Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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H-The ee'g jnejy(ag azir f)a
Dottie Dialogues
Wf VTiih Que Anotier ta Tabippy
014 Ttx.
ard rer-p-if i"t irewr-ber . of
p-Trted tb Br? 4 tbetr last evening
wbcre th CoreVJ Vnrrersttr O ;. Banjo
sed Mandolin elsbs hd forth in con- 1
Tbe Crn.l op4 -"1 eVed 1B
rmr-sm r4 danrg th tBter-rr.toBion the"
was nwt "ccrig ot" of th i-tre
br r"B gn -ijw -f alumni ef OTJvT Insti--j!Wi
ef lrir.g- To all of wtk-h
f" '"omeil awrnrl aeeied In th b4r cf
ib km rr r.-n "d to rrttroal eola!
at wtnif VBtil. lhea particular yell--.ate
hud green fcoar mi rijooo
" rAzn body of Crrr-ell alumni and thetr
'.'iwn JS wr at-3 to iwrrt bnxee
o her br xe were occupied by grad ute j
bb4 n-Sr-grd jte cf HiTTirt. Am
Hti. 1-g.rtrr.
rafirg T -!
trh a4 Ma-htgan TN;inawM-
tli"f bco twr tiiojit
bar., rf tt,o ott3 mri I
' in Mho ta- OMrtnr Vrt ,
a tjn-Ur ttkt rime.) rnurnj Tfct .
turtaja cm rtsiiar at tlio twtln car
Ha bo"?- Kg ajil
owt nm an 4
Th foriofTi bt ajiii wtia tb
la I t r.iu.i-r ft the j-rocram.
r-( i:r Vr. Fri( h "AlunsrJ 6r, "
t.Vti rij TV.e onicc but-
W. t . :i.r.s of il.Hi an Core::
'Kjtrn ta A!trJi MatT " wM-h
" I r Ab aa ." Tb c2-
trp fiarnbw as ariftiKT of tt Stma cf
!t f':! h. who tit a Ir-tc trtw.
tt.o "Alumni kTiS." tb firot lm
f ruro ;1 in ftekTs lr-?iibt of
rr, mi cw'W tt-n ". The J ciuK '
tli i UTf-r-r Ihr tnci5t Ja.3rrhil of i
W E. Hani, a Uuu'.t'jHi rou'.t, !
Mr th rfra'H ' j
T.r fttrl.. M.1r, j
tii cbrit aci the ma4oin !
and f-Uif-ra. fate nidrtrc lat i
- m uvin( t0) ratbrr nwr care
fw'j irajjjd a4 rtiwtmd thaa tho n
iri" or utjuerahr clun- To
;k ciub ka a. Kttii itrorier ib tfc j
trB in tb tenor J.rt bat th hifher
jrt Baa not (ncrmhajwd Tb fOitoj
cr(caj.iiatttiB i lrn!T w baJaBcd.
lr thrr i .linista contnbutira; Bnurb to
lb iuixihh of ""ta pari of tb prorrajn.
Tb ' Vacaiv trry" i-tioria forrnod
n.crt 'r.Joyb Burctrr rtj by thii
(an ff ib mtrtatDTTTjt Thia waa fnl-
Kt pv Th ai; '.atioe T IraumcroL
v i,icj r.aa brcn Tit1ca" .ficr th laablOB
City Eeiamn Work After Tito DijV
Ob&erTaacc axd Kerriiaent.
rnroiy schools have teees
riaya Baiea t the Birth -f tb
Chraet. 0, Jaeeltatlwaa
. , lalalorwra arr Fratarea at
" : Illfl Oaeo' Cierel.
Chriaonaa feitt! -tar iwl if thi
prop) of Omaha -e4- wi-.l ytrdy.
Wrih tb csoBpaaa of a fw ftuaday
arhaol. which haw not yet bm their
xrelea In ooumtjnoratwn tu! tb "Btrth-
ay of tbo Kin." all orraBlatoao naro
iSliwhal their abrwraanoe.
f-ipo Chnatmal tbli year cam oa ui
lay tberi' orerw- too tin of oeWbntloB.
tbit of P'JOflaT Beinc tarrely ef a rehanooa
ratun arid that of M-ocday beind mor
fetuiar Is r! et.aracter.
Oiiy. cocair aoi! federal puiidiBCt and
jrrt3el!y atf tb atom In tbi city except
"r--t tor wer Hcat-a a'J day Monday
Fnitlirjea of all wen JT opportunitT
1b nfrr a' holiday and tboa who oa oun
lay refrained from mT amoaement
wer frea to B5oy thErt3Tea
Tfccatera' er well altered bolh after
noon and cinB. Crew da akated oa tc
and at tb roller m.k..
As old faohKwiod CLrii'icar ceiebratlor.
waa held at th O-.aJ.a Raiiroad club.
Ctnr.mai treea, holly asd miaieto rraced
tt rootna oaata Oaui in tb ahapc of
Anbur Few - paaaMi . cut inaail reniaaj
taacei la aul tbi aumbcra
laaatf aehawla Hat fiaanaaa.
rer eral of tb laTfer rtiurrbe vt Otnihi
t-yed tbr (-uiiday arbo&l CI. riit ma
(brau.cia atal Mooaay mtt. A few
lil 1-av tJJ! tonitht; other ecjoyod
Utlr Cbnauia featirttle laat wak.
