The : Omaha Daily Bee WHOSE BIRTHDAY TODAY? l ook nl The Bee's Hlrthduy Book n the Krtltortal Pane of F.arh It I" Sure to Interest WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska - Unix ttlprl. For Iowa Cloudy. For weather rerort co rgr 2. VOh XL-NO. 1(54. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING,' DKCKMRKU 27, 1910. SINGLE COI'V TWO CENTS. MANACLED MAN IS SH0TT0 DEATH Oscar Chitwood, Charged with Murder of Officer at Hot Spring, Ark., It Lynched. MOB DOES ITS WORK QUICKLY Prisoner Was Being Taken to Little Rock for Safe Keeping. DEPUTY SHERIFF POWERLESS Revolvers Placed at His Head as He Left Jail with Prisoner. PROSECUTOR WOOD 13 CURIOUS ftlcer Wants to Know How bora of Mob Knew Hoar eased Mua Was to I RranvH. HT. LOUIS. Pec. 28. -Oscar Chit 4 charged with having killed t-heriff Ji Houpt, in Hot Spring. Ark.. laHt Aurii wa taken from tha county Jail at Hot Pprlnga early this morning and ahot tof, death, according to a meKsnge from there I . tousy. ms nenu riuaieo. wim Duneirs. j Chitwood was being spirited from the spirited from the Jail to the police st.itlon when dls- covered by the mob. He was recently ranted a change of venue und was to have been tafcen to Kenton. Ark., today. The mob was made up of twenty men who wore handkerchiefs over their faces. The lynching took place In an enclosure between the Jail and the court house, bu It for the execution of another prisoner, who was hanged last September. Three men In the mob did the actual shooting, while the others waited outside the enclosure. Chitwood was handcuffed and was being taken out of the Jail by a deputy sheriff who was ordered to raise up his hands. I'roarrnllan Is Carious. Prosecutor J. V. Wood, said today he would investigate the story told by Deputy Hherlff John Rutherford, who was guard ing the prisoner. Wood said he wanted to ascertain how the mob knew Chitwood was to have been taken to safety. "Chitwood had obtained a change of venue to Benton, Pallne county," said Rutherford, "and on Saturday evening the ordrr came to take him to Little Rock, where he would be placed In the peni tentiary for safe keeping, until the trial was called. "Wo dsclded to take Chitwood from the county Jsll to the city Jail early this morn ing, to await the train for Little Rock. I handcuffed Chitwood and led him out of the Jail door at 1:43 o'clock this morn - Ing. , "Just as we stepped out of the Jail door. three or four men-I think there were three-stepped Into the enclosure from the i street door. They wo:e black handker chief over their faces and each carried a revolver. .-4 VeViosme-eHthtot. te lloatk.-.-"They alined their revolve.s at my head and ona told me to put my hands up. I didn't have time to draw my own revolver, and, anyway, from the way the man spoke, 1 knew he meant business. So I threw up my hands. "Chitwood didn't fay n word. He was bandouffed. and of course had no chance to make a fight for H. So, while he stood there looking at them and 1 stood beside him with my hands In tha air, the Hires liu-ii shot him to death. "I believe riu-h man fired once. There were threo wounds In Cliitwood'M body. "I could fco about fifteen men staini ng In the stifct. .watching us through mien door into the f amed enclosure. tn! I All seemed to be masked. They were o.uiei churge, and the cltlxens' committee with and when Chitwood had been killed, they j (he I1Iulgra ua); srrangements, an agree all, walked away wlth"Ut saying anything ment ,iag bMn reoei.nj by which the ball to me. will be given In the lower floor corridors "1 didn't lecogu'.zo any ot them." STUDENTS PAY 'FOR DAMAGE Boy at Oesmet. . l-t Who Mls.e l Bonks mill Turned on Wnter Mettle "With School Hoard. SIOCX 8. P.. Pec. J6. -(Special.) -Aa a 1oU fie smi.lcnts of thepubllc schools of PeSmet forced an entrance ti the school building at nlitht and played a number ot practical Jokes, such a takln, the books from one i-rade to the detks In the room of other grades. As a climax to their "fun" they turned on the water In the chemical laboratory and left It run nlng The running water damaged the school properly to c,ufte an extent before It waa discovered, and shut off the next morning. The board of education ascer tained the names of the students Impli cated, and the parents of the toys were aummohed before the board. After a con ference the board decided to drop the matter, upon the parents agreeing to pay flamagea In the sum of ITS. which they were glad to do. rather than have stilts Instituted against their sons. The offend ing boys were permitted to continue to attend school, during good behavior. Rerrled In Her Wedding Dress. KIOUX KAt.1.3. S. D.. Dec. 2.-(Special.) -Miss Marlon Munn. a pop"'' achool teacher of Ron Homme county, who died a few day ao after a prolonged Illness, was burled In the dress which she had prepared for her wddtng. She was en gaged to be married to a young man, liv ing at Running Water, who was among the mourners at h. r f uncial. DEATH RECORD. navlrison Hart. CHtCAtW Pee. !.