10 TTm BEE: OMATTA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER CP. 1H10. GOOD EDIBLES FOR TRAVELERS ! Commercial Club Buyi Good Things to Eat by Wholesale. SONGS GO WITH THE FZAST PHI Po4 lias Prepared Tie irr I Oaes, Whifh All Will Be Asked fa Help Kin the f rln, The Commercial rlub In buying fond and provisions by wholesale for a Oarjrsntuan rtlnnr which wlil he held In the Auditorium I'YIday ntsjM. Contract have hrrn mad a for th purchase "nf provisions and r-llbles of various sorts, a follows : Twrnty-flvA rsJTrms of oysters. Thlrty-flvA itsllona of oyster cocktail dressing. Sfventy-flre irHliona of soup. Seven hundred and fifty pounds of black lm Twenty Cations of tartar dressing. Otw hundred pounds Snratoaa chips. Twenty-five gallons of olives. Fifteen hundred pounds stuffed,. egRS. Seven hundred fifty pounds tenderllon etenk. Ten thousand randwlrhes. fne hundred cans of mushrooms. Three hundred cans of pens. KIva boxes of oranges. Sixty cans of pineapples. Hlxty bottles of Maraschino chorrles. One dozen bottles bodies of sherry. Fifteen hundred Nesselrode pudding. Twenty-five gallons of coffee. Ferenty-flve pounds assorted cako. Twenty-one hundred cigars. On thousand cigarettes. Rniri At Tables. The diners will be seated at fourteen tables stretched north and souih In the Auditorium, the speakers' table being at right angle on the south side ami runninic east and west. "Between courses the 1,000 or more pres ent will 'us eon" written especially for the occasion by the prize poet of Michi gan and Nebraska. These have been arclil tectured to fit popular tunes, which almost everyone knows. The refrain of bne which Is a la Gpois" Cohan's efforts, runs as folows: Give iny regards to Rroadwav, Ttemember me to Michigan ave., Tell all the boys In old K. ('. What splendid streets they have Then carry me back to Farnam, At Sixteenth put me down (Jive iny legards to old BroHdway, Put let nie live In my old town. After thin effort PegaHus essayed another flight which Ik intended to be sung to the t'JIlH of "Kvery .Little Movement' from "Madame Hlierry." It fcoes thus: Kvcry little business has a booster uf Us oyn All tlx sterling qualities too gladly will be shown Hut every koi.U word you can say for this old town, '. Will hrlnf,' you a part of Its renown. ,m! business you never could pull down iy efforts all alone. Big Horn Exhibit on Its Way to Land Show Grain and Giacscs from Famous Wy ' omin Section Shipped H. G. ' ( Shield in Charge. The Bin Horn batdn exhibit .for the Omaha land uhow In now en route, accord- ' I' I. to Information received Tuesday inorn InK by H- H- Hliedd, chairman of the com mittee In charge of this display. Mr. Hliedd Is now In omahn. The other members of liiA cciinnilttee1 are I., II. t'rowe. George Ka-diill. H A. Miller. C. lillls. l F. Hubert on. J. tf. Drawn, Kalph Hoover, l. I,. Ilouv phd W. A. Klckler. The exhibit from the Kl Horn country will he principally concerned with grains P.ml giasi-es. Home attention will be paid to the Trult farm projects now under de velopment In Wyoming. The Bis Horn t o .iilry nione In attempting the develop ment of the fruit Industry In Wyoming. Tho display to be made at the Omaha land uhow -by the Big Horn basin Is In l.ne with 'the - niflvement led by Governor Uroeks looklnK toward tho development of the slate throiish publicity. Wyoming has been well represented in the more recent shoWs' of.' hP' (tlnd and many of -the dry farming congreise and other agricultural meetings. : f ' ' Hatchct Too Sharp . ' for Mere Kindling Edge Prepared for the Turkey Cuts . a Gash in John Ander , son's Knee. John- Anderson Is back on the Job as doorman at the V'laha Grain exchange. Mr. Anderson received a little present of S.1 In gold on hla return and once more thinks the woHd la a good place