Want - A ds . Waat nda reeeteetf. mi an Have, fcat n fnsare proper classic Iralloa Mas rrrariitfg fcefare l n'rlark as., far the iftni edition a a 4 brmrf T )3a r'rlorU of the arrrlmf !( fa mrnln and Nulir editions. Waal aJa re-relved after seek koars will tkelr fire, laarrtloa nader tka 'a.fln "Tea lata to Classify." Ratee apply a eltker Tkr Dally a enitav Baa. ilwiti rsaat els wrd a Ilea. C4n ratr rnn jtjt An. Rr.ori.An ri,jiirirTio" Insertion. 1 1.3 eents prr ward am 1 'at per ward for eeek eakeeaneat 'nsertlaa. Rack laeerlloa dare. 1 1-1 canta er word. 1.6 It liar par nsoalk. Witl til. far Thr Wee may at any of tka falloerlae- ilra atncee "' Is yotrj "rnrnfr drwersTlst" "r all bra ark offl-ee tar Tka Brr ' yonr asi will fco lase-rt-d I'rnnnllf and on tka aamr r" e main nfMo n Tka P" unlldlna;. ""'enternth an streets Albach. W. f, rh n4 yernam. Reranrk. 8. A.. 14P? 9 li Ft. Person Pl.iirnmcv. Pennon . Neb. tl..v.l T . I- . .. ,. . Cocney Pharmaev. K?.1 16th ft. ' ermaic. r.mll. I!- S. lTth St. Ehler. P. H.. 2Wi2 l.nvn worth St. Foster 4k Arnuldl. 218 N. ?Sth Bt Kreytag J. J.. 1014 N. fith Pt. Frea-ger Drug Co., 19f? N. 18th fit. r torence urutf Co.. F-V.rence. r,eu. Green's Pharmacy, Perk Ave. and Fscl. I :.-... n .... 1. "i . , iai v a 10. "--iiwumr, m . , o. iwi n Greenoush, a. a . tmh and Hickory. "olilen Pharmacy. 2'h end Ieavenwortn. Hayden. Wlllfam TiTf Farnem St. Hanscom Park Pharmeey. 1W1 8. 29th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co.. lint Ava. and rsr Bsm St. Heist, John, 4 K. lfltti ?t. Huff. A. I,.. K24 I,a'-.Ti worth St. Johansnn Drug Co.. ?th anrt Bpaldlng King. 1 1. .. ?:n F'Rrnnm fit. kountxe pln.ee rharntarv, M04 V. 2tn. Ithrop, Cliorlra K.. 124 N. :4th Ht. Xlarr. Frpd V.. -'01l ''rntral Blvd. J'atrlck nruc Co. N. !th St. Prylon Pharmacy. ;:i S. lth St. ParatoKa Dr: Co.. Ilth and Amea Ava. tichaefi-r'H Cut l'rlcr Drue Store. 16th and Chlcapo Ms hrharfrr, Aim.. !CU N. Wth. Kchmiut. J. If . iltn and CuminK Sia. Wa'nut I i 1 1 1 Plianiiacy. Kth and Cuming IlKATII M t--;"X;HA I. MOT1CES. P FIj A KG J NU Antoinette, axed T5 yrara t months 23 daa. died nt uld People'l horiiA at 4 o'clock. f'rrvlcea at 3 o'clock. Lrcrmhr 27. In trrmrnt nt Korrat J.awn crnictrry. Tha tunrral of Mia. Caroline Kehr will ha hrld Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the, rea Idence at Pratt Ktrert. Interment For trl iJiwti. Frlenda Invltml. CAnn tn' TiiAK. V. wlah to extend our most alneero thanka to all our frlenda for tlielr klnd nrra known during the recent liineaa and th of 111 y wife. Un a. mi with to thank u all for tin tifauutui floral design and bouquets aunt her. JOHN II. KAIILHKRO. , 1- ltKli .UAtlUHKKU. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., ,LA embalmera. 1814 Chlcaio. 1. lit J U-Ib5. PARLORTHEATER You lirn aen 1I10 1IL.IM. no. v try tha II EST. lllgii-;.a v aauovilln. uiatlnee da.iy. Tha l-oopio a Show House. 111 A I ''Ma .eaave 111 f I o Uiu to ii.uV ton. n -.- 1 ul.l.li auu viUihlj utti autceu. r.uClK.'i't,B UC'i l-ii.i t. lOAL CO.,' MCliCil.Ari .T. luri'H 'l'llONbd. Oil, YOIJ PAHA DISK ! Bntinda go. m1. ilorjn't 11: I iuiIiihma au pramq wurii you uurn our jAll.VUial LUAU 'iu rill u(iii 0Ui coal bill lung u'tr navka ui.u bum tniuilUe. Will av yuu fl.uu -lo ..i'7 ion. x.iui.1 piionca. 1. V, Hli.U'i..u. :J' Cunnntt SU The Mickey Music Co. u aii novf luml. i. iu our i.e.' liome a.i SOU s. 1st ii bt., wiiii a louip.eie nue of aneot music and hiuu.I musical instruments. MONEY H TO LOAN LOW 111 kUIUs lo .110 lieu Did 1'iiune Duui. LMo. ljA.v Co. Hand-painted culna cheap. 27UJ Cum. H. 3810 HARRY W. VK.'KEltd, Civil engineer, 52u i'axion Blk. Doua. mu., lml. A-rui. EAT KOSIltlt l0.lJj. COOK.ING. AtttwlNb, "! o. Ijiji. UfDlAins, . . DAVID COLE CKLAMLRY CO. i GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH r, ('pntq Jt'lti'd. Uui Uouaias btrent. vtuto MME. h RAVER del la hi nair food; does grow hair. Megeaui'e. lith 6c Farnam. FRANK II. OIBMON CO.. fine coffee. Wa deliver to uny pait of cay. Till 11. 'r'nune Iieug. v32u . GOOD EYE-SIGHT Is ii...ii.u s griu.s. o.. ua. consult us. CoiuuiOian Opucul Co., Jus-U b. Iktk Mu Les tmnuiKU. Uiaasaa Fitted. LYNCH BROS. NQAiiD RKPA1K WUj.mI, L06 Jackson oi. L. 1477. BAiiiaJR BlvOSPAlNrr CO. Doug 4TW. lnd. A 321. ltiuvvi Farnam St. bliONt 11, uutfus; o etylrs, pictjie. train ing al uiouerate prices; feiass, waul paper Slid a full line of diiere.ln-Wiiila.ma Paints, brass polisn, llyulu veneer and m mauds o. i. our wax. BEFORE buying your jewelry, call and see our complete line of fine jewelry at maauiaoiurera' prices. We will save you iw per cent on all kinda of Jevteliy. Direct importers of Diamond and precious atones. DE LONU JEWELRY CO., K2-4-4 McCague Bldg., Cor. ljth and Dodge btreeia. open evening until a) p. ni. li'ot'rosr inpnte. Muslo tervlie for iiejrvSlOIieillS wedaings & dances In or on: of town, c'a.l or write Alfred Jones. aU Jackson. Tel. Har. lsil. Ind. A-2J67. B. F. Wurn. optician, 441 Brandela Bldg GOOD THINGS 'nJ tlrtlt tatlstaff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. ABE'S ILER GRAND PHARMACY. Leather noveiiies, all kinds, candles, per fume, cigar and pipes. HAYfci our photo, taken si Rtuts mtii s. The ht-Mcll Studio, ii So. ldltt bt. MKOIMA l.A.il; wine. '.6c a large bol ts Kls.n ulijuor I If. use. Ki N. Jutt tii. W. C. CAT'llN. pluinblng and healln-; Dew and repair work. H) Nu. 24tn. D. lsi- MY BACK IS BROKEN. I earned ll.uuu for li.tsnls noine last fall. Your n.aguiiiie cider uiid reiietkais tills fail will eaui K.i" fr ciaiiiy. the lalerrst of I...S money will pioviua for an Invalids ii-aiuieiiaiKe ur -ue and later pay nuns VAsaes oi eiiuovv a i.im;IU1 col futvef. Musi have 2jj .v.i.'