailoring, best work
manship obtainable in any
25 Discount on all boys'
suits and overcoats.
Extra Spoclalo for Thursday
Huck Towels, It Ho grade IHo
Bath Towolv 12 So sradn 8V0
TVash Rat, Sc value, each 1V0
All 15o and le Wrapper Cloth, Vel
vettt and Velours, will so at, per
yard 100
Sheet, 72x90, regular 6O0 values.. 4Bo
Sheets, 81x90. regular 75o value.. fiSo
18a Pillow Slips jU(
lBc IMIlow Hllps 100
Uk mA ltaroerlsed Wash CKoods.
100 plei-e worth So, yard asn
100 piece worth tOo, yard 35a
Hpeclal sale on Wool Press Ooods
-one-third off on all trades.
Six Specials not advertTaed.
Tha Greatitt Pre-lnrentory Qrooiry Sala Evtr Kald In Omaha
tVe want to reduce our mammoth
Grocery tock $2U,000 before January
1st. By buylflg -now you will save
from 26 to 60 of the regular prices.
21 It, best Granulated Sugar. .. 1 1. 00
t bars plamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap 2CC
10 lb, best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
for .... ftc
S lbs. good Japan Rice 1AO
LavaJlne, the great magic cleaner, per
can . . ...... i a-ryj
T.u 1-u Scouring Soap, can 4c
16c pkg. Goldrnrod Macaroni lOo
Ths beat Boda jor Oyster Crackers, per
lb ' c
Cream Honey Cracker, regular 16c
seller, lb 10c
Fluted Cocoanut Cookies, regular 16c
seller, lb 10c
Batter, Cheese' and Buttarlae 0poil
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. .SOc
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb ': 2o
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 260
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheee.
lb. SOc
Fncy Full Cream Y. A. Chee, 0o
I lb, good Butterlne 25o
7 lbs. beat bulk Llumlrv RUrrh ot
48-lb. sack beat High Patent Flour,
regular 11.06 grade, per Hrk.. 11.30
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal for , X6u
011 or Muatsrd Sardine, per oan..4o
Grape-Nuts, pkg lOo
K C Corn Flakes, pkg tVio
The Oreeteat Market In Omaha (or
rresh Vegetable.
You save from 10 to 100 by trad
ing at lluyden'a.
1 heads freah Hothouse Lettuce. .. Be
2 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes . 6a
1-lb. box fresh Hothouse Mushrooms
for .35a
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 7So
bunches fresh Beets, CarroU, Tur
nips, Kadlahe or Hhalots for.,.10o
Jersey Uweet PotaUiea, per lb.... 20
Large. Cucumbers, each lOo
Large Head Lettuce, each 7 He
2 hunches fresh Parsley to
Fresh Cabbage, per lb 140
2 lb. 8helled Popcorn luo
Cap Cod Cranberries, quart lOo
Big Highland ravel Orange Baie Th
famous Nedyah brand. Nothing to
equal them for quality, taste and
flavor, per doyen, 16o, Boo, gso, 300
nnnT rnu nnirnrnci cidct it
' . m m m m w mm 1 -- -
Printed from lar. clear pica typa, with mar fi
nal referenees, family record and maps. Thla
borne Bible Is new and Tery desirable for everyday-
use tn the home, containing all the advant
age? of a family Bible in a compact size that can
be easily bandied, with record for births, mar
riages and de-ths. The best Bible obtainable
for old folks who need extra large, clear print
and a light weight book. Th. exact size of Bible
when closed Is tii inches.
Bound In French seal leather, round corners,
red under gold edges, gold titles, silk head basdg
and purple silk marker.
This elegant Bible and The Dal'y Bee, by mall,
one year for IK. 00, which ia iK regular selling
price of the Bible alone. .
The price. Including The Sunday Bee also, is
17.00. Wf) aend the Bible, by mall or express,
charges prepaid, upon receipt of subscription
22 Thus Joash tl
not the kindnres
father hd done t
son. And when h
IxRD look upon it
23 H Arid it cai
end of tfVar, w
; gainst I
came f
W -T "v- M