--nn Pavldson. a leading merchant of fcl.irx City. la., mar ried Mrs. Rlanehe Hart, a prominent and wealthy widow of I'lnt-lniinll. In Chicago today. The wedding was the culmination nf a romantic meeting In a summer resort In the White ino-jntatns. New llampt-htre. last August. They will live in loux City. FIRE RECORD. nisttllerr Near I'lltihar. PlTTPBl'RG. Pa.. Pec. 3S.--Plre of un determined origin today destroyed the main building of the Sunnystda plstllling company's plant In Klrania. Washington tounty. The loss Is 176.00. covered by In lurance. The plant Is controlled by Howe Brothera of Cincinnati Mora a May Fta'bt Wolaast. riTTPRURG. Pa . Pec. M Owen Moran sf KMiglund this morning announced that he had received by telegram an offer of ( from Hugh Mcintosh, the Australian promoter, for a fistit between Mran and Ad Wolgast. the lightweight' champion, in Indon at a date in th near future. Moran expressed his willlngneks to accept tha proposition Stepping on Man's Toes Not Good Reason For Starting Fight Number of Suits Grow Out of Trivial Accident at Dance at Aurora. 8. D. SIOl X FALLS. 8. l.. Pec. (Spe cial.) After attorney had wretled verbally with the problem for ome little time, a Jury In a Justice court In Aurora county decided, after due deliberation, that to step on a man' toes was not sufficient Justification to start a fight. The case arose at Stlckney and had Its outgrowth when a young man named Edward Uuen, while attending a dance, stepped on the toes of another young man named Roy Huett. Huett promptly retaliated by striking Buen a blow In the neck with his fist. Resenting this action on the part Huett. another young man named 1 homaa Kinney handed Huett a couple of we Wops. Then the Justice court got busy. Kinney the first to be arrested and he paid 'e of $10. Buen then had Huett ar- on the charge of assault and bat- d Huett demanded a Jury trial. engaged attorneys and the ? ''-. ' conducted with as much KDlrlt Sim of $100,000 was at stake. jfhlnous testimony had been In ,ro.,., t ,nrt lh. ..fornevs had made nro- lonRed ,nd hfatPd cloi,,n8 ar(,umPnts the cae was given to the Jury .which returned . nf ,.. .,, fined i IK. The opposing attnrncys were R. C. Bakewell and Theodore Imbs. An amusing InctuVnt occurred during the closing argument of Attorney Uakewell, who represented tha state. Attorney- Imbs had contended that Huett was Justified In striking Uuen whin the latter a:epped on his pe. Attorney Rakewell was In the act of vigorously denying that step- ! ping on a man's toes was provocative of a personal aesault, wlvt he stepped hack ward and fell over the feet of Attorney Imbs. The members of the Jury do not yet know whether or not Attorney Hake well was trying to test out Imbs' claim or Just stepped on the opposing attorney's pedal extremities accidentally. STATE FLAG FOR SOUTH DAKOTA Two Official Bunnrra Ordered Legislature Two Years Ago Are Delivered. by riERRE, S. P., Dec. 26.-(8peclal.)-The legislative session of two years ago passed an act defining the "state flag' and ap propriating 50 for securing two official tlaas. one to remain In the state house. " the other to be In the keeping of Hetli Uullock camp of Spanish war veterans. The flags have been received at the state house, and will be on exhibition at the opening of the legislative session after which one will be sent to the Bullock post at Puadwood. The flags in con formity with the law defining them are ol blue .silk. Willi the seal of the stale-, and the wording "South Dakota," ' on one side and on the other the "Sunshine date ' with a center representing the sun. The fiags ware designed by Miss Ida Andlng of this city and are a credit to the abilities 'of the young woman. INAUGURAL BALL AT PIERRE FKuui-tlon Wilt be r.t tate Uousr and Will he Open to the Public. PIERRE, S. D., Pec. 26. I Special.) -After considerable conferring between the com- mlltee of state house officials and em ployes with the Inaugural reception In of the state house, and both funct.ons will Ipcnst of both functions are to be pro vided without caning upon ine puuuc biiu there are "no tickets" for either the re ception or the bal' both being tendered to the people of the state free, the one by the 'state houfe crowd, and the other j by the cltlaena of Pierre. MONEY FROM FOREST FUNDS south Imkota Receives Nearly Tea Thousand Dollars from Fed eral UotrrsMrsl. riERRE. S. P., Pec. 26.-1 Special.) Gov ernor Vessey today received from the gen eral goxernment a draft for $S.M.l. which Is the state's share of the forest reserve receipts for the last year. This money will be divided among the -counties of Custer, Pennington, Iawrence. Meade and Harding, the counties of the state In which the forest reservea are located. The money Is divided between the road and school funds of these counties under legislative enactment, the roads getting 90 per cent, and the schools 10 per cent. Permits to Vse Waters. PIFRRE, g. D.. Dec. M.