-i U.il. ns to Evcrybodyja, Dvliuealcr. v on a t s Home Compan ion. .Uiiluies. .40. I.i liev-eiiiuer lo earn t.iq first li, ... .r older or renewal tains vuc: tout i-srii 1 for harlty. 1 posl li.vly doiU.ate any lulnird ofler. W rue lor iau .u .nil stor; 4.a aliead earned, roll 1U'.I'.'.V B.VKt. Gl.T lIllAi IX Vin.i o, pilous uougia .it J. v.uliPv.1, A lie AlAGAi-lXi. MAN, CilAllA. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.! C()AI, Pnhlio Mnrkrt Pprolal. nut. flo lunip. I . M Pramlum with cash order. Partrldgr-Thotnuon Co.. ItilO liarnry t LioUKiaa Al. lnd. A toil. MRS. CHAP.t.ES C HVNQATE. rhtna flrlrg. ro Urandeia Uldg. T.I. Webatcr Ei7i. - - TRY our 10c crra.n brrad; alwaya frran. Uworth tt Uakrry, 2Iu7 Uwurth H. SUSj. BUY A CAMERA T!nyoinl:.d"2:, I per rent dUcount Meceatb tttat'jr Co. "MIS8 LL'TIB BRYANT wlahea to an nounce 'o ladlea that oha has added to ter hairdreasing, manicuring, baths, aalt glow, body massage, Swedish movement, by Battle Creek graduate. Mln Bryant thanks her patrons for their generoua eupport In the past and aollctt their patronage for tha future. Rooms 31 and til Bee Bldg. KLF.VATORS REPAIRKD, freight, pas aenger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. 13th. V. 2997. LKJL'aiAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 644. PRESCRIPTIONS filled. We deliver any place. Saratoga Drug Co. Tel. Web. Ue. HOW IS TOUR COAL. BINT Tel. D. 4128. Web. 3106. Coal-all kinds. R. II. MOREHOUSE CO., ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths Finest In the west . 16th A Howard Bte. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafera make clear, white aklna. By mall &0c and $1. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MAGQARD Van at Storage. Pack, move, atora and ahlp H. H. Oooda. D. 1406. B 242. Filters, filter repairs. 1110 Howard. D. Mil B. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. I76S. 1316 Farnam. 1IAKRT W. MOOL, Engineer. Designer, Draftsman. 862 Brandela Theater. D. 2901. TWKNTT per cent less than Omaha price HOME FORNITURB CO. Twenty-fourth and L Sta.. South Omaha. WOTMERY Bchl,t" No 1 ru" CLI iVUXll-LXX 1)ne of Mquor, aD(j dears Cafe In connection. 11'. 8. Mth St. DR. M UN HON. 2114 Sherman Ave. W. 6155. AUTOMCBILES "Smash up" your auto. K1D" into a poat "TKAR" vour top. And brlntr It to the best place In Omaha for all kind of repairing DRUMM0ND Curr.ei' lMn .1 1 1 J Hartley Auto Repairing ' ff&T CAM.S DAY OR N1QHT. The Paxton Mltchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. A-2011. ""TCUTOMOBILE" GLOVES MADE RY Burleigh Glove Co. Auto Paintine "wubphy did. it." 'lulu AAi""J5 Uet oUr pr.cea now. ANDREW MUKPHY &. SON. 14U Jackson. FOB HALli-Mcdel lu Uulck roadsier. equipped with Pres-tu-Iite tank ad exuaaei l.llle. V ail Hsinty mi S'POR A (IF. Au, repairing A painting. OiViViVJiJ SVl1 fhleffer carriage Workn. L'.th A.- i.ekenui tu. tmzi. WR1TK for Hat of automnb.ia bargains H. K. Frtidrlcitaon Auto Co.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES lu uli iu ur uui ot uu;ti cad QANGbaf AD, 4i4 bee Bldg. Tel. D. tMI. lAliGE FlliK iNoUKANct; coai- uvuu1j A J-tiij AlSI. hi posi tively me last inunili urn ad win ruu; ia,ka auvantage of it. blocks lor aaie. IJlvl-UcNli.-j. .aeius vamad. Caka.dy Co., r'ltcai Agents, a. W. Cur. 14 la auu iJoua taa. uruaua. lei. D. lj-U FOll UAL. IS A prupusltloa lu Omaha that will pay o.imo per year lo u live man ilia, nmaiik uukiiKba. Cui respond Willi iiouiu 14, Mini uiutK, Denver, c'uiu. oliNKKAIi b lacks ml tn and wood ahop for kaio, located in a good ousmeaa ioku and a good ciass oi oeriuan ikimns, u aood ae. of toui. uicluuiiix u. isu. 4 cold lire setter, Biajer lawnniuvver grinder, ou tline and polishers and all Mn.aner tool, i.eeueu. Will ttuuiauieo to ti.e man thiu tan do the wurK u .no. 1 bumnexs. Vv.i: eil mock and tuol cheap and rem bulid- I iii. 1 have run this shop turee years and have done a line business, out am tiolua' un a claim in April and will give possession any lime. James '1 nomas, Overly. ia. FARM LAND Some clear laiin land, to trade for aome Income properiy that la gocd and that Is well locatea. No agents need answer. Ad dress V 2J7, Bee. BEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST Mb; XT COMPANY for big bargains la lann or iaiii.ii lauds. List your property lot sale v.illi us. All kinds of excuaugea, .eu N. Ufa Bldg. G. D. C. CODD1NGTON. T29 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, bonds, atock and real ectalu. Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Up! YOUR, EYES AHE YOUR FOKTUiNK Take care ot them. Our 19 years' ex perience at your aervlcc. Consult us. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL. CO, 209-211 So. ICth St. FOR BALE A g'od business In Idaho. Groceries and Jiicenware. fine location on main street. Djlng good business. If you buy we pay your tare. Addreaa P. O. Bos 4u2 Caldwell, Idaho. I HIVE personal attention to colleo tlona; no collection no oom mlsalon; 12 years' experience. Jenaen, 101 NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHONK DOUG. 4964. CASADY Co- Real Estate, Loans snd vnunui. Insurance, ldst your prop erty for sale or rent, gulck return. 8. W corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1S20 NOTION store for sale; doing good busi ness; Koud location and cheap rent; will seil at invoice. Only up-to-date drug atore In' town of B.om; stock and fixtures will Invoice about a.uio: early sales over 118,000. Coufi-ctlonf -i-y at Invalre, in good college town of 4.UU1; clieap rent. 112.000 buys two-story brick hotel, fur nished complete and doing good business; gjod transfer point; lates, 2; would aeli furniture and lease building. Milne, atuck in good little country town, for quick sale will take 7io on the dollar; Invoice about 12. .ym F. M. THOMAS, PERRY, IA. PARTNER WANTED In old established real estate business located In the city, which took In over lla.iw In 19w and IU.IM) cash in 1910. I need help, .and a hustler can get a half interest for about ' cash. Unleaa you are a hustler and have the eauu. don t answer. Address K-&40 Bee. TO RENT small store building. Address Lock Box 213, Creston, Ia. Moving Picture Theaters For Sale. We have several good money making picture theaters widen we are in a posi tion to sell very cheap. Equitable Motion Picture i'o., 1314 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb FOR SALF.-Restaurant ami lunch coun ter, good location. Address 900 Douglas Bt. FOR SALE -Drug store In a good farm ing community, doing a good business does nut own fixtures: alumni n i ' It. It . between Manchester and Cedar I Ruplria; si. ck clean and up to date. Rea son in r selling, poor health, w. H. Ward Kvan. la. ' Rooumgr Hoases for tale. A PESIRABLE -room arartment. sea 2u l'.4 nt SI. Harney CHIROPODISTS I H MOV. M, Karaam Mi Ooucias u; MONHEIT. chlropo-lltt. manicuring, hair dressing, hair good. City Nai l Bk. D. tiii. DENTISTS BAILET MACH. M floor. Taaton D. It. DETECTIVES Omaha Hrrat Srvtcr Drtrctivr anc. )nc . bondr.l. 4J- l'atou ilk. 1. lnd. A-UlH. U APT. T. CORMACK. H7 karuacii blk. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and DntiKla. Douglae 4713. tailoring. 2.M3 MISS STURDY. Ml S Ml a. - Tel. D 7H4. STRICTLY lsl-class diessmk a;. and tail oring; only first-class tiade wanted, A-24il. DRKSSMAKINQ. by day. Web. 3718 DRESSMAKING and alteration. first class work; prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 2t1 2 N. mth. Webster 1410. FLORISTS HESS at BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt Benr.ett Flower Dept.. East entrance. A. DONAHUE. lt07 Farnam. D. 1001; A-10O1. BRANDEIS" cut flower dept.. new atore J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluf fa. Is., lamest greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In V. 8. U Henderson. Ill Farnam. Douglas lilt I. H. BATH. 16 Harney Douglae JOOS. FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and atove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats snd tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-120S Douglas St. Both phones. EDUCATIONAL THE MID WINTER TERM or Boyles College will open In both tha day and night ses sions MONDAY. JANUARY 2. Bualnesi Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service snd Salesmanship. The cata logue la free. Address H. B. Boyles. Presi dent. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Psclflo R. R. Telegraph Department Mosher-Lampiuan Ll"9 ' Unexcelled courses In Business, Short Land, l'eiiiiianahif and Kiigiun. isone bat experienced teacneis. Day and uigm elona. Mmi Interesting catalogue l.uuiisiiI I l Oinaiia. nenu lor one '.Delay. tKKOLL. AT ONCk'. MUMltlK efc IwtMPUA.V, llh and rmukru bta.. Ouine. Nea. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT By giving your son, s daughter or friend a scholarship In the Business, Bookkeeping, btenugraphy. Telegraphy, Civil bervlce or Salesmanship Department! of Boyles Col lege. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, private secretary, $75. Stenographer snd bookkeep.i. mj iu it. bicnogiapher and cas.iler, 75. CO-OPKRAT1VK REFERENCE CO., lulu City Nat' I Bank Bldg. Factory and Trudrs. GIRLS lo learn halruresslng. Oppeuhelm Paxiura, 23Wk City Natl Bank. D. SKA WANTED At once, women and girls. Steady woi k. Good wages. Great Western Cereal Co., Fort Dodge, la. Housekeepers and Uomeatlca. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, no launury, uood wages. 116 a. Mill ..Si. WANTED A eood Danish or German girl lor housework. 3121 liainey St. WANTED Coimietenr r rl fur innnnl ! hounuwuin. Ho a. -Jill Ave.- WANTED Neat white woman to help cook and wash Ulshes. K2I Douglas. WANTED Exper.cnced girl lor house ! wor. 721 1st Ave, Council Bluffs. WANTED A good girl lor general house wcr.i, good wastA Iiuj Park AVO WANT ED A competent g:rl for house work. 211 8. Stith St. Harney 1. WANTED A good laundress, for Mon days or Tuesdays. S15 Farnam St. WANTED A middle aged woman, no children, to take care of home and old lady; references; also state wages required. Advent religion preferred. John Burke, Norih Platte, Neb. WANTED Experienced girl to assist In housework. 720 8. 