At tb Ftrt "MetblKt (burrh laat Biht
f wder boy gar a a part cf tbe pro-j
g-am a nxu;ue nunvber mad up of tw
fccenea. "T. "Tbret Wiat'Mrn
and Tbo !
btrr-herSr ail. tb BifViir -
Tbea fr.e adapted., trie f.rst from
tt.e pa' " F-tn I?ur." ar4 tt oeound fra
lb bible 'Tb trre Magt tmper-eiXiat-d
b Vrirtr Cjr. Fiaxk kaai aad
Waitet 't.i.ltgtt'e A t.r.'! nt atar ap-l-red
In tM ecen' Tft tkiU w lib a hich
tr krti'f ffet-aa produced . wa Te
rr a r k r-i t,f trr iarf .deTl- Tt
tao antprtr: aar Baa.l Curamia and
F7 rrr. Krsrhefgr: .- ahJ ti part cf
auerger a pyed by Iuata Herman Ti
, TZ... L ,
''rg. reciiaaaoas. gvara and seiectjoiCB b
tie orit ef rr r . 1 e-eug Mm a dub G.f a
provrld ft- tb xr rr children
(ll P-Mr.i.a.
.. .
At tr Firn iptiat cburcb aearj- ier
" " . iri LJ Jfa it.- ruiai)
at tveo!
had a i.l" . tt. prt.gram. :
. wr aet a T'ga by a trained chorua. '
nanv r-."iaK.r.a l irdvvduaia and la
rt.j and Beeerar piv amor.g a i:rt 1
'Tt f. gc lrrt. " ahjfii ap
k" J a a; Tta First I:lmSii "ln
'"tial ' wot r,ta etaoo. ci-ntt ,
Tb rJ"f .b Matt.-aa opened '
f rofarr . n a j r;r a"l tb tuliev,
aatg .. j.sor.a irh t chat a Tb '
'i-"ram ea acatce-i an-r it direcuoa
f tf A a. ft ar t Swtr-r.ier.o-it. I W.
idaardr .?- yrg-arc thtr ea a
I't ai 4 ( .. ,
Tt Rettary Baca kjtiii a r.oo) eft
t'-e rtrvt Bai-ret cMreh w 11 hat n p--rn
t-i'.-jvt n tr cm pt at Trt-.j-eUt''
tr.4 Lk1"J ti-'aeta.
Bir-rti KiroOTii Ljibeiaa ci'jjk Baa
ie - pre: v do--tei ran of tt
Braj Car.sitaas arrrart'ina sa
"? t in tf te Jock LutSetaa
bro"rBoeid Te eee en of tr, t r
.raim-. er tt. lifrrt pxpa ijtt Fd
Bard H jBuwnev. sua l ri istt. mad
f:rt bt!-!TiT ar a J-r a . Br.
.ed w;.rd ifV T r pt ht'td-nt
tai geavara' J-arg c4 is
1-iwsubibo an4 tee f reaee r aaa tti, a
t Kt 3 Y ' H it:.n wt. ga u. tii.1--isa
a ahert iaa- ' ' I
lb "Me " Rag " id b'rh to
a!rrot as rniK-h cf musical vt-rG.
But Mr. lm. whs rid tb eo'o part cf
! tbia. sang h ntbec wn and reeeteed e- erT.'.aue. Ns isbM e-f tb
nir.g mimed en M(W
-v (-onrert wa fo lowed by ra"
, Hot) Rm w we attndd by
t th Hix
n1r l.W bm-b l4 A)tiMrfc til
mw3 tt! tevteS wefl 1 . tn . bf j
th -rnKtor )fi to tJie tr:n to Kuui ,
Moll at Htl It"'.
Th h 1 mom, con4ort anj w-dnonet
of th P-orr hfl h roratf3 ' bfHdar j
faahlra. Urtif mnBim arid ftB of
r-rvrarrron. wilt ooio .r.r-rdf-Tit
1 . . ... A TV at.
tr a4 b tv Tr,a n ry tbo aaM P wo
JTat rwxsvy m
W "I ' lm"
T' ifcatrr iirfimr m lar fnouan to
! --M-r t in th bono aad u a
rrrft faafctoraMe ratb-Jlr In lit fw
-l." A 1arr B-urriT of tei an Kb par-i-s
r 1V t5"1 ,h oora'-
Plrrow a4 taOBaal.
T"!. r-a'.rcea wrro:
J(.r n N Hiii'Jw B.
jt-n a. FotkIv
Jrr J Htf.oa.
Ji.r,n " Co"
tti-4 A. I'ucah.
Uunj Kvrnt.
t (.jrc:l H!-Jff a. la.
John C Frrh.
Chin? J. ;rB"
wrA ?!ia.Bd.
Tt.,cm a. Ki!:atTT
liar'-flC Ci.iioro.
Ikncu Kcumr
tVr A y I P
Cfcarit W. LjTmaA"i F. WaedfT-
v'tihan Mrri.r!v.
T am ,H. V1),!ar
?.jtiar3 Mct.
Krfmard W. Nafh.
Jor.a N. H Pa'.r -k.
I.jnr4 pTir Pc,
Giral riJrck A.