-i8peclal.) The state englneer'a office has issued six per mits for the right to appropriate water for j beneficial purposes from different streams oi tne siaie. uno in uihsuhih "u others from French creek, to Nancy A. I.enervllle from Antelope creek, to Thomas W. Hondurant from Cheyenne river, to Albert G. and George G. Putnam from Beaver creek, and to Thomas N. Mathews from Spesrflsh creek. . Chinese Throne Refuses to Meet Demands of Assembly PEKING. Pec. I. The throne has met the situation arising from the alm-st re bellious attitude of the national assembly with fiiiune and tact. lis refusal to create Immediately a ministry responsible :o the assembly and to convoke forthwith a ger.iial Parliament waa preceded by the Usuance )rerday of an edict which, thougii peculiarly noncommittal. Is Intu pred as a call to the people t prepare for a program providing ultimately for tl. extablishmcnt of a Vcnstltutloral cabi net. Tills is accepted by the progresl es as an Inuierlul pllge that their thmaivls will tf giunted e.euiually, and It a':o afford, d j the more beillterent deleaai-s an oppor- , tunlf to roonMor their radical action uf Saturday, when the national aseiublv adopted a defiant memorial denying tha FUNERAL OF MARSHAL HORAN Body of Late Eire Chief Laid to Rest In Chicago Cemetery. CASKET BORNE ON HOSE CART Imposing I'aseant Hrrriritlni Offi cial and Private Life Fol Iowa Budr to the Grate, CHICAGO. Pec. 26. Funeral services of public character were held today for Fire Marshal James lloran. who met his death In the Union Stock yards fire Thursday with twenty-two others. Mayor Fred A. Busse rode In the procession In the mourn ers' section, and Chief of Police Leroy T. I Steward and Assistant Chief Herman Pchutler led the platoons of police on foot. Acting Fire Marshal Charlea Beyferllch, I who arrived at the blase Thursday, a moment after his chief had been burled beneath the falling wall, marched at the head of a section of firemen. The casket, borne on a hose cart, was attended by a guard of honor consisting of fire depart ment division heads and was followed by a line of equipages extending back for a mile and a half. ImmedlRtely following tha purple draped hose wagon, which bore the marshal's j body was driven his automobile, the one in wntcn ne made a recora nreaKing oasn to Thurfday'a fire and to hla death. To day, the rear seat was occupied only by a fire marshal's helmet. Two hose wagons bore the principal floral pieces, which had filled the Horan home and followed the black draped automobile. Thousands of persons lined the way over which the procession moved. WRECKAGE FROM ST- DENNIS Twentyflye Men on Steamer I. on a; Overdue at Lm Angeles Prob ably Drowned. 'VICTORIA, B. C. Pec. 2 Fears that the 400-ton steamer St. Pennls was lost were confirmed today by the news of the finding of wreckage marked "8. 8. Penis" at Cape Scott on the northwest coast of Van couver Island. News of the finding of the wreckage was received in a wireless from the steamer Tees off Cape Scott. The wreckage began coming ashore two weeks ago. The St. Denis Is long overdue at Los Angeles from Victoria, and the sighting of a large mass of wreckage far out at sea bv the steamship Aymerlc last week, led to the belief that the coaster had gone down. It Is likely that all of the twenty five officers and men were lost. BLAZE AT BENFORD- IOWA Drug Store Destroyed, Ban Hardware tore and Grocers- Are Badly Damaged. CRKSTON. la.. Pec. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Twenty-five thousand dollars dam age was done by fire which originated In Rlvln's drug store at Benford this morn ing. ' Mr. Rlvln's waa Injured when a gasoline lamp he was carrying exploded.' The Creston fire department responded to a call for aid and went down on a special train. A water famine made It difficult to check the flames. Blvln's drug store was destroyed and the Citizens' Bank, Steven's hardware store and the Rwear inger grocery were damaged. The lose on the drug store Is 115,000. HARALIAN STILL IN HARNESS nellrlnsc President of Illinois Central Retains Place on Boards of evernl Railroads. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Pec. M.-J. T. Harahan docs not contemplate retirement from an active participation In railroad affairs. This. Mr. Harahan. who Is spending the holidays In Memphis today, made plain In outlaying his plans for the future. My withdrawal from the (-residency of the Illinois Central doss not mean that I am out of the service." , Mr. Harahan de clared. "I am still a director of the road and a director In a number of other roada, and shall give them much attention. As to where I shall permanently locate, have relally given but little consideration, as I will probably travel a great deal." FIGHT AT CHRISTMAS DANCE One Man Killed aad Three Fatally In. Jured la Mlxap In Wllllngh by County. LEXINGTON, Ky., Pec. r:. One man was killed, three others probably fatally Injured and sever others slightly wounded In a general fight at a Christmas dance In the home of Cradderock Wllloughby In Montgomery lHBt night. Twenty-five persons engaged In tha fight which followed, a quarrel between two of the men. V. M. Wllloughby waa shot and k'lled. and hla brother Cradderock Wllloughby and two other men. whose names have not ber-n learened. may die from their wounds. A posse of officers has gone to the scene to prevent possible further bloodshed, and to arrest the men who participated In Jast night s fight. ' . Boys Tight Dual With aUflaa. MORII.K. Pec. W. In search of excite ment, superinduced by reading dime nov els, was the cause of James J. Parks and Kmnk Tremor. 