22d St. WANTED A good laundress, private family, all modern conveniences. 321 La laytlte Ave., Counc.l Bluffs, la. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 303 N. &th Ave. WANTED A woman to do plain cook ing. 1906 Farnam St. WANTED Laundress for Mondays or Tuesdays. 707 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, no cooking, small family, good home. 636 8. 21th Ave. Red 6941. WANTED Woman for general house work. 636 N. 41st Ave WANTED Girl for general housework, no small children, good wages. 4703 Cass St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for general housework, new nrlck dwelling, nice warm room, good wages. 13o8 Park Ave. WANTED Experienced gtrl for general housework. 1212, N. 20th St., South Omaha. WANTED Good girl to assist with housework, 2432 Decatur. WANTED Girl for small family to do housework. 124 S. 35th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 5 S. 37th 6t. WANTED OJrl for general housework; no laundry; small family. Tel. Webster 701, Mrs. F. C. Meglll, South Omaha. GIRL for general housework. 3520 Burt, Harney IM. allscellaaeeea. tOUNO WOMEN coming ta Omaha a ftrangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building al at. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoet r itneiwle assisted. Look for uu. traveler s aid at the Union etatloa. HELP WANTED HAI.G AU I KMAI.K. ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; ex pertenc unnecessary. Address Press Cor respondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. HELP WANTED MALE Aerate, Saleamea sad Solicitors. Retail clerk for road position, ! and exp. Collector, . Bookkeeper and clerk. IH6. Shipping clerk. 1100. Investment of fVW re qu'red WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'.V line), OMAHA Katab. 8 yrs. KANSAS CITY. 752-3-4-6 New York ljfe Kids. SALESMEN wanted to sill a strong hlrtwaist line In the territory west of th Mlasiaaippl river. 1 hose ar-juamied with the trade preferred. Address Y-Jui, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Afili and Malramra toatlaord. TWO rxprrlrnca advfrllslng Addrra " Hr. olicttors W A NTKD Kxper lenced seleonian to sell I factory line Men's Welt and McKay shoes In Iowa State in first letter amount ol sales .and houses represented. No applica tions will be considered except from those salesmen who are now engaged In selling shoes on the road. J. W. Carter A Co., Nashville. Tenii Clerical and 4fflee. OFFICE CI.RRK. who la quick and ac curate at figures. IMi. Collector, married man, .".0 and commlsVn. Salesman, younj man who has salesman ability; expenses and good commission. Stock clerk, familiar with automobile busl ress. Ji.'. Bookkeeper, wholesale house. 175. Ledger clerk, experienced, f We can also use eight salesmen who arc "live wires" and can produce results. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. lOli City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factory Mad Trades. Drag Stores i snaps I. Jobs Rnleat. !' rm BOILERMAKER 8 wanted for Pansma canal, government work; waiir tie cents hour; free lodging; free steamh'p trans portation from New York or New Orleans; miikt be experienced; no men In other trades wanted. For full Information wr.te Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C. . M lace llaaeoaa. TOUT are wanted for government poal- tlon; tM month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 21714. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED 170 month; customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clerks; list of spring examinations In Omaha now ready; prep aration free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 214 B, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man. Wages up to weekly. Small capital starts shop Few barbera take apprentices. Demand Increasing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Wi YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, Up robes, etc , and surely get your money's worth. If you buy from JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sta. WE buy and aell all kinds of horses. Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 4096. WE want to buy 26 head of horses. Best of prices paid. The Blue Barn, rear Mll lard hotel, 13th and Douglas Sta LOST AND FOUND BOSTON bull terrier dog, brlndle brown, with white breast and head, brown on top ot neck; short, crooked tail; answers name of Pal. Will pay good, liberal re ward for prompt return, 'rhont Har. 3921. I'-. J. r'arrington. Wool worth Ave. LOST A BoMton terrier, female; return to 2416 Jones alreet. Reward. MEDICAL FREW medical and aurglcal treatment at Creiahlon Medical college, Mth and Oaven pon Ms.; special attention paid to confine ment casea; all treatment supervised by college profnasor. I'hone Douglas 1167. Cails Mnwwered day and tilth t. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AM) CHATTELS. fSJHSI?