Y-Tr w alt1'
Ourfioo W. W an),
J"g Ij hr.
f'lr K. Twrt.
H.ry H. Tata.
M.f Jt Xa.ard
Tbce on tb rx-ptio wremlU wr
Jch B. Atk e.
j. hB t-atun
FraBk A. Broad
nar", P. Rnocwater.
Will -diojf. .
Rcawrt tiMvrtck.
Crror: "ia MraiTh.
! &: mh.
Wi'liam j-.ui)
Jor.a W. Tewv.
Oot'i a H TB"nm1.
Arc hi W
rirmm, h.
t-amnl EtB?r..
Hrrbm K. ia1
haroid CLifloM.
Kull B HarriwB.
tc in C. Hnrr,
Mcr C. Hob.
Arcotd C. Kn.l.
H'rr man KiT.
A if rod K ..ard..
I,m-n C Pas.
Jan,rf H. N aatdua..
Arthur C. TUmv. I
toward oortirook. 1
John F. Wilcox,
ru,r F Wiicoa
Cwcax Will ama
Jam RicbardooB
M.m Eumo Stebhiaa.
Soldiers at Forts
Near Omaha Fare
Well on Christmas;
iTOTerblai Pork U.a XKaX.1 ia! ilJLIt.-
tack ii Sot on the Bill
f Tut.-
- ..: .-" .- .-- -' : - .
. ,' . ' v.!Aad two chtkea a aJioed and two kix-
"J l"v
rnrounu h:1nM a touch of aad-
kut tbi amr nai till IU t cit-i
brat aad Ui Chnaunaa aplnt perraded
Fort Crook and Fort Omaha a well aa
Ox&aXa thia yaar ,
A.u proof cf lb error of ta opiaioa that '
tb l-tdtBd Eta tea eold,tr imv baa a.r,y-;
thlsf ta eat but pork and beaut with e-
caaionaily aoro haratacx mreai ia ir
deaaert Flrat IOeuBat Bna- H ,
Klli oomruarid:!!' Company , rourm
itfaniry Fun Clock, teiia f the Crlatma
apiead b arid tu men enjoyed.
At tb ciaca if each eoldx-r waa a crep
paper napkun, decorated with wh.te itara , -
aad a picture of a creaicu- American or water. aeaaoB wits a tableapoonftj of
eal beann thi hauonai colon In Ita cut ia thin ilioea. a half clove of .
laiata On tb Bapklna wen printed th ; rarlic arrated. three tafeierpoocfuto peanut j
nr,eau awl th company renter. Th a3tnao1 " wait. cenn aod wh it pepl-er to ,
waa a follow; ! taste. Btir frequeaUy to prrreM tirk-n j
Cbow-Cbow. C'.rr Plcxle 1 to can and with rice md scyo or soy. I
Cream of Oyateia. j
Torkiy With Giaty. &Bt rean-. !
VJWUtV ' . - - ' (
Man fa
Cocoanut Cake Je-ly Rou.
Tea Cocoa.
Ccffe and O.atara
Omaha Men to York
I to Real Estate Meet
7. L. SLcCafue and 5. P. Dodgr. Jr., Go
m DtletntC'i ef the Real
Estate Exehi.
rm , Y. r-nroaan,
1 . .IHi!ut, WeB.
day by Jn U McCar- ar N. p. rxjr. it fine ir you do not cs-e t oa imi wo.-ii.
r at a been appotr-ted by Preader.t corn aoeal. tU.ugh it eill n&t b aa
C C Geif a delegate! of tfce Omaha ' diatiacrively Mexicaa at tbe ooiied com
Rra! rtt Excrarg A tijrd diegat will ,Tba select a den red Chill tjrrx. peel
piobabiy b srlected today or tomorrow i r Bfftening by aeakir
Tie Tors cemenuoa p.-ormses to deal!""1 ' Boilirg eater d-a.n. dry
ith mav otner Snellen una aa ' t lB, mort' fm i,h
v dew.nn tb. pret ttcir.lan(. I"1 t gric urt 1 of patteLk con.
uaet law rl erut. xn 4a-f ! Tk "" bJr ,n w,tn ,h
! that trev , eager t. tak. par, in . a.
i . .
eral real ettate tmwu. out an not is -
i ciud to tea n In aondeat-aau.-n of tt
. -i.rh . ...
i cma eacbarig lno.'i
! Th conventi -B i biljed t diacuat U
J orgar.ixat)-.i of a atat Teai eBiate d'aien
1 n-tiaix-B, a iaa " B tit-h will protect own-
! er cf projerty as we'l as seiar.g agetta'
. , ... . . .
HkI ti benefit ef in ecu
; 1.1-
(.wnia and 1 t
M. Haiarrl. lajare by Heaaa, Haagi
le EilMfae nil! Teauaeiiy far- i
prialaa Pkialriaaa
M ill a larg on,on of his sau.i re- '
Btoed H HEirn. te Borknaa in i.e .
irpoe of tv e National E..f rg com- i
rr,v a bo Baa ttruca oe tie bead b. a
fa'i tf bears FYniay niornirg : still a'.n. 1
Tb et-iir iwer K-rt on ef tlu.berts!
tauJ bt y crusted by tfce fa 'Lag tm- J
!'. l-r T 1 lwer e;'rated upon tee
tEJ-red aa at t. Jcpt lctai
at only after trie amdert nnovirg th
Ion from ire bead eter aa area ef about
. f 'h ai:e trat would be co ed by
a tat At f-rat 11 aa t!orbt there m
a b"f for rtra, but frcn preaest tndl
rat.oni it J beiieted tial ie ea at leat
a tftt t cha'ce H-ibert bs reported
a taaing rowttt'-ieieit jeerd; .