11-ytar-old bavs fighting a duel here on the outskirts of the city today. Parks was wounded in the left arm, an artery being Kevered. Tremor excaped unhurt. The boys erected mounds of earth, and using them as breastworks, fired at one another with small caliber rifles. right cf the throne to reject their demands or bitterly as ailing Prince Chlng. one of the most poweiful of the grand council lors. Today the assembly voted to withhold the memorial In view of Sunday's edict. It Is suspected, however, that the mem bers v. ere privately warned that the as sembly would be dissolved If the memorial was preented to the throne. Another government edict Issued today eulogizes Prince filing, declaring that his long experience has made him most valu able to the empire in the present crisis and declines his reslmatton, offered for the record time, because of the assembly's uitai.kj iipun him. The government appears to have r on the immedlato l-ue, but It Is b-Heved t! at the aasembl will renew the fight unlesa the throne yields In due season. Mixes With Liquor License Law-Fined Mistake Concerning Federal and City Licenses Costs Joe Bostolin One Hundred Dollars. Joe Bartolln, who ha encountered the arm of the law several times owing to 'his mistake concerning the necessity of federal and city license if or liquor selling, was I fined IKO and cnts by Jjdge Crawford 'yesterday. Bartolln conducts an estab lishment at 13 SoiAh Seventh street. After several arrests hd procured a federal I license some time! ago and resumed the sale of liquor. Hfs final arrest was on I the charge that didn't possess a city i license. j I Chris Chubas arid Pete Ingos. arretted as proprietors of 4 place at 1401 Jackson I street, failed to appear for trial Monday and forfeited a bohd of $o0 each. NO CLUE TO BOLD ROBBER Man Who Took Money from Missouri Pacifio Passengers Escapes. CAPTAIN NEWB0LD S HURT SLIGHT Artilleryman, Who Resisted, Forced to Discontinue Hla Trip to Washington- I. aot Orer Three Hundred Hollars. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Pec. .-Wlth no clue save a description of the robber to work on, the police of Kansas City, Kan sas City. Mo., and Leavenworth. Kan., were today searching for the cool young man, neatly dressed and obdurate, who last night took possession of a Missouri Pacific train from Leavenworth to Kansas City, Kan., robber passengers and train crew and escaped. It Is now believed the bandit obtained at least 1300 from about twenty persons, searched. Most of the amounts were small. Two men lost watches. The bandit dropped from the train when It slowed down In the Kansas City. Kan., suburbs, and la believed to have made hla way across the line to this city. Captain II. L. Newbold of the Fourth United States artillery, who waa shot and slightly wounded by the Vandlt, returned to Fort Leavenworth early today. In a long distance telephone conversation Captain Newbold said that the bandit's bullet knocked his hat off and grazed his scalp. He was on his way to Washing ton, P. C. A physician who treated his wound In Kansas City advised against the continuation of the trip. Captain Newbold said the wound is not serious. MA ! KILLED AT GRAM) 11. A Ml Peter Peterson Uun Down by Passrn nrr Train at Walnut Street. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Pec. 26.-(Spe-claO Peter Peterson, aged 45.' night watch man for the Union Pacific at tha Walnut street crossing. vm run down and In stantly .killed ir, p4i ly. h engtn of passenger train No. 17, William Bay. engi neer, as It was cut loose from the Iraln and was backing down another track. The new engine for the train was at the same time backing down In the direction of the crossing to couple up. and It Is supposed that Peterson became confused and stepped In front of the first engine, one pair of the trucks of the tender running over him. The locomotive was going only about four miles an hour and came to a stop within twenty feet. Coroner O'Oorman held an Inquest and the Jury after examining half a dozen witnesses found death to have been accidental, attributing blame to no one. Peterson leaves a wife and five children. Roth Legs Broken In Runaway. KEARNEY, Neb.. Pee. 26. (Special.) With both legs broken and other serious injuries. Robert Larimer lies at his home one mile north of Ruda, In a dangerous, though not necessarily fatal condition. He was leaving his home Saturday on his way to Kearney, when a team dlrven by his son became frightened and dashed upon him. demolishing