to live in. Mr. Anderson has been raising all fall a turkey and thia hand fed bird attained a plumpness and tenderness of flesh which made It Just the best llttlu C'hrlatnius tur key on the table. It hadto be killed, so Tuesday last Mr. Anderson sharpened Ills hatchet He is a master hand at running a giindHtone and he got an edge on tiie hatchet which was keener than Nome barbers cau put on a raior. Wednesday Mrs. Anderson asked him to chop a little kindling. Mr. Anderson agreed, willingly. lt would give the hatchet a workout and get It in good tune for the Saturday slaughter. Mr. Anf'.erson chopped some kindling likewise his knee and he ate his Christ mas dinner In bed The hatchet wus not Ufd to carve the turkey Sunday. It has been locked ip. Orest lnf Bale of Men's Tttin- lshtcr Goods Begins Watch for Big BAla of linens and Whtte Ooods Heat Week. Sale of Men's C I i) tit ""- IT" All the $30 Overcoats COft nnd Suits, at $uv All the 135 Overcoats 34 and Suits, at. T. : lollies Entire Surplus Stock II irsh-Wick wire & Co., Makers of the Highest Grade Men's Hand Tailored Suit3 and Overcoats in America. k Of: An extraordinary opportunity to buy high-class clothes at exactly 3313 per cent less than regular sell ing price. All the fL'5 Overcoats and M 67 Suits, at 510' All the $27.50 Overcoats andtf 0.31 Suits, at 10 $26" ...$39 'a k N Wednesday Is Rcd-Lctter Day The strongest buying incentives of the closing year are ' made Wednesday. Seasonable goods the very things you need right now are priced at lowtr figures than we dare to name at any other time. Pre-Inventory week is one of relentless stock reducing and deeply cut jrices are the most powerful influence to gain our end. Red Letter Day makes these prices, Wednesday, of two-fold interest. 10 extra' stamps free to all who bring their books. SXB8E&&BS89B All the $40 Overcoats and Suits, at All the $45 Overcoats and Suits, at ' a t TfYNTnTXTrvTTTS li iifci ,iT mil Ons Ladles' Xomt Journal Pattern with I aaoh copy of the Hew Winter Btyle Book. . flOo I All ThisVeek GreatPre-Inventory Sale We are reducing stocks in nil departments through the power of tremendous price reductions. Ladies9 Suits and Coat Sale WEDNESDAY GREAT VALUES NEW YEAR'S CARDS Including a splendid variety of post cards, on sale in our Book Department. OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, DEC. 31 The bargains will be the most remarkable ever offered in the history of Omaha. SEE THE GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS CALENDARS AT HALF PRICE All our beautiful Calendars, both the new ones and those thnt have been handled, at just.,1 price. Holiday Stationery at Price The boxes of Christmas Stationery that have become more or les damaged, at Vz price. BRANOEIS STOKES Craig Inspects . :' Asphalt Plants and Street Lights City Engineer Craig Returns from a Trip of Several Weeks to the Coast. George W. CraiR, city engineer, lias re turned from a tr!p of xevcral weeUs throuRh California In the starch of data upon the manufacture of oh1ikII. Mr. Craig Is chairman of the committee of th? Nutlonul Assorlat'on of City Offioluls for the standardization - of pnv'ns specifica tions on asphalt and Is preparlnK his re port to be submitted to tho convention In Chicago nex month. "Most of the asphalt uxed In this country comes either from Trlnldwd nnd the Ber mudas or from California. 