$!IJH$$,!,CmtJWll S$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC J 610 TO 61.000 11 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD V FURNITURE. PIANOS SALARIES. It II THIS IS A NlW FIRM. J Organized by the REPUTABLE It H BUblXb-SS MEN of tills, city to pro- II II tect honest work lit people In need It II of temporary l.elp from the exorbl- U It lant charges of Ilia so-called loan U companies We will loan you all me U M money you want and charge you oniy It 4 per cent a year. It It THIS MEANS YOU PAY It It For t lo 6 mo. payments 81.701 10.20 It It Fur t 2 6 mo. payments 14.23-1 2j.as tt It For 1606 mo. payment IS.4H oii.io tf It For I loo 12 ino. payments t&.oM--tli'2 9 tt tt And all other sums In proportion, tt It Easy weekly or Monthly payments, tt 4 Ktasuiialjle Appraisement Charges. It It A glance at the above rates will xj It convince you how much you save by tt It dealing with us It No RED TAPE. NO DELAY. M ( MONEY IN YOUR POCKkiT. I It WITHIN AN HOUR. 4 It INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. la II ROOM 204, W1T11NKLL BUILDING. It $J Doug. oWj. N. E.cor. loin and Harney. 14 Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage? Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate, and we give It. We will loan you from 16.00 to 1100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. 11.20 la the weekly payment on a SCO loan for 50 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loana paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. . Stato Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Block. 16114 Dodge St. Phones; nouglaa 2466 A-2466. tT$iui$tiuutt immmimimttumttisut- II CHEAP LOANS 1$ M on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. IS AT 6 PER CENT A YEAR! SI It Can You Beat These RatesT $1 SI I 10 for I months 15c. 8 It I 25 for I months 76o 1 It S 60 for months 11.60 It 76 for month 12.26 II 1100 for t months 83.00 St IS Small charge for appraising. II S$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. IS It Room 310 Brown Blk., S07 8. 16th Bt It IS Opposite Brandela, Doug. 2u86. A-2038. S uiUuuuumtuMvuimutmisuttttsiettttiim READY MONET WHEN YOU NEED IT. Plenty money, quick loana, rates reason able; terms to suit; honesty our policy. We advertise no misleading rates oi Impossible terms. Will loan you on any kind of secur ity or your plain note. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 116 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sta. ioU NEED MONEY t Ws will losn you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity t LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment sod strict privacy. Call or phone and convince """"'.NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1X66. Ind. A-1366. 220 Bee Bldg. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, wlthcut aecurlty; easy payments. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Room 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loana money on furniture and planoa. Low est weekly or monthly payments. OUR ADDRESS, 1404 FARNAM ST. MONEYi.: To LOAN. Come In explain tea to vou. Reliable Credit I'o. Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A. -1411 Pilvale party will loan honorable salaried people small auma on thetr plain note; banking methods, lowest ratea; loans made qiinkly and confidentially; payments ar tanged as desired. Address A 632, Bee. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU,?, MOVING ORAGECLEANINQ EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-" Ing; furniture packing, fireproof storuge. Telephones Douglas ?.4. Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans lour carpela on vour floors; electric vacuum cleaners, evi g. ulB; tut . 17 in. Doug. 411. OFFERED FOR MHT Hoard and Booms. I.ARr.F. hemillful furnished rooms, en mI( nf alriBle nlth IsVMtoiv lire closeta- excellent board j'j Georgia Ave. TARI.E t.ar.l; prices reasonable. tj'iod home :,14 Harney. cookina; Bed khjti. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for Inn; modern, private family, good boaru. 1609 S. !Mh. FINE furnished rooms w'th board; home cooking. TAvl Harney St. WARM, cheery, modern room, close In; excellent home cooking Tel. Doug. i:03. NICELY furnished looms with board; walking distance. Tel. Red fc3G7. Mil N. i'.'d. UTOPIA, board with or without room. St. James. 411 S. 13: atm, heat, free bath; Am., ii.Zb up; wkly., 65 up; meals. 6c. PLEASANT south front room and board; private family; modern house; furnace heat; bath and phone; in Kountze Place, on N. L'4th St. car line: young married couple preferred; terms erasonable; refer ence required. 3So6 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. ml. BOARD or room; private family; rooms warm and conveniently located. 1S06 Chi cago St., 3d floor. Apartment 7. NICE room and board. 2..13 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. board; good location. 308 N. St. WANTED Two young men to room snd board; private family. 2021 Howard St. FOR RENT Large aouth room; board for two; references. 1918 Cass St. NICE room and board for two gentlemen. 1428 N. KOth St.- BOARD snd room for two; moderate prices. 2416 Capitol Ave BOARD snd room for man snd wife; good home cooking. 2208 Douglss St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room and alcove; walking distance, good location. Bcsrd if wished. 1918 Farnam St. TEN MINUTES' Walk. Good bosrd, Nice room: Reasonable; All conveniences; New, modern; Private family. 117 North 21at . NEATLY furnished room; good cooking. 601 8. 28th St. BOARD and room for two; private fam ily. 610 Hickory St. WANTED Traveling man and wife to room and board; private family. 