the buggy and throwing him under the wheets of the heavy wagon, which passed over him. He was at once taken to his home and medical assistance procured as soon as possible. He Is a man 40 years of age, and one of the well known residents of Buffalo county. Patrick Cooney Pleada Wot Guilty. KEARNEY. Neb., Pec. 26 (Special. ) Patrick Edward Cooney. charged with the killing of Elmer Mercer, a Klnkald home steader, In Kearney Wednesday night of last week, pleaded not guilty to the com plaint of manslaughter filed against him by the county attorney. He was bound over to the district court In the sum of I'.flOO. and found bondsmen at once, several men of Influence In Kearney and hla rela tives, who are wealthy, going his ball. Bradshaw Woman Drops Dead. BRADSHAW, Neb., Pec. 26 (Special Telegram.) Mra. David Hitchcock dropped dead at her home this morning. She was considered In her usual health. The family Is among the oldest and most prominent In this vicinity. Nebraska. News Sfoteo. BEATRICT- The bodv of Christian Miller, who died here Friday evening, waa taken to Chicago for Interment. BKATRICB Announcement of the mar nave of A. E. Quackenhush and Miss Pearl bJlehhorn, both of thla city, was made vesterdav. The young couple were married on Thanksgiving day and man ured to keep the matter a secret until Saturday. KKARNKY Complaint of Insanity has been filed before the Insanity commission here aeainsl A. H. Shlsler. a stranger, who had forgotten his name and could tell nothing of himself. He worked with the American Telephone and Telegraph con struction gang and left the employ of the company at this city. REATRICE Martha E. Rernhardt died Sunday at her home near Kockford after an illness of a few weeks of typhoid fe-er. She was 15 years of age. Mrs. Bernhardt and three other daughters are Just re covering from an attack of the disease. Bernhardt was sent to Lincoln last even ing as an Inebriate. BEATRICE After several unsuccessful attempts to scure bond in the sum of IC.000. II. H. lloeer of Wvmore, who was arrested two weeks ago charged with com plicity in the Keattle iKsn.) bank rob tier. was lodged In the county Jail at Marvsville. Kan., to await the action of the district couit. KF.tHNFT-B. . H. Morev. secretary of the Buffalo County Poultry and l'et Stock association, has received letters from hun dreds of poultry raisers In Buffalo and neighboring counties asking that they he entered at the show, which will be held in Kearr.ev January 13. 14 and IV Tha winners st the countv show will be sent to the state show to be held a few days later. Isrstrr Bale lllowa Open. PORTLAND. Ore.. Pec. 'Ji. The baf of the new Heilig theater was blown s.mie time Ian night and 2.1'0 atolen. The manager of the theater, wlo slept In a room above the office was not disturbed. Windows within six fset of the safe were not even cracked. SPACE FOR THECEMENT SHOW Many Manufacturers Are Already Seeking Desirable Locations. WEST THE PLACE TO EXHIBIT More Maaafaeturera Are In the West and Prrsldeat Motor ."ns Omaha la the Logical Pslst Mors Handy to All. W. H. McCord, president of the Nebraska Cement Users' association, has returned from the cement show at Madison Square garden, New York, more firmly convinced than ever that the west Is the best place for the holding of a cement show and the east Is dependent upon the west for its exhibits. "The cement show In Madison Square garden was a success In every way be cause the west contributed to It," saya Mr. McCord. "I was surprised to find that practically all the exhibits came from west of Ohio, from about the same territory from which Omaha will draw exhibits for the mid-west cement show to be held here the first week In February. "Of course the cast Is Interested In cement, but the contractors look to the west for the advances being made In the use of concrete and are coming west to see our show with the hope of seeing the very latest In cement products." Mr. McCord opened headquarters in the Madison Square garden cement show and proceeded to represent Omaha. He had a large number of Omaha key pins furnished by the publicity bureau of the Commercial club. Though souvenirs of all kinds were prohibited during the New York cement show, when Mr. McCord began giving out the Omaha pins, everyone wanted them and the officers forgot to stop their distribution. One policeman came to his room at the Im perial hotel at midnight, pounded on the door until McCord awoke from a sound slumber and demanded one of the Omaha key pins for his little girl. The. police man got the pin and McCord got a scare, not being able to think for A moment whether he waa guilty ot any misdemeanor or not which would Justify an officer In calling for him at midnight. Both Mr. McCord and Peter Palmer, secretary of the Nebraska Cement Users' association, have been In Omaha for a day or two working with the local com mittee of the Mld-Weat Cement exposition. In New York Mr. McCord got rid of a largo amount of space on the floor of the Audi torium, where the show Is to be held In Omaha. With the space sold In New York to machine manufacturers and the spaces taken by Omaha, Lincoln and out-of-town manufacturers, there remains but a small amount of space to be taken for this latest of Omaha shows. Dogs Show Speed Chasing Hares During Coursing at Friend First of fioliday Races Trodueet Rare Sport of Its Kind at Ne braska Meet. FRIEND, Neb., Pec. 26.