1 have been familiar with the conditions of production Ir. the Bermudas and 1 wanted to see the coast manufactures. I found that the plants along the coast produce some Rood and some bad Muff and thut wc are as apt to get the ad the good. We have had to rejeot whole carloads. "In some of the plants when I stated my business and the purposes of the In vestigation I was treated hospitably, but In two instances 1 was thrown out bodily. "I was much Impresstd with the beauty of tho street linl tint? systems in the coast I cities. Hnme of them look like our Ak- Snr-Beii time every night. In I-o Angeles the down town arc lights were ornamented with big Christmas wreaths during the week In honor of Chrisinias The problem of street lighting Is one which Omaha must take up immediately" because we are falling behind other progtssive cities In this one thing at least." BEAVTIFIES THE SKIN Mil M OlTCOthat deli- ft . caierompicxion o difficult to obtain in any ether way. A.D.S3 PEROXIDE CREAM cream ; fragrant, pleasant and harmless. ' If you have a red, blotch ed, pimply, coarse skin, apply a generous coating of it to-night, and notice the effect to-morrow. Get It at any A.D. 8. Drue atnre. Lock for the alcn. ' Horrible Heath results from delaying lui.gs Cure Coughs and weak lungs with Dr King's New Discovery. fc and 11.00. For sale by lieaton Ijiu Co. ee.1 of a Kon J, re- ! liable liniment. For spr.iiRi, bruises, scire- i j ness of the muscles ind rheumatic pulns there is none beter itiun li.iiiibcrlain s. Sold by all deuleis HUSBAND L0SES BOTH SUITS Francis II llderbrand's Demands fur IMrorce and I'roprrtr Held by MKe Hefased. Krspols Hllderbiand. who three months ago started a sensational suit for divorce against his wife. Klla Hliderbrand. and a separate action in equity to recover from btr property which he alleged she obtained from Mm by threats, was defeated In both suits before Judge Day In equity court Tuesday. Mia. Hllderbrand's cross-petition for di vorce was granted while ililderhrand's petition was denied. The property held b Mis. Hliderbrand was declared to be rlglil fullv hers. Hliderbrand alleged that his wife's in terest In the spirit world was the cause of all their troubles. j The Quickest, Simplest Cough Care F.aallx and Cheaply Made at Home. Paves loo 12. Toothache Gum Stops soy tootlitche. Prevents fur. tlier decay. loi not melt in the mouth. It whole strength it retained sud goes right to the kpot. Tbeis are iuiltstiona. Mte that yor get !(' TMIkaeke iam. At ll dniggitu. It rents, or by Bisll. Dent's Corn Cum c.ru7tP:,rT" C. 8. DENT A Q0.. Detroit. HUch.( e?1 - lipiSII m Itemeinher ' when your kidneys are af-! fecled jrour life Is In danger. M Mayer, Itoclieaier. Ji. Y.. najs: "My trouble! atarted with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse djilly. I fell I slugglsn and tired, my kidney action was' Irregular and inf lenuenl. I started us- 1 tng Kole Kidney I'llls. Kach dne vceiued ' tit put new 11 fo a.. 1 sti'ennHi inlo me, hihI ' now I am completely cured a:iil fi el bet ter and stronger than for year' by all druggist. Sold This rrclpe makes a pint of rough syrup enough to last a family a lung time. You couldn't buy as much or a good cough syiup for 12 0. fimplo as It is. It gives almost In stant relict and usually stops the most obstinate cough in 'l hours. This I rartly due to the fact that it is slightly Axative, stimulates the appetite anj has an excellent tonic effect. It la pleasant to take chlluren lik It. An excellent remedv. too. for whooping rough, sore lungs, asthma, throat troubles, etc. Mix one pint of pranulnted sugar with ' pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 1 ounces of Pinex fifty ceiitr" wor'lil in a pint bottU and add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps per fectly. Take a teaspoouful every one. two or three bouts. Pine is one of the oldest and best known remedial agents for tho throat membranes. Plncx is the most valu able ror-wcntraled compound of Nor way white iilne extract, and Is rich In f uiaicol and ail the other natural heal ng elements. Other preparations will nut work in this formula. The prompt results from this reclps ! bave eiidesn d it to thousands of house- wives In the Vn-ite.l