2021 Howard St. PLEASANT room for lady. 1408 Cass St. Faralshed Rooms. GENTLEMAN boarding desires room mate. Only refined party considered. Lo cation Is good: within walking distance. Nice neighborhood. New. w:th all modern conveniences. Good board. Referencea ex changed. Address. 8-530. Bee. ron ttir.NT-Nicelv turnliid front room. fl7 S. 28th St. Vary convenient to business NICELY fumlsbed room, til H. 22d t SUPERB large steam-heated room. 226 N. 23d. CHOICR front room, suitable for two; warm; nrlctly modern and well kept; po tato family; phon; walking distance; als. convenient to goo utr line; reasonable. no x. Nth St. NEWLY fu-nished modern rooms: these re all outside rooms and have the best ot light, heat an.i gas and very convenient to business district. 2512 Dodge. TWO furnished rooms Tel Webster 697S. 1619 N. 201 li St. THE coxiest, neatest furnished rooms In city within 6 minutes of business district; strictly up to date, price reasonable. 2704 Farnam, Harney 35.11. SUITE of looms, elegantly furnished, running hot and cold water in room; price reasonable; suitable for two or three gentlemen; walking distance. 2569 SU .Mary s Ave. FOR RENT Nioely furnished, modern, frr.nt room: breakfast If desired. 3321 Davenpou sit. Harney 377s. MODERN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one. 2423 Dodge. MODERN aouth room: alao one on batk room floor. 2677 Harney. NICELY furnished front room; doss Ik. 2025 Howard St. DESIRABLE MODERN room; private family ; good location. 131 No. 81st Ave. STRICTLY modern room for two gentle men. 820 N. 17lh St. CLOSE in, rooms suitable for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for 4 gentlemen, modern conveniences. 202 N. 19th. MOST comfortable room In Omaha, walk ing distance. 1919 Cass St. CLOSE In, modern room, gentlemen only. 117 N. 20th. FURNISHED room, with private batb room No. 4c0, New Hamilton, 24th and Far nam. Inquire at office of Hamilton flats. MODERN room, gentlemen only; halt block from postofflce. 220 N. 17th. Doug- tlas 6194. NICELY furnished rooma, modern house; walking distance. 2224 Howard St. NICE front parlor for two gentlemen, all modern, conveniences and home com forts, board If desired, good home cook ing walking distance, 818 So. 26th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished modern rooms. 2l27 Douglas St NICELY furnlahed front room In new steam-heated flat to young lady only. 2011 Chicago Bt Tel. Red 6242. FOR RENT Nice front room, ground floor; good location. 120 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Two very nlca adjoining rooma. 1813 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nlca sleeping or house keeping rooma; warm; reaaonabls and modern. 1920 Dodge St. NICE warm room; furnished; reason able.. 1816 Chicago St FOR RENT Large front room and al cove; private family. 2671 Dodge St. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed front room, 2612 St. Mary's Ave FOR RENT Single rooms, for gentlemen, 624 N. Doth St. FOR RENT Nice Isrge furnished room, desirable for two, bath on same floor, walking distance. 2C77 Harney St NEAR postofflce, nice warm rooms; single or double. Very reasonable. 1813 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Irge eteam heated room, good location. 216 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family. 12u Bo. 3oth St. THE MOST desirable rooms in city. 214 N. 25th Bt ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges It desired; good heat, good bath; close In. 241 Dodge. DEWEY European Hotel. 18tb Farnam. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri vate family I good locallou. 714 b. 17th Ave.- FOR RENT Ont large front room, de atrable for two men, neatly furnished and evenly heated. Private family. 820 S. Jutn Street FOR RENT A nicely furnished room east front, modern, evenly heated, walking distance for couple refined gentlemen. Rea. sonable. 6u2 S. 24th. FOR RENT Very desirable nicely fur nished room atrictly modern, good location. 2U9 8. 26th St- FOR RENT Nlca large front room, all modern conveniences. 2469 Harney St. VERY nicely furnished room, good loca tion, all modern. 4ull Sherman Ave FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room for sleeping or housekeeping. 17ol Ieaven worth bt FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed room lor gentlewau. (Ji f. kvU OFFERED FOR RENT Faralshed Rooma (oatlaaed. FOR RENT - Modern furnished rooms, well heated, private famllv. 219 Bo. 2vtli Ave. MODERN furnished room, well heated, pilvate fan.lly. Kv2 Douglas St. NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooms for student or person working. 2S71 8t. Mary s Ave. FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished room. mod. ern. walking distance. 2fiS Harney St. FOR RENT Nice suit of furnished' rooms for three or four gentlemen. 27118 Farnnm St. i F'lR RENT Nlcelv furnished room, hot water, and heat, 1 block from car. 2130 lilnney. FURNISHED, steam heated-room: nrl vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. pc a. tn pi. Hotels aad Apartments. NICELY FURNISHF.D ROOMS for gen tlemen. Til E CHATHAM. 110 S. 13th St. DODGE HOTFI-lJth and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; spec'sl rstes by the week. SUITES 155 up: niesl book. SS.50. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. 