To'-.f Kictj Pt i are totic !u a-tior. '
iv k in ru.ta. anj reatiw th natural
acitwa cf M k ! and Wil'rr Tr
1 rf rv t irtg '.i-a evid aj a-1 drug
f .ata
rn;rAT it t bfrr chim-
BM. fc4 I m rrik4 t Ttm T rw
-Jirt r4 "!titt 't rK'k wr '.Xrn oVw
hko thmi. T Ttr r 'T nt to pTJt
M; Vot. of rim. tferr hf to 1 tho
pwfortjT- oCL I ra aa mtir'?' 1ffrrt
yr-oon fmra tto or I ytlrdar
cui. aity.ouris I toiut'j- dfrnin
Bke5 rr. B5or t,fi tit tm. I u l n-
Np th.t I ki !1. it mak-o T t j
th mi arotmd m lvk 1 1 Bt'y. t. Tbo
wo.Il T'r nd tK f umit u-ro ) bit rrr
tb aar tootb bruth. k om a bit tb aaio
j a H tu twjty-fi;r burp . wi
bct tr had all t-wn qutto duTl ad
eTrirror r'ar. w thr n root -tr"rdliarT
and woroVrful. ba tr
btng to Tn. a.nd 1 itb ondfT-fnt and
oixraTiI.rarT. t'iM Tim hk m ae
How drraifuJ fw a'! tho p tf tb
(mi in tho wrid tha.1 h 5 dn t pick
Lhero cmt and ff B
I ffH a omr f tbm. a thourt I dsr
bit mm of th-TTi ar aaticfled with tw
H3o tr ar Bpard bt marrd t?- Noi
h nrt a woman abtld imt Jt I men
bow nsoch ab ear for hina. I rb5i
r think M woe'd ao !:rri-ti!t to b taAir c
' r t a T3 IK lifn Bust f V m m ItMrtl
a food aJ en tb nib-t- In fact, I Han
A lX3." j
jvt f mabed a most intcrcrt'tij book in
which a w oman la Tr? c'tt and beaotl-
fa and terrib'r In kv witb ber huaband. J
! but Bn rr 'fli hlra aiwpott It. and h. ocm- (
qiK-Btlr. ia craty about her.
Tasty Foreign Dishes
S-A -.virkM u.. smiM If i
1 preferred, cold
lean fresh pork can be j
j lubatitnted for the chicken. Each piee i
" abound be about an inch lose, half aa
inch wlda and a onarter of ah Inch tta 1
- . ....
. u a-
m I
''O aaucepan with two tcaspoonfuls
peaBt butter or peanut oil and toaa iirbt!y
tor 'wo minute. It must Dot be a Homed
"cu" r brown, for to tan hki thi
Chje chop luey It aajat be mor lik a
'-" J ourter
Ptrad celery cut in thii alice. a eaa
bboo or bean .prout. If tbee I
" ' -
'o5 fcr "0 Ifcr ayi In a
mra t-e ml i ""-F f-rclab rtc
pruia that Will anewer tb aarne purpoca
Tbi formula Tor thia cauoe ciosejy
t-6ri tT th Chine chef a and I am 1
triabj to rive t An xceileBt Imitation or sllc aa ooioui add pepper, pulp aad
can be obtained by mixim juel portion j atr and stmmer jently until tb meat
of Worceetenh re aure and Puerto Rico s, mitr. Pumetime freab or canned to
moiasBea Th iu aa n-de in Japan is j a-iatoe at added to th meat while rook
compoaed of fermented wtieat and beana '
mixed with salt snd i1:ear, but the pro- Fliaen" A heapinc a-uart tneasur of
porucna and prot-eai I da eot know.
Mexican Tanaale Wbi.e ther are v-
eral kinda of tamale the tt ar tboe
road from cUckea. For chicken tamale
boil on large e5kea or a lraa mor than
Cvi pound beef ia sailed water and when'
tender chop th meat I.nt Boi IB poanot
f eora and a handful of 1 me tn water
unci tti akun t.f lU core at. loosened.
tl ea itrb tt-e 1 rr. from tb cure and g-ind
i r&"ro
v.r-is i rr.-.k tke muah Fry a
. , . . "
tearpor.1 cf f.our. and when it om,r
baa commericed to b"own aid tr pepper
and cook for r.v ruiruie aoa f.e
ho;;-d neat er.d eeaaon tr.e mixiu-e ara 1
fiae') ceoM4 cine, aa't. pTfr and a.
Wlalt do jrou think at ttaC
laeickl ct fTafggrarbg?'