-(SpeelaJ Tele gram.) Today'a coursing races were the beat ever witnessed In Friend. The hares were good and the dogs fast. The third round, the semi-finals and the consolation stake will be run off tomorrow. The following la the result of today'a races : First Round Easter Polly beat Rose Pun kirk, The Earllng beat Okua Pokas. I-ady Keenan beat Mr. Evans, Golden Glow beat Sweet Marie, Iily Opal beat Preadnaught, Bugger Kd beat Seabreeze, May Baden beat Harry K. Thaw, Lucy N. beat Bertha O., Simplicity beat Mlnden Queen, Water Sprite heat Hell Clair, Lonsome Lady beat Fine Effort, Miss Corelll beat Fir Valentine, Rainy Pay beat Honest Hand. Conqueror beat Whitest Ever. May Bailey beat Golden C. and Easter Lily beat Oklahoma Joe. Second Round Easter Lily beat The Earl lng, Lady Kennan beat Golden Glow, May Balden beat Lady Opal, tsugger Ed beat Lucy N.. Simplicity beat Water Sprite, Ijonsome Lady beat Miss Corelll. The Con queror beat Rainy Pay and May Bailey beat Easter Lily. FIRMIN BRANDED AS TRAITOR Haytlen Minister to London Will Xot be Allowed to Re-enter Hla Coantry. PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl. Pec. 25.-A government circular issued today and ad dressed to all the commanders af. tn army and public officials brands General Antenor Flrmln. the Hatlen minister to Great Britain, as a traitor to his duties and his friends, and orders that he be prevented from landing on Haytlen soli. Some time ago Flrmln. who headed a revolt In 1002. left his post In London on the pretext that his salary had not been paid for alx months, and later embarked from Bordeaux for Haytl. He will be due here next week at the time when the elec tion for deputies Is taking -place and aa soon as President Simon became aware of his purpose, It waa ' announced that he would not be allowed to re-enter the coun try at that time. It Is probable that Firinln will stop at St. Thomaa. P. W. I. i Two Olrla Burned to Death. PITTSBURG, Pec. 26-EI!ls and Mar guerite Bryan, aged 22 and 16 years, res pectively, daughters of Mrs. Mary Bryan, a widow, were fatally burned and their brother Andrew, aged 82 years, was ser iously Injured In an explosion of gas which partially wrecked the Bryan home In Coraopolls. a suburb, early today. The two girls died In the hospital this morn ing. Veteran Prefers A true soldier of fortune. Thomaa Ryan, late of his majesty's Royal Fuslleers and a member of that famous detachment which tore the evil of mystery from about Lahassa. the "Forbidden City" of Thibet, Is In Omaha because he likes to eat. The rigors and terrible hardships of the invasion of Thibet convinced Drummer Ryon, No. 3.306. of the extreme Importance of being close to the commlsary. He has left the army life and the adventures of the Indian frontier to be a cook. Ryan Is employed as a cook at the Courtney rea taurant. "We were for eighteen days without bread," said Ryan In the discussion of hu experiences after enjoying a gener ously measured Christmas dinner. "I never want to be bungrj that long again." So It baa come that Urammer Ryan has Guy Entertains His Thirty-two Children at Christmas Dinner Big Family Party at Delma, Del., at Which Eight Turkeys Served. WILMINGTON. 111.. Pec. 26 The biggesT Christmas dinner Dartv on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Par. was that at the I home of John F. Guy, near Pelmar. Pel. ! UcBldes his own thirty-two children, he had all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren around the festive board. It required eight large turkeys to serve them. Guy's young wife, of 25 yeara pre pared the dinner In up-to-date style and will be the talk of the eastern shore for yeara to come. Guy has had three wives. Ilia first wife, a farmer's daughter, he married In ISr. To this union seven children were born. His second wife was 21 years, when they eloped and caused a sensation. To thla union eighteen children were born. Miss Ixiela Crockett, a beautiful girl of 1ft, be came Guy a third wife In hla sixty-fifth year, nine years ago. To thla union seven children have been born, Including twins, who arrived a few months ago. Guy, who la strong and hearty, saya he expects to entertain the family again next Christmas. Dynamite For A Nonunion Plant Llewellyn Iron Work at Los Angeles Partially Destroyed by an Explosion. LOS ANGELES, Cal., PEC. 26. The Llewellyn Iron works were partially wrecked by an explosion, presumably of dynamite, early yesterday. The force of the explosion tore out the front of the building, smashed windows for more than a block and awakened people In resi dence districts for more than two miles away. The night