661. 1042 Geo. Ave. Apartmeat and flats. Five-room apartment In the most at tractive apartment house In the cltv. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1H02 FARNAM ST CENTRAL, steam heat. 4-room flat N. 23d. rivK-HiitiM neated apartment; strictly modern. 2828 N. 20th Bt Inquire 4. N. Marsh. 1923 Locust Bt. FOUR room flat; new, modern, warm ano convenient, 1740 Bo. Twenty-serenth at Harney 3686. SEE Genoa Arartmenta. lust finished. Every latest and finest convenience, five rocma each; storage; range; refrigerator; teirpnone. etc. HiUO Cass. lis 00 7-reom modern flat 146 N. 16th St. upstairs. Inquire ms U. 1MB a)L Call Wee. 177. CHEAP WINTER RENT t-room flat PH N. 22d St., close In, very choice, S23.B0. T-room cottage, 8017 Jackson St., edge ot West Farnam district only 120. Telephone owner. Red 624 Farxtlsked Hoaaekeeplnat Iteoas. FOR RENT Sis rurntsnad rooma for light housekeeping; also Bleeping rooms. lU Dodge St Tyler 160s, $22.00 Strictly modern, warm front room and alcove, on bath room floor; for re spectable ladlea or couple without ohlldreo. 125 month with use of piano; vacant after 16th. 2563 St. Mary'a Ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma; furnace heat. 611 S. 23th Ave. APARTMENT, four rooma frontT cheap; main floor, complete for housekeeping, sou Davenport Bt. f.Sl HARNEY street. Furnished double parlor for light housekeeping. WARM, coxy rooma, all modern, new furniture, gas, furnace heat and bath. 2707 Dodge. H 6686. TWO or three front rooms, partly fur nished for light housekeeping; rent reason able. 45'4 N. S6tb St NICELY furnished room for light house keeping, also sleeping rooms. Xiii Howard. TWO ROOMS, completely furnlshod for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and very desirable; fine location; walking dis tance. 650 S. 26th Ave. TWO modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family, walking dis tance; heal, light, lauudry free; 16 per week. 219 bo. 29th Ave. Harney 6111. FOR RENT Room for light housekeep ing, heated. 2213 Douglas St. TWO large front rooms, gaa, bath. -2607 N. 20tli 8t. FOR RENT Nice, warm, light houe keeplng rooms. Isl4 Chicago Bt FOR RENT Single loom, downstairs. 2604 Davenport St. Foil RENT A nicely furnished room, gas, bath, laundry privileges. 2116 Chi cago St FOUR housekeeping rooma, flrat floor; $16. 828 So. 20th St. FOUR nice, clean rooma, complete for housekeeping. 2936 Charles St. FOR RENT-Two comfortable front rooms for housekeeping. 316 8. 26th St. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping, fur man and wife. 8414 Webster St. viv wc a a o aujoimiig irons rooms, complete for housekeeping; also sleeping room; gas; bath; phone. 2114 Chicago St 1V-Y T I. N' 'P 'P . . FOR RENT Furnished room for house keeping. 1916 California 81. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing; gas for cooking and light. 629 S. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, Orat floor. 1712 Jaokson St. imn RItTVlr. hnliuknln - - - - ' n iuviui. good location. 2016 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing, with range and sink In kitchen, also sleeping rooms. 1701 Leavenworth St. " wiiincit.y luiniBiicu iiouseaeepina rooms watlrlnr Hlsfanoa- t.t.nlinn. 'run .hm..l.,.i.. . ... j i . , 2674 Harney St FOR RENT Two nice clean rooms. In modern house. 8401 Jackson St. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. 2222 N. 19th St. FOR RENT One large room for light housekeeping. 2419 Dodgs St. NICE suite of rooms for light house keeping. 1808 Graca St. ONE suite south front modern rooms. for housekeeping, also sleeping rooms. 2022 Bt. Mary a Ave. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. 2573 St. Mary's Ave. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms. 08 S. 29th St- TWO or three very pleasant well fur nished housekeeping rooms. Entirely mod ern house. Private family. 1724 Charles St. 8 OR 4 furnished or unfurnished house keeping rooms in the front; also sleeping room, very desirable; price reasonable; good location. 945 ' N. 25th Ht. Unfurnished lie tints. FOR RENT Two nice, warm, unfur nished rooms; gas for light and cooking; private family. 2411 Hamilton St. THREE nice housekeeping rooma; water In kitchen; gas. 1714 Webster St. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms', gas ranee and shades; no children- 718 Pierce St. NICE, large desirable, for two, for light housekeeping; private entrance. 23 Leavenworth St. THREE elegant rooms, modern, main floor, walking distance. 320 N. 20th. No sign on house. FOR RENT Two nlca unfurnished rooma. 402 N. 23d St. Here is what a lady at 2416 C street. South Omaha, fays of her ad for housegirl: "I got a good girl, all right, and quickly through the Bee. Very greatly pleased." OFFERED FOR RENT t'n tarnished Unnmi Condoned. FOR RENT Nice suite imfiirnlsh.e.1 rooms, he lit ami iKhl. good locailun; references. 2!2 Cass st. - -THREE southeast rouiiia; hath. hot water hetit, car line. K"d ne'r.1 borhovd; reieiences SJ10 Cuss St. Houses nnl .llacea. MOPFRN", 7-r. houe. near park. liOT Pouth 2S;h St. Oin Van A Storace Co. packs. moves, stores household goods. Firepmof storaee, del M. 16th. Branch. A9 S. i7tn. lei. D. 41t3. 6-RoiM cottage; modem, except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2-V8 Soutn 32l Ave. Rent only 2j ;cr mu. leleyuuus Douglas 4040. 