States iind Canada. I which explains why the plan has been j Imitated often, but never successfully, j A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or moaey promptly r f unded, toes with ! this reclp". Your druggist has Plnex : or w'lil get It fur you. If nt. seu4 tJ TUa l'iuv Co, It. Wayne, Iud, It's the purest, It's the best. 4 Nothing finer For your guest nsT "awTr.! MnWgT". .r: 'XVthe be:er you cike m 4 .VI ,7ME BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Contumert' Ditlributsr John Nittler 322 S. 24th Street Doug- 1889. Ini, Re. 3932 . A-1420 i r eg.-- Any Wool Suit iu our en tire stock regularly sold at $45 and $50 this great pre- inventory sale, for onlv .$25 Any Ladies' Colored Coat in . our entire stock, regularly sold up to $45 &4 A r A choice, this sale ,v'tfwv Any Black Coat in our entire stock, regularly sold at $45, this great sale, your unre stricted choice, for only V&v All High Grade Fur Sets in black lynx, black fox, wolf, Fisher, raccoon and mink regular sold at from $45 up to $150.00 this great sale, at ONE-THIRD OFF k B ' i il I i i! Thousands of Soiled Handkerchiefs Used for dPoorationa during thp holidays, and hundreds of dozens of slightly soiled and mussed ones Wednesday, your choice of values tip to 25c divided into four big groups, at, each iC, 3c, Sc and 10c Neckwear Slightly Mussed About 100 dozen ladles' dainty neckwear pieces; Just a little mussed and crumpled, values to 35c Wednesday a big sale to 2-.' JM clean up .stock, at, each All Sample Toys and Dolls Half Prices , Norte'tb be held over. ' Pre-Inventory Jewelry Sale Entlr stock of high gradn Jew elry, excepting diamonds . and watches all this week 25 Per Cent Off Big Clearance Sale of High Grade Corsets :-We must reduce our largj? stock of beautiful Corsets beforexfanuary 1st. , For Wednesday Only Three Stunning Corset Models In coutif or batiste, medium high bust and extra long JBf f skirt, made with the best boning and two hose sup- I H ' porters; our special $1.50 corset; Wednesday, your M yf choice at only . , Another more medium model tor general wear and short figure; spe cial Wednesday at 79 mmm-a: rQ..;m?im. wmtmr. urn;: mm:.m:wt:m.m:M WMMmx Afuir 1 Announcement t4o. 41 Wieter Trips . Round-trip excursion tickets are now on sale daily via the C. & N.W. ,Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast. - The splendid trains of the Chicago & NorthWestern Railway . between Omaha and Chicago, connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Through railway and team$hip tickets are also on sale to the Mediterranean, the Holy Land and to all European cities. Sleeping: car reservations and reserva tions' of space on steamships to points named above are given prompt and careful attention. Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: 7:40 ?. m. 6:00 p. ra. 11:45 p. m. 12:05 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 5:10 p. m. 8:50 p. m. TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. NW1711 ;H B A 1LE Y OTc H DENTI n u ippri atsi uffK ii las nuOtiis HH" I.. sir osniibiiy ( iMwuitu pi !-. fuiusKlu lllllns. Jusi ihs ivuiu. tk kw L baitut. tvrtitsa mtimt Tromendlous Bargain Offerings in Our Pre-Inventory Clearance All Fujs at Just Half fill & orcd Suits mm HL h. PEUABU STORE." J v , , , - - - Mijg at Half Wednesday Ve Place on Sale tho LACES AT HALF AH kinds of laces In almost rndlesn variey of hratilful new patterns at Jnst Half Hogular Trice. 5c loot's nt ., ,2VsC 7c Laws nt .3C 10c Ijticps at.". 5c lTic Ivicos at.; 7 Vat L'(k' Ijmcos at IOC Inoes at. .12VaC i55c Tjnos at. .lT1 00c Ijjiocs at. . , .25( 7.r)c Ijnccs nt j .37l2e $1.(H) Ibices at. .50o $1.50 Iacps at . . $2.00 Iccs at. $.UK Laces at. . .v.$1.50 $5.00 lacos at....S2.50 Don't miss this opportunity. Come early Wednesday. 