To bocrow ne-targpaper tauin'i
icvolrer to commit tvcide axki
aaaratiah stary, and Usea Bwa
( madam
xxzrnmx ( :
tixy n e
m i? m u
lJt rftt t hw h prvn-.4
hw f fron H ':p oat I u
ti-.irk o.ho wpiiij hr tcrs to B--
Mch 1 c.-o fw Tmi I (N l hi m '
I could waak auc h a namf.c aa tbat for
him. Howvor. tb aaorr madi aucb ib
I ImTHMtfM mm tll w
bit Mai)i
had said. I toua-bt Td ak b a adv-io.
Wi borjn erirafod oui ca-rlj" Ian rt
tn. a nd Jqm Wc" h wtit bom I told
bins I wa afraid it would b a riak to n j
hj bow much I r"? llkd him. I aaid '
if b 5dn't ha any d of bow I nropiT )
I ot aJi n,i4 B hoc, which wa Tom"! j
fa n't. Howbtw. I drrt!-d to tak tb
cbaso tsrwr. and to4 hlra a wbol lot
of thlBra bad bat a'mprr tarr.nt !
to Bar tbiDBJve for a ion tjm
Cbartotti Coppr oari ae tr!od Mr.
Cooper l.k a 6og after b bad accoptod
him, and Aunt Harriet ai d thl BaomiBX
that when fbe waa or. 5a prod to CbcW Ptr
rhe would btt hav 4roard of kiBPlB
j hint. Fb Bar b Band ta com 'a and oo
j bf r with aJl tb Twt of tb Jimilr arooBd.
t tauk with hr for haUf an boar r la. ud
tb"' ' " Sh ttC,krS vrrT
r-otratinr'r wbil an wai teniae ro.
and I told her I tbot-ht that waa the
oer Proper way to Be m" Canoe, of
courB. I BDifbt jun aa wen aarre anth
her. aa be ia nevtr ber IB lb rrea-ajj.
I think I could treat Ton a Jttli tV a
BantJrelr la rare raeee of autua- owlard auad
and aait to aaoa. A ljctte tnnato may
alaa be put 1a with th pepper aa4 a-nxlae :
aniitmre. ai wren aa dot oatkia tf tb diaa
ta hot. When tha chickea Cr beef mixture !
haa eoekad thoruk"hlr. anra wt oora
.. ' . .
r ajamn. h wja iT ri riaa nraLraBn TT aaaaiA BBBBt.BTl a iruaaj j
add a layer of tb chopped meat ana
; oliiea Put oa axxrther buak. apraad writh
; aseal. ax-d bo continue wbUI tbi taznal to
tb ih required. RoU the turka ao ta
j mtat may t completely ajrroaBded with
Jjhe p. turn tb anda. ti aacareJr with
jtwm and at cam from three-Quar-ter if
- ' i
,ut ,h boa tamaJe, oa ton. Sand to
ie vir kubu ui
"taxen pipxc hot.
00a earM
ciuU Con Carne-For chiJ
(Mexican ttyle). txk two drie chili pep-
l-er. in warm war unu iney bit boh -
nod. then remor peel aad seada Beturn
ti. pepper to ta water and boil aai n-
dnced about one-half. Then with a woodra
apooa crush to a pacta. While th rI"Pr
an cookin cut twi poiiods roubd steak
icto die aad brown by f rj-jnf la lard, oil
or hatter. As boos aa breand sprinkle
wilts flour, frrate a dor of sarUc over It
brad iiacluiir.g cake, if on hand.
scald and drain. Add oc , on oaioa
chopped riB. n ai pl ctc-pped fine, pinch
,' of thyme, four tabiespuonf uls prepared
flour tor plain flour with bakiaf powder).
M.x all thoroughly into batter and fry aa
, rnttera. uair.g a aiow nre. 1 an u improiea
run tbe ue of the same saan aa to used
; In chop auey poured oier the f.liiea hoc
Daily Health Hint
ti fhou'-d b obered that the kdnei t
are the a or f iter of the fcuaa-i
-!'&. Prcr and i.jr riercia ai'l
airergtb'n tr kidne? in their c.'fic of
1 eel'-ng It blood "j-ure bv fjjter;ng it.
have 'Ebb Off.
ijjy i-,omfr ..a fjfaiture r,oti Ht
rjA, hc(,B-, c,f moae io;v sideboard ma
UJ ,tf, 1 last h-i:
1CTC,,n .m;r!n -I maved
'em off
sf j Sa);J :
What make you auspect yout
rile cf treacbery?'
Why, 1 he rot rr heavfiy h
mre4. and thea ake4 s to fire
be cook,"
Rjt it wl4 hv to t lit 'hr
1 kM..r . I on ! lo'd Ttm th1
if I trok t:o r N l"tttf liira
nuca 1 Hko4 aim I tm?4 rrr r,k tn
j Mti o tn wtfj rry hair in curl par-rt w '
wr.b ob4 rrm . mr fao Tbat tire Ij"
I rttvH -!tk Jira Ir!BK. atd - t 1
i , .. . w... ! Biad mv b and twttd m t-un
jtBBivM ,aJ'T' V!" "Tli r, m bow . tu kr r!
tminn all cr br fa Ab4 w oho ;
t Kao tbi orad-citora ah bad Botr-,
alk. and Br -.air wrii otoi up ib paimi j
th rita that Ba a wodTTMt wa'. Btt
b hf awf'.iPT ar. ib McJii aa't!
tbT ar otri to a" a tftvorc
I rnnit inwr thaa ix-ti from Tvm Brw.