6 ROOMS modern, good repairs 2801 8. Ed Ave.. t.U Te Harney Uum. A BEAUTIFUL g-room, all modern bung alow; In excellent iielahhoi hood; on car line; leasonah.e rent iu hooii tenant 40g Grand Ave. Plione W'ehsiei ""!. FOR RENT Twi I luum brick houses, II newly remodeled, ail moiltin. iiortli par) t'f city. 125. A nice fc-ioom cottaKe. ell modern except furnace. 150., Ilamilf.n Bt.. i.S 4-room apartment flat 1523 No. lSlh St lino. , S rooms. 1919 Clark St Si" C. M. AC H.MANN, c.d. Paxton II. h Oftlcs. R. ?v49. Ilea . D. Iea S2D AND ForPLF.TON AVE. -Eight-Hum! modern bru-k tiat; on car line; SW ta good tenant. Wilgm & l.asbury, 606 kV Kith St Phone D. 152. MODERN 6-room house. 2710 Capitol Art. Call Harney 1404. NEW, 6 rooms, afl modern exoept heat. SOI 8. 20th Ave. I block soutli of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler lsJf. NICE cosy seven-room house, all mod ern, excellent fum.ice. KiKht on the f-itH ft. car line. No. 2S21 N. 84ili St Will rent for $26 or will sell on easy term. Tsl. Harney 6358. 7-ROOM house, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful. Turner Park. Cor. Dodge and So. Central Boulevard. Inquire SvUO Dodge or Geo. McBrlde, county surveyor. Tinncoa ,n " parts of the city. Crelgh Son & Co., Bee Bldg. COTTAGE. 1405 N. Kth St. Tel. Harney 6061 FOR RENT Nine-room house, all mod em. 607 S. 29th St., for S.T. FINE l-room, modern house. 2704 Cali fornia. t ROOMS, modern; 8304 Sherman Ave. S20. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed. forwardeJ; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel Douglas ji. K Maple St., 4-roorn, modern, ii FERR1N Exp. A. Storage 1611 Cap. I). 21, i 4 ROOMS and bath. 639 9. 31st St; vei y pleasant, $14. Tel. 11 4ik9. Mores and Offices. FOR RENT Office room. K2.1, licated n top floor; facing court, 37" square Is.it. in cluding vault; rents for P2J per inontli. THE BEE BUILDING COM PAN If. Stoves. BASE BURNER, steel range, ka ranjs. furniture and carpet, cheap. 929 N. 2itb. Typewriters. BUT an 1 C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 131U Far nam St. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repslreJ Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farniun. BARGAIN SALE Typewriters, all mokes. 14 regular pticss; greatest bargains ever offered. 1). F. Swan son Co., 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. M lacrllaneona. FOR BALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Wo lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy pavmenta. Brunawlck-fcialke-collender, B. 1th 3t. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell fur 60 cent each. They are fine for rain water or asliea. Call at presa room. Bee Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand afea, all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co. 1110 Farnam Bt TRY our own mined Kansas coal. $4.71 ton 8outnein Oatl Co.. 21st and Paul; Weo. tuM. FURS Leaving for Palm Beach; must sacrifice at onoe beautiful furs Just bought this winter In New York; beautiful genuine mink set, lsrge shawl collar, open rug muff, thirty heads, tails snd paws, cost 1135, sell for $26; also gentleman a fur-'lned coat, mads of finest Imported broadoloth, hell Persian lamb collar, cuffs and facing, lined with perfect skin, cost 1125. sell for 140; also young lady's $70 beautiful genuine black set of furs, long silky hair, mads In magnificent shawl collar and muff, many heads and tails, sell for $24. Call at once. Will be In until 8 p. in. L. Herman, suits 434, Ilenshaw hotel. POAT. Reeder Cooking; housewife' rte iWiiu nhi r a u.l.tpn.i.i iv ini About 40 feet of tS-inch diameter No. 20 gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-lnan elbows and T. Thla was used for vontllat- ing purposes, and pipe is In good oonuitl n. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17tb and Farnaiu. DRY kindling. 81 Der load dellvarad. Webster 647; lnd. B-5151. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandeis Tbeatsr bldg. KATHERYN NIKOLAS. tM Brandals Theater, PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL, Paxton I' lk. Tel. lead Till. IV I I . T . A Kit VtllltlV r.vl.i.r. n,..ltlA,... In U. 8. Pat office.' 618 Paxton blk. R. 2ml. PERSONAL DR. EOGKR8, private confinement hunt, 1616 Martha St., omaha. Tel, Dougiaa o-Ju. BTRICTY private home fur confinements; excellent care; babies for adoption. J:i Davenport THE SALVATION ARMY solMIs east-off clothing, In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. lit n St., (or cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Dougiaa 4135 aud waguu will call. MRS. SNYDER has opened msssaga par- lois lu The Dunsany, loom , lutu and Pierce bts., where stie give salt glow. Swedish movement, vnra'i.r anu radiator treati.ient. 'Plione Red 4J0. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world bewer." at all book stuies. Price. 11.50. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan KM.m- tarlum, 740 1st Ave., Coun. II Bluffs, la. MME. ALLEN of Chicago will be out of the city until Dec. 2. ltW, Dodce St., opp. poktoftlce. 3d Iloor. I'M? AN I) View Maternity home, prlvi VJll ' home for women durlna c. ale flnement. Address Box 117, Florence. Tel- t lorenca jy.'. ) i ( i . i. j