watchman was slightly Injured. The police have no clue to the perpetrators. Who placed the supposed charge of dyna mite la unknown, but It la believed they have been the outcome of the general labor troubles of Los Angeles, In which tho Llewellyn haa been prominently In volved. A hole In the ground eighteen Inches deep and about six feet In diameter bears witness to the place of origin and probable cause. The front of the main building, a three story frame, for a distance of probably seventy-five feet, waa "shot to pieces," and Its contents of furniture and para phernalia waa piled together In apparent ruin. The big machinery of the building apparently waa undamaged. Watchman Saved by Policeman. J. K. Asbury, the watchman,, waa seated In the office within thirty feet from the center of the explosion. He waa burled Under a mass "of debris, but was dragged out by Policeman Cahlll. who was in front of the office at tha time. With the exception- of a cut on the right hand and an abrasion of the scalp and face, Aabury was uninjured. "I saw a flash and heard a report like the crack of a whip." said Policeman Cahlll, "and next the front of the build ing seemed to crumble and the air seemed full of debris. I called out, "Is there any one in the building?' and hearing a cry for help from Aabury, found and dragged him from under the ruins and to the street." The Llewellyn Iron works has long been prominent in the fight against the recog nition of union labor In this city and Is one of the concerns Involved in the exist ing metal workers' strike which went into effect on June 1 of this year. The strike has been characterized by great bitterness on both sides. Blames It on Outsiders. Officials of the Llewellyn company are of the opinion that the effort to destroy their plant Is the outgrowth of their dif ference with labor and the police are working on this theory. John Llewellyn, secretary of the company, said: "There Is no doubt In my mind that this effort to destroy our property la due to Hie fact that we are standing on our rights to run our business in our own way. I do not, however, wish to be understood as Intimating that the men who were work ing here In Los Angeles and went out In the metal workers' strike are responsible for It. I d not think they have had any thing to do with It. I believe It Is the work of men who do not belong here, who for their own malicious ends arc willing to commit any kind of a crlmo." Fred C. Wheeler, president of the Ixs Angeles Central Labor council, said: "The fact that the Llwellyn Iron works is In warfare with organized labor is all that our enemies need to endeavor to lay thla outrage at our door. Every true friend of the cause of labor knowa that violence Injures our cause more than those against whom It may be directed. "To those who would seek to fasten upon us any responsibility for such a crime, we of the Los Angeles Labor council are able to make answer by defying any ono to point out any tlmn In our twenty-six years of existence when we have ever advocated other than peaceable measures for tho a'c compllshmrnt of our Just ends." Apparently the police have no definite clue to the perpetrators.! In view of th Los Angeles Times dyna miting outrage last October In which ;rvn- teen men were killed today's explosion has created widespread Interest. The grand Jury Is expected at any time to hand In Its re port on the Times case. Peace and Plenty to Glories of War thrust aside the glories of war for the comforts of pea e. Yet he glories In tho recollection of memorable events in 'the troublous life of the strange eastern provinces of British Asia. Ryan holds an honorary discharge from the British service. He waa given a medal for bravery In action and tella enchant ing talea of the pursuit of the hulf civil ized mountain pirates of northern India. The pride of all his unusual experience Is centered, however, In Ills service under Colonel Youngh.mband In tho Invasion of Thibet. The big soldier shows the linen of hsrd service and the marks of real fight. But hereafter he will stay by the basH of gi:;i- piles like a wise soldier, and fight the 1 htirlt cout Af Hvlntr Inufuu A , I men with long-barreled (una. . J TAFf AIDS SOUTH I'LATTEWJUlEliS President Approves Keport of Engin eers Recommending: Two Million Dollar fund. TWENTY MILLIONS TO THE WEST Vast Sum to be Spent Within the Next Five Years. AMOUNTS MAY BE CHANGED LATER Will Submit Message to Congress Urg ing Needed Legislation. BOARD'S REPORT COMPREHENSIVE Standard Designs In Structures do rated for Minor Prejerts Wnter Most Uncertain restore ot rar ly All Irrigation Plans. WASHINGTON. Pee. 26 -Pretdent Tsfk has approved the report of the special board of army engineers recommending the apportionment of the new $20,000,001) fund, provided by congress, among the fol lowing project's In the west: Salt river. Arizona, $49o.OOO; Yuma, Ari xona and California. ll.ano.OOP; Grand Val ley. Colorado, 11,000,000; Uncompahgre, Colorado, I.500.K; Pavette-Bolne. Idaho, .noo.i; Milk