II I m ot ri to Vnm nu tonirht.
I Tbn-o ar fw Kun unrl bo row
i Tbr win crawl M uowir As 4 h wl'l B
w:th m for bb!t tar, and tbor wjl a-
j Hk Jif hlrJrjr I ahall ft tb bt of t-m
j wbw I am ofl tdt r-onr"v'1oi . ai tbB I 11
t bar tbwi a.11. md a fa a. tby ar
, u3 1 11 hiT oihr to tak tb.r Bo
! That via thi t".rbon. ird it wi TVi
! ti kBow If h coo'xSB't com In tn aboot
; bour and if b could B t.M -
IC Juat tb mm If h d. I and covKSb t
b ma.k n Half an boar, and h aa-d b d
try ta.
And thai ta the cod of my diary, pecan
I w t hav tar a tor it aow. aa wc an
rot&at La a naarrtoa ia two week.
Fftds cf Women
Than te a bw a hap ia atomisen that
a aiak1a Ma appearano for tb fin
tixem at sow, aad aa adraat K baa
mar tb old attyle to that tb bulb can
b wwrkBd writh wo hand.
Tb (iaal bottle hotdhna; the perfuio ia
Baaa with a deep hollow oa one tad, bat
which a rubber ball to afnaed ilh a anan.
T . aM!l. to Weil
ar ww i -
on band so tb Cncers preaa th rebber
balL It ta claimed that this kind of bulb
will Btnu wear But. Prioa. K-
I Much seaiekia to wora thia tfaaon. not
exactly la lara (arBMCta, auch aa wrap
aad coat a. but aa a-ore, especially
; la scarf f wm. aad th hufareac to that
rjrobahH- these aceaaortea an tbi reautt
7.. era"
riraneets that hav cither beooan too old
faahloned for wear and would ooet tao
, nmoet.lt4 by furrier or far-
meats that bavi warn ra patches.
: worth thlnkta oxer by thoa
b poaweea pelt ef tbta klxd alored a bit.
ABT v-ocnaa of aim- akTfl ahould b able
t, faahloo sealakla 1st up-to-dai Bauff.
, 9rAJ-tt
i .
j a a ndsavt looking set cf fun shown ia
on ahoe rBdude a bat. muff and scarf la
a eotnblBauoa of pun white sad rt black
animal akin form th scuff asd an
placed aide by aade. th bead of a betas,
black, th tail of th other black,
la the scarf the black Yd whit skins
In the back., th hiack failing 01
OM .wcld.j- and th white aver the other
1 head aad tail arraged I correspond
with tb muff
j Tfe bat baa a hit crvwa aad a black
( tlir Ma Th triauniBC to a whit tail.
A new Idt ia the eaaryi s a daioir
; dreaaed doll. The framework eeeac to b
j ,5.4 iu ,B order ef a hat reet or a
certain atvle of lamv ahad.
At the top ia set an exquisite figure ia
Ireaea rl.ina. Tbi 1a dreased ta a daiaty
frock of ailk m-jat b lreden chna color
and deaig-a trimmed with oid-farhiced
looking flounces around tbe bottom st
wotb la th davt ef rr.ioi.ati atd ntouBted
exr a China si,k .:p.
Th latest wmr te tne world of beauu
f rr to aa xpuiit ooid cream la suck
i It meaaare. about four lacbe long and
ob men in i meter ai n costs 9
atHk. thia makes tbe j-rke abotri tl
iinch. so the juantj i4 th cream may ba
j To uae hia cream th fac. is first damp- 1
Bd Blih lua saraa aater aad the cream
appiied A beautif.l compiratoa to enured
by freq-ieni use.
"a" 'IT
1 w
iTii I I V7 I I
'Both procoaed to rot Which
han I takg?-
Which fcg. ffi-st money?"
If I knew that I atoulda't k
rour advice."
hco rv-tu.
At OAiwvttiooo.' ! ylmt-.t'-l. r"t!j-
"I ih yoo tuX or ftt thol
fu' V't of rt!TToTtr t tJwo t
f jLrrd.
N Twi to-r ." oh
Bat I fln tMfio thot m of rcur tt(B-
U lb - rtmukt, lMnktn that
'r'r ttijnk
I pretrpiod "Put r"
w rat a t
ah "1 bad
t anl till
.. arrwa.t tban i
j fcm , rhW
..Jf tvr, ttM c)u-,
am tTd-d orfl."
i cU.r4. httirl? .
ABd from tkat I ta all rifbt. o pro
r4." I cor.ttnood tn a boaJwMk t"B.
"Tour cu wai tKat job Bmotlm thinh
o.rrt imn. but B ili?a
' I lomtlm tMnk-ied bow It rrVT'
Iv w t lira ar tnaki t--Vrai
lb rocbiod triumfihaJUlT.
"Autbnr: Auvhor"" I chat4. W1t
arot ItT Oh. rtruw rr. roa kBOW bow
car!! poovi ar to Ira ' in tbir prop
rtr l?1r" arourd. Hbt y-oa BTinsor
about tb bu'-
Why a orinfor?' b aked. lurplcJ-
"io I can wriaf out tb old. wrim 1b th
BB. i a-ifsiod
"An oa n vder vknk-a of
Boeirj T" lb Inquired
'Wij'- I beraf naodenlr. but ib
rlipd It abort wiib
' "1 wan"t aaVtnt- about jour health. 1
Iuae from yoxtr Fin v. complacent a mirk
tha too thick yon are. Well, aa yea laid,
poets bar oa itood. redeeanlBC featura.