75c .1.00 .81.25 AIIKvening Gowns and Street Dresses on Hale at Half. All th Wlnsr Coats, Trsmsndous Assortmsnt for Bslsotlon, at JUST HALF. Vednasday in ihe Domesfic Room Amoskeag Outing Flannel, regular 12Vc yard qual ity; -on sale Wednesday at, yard .SVC Heavy Unbleached Muslin, 3(5 inches wide, regular 7',c quality; Wednesday at, yard .'. :'.5t 59c Quality Bed Sheets, round thread, 72x90 size; on Bale Wednesday at, each .43c 15c Quality Pillow Slips, 3Gx42 size; one big lot on sale Wednesday at, each . . lOc f Hundred of Other Rousing Bargains Not Advertised t Kl 1 He Offered Here on Wednesday. ' It Will Pay You to Buy Your Future Grocery Supplies While This Big Sale Lasts. 21 lbs. best Csmnulated Sugar. .. f 1.00 48-lb. ack Hayden s best High Patent Flour, made from the finest No,' 1 wheat; sack $1.30 9 bars , Diamond C or Beat 'Em 'All Soap '. '2!a ' 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn- meal . .,, ISc 10 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal for 26o ( lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans for 2F.0 Orape-Nuts, pkg 10c K C Corn Flakes, pkg 64c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pks. ., t... .7 4c 16c pk(. Gold en rod Mararonl Kc 1 - lb. cans assorted Soups 74c 2- 1 b. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn for , 74c 6 lbs. good Ja.pnn Rice 18c 3- Crown Muscatel Cooking Raisins for 4c Choice California Feachrs, lb.... 84c Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb 10c Fancy Creamery Butter, lb 2c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb. ..i 2e FancyDalry Butter, Ib.A ..... 2fo Tha Oreatest Market In Omaha fof " rresh Vegetables. Tou save from b0 to 100 by trad ing at Hayden's. 8 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce,.. 5c 2 bunches fresh llothoase Radishes. (o 1-lb. box fresh 1 Hothouse Mushrooms for 3Bc. Fancy Cauliflower, per lb .,74c S hunches fresh Beets, Carrots, Tur nips, Kadlshre or rUialnts for... 10c Jersey Hweet Potatoes, per lb.,..3 4o Large. Cucumbers, each 10c Large Mead lettuce, each 74c 2 bundles fresh Parsley 60 Fresh Cabbage,, per lb. ... v. 1 40 8 lbs. Shelled Popcorn lOo Cape Cod ClHnberrle. quart. ..... 10c Bte Rig-bland Ravel Orange Bale The famous Nedyah brand.. Nothing to equal them, for quality, taste and flavor, per dozen. 16a, 80c, 5o, 30a DON'T FORGET TRY IIAYDEUS' FIRST IT PAYO s.HSjsj.Bji iimw.iiiiii).isi Itop! Think! One death in every ten in your locality il caused by Tuberculosis. . v ' You can help stamp out this disease. . . Uow! , Use Red Cross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and 'Packages. Cost One Cent Each. . Anyone may sell them. Everyone should buy them. . Distributing headquarters for Nebraska: 807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687. ADDRESS TUBERCULOSIS SECRETARY. ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in curren: social usage engraved In th best manner and punctually delivered when premised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210.1212 HOWARD ST. LslleuL lllillli KMX Ml. OTat mOKIlli Dour. 104 A-1803 IMXTOS UIXK'H IMiti en.l Kraaiu hit . Measure The Bee against other local papers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interest ing articles from day to day and The Dee's superiority wjllbe demonstrated j R11BT W. Kearney Military Academy Military Training runiblnrd uith ArH.leinl.- and liuli:e teuiKfi flelt'is tiie hiMllea uiid ininUs of Ims iriin nitfiilv, kiircvHKfiil i:i.ri We bolid UP u S'Kind ijtidy, tleeliip rlitiracter uimI cresttf Itie huhits that make tiie Ixiy the Mniy 1uti. Our acaclelillu stanilal (Js ale IiIkIi. clas sic and s.-ienlifiv 'uii!tH piepare for stl fitilrK" our r (itniiierrlit) rfiunfs prepare for busnief.-i lire. Write fr Hiiistt.4t) ratalucue. mUSSZLI., HID HtirZB IIA1REY II. f t 1