river. Montana.. IIO'O.O.O; North Platte. Wyoming and Nebraska, 2,000.ono: Truckee-Carson, Nevada, Kl.lW, Oort; Rio Grande. New Mexico, Texas anil New Mexico, H.fcid.OOO; Umatilla. Oregon, 3i".,0n0; Klamath, Oregon and California, 0.0IX; Strawberry valley, Utah. -,,272.0(lt; Sunnyslde and Yakima. Washington, H.2J0.000 and $,000, respectively; total. JJO.000,000. The !o.0O0.0r Is to bs spent within the next five years and the interest on ths loan Is to be charged against the projects. Maintenance and Operation Funds, The following projects, completed or nearlng completion, carry a recommenda tion for funds from the general redan a tlon act aufi'.clcnl only for maintenance and operation: Oiiand, Cal.; Carlsbad, N. M.; Hondo, N. M.; Garden City. Kan.; Kittitas, Wapata and Benton, units of Yakima. ,, project. For the following existing reclamation projects the board of engineers In the te port, approved by the president, recom mends allotments from the general recla mation fund: Missouri pumping. North Dakota; He'le Fourche, South Pakota;, vVyo mlng; Minidoka, Idaho; Huntley, Montana; Bun river, Montana; Ixiwer Yellowstone, Montana; Okanogan, Washington. In his letter to the secretary of the In terior approving the report of the en gineers President Taft says, In part: "I hereby approve tha report of the board of engineer! In respect of the re clamation projects to which they have made allotments from the t20,0u0.u0u loans; but this approval, ao. far as, the amounts of the allotments Are concerned, is not final and absolute, but Is Intended to he subject to change by adjustment aim modi fication of the amounts as may be neeces sary for the Intelligent and proper prose cution of the work and to the advantage of the aervice. "You are authorized to call upon the sec retary of the treasury to Issue the cer tificates of Indebtedness heeded to furnlHu, the funds In accordance with the allot ment recommended by the board and ap proved by me as the tame shall be needed from time to time In pursuance of the terms of the act. Will Report tn I'onaresa. "The remainder of the report of the engineers, which waa not responsive to tha direction of the law, but was drawn at my request And for Information, 1 hereby approve; and when congress reconvenes In January, I shall submit a message to the two houses, transmitting the report an nouncing my approval of the same and urging the adoption of the enabling legis lative measures recommended by the board." In its comprehensive report on the re clamation work In general tha engineers' board says In part: "The engineering structures of the var loua projects We aa a whole well designed and well built. Some of thorn, as the Pathfinder dam, the Shoshone dam, I he Roosevelt dam, and the Gunnison tunn 1, are monuments reflecting great credit on both designer and builder. "Modern Irrigation being a relatively new art In thla country, much freedom whs allowed local engineers In the desirn of minor structures. While this was a wise policy in the early stages of this work, it has resulted In some complicated and unnecessarily expensive structures. Willi the present knowledge of the comparative merits of the different types It Is hrllewd that standard design of the simple-', satisfactory type should be adopted for all minor structures. "The most uncertain feature of nearlv all of the projecta I the wa,ter supply. Thin Is under state control and In the prot-ei u tloii of Its work the reclamation service hears the same relation to the state as a private individual or corporation. Where the water rights have been adjudicated the rights of the United States are well de fined, hut elsewhere they are uncertain atid may I rove to be materially different from that assumed. Wsiit Karly Adjudication. "It Is recommended that wherever r" ' slble. itcps be taken to secure an early ad judication of water tights on all piojecli where such adjudication l as not ) et been made and, pending such actl.m. ex penditure be kept Within the probable rights of the United Stale The actual cost of completed work haa almost invariably exceeded the original estimates and In the case of some structures has been two or three times aa large. This Increase in cost lias been the cause of much of the disc in tent among the settlers. It wai pattiv due to a general increase In the cost of labor and materials, partly to underesti mates and an Insufficient allowance for contingencies and partly to the necessity of doing more work than was originally con templated." Under existing regulations the retort xtts forth the construction chargea must be le turned to the reclamation fund In ten equal annual pamuts. Thla. It Is said, is re garded aa a hardship by the settlers on some projects, who express a desire for a series of giuduated construction payments, Increasing from 1 or t per cent the tn:ii year to II or 15 per cent the tenth eai Should this suggestion be genet slly adopt, u. It is pointed out. It would meun a delay of several years In the return of the tiii