And that ar I bit.
"Uavmi. I think you aaid," ab mamfptA
Tevtn' aome poetry cluttered around
tb plao. maybe" I retorted "Wfeat
thiBk yon of thli fern:
"Notbbi aw frari!o
And nit to break
Aa reaoiurioa
We ) early make?"
"Ar you a penon of reooluliooT' ib
aierted- "For If yon are. I hope you -att
ilTi up your aScmoralicinf vtakneai for
coTBpoatrcc aonnda which rhvme. Promii
to art on tb proa aaron January flnu '
f Developing Shapely
A strona; band ia mora apt to b abapeiy
thaa on which la weak, for nnasele
prrrBBt fatnea at ieawt and there to notb
1C4' homelier thaa a fat band.
Thar need b so fear that deTeiopia'
muocular tnng-tb la lb Cocm will cauae
thaaa to b caaallk. for if tb eorda an
rouad and an rone tbey win bold lb akin
better and tbo ugh tb basd Biay b really
thia, t will otill bar a ecrtala lyTametry.
raraacii arh an extreaoely nerroua fre
QueaUy poaaea thia banaa, which stow
a-riakied la nnddii hfe. aad whea auch a
oondltion exlcta it naay be Improved by rub-
banc tb taveka daily with wans, weet
oBv oil or aweet alaaond oil. Tb latter
la lee xpenalTi.and to Just as effective.
If a womaa has Cm to soak ber bands 4?
ctl tb rerult of this treatment will show
mar euackly because th tissues wiU be
fed more rapidly After fuch an oil bath
which shoald tak fiv nunuies, a few ex
ercises for th finfers will be beneficial.
Tbes moremesta ahould con f; at in open
that aad cloaln thi hand quickly and
tlfhtly to develop ruptlenett aa well aa
strand-lb. The effect each time abould be
that of crasptr.e an object aecunly.
FoJlowlnj such excreta a woman ahould '
Daughters of
Mrs. May CHxoa Thacker, wbo baa fol-
loaed la th footsteps cf her brother and
becotn a BoveUat, to th daughter of the
Re Thorn. Lxon. a prorntn-nt ooutber.
ciergTmaa, and Atnanda McAfe Enxoa.
Tw of Mn Thacker' brother have
achieved prominent positions la America
life. Tbca Mxo. 5,- wbo to a novelist
... . . ,
' "
boro in. 11 haw school and was admiued
to th bar of North Carolina, Cnited Ftate
1 olrtrict and th supreme courts. He at-4 oducaUoa asd training be to on of th
j tained a srbolanhlp la history and politics j fig-ure la th book. Douglaa
I at Johns Hopkins university. Afterward j Uoyd. a practical, cold bauoded Nw Exg
. h was a noember of th North Calolina j land gentlemaa. te whena Mia Faurwell
! I'-faiat jr fr,m !W to ! He rest gned j ha been ecgaged for scrtt tlm. baa run
enter tb Baptist ministry end served In ; donn fmra Nam Tork to urg ber ta fix
three pastorates, vix . Raleigh. N. C. 1WT; ! as early cat f'.r their rsarraage. T bt
bostofi. I-!, and Nee Tork the follow- j chagrin and dug-urt ab plead ber mta
tr t year. H as abea a popular lecturer ; ' and aaka him to aau oa year
fc BtreraJ yean, until he devoted bis j longer He rtfosea t endeavon to
tirrj to noel and play amtiBg jaaak Interest and ntbuitn la him. but
Another brother aa th fter. Amn Car-I fails He auiu a " if and a home. As
er.c r.aoB. bob ef Chicago a ho hat filied
i iJustoratea Ib hia aatii Ncrtb
1b hia natik Ncrth Carolina
' .Bj , Esitirv ye and Btc
He baa
I written a BJmber of books oa religious
; No Abbreviations
"Abbrci'iate nothirsg and do eot dp A
lurii." lb edict w-hn anting a formal
Bote Extremist of fasuton ante out tn
tr a-reet number, inatead of f it in
f gcre Te be sure visiting cards fjr
; mor war. s sea:a hav had adrje
, .
. B orna ha hg..a to hav thr rote
itea. but it ia only recent'y tret smart
J l:"er Bu.arly headed
J To dit a word, a form correct und'i
, otber cred:tir.t. I not t t lbt.gbt of
j L-en arttrrig a nut to su.t Mr Grundr
! If tere ia not room c the lm for ail ib
j 1mii a wide magta : bft er.d ib wcrd
j igi-B oe the line below. A f r dtv,d!r,g
, a name. t-a! it t l dun, in ia
I finaj! on ' at m'-K-h at in fr"ial c-nn-1
murucatiot.a For exarr.p e if there it room
Jib lb in merelv fir tt prefix "Mr.
Mrt or Misa" ty are tamed over to tl
S neat I a T expWin tt nv def nitelr.
J " Mr." oa oa line aad "emith" oe 1 t.t
j next is interred
j A fad t at (' ni among fatt.ionabl
j wemea la that ef Waging wi Barpir. on
jtt left fed cf b laprr Whew g"n-
i Biag the com m jntcs tiee th " My." atrl,
I precedes tb "Iar M:a ? n " ta out
aaa eat the - of ILe Wlr
"Tou mT break yoa rnay abaft
New Year r-o' utVea
ti Bhat th mat
Vi )i h tfteir conrsitutonT
I b art-led In Biay alea
"No egueoman taitor l Becejuary trr v
bad haMt Jlki that," b cborr-4. "I
auppoo yon ar on on final carou of
rhnilr.. tB't rou iwear off"
1A-ten. aaid I, "to facta robotaattaly
ai f;.lloB-:
"Fill t" a Nw Tear' a party went.
In uburb bbjI ad cfiiti
A lay bereft of yif b pt.
It waa Bo hit wi-.h Bil-"
Pnt waa a ow caifH tbo trail
Al'.bouch be cauttt a court
Hia fneavia i Boarw rod off aaata
Whii BUI awoti off:"
Sort of low-brow4 attpt, ahi tsrtU
cited "A Nw Tear'a iay roBalttttoB la a
itrawmaB oet to rurd wa from our wtcked
T)t Ij riniab la uroaHy a wrea ot"
'VS"heri can I buy the letluro cowipletoT"
I aaked, wilidly. "Tial I th art Brio, or
Ifia't tbi lectun aWllreced with tb aid of
a bT
"I hereby roe-Mr to ott waatiac orictal
tboucbta oa you." ibo oeclared.
"Tow warn enable bi to em bran"
I itartoA. .
f!r7 bi eballeBied
A liberal odocatioa." I coacluded.
' Cc-iTrt;bt. lrW. by-th X. T. Herald Co
Hands by Exercise
bexid ber fineera at tbi knack lea, briam
tbi Upa dowa to tb palma. without band
lnr tb Jowr ksBcklea. Thia xBoremeBt
ahould b npeated eirbt or tea tinaaa. It
will Btnnt-then tbi fingera. A Bother cx.oai
lent and aimt'l method to ta apraaa ant
tb finger Upa a4rain.1t a wall and the
preai hard.
Peraona whoa bada an habitually red
will f.ijd the eatrdaea exoeUeaC for
chrouc redneaa ia usually earned by poor
drculattoB and the movement wtQ atlna
ulata th blood flow. Thourb th rBdnaaa
will oontiBu for a time the blood w-ia later
, leaT th hand, lnatead of renaaVntr- ia
1 them.
1 Aleo rood for poor circulation aad a de-
veloper of trace in th Cn(ers is th abil
ity to deritalia them. By this I aneaa
caoalnx all bli and stjftaeas to leare
them, so they an absolutely limp. Thea
tb fin-en must b ahakea as though thy
were dust rara. etc It la ImpoaslBl to
ten bow t devitalise, except to aay nnak
th hands limp aad bavi bo stitfaeas below
th Brrists.
Ii-!taiixir. Boay b don tw or three
time a day and th ihakinc should follow
each turn for two or three nsnutea.
Well Known Men
' themes and reprinted several
1 BerrrKitia
Mn. Thacker. foiVowlBg ber brother
mntj Vta HhM ).a mr uvitC fnr th.
( (tf f;rM ;,ri -r b. Strength of
I h Weak."
j Tb story opena it tb old eouarry bom
j cf targy PreatoB, cailed Giea liavea, ia
( GkuoeK w"n"r. Tideaater. Ve. Julia
Farw tU aad Ivouia Uoyd bar bee board-
ing tl ere Mm Ferwell to
a northern
, omaa no behete th baa
. who would solvs tb 'south s problem" by
I a comi-rorr.iw, he de k.d to stay ia Vir-
' r la fcT tao wek and win her -ia ar.iia
1 cf irfrfc-'f "
Cop right. !, by tb N. T. Herald Co)
Used in Formal Notes I
an inch from ire e4s bo irnt the M-"'
rr.ay t aajd to be in a -'uir n t f Its eaa. '
In tb n atationery ttv addree a
kr-fer gca at tb m)dd (,r the t-..p. ua
ieet tr.e name of tr. tcwa 1a ud Mow
in ttreet number In th latter case ti
j 1 1. n ,r rr.ioci. t re lOBH a lltt lB-
But when tr. atrtti a .our la a.aed It Is
r.oe M'H tt ut-ir rrtl corner Th s
fad it f'..;ioBd mor- cloiet in corr-.,c rards than is no.e iper. ai-ibr-ug't
It l prtftrrrd rim wtrh 1 r,e latter
It r.' t gcLid f .rm t e rii th ad 4m
ttir nl(.r far. Ad 10 put it per.
g itan.p a?hr but -.uareiy a t..
tpper r rri i c.r.t dtred lnoorrect
For not sr-er su4 nlier er
bite ar prtftrrred for tt. dlraa tat.
aad the monogram 'f ib Utter i used.
For ordinary contain).!- dare green
or rk Uli ar btn
Caixi g a bmb a I ar anay b th trum
but 11 jai, t always wis to apeak tr.
truib to a ar wbo t brcer tnaa )
are Nw Tora T.n.ta
vt the body ef tr, e-otc keej at It a at i no ka ar la tn - -"--ia